Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012 Andy Turner, The University of Leeds, UK
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;

 * An implementation of
 * <code>Generic_JApplet_ScatterPlotAndLinearRegression<\code>
 * If you run this class it will attempt to generate an Age by Gender
 * Population Line Chart Visualization of some default data and display it on
 * screen.
public class Generic_ScatterPlotAndLinearRegression extends Generic_ScatterPlot {

    public Generic_ScatterPlotAndLinearRegression() {

    public Generic_ScatterPlotAndLinearRegression(ExecutorService executorService, File file, String format,
            String title, int dataWidth, int dataHeight, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel,
            boolean drawOriginLinesOnPlot, int decimalPlacePrecisionForCalculations,
            int decimalPlacePrecisionForDisplay, RoundingMode aRoundingMode) {
        init(executorService, file, format, title, dataWidth, dataHeight, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel,
                drawOriginLinesOnPlot, decimalPlacePrecisionForCalculations, decimalPlacePrecisionForDisplay,

    public static void main(String[] args) {
         * Initialise title and File to write image to
        String title;
        File file;
        String format = "PNG";
        if (args.length != 2) {
            System.out.println("Expected 2 args:" + " args[0] title;" + " args[1] File." + " Recieved "
                    + args.length + " args.");
            // Use defaults
            title = "Scatter Plot And Linear Regression";
            System.out.println("Use default title: " + title);
            file = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")), title.replace(" ", "_") + "." + format);
            System.out.println("Use default File: " + file.toString());
        } else {
            title = args[0];
            file = new File(args[1]);
        int dataWidth = 256;//250;
        int dataHeight = 256;
        String xAxisLabel = "Expected (X)";
        String yAxisLabel = "Observed (Y)";
        boolean drawOriginLinesOnPlot = false;//true;
        int decimalPlacePrecisionForCalculations = 100;
        int decimalPlacePrecisionForDisplay = 3;
        RoundingMode aRoundingMode = RoundingMode.HALF_UP;
        ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
        Generic_ScatterPlotAndLinearRegression plot = new Generic_ScatterPlotAndLinearRegression(executorService,
                file, format, title, dataWidth, dataHeight, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, drawOriginLinesOnPlot,
                decimalPlacePrecisionForCalculations, decimalPlacePrecisionForDisplay, aRoundingMode);;

    public void drawData() {
        double[][] dataAsDoubleArray = getDataAsDoubleArray((ArrayList<Generic_XYNumericalData>) getData()[0]);
         * regressionParameters[0] is the y axis intercept;
         * regressionParameters[1] is the change in y relative to x (gradient or
         * slope); regressionParameters[2] is the rank correlation coefficient
         * (RSquare); regressionParameters[3] is data[0].length.
        double[] regressionParameters = getSimpleRegressionParameters(dataAsDoubleArray);
        drawRegressionLine(regressionParameters, dataAsDoubleArray);
        drawPoints(Color.DARK_GRAY, getData());
        //if (addLegend) {

    public Object[] getDefaultData() {
        return new Generic_ScatterPlot().getDefaultData();

    public Dimension draw() {
        //System.out.println("dataStartCol " + dataStartCol);
        drawAxes(0, 0);
        drawPoints(Color.DARK_GRAY, getData());
        Object[] data = getData();
        if (data == null) {
            data = getDefaultData();
        double[][] dataAsDoubleArray = getDataAsDoubleArray((ArrayList<Generic_XYNumericalData>) data[0]);
         * regressionParameters[0] is the y axis intercept;
         * regressionParameters[1] is the change in y relative to x (gradient or
         * slope); regressionParameters[2] is the rank correlation coefficient
         * (RSquare); regressionParameters[3] is data[0].length.
        double[] regressionParameters = getSimpleRegressionParameters(dataAsDoubleArray);
        drawRegressionLine(regressionParameters, dataAsDoubleArray);
        //if (addLegend) {
        Dimension newDim = new Dimension(getImageWidth(), getImageHeight());
        return newDim;

