Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 The European Bioinformatics Institute, and others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.primefaces.event.TabChangeEvent; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.bridges.exception.BridgeFailedException; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.bridges.fetcher.OntologyTermFetcher; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.bridges.ols.CachedOlsOntologyTermFetcher; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.model.*; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.utils.AliasUtils; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.utils.AnnotationUtils; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.utils.XrefUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent; import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent; import javax.faces.validator.ValidatorException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * @author Bruno Aranda ( * @version $Id$ */ public abstract class AnnotatedObjectController extends BaseController implements ValueChangeAware { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnnotatedObjectController.class); private Date lastSaved; @Autowired private CuratorContextController curatorContextController; @Autowired private CurateController curateController; @Autowired private ChangesController changesController; @Resource(name = "editorObjectService") private transient EditorObjectService editorService; @Resource(name = "cvObjectService") private transient CvObjectService cvService; private boolean isAnnotationTopicDisabled; private boolean isXrefDisabled; private boolean isAliasDisabled; public static final String PROCESS = "process"; public static final String PROCESS_MI_REF = "MI:0359"; public static final String COMPONENT = "component"; public static final String COMPONENT_MI_REF = "MI:0354"; public static final String FUNCTION = "function"; public static final String FUNCTION_MI_REF = "MI:0355"; public static final String NON_UNIPROT = "no-uniprot-update"; private transient OntologyTermFetcher goServerProxy; private String cautionMessage; private String internalRemark; private String description; private CvTerm newDatabase; private String newXrefId; private String newSecondaryId; private String newXrefVersion; private CvTerm newQualifier; private CvTerm newAliasType; private String newAliasName; private CvTerm newTopic; private String newAnnotationDescription; public AnnotatedObjectController() { } public abstract IntactPrimaryObject getAnnotatedObject(); public abstract void setAnnotatedObject(IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject); public void refreshTabsAndFocusXref() { isXrefDisabled = false; isAliasDisabled = true; isAnnotationTopicDisabled = true; } public void refreshTabs() { isXrefDisabled = true; isAliasDisabled = true; isAnnotationTopicDisabled = true; } public String goToParent() { AnnotatedObjectController parentController = getParentController(); if (parentController == null || parentController.getAnnotatedObject() == null) { return "/curate/curate?faces-redirect=true"; } return "/curate/" + getParentController().getPageContext() + "?faces-redirect=true&includeViewParams=true"; } protected abstract AnnotatedObjectController getParentController(); protected abstract String getPageContext(); protected void generalLoadChecks() { if (getAnnotatedObject() != null) { // set current user getEditorService().setUser(getCurrentUser()); if (changesController.isObjectBeingEdited(getAnnotatedObject(), false)) { String who = changesController.whoIsEditingObject(getAnnotatedObject()); addWarningMessage("This object is already being edited by: " + who, "Modifications may be lost or affect current work by the other curator"); } loadCautionMessages(); } } protected abstract void loadCautionMessages(); protected void generalComplexLoadChecks() { ComplexController complexController = (ComplexController) getSpringContext().getBean("complexController"); if (complexController.getComplex() != null) { IntactComplex complex = complexController.getComplex(); switch (complex.getStatus()) { case CURATION_IN_PROGRESS: if (!getUserSessionController().isItMe(complex.getCurrentOwner()) && complex.getCurrentOwner() != null) { addWarningMessage("Complex being curated by '" + complex.getCurrentOwner().getLogin() + "'", "Please do not modify it without permission"); } break; case READY_FOR_CHECKING: if (!getUserSessionController().isItMe(complex.getCurrentReviewer()) && complex.getCurrentReviewer() != null) { addWarningMessage("Complex under review", "This complex is being reviewed by '" + complex.getCurrentReviewer().getLogin() + "'"); } break; case ACCEPTED_ON_HOLD: addWarningMessage("Complex on-hold", "Reason: " + complex.getOnHoldComment()); break; case RELEASED: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMM yyyy"); Date releasedDate = null; for (LifeCycleEvent evt : collectLifecycleEvents(complex)) { if (LifeCycleEventType.RELEASED == evt.getEvent()) { releasedDate = evt.getWhen(); } } addInfoMessage("Complex already released", "This complex was released on " + (releasedDate != null ? sdf.format(releasedDate) : "")); break; case NEW: addWarningMessage("Complex with start status", "Assuming that it has been imported. Assign it to yourself if you are happy with this assumption"); break; default: break; } } } protected void generalPublicationLoadChecks() { PublicationController publicationController = (PublicationController) getSpringContext() .getBean("publicationController"); if (publicationController.getPublication() != null) { IntactPublication publication = publicationController.getPublication(); switch (publication.getStatus()) { case CURATION_IN_PROGRESS: if (!getUserSessionController().isItMe(publication.getCurrentOwner()) && publication.getCurrentOwner() != null) { addWarningMessage( "Publication