Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.github.mongobee.changeset.ChangeLog; import com.github.mongobee.changeset.ChangeSet; import com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneModel; import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel; import com.mongodb.client.model.Updates; import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult; import org.bson.Document; import org.bson.conversions.Bson; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import static; /** * Script that executes the following steps using mongobee ( * - Extracts the 'annot' field from a variant stored in MongoDB into a new annotations collection * - Drops the indexes for the old annotation * - Leaves only some fields in the variants collection * - update the annotationMetadata collection with the VEP versions provided * - creates the new indexes in the variants and annotations collections */ @ChangeLog public class ExtractAnnotationFromVariant { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExtractAnnotationFromVariant.class); private final static int BULK_SIZE = 1000; static final String ID_FIELD = "_id"; static final String CHROMOSOME_FIELD = "chr"; static final String START_FIELD = "start"; static final String END_FIELD = "end"; static final String ANNOT_FIELD = "annot"; static final String XREFS_FIELD = "xrefs"; static final String CONSEQUENCE_TYPE_FIELD = "ct"; static final String SO_FIELD = "so"; static final String SIFT_FIELD = "sift"; static final String POLYPHEN_FIELD = "polyphen"; static final String VEP_VERSION_FIELD = "vepv"; static final String CACHE_VERSION_FIELD = "cachev"; static final String SCORE_FIELD = "sc"; static final String XREF_ID_FIELD = "id"; private static final String LEGACY_ANNOTATION_CT_SO_INDEX = "annot.ct.so_1"; private static final String LEGACY_ANNOTATION_XREF_ID_INDEX = "annot.xrefs.id_1"; private static final Document EXISTS = new Document("$exists", true); public static final String DEFAULT_VERSION_FIELD = "is_default"; private static DatabaseParameters databaseParameters; public static void setDatabaseParameters(DatabaseParameters databaseParameters) { ExtractAnnotationFromVariant.databaseParameters = databaseParameters; } @ChangeSet(order = "001", id = "migrateAnnotation", author = "EVA") public void migrateAnnotation(MongoDatabase mongoDatabase) { final MongoCollection<Document> variantsCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsVariantsName()); final MongoCollection<Document> annotationCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsAnnotationsName());"1) migrate annotation from collection {}", variantsCollection.getNamespace()); long annotationsReadCount = 0; long annotationsWrittenCount = 0; BulkWriteOptions unorderedBulk = new BulkWriteOptions().ordered(false); Document onlyAnnotatedVariants = new Document(ANNOT_FIELD, EXISTS); try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = variantsCollection.find(onlyAnnotatedVariants).iterator()) { while (true) { List<InsertOneModel<Document>> annotationsToInsert = getBatch(cursor, BULK_SIZE).stream() .map(this::buildInsertionDocument).collect(toList()); if (annotationsToInsert.isEmpty()) { break; } annotationsReadCount += annotationsToInsert.size(); BulkWriteResult bulkInsert = annotationCollection.bulkWrite(annotationsToInsert, unorderedBulk); annotationsWrittenCount += bulkInsert.getInsertedCount(); } } //before executing the next changeSet check that the count of read and written annotation documents match if (annotationsReadCount != annotationsWrittenCount) { throw new RuntimeException("The number of processed Variants (" + annotationsReadCount + ") is different from the number of new annotation inserted (" + annotationsWrittenCount + "). The '" + ANNOT_FIELD + "' field will not be removed from the " + variantsCollection.getNamespace() + " collection."); } } /** * Return a batch of elements, advancing the Iterator provided. * @param iterator won't be closed, please close it outside this function. * @param bulkSize maximum size for the batch. The list returned can be smaller. * @return A list with elements, or an empty list if there are no more elements in the iterator. */ private <T> List<T> getBatch(Iterator<T> iterator, int