    //    /**
    //     * Draws the X axis returns the height
    //     */
    //    @Override
    //    public int[] drawXAxis(
    //            int textHeight,
    //            int scaleTickLength,
    //            int scaleTickAndTextSeparation,
    //            int partTitleGap) {
    //        int[] result = new int[3];
    //        int xAxisExtraWidthLeft = 0;
    //        int xAxisExtraWidthRight = 0;
    //        //int seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData = partTitleGap;
    //        //int seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData = partTitleGap * 2;
    //        int seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData = textHeight;
    //        int xAxisExtraHeightBottom = scaleTickLength + scaleTickAndTextSeparation + seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData;
    ////                    row + scaleTickLength + (textHeight / 3));;
    //        setPaint(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
    //        Line2D ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                dataStartCol,
    //                originRow,
    //                dataEndCol,
    //                originRow);
    //        draw(ab);
    //        // Draw X axis scale below the data
    //        setPaint(Color.GRAY);
    //        //int row = dataEndRow - text_Height;
    //        //int row = dataEndRow - partTitleGap;
    //        int row = dataEndRow + seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData;
    //        ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                dataStartCol,
    //                row,
    //                dataEndCol,
    //                row);
    //        draw(ab);
    //        int increment = textHeight;
    //        while (((dataWidth * textHeight) + 4) / increment > dataWidth) {
    //            increment += textHeight;
    //        }
    //        int xAxisMaxLabelHeight = 0;
    //        String text_String;
    //        int textWidth;
    //        double angle;
    //        // From the origin right
    //        for (int col = this.originCol; col <= this.dataEndCol; col += increment) {
    //            ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                    col,
    //                    row,
    //                    col,
    //                    row + scaleTickLength);
    //            draw(ab);
    //            BigDecimal x = imageColToXCoordinate(col);
    //            if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 || col == this.originCol) {
    //                text_String = "0";
    //            } else {
    //                //text_String = "" + x.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();
    //                //text_String = "" + x.round(mc).stripTrailingZeros().toString();
    //                //text_String = "" + x.stripTrailingZeros().toString();
    //                text_String = "" + Generic_BigDecimal.roundStrippingTrailingZeros(
    //                        x,
    //                        Generic_BigDecimal.getDecimalPlacePrecision(x, significantDigits),
    //                        _RoundingMode).toString();
    //            }
    //            textWidth = getTextWidth(text_String);
    //            xAxisMaxLabelHeight = Math.max(xAxisMaxLabelHeight, textWidth);
    //            angle = Math.PI / 2;
    //            writeText(
    //                    text_String,
    //                    angle,
    //                    col - (textHeight / 3),
    //                    row + scaleTickAndTextSeparation + scaleTickLength);
    ////                    row + scaleTickLength + (textHeight / 3));
    //        }
    //        // From the origin left
    //        for (int col = this.originCol; col >= this.dataStartCol; col -= increment) {
    //            ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                    col,
    //                    row,
    //                    col,
    //                    row + scaleTickLength);
    //            draw(ab);
    //            BigDecimal x = imageColToXCoordinate(col);
    //            if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 || col == this.originCol) {
    //                text_String = "0";
    //            } else {
    //                //text_String = "" + x.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();
    //                //text_String = "" + x.round(mc).stripTrailingZeros().toString();
