Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011 European Molecular Biology Laboratory and University of Groningen * * Contact: * * This file is part of OntoCAT * * OntoCAT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * OntoCAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along * with OntoCAT. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException; import; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.MapperWrapper; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import*; import*; import javax.xml.transform.*; import; import; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; //import java.util.Map.Entry; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class BioportalService. * * @author Tomasz Adamusiak, Morris Swertz */ public class BioportalOntologyService extends AbstractOntologyService implements OntologyService, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The query url. */ private URL queryURL; /** * The Constant log. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BioportalOntologyService.class.getName()); /** * The sw xml. */ private transient StringWriter swXML = null; /** * The meta xml. */ private transient StringWriter metaXML = null; /** * The url add on. */ private final String urlAddOn; /** * The xstream. */ private XStream xstream; // transformations that strip surrounding xml markup /** * The Constant xsltBEAN. */ private static final String xsltBEAN = "<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=''" + " version='1.0'>" + "<xsl:output method='xml' encoding='UTF-8'/>" + "<xsl:template match='/'>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='//data/classBean'/>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='//data/ontologyBean'/>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='//searchResultList'/>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='/success/data/list'/>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='//classBeanResultList'/>" + "</xsl:template>" + "</xsl:stylesheet>"; /** * The Constant xsltSUCCESS. */ private static final String xsltSUCCESS = "<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=''" + " version='1.0'>" + "<xsl:output method='xml' encoding='UTF-8'/>" + "<xsl:template match='/'>" + "<success>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='success/accessedResource'/>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='success/accessDate'/>" + "<xsl:copy-of select='success/data/page/numPages'/>" + "</success>" + "</xsl:template>" + "</xsl:stylesheet>"; /** * The Constant urlBASE. */ private static final String urlBASE = "";//""; /** * Instantiates a new bioportal service. * * @param apikey the apikey required by BioPortal for REST queries */ public BioportalOntologyService(String apikey) { // Now map the xml to the java beans // FIXME level? urlAddOn = "apikey=" + apikey + "&format=json" + "&include_views=true" + "&include=synonym,prefLabel," + "definition";//urlAddOn = "&apikey=" + apikey + "&level=1"; configureXstream(); } /** * Shorthand that uses ontocat apikey l to instantiate the service */ public BioportalOntologyService() { this("c6ae1b27-9f86-4e3c-9dcf-087e1156eabe"); log.debug("Instatiated BOS"); } private void configureXstream() { // ignore new fields // solution from // CustomMapperTest.testCanBeUsedToOmitUnexpectedElements() // xstream = new XStream() { @Override protected MapperWrapper wrapMapper(MapperWrapper next) { return new MapperWrapper(next) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public boolean shouldSerializeMember(Class definedIn, String fieldName) { if (definedIn != Object.class) { return super.shouldSerializeMember(definedIn, fieldName); } else { log.debug("Ignoring unexpected field <" + fieldName + "> in BioPortal xml output from " + queryURL); return false; } } }; } }; xstream.alias("classBean", ConceptBean.class); xstream.alias("entry", EntryBean.class); xstream.aliasField("int", EntryBean.class, "counter"); xstream.alias("searchBean", SearchBean.class); xstream.alias("success", SuccessBean.class); xstream.alias("ontologyBean", OntologyBean.class); xstream.alias("instanceBean", InstanceBean.class); xstream.omitField(InstanceBean.class, "instanceType"); // xstream.alias("searchResultList", SearchResultListBean.class); xstream.addImplicitCollection(EntryBean.class, "UnmodifiableCollection"); xstream.addImplicitCollection(EntryBean.class, "strings", "string", String.class); // xstream.addImplicitCollection(SearchResultListBean.class, "terms"); xstream.alias("searchResultList", List.class); xstream.alias("classBeanResultList", Set.class); xstream.alias("list", List.class); } /** * Process concept url. * * @param ontologyAccession the ontology id * @param termAccession the term * @return true, if process concept url * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private void processConceptUrl(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { processServiceURL("virtual/ontology/", ontologyAccession, termAccession); } // No getting hierarchy