Java tutorial
/* * The gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2018 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.experiment; import; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import cern.jet.stat.Descriptive; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils; import org.openjena.atlas.logging.Log; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.OutlierDetectionService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.batcheffects.BatchEffectDetails; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.service.ExpressionDataMatrixService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.util.ExperimentalDesignUtils; import ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.AuditEvent; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.eventType.GeeqEvent; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.BibliographicReference; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.TechnologyType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.*; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.AbstractVoEnabledService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.expression.sampleCoexpression.SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.common.auditAndSecurity.AuditTrailService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesignService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.genome.taxon.TaxonService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @Service public class GeeqServiceImpl extends AbstractVoEnabledService<Geeq, GeeqValueObject> implements GeeqService { /** * If there are fewer than this number of replicates per condition, but more than GEEQ_WORST_REPLICATION_THRESHOLD, * a medium score is given for replicates. */ private static final int GEEQ_MEDIUM_REPLICATION_THRESHOLD = 5; /** * If there are fewer than this number of replicates per condition, the worst score is given for replicates. */ private static final int GEEQ_WORST_REPLICATION_THRESHOLD = 2; /** * How many factors to look at to determine conditions that have very few replicates. Since we routinely only do * differential expression analysis for up to 3 factors, that value makes sense. (batch and continuous factors not * included) */ private static final int MAX_EFS_REPLICATE_CHECK = 3; private static final String LOG_PREFIX = "|G|E|E|Q| "; private static final String ERR_MSG_MISSING_VALS = "Can not calculate missing values: "; private static final String ERR_MSG_CORMAT = "Can not create cormat: "; private static final String ERR_MSG_CORMAT_MISSING_VALS = "Cormat retrieval failed because of missing missing values for ee id "; private static final String ERR_W_MEAN_BAD_ARGS = "Can not calculate weighted arithmetic mean from null or unequal length arrays."; private static final String ERR_B_EFFECT_BAD_STATE = "Batch effect scoring in odd state - null batch effect, but batch info should be present." + "The same problem will be present for batch confound as well."; private static final double P_00 = 0.0; public static final double BATCH_EFF_WEAK = GeeqServiceImpl.P_00; private static final double P_03 = 0.3; private static final double P_05 = 0.5; private static final double P_10 = 1.0; public static final double BATCH_CONF_NO_HAS = GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; public static final double BATCH_EFF_NONE = GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; private static final double N_03 = -GeeqServiceImpl.P_03; private static final double N_05 = -GeeqServiceImpl.P_05; private static final double N_10 = -GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; public static final double BATCH_CONF_HAS = GeeqServiceImpl.N_10; public static final double BATCH_EFF_STRONG = GeeqServiceImpl.N_10; private static final String DE_EXCLUDE = "DE_Exclude"; private final ExpressionExperimentService expressionExperimentService; private final ArrayDesignService arrayDesignService; private final ExpressionDataMatrixService expressionDataMatrixService; private final OutlierDetectionService outlierDetectionService; private final AuditTrailService auditTrailService; private final SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService; private final TaxonService taxonService; @Autowired public GeeqServiceImpl(GeeqDao geeqDao, ExpressionExperimentService expressionExperimentService, ArrayDesignService arrayDesignService, ExpressionDataMatrixService