    //                //text_String = "" + x.stripTrailingZeros().toString();
    //                text_String = "" + Generic_BigDecimal.roundStrippingTrailingZeros(
    //                        x,
    //                        Generic_BigDecimal.getDecimalPlacePrecision(x, significantDigits),
    //                        _RoundingMode).toString();
    //            }
    //            textWidth = getTextWidth(text_String);
    //            xAxisMaxLabelHeight = Math.max(xAxisMaxLabelHeight, textWidth);
    //            angle = Math.PI / 2;
    //            writeText(
    //                    text_String,
    //                    angle,
    //                    col - (textHeight / 3),
    //                    row + scaleTickAndTextSeparation + scaleTickLength);
    ////                    row + scaleTickLength + (textHeight / 3));
    //        }
    //        xAxisExtraHeightBottom += xAxisMaxLabelHeight;
    //        //xAxisExtraHeightBottom += scaleTickAndTextSeparation + scaleTickLength + seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData;
    //        xAxisExtraWidthRight += textHeight * 2;
    //        xAxisExtraWidthLeft += textHeight / 2;
    //        // Add the X axis label
    //        setPaint(Color.BLACK);
    //        text_String = xAxisLabel;
    //        //textWidth = getTextWidth(text_String);
    //        xAxisExtraHeightBottom += partTitleGap;
    //        drawString(
    //                text_String,
    //                dataStartCol + (dataWidth / 2),
    //                row + xAxisExtraHeightBottom);
    //        if (!addLegend) {
    //            xAxisExtraHeightBottom += textHeight;
    //        }
    //        result[0] = xAxisExtraWidthLeft;
    //        result[1] = xAxisExtraWidthRight;
    //        result[2] = xAxisExtraHeightBottom;
    //        return result;
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public int[] drawYAxis(
    //            int interval, // ignored
    //            int textHeight,
    //            int startAgeOfEndYearInterval, // ignored
    //            int scaleTickLength,
    //            int scaleTickAndTextSeparation,
    //            int partTitleGap) {
    //        int[] result = new int[1];
    //        //int seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData = partTitleGap * 2;
    //        int seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData = textHeight;
    //        int yAxisExtraWidthLeft = scaleTickLength + scaleTickAndTextSeparation + seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData;
    //        Line2D ab;
    //        int text_Height = getTextHeight();
    //        String text_String;
    //        int text_Width;
    //        int row;
    //        int increment;
    //        // Draw Y axis
    //        //setOriginCol();
    //        setPaint(Color.GRAY);
    //        ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                originCol,
    //                dataStartRow,
    //                originCol,
    //                dataEndRow);
    //        draw(ab);
    //        // Draw Y axis labels
    //        setPaint(Color.GRAY);
    //        //int col = dataStartCol - text_Height;
    //        //int col = dataStartCol - partTitleGap;
    //        int col = dataStartCol - seperationDistanceOfAxisAndData;
    //        ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                col,
    //                dataEndRow,
    //                col,
    //                dataStartRow);
    //        draw(ab);
    //        increment = text_Height;
    //        while (((dataHeight * text_Height) + 4) / increment > dataHeight) {
    //            increment += text_Height;
    //        }
    //        int yAxisMaxLabelWidth = 0;
    //        // From the origin up
    //        for (row = this.originRow; row >= this.dataStartRow; row -= increment) {
    //            ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                    col,
    //                    row,
    //                    col - scaleTickLength,
    //                    row);
    //            draw(ab);
    //            BigDecimal y = imageRowToYCoordinate(row);
    //            if (y.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 || row == this.originRow) {
    //                text_String = "0";
    //            } else {
    //                //text_String = "" + y.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();