straight from concept bean // // private void processChildrenUrl(String ontologyAccession, String // termAccession) // throws OntologyServiceException { // processServiceURL("virtual/children/", ontologyAccession, termAccession); // } // // private void processParentsUrl(String ontologyAccession, String // termAccession) // throws OntologyServiceException { // processServiceURL("virtual/parents/", ontologyAccession, termAccession); // } private void processPathUrl(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { processServiceURL("virtual/rootpath/", ontologyAccession, termAccession); } // Adding conceptid does not work for hierarchy services // so you cannot pass urls as concept ids! // this is a temporary workaround until BP guys fix it private boolean temporarayBioportalFix(String signature, String termAccession) { if (signature.contains("parents") || signature.contains("children") || signature.contains("rootpath")) { try { new URL(termAccession); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Currentlly URL concept ids not supported for hierarchy services"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // it's not a URL so do nothing } return false; } return true; } private void processServiceURL(String signature, String ontologyID, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { try { if (!termAccession.equals("") && temporarayBioportalFix(signature, termAccession)) { termAccession = "?conceptid=" + URLEncoder.encode(termAccession, "UTF-8"); this.queryURL = new URL(urlBASE + signature + ontologyID + "/" + termAccession + "&" + urlAddOn); } // temporary for the fix, otherwise prepend after ontology + "/?" else { termAccession += "?"; this.queryURL = new URL(urlBASE + signature + ontologyID + "/" + termAccession + urlAddOn); } transformRESTXML(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } } private void processGetAllURL(String ontologyAccession, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNum) throws OntologyServiceException { try { this.queryURL = new URL(urlBASE + "virtual/ontology/" + ontologyAccession + "/all?pagesize=" + pageSize + "&pagenum=" + pageNum + "&" + urlAddOn); transformRESTXML(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (OntologyServiceException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } } /** * Process search url. * * @param ontologyAccession the ontology id * @param keyword the term * @param options * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private void processSearchUrl(String ontologyAccession, String keyword, SearchOptions... options) throws OntologyServiceException { try { // colon in the begining will crash the service keyword = keyword.replaceFirst("$:", ""); keyword = URLEncoder.encode(keyword, "UTF-8"); this.queryURL = new URL(urlBASE + "search/" + keyword + "/?maxnumhits=100" + "&" + urlAddOn + processSearchOptions(options) + "&ontologyids=" + ontologyAccession); transformRESTXML(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Another version of this method created specifically to allow subtree * searching * * @throws OntologyServiceException */ private void processSearchUrl(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession, String query, SearchOptions[] options) throws OntologyServiceException { try { query = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8"); String subtreeSetting = "&subtreerootconceptid=" + URLEncoder.encode(termAccession, "UTF-8"); this.queryURL = new URL(urlBASE + "search/" + query + "/?maxnumhits=10000000" + "&" + urlAddOn + processSearchOptions(options) + "&ontologyids=" + ontologyAccession + subtreeSetting); transformRESTXML(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private String processSearchOptions(SearchOptions[] options) { String val = ""; List<SearchOptions> al = new ArrayList<SearchOptions>(Arrays.asList(options)); if (al.contains(SearchOptions.INCLUDE_PROPERTIES)) { val += "&includeproperties=1"; } else { val += "&includeproperties=0"; } if (al.contains(SearchOptions.EXACT)) { val += "&isexactmatch=1"; } else { val += "&isexactmatch=0"; } return val; } /** * Process ontology url. * * @param ontologyAccession the ontology id * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private void processOntologyUrl(String ontologyAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { processServiceURL("virtual/ontology/", ontologyAccession, ""); } private void processOntologyUrl() throws OntologyServiceException { try { this.queryURL = new URI(urlBASE + "ontologies/?" + urlAddOn).toURL(); transformRESTXML(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void processViewsUrl() throws OntologyServiceException { try { this.queryURL = new URI(urlBASE + "views/?" + urlAddOn).toURL(); transformRESTXML(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Search concept id through attributes. If termAccession was not found, * BioPortal might be mapping a different id instead so try resolving it and * search for this id in attributes of the ontology. * * @param ontologyAccession the ontology id * @param secondaryTermAccession the ext id * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private void searchConceptIDThroughLabel(String ontologyAccession, String secondaryTermAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { processSearchUrl(ontologyAccession, secondaryTermAccession, SearchOptions.INCLUDE_PROPERTIES); // bioportal id for the concept found or exception thrown already if (this.getSearchResults().size() == 0) { throw new OntologyServiceException("Term not found"); } processConceptUrl(ontologyAccession, this.getSearchResults().get(0).getAccession()); } /** * Transform restxml. * * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private void transformRESTXML() throws OntologyServiceException { // ############################## // // try { // DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory // .newInstance(); // DocumentBuilder db = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); // db.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() { // // @Override // public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, // String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { // return null; // Never resolve any IDs // } // }); // // System.out.println("BUILDING DOM"); // FileUtils.write(new File("data/restxmls/tmp.xml"), getCachedQuery()); // // Document doc = db.parse(new // FileInputStream("data/restxmls/tmp.xml")); // // // buffer rest output // // String buffer = getCachedQuery(); // TransformerFactory transFact = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // // transform to results ConceptBean, SearchResultListBean, // // classBeanResultList // Source sBEAN = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsltBEAN)); // Transformer trans = transFact.newTransformer(sBEAN); // swXML = new StringWriter(); // // trans.transform(new DOMSource(doc.getDocumentElement()), // new StreamResult(swXML)); // // System.out.println("RUNNING TRANSFORM"); // // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // ############################## try { // buffer rest output String buffer = getCachedQuery(); TransformerFactory transFact = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // transform to results ConceptBean, SearchResultListBean, // classBeanResultList Source sBEAN = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsltBEAN)); Transformer trans = transFact.newTransformer(sBEAN); swXML = new StringWriter(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); trans.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(buffer)), new StreamResult(swXML)); long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime; // System.out.println(" xsltBean: " + elapsedTime); long startTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // transform to status SuccessBean Source sSUCCESS = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xsltSUCCESS)); trans = transFact.newTransformer(sSUCCESS); metaXML = new StringWriter(); trans.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(buffer)), new StreamResult(metaXML)); long stopTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsedTime1 = stopTime1 - startTime1; // System.out.println(" xsltSuccess: " + elapsedTime1); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (TransformerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } } // Caches the immediate results of an internal REST query // for subsequent queries. Example term + synonyms + definitions private String getCachedQuery() throws OntologyServiceException { String result = queryCache.get(queryURL); try { if (result == null) { //Old method // result = readInputStreamAsString(loadURL()); // queryCache.put(queryURL, result); BioportalNewAPI api = new BioportalNewAPI(); String urlString = queryURL.toString(); if (urlString.equals(urlBASE + "ontologies/?" + urlAddOn) || urlString.equals(urlBASE + "views/?" + urlAddOn)) { //Case get all ontologies or get all views HashMap<String, String> xmls = api.allOntologiesXML(api.getOntologies()); queryCache.put(new URL(urlBASE + "ontologies/?" + urlAddOn), xmls.get("ontologies")); queryCache.put(new URL(urlBASE + "views/?" + urlAddOn), xmls.get("views")); if (urlString.contains("ontologies")) result = xmls.get("ontologies"); else result = xmls.get("views"); } else if (urlString.contains(urlBASE + "virtual/ontology/")) { if (urlString.endsWith("/?" + urlAddOn)) { //Case Last version of an ontology String onto = urlString.substring(urlBASE.length() + "virtual/ontology/".length(), urlString.lastIndexOf("/")); JSONObject jobject = api.getOntoLastVersion(onto); result = api.ontoLastVersionXML(jobject); } else if (urlString.contains("/all?pagesize=")) { //Case all terms of the ontology String onto = urlString.substring(urlBASE.length() + "virtual/ontology/".length(), urlString.lastIndexOf("/all")); String pagesize = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf("pagesize=") + 9, urlString.lastIndexOf("&pagenum=")); String pagenum = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf("pagenum=") + 