Java tutorial
/* * The WhiteText project * * Copyright (c) 2012 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.pubmedgate.resolve; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.Util; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.Vocabulary; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AllenDataLoaders.AllenMajorMatrices; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.BAMSDataLoaders.BAMSDataLoader; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.CountingMap; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.StringToStringSetMap; import; import ubic.basecode.ontology.OntologyLoader; import ubic.pubmedgate.Config; import ubic.pubmedgate.ConnectionsDocument; import ubic.pubmedgate.GateInterface; import ubic.pubmedgate.NeuroNamesLoader; import ubic.pubmedgate.NeuroNamesMouseAndRatLoader; import ubic.pubmedgate.organism.SpeciesLoader; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.depreciated.BIRNLexResolver; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.depreciated.ResolveBrianRegions; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.focusedAnalysis.SynonymSchema; import; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import; public class MakeLexiconRDFModel { protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MakeLexiconRDFModel.class); Model model; public MakeLexiconRDFModel() { model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); model.setNsPrefix("lexiconLinks", Vocabulary.getLexiconURI()); model.setNsPrefix("TermSpace", Vocabulary.getLexiconSpaceURI()); } public void setModel(Model model) { this.model = model; } public void writeOut() throws Exception { writeOut(Config.config.getString("resolve.Lexicon.RDF")); } public void writeOut(String filename) throws Exception { model.write(new FileWriter(filename)); } /* * very rough way to load in brede database entries, testing only */public void addBredeNodes() throws Exception { // // InputSource src = new InputSource( new FileInputStream( xmlFile ) ); XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration config = new XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration(); DOMParser prsr = new org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser(); prsr.setFeature("", false); prsr.parse(Vocabulary.getBredeURI()); Document XMLdocument = prsr.getDocument(); NodeList l = XMLdocument.getElementsByTagName("Roi"); for (int i = 0; i < l.getLength(); i++) { Node node = l.item(i); NodeList l2 = node.getChildNodes(); String woroi; Resource mainConcept = null; for (int ii = 0; ii < l2.getLength(); ii++) { Node childNode = l2.item(ii); if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("woroi")) { // make the concept woroi = AllenMajorMatrices.unmarshallText(childNode); mainConcept = model.createResource(Vocabulary.getBredeURI() + woroi); mainConcept.addProperty(RDF.type, Vocabulary.bredeName); // woroi ); } if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("name") || childNode.getNodeName().equals("variation")) { String name = AllenMajorMatrices.unmarshallText(childNode); name = name.toLowerCase(); if (name.startsWith("left")) { name = name.replaceFirst("left ", ""); } if (name.startsWith("right")) { name = name.replaceFirst("right ", ""); } Resource r = Vocabulary.makeNeurotermNode(name, model); // link to concept if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("name")) { // add its label if its the name tag mainConcept.addLiteral(RDFS.label, name); mainConcept.addProperty(Vocabulary.has_label_term, r); } if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("variation")) { mainConcept.addProperty(Vocabulary.has_synonym_term, r); } } } } } public void addNN2007Nodes() throws Exception { NeuroNamesMouseAndRatLoader NNMR = new NeuroNamesMouseAndRatLoader(); NNMR.addToModel(model); } @Deprecated public void addBIRNLexNodes() throws Exception { BIRNLexResolver birnLex = new