being curated by '" + publication.getCurrentOwner().getLogin() + "'", "Please do not modify it without permission"); } break; case READY_FOR_CHECKING: if (!getUserSessionController().isItMe(publication.getCurrentReviewer()) && publication.getCurrentReviewer() != null) { addWarningMessage("Publication under review", "This publication is being reviewed by '" + publication.getCurrentReviewer().getLogin() + "'"); } break; case ACCEPTED_ON_HOLD: addWarningMessage("Publication on-hold", "Reason: " + publication.getOnHoldComment()); break; case RELEASED: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMM yyyy"); Date releasedDate = null; for (LifeCycleEvent evt : collectLifecycleEvents(publication)) { if (LifeCycleEventType.RELEASED == evt.getEvent()) { releasedDate = evt.getWhen(); } } addInfoMessage("Publication already released", "This publication was released on " + (releasedDate != null ? sdf.format(releasedDate) : "")); break; case NEW: addWarningMessage("Publication with start status", "Assuming that it has been imported. Assign it to yourself if you are happy with this assumption"); break; default: break; } } } protected Collection<LifeCycleEvent> collectLifecycleEvents(Releasable releasable) { if (releasable.areLifeCycleEventsInitialized()) { return releasable.getLifecycleEvents(); } else { // reload releasable without flushing changes return getEditorService().initialiseLifecycleEvents(releasable); } } public void unsavedValueChange(ValueChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getOldValue() != null && !evt.getOldValue().equals(evt.getNewValue())) { setUnsavedChanges(true); } else if (evt.getNewValue() != null && !evt.getNewValue().equals(evt.getOldValue())) { setUnsavedChanges(true); } } public String doSave() { doSave(true); return null; } /** * Executes the deletions and save the current object using the <code>CorePersister</code>. It invokes preSave() * before saving just in case a specific controller needs to prepare the object for the save operation. After invoking * the CorePersister's save(), it invokes the doSaveDetails() callback that can be used to handle whatever is not handled * by the CorePersister (ie. wrapped components). At the end, the current object is refreshed from the database. * * @param evt the action faces event */ public void doSave(ActionEvent evt) { // this method will save and refresh the current view doSave(true); } /** * Executes the deletions and save the current object using the <code>CorePersister</code>. It invokes preSave() * before saving just in case a specific controller needs to prepare the object for the save operation. After invoking * the CorePersister's save(), it invokes the doSaveDetails() callback that can be used to handle whatever is not handled * by the CorePersister (ie. wrapped components). At the end, the current object is refreshed from the database. */ public void doSave(boolean refreshCurrentView) { if (getAnnotatedObject() != null) { doSaveIntact(refreshCurrentView, changesController); } } protected void doSaveIntact(boolean refreshCurrentView, ChangesController changesController) { String currentAc = getAnnotatedObject().getAc(); boolean currentAnnotatedObjectDeleted = false; boolean bypassSavingMessageForRange = false; try { Collection<String> duplicatedAcs = getEditorService().findObjectDuplicates(getAnnotatedObject(), getDbSynchronizer()); if (!duplicatedAcs.isEmpty()) { addErrorMessage( duplicatedAcs.size() + " identical object exists: " + StringUtils.join(duplicatedAcs, ", "), "Cannot save identical objects"); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().renderResponse(); } else { // annotated objects specific tasks to prepare the save/delete doPreSave(); boolean saved = false; // delete from the unsaved manager currentAnnotatedObjectDeleted = processDeleteEvents(currentAc); if (currentAnnotatedObjectDeleted) { saved = true; } // only save object if parent saved otherwise, call the save method on parent object IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject = getAnnotatedObject(); if (isParentObjectNotSaved()) { AnnotatedObjectController parent = getParentController(); if (parent != null) { parent.doSaveIntact(refreshCurrentView, changesController); saved = true; } } else { if (!currentAnnotatedObjectDeleted) { if (annotatedObject != null && checkIfRangeReq(annotatedObject)) {// this is done not to display save messages for range saving bypassSavingMessageForRange = true; } annotatedObject = getEditorService().doSave(annotatedObject, getDbSynchronizer()); if (annotatedObject != null) { saved = true; // saves specific elements for each annotated object (e.g. components in interactions) boolean detailsSaved = doSaveDetails(); if (detailsSaved) saved = true; lastSaved = new Date(); changesController.removeFromUnsaved(annotatedObject, collectParentAcsOfCurrentAnnotatedObject()); } } } // we refresh the object if it has been saved if (annotatedObject != null) { setAnnotatedObject(annotatedObject); if (!bypassSavingMessageForRange) { addInfoMessage("Saved", getAc() + ": " + getDescription()); } doPostSave(); } if (refreshCurrentView) { refreshCurrentViewObject(); } } } catch (Throwable t) { handleException(t); } } private boolean checkIfRangeReq(IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject) { if (annotatedObject instanceof IntactFeatureEvidence) { IntactFeatureEvidence intactFeatureEvidence = (IntactFeatureEvidence) annotatedObject; Iterator<Range> iterator = intactFeatureEvidence.getRanges().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ExperimentalRange range = (ExperimentalRange); if (range.getAc() == null) { return true; } } } else if (annotatedObject instanceof IntactModelledFeature) { IntactModelledFeature intactModelledFeature = (IntactModelledFeature) annotatedObject; Iterator<Range> iterator = intactModelledFeature.getRanges().