Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2016, University of Glasgow. All Rights Reserved.
 * Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
 * License.


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;


import com.cloudera.kitten.util.LocalDataHelper;

public class KittenUtils2 {

    static final int TASK_COUNT_NEEDS_CORE_FOR_APP_MASTER = 100;
    static final boolean DEBUG_MASTER = false;

    public static final boolean DEBUG_TASKS = false;

    protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KittenUtils2.class);

    Configuration pConf;
    int jobid;
    PBSJob job;
    boolean noProBoS;
    NodeRequest nodeSpec;

    public KittenUtils2(Configuration pConf, int jobid, PBSJob job, NodeRequest nodeSpec) {
        this.pConf = pConf;
        this.jobid = jobid;
        this.job = job;
        this.nodeSpec = nodeSpec;

    public int getNumberOfTasks() {
        return 1;

    public void setProbosMasterStatus(boolean noProBoS) {
        this.noProBoS = noProBoS;

    public void writeKJobToFile(Path targetScript, File luaFile) throws IOException {
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(luaFile)));
        writeKJob(targetScript, pw);

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(luaFile));
        String line = null;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

    public void writeKJob(Path targetScript, PrintWriter w) throws IOException {
        w.println("KITTEN_MASTER_JAR_LOCATION = \"" + Constants.PACKAGED_KITTEN_JAR_ON_SERVER + "\"");
        w.println("PROBOS_MASTER_JAR_LOCATION = \"" + Constants.PACKAGED_PROBOS_JAR_ON_SERVER + "\"");
        w.println("base_resources = {");
        w.println("\t[\"kitten.jar\"] = { file = KITTEN_MASTER_JAR_LOCATION },");
        w.println("\t[\"probos.jar\"] = { file = PROBOS_MASTER_JAR_LOCATION }");
        w.println("base_env = cat {");
        w.println("\tCLASSPATH = table.concat({\"${CLASSPATH}\", \"./kitten.jar\", \"./probos.jar\"}, \":\"),");
        w.println("\tPBS_JOBID = \"" + String.valueOf(jobid) + "\",");

        w.println("job_env = cat {");
        w.println("\tCLASSPATH = table.concat({\"${CLASSPATH}\", \"./kitten.jar\", \"./probos.jar\"}, \":\"),");
        w.println("\tPBS_JOBID = \"" + String.valueOf(jobid) + "\",");
        for (String k : job.getVariable_List().keySet()) {
            String value = job.getVariable_List().get(k);
            assert value != null : "Value for " + k + " was null";
            //skip BASH_FUNC_module()="() \{  eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`\10\}"
            if (value.contains("`"))
            w.println("\t" + luaKeyEscape(k) + " = \"" + luaStringEscape(value) + "\",");

        String controllerMasterAddress = Utils.getHostname() + ":"
                + String.valueOf(1 + pConf.getInt(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_PORT, 8027));
        //w.println("job_env_fn = cat { job_env }");
        w.println(Constants.PRODUCT_NAME + " = yarn {");
        w.println(" name = \"" + job.getJob_Name() + "\",");
        w.println(" app_type = \"" + Constants.PRODUCT_NAME + "\",");
        w.println(" timeout = -1,");
        if (job.getQueue() != null && job.getQueue().length() > 0 && !job.getQueue().equals("default")
                && !job.getQueue().equals("null"))
            w.println(" queue = \"" + job.getQueue() + "\",");
        w.println(" memory = 512,");
        renderMaster(controllerMasterAddress, w, new HashMap<String, String>());

        //TODO: check the job's rerunnable flag

        renderJob(targetScript, w);

    protected void renderJob(Path targetScript, PrintWriter w) throws IOException {
        //plain single node job
        w.println(" container = {");
        w.println("  instances = 1,");
        printTaskContainer(String.valueOf(jobid), targetScript, w, "  ", Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(),
        w.println(" }");

    protected void renderMaster(String controllerMasterAddress, PrintWriter w, Map<String, String> extraEnv) {
        w.println(" master = {");
        w.println("  env = base_env {");
        w.println("    PBS_CONTROLLER = \"" + controllerMasterAddress + "\",");
        for (String k : extraEnv.keySet()) {
            w.println("    " + luaKeyEscape(k) + " = \"" + luaStringEscape(extraEnv.get(k)) + "\",");
        w.println("  },");