    //                //text_String = "" + y.round(mc).stripTrailingZeros().toString();
    //                text_String = "" + Generic_BigDecimal.roundStrippingTrailingZeros(
    //                        y,
    //                        Generic_BigDecimal.getDecimalPlacePrecision(y, significantDigits),
    //                        _RoundingMode).toString();
    //            }
    //            text_Width = getTextWidth(text_String);
    //            yAxisMaxLabelWidth = Math.max(yAxisMaxLabelWidth, text_Width);
    //            drawString(
    //                    text_String,
    //                    col - scaleTickAndTextSeparation - scaleTickLength - text_Width,
    //                    row + (textHeight / 3));
    //        }
    //        // From the origin down
    //        for (row = this.originRow; row <= this.dataEndRow; row += increment) {
    //            ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                    col,
    //                    row,
    //                    col - scaleTickLength,
    //                    row);
    //            draw(ab);
    //            BigDecimal y = imageRowToYCoordinate(row);
    //            if (y.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 || row == this.originRow) {
    //                text_String = "0";
    //            } else {
    //                //text_String = "" + y.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();
    //                //text_String = "" + y.round(mc).stripTrailingZeros().toString();
    //                text_String = "" + Generic_BigDecimal.roundStrippingTrailingZeros(
    //                        y,
    //                        Generic_BigDecimal.getDecimalPlacePrecision(y, significantDigits),
    //                        _RoundingMode).toString();
    //            }
    //            text_Width = getTextWidth(text_String);
    //            yAxisMaxLabelWidth = Math.max(yAxisMaxLabelWidth, text_Width);
    //            drawString(
    //                    text_String,
    //                    col - scaleTickAndTextSeparation - scaleTickLength - text_Width,
    //                    row + (textHeight / 3));
    //        }
    //        yAxisExtraWidthLeft += scaleTickLength + scaleTickAndTextSeparation + yAxisMaxLabelWidth;
    //        // Add the Y axis label
    //        setPaint(Color.BLACK);
    //        text_String = yAxisLabel;
    //        text_Width = getTextWidth(text_String);
    //        yAxisExtraWidthLeft += (textHeight * 2) + partTitleGap;
    //        double angle = 3.0d * Math.PI / 2.0d;
    //        writeText(
    //                text_String,
    //                angle,
    //                3 * textHeight / 2,
    //                dataMiddleRow + (text_Width / 2));
    //        // Draw Y axis
    //        setPaint(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
    //        ab = new Line2D.Double(
    //                originCol,
    //                dataStartRow,
    //                originCol,
    //                dataEndRow);
    //        draw(ab);
    //        result[0] = yAxisExtraWidthLeft;
    //        return result;
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public void setOriginCol() {
    //        originCol = coordinateToScreenCol(BigDecimal.ZERO);
    //        System.out.println("originCol " + originCol);
    ////        if (minX.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
    ////            originCol = dataStartCol;
    ////            //originCol = dataStartCol - dataEndCol / 2;
    ////        } else {
    ////            if (cellWidth.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
    ////                originCol = dataStartCol;
    ////            } else {
    ////                originCol = Generic_BigDecimal.divideRoundIfNecessary(
    ////                        minX,
    ////                        cellWidth,
    ////                        0,
    ////                        _RoundingMode).intValueExact()
    ////                        + dataStartCol;
    ////            }
    ////        }
    //    }
     * @param regressionParameters regressionParameters[0] is the y axis
     * intercept; regressionParameters[1] is the change in y relative to x
     * (gradient or slope); regressionParameters[2] is the rank correlation
     * coefficient (RSquare); regressionParameters[3] is data[0].length.
    protected void drawLegend(double[] regressionParameters) {
        //        int[] result = new int[3];

