Java tutorial
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre, 2012 // // Copyright in this software belongs to University of Southampton // IT Innovation Centre of Gamma House, Enterprise Road, // Chilworth Science Park, Southampton, SO16 7NS, UK. // // This software may not be used, sold, licensed, transferred, copied // or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or // on any media by any person other than in accordance with the terms // of the Licence Agreement supplied with the software, or otherwise // without the prior written consent of the copyright owners. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE, except where stated in the Licence Agreement supplied with // the software. // // Created By : Simon Crowle // Created Date : 08-Jul-2012 // Created for Project : EXPERIMEDIA // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import*; import com.rabbitmq.client.*; import*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public abstract class AbstractAMQPInterface { private AMQPBasicSubscriptionProcessor subProcessor; protected Logger amqpIntLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); protected AMQPBasicChannel amqpChannel; protected AMQPMessageDispatch msgDispatch; protected String interfaceName; protected String providerExchangeName, userExchangeName; protected String providerQueueName, userQueueName; protected String providerRoutingKey, userRoutingKey; protected String subListenQueue; protected boolean interfaceReady = false; protected boolean actingAsProvider; public void shutdown() { if (amqpChannel != null) { // Clear up queue, if it exists if (subListenQueue != null) try { if (amqpChannel.isOpen()) { Channel channel = (Channel) amqpChannel.getChannelImpl(); channel.queueDelete(subListenQueue); subProcessor = null; msgDispatch = null; } else amqpIntLogger.warn("Could not close AMQP channel: already closed"); } catch (IOException ioe) { amqpIntLogger.error("Could not delete AMQP queue: " + ioe.getMessage()); } } // Tidy up (channel is managed elsewhere) interfaceName = null; providerExchangeName = null; userExchangeName = null; providerQueueName = null; userQueueName = null; providerRoutingKey = null; userRoutingKey = null; subListenQueue = null; interfaceReady = false; } public synchronized boolean sendBasicMessage(String message) { // Safety first if (!interfaceReady || message == null || (providerRoutingKey == null && userRoutingKey == null)) return false; boolean result = false; // Make sure producer sends to user (or other way around) - targets are reversed String targetExchange = actingAsProvider ? userExchangeName : providerExchangeName; String targetRouteKey = actingAsProvider ? userRoutingKey : providerRoutingKey; try { if (amqpChannel.isOpen()) { Channel channelImpl = (Channel) amqpChannel.getChannelImpl(); byte[] messageBody = message.getBytes("UTF-8"); channelImpl.basicPublish(targetExchange, targetRouteKey, null, // Properties messageBody); result = true; } else amqpIntLogger.error("Could not send AMQP message: channel closed"); } catch (IOException ioe) { amqpIntLogger.error("Could not send AMQP message: " + ioe.getMessage()); } return result; } public void setMessageDispatch(AMQPMessageDispatch dispatch) { msgDispatch = dispatch; } // Protected methods --------------------------------------------------------- protected AbstractAMQPInterface(AMQPBasicChannel channel) { amqpChannel = channel; } protected void createInterfaceExchangeNames(String iName) { interfaceName = iName; providerExchangeName = iName + " [P]"; userExchangeName = iName + " [U]"; } protected void createQueue() { assignBindings(); String targetExchange = actingAsProvider ? providerExchangeName : userExchangeName; String targetRouteKey = actingAsProvider ? providerRoutingKey : userRoutingKey; try { Channel channel = (Channel) amqpChannel.getChannelImpl(); channel.queueDeclare(subListenQueue, false, // Durable false, // Exclusive true, // Auto-delete null); // Args channel.queueBind(subListenQueue, targetExchange, targetRouteKey); // Args } catch (IOException ioe) { amqpIntLogger.error("Could not create AMQP queue: " + ioe.getMessage()); } } protected void createSubscriptionComponent() { Channel channel = (Channel) amqpChannel.getChannelImpl(); subProcessor = new AMQPBasicSubscriptionProcessor(channel, subListenQueue, msgDispatch); try { channel.basicConsume(subListenQueue, false, subProcessor); } catch (IOException ioe) { String err = "AMQP Interface could not create subscription component: " + ioe.getMessage(); amqpIntLogger.error(err, ioe); } } protected void assignBindings() { String puCompositeQueue = providerQueueName + "/" + userQueueName; if (actingAsProvider) subListenQueue = puCompositeQueue; else subListenQueue = userQueueName; providerRoutingKey = "RK_" + puCompositeQueue; userRoutingKey = "RK_" + userQueueName; } }