        //gitlab issue 7: tell Kitten where you want the temporary folder placed
        w.println("  conf = {");
        w.println("    [\"" + LocalDataHelper.APP_BASE_DIR + "\"] = \""
                + pConf.get(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_JOBDIR) + "\"");
        w.println("  },");

        w.println("  resources = base_resources,");

        //we only allocate a core for the master when we get to really 
        // big jobs (#of array tasks, or # of parallel tasks)
        if (getNumberOfTasks() > TASK_COUNT_NEEDS_CORE_FOR_APP_MASTER)
            w.println("  cores = 1,");
            w.println("  cores = 0,");
        w.println("  command = {");

        //String javaOpts = "";
        //javaOpts = "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=y";
        final String masterCmd = getAppMasterCommand();
        if (DEBUG_MASTER)
            w.println("   base = \"export 1>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout ; echo " + masterCmd + " 1>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout ; "
                    + masterCmd + "\" ,");
            w.println("   base = \"" + masterCmd + "\",");
        w.println("   args = { \"-conf job.xml\", \"1>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout\", \"2>> <LOG_DIR>/stderr\" },"); //{},");// 
        w.println("  }");
        w.println(" },");

    protected String getAppMasterCommand() {
        return noProBoS
                ? "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp \\\"${CLASSPATH}:`HADOOP_CONF_DIR= hadoop classpath`}\\\" -Xms64m -Xmx128m "
                        + "com.cloudera.kitten.appmaster.ApplicationMaster"
                : Constants.PROBOS_HOME + "/bin/pbs_appmaster";

    protected static void printNodeLabels(String prefix, PrintWriter w, String[] nodeLabels) {
        if (nodeLabels == null || nodeLabels.length == 0)
        w.println(prefix + "node_labels = \"" + StringUtils.join(nodeLabels, " && ") + "\",");

    protected void printContainer(String jt_id, String command, PrintWriter w, String prefix,
            Map<String, String> extraEnv, NodeRequest thisNode) {
        long jobDuration = pConf.getLong(PConfiguration.KEY_JOB_DEFAULT_DURATION, 3600);
        if (job.getResource_List().containsKey("walltime")) {
            String wallTimeLimit = job.getResource_List().get("walltime");
            try {
                jobDuration = Utils.parseTime(wallTimeLimit);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                LOG.warn("Invalid time expression " + wallTimeLimit + " - setting to default" + jobDuration
                        + " seconds");
        //kitten expects a timeout in ms
        w.println(prefix + "timeout = " + String.valueOf(jobDuration * 1000l) + ",");

        //Resource capability = JobUtils.getResources(job, pConf);
        w.println(prefix + "cores = " + String.valueOf(thisNode.corePerNode) + ",");
        w.println(prefix + "memory = " + String.valueOf(thisNode.memory) + ",");

        printNodeLabels(prefix, w, thisNode.labels);
        //node hostname
        if (thisNode instanceof SingleNodeRequest) {
            w.println(prefix + "node = \"" + ((SingleNodeRequest) thisNode).hostname + "\",");

        //next, create the container's environment
        w.print(prefix + "env = job_env");
        w.println(" {");
        w.println(prefix + " PBS_CORES = \"" + String.valueOf(thisNode.corePerNode) + "\",");
        w.println(prefix + " PBS_VMEM = \"" + String.valueOf(thisNode.memory) + "\",");
        for (String k : extraEnv.keySet()) {
            w.println(prefix + " " + luaKeyEscape(k) + " = \"" + luaStringEscape(extraEnv.get(k)) + "\",");
        w.println(prefix + " PBS_YARN_WORKDIR = \"$(pwd)\",");
        w.println(prefix + " TMP = \"$(pwd)/tmp\",");
        w.print(prefix + "}");

        w.println(prefix + "command = \"" + command + "\"");

    protected void printTaskContainer(String jt_id, Path targetScript, PrintWriter w, String prefix,
            Map<String, String> extraEnv, NodeRequest nr) {
        //its important to have an absolute path, lets just check this here
        assert targetScript.isUriPathAbsolute() : targetScript.toString() + " is not absolute";

        w.println(prefix + "resources = {");
        w.println(prefix + " [\"job.SC\"] = { hdfs = \"" + targetScript.toString() + "\" },");
        w.println(prefix + "},");