expressionDataMatrixService, OutlierDetectionService outlierDetectionService, AuditTrailService auditTrailService, SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService, TaxonService taxonService) { super(geeqDao); this.expressionExperimentService = expressionExperimentService; this.arrayDesignService = arrayDesignService; this.expressionDataMatrixService = expressionDataMatrixService; this.outlierDetectionService = outlierDetectionService; this.auditTrailService = auditTrailService; this.sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService = sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService; this.taxonService = taxonService; } @Override public void calculateScore(Long eeId, String mode) { this.doScoring(eeId, mode); } @Override public void setManualOverrides(Long eeId, GeeqAdminValueObject gqVo) { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(eeId); ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLiter(ee); Geeq gq = ee.getGeeq(); // Update manual quality score value if (gq.getManualQualityScore() != gqVo.getManualQualityScore()) { gq.setLastManualOverride(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual quality score value changed", this.fromTo(gq.getManualQualityScore(), gqVo.getManualQualityScore()))); gq.setManualQualityScore(gqVo.getManualQualityScore()); } // Update manual quality score override if (gq.isManualQualityOverride() != gqVo.isManualQualityOverride()) { gq.setLastManualOverride(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual quality score override changed", this.fromTo(gq.isManualQualityOverride(), gqVo.isManualQualityOverride()))); gq.setManualQualityOverride(gqVo.isManualQualityOverride()); } // Update manual suitability score value if (gq.getManualSuitabilityScore() != gqVo.getManualSuitabilityScore()) { gq.setLastManualOverride(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual suitability score value changed", this.fromTo(gq.getManualSuitabilityScore(), gqVo.getManualSuitabilityScore()))); gq.setManualSuitabilityScore(gqVo.getManualSuitabilityScore()); } // Update manual suitability score override if (gq.isManualSuitabilityOverride() != gqVo.isManualSuitabilityOverride()) { gq.setLastManualOverride(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual suitability score override changed", this.fromTo(gq.isManualSuitabilityOverride(), gqVo.isManualSuitabilityOverride()))); gq.setManualSuitabilityOverride(gqVo.isManualSuitabilityOverride()); } // Update manual batch confound value if (gq.isManualHasBatchConfound() != gqVo.isManualHasBatchConfound()) { gq.setLastBatchConfoundChange(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual batch confound value changed", this.fromTo(gq.isManualHasBatchConfound(), gqVo.isManualHasBatchConfound()))); gq.setManualHasBatchConfound(gqVo.isManualHasBatchConfound()); } // Update manual batch confound override if (gq.isManualBatchConfoundActive() != gqVo.isManualBatchConfoundActive()) { gq.setLastBatchConfoundChange(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual batch confound override changed", this.fromTo(gq.isManualBatchConfoundActive(), gqVo.isManualBatchConfoundActive()))); gq.setManualBatchConfoundActive(gqVo.isManualBatchConfoundActive()); } // Update manual batch effect strong value if (gq.isManualHasStrongBatchEffect() != gqVo.isManualHasStrongBatchEffect()) { gq.setLastBatchEffectChange(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual strong batch effect value changed", this.fromTo(gq.isManualHasStrongBatchEffect(), gqVo.isManualHasStrongBatchEffect()))); gq.setManualHasStrongBatchEffect(gqVo.isManualHasStrongBatchEffect()); } // Update manual batch effect no value if (gq.isManualHasNoBatchEffect() != gqVo.isManualHasNoBatchEffect()) { gq.setLastBatchEffectChange(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual no batch effect value changed", this.fromTo(gq.isManualHasNoBatchEffect(), gqVo.isManualHasNoBatchEffect()))); gq.setManualHasNoBatchEffect(gqVo.isManualHasNoBatchEffect()); } // Update manual batch effect override if (gq.isManualBatchEffectActive() != gqVo.isManualBatchEffectActive()) { gq.setLastBatchEffectChange(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Manual batch effect override changed", this.fromTo(gq.isManualBatchEffectActive(), gqVo.isManualBatchEffectActive()))); gq.setManualBatchEffectActive(gqVo.isManualBatchEffectActive()); } this.update(gq);, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Updated