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ModelledRange range = (ModelledRange); if (range.getAc() == null) { return true; } } } return false; } protected boolean processDeleteEvents(String currentAc) { boolean delete = false; // delete from the unsaved manager final List<UnsavedChange> deletedObjects = new ArrayList(changesController.getAllUnsavedDeleted()); EditorObjectService editorService = getEditorService(); for (UnsavedChange unsaved : deletedObjects) { IntactPrimaryObject unsavedObject = unsaved.getUnsavedObject(); // when an object is deleted, other deleted events can become obsolete and could have been removed from the deleted change events if (changesController.getAllUnsavedDeleted().contains(unsaved)) { // the object to delete is the current object itself. Should delete it now if (unsavedObject.getAc() != null && unsavedObject.getAc().equals(currentAc)) { // remove the object to delete from its parent. If it is successful and the current object has been deleted, we can say that the save is successful delete = editorService.doDelete(unsavedObject, unsaved.getDbSynchronizer()); postProcessDeletedEvent(unsaved); } // the object to delete is different from the current object. Checks that the scope of this object to delete is the ac of the current object being saved // if the scope is null or different, the object should not be deleted at this stage because we only save the current object and changes associated with it // if current ac is null, no deleted event should be associated with it as this object has not been saved yet else if (unsaved.getScope() != null && unsaved.getScope().equals(currentAc)) { // remove the object to delete from its parent delete = editorService.doDelete(unsavedObject, unsaved.getDbSynchronizer()); postProcessDeletedEvent(unsaved); } } if (delete) { changesController.removeFromDeleted(unsavedObject); } } return delete; } protected void postProcessDeletedEvent(UnsavedChange unsaved) { //nothing to do } private IntactPrimaryObject refresh(IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject) { if (annotatedObject != null) { boolean isNew = false; if (getAnnotatedObject() != null) { isNew = (getAnnotatedObject().getAc() == null); } if (!isNew) { IntactPrimaryObject refreshed = getEditorService().refresh(annotatedObject); initialiseDefaultProperties(refreshed); return refreshed; } } return annotatedObject; } protected abstract void initialiseDefaultProperties(IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject); protected void refreshCurrentViewObject() { if (curateController.getCurrentAnnotatedObjectController() != null) { final IntactPrimaryObject currentAo = curateController.getCurrentAnnotatedObjectController() .getAnnotatedObject(); if (currentAo != null && currentAo.getAc() != null) { refreshCurrentViewIntactObject(curateController, currentAo); } } } protected void refreshCurrentViewIntactObject(CurateController curateController, IntactPrimaryObject currentAo) { // we have to refresh because the current annotated object is different from the annotated object of this controller if (getAnnotatedObject() != null && !currentAo.getAc().equals(getAnnotatedObject().getAc())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Refreshing object in view: " + getAnnotatedObject().toString()); } IntactPrimaryObject refreshedAo = curateController.getCurrentAnnotatedObjectController() .refresh(currentAo); curateController.getCurrentAnnotatedObjectController().setAnnotatedObject(refreshedAo); } else if (getAnnotatedObject() == null && currentAo != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Refreshing object in view: " + getAnnotatedObject().toString()); } IntactPrimaryObject refreshedAo = refresh(currentAo); curateController.getCurrentAnnotatedObjectController().setAnnotatedObject(refreshedAo); } } public void forceRefreshCurrentViewObject() { final IntactPrimaryObject currentAo = curateController.getCurrentAnnotatedObjectController() .getAnnotatedObject(); if (currentAo != null && currentAo.getAc() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Refreshing object in view: " + currentAo.toString()); IntactPrimaryObject refreshedAo = refresh(currentAo); curateController.getCurrentAnnotatedObjectController().setAnnotatedObject(refreshedAo); } } public void doSaveIfNecessary(ActionEvent evt) { if (getAnnotatedObject() != null && getAnnotatedObject().getAc() == null) { doSave(null); } } public void doPreSave() { } public void doPostSave() { } public boolean doSaveDetails() { return false; } public void validateAnnotatedObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException { } public void doRevertChanges(ActionEvent evt) { if (getAnnotatedObject() != null && getAnnotatedObject().getAc() == null) { doCancelEdition(); } else { // revertJami first all unsaved events attached to any children of this object (will avoid to persist new annotations on children eg. copy publication annotations to experiments // could not be reverted otherwise) refreshUnsavedChangesBeforeRevert(); EditorObjectService editorService = getEditorService(); if (getAnnotatedObject() != null) { setAnnotatedObject(editorService.doRevert(getAnnotatedObject())); } postRevert(); addInfoMessage("Changes reverted", ""); } } protected void postRevert() { // nothing by default } public String doCancelEdition() { addInfoMessage("Canceled", ""); refreshUnsavedChangesBeforeRevert(); return goToParent(); } protected void refreshUnsavedChangesBeforeRevert() { if (getAnnotatedObject() != null) { changesController.removeFromUnsaved(getAnnotatedObject(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } public void changed() { setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void changed(ActionEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); } @Override