8, urlString.lastIndexOf("&" + urlAddOn)); JSONObject allterms = api.getAllTerms(onto, Integer.valueOf(pagenum), Integer.valueOf(pagesize)); result = api.allTermsXML(allterms, Integer.valueOf(pagesize)); } else { //Case get a concrete term of the ontology String onto = urlString.substring(urlBASE.length() + "virtual/ontology/".length(), urlString.lastIndexOf("/")); String concept = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf("?conceptid=") + 11, urlString.lastIndexOf("&" + urlAddOn)); JSONObject jterm = api.getTerm(onto, concept); result = api.termXML(jterm); } queryCache.put(queryURL, result); } else if (urlString.contains(urlBASE + "search/")) { //Completo String term = urlString.substring(urlBASE.length() + "search/".length(), urlString.lastIndexOf("/?maxnumhits")); if (urlString.contains("&subtreerootconceptid=") && !urlString.endsWith("&subtreerootconceptid=")) { //Case search with tree root String ontos = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf("&ontologyids=") + 13, urlString.lastIndexOf("&subtreerootconceptid=")); String subtree = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf("&subtreerootconceptid=") + "&subtreerootconceptid=".length()); int hits = 50; if (urlString.contains("maxnumhits=100")) hits = 100; else if (urlString.contains("maxnumhits=10000000")) hits = 10000000; JSONObject jsonObject = api.searchTerm(term, ontos, subtree, urlString.contains("&isexactmatch=1"), 1, hits); result = api.searchTermXML(jsonObject, term); } else { //Case simple search String ontos; if (urlString.endsWith("&subtreerootconceptid=")) { ontos = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf("&ontologyids=") + 13, urlString.indexOf("&subtreerootconceptid=")); } else { ontos = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf("&ontologyids=") + 13); } int hits = 50; if (urlString.contains("maxnumhits=100")) hits = 100; else if (urlString.contains("maxnumhits=10000000")) hits = 10000000; JSONObject jsonObject = api.searchTerm(term, ontos, "", urlString.contains("&isexactmatch=1"), 1, hits); result = api.searchTermXML(jsonObject, term); } queryCache.put(queryURL, result); } else if (urlString.contains(urlBASE + "virtual/rootpath/")) { //Case get the root paths of an ontology String onto = urlString.substring(urlBASE.length() + "virtual/rootpath/".length()); onto = onto.substring(0, onto.indexOf("/")); JSONObject jobject = api.getOntoLastVersion(onto); result = api.rootXML(jobject); queryCache.put(queryURL, result); } else { //Case non of the previous it should not happened ever queryCache.put(queryURL, ""); } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } // A LRU Cache implementation that removes the stale // elements of the map limiting its size to a hundred // most recently used elements private LinkedHashMap<URL, String> queryCache = new LinkedHashMap<URL, String>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 100; @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<URL, String> arg) { return size() > MAX_ENTRIES; } }; /** * Read input stream as string. * * @param in the in * @return the string * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private String readInputStreamAsString(InputStream in) throws OntologyServiceException { try { StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer(1000); BufferedReader reader; // important to specify encoding on the input stream! reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8")); char[] buf = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = != -1) { fileData.append(buf, 0, numRead); } reader.close(); return fileData.toString(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } } /** * Load url. * * @return the buffered input stream * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private BufferedInputStream loadURL() throws OntologyServiceException { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { return new BufferedInputStream(queryURL.openStream()); } catch (ConnectException e) { log.warn("Bioportal is timing out on us. Sleep for 5s and repeat"); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); throw new OntologyServiceException(e1); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // no logging as this is expected behaviour for concept not // found and processed accordingly in searchConceptID throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } catch (IOException e) { // less expected usually means an error on BP side // other than response code 400 // or thrown in parents services // alternatively could implement this via // HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() if (!e.getMessage().contains("HTTP response code: 400") && !e.getMessage().contains("No parents")) { log.error("Possible problems on BioPortal side - " + e + " on " + queryURL.toString()); } throw new OntologyServiceException(e); } } throw new OntologyServiceException("Could not access Bioportal REST services."); } /** * Returns the parsed bean from bioportal services. * * @return object that is the required bean * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private