Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 EMBL-EBI, Hinxton outstation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FeatureReader extends FlatFileLineReader { boolean skipSource = false; public FeatureReader(LineReader lineReader) { super(lineReader); } public FeatureReader(LineReader lineReader, boolean skipSource) { super(lineReader); this.skipSource = skipSource; } private static final int LOCATION_BEGIN_POS = 21; private static final int QUALIFIER_BEGIN_POS = 21; int quotecount = 0; protected void readLines() throws IOException { // The feature names must appear in the correct position. // The feature qualifiers must appear in the correct position. // The feature locations must appear in the correct position. // The feature locations are terminated by a feature name or // a feature location. // The qualifier value must continue in the correct position. // The qualifier value can only continue if the qualifier is double // quoted. boolean moltypeFound = false; Feature feature = readFeature(); if (feature == null) { return; } if (Feature.SOURCE_FEATURE_NAME.equals(feature.getName()) && skipSource) { while (true) { lineReader.readLine(); String nextLine = lineReader.getNextMaskedLine(); if (isFeature(nextLine)) { break; } } } while (true) { Qualifier qualifier = readQualifier(); if (qualifier != null) { if (qualifier.getName().equals("organism")) { if (!(feature instanceof SourceFeature)) { error("FT.6", qualifier.getName()); // Invalid feature qualifier. } else { SourceFeature sourceFeature = ((SourceFeature) feature); String scientificName = qualifier.getValue(); sourceFeature.setScientificName(scientificName); String lineage = getCache().getLineage(scientificName); String commonName = getCache().getCommonName(scientificName); sourceFeature.setCommonName(commonName); Long taxId = getCache().getTaxId(scientificName); if (taxId != null) { sourceFeature.setTaxId(taxId); } if (lineage != null) { sourceFeature.getTaxon().setLineage(lineage); ; } } } else if (qualifier.getName().equals("mol_type")) { if (!(feature instanceof SourceFeature)) { error("FT.6", qualifier.getName()); } else { moltypeFound = true; String value = qualifier.getValue(); getCache().setMolType(value); String oldValue = entry.getSequence().getMoleculeType(); if (!FlatFileUtils.isBlankString(value) && !FlatFileUtils.isBlankString(oldValue) && !value.equals(oldValue)) { error("FT.7", qualifier.getName(), value, oldValue); // Inconsistent feature qualifier. } else { entry.getSequence().setMoleculeType(qualifier.getValue()); } } } else if (qualifier.getName().equals("db_xref")) { XRefTaxonMatcher taxonXrefMatcher = new XRefTaxonMatcher(this); if (taxonXrefMatcher.match(qualifier.getValue())) { if (!(feature instanceof SourceFeature)) { error("FT.6", qualifier.getName()); // Invalid feature qualifier. } else { ((SourceFeature) feature).setTaxId(taxonXrefMatcher.getTaxId()); } } else { XRefQualifierMatcher xrefQualifierMatcher = new XRefQualifierMatcher(this); if (!xrefQualifierMatcher.match(qualifier.getValue())) { error("FT.6", qualifier.getName()); // Invalid feature qualifier. } else { feature.addXRef(xrefQualifierMatcher.getXref()); } } } else { feature.addQualifier(qualifier); } } else { break; } } if ((feature instanceof SourceFeature) && !moltypeFound && !skipSource) { error("FT.9"); } entry.addFeature(feature); } private Feature readFeature() throws IOException { int firstLineNumber = lineReader.getCurrentLineNumber(); String line = lineReader.getCurrentMaskedLine(); if (line.length() <= LOCATION_BEGIN_POS) { error("FT.1"); // Invalid feature. return null; } String featureName = line.substring(0, LOCATION_BEGIN_POS).trim(); if (StringUtils.contains(featureName, " ")) { error("FT.12", featureName); // FeatureName shouldn't contain spaces return null; } if (FlatFileUtils.isBlankString(featureName)) { error("FT.2"); // Missing feature name. return null; } String locationString = line.substring(LOCATION_BEGIN_POS); CompoundLocation<Location> location = readLocation(locationString); if (location == null) { return null; } int lastLineNumber = lineReader.getCurrentLineNumber(); featureName = Utils.getValidFeatureName(featureName); Feature feature = (new FeatureFactory()).createFeature(featureName); feature.setOrigin(new