Java tutorial
/* * The WhiteText project * * Copyright (c) 2012 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.pubmedgate.interactions; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.SetupParameters; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.StructureCatalogAnalyze; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.Util; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.BAMSDataLoaders.BAMSDataLoader; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.ClassSelectors.BrainRegionClassSelector; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.params.ParamKeeper; import ubic.basecode.math.ROC; import ubic.basecode.util.FileTools; import ubic.pubmedgate.Config; import ubic.pubmedgate.ConnectionsDocument; import ubic.pubmedgate.GateInterface; import ubic.pubmedgate.interactions.evaluation.NormalizedConnection; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.EvaluationRDFModel; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.MakeLexiconRDFModel; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.ResolutionRDFModel; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.RDFResolvers.BagOfStemsRDFMatcher; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.RDFResolvers.RDFResolver; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.BracketRemoverMentionEditor; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.CytoPrefixMentionEditor; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.DirectionRemoverMentionEditor; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.DirectionSplittingMentionEditor; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.HemisphereStripMentionEditor; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.NucleusOfTheRemoverMentionEditor; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.OfTheRemoverMentionEditor; import ubic.pubmedgate.resolve.mentionEditors.RegionSuffixRemover; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; public class NormalizePairs { protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NormalizePairs.class); ResolutionRDFModel resolveModel; RDFResolver resolver; public NormalizePairs() throws Exception { // setup resolver MakeLexiconRDFModel lexiconModel = new MakeLexiconRDFModel(); lexiconModel.addBAMSNodes(); lexiconModel.extendBAMSNodes(); // lexiconModel.addNN2010Nodes(); // add evaluations boolean reason = true; resolveModel = new ResolutionRDFModel(lexiconModel.getModel(), reason); resolveModel.getStats(); resolver = new BagOfStemsRDFMatcher(resolveModel.getTerms()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new DirectionSplittingMentionEditor()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new HemisphereStripMentionEditor()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new BracketRemoverMentionEditor()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new OfTheRemoverMentionEditor()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new CytoPrefixMentionEditor()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new RegionSuffixRemover()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new DirectionRemoverMentionEditor()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new NucleusOfTheRemoverMentionEditor()); resolver.addMentionEditor(new DirectionRemoverMentionEditor()); } /** * Given a list of pairs and an XML reader to resolve them, create a connection matrix. * * @param reader * @param pairs */ public NormalizeResult normalizePairsToMatrix(AirolaXMLReader reader, List<String> pairs, SLOutputReader SLReader, boolean writeOut, String name) throws Exception { // dump out pairs to HTML ShowSLErrors.writeExamples(reader, SLReader, pairs, Config.config.getString("whitetext.iteractions.results.folder") + name + ".html"); // sort pairs by score (for AUC) pairs = SLReader.sortPairUsingScore(new LinkedList<String>(pairs)); Collections.reverse(pairs); Map<String, String> results = new HashMap<String, String>(); results.put("Input pair list size", pairs.size() + ""); results.put("annotationSet", reader.getAnnotatorNameSet()); Direction direction = Direction.ANYDIRECTION; boolean propigated = true; DoubleMatrix<String, String> dataMatrix = getConnectionMatrix(propigated, direction); BAMSDataLoader bamsLoader = new BAMSDataLoader(); List<String> connectionRegionNames = dataMatrix.getRowNames(); DoubleMatrix<String, String> predictedMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<String, String>( connectionRegionNames.size(), connectionRegionNames.size()); predictedMatrix.setRowNames(connectionRegionNames); predictedMatrix.setColumnNames(connectionRegionNames); Set<Resource> allTerms = resolveModel.getTerms(); // for speed Set<Resource> allConcepts = resolveModel.getConcepts(); // for speed int totalResolves = 0; int inMatrix = 0; int oneToManyMappings = 0; Set<String> uniqueConnections = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> uniqueRegions = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> resovledPairs = new LinkedList<String>(); Set<NormalizedConnection> normalizedPairs = new HashSet<NormalizedConnection>(); int selfConnections = 0; int notInRowNames = 0; int pairsNotResolved = 0; int bothMatched = 0; int count = 0; List<Double> positiveRanks = new LinkedList<Double>(); int totalDepth = 0; int pairsWithOneMatch = 0; for (String pair : pairs) { count++; boolean atLeast1Match = false; boolean atLeast1Normalization = false; // for testing // if ( count > 300 ) { // break; // } StopWatch s = new StopWatch(); s.start(); String regionA = reader.getPartnerAText(pair); String regionB = reader.getPartnerBText(pair); Set<String> regionAresolves = resolveModel.resolve(regionA, resolver, allTerms, allConcepts);"Testing:" + regionA + " -> " + regionB + " " + count + " of " + pairs.size()); // for speed only go forward if A resolved if (!regionAresolves.isEmpty()) { Set<String> regionBresolves = resolveModel.resolve(regionB, resolver, allTerms, allConcepts); if (!regionBresolves.isEmpty()) {"Resolved:");" " + regionA + " -> " + regionAresolves.toString());" " + regionB + " -> " + regionBresolves.toString()); totalResolves++; atLeast1Normalization = true; if (regionAresolves.size() > 1) oneToManyMappings++; if (regionBresolves.size() > 1) oneToManyMappings++; if (regionAresolves.equals(regionBresolves)) { selfConnections++; uniqueRegions.addAll(regionAresolves); resovledPairs.add(pair); } else { for (String resolvedA : regionAresolves) { for (String resolvedB : regionBresolves) { resovledPairs.add(pair); uniqueRegions.add(resolvedA); uniqueRegions.add(resolvedB); totalDepth += bamsLoader.getParents(resolvedA).size(); totalDepth += bamsLoader.getParents(resolvedB).size(); if (dataMatrix.getRowNames().contains(resolvedA) && dataMatrix.getRowNames().contains(resolvedB)) { if (resolvedA.equals(resolvedB)) { // also done at the set level selfConnections++; } else { uniqueConnections.add(resolvedA + resolvedB); uniqueConnections.add(resolvedB + resolvedA); // a pair can match to more than one connection!! FIX - list NormalizedConnection c = new NormalizedConnection(); c.regionA = resolvedA; c.regionB = resolvedB; c.pairID = pair; normalizedPairs.add(c); // put in connection matrix double currentValue = predictedMatrix.getByKeys(resolvedA, resolvedB); currentValue += 1; predictedMatrix.setByKeys(resolvedA, resolvedB, currentValue); predictedMatrix.setByKeys(resolvedB, resolvedA, currentValue); if (dataMatrix.getByKeys(resolvedA, resolvedB) == 1d) { atLeast1Match = true; positiveRanks.add((double) (resovledPairs.size())); inMatrix++; } } } else { notInRowNames++;"Not in matrix but resolved"); } } } } } } // end if on region A resolve if (atLeast1Normalization) { bothMatched++; } else { pairsNotResolved++; } if (atLeast1Match) { pairsWithOneMatch++; } } results.put("PairsWithOneNormalize", bothMatched + ""); results.put("PairsWithOneNormalize2", totalResolves + ""); results.put("PairsWithOneMatch", pairsWithOneMatch + ""); results.put("Unresolved pairs", pairsNotResolved + ""); results.put("RP connected", "" + inMatrix); results.put("RP Self connections", "" + selfConnections); results.put("Not in BAMS", "" + notInRowNames); results.put("RP Unique normalized pairs (not counting self connects)", "" + (uniqueConnections.size() / 2)); results.put("RP AUC", ROC.aroc(resovledPairs.size(), positiveRanks) + ""); results.put("RP Resolved pairings", resovledPairs.size() + ""); results.put("RP Average pair depth", (totalDepth / (double) resovledPairs.size()) + ""); results.put("Unique regions", uniqueRegions.size() + ""); results.put("One to many mapping rate", "" + ((double) oneToManyMappings / (2 * totalResolves))); results.put("Name", name);"Pairs:" + pairs.size());"Total resolves:" + totalResolves + " of " + pairs.size());"connected in BAMS Matrix:" + inMatrix);"Self connections:" + selfConnections);"Not in BAMS ROWS:" + notInRowNames);"Unresolved pairs:" + pairsNotResolved);"Unique normalized pairs (not counting self connects):" + (uniqueConnections.size() / 2)); if (writeOut) FileTools.stringsToFile(resovledPairs, reader.getNormalizedPairsFilename()); // write out matrix, where?? String matrixFileName = (Config.config.getString("whitetext.iteractions.results.folder") + name + ".matrix"); Util.writeRTable(matrixFileName + ".txt", predictedMatrix); Util.writeImage(matrixFileName + ".png", predictedMatrix); NormalizeResult normResult = new NormalizeResult(); normResult.normalizedPairs = normalizedPairs; normResult.statisticMap = results; = name; return normResult; } public static DoubleMatrix<String, String> getConnectionMatrix(boolean propigated, Direction direction) throws IOException { StructureCatalogAnalyze forMatrix = new StructureCatalogAnalyze(new BrainRegionClassSelector()); String filename = "Propigated.rdf"; if (!propigated) filename = "Non" + filename; forMatrix.readModel(SetupParameters.getDataFolder() + filename); DoubleMatrix<String, String> dataMatrix = forMatrix.makeConnectionMatrix(direction); return dataMatrix; } public static NormalizeResult analyseTest(boolean usePredictions, boolean eraTest, boolean runAll) throws Exception { String testSet = "Annotated"; String annotationSet = "Suzanne"; NormalizeResult result = null; String baseFolder = Config.config.getString("whitetext.iteractions.ppiBaseFolder") + "Saved Results/SL/CV/WhiteTextNegFixFull/predict/WhiteTextNegFixFull"; String filename = Config.config.getString("whitetext.iteractions.ppiBaseFolder") + "Corpora/Original-Modified/WhiteTextNegFixFull.xml"; GateInterface p2g = new GateInterface(); p2g.setUnSeenCorpNull(); AirolaXMLReader XMLReader = new AirolaXMLReader(filename, p2g, annotationSet); SLOutputReader SLReader = new SLOutputReader(new File(baseFolder)); boolean doAll = false; result = runNormalization(testSet, XMLReader, SLReader, doAll, usePredictions, eraTest); if (runAll) { result = runNormalization(testSet, XMLReader, SLReader, doAll, usePredictions, eraTest); } return result; } public static List<String> getRatPairs(AirolaXMLReader XMLReader, Collection<String> allPairs) { List<String> ratPairs = new LinkedList<String>(); int count = 0; for (String pair : allPairs) { if (count++ % 1000 == 0)"Getting rat pairs:" + count); ConnectionsDocument doc = XMLReader.getDocumentFromPairID(pair); Set<String> species = doc.getLinnaeusSpecies(); if (species.contains("species:ncbi:10116")) { // rats ratPairs.add(pair); } } return ratPairs; } public static NormalizeResult runUnseen(boolean eraTest, boolean runAll, boolean notInBAMS, String testSet) throws Exception { String trainingSet = "WhiteTextNegFixFull"; // String testSet = "WhiteTextUnseen"; String annotationSet = "Mallet"; String baseFolder = Config.config.getString("whitetext.iteractions.ppiBaseFolder") + "Saved Results/SL/CC/NegFixFullOn" + testSet + "/"; String filename = Config.config.getString("whitetext.iteractions.ppiBaseFolder") + "Corpora/Original-Modified/" + testSet + ".orig.xml"; GateInterface p2g = new GateInterface(); p2g.setNamedCorpNull("PubMedUnseenJNChem"); p2g.setNamedCorpNull("PubMedUnseenJCN"); p2g.setNamedCorpNull("PubMedUnseenMScan1"); AirolaXMLReader XMLReader = new AirolaXMLReader(filename, p2g, annotationSet); SLOutputReader SLReader = new SLOutputReader(trainingSet, testSet, baseFolder); boolean predictions = true; boolean doAll = false; NormalizeResult result = runNormalization(testSet, XMLReader, SLReader, doAll, predictions, eraTest, notInBAMS); if (runAll) { // Era test turned off! eraTest = false; runNormalization(testSet, XMLReader, SLReader, runAll, predictions, eraTest); } return result; } private static NormalizeResult runNormalization(String testSet, AirolaXMLReader XMLReader, SLOutputReader SLReader, boolean doAll, boolean usePredictions) throws Exception { boolean year1987Split = false; return runNormalization(testSet, XMLReader, SLReader, doAll, usePredictions, year1987Split); } private static NormalizeResult runNormalization(String testSet, AirolaXMLReader XMLReader, SLOutputReader SLReader, boolean doAll, boolean usePredictions, boolean year1987Split) throws Exception { boolean notInBAMS = false; return runNormalization(testSet, XMLReader, SLReader, doAll, usePredictions, year1987Split, notInBAMS); } private static NormalizeResult runNormalization(String testSet, AirolaXMLReader XMLReader, SLOutputReader SLReader, boolean doAll, boolean usePredictions, boolean year1987Split, boolean notInBAMS) throws Exception { Map<String, String> results; boolean writeOut = true; if (doAll) testSet += ".all"; if (year1987Split) testSet += ".yearSplit"; if (usePredictions) testSet += ".predictions"; if (doAll && year1987Split) throw new Exception("Year split and do all options are incompatable"); String excelOutFilename = Config.config.getString("whitetext.iteractions.results.folder") + testSet + ".xml.normalized.xls"; NormalizePairs normPairs = new NormalizePairs(); List<String> positives; List<String> negatives; if (usePredictions) { positives = SLReader.getPositivePredictions(); negatives = SLReader.getNegativePredictions(); } else { positives = SLReader.getPositives(); negatives = SLReader.getNegatives(); } ParamKeeper keeper = new ParamKeeper(); String name; NormalizeResult normResult = null; if (notInBAMS) { List<String> ratPairs = getRatPairs(XMLReader, SLReader.getAll()); // negatives.retainAll( ratPairs );"Retaining rat pairs:" + ratPairs.size()); positives.retainAll(ratPairs); // normalize name = "NotInBAMS.rat.positives"; normResult = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, positives, SLReader, writeOut, name); keeper.addParamInstance(normResult.statisticMap); } else if (year1987Split) { int yearSplit1 = 1986; int yearSplit2 = 2001;"Doing year based split"); List<String> ratPairs = getRatPairs(XMLReader, SLReader.getAll()); // negatives.retainAll( ratPairs );"Retaining rat pairs"); positives.retainAll(ratPairs);"Done retaining rat pairs"); // split rat positives into years Model modelLoad = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); String fileProperty; fileProperty = "resolve.Lexicon.resolution.RDF.allComp"; FileInputStream(Config.config.getString(fileProperty)), null); fileProperty = "resolve.Lexicon.resolution.RDF"; FileInputStream(Config.config.getString(fileProperty)), null); boolean reason = true; EvaluationRDFModel model = new EvaluationRDFModel(modelLoad, reason); Map<String, Integer> pmidToYearMap = model.getPMIDStringtoYearMap(); // filter pairs based on date List<String> positivesAfter2002 = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> positivesAfter1987 = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> positivesBefore1986 = new LinkedList<String>(); Map<String, String> pairToPMID = XMLReader.getPairIDToPMID(); for (String pair : positives) { String pmid = pairToPMID.get(pair);"PMID:" + pmid); int year = pmidToYearMap.get(pmid); + "->" + year); if (year <= yearSplit1) { positivesBefore1986.add(pair); } else if (year <= yearSplit2) { positivesAfter1987.add(pair); } else { positivesAfter2002.add(pair); } }"All positives:" + positives.size());"All positivesBefore1986:" + positivesBefore1986.size());"All positivesAfter1987:" + positivesAfter1987.size()); name = "Positives.rat.before1986" + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, positivesBefore1986, SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); name = "Positives.rat.1987to2002" + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, positivesAfter1987, SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); name = "Positives.rat.after2002" + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, positivesAfter2002, SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); } else if (!doAll) { name = "Positives." + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, positives, SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); name = "Negatives." + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, negatives, SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); // filter rats List<String> ratPairs = getRatPairs(XMLReader, SLReader.getAll()); negatives.retainAll(ratPairs); positives.retainAll(ratPairs); name = "Positives.rat." + testSet; normResult = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, positives, SLReader, writeOut, name); results = normResult.statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); // return the rat positive results name = "Negatives.rat." + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, negatives, SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); } else { name = "all." + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, SLReader.getAll(), SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); List<String> ratPairs = getRatPairs(XMLReader, SLReader.getAll()); name = "all.rat" + testSet; results = normPairs.normalizePairsToMatrix(XMLReader, ratPairs, SLReader, writeOut, name).statisticMap; keeper.addParamInstance(results); } keeper.writeExcel(excelOutFilename);"Wrote to:" + excelOutFilename); // only returned for not in bams setting return normResult; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { boolean usePredictions = false; // use SL predictions or annotated truth boolean eraTest = false; // test for 1987 etc eras boolean runAll = true; // also run on both positive and negatives combined boolean notInBAMS = false; // analyseTest( usePredictions, eraTest, runAll ); // String testSet = "WhiteTextUnseen"; String testSet = "WhiteTextUnseenMScan2"; runUnseen(eraTest, runAll, notInBAMS, testSet); } }