        int newLegendWidth = 0;
        int newLegendHeight = 0;
        //        int legendExtraWidthLeft = 0;
        //        int legendExtraWidthRight = 0;
        int textHeight = getTextHeight();
        int legendExtraHeightBottom = textHeight;

        int legendStartRow = getDataEndRow() + getxAxisHeight();
        //        int legendStartRow = this.dataEndRow + this.xAxisHeight / 2;
        int symbolRow;
        int row;
        int symbolCol;
        int col;
        int symbolWidth = 10;
        // Legend Title
        int legendItemWidth = 0;

        String text = "Legend";
        int textWidth = getTextWidth(text);
        newLegendHeight += textHeight;
        row = legendStartRow + newLegendHeight;
        //col = dataStartCol - yAxisWidth;
        col = textHeight;
        legendItemWidth += textWidth;
        newLegendWidth = Math.max(newLegendWidth, legendItemWidth);
        drawString(text, col, row);
        Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double();

        // Point marker
        legendItemWidth = 0;
        newLegendHeight += textHeight;
        symbolRow = legendStartRow + newLegendHeight;
        legendItemWidth += symbolWidth;
        symbolCol = col + symbolWidth / 2;
        point.setLocation(symbolCol, symbolRow);
        row += ((3 * textHeight) / 2) - 2;
        newLegendHeight += (textHeight / 2) - 2;
        col += symbolWidth + 4;
        text = "Data Point";
        textWidth = getTextWidth(text);
        legendItemWidth += textWidth;
        newLegendWidth = Math.max(newLegendWidth, legendItemWidth);
        drawString(text, col, row);
        // Y = X line
        //int itemSymbolWidth = (symbolCol + symbolWidth / 2) - (symbolCol - symbolWidth / 2);
        //legendItemWidth = itemSymbolWidth;        
        //legendItemWidth = symbolWidth + 4;
        symbolRow += textHeight;
        draw(new Line2D.Double(symbolCol - symbolWidth / 2, (symbolRow + textHeight / 2) - 2,
                symbolCol + symbolWidth / 2, (symbolRow - textHeight / 2) + 2));
        row += textHeight;
        text = "Y = X";
        textWidth = getTextWidth(text);
        drawString(text, col, row);
        legendItemWidth = textWidth;
        newLegendWidth = Math.max(newLegendWidth, legendItemWidth);
        newLegendHeight += textHeight + 4;

        // Regression line
        legendItemWidth = symbolWidth + 4;
        symbolRow += textHeight;
        row += textHeight;
        draw(new Line2D.Double(symbolCol - symbolWidth / 2, (symbolRow + textHeight / 2) - 2,
                symbolCol + symbolWidth / 2, (symbolRow - textHeight / 2) + 2));
        // Y = mX + c
        // generalise m
        int scale = 4;
        BigDecimal m;
        if (Double.isNaN(regressionParameters[1])) {
            m = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        } else {
            m = BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionParameters[1]);
        RoundingMode roundingMode = getRoundingMode();
        m = m.setScale(scale, roundingMode);
        m = m.stripTrailingZeros();
        //        m = Generic_BigDecimal.roundStrippingTrailingZeros(
        //                m, 
        //                decimalPlacePrecision,
        //                _RoundingMode);
        BigDecimal c;
        if (Double.isNaN(regressionParameters[0])) {
            c = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        } else {
            c = BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionParameters[0]);
        c = c.setScale(scale, roundingMode);
        c = c.stripTrailingZeros();
        BigDecimal rsquare;
        if (Double.isNaN(regressionParameters[2])) {
            rsquare = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        } else {
            rsquare = BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionParameters[2]);
        rsquare = rsquare.setScale(3, roundingMode);
        rsquare = rsquare.stripTrailingZeros();
        String equation;
        if (c.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != -1) {
            equation = "Y = (" + m + " * X) + " + c + "";
        } else {
            equation = "Y = (" + m + " * X) - " + c.negate() + "";
        drawString(equation, col, row);
        textWidth = getTextWidth(equation);
        legendItemWidth += textWidth;
        newLegendWidth = Math.max(newLegendWidth, legendItemWidth);
        newLegendHeight += textHeight;

        // Rsquare component
        String rsquare_String = "RSquare = " + rsquare;
        textWidth = getTextWidth(rsquare_String);
        legendItemWidth = textWidth;
        row += textHeight;
        drawString(rsquare_String, col, row);
        //setLegendHeight(row - legendStartRow);
        newLegendWidth = Math.max(newLegendWidth, legendItemWidth);
        newLegendHeight += (2 * textHeight);

