Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Giancarlo Frison <> * * Licensed under the UbiCrypt License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ubicrypt.core.provider.lock; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.functions.Actions; import ubicrypt.core.dto.ProviderLock; import ubicrypt.core.exp.NotFoundException; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import static rx.Observable.empty; import static rx.Observable.error; import static rx.Observable.timer; import static ubicrypt.core.provider.lock.LockStatus.available; import static ubicrypt.core.provider.lock.LockStatus.expired; import static ubicrypt.core.provider.lock.LockStatus.unavailable; public class LockChecker implements Observable.OnSubscribe<LockStatus> { private static final Logger log = getLogger(LockChecker.class); private final int deviceId; private final Observable.OnSubscribe<ProviderLock> lockGetter; private final Function<ProviderLock, Observable<Boolean>> lockSetter; private final long durationLockMs; private final long delayAcquiringLockMs; private final long minDelayAttempt; private final long maxDelayAttempt; /** are currently downloads/uploads in progress? By default, not. */ private Supplier<Boolean> shouldExtendLock = () -> false; public LockChecker(int deviceId, Observable.OnSubscribe<ProviderLock> lockGetter, Function<ProviderLock, Observable<Boolean>> lockSetter, long durationLockMs, long delayAcquiringLockMs) { this.deviceId = deviceId; this.lockGetter = lockGetter; this.lockSetter = lockSetter; this.durationLockMs = durationLockMs; this.delayAcquiringLockMs = delayAcquiringLockMs; minDelayAttempt = 1000; maxDelayAttempt = 10000; } public LockChecker(int deviceId, Observable.OnSubscribe<ProviderLock> lockGetter, Function<ProviderLock, Observable<Boolean>> lockSetter, long durationLockMs, long delayAcquiringLockMs, int minDelayAttempt, int maxDelayAttempt) { this.deviceId = deviceId; this.lockGetter = lockGetter; this.lockSetter = lockSetter; this.durationLockMs = durationLockMs; this.delayAcquiringLockMs = delayAcquiringLockMs; this.minDelayAttempt = minDelayAttempt; this.maxDelayAttempt = maxDelayAttempt; } @Override public void call(Subscriber<? super LockStatus> subscriber) { AtomicReference<ProviderLock> lockRef = new AtomicReference<>(); Observable.create(lockGetter).onErrorResumeNext(err -> { if (err instanceof NotFoundException) { return empty(); } return error(err); }).subscribe(lockRef::set, subscriber::onError, () -> { try { ProviderLock pl = lockRef.get(); if (pl == null) {"lock not present, creating new one"); pl = new ProviderLock(deviceId, nextExpires()); grantExclusive(subscriber, pl); return; } if (pl.getDeviceId() == deviceId) {"lock owned"); pl.setExpires(nextExpires()); grantExclusive(subscriber, pl); return; } if (pl.getExpires() == null || pl.getExpires().isBefore( {"lock expired, attempting to acquire it"); pl.setDeviceId(deviceId); pl.setExpires(nextExpires()); grantExclusive(subscriber, pl); return; }"lock not available. expires on:{}", pl.getExpires()); nextAttempt(subscriber, pl); subscriber.onNext(unavailable); } catch (Exception e) { subscriber.onError(e); } }); } private void grantExclusive(Subscriber<? super LockStatus> subscriber, ProviderLock pl) { lockSetter.apply(pl).subscribe(result -> { if (result) { timer(delayAcquiringLockMs, MILLISECONDS).flatMap(t -> Observable.create(lockGetter)) .subscribe(lock -> { if (lock.getDeviceId() == deviceId) {"lock acquired"); subscriber.onNext(available); expire(subscriber); return; }"lock bagged, expires on:{}", lock.getExpires()); subscriber.onNext(unavailable); nextAttempt(subscriber, lock); }, subscriber::onError); return; } subscriber.onNext(unavailable); timer(3, SECONDS).subscribe(t -> call(subscriber)); }); } private void expire(Subscriber<? super LockStatus> subscriber) { timer(durationLockMs - delayAcquiringLockMs, MILLISECONDS).subscribe(i -> {"lock should be extended:{}", shouldExtendLock.get()); if (shouldExtendLock.get()) { lockSetter.apply(new ProviderLock(deviceId, nextExpires())).subscribe(Actions.empty(), err -> log.error("error on renewing lock", err), () -> expire(subscriber)); } else { subscriber.onNext(expired); //terminate the cycle subscriber.onCompleted(); } }); } private void nextAttempt(Subscriber<? super LockStatus> subscriber, ProviderLock lock) { final long delay = lock.getExpires().toEpochMilli() - System.currentTimeMillis() + RandomUtils.nextLong(minDelayAttempt, maxDelayAttempt); log.debug("lock attempt acquire on:{}", Instant.ofEpochMilli(delay + System.currentTimeMillis())); timer(delay, MILLISECONDS).subscribe(Actions.empty(), subscriber::onError, () -> call(subscriber)); } private Instant nextExpires() { return Instant.ofEpochMilli(System.currentTimeMillis() + durationLockMs); } public void setShouldExtendLock(Supplier<Boolean> shouldExtendLock) { requireNonNull(shouldExtendLock, "shouldExtendLock must be not null"); this.shouldExtendLock = shouldExtendLock; } }