Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013. EMBL, European Bioinformatics Institute
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * Implements string finger print as explained in Google refine,
 * but adapted for chemical entities names: 
 * remove leading and trailing whitespace
 * change all characters to their lowercase representation
 * remove all punctuation and control characters
 * split the string into whitespace-separated tokens
 * sort the tokens and keep duplicates
 * join the tokens back together
 * normalize extended western characters to their ASCII representation (for example "gdel"  "godel")
 * We should also singularize words.
 * TODO Move this to be compliant with the FingerprintEncoder class.
 * @author pmoreno
public class PseudoFingerprintChemicalNames implements Comparator<String> {

    private static final Pattern alphanum = Pattern.compile("\\p{Punct}|\\p{Cntrl}");
    private static final Pattern plural = Pattern.compile("s$");
    private static final Pattern definedHtmlTags = Pattern.compile("</{0,1}(i|sub|sup)>");
    private static final Pattern digit = Pattern.compile("\\d");
    private static final Pattern a_genericBeginning = Pattern.compile("^an{0,1} ");

    public String key(String s) {
        s = s.trim(); // first off, remove whitespace around the string
        s = s.toLowerCase(); // then lowercase it
        s = a_genericBeginning.matcher(s).replaceFirst("");
        s = plural.matcher(s).replaceAll("");
        s = definedHtmlTags.matcher(s).replaceAll(""); // replace <i> </i>, <sub> </sub>, <sup> </sup>
        s = alphanum.matcher(s).replaceAll(""); // then remove all punctuation and control chars
        s = s.replaceAll("-", ""); // removes - 
        s = s.replaceAll(" ", ""); // removes whitespace
        //String[] frags = StringUtils.split(s); // split by whitespace
        char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
        List<String> listOfTokens = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> numericTokens = new ArrayList<String>();
        /*for (String frag : frags) {
        else listOfTokens.add(frag);
        for (char letter : chars) {
            String character = Character.toString(letter);
            if (digit.matcher(character).find())
         * Sort them. Probably we should have an exception here for numbers,
         * so that they are left in the same order they appeared in the name.
         * Originally the refine implementation (for 'normal words') makes a 
         * unique set of characters and sort them. I thought that for chemical 
         * names it would be useful to keep the number of appearances.
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        for (String number : numericTokens) {
            //b.append(' ');
        for (String token : listOfTokens) {
            //b.append(' ');
        return asciify(b.toString()); // find ASCII equivalent to characters 

    protected String asciify(String s) {
        char[] c = s.toCharArray();
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
        return b.toString();