        String shell = job.getShell();
        if (shell == null) {
            shell = "${SHELL}";

        //configure where the output
        String stdOutErrRedirect = null;
        String stdOutErrCopy = null;
        String jobJoin = job.getJoin();
        if (jobJoin == null) {
            stdOutErrRedirect = "1>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout 2>> <LOG_DIR>/stderr";
            stdOutErrCopy = prepareCopy(pConf, "<LOG_DIR>/stdout", job.getOutput_Path() + jt_id) + " ; " + " "
                    + prepareCopy(pConf, "<LOG_DIR>/stderr", job.getError_Path() + jt_id);
        } else if (jobJoin.equals("oe")) {
            stdOutErrRedirect = "1>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout 2>&1 ";
            stdOutErrCopy = prepareCopy(pConf, "<LOG_DIR>/stdout", job.getOutput_Path() + jt_id);
        } else if (jobJoin.equals("eo")) {
            stdOutErrRedirect = "2>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout 1>&2 ";
            stdOutErrCopy = prepareCopy(pConf, "<LOG_DIR>/stderr", job.getError_Path() + jt_id);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid job join: " + jobJoin);

        //find where we are going to start the job
        String initdir = job.getVariable_List().get("PBS_O_INITDIR");

        //TODO: in the following PBS_O_HOME is a hack. YARN overwrites the HOME env var,
        //so we assume, possibly unreasonably, that the user's home directory on 
        //the execution node is the same as on the submission host
        String finalCommand = " " + "cd " + (initdir != null ? initdir : " ${PBS_O_HOME}") + "; " //change to the correct folder
                + shell + " ${PBS_YARN_WORKDIR}/job.SC" // run the command
                + " " + stdOutErrRedirect + " ; " //capture the stdout & stderr
                + " EXIT=\\\\${?}; "
                + (DEBUG_TASKS ? "echo Exit code was \\\\${EXIT} 1>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout 2>> <LOG_DIR>/stderr;" : "")
                + " " + stdOutErrCopy + " ; "; //copy the stdout & stderr back to the submission node:/path

        if (DEBUG_TASKS)
            finalCommand = "echo '" + finalCommand + "' 1>> <LOG_DIR>/stdout 2>><LOG_DIR>/stderr ; " + finalCommand;

        final String finalCmd = finalCommentPrefix() + finalCommand + finalCommentSuffix() + " exit \\\\${EXIT}; ";
        printContainer(jt_id, finalCmd, w, prefix, extraEnv, nr);

    protected String finalCommentPrefix() {
        return "mkdir -p $(pwd)/tmp; "; //make a tmp directory

    protected String finalCommentSuffix() {
        return "";

    public static KittenUtils2 createKittenUtil(Configuration pConf, PBSJob job, int jobid) {
        List<NodeRequest> requestList = Lists.newArrayList();
        int totalNodes = parseNodeResourceList(job, requestList);
        if (job.getInteractive()) {
            if (totalNodes > 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            return new InteractiveKittenUtil(pConf, jobid, job, requestList.get(0));
        } else if (job.getArrayTaskIds() != null) {
            if (totalNodes > 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            return new ArrayKittenUtils(pConf, jobid, job, requestList.get(0));
        } else if (totalNodes > 1) {
            assert totalNodes > 1;
            return new DistributedKittenUtils(pConf, jobid, job, requestList, totalNodes);
        } else {
            if (totalNodes > 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            return new KittenUtils2(pConf, jobid, job, requestList.get(0));

    static Pattern MEMCOUNT = Pattern.compile("^mem=(\\d+)$");
    static Pattern PPNCOUNT = Pattern.compile("^ppn=(\\d+)$");
    static Pattern COUNT = Pattern.compile("^\\d+");

    /** Represents how a job requests a node */
    static class NodeRequest {
        int corePerNode;
        int memory;
        String[] labels;

        NodeRequest(int ppn, int mem, String[] reqLabels) {
            this.corePerNode = ppn;
            this.memory = mem;
            this.labels = reqLabels;

    /** a node request where the user specified the hostname
     * they wanted
    static class SingleNodeRequest extends NodeRequest {

        String hostname;

        SingleNodeRequest(int ppn, int mem, String[] reqLabels, String host) {
            super(ppn, mem, reqLabels);
            this.hostname = host;

