Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Project Wizard enables users to create hierarchical experiments including different study * conditions using factorial design. Copyright (C) "2016" Andreas Friedrich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package uicomponents; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import logging.Log4j2Logger; import uicomponents.Styles; import model.SampleToBarcodeFieldTranslator; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Image; import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; public class BarcodePreviewComponent extends VerticalLayout { private logging.Logger logger = new Log4j2Logger(BarcodePreviewComponent.class); /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1785004617342053619L; TextField code; TextField info1; TextField info2; TextField person; TextField qbicInfo = new TextField("", ""); // qbicInfo = new TextField("", "QBiC: +4970712972163"); private OptionGroup codedName; private ComboBox select1; private ComboBox select2; // private CheckBox overwrite; // private TextField codedNameField; Sample example; SampleToBarcodeFieldTranslator translator; public BarcodePreviewComponent(SampleToBarcodeFieldTranslator translator) { this.translator = translator; setSpacing(true); setMargin(true); Resource res = new ThemeResource("img/qrtest.png"); Image qr = new Image(null, res); qr.setHeight("140px"); qr.setWidth("140px"); Image qr2 = new Image(null, res); qr2.setHeight("140px"); qr2.setWidth("140px"); code = new TextField(); info1 = new TextField(); info2 = new TextField(); codedName = new OptionGroup("Put ID on sticker:"); codedName.addItems(Arrays.asList("QBiC ID", "Lab ID", "Secondary Name")); codedName.setImmediate(true); codedName.addStyleName(ValoTheme.OPTIONGROUP_HORIZONTAL);"QBiC ID"); code.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TEXTFIELD_BORDERLESS); code.setWidth("200px"); code.addStyleName("barcode-large"); styleInfoField(info1); styleInfoField(info2); styleInfoField(qbicInfo); VerticalLayout box = new VerticalLayout(); box.setHeight("110px"); box.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LAYOUT_COMPONENT_GROUP); box.addComponent(code); box.addComponent(info1); box.addComponent(info2); box.addComponent(qbicInfo); box.setWidth("190px"); HorizontalLayout test = new HorizontalLayout(); test.setSizeFull(); test.addComponent(qr); test.addComponent(box); test.addComponent(qr2); setFieldsReadOnly(true); List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Tissue/Extr. Material", "Secondary Name", "QBiC ID", "Lab ID", "MHC Type", "Used Antibody")); select1 = new ComboBox("First Info", options); select1.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); select1.setImmediate(true);"Tissue/Extr. Material"); select2 = new ComboBox("Second Info", options);"Secondary Name"); select2.setImmediate(true); select2.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); ValueChangeListener vc = new ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -7466519211904860012L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { refresh(); } }; codedName.addValueChangeListener(vc); select1.addValueChangeListener(vc); select2.addValueChangeListener(vc); HorizontalLayout designBox = new HorizontalLayout(); designBox.addComponent(select1); designBox.addComponent(select2); designBox.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL_WRAPPING); designBox.setSpacing(true); VerticalLayout previewBox = new VerticalLayout(); previewBox.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LAYOUT_CARD); previewBox.setCaption("Barcode Example"); previewBox.addComponent(test); addComponent(previewBox); addComponent(codedName); addComponent(designBox); // overwrite = new CheckBox("Overwrite existing Tube Barcode Files"); // addComponent(ProjectwizardUI.questionize(overwrite, // "Overwrites existing files of barcode stickers. This is useful when " // + "the design was changed after creating them.", "Overwrite Sticker Files")); } private void styleInfoField(TextField tf) { tf.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TEXTFIELD_BORDERLESS); tf.setWidth("200px"); tf.addStyleName("barcode-preview"); } public void update(String s1, String s2) { info1.setValue(s1); info2.setValue(s2); } private void setFieldsReadOnly(boolean b) { qbicInfo.setReadOnly(b); code.setReadOnly(b); info1.setReadOnly(b); info2.setReadOnly(b); } public void setExample(Sample sample) { example = sample; refresh(); } public void refresh() { setFieldsReadOnly(false); code.setValue(example.getCode()); code.setValue(getCodeString(example)); info1.setValue(getInfo(select1, example)); info2.setValue(getInfo(select2, example)); setFieldsReadOnly(true); } public String getCodeString(Sample s) { return translator.getCodeString(s, (String) codedName.getValue()); } public String getInfo(ComboBox b, Sample s) { return translator.buildInfo(b, s, null, true); } public String getInfo1(Sample s) { return getInfo(select1, s); } public String getInfo2(Sample s) { return getInfo(select2, s); } // public boolean overwrite() { // return overwrite.getValue(); // } }