        int imageWidth = getImageWidth();
        int dataWidth = getDataWidth();
        int extraWidthLeft = getExtraWidthLeft();
        if (newLegendWidth > getLegendWidth()) {
            //int diff = newLegendWidth - legendWidth;
            if (newLegendWidth > imageWidth) {
                setExtraWidthRight(newLegendWidth - extraWidthLeft - dataWidth);
        int extraHeightBottom = getExtraHeightBottom();
        if (newLegendHeight > getLegendHeight()) {
            //int diff = newLegendHeight - legendHeight;
            //int heightForLegend = legendStartRow - dataStartRow + newLegendHeight;
            int newExtraHeightBottom = newLegendHeight + getxAxisHeight();
            if (newExtraHeightBottom > extraHeightBottom) {
                int diff2 = newExtraHeightBottom - extraHeightBottom;
                setImageHeight(getImageHeight() + diff2);
        //        result[0] = legendExtraWidthLeft;
        //        result[1] = legendExtraWidthRight;
        //        result[2] = legendExtraHeightBottom;

        //        return result;


    protected double[][] getDataAsDoubleArray(ArrayList<Generic_XYNumericalData> theGeneric_XYNumericalData) {
        double[][] result = new double[2][theGeneric_XYNumericalData.size()];
        Iterator<Generic_XYNumericalData> ite = theGeneric_XYNumericalData.iterator();
        Generic_XYNumericalData aGeneric_XYNumericalData;
         * data[0][] are the y values data[1][] are the x values
        int n = 0;
        while (ite.hasNext()) {
            aGeneric_XYNumericalData =;
            result[0][n] = aGeneric_XYNumericalData.getY().doubleValue();
            result[1][n] = aGeneric_XYNumericalData.getX().doubleValue();
        return result;

    protected void drawYEqualsXLineData(double[][] dataAsDoubleArray) {
        double[][] yEqualsXLineData = getYEqualsXLineData(dataAsDoubleArray);
        draw(new Line2D.Double(coordinateToScreenCol(BigDecimal.valueOf(yEqualsXLineData[1][0])),

    protected void drawRegressionLine(double[] regressionParameters, double[][] dataAsDoubleArray) {
        double[][] regressionLineXYLineData = getXYLineData(dataAsDoubleArray, regressionParameters);
        draw(new Line2D.Double(coordinateToScreenCol(BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionLineXYLineData[1][0])),
        //                coordinateToScreenCol(BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionLineXYLineData[0][1])),
        //                coordinateToScreenRow(BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionLineXYLineData[1][0])),
        //                coordinateToScreenCol(BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionLineXYLineData[0][0])),
        //                coordinateToScreenRow(BigDecimal.valueOf(regressionLineXYLineData[1][1]))));

     * @param data double[2][] where: data[0][] are the y values data[1][] are
     * the x values
     * @return double[] result where: <ul> <li>result[0] is the y axis
     * intercept;</li> <li>result[1] is the change in y relative to x (gradient
     * or slope);</li> <li>result[2] is the rank correlation coefficient
     * (RSquare);</li> <li>result[3] is data[0].length.</li> </ul>
    public static double[] getSimpleRegressionParameters(double[][] data) {
        double[] result = new double[4];
        // org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;
        SimpleRegression a_SimpleRegression = new SimpleRegression();
        //System.out.println("data.length " + data[0].length);
        for (int i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) {
            a_SimpleRegression.addData(data[1][i], data[0][i]);
            //aSimpleRegression.addData(data[0][i], data[1][i]);
        result[0] = a_SimpleRegression.getIntercept();
        result[1] = a_SimpleRegression.getSlope();
        result[2] = a_SimpleRegression.getRSquare();
        result[3] = data[0].length;
        return result;