Object getBeanFromQuery() throws StreamException { // Commenting error catching for the moment // as those are handed down the stream try { return xstream.fromXML(swXML.toString()); // } catch (StreamException e) { // throw new OntologyServiceException("Term not found"); } catch (ConversionException e) { log.error("Web service signature has changed!"); log.error(e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets the concept bean. * * @return the concept bean * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ public ConceptBean getConceptBean() { try { return (ConceptBean) getBeanFromQuery(); } catch (StreamException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets the ontology bean. * * @return the ontology bean * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ private OntologyBean getOntologyBean() { try { return (OntologyBean) getBeanFromQuery(); } catch (StreamException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets the search results. * * @return the search results * @throws OntologyServiceException the ontology service exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<OntologyTerm> getSearchResults() { try { List<OntologyTerm> ret = (List<OntologyTerm>) getBeanFromQuery(); return ret; } catch (StreamException e) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } /** * Gets the success bean. * * @return the success bean */ public SuccessBean getSuccessBean() { try { return (SuccessBean) xstream.fromXML(metaXML.toString()); } catch (StreamException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets the query url. * * @return the query url */ public URL getQueryURL() { return queryURL; } // ///////////////////////// // // INTERFACE // // //////////////////////// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Ontology> getOntologies() throws OntologyServiceException { List<Ontology> result = new ArrayList<Ontology>(); List<Ontology> ontologies = new ArrayList<Ontology>(); List<Ontology> views = new ArrayList<Ontology>(); List<OntologyBean> ontologyBeans = new ArrayList<OntologyBean>(); processOntologyUrl(); ontologies = (List<Ontology>) getBeanFromQuery(); processViewsUrl(); views = (List<Ontology>) getBeanFromQuery(); + " ontologies and " + views.size() + " views"); result.addAll(ontologies); result.addAll(views); return result; } @Override public Ontology getOntology(String ontologyAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { try { processOntologyUrl(ontologyAccession); } catch (OntologyServiceException e) { return null; } return this.getOntologyBean(); } @Override public List<OntologyTerm> getRootTerms(String ontologyAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { // warning this uses and undocumented feature! // need the no search version, so that the ontology is not searched for // root // in second pass on fail (takes too much time) ConceptBean cb = (ConceptBean) getTermNoSearch(ontologyAccession, "root"); if (cb == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return (List<OntologyTerm>) injectOntologyAccession(cb.getChildren(), ontologyAccession); } @Override public List<OntologyTerm> searchOntology(String ontologyAccession, String query, SearchOptions... options) throws OntologyServiceException { // confirm the ontology exists if (getOntology(ontologyAccession) == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // search it processSearchUrl(ontologyAccession, query, options); return injectTermContext(getSearchResults(), query, options); } public List<OntologyTerm> searchSubtree(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession, String query, SearchOptions... options) throws OntologyServiceException { // confirm the ontology exists if (getOntology(ontologyAccession) == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // search it processSearchUrl(ontologyAccession, termAccession, query, options); return injectTermContext(getSearchResults(), query, options); } @Override public List<OntologyTerm> searchAll(String query, SearchOptions... options) throws OntologyServiceException { processSearchUrl(null, query, options);"SearchQuery=" + this.queryURL); List<OntologyTerm> ret = injectTermContext(getSearchResults(), query, options); return ret; } @Override public OntologyTerm getTerm(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { try { processConceptUrl(ontologyAccession, termAccession); } catch (OntologyServiceException e) { // try to catch the first one? try { searchConceptIDThroughLabel(ontologyAccession, termAccession); } catch (OntologyServiceException e2) { return null; } } ConceptBean ot = this.getConceptBean(); ot.setOntologyAccession(ontologyAccession); return ot; } // used by the getRootTerms private OntologyTerm getTermNoSearch(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { try { processConceptUrl(ontologyAccession, termAccession); } catch (OntologyServiceException e) { // try to catch the first one? return null; } ConceptBean ot = this.getConceptBean(); ot.setOntologyAccession(ontologyAccession); return