manual override settings for ee id " + eeId); } /** * Does all the preparations and calls the appropriate scoring methods. * * @param eeId the id of experiment to be scored. * @param mode the mode of scoring. All will redo all scores, batchEffect and batchConfound will only recalculate * scores relevant to batch effect and batch confound, respectively. * Scoring batch effect and confound is fairly fast, especially compared to the 'all' mode, which goes * through almost all information associated with the experiment, and can therefore be very slow, * depending on the experiment. */ private void doScoring(Long eeId, String mode) { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(eeId); if (ee == null) { return; } this.ensureEeHasGeeq(ee); Geeq gq = ee.getGeeq(); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.start(); try { // Update score values switch (mode) { case GeeqService.OPT_MODE_ALL:, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Starting full geeq scoring for ee id " + eeId); gq = this.scoreAll(ee); break; case GeeqService.OPT_MODE_BATCH:, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Starting batch info, confound and batch effect geeq re-scoring for ee id " + eeId); gq = this.scoreOnlyBatchArtifacts(ee); break; case GeeqService.OPT_MODE_REPS:, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Starting replicates geeq re-scoring for ee id " + eeId); gq = this.scoreOnlyReplicates(ee); break; case GeeqService.OPT_MODE_PUB:, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Starting publication geeq re-scoring for ee id " + eeId); gq = this.scoreOnlyPublication(ee); break; default: Log.warn(this.getClass(), GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Did not recognize the given mode " + mode + " for ee id " + eeId); }, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Finished geeq re-scoring for ee id " + eeId + ", saving results..."); } catch (Exception e) {, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " Major problem encountered, scoring did not finish for ee id " + eeId + "."); e.printStackTrace(); gq.addOtherIssues(e.getMessage()); } // Recalculate final scores gq = this.updateQualityScore(gq); gq = this.updateSuitabilityScore(gq); // Add note if experiment curation not finished if (ee.getCurationDetails().getNeedsAttention()) { gq.addOtherIssues("Experiment was not fully curated when the score was calculated."); } stopwatch.stop(); gq.setLastRun(this.createGeeqEvent(ee, "Re-ran geeq scoring (mode: " + mode + ")", "Took " + stopwatch.elapsedMillis() + "ms.\nUnexpected problems encountered: \n" + gq.getOtherIssues())); this.update(gq);, GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + " took " + Math.round(stopwatch.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.SECONDS) / 60.0) + " minutes to process ee id " + eeId); } private Geeq updateSuitabilityScore(Geeq gq) { double[] suitability = gq.getSuitabilityScoreArray(); double[] weights = gq.getSuitabilityScoreWeightsArray(); double score = this.getWeightedMean(suitability, weights); gq.setDetectedSuitabilityScore(score); return gq; } private Geeq updateQualityScore(Geeq gq) { double[] quality = gq.getQualityScoreArray(); double[] weights = gq.getQualityScoreWeightsArray(); double score = this.getWeightedMean(quality, weights); gq.setDetectedQualityScore(score); return gq; } private Geeq scoreAll(ExpressionExperiment ee) { ee = expressionExperimentService.thaw(ee); Geeq gq = ee.getGeeq(); Collection<ArrayDesign> ads = expressionExperimentService.getArrayDesignsUsed(ee); // Reset description of scoring problems gq.setOtherIssues(""); // Suitability score calculation this.scorePublication(ee, gq); this.scorePlatformAmount(ads, gq); this.scorePlatformsTechMulti(ads, gq); this.scoreAvgPlatformPopularity(ads, gq); this.scoreAvgPlatformSize(ads, gq); this.scoreSampleSize(ee, gq); boolean hasRawData = this.scoreRawData(ee, gq); this.scoreMissingValues(ee, gq, hasRawData); // Quality score calculation DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> cormat = this.getCormat(ee, gq); double[] cormatLTri = this.getLowerTriCormat(cormat); this.scoreOutliers(gq, cormat); this.scoreSampleMeanCorrelation(gq, cormatLTri); this.scoreSampleMedianCorrelation(gq, cormatLTri); this.scoreSampleCorrelationVariance(gq, cormatLTri); this.scorePlatformsTech(ads, gq); this.scoreReplicates(ee, gq); boolean hasBatchInfo = this.scoreBatchInfo(ee, gq); boolean