     * @param data
     * @param lineParameters
     * @return
    public static double[][] getXYLineData(double[][] data, double[] lineParameters) {
        double[][] result = new double[2][2];
        double miny = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double maxy = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        double minx = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double maxx = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) {
            minx = Math.min(minx, data[0][j]);
            maxx = Math.max(maxx, data[0][j]);
            miny = Math.min(miny, data[1][j]);
            maxy = Math.max(maxy, data[1][j]);
        result[0][0] = minx;
        result[0][1] = maxx;
        result[1][0] = miny;
        result[1][1] = maxy;
        //        System.out.println("miny " + minx);
        //        System.out.println("maxy " + maxx);
        //        System.out.println("minx " + miny);
        //        System.out.println("maxx " + maxy);
        double m = lineParameters[1];
        double c = lineParameters[0];
        // y = (m * x) + c
        // x = (y - c) / m
        // minyx stores the y at minx
        double minyx;
        // maxyx stores the y at maxx 
        double maxyx;
        if (m != 0) {
            minyx = (minx - c) / m;
            maxyx = (maxx - c) / m;
        } else {
            minyx = miny;
            maxyx = maxy;
        // minxy stores the x at miny
        double minxy = (m * miny) + c;
        // maxxy stores the x at maxy
        double maxxy = (m * maxy) + c;

        if (maxxy < maxx) {
            result[0][1] = maxxy;
        } else {
            result[1][1] = maxyx;
        if (minxy > minx) {
            result[0][0] = minxy;
        } else {
            result[1][0] = minyx;

        if (maxyx < maxy) {
            result[1][1] = maxyx;
        } else {
            result[0][1] = maxxy;

        if (minyx > miny) {
            result[1][0] = minyx;
        } else {
            result[0][0] = minxy;

        if (Double.isNaN(result[1][0])) {
            if (Double.isNaN(result[0][0])) {
                result[1][0] = 0;
                result[0][0] = 0;
            } else {
                result[1][0] = result[0][0];
                //result[1][0] = 0;
        if (Double.isNaN(result[1][1])) {
            if (Double.isNaN(result[0][1])) {
                result[1][1] = 0;
                result[0][1] = 0;
            } else {
                result[1][1] = result[0][1];
                //result[1][1] = 0;

        System.out.println("Line Segment");
        System.out.println("(minx,miny) (" + result[1][0] + "," + result[0][0] + ")");
        System.out.println("(maxx,maxy) (" + result[1][1] + "," + result[0][1] + ")");
        return result;

     * @param data
     * @return 
    public static double[][] getYEqualsXLineData(double[][] data) {
        double[][] lineChartData = new double[2][2];
        // minx is the minimum x value in data[1]
        double minx = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        // maxx is the maximum x value in data[1]
        double maxx = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        // miny is the minimum y value in data[0]
        double miny = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        // maxy is the maximum y value in data[1]
        double maxy = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) {
            miny = Math.min(miny, data[0][j]);
            maxy = Math.max(maxy, data[0][j]);
            minx = Math.min(minx, data[1][j]);
            maxx = Math.max(maxx, data[1][j]);
        lineChartData[0][0] = miny;
        lineChartData[0][1] = maxy;
        lineChartData[1][0] = minx;
        lineChartData[1][1] = maxx;
        //System.out.println("miny " + miny);
        if (maxy == Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            maxy = miny;
        //System.out.println("maxy " + maxy);
        //System.out.println("minx " + minx);
        if (maxx == Double.MIN_VALUE) {
            maxx = minx;
        //System.out.println("maxx " + maxx);
        if (maxx < maxy) {
            lineChartData[0][1] = maxx;
        } else {
            lineChartData[1][1] = maxy;
        if (minx > miny) {
            lineChartData[0][0] = minx;
        } else {
            lineChartData[1][0] = miny;
        return lineChartData;

     * @param simpleRegressionParameters are as per the output returned from
     * getSimpleRegressionParameters(double[][])
     * @return String[] result where; result[0] is of the form "Y = m * X + c"
     * where m and c are numbers result[1]
    public static String[] getSimpleRegressionParametersStrings(double[] simpleRegressionParameters) {
        String[] result = new String[3];
        result[0] = "Y = " + simpleRegressionParameters[1] + " * X + " + simpleRegressionParameters[0];
        result[1] = "RSquare " + simpleRegressionParameters[2];
        result[2] = "n " + simpleRegressionParameters[3];
        return result;