public void changed(AjaxBehaviorEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); } public String clone() { if (getAnnotatedObject() != null) { return clone(getAnnotatedObject(), newClonerInstance()); } return null; } protected String clone(IntactPrimaryObject ao, EditorCloner cloner) { IntactPrimaryObject clone = cloneAnnotatedObject(ao, cloner); if (clone == null) return null; addInfoMessage("Cloned annotated object", null); setAnnotatedObject(clone); setUnsavedChanges(true); return getCurateController().edit(clone); } protected <T extends IntactPrimaryObject> T cloneAnnotatedObject(T ao, EditorCloner cloner) { T clone = null; try { clone = getEditorService().cloneAnnotatedObject(ao, cloner); } catch (Exception e) { addErrorMessage("Could not clone object", e.getMessage()); handleException(e); return null; } modifyClone(clone); return clone; } public void modifyClone(IntactPrimaryObject clone) { refreshTabsAndFocusXref(); } protected abstract EditorCloner newClonerInstance(); public String doDelete() { EditorObjectService editorObjectService = getEditorService(); if (getAnnotatedObject() != null && editorObjectService.doDelete(getAnnotatedObject(), getDbSynchronizer())) { setAnnotatedObject(null); return goToParent(); } // if delete not successfull, just display the message and don't go to the parent because the message will be lost // keep editing this object else { return curateController.edit(getAnnotatedObject()); } } protected void doPostDelete() { // nothing to do by default } // XREFS /////////////////////////////////////////////// public void xrefChanged(AbstractIntactXref xref) { CvTerm goDb = null; if (xref.getId() != null && (xref.getId().startsWith("go:") || xref.getId().startsWith("GO:"))) { xref.setId(xref.getId().toUpperCase()); if (xref.getAc() == null) { try { OntologyTerm goTerm = getGoServerProxy().fetchByIdentifier(xref.getId(), Xref.GO.toLowerCase()); if (goTerm != null) { if (goDb == null) goDb = IntactUtils.createMIDatabase(psidev.psi.mi.jami.model.Xref.GO, psidev.psi.mi.jami.model.Xref.GO_MI); xref.setDatabase(goDb); xref.setSecondaryId(goTerm.getFullName()); //TODO Disables until we are able to do that with JAMI. // Collection<OntologyTerm> parents = new ArrayList<OntologyTerm>(goTerm.getParents()); // // we have a root term // if (parents.isEmpty()) { // parents.add(goTerm); // } // CvTerm qualifier = calculateQualifier(parents); CvTerm qualifier = null; //Find the needed annotation. Using the ols_client directly.. Not good pratice, but otherwise //we need to re-release everything again. Issue #14 psi-jami OLSClient olsClient = new OLSClient(new OLSWsConfigProd()); Map<String, List<String>> annotations = olsClient .getAnnotations(new Identifier(xref.getId(), Identifier.IdentifierType.OBO), "go"); String namespace = annotations.get("has_obo_namespace").get(0); if ("biological_process".equals(namespace)) { qualifier = IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(PROCESS, PROCESS_MI_REF); } else if ("molecular_function".equals(namespace)) { // GO:0005554 was an alternative id for molecular function qualifier = IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(FUNCTION, FUNCTION_MI_REF); } else if ("cellular_component".equals(namespace)) { qualifier = IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(COMPONENT, COMPONENT_MI_REF); } xref.setQualifier(qualifier); } } catch (Throwable e) { handleException(e); return; } } } } //TODO Disables until we are able to do that with JAMI. // private CvTerm calculateQualifier(Collection<OntologyTerm> parents) { // if (parents.isEmpty()) return null; // // Iterator<OntologyTerm> parentIterator = parents.iterator(); // OntologyTerm firstParent =; // while (firstParent.getIdentifiers().isEmpty() && // parentIterator.hasNext()){ // firstParent =; // } // if (firstParent.getIdentifiers().isEmpty()){ // return null; // } // Collection<Annotation> x = firstParent.getAnnotations(); // String goId = firstParent.getIdentifiers().iterator().next().getId(); // // CvTerm terms = null; // // if ("GO:0008150".equals(goId)) { // terms = IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(PROCESS, PROCESS_MI_REF); // } else if ("GO:0003674".equals(goId)) { // GO:0005554 was an alternative id for molecular function // terms = IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(FUNCTION, FUNCTION_MI_REF); // } else if ("GO:0005575".equals(goId)) { // terms = IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(COMPONENT, COMPONENT_MI_REF); // } // if (terms == null){ // for (OntologyTerm parent : parents){ // Collection<OntologyTerm> parents2 = parent.getParents(); // CvTerm id = calculateQualifier(parents2); // if (id != null){ // return id; // } // } // if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("No qualifier found for category: " + goId); // } // // return terms; // } public void newXref(ActionEvent evt) { if (this.newDatabase != null && this.newXrefId != null) { AbstractIntactXref newRef = newXref(this.newDatabase, this.newXrefId, this.newSecondaryId, this.newXrefVersion, this.newQualifier); // check if go xrefChanged(newRef); // add xref to object addNewXref(newRef); // save doSave(false); this.newDatabase = null; this.newXrefId = null; this.newXrefVersion = null; this.newQualifier = null; this.newSecondaryId = null; } else { addErrorMessage("Cannot add new xref as the database and/or primary identifier is(are) missing", "No database/primary identifier provided"); } } protected abstract void addNewXref(AbstractIntactXref newRef); protected abstract <T extends AbstractIntactXref> T newXref(CvTerm db, String id, String secondaryId, String version, CvTerm qualifier); protected abstract <T extends AbstractIntactXref> T newXref(String db, String dbMI, String id, String version, String qualifier, String qualifierMI); public