    /** a node request for a number of node of 
     * the same specification */
    static class MultiNodeRequest extends NodeRequest {

        int count;

        MultiNodeRequest(int ppn, int mem, String[] reqLabels, int number) {
            super(ppn, mem, reqLabels);
            this.count = number;


    public static boolean isNode(String node) {
        //TODO this is a hack
        return node.matches(".*node(-?)\\d+");

    protected static int parseNodeResourceList(PBSJob job, List<NodeRequest> requestList) {
        int DEFAULT_MEM = 512;
        int totalNodeCount = 0;
        String nodesExpression = job.getResource_List().get("nodes");
        //no nodes statement, return default
        if (nodesExpression == null) {
            requestList.add(new NodeRequest(1, DEFAULT_MEM, null));
            return 1;
        String[] eachNodeRequest = nodesExpression.split("\\+");
        for (String request : eachNodeRequest) {
            final String[] requestPortions = request.split(":");
            int nodeCount = 1;
            int mem = DEFAULT_MEM;
            List<String> labels = Lists.newArrayList();
            String nodeName = null;
            int ppn = 1;
            for (String portion : requestPortions) {
                Matcher m;
                if (COUNT.matcher(portion).matches()) {//its a node count
                    nodeCount = Integer.parseInt(portion);
                } else if ((m = PPNCOUNT.matcher(portion)).matches()) {
                    ppn = Integer.parseInt(;
                } else if ((m = MEMCOUNT.matcher(portion)).matches()) {
                    mem = Integer.parseInt(;
                } else if (isNode(portion)) {
                    nodeName = portion;
                } else {

            if (nodeName != null && nodeCount > 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have a node cout for a hostname");
            NodeRequest spec;
            if (nodeCount > 1) {
                spec = new MultiNodeRequest(ppn, mem, labels.toArray(new String[0]), nodeCount);
            } else if (nodeName != null) {
                spec = new SingleNodeRequest(ppn, mem, labels.toArray(new String[0]), nodeName);
            } else {
                spec = new NodeRequest(ppn, mem, labels.toArray(new String[0]));
            totalNodeCount += nodeCount;
        return totalNodeCount;

    /** uses cp if it matches one of the known prefixes, otherwise uses scp
     * @return the copying string */
    static final String prepareCopy(Configuration pConf, String localSource, String hostDest) {
        final String split[] = hostDest.split(":", 2);
        assert split.length > 1 : "hostDest has no hostname: '" + hostDest + "'";
        assert split[0] != null;
        assert !split[0].equals("null");

        final String RCP = pConf.get(PConfiguration.KEY_RCP);
        assert RCP != null && RCP.length() > 0;
        final String path = split[1];

        boolean cp = detectUseCp(pConf, path);
        String rtr = null;
        if (cp) {
            rtr = "cp -v " + localSource + " " + path;
        } else {
            rtr = RCP + " -v " + localSource + " " + path;
        //rtr = rtr + " >> /tmp/cp.log 2>&1  ";
        LOG.debug("Copying " + localSource + " to " + hostDest + " using " + (cp ? "cp" : RCP));
        return rtr;

    public static boolean detectUseCp(Configuration pConf, final String path) {
        boolean cp = false;
        final String[] USE_RCP_DIRS = pConf.getStrings(PConfiguration.KEY_RCP_USE);

        if (USE_RCP_DIRS != null) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Checking is " + path + " matches in " + Arrays.deepToString(USE_RCP_DIRS));
            for (String prefix : USE_RCP_DIRS) {
                if (path.startsWith(prefix)) {
                    cp = true;
                    LOG.debug(path + " matches in " + prefix);
        } else {
            LOG.warn(PConfiguration.KEY_RCP_USE + " was null, it should normally be at least empty.");
        return cp;

    static String luaKeyEscape(String name) {
        if (name == null)
            return null;
        if (name.contains(".") || name.contains("(") || name.contains(")") || name.contains("-"))
            return "[\"" + name + "\"]";
        return name;

    static String luaStringEscape(String input) {
        if (input == null)
            return null;
        input = input.replace("\"", "\\\"");
        input = input.replace("{", "\\{");
        input = input.replace("}", "\\}");
        input = input.replace("\n", "\\10");
        return input;