bulkSize) { List<T> batch = new ArrayList<>(); int counter = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { T element =; if (element != null) { counter++; batch.add(element); if (counter % bulkSize == 0) { return batch; } } } return batch; } private InsertOneModel<Document> buildInsertionDocument(Document variantDocument) { Document annotationSubdocument = (Document) variantDocument.get(ANNOT_FIELD); Assert.notNull(annotationSubdocument, "Logic error"); annotationSubdocument.put(ID_FIELD, buildAnnotationId(variantDocument)); annotationSubdocument.put(CHROMOSOME_FIELD, variantDocument.get("chr")); annotationSubdocument.put(START_FIELD, variantDocument.get("start")); annotationSubdocument.put(END_FIELD, variantDocument.get("end")); annotationSubdocument.put(VEP_VERSION_FIELD, databaseParameters.getVepVersion()); annotationSubdocument.put(CACHE_VERSION_FIELD, databaseParameters.getVepCacheVersion()); return new InsertOneModel<>(annotationSubdocument); } private String buildAnnotationId(Document variantDocument) { return variantDocument.get("_id") + "_" + databaseParameters.getVepVersion() + "_" + databaseParameters.getVepCacheVersion(); } @ChangeSet(order = "002", id = "dropIndexes", author = "EVA") public void dropIndexes(MongoDatabase mongoDatabase) { final MongoCollection<Document> variantsCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsVariantsName());"2) drop indexes from annot field from collection {}", variantsCollection.getNamespace()); variantsCollection.dropIndex(LEGACY_ANNOTATION_CT_SO_INDEX); variantsCollection.dropIndex(LEGACY_ANNOTATION_XREF_ID_INDEX); } @ChangeSet(order = "003", id = "reduceAnnotationFromVariants", author = "EVA") public void reduceAnnotationFromVariants(MongoDatabase mongoDatabase) { final MongoCollection<Document> variantsCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsVariantsName());"3) reduce annotation field from collection {}", variantsCollection.getNamespace()); long annotationsReadCount = 0; long annotationsUpdatedCount = 0; BulkWriteOptions unorderedBulk = new BulkWriteOptions().ordered(false); Document onlyAnnotatedVariants = new Document(ANNOT_FIELD, EXISTS); try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = variantsCollection.find(onlyAnnotatedVariants).iterator()) { while (true) { List<UpdateOneModel<Document>> annotationsToUpdate = getBatch(cursor, BULK_SIZE).stream() .map(this::buildUpdateDocument).collect(toList()); if (annotationsToUpdate.isEmpty()) { break; } annotationsReadCount += annotationsToUpdate.size(); BulkWriteResult bulkInsert = variantsCollection.bulkWrite(annotationsToUpdate, unorderedBulk); annotationsUpdatedCount += bulkInsert.getModifiedCount(); } } if (annotationsReadCount != annotationsUpdatedCount) { throw new RuntimeException("The number of processed Variants (" + annotationsReadCount + ") is different from the number of annotation " + "updated (" + annotationsUpdatedCount + ")."); } } private UpdateOneModel<Document> buildUpdateDocument(Document variantDocument) { Document annotationSubdocument = (Document) variantDocument.get(ANNOT_FIELD); Assert.notNull(annotationSubdocument, "Logic error"); Set<Integer> soSet = computeSoSet(annotationSubdocument); Set<String> xrefSet = computeXrefSet(annotationSubdocument); List<Double> sift = computeMinAndMaxScore(annotationSubdocument, SIFT_FIELD); List<Double> polyphen = computeMinAndMaxScore(annotationSubdocument, POLYPHEN_FIELD); Document newAnnotationSubdocument = new Document() .append(VEP_VERSION_FIELD, databaseParameters.getVepVersion()) .append(CACHE_VERSION_FIELD, databaseParameters.getVepCacheVersion()); if (!soSet.isEmpty()) { newAnnotationSubdocument.append(SO_FIELD, soSet); } if (!xrefSet.isEmpty()) { newAnnotationSubdocument.append(XREFS_FIELD, xrefSet); } if (!sift.isEmpty()) { newAnnotationSubdocument.append(SIFT_FIELD, sift); } if (!polyphen.isEmpty()) { newAnnotationSubdocument.append(POLYPHEN_FIELD, polyphen); } List<Document> newAnnotationArray = Collections.singletonList(newAnnotationSubdocument); Document query = new Document(ID_FIELD, variantDocument.get(ID_FIELD)); Bson update = Updates.set(ANNOT_FIELD, newAnnotationArray); return new UpdateOneModel<>(query, update); } private Set<Integer> computeSoSet(Document