abstract List<psidev.psi.mi.jami.model.Xref> collectXrefs(); public void updateXref(String database, String databaseMI, String primaryId, String qualifier, String qualifierMI, Collection<Xref> refs) { if (database == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossible to create/update/delete cross references if the database is not set."); } if (primaryId != null && !primaryId.isEmpty()) { replaceOrCreateXref(database, databaseMI, primaryId, null, qualifier, qualifierMI, refs); } else { removeXref(database, databaseMI, qualifier, qualifierMI, refs); } } public void replaceOrCreateXref(String database, String databaseMI, String primaryId, String version, String qualifier, String qualifierMI, Collection<Xref> refs) { if (database == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossible to replace or create cross references if the database is not set."); } if (primaryId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossible to replace or create cross references if the primary id is not set."); } // modify if exists Collection<Xref> existingRefs = XrefUtils.collectAllXrefsHavingDatabaseAndQualifier(refs, databaseMI, database, qualifierMI, qualifier); Xref existingRef = !existingRefs.isEmpty() ? existingRefs.iterator().next() : null; // update if existing if (existingRef instanceof AbstractIntactXref) { AbstractIntactXref intactRef = (AbstractIntactXref) existingRef; intactRef.setVersion(version); intactRef.setId(primaryId); } // create if not exists else { refs.removeAll(existingRefs); refs.add(newXref(database, databaseMI, primaryId, version, qualifier, qualifierMI)); } setUnsavedChanges(true); } protected void removeXref(String database, String databaseMI, String qualifier, String qualifierMI, Collection<Xref> refs) { if (database == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossible to replace or create cross references if the database is not set."); } // modify if exists Collection<Xref> existingRefs = XrefUtils.collectAllXrefsHavingDatabaseAndQualifier(refs, databaseMI, database, qualifierMI, qualifier); refs.removeAll(existingRefs); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public abstract void removeXref(Xref xref); public void removeXref(Xref xref, Collection<Xref> refs) { Iterator<Xref> refIterator = refs.iterator(); while (refIterator.hasNext()) { if ( == xref) { refIterator.remove(); } } setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void addXref(Xref xref, Collection<Xref> refs) { addXref(xref.getDatabase(), xref.getId(), null, xref.getVersion(), xref.getQualifier(), refs); } public void addXref(CvTerm database, String primaryId, String secondaryId, String version, CvTerm qualifier, Collection<Xref> refs) { if (database == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to add cross references if the database is not set."); } if (primaryId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to add cross references if the primary id is not set."); } refs.add(newXref(database, primaryId, secondaryId, version, qualifier)); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void addXref(String database, String databaseMI, String primaryId, String version, String qualifier, String qualifierMI, Collection<Xref> refs) { if (database == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to add cross references if the database is not set."); } if (primaryId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to add cross references if the primary id is not set."); } refs.add(newXref(database, databaseMI, primaryId, version, qualifier, qualifierMI)); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public boolean isXrefValid(Xref xref) { if (xref == null) return false; if (xref.getId() == null || xref.getId().equals("to set")) return false; if (xref.getDatabase() == null || xref.getDatabase().getShortName().equals("to set")) return false; CvTerm ao = xref.getDatabase(); final Annotation annotation = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(ao.getAnnotations(), Annotation.VALIDATION_REGEXP_MI, Annotation.VALIDATION_REGEXP); if (annotation == null) return true; else if (annotation.getValue() == null) { return false; } return xref.getId().matches(annotation.getValue()); } public String externalLink(Xref xref) { if (xref == null) return null; if (xref.getId() == null || xref.getId().equals("to set")) return null; if (xref.getDatabase() == null || xref.getDatabase().getShortName().equals("to set")) return null; CvTerm ao = xref.getDatabase(); final Annotation annotation = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(ao.getAnnotations(), Annotation.SEARCH_URL_MI, Annotation.SEARCH_URL); if (annotation == null || annotation.getValue() == null) return null; String extUrl = annotation.getValue(); return extUrl.replaceAll("\\$\\{ac\\}", xref.getId()); } protected String navigateToObject(IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject) { return curateController.newIntactObject(annotatedObject); } // ANNOTATIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////// public void newAnnotation(ActionEvent evt) { if (this.newTopic != null) { // new annot AbstractIntactAnnotation newAnnot = newAnnotation(this.newTopic, this.newAnnotationDescription); // add annot addNewAnnotation(newAnnot); // save changes doSave(false); this.newTopic = null; this.newAnnotationDescription = null; } else { addErrorMessage("Cannot add new annotation as it does not have any topics", "Missing annotation topic"); } } protected abstract void addNewAnnotation(AbstractIntactAnnotation newAnnot); public abstract <T extends AbstractIntactAnnotation> T newAnnotation(CvTerm annotation, String text); public abstract <T extends AbstractIntactAnnotation> T newAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, String text); public void addAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, String