Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008-2013 Microarray Informatics Team, EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * For further details of the Gene Expression Atlas project, including source code, * downloads and documentation, please see: * * */ package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import; import; import; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import java.util.Set; public abstract class GeneProfilesTSVWriter<T extends Profile, K, O extends ProfileStreamOptions> implements AutoCloseable { private static final String GENE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME = "Gene Name"; private static final String GENE_ID_COLUMN_NAME = "Gene ID"; private final CsvWriterFactory csvWriterFactory; private CSVWriter csvWriter; private Writer responseWriter; @Inject public GeneProfilesTSVWriter(CsvWriterFactory csvWriterFactory) { this.csvWriterFactory = csvWriterFactory; } public long write(GeneProfilesList<T> geneProfilesList, Set<K> conditions, O options) throws IOException { responseWriter.write(getTsvFileMasthead(options) + "\n"); csvWriter.writeNext(buildCsvColumnHeaders(conditions, options)); for (T profile : geneProfilesList) { String[] csvRow = buildCsvRow(profile, conditions); csvWriter.writeNext(csvRow); } csvWriter.flush(); return (long) geneProfilesList.size(); } public long write(ObjectInputStream<T> inputStream, Set<K> conditions, O options) throws IOException { responseWriter.write(getTsvFileMasthead(options) + "\n"); csvWriter.writeNext(buildCsvColumnHeaders(conditions, options)); long count = 0; T geneProfile; while ((geneProfile = inputStream.readNext()) != null) { ++count; String[] csvRow = buildCsvRow(geneProfile, conditions); csvWriter.writeNext(csvRow); } csvWriter.flush(); return count; } public long write(Iterable<T> inputStream, Set<K> conditions, O options) throws IOException { responseWriter.write(getTsvFileMasthead(options) + "\n"); csvWriter.writeNext(buildCsvColumnHeaders(conditions, options)); long count = 0; for (T geneProfile : inputStream) { ++count; String[] csvRow = buildCsvRow(geneProfile, conditions); csvWriter.writeNext(csvRow); } csvWriter.flush(); return count; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { csvWriter.close(); } protected abstract String[] getConditionColumnHeaders(Set<K> conditions); protected abstract String getTsvFileMasthead(O options); protected String[] getProfileIdColumnHeaders(O options) { return new String[] { GENE_ID_COLUMN_NAME, GENE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME }; } protected String[] buildCsvColumnHeaders(Set<K> conditionValues, O options) { String[] profileIdColumnHeaders = getProfileIdColumnHeaders(options); String[] conditionColumnHeaders = getConditionColumnHeaders(conditionValues); return buildCsvRow(profileIdColumnHeaders, conditionColumnHeaders); } String[] buildCsvRow(final T geneProfile, Set<K> conditions) { String[] expressionLevels = extractConditionLevels(geneProfile, conditions); String[] rowHeaders = getRowHeaders(geneProfile); return buildCsvRow(rowHeaders, expressionLevels); } String[] getRowHeaders(T geneProfile) { String geneProfileId = geneProfile.getId(); String geneName = geneProfile.getName(); String secondaryRowHeader = getSecondaryRowHeader(geneProfile); //for Microarray experiment if (!StringUtils.isBlank(secondaryRowHeader)) { return new String[] { geneProfileId, geneName, secondaryRowHeader }; } //For geneSet gene Id is null if (geneProfileId == null) { return new String[] { geneName }; } return new String[] { geneProfileId, geneName }; } protected abstract String getSecondaryRowHeader(T profile); protected abstract String[] extractConditionLevels(T geneProfile, Set<K> conditions); protected String[] buildCsvRow(String[] rowHeaders, String[] values) { return ArrayUtils.addAll(rowHeaders, values); } public void setResponseWriter(Writer responseWriter) { this.responseWriter = responseWriter; csvWriter = csvWriterFactory.createTsvWriter(responseWriter); } }