originalAnnotationField) { Set<Integer> soSet = new TreeSet<>(); List<Document> cts = (List<Document>) originalAnnotationField.get(CONSEQUENCE_TYPE_FIELD); if (cts != null) { for (Document ct : cts) { Object sos = ct.get(SO_FIELD); if (sos != null) { soSet.addAll((List<Integer>) sos); } } } return soSet; } private Set<String> computeXrefSet(Document originalAnnotationField) { Set<String> xrefSet = new TreeSet<>(); List<Document> cts = (List<Document>) originalAnnotationField.get(XREFS_FIELD); if (cts != null) { for (Document ct : cts) { String xref = ct.getString(XREF_ID_FIELD); if (xref != null) { xrefSet.add(xref); } } } return xrefSet; } private List<Double> computeMinAndMaxScore(Document originalAnnotationField, String scoreType) { Double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; boolean thereIsAtLeastOneScore = false; List<Document> cts = (List<Document>) originalAnnotationField.get(CONSEQUENCE_TYPE_FIELD); if (cts != null) { for (Document ct : cts) { Document document = ((Document) ct.get(scoreType)); if (document != null) { Double score = (Double) document.get(SCORE_FIELD); if (score != null) { min = Math.min(min, score); max = Math.max(max, score); thereIsAtLeastOneScore = true; } } } } if (thereIsAtLeastOneScore) { return Arrays.asList(min, max); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } @ChangeSet(order = "004", id = "updateAnnotationMetadata", author = "EVA") public void updateAnnotationMetadata(MongoDatabase mongoDatabase) { final MongoCollection<Document> annotationMetadataCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsAnnotationMetadataName());"4) update annotation metadata in collection {}", annotationMetadataCollection.getNamespace()); String id = databaseParameters.getVepVersion() + "_" + databaseParameters.getVepCacheVersion(); Document metadata = new Document(ID_FIELD, id); if (annotationMetadataCollection.count(metadata) == 0) { metadata.append(VEP_VERSION_FIELD, databaseParameters.getVepVersion()).append(CACHE_VERSION_FIELD, databaseParameters.getVepCacheVersion()); annotationMetadataCollection.insertOne(metadata); } } @ChangeSet(order = "005", id = "createIndexes", author = "EVA") public void createIndexes(MongoDatabase mongoDatabase) { final MongoCollection<Document> variantsCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsVariantsName()); final MongoCollection<Document> annotationsCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsAnnotationsName());"5) create indexes collections {} and {}", annotationsCollection.getNamespace(), variantsCollection.getNamespace()); IndexOptions background = new IndexOptions().background(true); variantsCollection.createIndex(new Document(ANNOT_FIELD + "." + XREFS_FIELD, 1), background); variantsCollection.createIndex(new Document(ANNOT_FIELD + "." + SO_FIELD, 1), background); annotationsCollection.createIndex(new Document(CONSEQUENCE_TYPE_FIELD + "." + SO_FIELD, 1), background); annotationsCollection.createIndex(new Document(XREFS_FIELD + "." + XREF_ID_FIELD, 1), background); annotationsCollection.createIndex( new Document(CHROMOSOME_FIELD, 1).append(START_FIELD, 1).append(END_FIELD, 1), background); } @ChangeSet(order = "006", id = "addDefaultVersionInAnnotationMetadata", author = "EVA") public void addDefaultVersion(MongoDatabase mongoDatabase) { final MongoCollection<Document> annotationMetadataCollection = mongoDatabase .getCollection(databaseParameters.getDbCollectionsAnnotationMetadataName());"6) add default annotation version to collection {} ", annotationMetadataCollection.getNamespace()); Document allVersions = new Document(); Document setDefaultToFalse = new Document("$set", new Document(DEFAULT_VERSION_FIELD, false)); annotationMetadataCollection.updateMany(allVersions, setDefaultToFalse); String id = databaseParameters.getVepVersion() + "_" + databaseParameters.getVepCacheVersion(); Document defaultVersionDocument = new Document(ID_FIELD, id); Document setDefaultToTrue = new Document("$set", new Document(DEFAULT_VERSION_FIELD, true)); UpdateResult updateResult = annotationMetadataCollection.updateOne(defaultVersionDocument, setDefaultToTrue); Assert.state(updateResult.getModifiedCount() == 1, "Only one modification was expected"); } }