text, Collection<Annotation> annots) { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The topic must be set before creating an annotation."); } Annotation annotation = newAnnotation(topic, topicMI, text); annots.add(annotation); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void removeAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, Collection<Annotation> annots) { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossible to replace or create annotations if the topic is not set."); } // modify if exists Collection<Annotation> existingAnnots = AnnotationUtils.collectAllAnnotationsHavingTopic(annots, topicMI, topic); annots.removeAll(existingAnnots); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void removeAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, String value, Collection<Annotation> annots) { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossible to replace or create annotations if the topic is not set."); } // modify if exists Collection<Annotation> existingAnnots = AnnotationUtils.collectAllAnnotationsHavingTopic(annots, topicMI, topic); for (Annotation ann : existingAnnots) { if (value == null && ann.getValue() == null) { annots.remove(ann); } else if (value != null && value.equals(ann.getValue())) { annots.remove(ann); } } setUnsavedChanges(true); } public abstract void removeAnnotation(Annotation annotation); public void removeAnnotation(Annotation annotation, Collection<Annotation> annots) { Iterator<Annotation> refIterator = annots.iterator(); while (refIterator.hasNext()) { if ( == annotation) { refIterator.remove(); } } setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void updateAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, String value, Collection<Annotation> annots) { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossible to create/update/delete annotations if the topic is not set."); } replaceOrCreateAnnotation(topic, topicMI, value, annots); } public void replaceOrCreateAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, String text, Collection<Annotation> annots) { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The topic must be set before creating or replacing an annotation."); } // modify if exists Collection<Annotation> existingAnnots = AnnotationUtils.collectAllAnnotationsHavingTopic(annots, topicMI, topic); Annotation existingAnnot = !existingAnnots.isEmpty() ? existingAnnots.iterator().next() : null; // update if existing if (existingAnnot != null) { existingAnnot.setValue(text); } // create if not exists else { annots.add(newAnnotation(topic, topicMI, text)); } setUnsavedChanges(true); } public abstract List<Annotation> collectAnnotations(); // ALIASES /////////////////////////////////////////////// public void newAlias(ActionEvent evt) { if (this.newAliasName != null && this.newAliasType != null) { // create new alias AbstractIntactAlias newAlias = newAlias(this.newAliasType, this.newAliasName); // add alias addNewAlias(newAlias); // save doSave(false); this.newAliasType = null; this.newAliasName = null; } else { addErrorMessage("Cannot add the new alias as it does not have a name and/or type", "Alias without name and/or type"); } } protected abstract void addNewAlias(AbstractIntactAlias newAlias); public abstract <T extends AbstractIntactAlias> T newAlias(CvTerm aliasType, String name); public abstract <T extends AbstractIntactAlias> T newAlias(String alias, String aliasMI, String name); public void addAlias(String alias, String aliasMI, String text, Collection<Alias> aliases) { if (text == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The alias name must be set before creating an alias."); } Alias al = newAlias(alias, aliasMI, text); aliases.add(al); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void setAlias(String alias, String aliasMI, String text, Collection<Alias> aliases) { if (text != null && !text.toString().isEmpty()) { replaceOrCreateAlias(alias, aliasMI, text, aliases); } else { removeAlias(alias, aliasMI, aliases); } } public void replaceOrCreateAlias(String alias, String aliasMI, String name, Collection<Alias> aliases) { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to replace or create aliases if the name is not set."); } // modify if exists Collection<Alias> existingAliases = AliasUtils.collectAllAliasesHavingType(aliases, aliasMI, alias); Alias existingAlias = !existingAliases.isEmpty() ? existingAliases.iterator().next() : null; // update if existing if (existingAlias instanceof AbstractIntactAlias) { AbstractIntactAlias intactAlias = (AbstractIntactAlias) existingAlias; intactAlias.setName(name); } // create if not exists else { aliases.removeAll(existingAliases); aliases.add(newAlias(alias, aliasMI, name)); } setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void removeAlias(String alias, String aliasMI, String text, Collection<Alias> aliases) { if (text == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to replace or create aliases if the name is not set."); } // modify if exists Collection<Alias> existingAliases = AliasUtils.collectAllAliasesHavingTypeAndName(aliases, aliasMI, alias, text); aliases.removeAll(existingAliases); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void removeAlias(String alias, String aliasMI, Collection<Alias> aliases) { // modify if exists Collection<Alias> existingAliases = AliasUtils.collectAllAliasesHavingType(aliases, aliasMI, alias); aliases.removeAll(existingAliases); setUnsavedChanges(true); } public abstract void removeAlias(Alias alias); public void removeAlias(Alias alias, Collection<Alias> aliases) { Iterator<Alias> refIterator = aliases.iterator(); while (refIterator.hasNext()) { if ( == alias) { refIterator.remove(); } } setUnsavedChanges(true); } public abstract List<Alias> collectAliases(); // OTHER //////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getCautionMessage() { return this.cautionMessage; } public String getCautionMessage(IntactPrimaryObject ao) { if (ao == null) return null; Collection<Annotation> annotations = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; if (ao instanceof IntactPublication) { IntactPublication publication = (IntactPublication) ao; if (publication.