ot; } @Override public OntologyTerm getTerm(String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { List<OntologyTerm> list = searchAll(termAccession); if (list.size() == 0) { return null; } OntologyTerm term = list.get(0); return getTerm(term.getOntologyAccession(), term.getAccession()); } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> getAnnotations(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { OntologyTerm ot = getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession); if (ot == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } return ((ConceptBean) ot).getAnnotations(); } @Override public List<OntologyTerm> getChildren(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { OntologyTerm ot = getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession); if (ot == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return (List<OntologyTerm>) injectOntologyAccession(((ConceptBean) ot).getChildren(), ontologyAccession); } @Override public List<OntologyTerm> getParents(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { OntologyTerm ot = getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession); if (ot == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return (List<OntologyTerm>) injectOntologyAccession(((ConceptBean) ot).getParents(), ontologyAccession); } private Collection<OntologyTerm> injectOntologyAccession(Collection<OntologyTerm> list, String ontologyAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { for (OntologyTerm ot : list) { ot.setOntologyAccession(ontologyAccession); } return list; } @Override public List<OntologyTerm> getTermPath(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { // PARSE THE XML OUTPUT try { processPathUrl(ontologyAccession, termAccession); } catch (OntologyServiceException e) { // The list needs at least one term List<OntologyTerm> result = new ArrayList<OntologyTerm>(); result.add(getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession)); return result; } // Empty path, looks like an error if (this.getSearchResults().size() == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // so it's not true ontology term per se, but the way // bioportal process this query it will dump the path // as a list of *slightly modified* classBeans ConceptBean firstPath = (ConceptBean) this.getSearchResults().get(0); String PathString = firstPath.getPathString(); // This will be a list of accessions separated by point String[] Accessions = PathString.split("\\."); // GET TERMS FROM ACCESSIONS List<OntologyTerm> path = new ArrayList<OntologyTerm>(); for (String tAcc : Accessions) { OntologyTerm ot = this.getTerm(ontologyAccession, tAcc); if (ot == null) throw new OntologyServiceException("Unrecognisable term in path - " + tAcc); path.add(ot); } // include searched acc in path path.add(this.getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession)); Collections.reverse(path); return path; } @Override public Map<String, Set<OntologyTerm>> getRelations(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public String makeLookupHyperlink(String termAccession) { try { getTerm(termAccession); return this.getQueryURL().toString(); } catch (OntologyServiceException e) { log.error("Making lookup hyperlink failed for " + termAccession); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override public String makeLookupHyperlink(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) { try { getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession); return this.getQueryURL().toString(); } catch (OntologyServiceException e) { log.error("Making lookup hyperlink failed for " + termAccession); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override public List<String> getSynonyms(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { OntologyTerm ot = getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession); if (ot == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return ((ConceptBean) ot).getSynonyms(); } @Override public List<String> getDefinitions(String ontologyAccession, String termAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { OntologyTerm ot = getTerm(ontologyAccession, termAccession); if (ot == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return ((ConceptBean) ot).getDefinitions(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Set<OntologyTerm> getAllTerms(String ontologyAccession) throws OntologyServiceException { Set<OntologyTerm> result = new HashSet<OntologyTerm>(); Integer pageCount = 0; Integer PAGESIZE = 300; // Fetch first page processGetAllURL(ontologyAccession, PAGESIZE, 1); result.addAll((Set<OntologyTerm>) getBeanFromQuery()); // Fetch any remaining pages pageCount = getSuccessBean().getNumberOfPages(); for (Integer pageNo = 2; pageNo <= pageCount; pageNo++) {"Processing page " + pageNo + " out of " + pageCount); processGetAllURL(ontologyAccession, PAGESIZE, pageNo); result.addAll((Set<OntologyTerm>) getBeanFromQuery()); } return (Set<OntologyTerm>) injectOntologyAccession(result, ontologyAccession); } }