Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2015 - Daniel Hams, Modular Audio Limited * * * Mad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mad is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Mad. If not, see <>. * */ package; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Graphics; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SoundfilePlayerWaveDisplayUiJComponent extends PacPanel implements IMadUiControlInstance<SoundfilePlayerMadDefinition, SoundfilePlayerMadInstance, SoundfilePlayerMadUiInstance>, SoundfileSampleEventListener, ZoomListener, InstanceLifecycleListener, AnalysisFillCompletionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = -580564924377154659L; private static final float DESIRED_WAVE_DB = -9.0f; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SoundfilePlayerWaveDisplayUiJComponent.class.getName()); public final static int REQUIRED_WIDTH = 441; public final static int REQUIRED_HEIGHT = 145; private final SoundfilePlayerMadUiInstance uiInstance; private final AdvancedComponentsFrontController advancedComponentsFrontController; private final BufferedImageAllocator bia; private int displayWidth; private int displayWidthMinusOneOverTwo; private int displayHeight; private boolean active; private float currentZoomMillis = SoundfilePlayerZoomToggleGroupUiJComponent.ZoomLevel.ZOOMED_DEFAULT .getMillisForLevel(); private SoundfileDisplaySampleFactory rpSampleFactory; private RollPainter<SoundfileDisplayBuffer, SoundfileDisplayBufferClearer> rollPainter; private BlockResamplingClient rss; public SoundfilePlayerWaveDisplayUiJComponent(final SoundfilePlayerMadDefinition definition, final SoundfilePlayerMadInstance instance, final SoundfilePlayerMadUiInstance uiInstance, final int controlIndex) { this.setOpaque(true); this.uiInstance = uiInstance; this.advancedComponentsFrontController = instance.getAdvancedComponentsFrontController(); this.bia = ((SoundfilePlayerMadUiDefinition) uiInstance.getUiDefinition()).getBufferedImageAllocator(); uiInstance.addSampleEventListener(this); uiInstance.addZoomListener(this); uiInstance.addLifecycleListener(this); uiInstance.addAnalysisFillListener(this); setupSampleFactory(REQUIRED_WIDTH, REQUIRED_HEIGHT); } @Override public void doDisplayProcessing(final ThreadSpecificTemporaryEventStorage tempEventStorage, final MadTimingParameters timingParameters, final long currentGuiTime) { if (isShowing()) { if (!active) { active = true; // Fake a position update so we don't do a big silly jump if (rss != null) { // log.debug("Faking position update to get full repaint: " + rss.getFramePosition() ); receiveAbsPositionEvent(rss.getFramePosition()); } rpSampleFactory.resetForFullRepaint(); uiInstance.sendActive(active); } } else { if (active) { active = false; uiInstance.sendActive(active); } } if (rollPainter != null) { if (rollPainter.checkAndUpdate()) { if (active) { repaint(); } } } } @Override public Component getControl() { return this; } @Override public void destroy() { if (rollPainter != null) { try { rollPainter.cleanup(); } catch (final DatastoreException e) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("Exception caught during roll painter cleanup: " + e.toString(), e); } } rollPainter = null; } uiInstance.removeFileInfoReceiver(this); } @Override public void paint(final Graphics g) { // log.trace("WaveDisplay paint() called"); if (rollPainter != null) { if (rollPainter.buffer0Visible()) { g.drawImage(, rollPainter.buffer0XOffset, 0, null); } if (rollPainter.buffer1Visible()) { g.drawImage(, rollPainter.buffer1XOffset, 0, null); } } else { g.setColor(SoundfilePlayerColorDefines.WAVE_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR); g.fillRect(0, 0, displayWidth, displayHeight); } g.setColor(SoundfilePlayerColorDefines.WAVE_DISPLAY_CURRENT_POSITION_COLOUR); g.drawLine(displayWidthMinusOneOverTwo, 0, displayWidthMinusOneOverTwo, displayHeight); } private void setupSampleFactory(final int width, final int height) { displayWidth = width; displayHeight = height; if (displayWidth % 2 == 0) { log.warn("WARNING - DISPLAY WIDTH EVEN"); } displayWidthMinusOneOverTwo = (displayWidth - 1) / 2; try { rpSampleFactory = new SoundfileDisplaySampleFactory( advancedComponentsFrontController.getSampleCachingService(), bia, displayWidth, displayHeight, uiInstance); rollPainter = new RollPainter<SoundfileDisplayBuffer, SoundfileDisplayBufferClearer>(displayWidth, rpSampleFactory); setSampleFactoryCaptureLengthMillis(); } catch (final Exception e) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("Exception caught setting up roll painter during bounds set: " + e.toString(), e); } } } private void setSampleFactoryCaptureLengthMillis() { if (uiInstance != null && uiInstance.knownDataRate != null) { // log.debug("Setting capture render length for SR(" + uiInstance.knownDataRate.getValue() + ") ms(" + currentZoomMillis + ")" ); if (rpSampleFactory != null) { rpSampleFactory.setCaptureLengthMillis(currentZoomMillis); if (rollPainter.checkAndUpdate()) { repaint(); } } } } @Override public void receiveSampleChangeEvent(final BlockResamplingClient newSample) { log.trace("Receive sample change event"); rss = newSample; if (newSample != null) { final SampleCacheClient scc = newSample.getSampleCacheClient(); rpSampleFactory.setSampleCacheClient(scc); } else { rpSampleFactory.setSampleCacheClient(null); } repaint(); } @Override public void receiveDeltaPositionEvent(final long newPosition) { rpSampleFactory.setCurrentPosition(newPosition); } @Override public void receiveAbsPositionEvent(final long newPosition) { rpSampleFactory.setCurrentPosition(newPosition); rpSampleFactory.resetForFullRepaint(); } @Override public boolean needsDisplayProcessing() { return true; } @Override public void receiveStartup(final HardwareIOChannelSettings hardwareChannelSettings, final MadTimingParameters timingParameters, final MadFrameTimeFactory frameTimeFactory) { setSampleFactoryCaptureLengthMillis(); } @Override public void receiveStop() { } @Override public void receiveCacheRefreshCompletionEvent() { log.debug("Received cache refresh completion event"); rpSampleFactory.resetForFullRepaint(); if (rollPainter.checkAndUpdate()) { this.repaint(); } } @Override public void receiveAnalysisBegin() { rpSampleFactory.setDisplayMultiplier(1.0f); rpSampleFactory.resetForFullRepaint(); } @Override public void receivePercentageComplete(final int percentageComplete) { } @Override public void notifyAnalysisFailure() { rpSampleFactory.setDisplayMultiplier(1.0f); rpSampleFactory.resetForFullRepaint(); } @Override public void receiveAnalysedData(final AnalysedData analysedData) { final float peakRmsDb = analysedData.getRmsPeakDb(); final float adjustmentDb = DESIRED_WAVE_DB - peakRmsDb; final float adjustmentMultiplier = AudioMath.dbToLevelF(adjustmentDb); rpSampleFactory.setDisplayMultiplier(adjustmentMultiplier); rpSampleFactory.resetForFullRepaint(); if (rollPainter.checkAndUpdate()) { this.repaint(); } } @Override public void receiveZoomLevel(final ZoomLevel zoomLevel) { currentZoomMillis = zoomLevel.getMillisForLevel(); if (uiInstance.knownDataRate != null) { setSampleFactoryCaptureLengthMillis(); } } }