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = publication.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = ((PublicationEditorService) ApplicationContextProvider .getBean("publicationEditorService")).initialisePublicationAnnotations(publication); } } else if (ao instanceof IntactExperiment) { IntactExperiment experiment = (IntactExperiment) ao; if (experiment.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = experiment.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = ((ExperimentEditorService) ApplicationContextProvider .getBean("experimentEditorService")).initialiseExperimentAnnotations(experiment); } } else if (ao instanceof IntactInteractionEvidence) { IntactInteractionEvidence interaction = (IntactInteractionEvidence) ao; if (interaction.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = interaction.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = ((InteractionEditorService) ApplicationContextProvider .getBean("interactionEditorService")).initialiseInteractionAnnotations(interaction); } } else if (ao instanceof IntactInteractor) { IntactInteractor interactor = (IntactInteractor) ao; if (interactor.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = interactor.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = ((InteractorEditorService) ApplicationContextProvider .getBean("interactorEditorService")).initialiseInteractorAnnotations(interactor); } } else if (ao instanceof AbstractIntactParticipant) { AbstractIntactParticipant participant = (AbstractIntactParticipant) ao; if (participant.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = participant.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = ((ParticipantEditorService) ApplicationContextProvider .getBean("participantEditorService")).initialiseParticipantAnnotations(participant); } } else if (ao instanceof AbstractIntactFeature) { AbstractIntactFeature participant = (AbstractIntactFeature) ao; if (participant.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = participant.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = ((FeatureEditorService) ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("featureEditorService")) .initialiseFeatureAnnotations(participant); } } else if (ao instanceof IntactCvTerm) { IntactCvTerm cv = (IntactCvTerm) ao; if (cv.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = cv.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = getCvService().initialiseCvAnnotations(cv); } } else if (ao instanceof IntactSource) { IntactSource source = (IntactSource) ao; if (source.areAnnotationsInitialized()) { annotations = source.getAnnotations(); } else { annotations = ((InstitutionService) ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("institutionService")) .initialiseSourceAnnotations(source); } } if (annotations.isEmpty()) { return null; } Annotation caution = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(annotations, Annotation.CAUTION_MI, Annotation.CAUTION); return caution != null ? caution.getValue() : null; } public String getInternalRemarkMessage() { return internalRemark; } public void setCautionMessage(String cautionMessage) { this.cautionMessage = cautionMessage; } public void setInternalRemark(String internalRemark) { this.internalRemark = internalRemark; } public boolean isUnsavedChanges() { return changesController.isUnsaved(getAnnotatedObject()); } public void setUnsavedChanges(boolean unsavedChanges) { Collection<String> parentAcs = collectParentAcsOfCurrentAnnotatedObject(); // we want to add a new change event for this annotated object if (unsavedChanges) { changesController.markAsUnsaved(getAnnotatedObject(), getDbSynchronizer(), getDescription(), parentAcs); } // we want to remove any change event concerning this object (or affecting parent and children) else { changesController.removeFromUnsaved(getAnnotatedObject(), parentAcs); } } public abstract Collection<String> collectParentAcsOfCurrentAnnotatedObject(); public Date getLastSaved() { return lastSaved; } public void setLastSaved(Date lastSaved) { this.lastSaved = lastSaved; } public CuratorContextController getCuratorContextController() { return curatorContextController; } public CurateController getCurateController() { return curateController; } public boolean canIEditIt() { // get the root parent controller AnnotatedObjectController parentController = getParentController(); if (parentController == null) { parentController = this; } else { while (parentController.getParentController() != null) { parentController = parentController.getParentController(); } } if (parentController.getAnnotatedObject() instanceof Releasable) { return getUserSessionController() .isItMe(((Releasable) parentController.getAnnotatedObject()).getCurrentOwner()); } return true; } public ChangesController getChangesController() { return changesController; } protected boolean isParentObjectNotSaved() { AnnotatedObjectController parentController = getParentController(); if (parentController == null) { return false; } else { if (parentController.getAnnotatedObject() == null) { return false; } else if (parentController.getAnnotatedObject().getAc() == null) { return true; } // check with the root parent controller while (parentController.getParentController() != null) { parentController = parentController.getParentController(); if (parentController.getAnnotatedObject() != null && parentController.getAnnotatedObject().getAc() == null) { return true; } } return false; } } public abstract Class<? extends IntactPrimaryObject> getAnnotatedObjectClass(); public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } /** * Get the publication ac of this experiment if it exists and add it to the list or parentAcs * * @param parentAcs * @param exp */ public void addPublicationAcToParentAcs(Collection<String> parentAcs, Experiment exp) { if (exp != null && exp.getPublication() instanceof IntactPublication) { IntactPublication pub = (IntactPublication) exp.getPublication(); if (pub.