Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2008 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.web.controller.visualization; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.diff.DifferentialExpressionValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssayValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExperimentalFactor; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneValueObject; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import java.util.*; /** * Stores expression profile data from one expression experiment for plotting. * * @author kelsey, paul */ public class VisualizationValueObject { private static final String[] colors = new String[] { "red", "black", "blue", "green", "orange" }; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(VisualizationValueObject.class); private final Map<Long, String> colorMap = new HashMap<>(); private ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject eevo = null; private LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> factorNames; // map of factor name to value-colour map private Collection<FactorProfile> factorProfiles; private List<LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>> factorValueMaps; // list of factor name to value-colour maps (for // colouring column headers) /** * used for displaying factor info in heatmap */ private List<List<String>> factorValues; private Collection<GeneExpressionProfile> profiles; private List<String> sampleNames; public VisualizationValueObject() { super(); this.profiles = new HashSet<>(); } public VisualizationValueObject(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors, Collection<GeneValueObject> genes, Double minPvalue, Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> validatedProbes) { this(); Map<Long, GeneValueObject> idMap = EntityUtils.getIdMap(genes); this.populateColorMap(new ArrayList<>(idMap.keySet())); Collection<Long> validatedProbeIdList = new ArrayList<>(); if (validatedProbes != null && !validatedProbes.isEmpty()) { for (DifferentialExpressionValueObject devo : validatedProbes) { validatedProbeIdList.add(devo.getProbeId()); } } for (DoubleVectorValueObject vector : vectors) { if (this.eevo == null) { this.setEEwithPvalue(new ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject(vector.getExpressionExperiment()), minPvalue); } else if (!(this.eevo.getId().equals(vector.getExpressionExperiment().getId()))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "All vectors have to have the same ee for this constructor. ee1: " + this.eevo.getId() + " ee2: " + vector.getExpressionExperiment().getId()); } String color = null; Collection<Long> vectorGeneids = vector.getGenes(); Collection<GeneValueObject> vectorGenes = new HashSet<>(); for (Long g : idMap.keySet()) { if (!vectorGeneids.contains(g)) { continue; } vectorGenes.add(idMap.get(g)); color = colorMap.get(g); } int valid = 1; Double pValue = vector.getPvalue(); if (validatedProbes != null) { for (DifferentialExpressionValueObject devo : validatedProbes) { if (devo.getProbeId().equals(vector.getDesignElement().getId())) { // pValue = devo.getP(); valid = 2; break; } } } GeneExpressionProfile profile = new GeneExpressionProfile(vector, vectorGenes, color, valid, pValue); if (!profile.isAllMissing()) profiles.add(profile); } } /** * @param vectors to be plotted (should come from a single expression experiment) * @param genes Is list so that order is guaranteed. Need this so that colors are consistent. * @param validatedProbeList Probes which are flagged as 'valid' in some sense. For example, in coexpression plots * these are probes that provided the coexpression evidence, to differentiate them from the ones which are * just being displayed because they assay the same gene. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if vectors are mixed between EEs. */ public VisualizationValueObject(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors, List<GeneValueObject> genes, Collection<Long> validatedProbeList) { this(vectors, genes, validatedProbeList, null); } public VisualizationValueObject(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors, List<GeneValueObject> genes, Collection<Long> validatedProbeIdList, Double minPvalue) { this(); Map<Long, GeneValueObject> idMap = EntityUtils.getIdMap(genes); this.populateColorMap(new ArrayList<>(idMap.keySet())); for (DoubleVectorValueObject vector : vectors) { if (this.eevo == null) { this.setEEwithPvalue(new ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject(vector.getExpressionExperiment()), minPvalue); } else if (!(this.eevo.getId().equals(vector.getExpressionExperiment().getId()))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "All vectors have to have the same ee for this constructor. ee1: " + this.eevo.getId() + " ee2: " + vector.getExpressionExperiment().getId()); } Collection<Long> vectorGeneids = vector.getGenes(); Collection<GeneValueObject> vectorGenes = new HashSet<>(); String color = "black"; if (genes != null && vectorGeneids != null) { for (GeneValueObject g : genes) { // This seems inefficient. We should just pass in the genes for this vector. if (!vectorGeneids.contains(g.getId())) { continue; } vectorGenes.add(g); color = colorMap.get(g.getId()); } } int valid = 2; // default. // FIXME Actually, this might not work. if (validatedProbeIdList != null && !validatedProbeIdList.contains(vector.getDesignElement().getId())) { valid = 1; } GeneExpressionProfile profile = new GeneExpressionProfile(vector, vectorGenes, color, valid, vector.getPvalue()); if (!profile.isAllMissing()) profiles.add(profile); } } public VisualizationValueObject(DoubleVectorValueObject dvvo) { this(); this.setEevo(new ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject(dvvo.getExpressionExperiment())); GeneExpressionProfile profile = new GeneExpressionProfile(dvvo); profiles.add(profile); } @Override public String toString() { final int maxLen = 5; return "VisualizationValueObject [" + (eevo != null ? "eevo=" + eevo + "\n " : "") + (factorProfiles != null ? factorProfiles.size() + " factorProfiles=\n" + this.toString(factorProfiles, 20) : "") + (profiles != null ? profiles.size() + " exp. profiles (show up to " + maxLen + "):\n" + this.toString(profiles, maxLen) : "") + "]"; } /** * Initialize the factor profiles. */ public void setUpFactorProfiles( LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> layout) { if (layout == null) { VisualizationValueObject.log.warn("Null layout, ignoring"); return; } Collection<ExperimentalFactor> efs = new HashSet<>(); for (LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double> maps : layout.values()) { efs.addAll(maps.keySet()); } this.factorProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExperimentalFactor experimentalFactor : efs) { this.factorProfiles.add(new FactorProfile(experimentalFactor, layout)); } } public ExpressionExperimentValueObject getEevo() { return eevo; } public void setEevo(ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject eevo) { this.eevo = eevo; } public LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> getFactorNames() { return factorNames; } public void setFactorNames(LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> factorNames2) { this.factorNames = factorNames2; } public Collection<FactorProfile> getFactorProfiles() { return factorProfiles; } public void setFactorProfiles(Collection<FactorProfile> factorProfiles) { this.factorProfiles = factorProfiles; } public List<List<String>> getFactorValues() { return factorValues; } public void setFactorValues(List<List<String>> factorValues) { this.factorValues = factorValues; } public List<LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>> getFactorValuesToNames() { return factorValueMaps; } public void setFactorValuesToNames(List<LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>> factorValueMaps2) { this.factorValueMaps = factorValueMaps2; } public Collection<GeneExpressionProfile> getProfiles() { return profiles; } public void setProfiles(Collection<GeneExpressionProfile> profiles) { this.profiles = profiles; } public List<String> getSampleNames() { return sampleNames; } public void setSampleNames(List<String> sampleNames) { this.sampleNames = sampleNames; } public void setEEwithPvalue(ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject ee, Double minP) { this.setEevo(ee); this.eevo.setMinPvalue(minP); } private void populateColorMap(List<Long> genes) { int i = 0; //if ( genes.size() > colors.length ) { // / FIXME -- we just cycle through for now. //} for (Long g : genes) { colorMap.put(g, VisualizationValueObject.colors[i % VisualizationValueObject.colors.length]); i++; } } private String toString(Collection<?> collection, int maxLen) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("["); int i = 0; for (Iterator<?> iterator = collection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext() && i < maxLen; i++) { if (i > 0) builder.append(", "); builder.append(; } builder.append("]\n"); return builder.toString(); } }