     * Translate the given unicode char in the closest ASCII representation
     * NOTE: this function deals only with latin-1 supplement and latin-1 extended code charts
    private char translate(char c) {
        switch (c) {
        case '\u00C0':
        case '\u00C1':
        case '\u00C2':
        case '\u00C3':
        case '\u00C4':
        case '\u00C5':
        case '\u00E0':
        case '\u00E1':
        case '\u00E2':
        case '\u00E3':
        case '\u00E4':
        case '\u00E5':
        case '\u0100':
        case '\u0101':
        case '\u0102':
        case '\u0103':
        case '\u0104':
        case '\u0105':
            return 'a';
        case '\u00C7':
        case '\u00E7':
        case '\u0106':
        case '\u0107':
        case '\u0108':
        case '\u0109':
        case '\u010A':
        case '\u010B':
        case '\u010C':
        case '\u010D':
            return 'c';
        case '\u00D0':
        case '\u00F0':
        case '\u010E':
        case '\u010F':
        case '\u0110':
        case '\u0111':
            return 'd';
        case '\u00C8':
        case '\u00C9':
        case '\u00CA':
        case '\u00CB':
        case '\u00E8':
        case '\u00E9':
        case '\u00EA':
        case '\u00EB':
        case '\u0112':
        case '\u0113':
        case '\u0114':
        case '\u0115':
        case '\u0116':
        case '\u0117':
        case '\u0118':
        case '\u0119':
        case '\u011A':
        case '\u011B':
            return 'e';
        case '\u011C':
        case '\u011D':
        case '\u011E':
        case '\u011F':
        case '\u0120':
        case '\u0121':
        case '\u0122':
        case '\u0123':
            return 'g';
        case '\u0124':
        case '\u0125':
        case '\u0126':
        case '\u0127':
            return 'h';
        case '\u00CC':
        case '\u00CD':
        case '\u00CE':
        case '\u00CF':
        case '\u00EC':
        case '\u00ED':
        case '\u00EE':
        case '\u00EF':
        case '\u0128':
        case '\u0129':
        case '\u012A':
        case '\u012B':
        case '\u012C':
        case '\u012D':
        case '\u012E':
        case '\u012F':
        case '\u0130':
        case '\u0131':
            return 'i';
        case '\u0134':
        case '\u0135':
            return 'j';
        case '\u0136':
        case '\u0137':
        case '\u0138':
            return 'k';
        case '\u0139':
        case '\u013A':
        case '\u013B':
        case '\u013C':
        case '\u013D':
        case '\u013E':
        case '\u013F':
        case '\u0140':
        case '\u0141':
        case '\u0142':
            return 'l';
        case '\u00D1':
        case '\u00F1':
        case '\u0143':
        case '\u0144':
        case '\u0145':
        case '\u0146':
        case '\u0147':
        case '\u0148':
        case '\u0149':
        case '\u014A':
        case '\u014B':
            return 'n';
        case '\u00D2':
        case '\u00D3':
        case '\u00D4':
        case '\u00D5':
        case '\u00D6':
        case '\u00D8':
        case '\u00F2':
        case '\u00F3':
        case '\u00F4':
        case '\u00F5':
        case '\u00F6':
        case '\u00F8':
        case '\u014C':
        case '\u014D':
        case '\u014E':
        case '\u014F':
        case '\u0150':
        case '\u0151':
            return 'o';
        case '\u0154':
        case '\u0155':
        case '\u0156':
        case '\u0157':
        case '\u0158':
        case '\u0159':
            return 'r';
        case '\u015A':
        case '\u015B':
        case '\u015C':
        case '\u015D':
        case '\u015E':
        case '\u015F':
        case '\u0160':
        case '\u0161':
        case '\u017F':
            return 's';
        case '\u0162':
        case '\u0163':
        case '\u0164':
        case '\u0165':
        case '\u0166':
        case '\u0167':
            return 't';
        case '\u00D9':
        case '\u00DA':
        case '\u00DB':
        case '\u00DC':
        case '\u00F9':
        case '\u00FA':
        case '\u00FB':
        case '\u00FC':
        case '\u0168':
        case '\u0169':
        case '\u016A':
        case '\u016B':
        case '\u016C':
        case '\u016D':
        case '\u016E':
        case '\u016F':
        case '\u0170':
        case '\u0171':
        case '\u0172':
        case '\u0173':
            return 'u';
        case '\u0174':
        case '\u0175':
            return 'w';
        case '\u00DD':
        case '\u00FD':
        case '\u00FF':
        case '\u0176':
        case '\u0177':
        case '\u0178':
            return 'y';
        case '\u0179':
        case '\u017A':
        case '\u017B':
        case '\u017C':
        case '\u017D':
        case '\u017E':
            return 'z';
        return c;

     * Returns the levenshein distance between the compared keys for these strings.
     * @param a
     * @param b
     * @return 
    public int lenvenshteinComparisonKeyed(String a, String b) {
        String keyA = this.key(a);
        String keyB = this.key(b);

        return StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(keyA, keyB);

     * @param a
     * @param b
     * @return 
    public int compare(String a, String b) {
        return this.key(a).compareTo(this.key(b));

     * Given a set of possible strings that could explain the differences between 
     * a and b, gives true if the results of key comparison changes to 0 after
     * replacing all the candidates by nothing.
    public boolean explainsTheDifference(String a, String b, List<String> candidateDifferences) {
        int dist = this.lenvenshteinComparisonKeyed(a, b);
        a = a.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        b = b.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        for (String cand : candidateDifferences) {
            a = a.replaceAll(cand.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), "");
            b = b.replaceAll(cand.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), "");
        int dist2 = this.lenvenshteinComparisonKeyed(a, b);

        if (dist2 == 0 && dist > dist2)
            return true;
        return false;

    private static PseudoFingerprintChemicalNames instance;

    public static PseudoFingerprintChemicalNames getInstance() {
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new PseudoFingerprintChemicalNames();
        return instance;