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(pub.getAc()); } } } /** * Get the publication ac of this experiment if it exists, the ac of this experiment if it exists and add it to the list or parentAcs * * @param parentAcs * @param exp */ public void addParentAcsTo(Collection<String> parentAcs, IntactExperiment exp) { if (exp != null && exp.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(exp.getAc()); } addPublicationAcToParentAcs(parentAcs, exp); } public boolean isAnnotationTopicDisabled() { return isAnnotationTopicDisabled; } public void setAnnotationTopicDisabled(boolean annotationTopicDisabled) { isAnnotationTopicDisabled = annotationTopicDisabled; } public boolean isXrefDisabled() { return isXrefDisabled; } public void setXrefDisabled(boolean xrefDisabled) { isXrefDisabled = xrefDisabled; } public boolean isAliasDisabled() { return isAliasDisabled; } public void setAliasDisabled(boolean aliasDisabled) { isAliasDisabled = aliasDisabled; } public abstract boolean isAliasNotEditable(Alias alias); public abstract boolean isAnnotationNotEditable(Annotation annot); public abstract boolean isXrefNotEditable(Xref ref); /** * Bug jsf : selectOneMenu in a tab returns null if not active tab so we disable the selectOneMenu when it is disabled * * @param e */ public void onTabChanged(TabChangeEvent e) { // the xref tab is active if (e.getTab().getId().equals("xrefsTab")) { isXrefDisabled = false; isAliasDisabled = true; isAnnotationTopicDisabled = true; } else if (e.getTab().getId().equals("annotationsTab")) { isXrefDisabled = true; isAliasDisabled = true; isAnnotationTopicDisabled = false; } else if (e.getTab().getId().equals("aliasesTab")) { isXrefDisabled = true; isAliasDisabled = false; isAnnotationTopicDisabled = true; } else { isXrefDisabled = true; isAliasDisabled = true; isAnnotationTopicDisabled = true; } } public abstract IntactDbSynchronizer getDbSynchronizer(); public abstract String getObjectName(); public String getObjectCategory() { return curatorContextController.intactObjectSimpleName(getAnnotatedObject()); } public String getTitle() { if (getAnnotatedObject() != null) { return getObjectCategory() + ": " + getObjectName() + " | Curate | Editor"; } else { return " | Curate | Editor"; } } public abstract String getAc(); public abstract int getXrefsSize(); public abstract int getAliasesSize(); public abstract int getAnnotationsSize(); public EditorObjectService getEditorService() { if (this.editorService == null) { this.editorService = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("editorObjectService"); } return editorService; } public OntologyTermFetcher getGoServerProxy() throws BridgeFailedException { if (this.goServerProxy == null) { this.goServerProxy = new CachedOlsOntologyTermFetcher(); } return goServerProxy; } public CvObjectService getCvService() { if (this.cvService == null) { this.cvService = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("cvObjectService"); } return cvService; } public static class AuditableComparator<T extends Auditable> implements Comparator<T> { @Override public int compare(T auditable, T auditable2) { if (auditable == null && auditable2 == null) { return 0; } else if (auditable == null) { return 1; } else if (auditable2 == null) { return -1; } else { Date created1 = auditable.getCreated(); Date created2 = auditable2.getCreated(); if (created1 == null && created2 == null) { return 0; } else if (created1 == null) { return -1; } else if (created2 == null) { return 1; } else { return -created1.compareTo(created2); } } } } public static class XrefComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> { @Override public int compare(T xrefObject1, T xrefObject2) { if (xrefObject1 == null && xrefObject2 == null) { return 0; } else if (xrefObject1 == null) { return 1; } else if (xrefObject2 == null) { return -1; } else { try { return ((Xref) xrefObject1).getId().compareTo(((Xref) xrefObject2).getId()); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } } } public CvTerm getNewDatabase() { return newDatabase; } public void setNewDatabase(CvTerm newDatabase) { this.newDatabase = newDatabase; } public String getNewXrefId() { return newXrefId; } public void setNewXrefId(String newXrefId) { this.newXrefId = newXrefId; } public String getNewSecondaryId() { return newSecondaryId; } public void setNewSecondaryId(String newSecondaryId) { this.newSecondaryId = newSecondaryId; } public CvTerm getNewQualifier() { return newQualifier; } public void setNewQualifier(CvTerm newQualifier) { this.newQualifier = newQualifier; } public String getNewXrefVersion() { return newXrefVersion; } public void setNewXrefVersion(String newXrefVersion) { this.newXrefVersion = newXrefVersion; } public CvTerm getNewAliasType() { return newAliasType; } public void setNewAliasType(CvTerm newAliasType) { this.newAliasType = newAliasType; } public String getNewAliasName() { return newAliasName; } public void setNewAliasName(String newAliasName) { this.newAliasName = newAliasName; } public CvTerm getNewTopic() { return newTopic; } public void setNewTopic(CvTerm newTopic) { this.newTopic = newTopic; } public String getNewAnnotationDescription() { return newAnnotationDescription; } public void setNewAnnotationDescription(String newAnnotationDescription) { this.newAnnotationDescription = newAnnotationDescription; } }