FlatFileOrigin(lineReader.getFileId(), firstLineNumber, lastLineNumber)); feature.setLocations(location); feature.getLocations() .setOrigin(new FlatFileOrigin(lineReader.getFileId(), firstLineNumber, lastLineNumber)); return feature; } private CompoundLocation<Location> readLocation(String locationString) throws IOException { if (FlatFileUtils.isBlankString(locationString)) { error("FT.3"); // Missing feature location. return null; } StringBuilder locationBuilder = new StringBuilder(); locationBuilder.append(locationString); while (true) { if (!lineReader.joinLine()) { break; } String nextLine = lineReader.getNextMaskedLine(); if (isFeature(nextLine)) { break; } if (isQualifier(nextLine)) { break; } if (nextLine.length() <= LOCATION_BEGIN_POS) { error("FF.4"); // Invalid feature location. return null; } locationString = nextLine.substring(LOCATION_BEGIN_POS); if (!FlatFileUtils.isBlankString(locationString)) { locationBuilder.append(locationString); } lineReader.readLine(); } FeatureLocationsMatcher matcher = new FeatureLocationsMatcher(this, lineReader.isIgnoreParseError()); if (!matcher.match(locationBuilder.toString())) { error("FT.4"); // Invalid feature location. return null; } CompoundLocation<Location> location = matcher.getCompoundLocation(); return location; } private Qualifier readQualifier() throws IOException { int firstLineNumber = 0; int lastLineNumber = 0; if (!lineReader.joinLine()) { return null; } String nextLine = lineReader.getNextMaskedLine(); if (!isQualifier(nextLine)) { return null; } if (nextLine.length() <= QUALIFIER_BEGIN_POS) { error("FT.5"); // Invalid feature qualifier. return null; } StringBuilder qualifierBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String qualifierString = nextLine.substring(QUALIFIER_BEGIN_POS); qualifierBuilder.append(qualifierString); // Do not add space if the last character on the line is '-'. boolean noAddSpace = qualifierString.length() > 0 && qualifierString.charAt(qualifierString.length() - 1) == '-'; boolean addSpace = !qualifierString.startsWith("/replace") && !qualifierString.startsWith("/rpt_unit_seq") && !qualifierString.startsWith("/PCR_primers") && !qualifierString.startsWith("/translation"); while (true) { String tempLine = nextLine; lineReader.readLine(); if (firstLineNumber == 0) { firstLineNumber = lineReader.getCurrentLineNumber(); } lastLineNumber = lineReader.getCurrentLineNumber(); if (!lineReader.joinLine()) { break; } nextLine = lineReader.getNextMaskedLine(); if (isFeature(nextLine)) { break; } if (isQualifier(nextLine) & isQuoteBalance(tempLine)) { quotecount = 0; break; } if (nextLine.length() <= QUALIFIER_BEGIN_POS) { error("FT.5"); // Invalid feature qualifier. break; } if (addSpace && !noAddSpace) { qualifierBuilder.append(" "); } qualifierString = nextLine.substring(QUALIFIER_BEGIN_POS); qualifierBuilder.append(qualifierString); noAddSpace = qualifierString.length() > 0 && qualifierString.charAt(qualifierString.length() - 1) == '-'; } if (qualifierBuilder.length() == 0) { return null; } QualifierMatcher qualifierMatcher = new QualifierMatcher(this); if (!qualifierMatcher.match(qualifierBuilder.toString())) { error("FT.5", "Invalid feature qualifier."); return null; } Qualifier qualifier = qualifierMatcher.getQualifier(); if (qualifier != null) qualifier.setOrigin(new FlatFileOrigin(lineReader.getFileId(), firstLineNumber, lastLineNumber)); return qualifier; } private boolean isFeature(String line) { for (int i = 0; i < LOCATION_BEGIN_POS && i < line.length(); ++i) { if (line.charAt(i) != ' ') { return true; } } return false; } private static final Pattern QUALIFIER_PATTERN_1 = Pattern.compile("^\\/[a-zA-Z1-9-_]+\\=.*"); private static final Pattern QUALIFIER_PATTERN_2 = Pattern.compile("^\\/[a-zA-Z1-9-_]+\\s*$"); private boolean isQualifier(String line) { if (line.length() <= QUALIFIER_BEGIN_POS) { return false; } if (line.charAt(QUALIFIER_BEGIN_POS) != '/') { return false; } String str = line.substring(21); Matcher matcher = QUALIFIER_PATTERN_1.matcher(str); if (matcher.matches()) { return true; } matcher = QUALIFIER_PATTERN_2.matcher(str); return matcher.matches(); } private boolean isQuoteBalance(String line) { quotecount += StringUtils.countMatches(line, "\""); return quotecount % 2 == 0; } }