hasBatchConfound = this.scoreBatchConfound(ee, gq, hasBatchInfo); this.scoreBatchEffect(ee, gq, hasBatchInfo, hasBatchConfound); return gq; } private Geeq scoreOnlyBatchArtifacts(ExpressionExperiment ee) { ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLiter(ee); Geeq gq = ee.getGeeq(); boolean info = this.scoreBatchInfo(ee, gq); boolean confound = this.scoreBatchConfound(ee, gq, info); this.scoreBatchEffect(ee, gq, info, confound); return gq; } private Geeq scoreOnlyReplicates(ExpressionExperiment ee) { ee = expressionExperimentService.thaw(ee); Geeq gq = ee.getGeeq(); this.scoreReplicates(ee, gq); return gq; } private Geeq scoreOnlyPublication(ExpressionExperiment ee) { ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLiter(ee); Geeq gq = ee.getGeeq(); this.scorePublication(ee, gq); return gq; } private void ensureEeHasGeeq(ExpressionExperiment ee) { Geeq gq = ee.getGeeq(); if (gq == null) { gq = new Geeq(); gq = this.create(gq); ee.setGeeq(gq); expressionExperimentService.update(ee); } } /* * Suitability scoring methods */ private void scorePublication(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq) { double score; boolean hasBib; BibliographicReference bib = null; if (ee.getPrimaryPublication() != null) { bib = ee.getPrimaryPublication(); } else if (ee.getOtherRelevantPublications() != null && ee.getOtherRelevantPublications().size() > 0) { bib = ee.getOtherRelevantPublications().iterator().next(); } hasBib = bib != null; score = !hasBib ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; gq.setsScorePublication(score); } private void scorePlatformAmount(Collection<ArrayDesign> ads, Geeq gq) { double score; score = ads.size() > 2 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : ads.size() > 1 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_05 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; gq.setsScorePlatformAmount(score); } private void scorePlatformsTechMulti(Collection<ArrayDesign> ads, Geeq gq) { double score; boolean mismatch = false; ArrayDesign prev = null; for (ArrayDesign ad : ads) { if (prev == null) { prev = ad; } else { mismatch = !ad.getTechnologyType().equals(prev.getTechnologyType()); } } score = mismatch ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; gq.setsScorePlatformsTechMulti(score); } private void scoreAvgPlatformPopularity(Collection<ArrayDesign> ads, Geeq gq) { double score; double scores[] = new double[ads.size()]; // FIXME factor out magic numbers. Rationale: rarely used platforms are less favored int i = 0; for (ArrayDesign ad : ads) { int cnt = arrayDesignService.numExperiments(ad); scores[i++] = cnt < 10 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : cnt < 20 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_05 : cnt < 50 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_00 : cnt < 100 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_05 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; } score = this.getMean(scores); gq.setsScoreAvgPlatformPopularity(score); } /** * * @param ads * @param gq */ private void scoreAvgPlatformSize(Collection<ArrayDesign> ads, Geeq gq) { double score; double scores[] = new double[ads.size()]; int i = 0; for (ArrayDesign ad : ads) { Taxon taxon = arrayDesignService.getTaxon(ad.getId()); taxonService.thaw(taxon); long cnt = arrayDesignService.numGenes(ad); /* * FIXME we don't deal with miRNA platforms correctly */ // human, rat, mouse, zebrafish and worm all have on the order 20k protein-coding genes. if (taxon.getCommonName().equals("human") || taxon.getCommonName().equals("rat") || taxon.getCommonName().equals("mouse") || taxon.getCommonName().equals("zebrafish") || taxon.getCommonName().equals("worm")) { scores[i++] = cnt < 5000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : cnt < 10000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_05 : cnt < 15000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_00 : cnt < 18000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_05 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; } else if (taxon.getCommonName().equals("yeast")) { // Yeast has about 6k protein-coding genes scores[i++] = cnt < 1000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : cnt < 2500 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_05 : cnt < 4000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_00 : cnt < 5000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_05 