BIRNLexResolver(); birnLex.addToModel(model); } public void addNIFSTDNodes() throws Exception { NIFSTDRegionExtractor nifstd = new NIFSTDRegionExtractor(); nifstd.addToModel(model); } public void addNIFNodes() throws Exception { } public void addABCDNodes() throws Exception { String file = Config.config.getString("whitetext.lexicon.output") + "AvianBrainConnectivityDatabase.txt"; CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(file), '\t'); String[] line; Resource mainConcept = null; while ((line = reader.readNext()) != null) { // which is syn and which is main label? // line[0] + "->" + line[1] ); String uri = line[0]; String label = line[1]; mainConcept = model.createResource(uri); mainConcept.addProperty(RDF.type, Vocabulary.ABCDName); Resource r = Vocabulary.makeNeurotermNode(label, model); // will use latest name for label - need better data from ABCD mainConcept.addLiteral(RDFS.label, label); mainConcept.addProperty(Vocabulary.has_synonym_term, r); } } public void addABANodes() throws Exception { OntModel ABA = OntologyLoader.loadMemoryModel(Vocabulary.getABAURI()); ExtendedIterator it = ABA.listClasses(); Resource mainConcept = null; for (OntClass i = (OntClass); it.hasNext(); i = (OntClass) { String label = i.getLabel(null); if (label == null) {"Skipping:" + i.getLabel(null) + " = " + i.getURI()); continue; } mainConcept = model.createResource(i.getURI()); mainConcept.addProperty(RDF.type, Vocabulary.ABAName); Resource r = Vocabulary.makeNeurotermNode(label, model); mainConcept.addLiteral(RDFS.label, label); mainConcept.addProperty(Vocabulary.has_label_term, r); + " = " + i.getURI()); } } public void addNN2010Nodes() throws Exception { // was NN2002 // make NN nodes, with ID as URL and name as label // NeuroNames Ontology of Mammalian Neuroanatomy: NN2010 NeuroNamesLoader NN2010 = new NeuroNamesLoader(); // load main labels NN2010.addClassicalStructuresToModel(model); NN2010.addAncillaryStructuresToModel(model); NN2010.addSynonymsToModel(model); } public void addBAMSNodes() { BAMSDataLoader bamsLoader = new BAMSDataLoader(); bamsLoader.addToModel(model); } public void extendBAMSNodes() throws Exception { BAMSDataLoader bamsLoader = new BAMSDataLoader(); // open up spreadsheet String filename = Config.config.getString("whitetext.resolve.addedBAMSSynonyms");; HSSFSheet sheet = ExcelUtil.getSheetFromFile(filename, "Sheet0"); SynonymSchema schema = new SynonymSchema(); int row = 1; int acceptCount = 0; while (true) { row++; String BAMSName = ExcelUtil.getValue(sheet, row, schema.getPosition("BAMSName")); String termString = ExcelUtil.getValue(sheet, row, schema.getPosition("Term")); if (BAMSName == null) { break; } // BAMSName ); String acceptValue = ExcelUtil.getValue(sheet, row, schema.getPosition("Accept")); boolean accept; if (acceptValue != null) { accept = acceptValue.equals("X"); } else { accept = false; } if (accept) { acceptCount++; // get URI for BAMS node OntClass hitRegion = null; for (OntClass region : bamsLoader.getAllBrianRegions()) { // any synonyms in BAMS? don't think there is any String label = region.getLabel(null); if (label.equals(BAMSName)) { hitRegion = region; break; } } if (hitRegion == null) {"Cant find:" + BAMSName); continue; } // create synonym node // create a link between them Resource r = model.createResource(hitRegion.getURI()); r.addProperty(Vocabulary.has_manual_link, Vocabulary.makeNeurotermNode(termString, model)); } }"Accept:" + acceptCount + " of " + row); // create nodes } public void addManualLinks() throws Exception { LoadManualMappings manuals = new LoadManualMappings(); manuals.addToModel(model); } public void addDoubleMentionsToModel(String annotationSetNormal, String annotationSetUnseen, String dataStore) { GateInterface gateInt = new GateInterface(dataStore); // two sets of documents, unseen with predicted annotations and normal with annotated spans List<ConnectionsDocument> normalDocs = gateInt.getDocuments(); List<ConnectionsDocument> unSeenDocs = GateInterface.getDocuments(gateInt.getUnseenCorp()); ResolveBrianRegions regionGetterUnseen = new ResolveBrianRegions(unSeenDocs, annotationSetUnseen); ResolveBrianRegions regionGetterNormal = new ResolveBrianRegions(normalDocs, annotationSetNormal); Collection<String> allRegions = (Collection<String>) Util.union(regionGetterNormal.getAllBrainRegionText(), regionGetterUnseen.getAllBrainRegionText());"Brain regions:" + allRegions.size()); CountingMap<String> uniqueAnnotationTextUnSeen = regionGetterUnseen.getAllBrainRegionTextCounted(); CountingMap<String> uniqueAnnotationTextNormal = regionGetterNormal.getAllBrainRegionTextCounted(); StringToStringSetMap pmidMapUnseen = regionGetterUnseen.getAllBrainRegionTextToPMID(); StringToStringSetMap pmidMapNormal = regionGetterNormal.getAllBrainRegionTextToPMID();"PMID MAP unseen:" + pmidMapUnseen.getExpandedSize());"PMID MAP normal:" + pmidMapNormal.getExpandedSize()); for (String region : allRegions) { Resource r = Vocabulary.makeMentionNode(region, model); Integer occurancesUnseen = uniqueAnnotationTextUnSeen.get(region); if (occurancesUnseen == null) occurancesUnseen = 0; Integer occurancesNormal = uniqueAnnotationTextNormal.get(region); if (occurancesNormal == null) occurancesNormal = 0; r.addLiteral(Vocabulary.number_of_occurances, occurancesUnseen + occurancesNormal); Set<String> pmidsUnseen = pmidMapUnseen.get(region); if (pmidsUnseen == null) pmidsUnseen = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> pmidsNormal = pmidMapNormal.get(region); if (pmidsNormal == null) pmidsNormal = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> pmids = (Set<String>) Util.union(pmidsNormal, pmidsUnseen); r.addLiteral(Vocabulary.number_of_abstracts, pmids.size()); r.addLiteral(Vocabulary.annotation_set, annotationSetNormal + "|" + annotationSetUnseen); for (String pmid : pmids) { r.addProperty(Vocabulary.in_PMID, model.createResource(Vocabulary.getpubmedURIPrefix() + pmid)); } } } public void addDatesToModel(String dataStore, boolean useUnseenCorp) throws Exception { List<ConnectionsDocument> docs = getDataStoreDocs(dataStore, useUnseenCorp); GateInterface gateInt = new GateInterface(dataStore); for (ConnectionsDocument doc : docs) { String PMID = doc.getPMID(); // for ( String PMID : PMIDs ) { // ConnectionsDocument doc = gateInt.getByPMID( PMID ); Date date = doc.getPubDate(); // check if it's in the RDF? Resource docResource = model.createResource(Vocabulary.getpubmedURIPrefix() + PMID); Calendar pubCal = Calendar.getInstance(); pubCal.setTime(date); docResource.addLiteral(Vocabulary.publication_date, pubCal); + "->" + pubCal.toString()); } + " abstracts labelled for species"); } public void addSpeciesToModel(List<ConnectionsDocument> docs) throws Exception { SpeciesLoader filterLoader = new SpeciesLoader(); for (ConnectionsDocument doc : docs) { filterLoader.addToModel(doc, model); } + " abstracts labelled for species"); } public void addSpeciesToModel(String dataStore, boolean useUnseenCorp) throws Exception { List<ConnectionsDocument> docs = getDataStoreDocs(dataStore, useUnseenCorp); addSpeciesToModel(docs); } private List<ConnectionsDocument> getDataStoreDocs(String dataStore, boolean useUnseenCorp) { GateInterface gateInt = new GateInterface(dataStore); List<ConnectionsDocument> docs; if (!useUnseenCorp) { docs = gateInt.getDocuments(); } else { docs = GateInterface.getDocuments(gateInt.getUnseenCorp()); } return docs; } public void addMentionsToModel(String annotationSet, String dataStore, boolean useUnseenCorp) { List<ConnectionsDocument> docs = getDataStoreDocs(dataStore, useUnseenCorp); ResolveBrianRegions regionGetter = new ResolveBrianRegions(docs, annotationSet);"Brain regions:" + regionGetter.getAllBrainRegionText().size()); CountingMap<String> uniqueAnnotationText = regionGetter.getAllBrainRegionTextCounted(); StringToStringSetMap pmidMap = regionGetter.getAllBrainRegionTextToPMID(); for (String region : uniqueAnnotationText.keySet()) { Resource r = Vocabulary.makeMentionNode(region, model); r.addLiteral(Vocabulary.number_of_occurances, uniqueAnnotationText.get(region)); Set<String> pmids = pmidMap.get(region); r.addLiteral(Vocabulary.number_of_abstracts, pmids.size()); r.addLiteral(Vocabulary.annotation_set, annotationSet); for (String pmid : pmids) { r.addProperty(Vocabulary.in_PMID, model.createResource(Vocabulary.getpubmedURIPrefix() + pmid)); } } } public void removeMentionsFromModel(String annotationSet, String dataStore) { GateInterface gateInt = new GateInterface(dataStore); List<ConnectionsDocument> docs = gateInt.getDocuments(); ResolveBrianRegions regionGetter = new ResolveBrianRegions(docs, annotationSet); CountingMap<String> uniqueAnnotationText = regionGetter.getAllBrainRegionTextCounted(); for (String region : uniqueAnnotationText.keySet()) { Resource r = Vocabulary.makeMentionNode(region, model); StmtIterator itr = model.listStatements(r, null, (RDFNode) null); model.remove(itr); } } public static void corpusLookTemp(String set, String store) { GateInterface gateInt = new GateInterface(store); List<ConnectionsDocument> docs = gateInt.getDocuments(); ResolveBrianRegions regionGetter = new ResolveBrianRegions(docs, set); CountingMap<String> uniqueAnnotationText = regionGetter.getAllBrainRegionTextCounted(); + " size:" + uniqueAnnotationText.size()); + " sum:" + uniqueAnnotationText.summation()); } public void readIn() throws Exception { FileInputStream(Config.config.getString("resolve.Lexicon.RDF")), null); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String storeLoc = Config.config.getString("whitetext.datastore.location"); // corpusLookTemp( "UnionMerge", Config.config.getString( "whitetext.datastore.location" ) ); // corpusLookTemp( "UnionMerge", "/home/leon/Desktop/GATEDataStoreAfterTracts/store/" ); // corpusLookTemp( "Mallet", "/home/leon/Desktop/fromKrusty/GATEDataStoreAfterTracts/store/" ); // System.exit( 1 ); boolean useUnseen = true; MakeLexiconRDFModel maker; maker = new MakeLexiconRDFModel(); maker.readIn(); // maker.addABCDNodes(); maker.addDatesToModel(storeLoc, useUnseen); maker.writeOut(); System.exit(1); useUnseen = false; maker.addSpeciesToModel(storeLoc, useUnseen); maker.writeOut(); System.exit(1); // addSpeciesToModel( String annotationSet, String dataStore, boolean useUnseenCorp ) { ResolutionRDFModel resModel2 = new ResolutionRDFModel(maker.model, true); // resModel2.getStats(); // resModel2.loadManualMatches(); // resModel2.createMatches3(); // resModel2.getStats(); resModel2 = new ResolutionRDFModel(Config.config.getString("resolve.Lexicon.resolution.RDF")); resModel2.getStats(); System.exit(1); maker = new MakeLexiconRDFModel(); maker.readIn(); maker.removeMentionsFromModel("UnionMerge", storeLoc); boolean useUnseenCorp = true; // maker.addMentionsToModel( "Mallet", storeLoc, useUnseenCorp ); // maker.addMentionsToModel( "Mallet", storeLoc, useUnseenCorp ); maker.addDoubleMentionsToModel("UnionMerge", "Mallet", storeLoc); maker.writeOut(Config.config.getString("resolve.Lexicon.RDF.allComp")); ResolutionRDFModel resModel = new ResolutionRDFModel(maker.model, true); resModel.getStats(); System.exit(1); // from scratch - birnlex is broken maker.addNN2010Nodes(); maker.addNN2007Nodes(); // mouse and rat // // maker.addBIRNLexNodes(); // // maker.addManualLinks(); maker.addBredeNodes(); // maker.addBAMSNodes(); // // TODO adding BIRNLex nodes is broken, need to update ontology code in basecode!! maker.readIn(); // maker.addMentionsToModel( "UnionMerge", Config.config.getString( "whitetext.datastore.location" ) ); maker.addABANodes(); // maker.writeOut(); // link terms using bag of words or stemming - see ResolutionRDFModel } public Model getModel() { return model; } }