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; } else if (taxon.getCommonName().equals("fly")) { // Fly has about 14k protein coding genes scores[i++] = cnt < 2000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : cnt < 5000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_05 : cnt < 8000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_00 : cnt < 10000 ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_05 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; } } score = this.getMean(scores); gq.setsScoreAvgPlatformSize(score); } /** * * @param ee * @param gq */ private void scoreSampleSize(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq) { double score; int cnt = ee.getBioAssays().size(); // FIXME factor out these magic numbers. Rationale: >500 is "too big"; 5 is "very small" and 20-500 is just fine. if (cnt > 500) { score = GeeqServiceImpl.N_10; } else { if (cnt < 6) { score = GeeqServiceImpl.N_10; } else if (cnt < 10) { score = GeeqServiceImpl.N_03; } else if (cnt < 20) { score = GeeqServiceImpl.P_00; } else { score = GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; } } gq.setsScoreSampleSize(score); } private boolean scoreRawData(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq) { double score; Collection<QuantitationType> quantitationTypes = expressionExperimentService.getQuantitationTypes(ee); boolean dataReprocessedFromRaw = false; for (QuantitationType qt : quantitationTypes) { if (qt.getIsRecomputedFromRawData()) { dataReprocessedFromRaw = true; } } score = dataReprocessedFromRaw ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_10 : GeeqServiceImpl.N_10; gq.setsScoreRawData(score); return dataReprocessedFromRaw; } private void scoreMissingValues(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq, boolean hasRawData) { double score; boolean hasProcessedVectors = true; boolean hasMissingValues = false; String problems = ""; if (!hasRawData) { try { ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix dmatrix = expressionDataMatrixService .getProcessedExpressionDataMatrix(ee); hasMissingValues = dmatrix.hasMissingValues(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { hasProcessedVectors = false; } catch (Exception e) { hasProcessedVectors = false; problems = GeeqServiceImpl.ERR_MSG_MISSING_VALS + e.getMessage(); } } score = hasRawData || (!hasMissingValues && hasProcessedVectors) ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_10 : GeeqServiceImpl.N_10; gq.setNoVectors(!hasProcessedVectors); gq.addOtherIssues(problems); gq.setsScoreMissingValues(score); } /* * Quality scoring methods */ private void scoreOutliers(Geeq gq, DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> cormat) { double score; boolean hasCorrMat = true; boolean hasNaNs = false; boolean outliers = true; if (cormat == null || cormat.rows() == 0) { hasCorrMat = false; } else { // Check if cormat has NaNs (diagonal is not checked, but there really should not be NaNs on the diagonal) Double[] doubleArray = ArrayUtils.toObject(this.getLowerTriangle(cormat.getRawMatrix())); List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(doubleArray)); hasNaNs = list.contains(Double.NaN); outliers = outlierDetectionService.identifyOutliersByMedianCorrelation(cormat).size() > 0; } score = outliers ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; // gq.setCorrMatIssues((byte) (!hasCorrMat ? 1 : hasNaNs ? 2 : 0)); gq.setqScoreOutliers(score); } private void scoreSampleMeanCorrelation(Geeq gq, double[] cormatLTri) { this.cormatOps(gq, cormatLTri, CormatOpsType.mean); } private void scoreSampleMedianCorrelation(Geeq gq, double[] cormatLTri) { this.cormatOps(gq, cormatLTri, CormatOpsType.median); } private void scoreSampleCorrelationVariance(Geeq gq, double[] cormatLTri) { this.cormatOps(gq, cormatLTri, CormatOpsType.variance); } private void scorePlatformsTech(Collection<ArrayDesign> ads, Geeq gq) { double score; boolean twoColor = false; for (ArrayDesign ad : ads) { if (ad.getTechnologyType().getValue().equals(TechnologyType.TWOCOLOR.getValue())) { twoColor = true; break; } } score = twoColor ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; gq.setqScorePlatformsTech(score); } private void scoreReplicates(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq) { double score; int replicates = -1; if (ee.getExperimentalDesign() != null && !ee.getExperimentalDesign().getExperimentalFactors().isEmpty()) { replicates = this.leastReplicates(ee); if (replicates < GEEQ_WORST_REPLICATION_THRESHOLD) { score = GeeqServiceImpl.N_10; } else if (replicates < GEEQ_MEDIUM_REPLICATION_THRESHOLD) { score = GeeqServiceImpl.P_00; } else { score = GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; } } else { // no information, so we give no penalty or bonus score = GeeqServiceImpl.P_00; gq.setReplicatesIssues((byte) 1); // no factors } // extra details if (replicates == -1) { gq.setReplicatesIssues((byte) 2); // somewhat redundant with no factors } else if (replicates == -2) { gq.setReplicatesIssues((byte) 3); // ALL values have only one sample (no replication at all) } else if (replicates == 0) { // shouldn't happen gq.setReplicatesIssues((byte) 4); } gq.setqScoreReplicates(score); } private boolean scoreBatchInfo(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq) { double score; boolean hasInfo = expressionExperimentService.checkHasBatchInfo(ee); score = !hasInfo ? GeeqServiceImpl.N_10 : GeeqServiceImpl.P_10; gq.setqScoreBatchInfo(score); return hasInfo; } private void scoreBatchEffect(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq, boolean infoDetected, boolean confound) { double score; boolean hasInfo = true; boolean hasStrong = false; boolean hasNone = false; boolean corrected = false; if (infoDetected && !confound) { boolean manual = gq.isManualBatchEffectActive(); if (!manual) { BatchEffectDetails be = expressionExperimentService.getBatchEffect(ee); if (be == null) { Log.warn(this.getClass(), GeeqServiceImpl.ERR_B_EFFECT_BAD_STATE); hasInfo = false; } else { hasStrong = be.getPvalue() < 0.0001; hasNone = be.getPvalue() > 0.1; corrected = be.getDataWasBatchCorrected(); } } else { hasStrong = gq.isManualHasStrongBatchEffect(); hasNone = gq.isManualHasNoBatchEffect(); } } score = !infoDetected || !hasInfo || confound ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_00 : hasStrong ? GeeqServiceImpl.BATCH_EFF_STRONG : hasNone ? GeeqServiceImpl.BATCH_EFF_NONE : GeeqServiceImpl.BATCH_EFF_WEAK; gq.setBatchCorrected(corrected); gq.setqScoreBatchEffect(score); } private boolean scoreBatchConfound(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq, boolean infoDetected) { double score; boolean hasConfound = false; if (infoDetected) { boolean manual = gq.isManualBatchConfoundActive(); if (!manual) { String confInfo = expressionExperimentService.getBatchConfound(ee); if (confInfo != null) { // null can mean no confound but also no batch info, which is ok since both should result in score 0 hasConfound = true; } } else { hasConfound = gq.isManualHasBatchConfound(); } } score = !infoDetected ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_00 : hasConfound ? GeeqServiceImpl.BATCH_CONF_HAS : GeeqServiceImpl.BATCH_CONF_NO_HAS; gq.setqScoreBatchConfound(score); return hasConfound; } /* * Support methods and other stuff */ private AuditEvent createGeeqEvent(ExpressionExperiment ee, String note, String details) { return auditTrailService.addUpdateEvent(ee, GeeqEvent.class, note, details); } private String fromTo(Object from, Object to) { return "From: " + from + " To: " + to; } /** * Checks for all combinations of factor values in the experiments bio assays, and counts the amount of * their occurrences, then checks what the lowest amount is. The method only combines factor values from * first (up to) MAX_EFS_REPLICATE_CHECK categorical experimental factors it encounters, and always disregards * values from batch factors. * * @param ee an expression experiment to get the count for. * @return the lowest number of replicates (ignoring factor value combinations with only one replicate), * or -2 if <em>all</em> factor value combinations were present only once, or -1, if there were no usable * factors * to begin with. */ private int leastReplicates(ExpressionExperiment ee) { HashMap<String, Integer> factors = new HashMap<>(); Collection<BioAssay> bas = ee.getBioAssays(); List<ExperimentalFactor> keepEfs = new ArrayList<>(GeeqServiceImpl.MAX_EFS_REPLICATE_CHECK); for (BioAssay ba : bas) { Collection<FactorValue> fvs = ba.getSampleUsed().getFactorValues(); //only keep up to MAX_EFS_REPLICATE_CHECK categorical factors, ignoring batch factor and DE_EXCLUDE Collection<FactorValue> removeFvs = new LinkedList<>(); for (FactorValue fv : fvs) { ExperimentalFactor ef = fv.getExperimentalFactor(); if (ExperimentalDesignUtils.isBatch(ef) || DE_EXCLUDE.equalsIgnoreCase(fv.getDescriptiveString()) || ef.getType().equals(FactorType.CONTINUOUS)) { removeFvs.add(fv); // always remove batch factor values and DE_EXCLUDE values } else { if (!keepEfs.contains(ef) && keepEfs.size() <= GeeqServiceImpl.MAX_EFS_REPLICATE_CHECK) { keepEfs.add(ef); // keep first MAX_EFS_REPLICATE_CHECK encountered factors } else if (!keepEfs.contains(ef)) { removeFvs.add(fv); // if from different factor, remove the value } } } fvs.removeAll(removeFvs); // sort so the keys in the hash map are consistent Collection<Long> ids = EntityUtils.getIds(fvs); Long[] arr = ids.toArray(new Long[0]); Arrays.sort(arr); String key = Arrays.toString(arr); // add new key or increment counter of existing one Integer cnt = factors.get(key); factors.put(key, cnt == null ? 1 : ++cnt); } List<Integer> counts = new ArrayList<>(factors.values()); Collections.sort(counts); if (counts.isEmpty()) { return -1; } else if (counts.get(counts.size() - 1) == 1) { return -2; // all conditions have only one replicate } else { return counts.get(0); } } private DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> getCormat(ExpressionExperiment ee, Geeq gq) { DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> cormat = null; try { cormat = sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService.loadTryRegressedThenFull(ee); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.warn(this.getClass(), GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + GeeqServiceImpl.ERR_MSG_CORMAT_MISSING_VALS + ee.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { String err = GeeqServiceImpl.ERR_MSG_CORMAT + e.getMessage(); Log.warn(this.getClass(), GeeqServiceImpl.LOG_PREFIX + err); gq.addOtherIssues(err); } return cormat; } private double[] getLowerTriCormat(DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> cormat) { if (cormat == null || cormat.rows() == 0) { return new double[] {}; } double[] corTri = this.getLowerTriangle(cormat.getRawMatrix()); // We have to remove NaNs, some cormats have them (we notify user about this in the outlier score) // this is not very efficient, but the DoubleMatrix does not have a method to get an array of Doubles (not doubles) Double[] doubleArray = ArrayUtils.toObject(corTri); List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(doubleArray)); //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody // because java standard libraries suck, we have to iterate like this to remove all NaNs, not just the first one. while (list.remove(Double.NaN)) { } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(list.toArray(new Double[0])); } private void cormatOps(Geeq gq, double[] cormatLTri, CormatOpsType type) { double score; double value = 0; boolean hasCorrMat = true; if (cormatLTri == null || cormatLTri.length == 0) { hasCorrMat = false; } else { switch (type) { case mean: value = this.getMean(cormatLTri); break; case median: value = this.getMedian(cormatLTri); break; case variance: value = this.getVariance(cormatLTri); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } score = !hasCorrMat ? GeeqServiceImpl.P_00 : value; switch (type) { case mean: gq.setqScoreSampleMeanCorrelation(score); break; case median: gq.setqScoreSampleMedianCorrelation(score); break; case variance: gq.setqScoreSampleCorrelationVariance(score); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private double getWeightedMean(double[] vals, double[] weights) { if (vals == null || weights == null || vals.length != weights.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(GeeqServiceImpl.ERR_W_MEAN_BAD_ARGS); } double sum = GeeqServiceImpl.P_00; double wSum = GeeqServiceImpl.P_00; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { sum += weights[i] * vals[i]; wSum += weights[i]; } return sum / wSum; } private double getMean(double[] arr) { return StatUtils.mean(arr); } private double getMedian(double[] arr) { return Descriptive.median(new DoubleArrayList(arr)); } private double getVariance(double[] arr) { return StatUtils.variance(arr); } private double[] getLowerTriangle(double[][] mat) { // half of the square, minus half of one row (the diagonal) double[] tri = new double[((mat.length * mat[0].length) / 2) - (mat.length / 2)]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mat.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mat[i].length; j++) { if (i > j) { tri[k] = mat[i][j]; k++; } } } return tri; } private enum CormatOpsType { mean, median, variance } }