Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2008 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.bioAssayData; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.type.LongType; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.util.BatchIterator; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.normalize.QuantileNormalizer; import ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix; import ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrixUtil; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationType; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationTypeImpl; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.ScaleType; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.StandardQuantitationType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.TechnologyType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssayValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.*; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequenceValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.BioAssaySet; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentSubSet; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.AbstractDao; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.CommonQueries; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import java.util.*; /** * @author Paul */ @Repository public class ProcessedExpressionDataVectorDaoImpl extends DesignElementDataVectorDaoImpl<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> implements ProcessedExpressionDataVectorDao { /** * Don't attempt to renormalize data that is smaller than this. This avoids unnecessary normalization in tests, and * in data sets where normalization is more likely to harm than good. */ private static final int MIN_SIZE_FOR_RENORMALIZATION = 4000; private final ProcessedDataVectorCache processedDataVectorCache; @Autowired public ProcessedExpressionDataVectorDaoImpl(SessionFactory sessionFactory, ProcessedDataVectorCache processedDataVectorCache) { super(ProcessedExpressionDataVector.class, sessionFactory); this.processedDataVectorCache = processedDataVectorCache; } @Override public void clearCache() { processedDataVectorCache.clearCache(); } @Override public ExpressionExperiment createProcessedDataVectors(ExpressionExperiment ee) { if (ee == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("ExpressionExperiment cannot be null"); } /* * Initialize objects, get some parameters, locate the vectors we're going to use. */ ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment = (ExpressionExperiment) this.getSessionFactory() .getCurrentSession().get(ExpressionExperiment.class, ee.getId()); assert expressionExperiment != null; this.removeProcessedDataVectors(expressionExperiment); Hibernate.initialize(expressionExperiment); Hibernate.initialize(expressionExperiment.getQuantitationTypes()); Hibernate.initialize(expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors()); expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors().clear();"Computing processed expression vectors for " + expressionExperiment); boolean isTwoChannel = this.isTwoChannel(expressionExperiment); Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> missingValueVectors = new HashSet<>(); if (isTwoChannel) { missingValueVectors = this.getMissingValueVectors(expressionExperiment); } Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> rawPreferredDataVectors = this .getPreferredDataVectors(expressionExperiment); if (rawPreferredDataVectors.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No preferred data vectors for " + expressionExperiment); } removeDuplicateElements(rawPreferredDataVectors); RawExpressionDataVector preferredDataVectorExemplar = rawPreferredDataVectors.iterator().next(); QuantitationType preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType = this .getPreferredMaskedDataQuantitationType(preferredDataVectorExemplar.getQuantitationType()); /* log-transform if necessary */ Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> preferredDataVectors = ensureLog2Scale(rawPreferredDataVectors, preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType); Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> maskedVectorObjects = this .maskAndUnpack(preferredDataVectors, missingValueVectors); /* * Note that we used to not normalize count data, but we've removed this restriction; and in any case we have * moved to using non-count summaries for the primary data type. */ if (preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType.getType().equals(StandardQuantitationType.COUNT)) { /* * Backfill target */ AbstractDao.log.warn("Preferred data are counts; please convert to log2cpm"); } if (!preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType.getIsRatio() && maskedVectorObjects.size() > ProcessedExpressionDataVectorDaoImpl.MIN_SIZE_FOR_RENORMALIZATION) {"Normalizing the data"); this.renormalize(maskedVectorObjects); } else {"Normalization skipped for this data set (not suitable)"); } /* * Done with processing, now build the vectors and persist; Do a sanity check that we don't have more than we * should */ int i = 0; Collection<CompositeSequence> seenDes = new HashSet<>(); for (CompositeSequence cs : maskedVectorObjects.keySet()) { DoubleVectorValueObject dvvo = maskedVectorObjects.get(cs); if (seenDes.contains(cs)) { // defensive programming, this happens. throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicated design element: " + cs + "; make sure the experiment has only one 'preferred' quantitation type. " + "Perhaps you need to run vector merging following an array design switch?"); } ProcessedExpressionDataVector vec = (ProcessedExpressionDataVector) dvvo.toDesignElementDataVector(ee, cs, preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType); expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors().add(vec); seenDes.add(cs); if (++i % 5000 == 0) { + " vectors built"); } }"Persisting " + expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors().size() + " processed data vectors"); expressionExperiment.getQuantitationTypes().add(preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType); expressionExperiment .setNumberOfDataVectors(expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors().size()); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().update(expressionExperiment); assert expressionExperiment.getNumberOfDataVectors() != null; this.processedDataVectorCache.clearCache(expressionExperiment.getId()); return expressionExperiment; } @Override public Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> getProcessedDataArrays(BioAssaySet expressionExperiment) { return this.getProcessedDataArrays(expressionExperiment, -1); } @Override public Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> getProcessedDataArrays(BioAssaySet expressionExperiment, Collection<Long> genes) { Collection<BioAssaySet> expressionExperiments = new HashSet<>(); expressionExperiments.add(expressionExperiment); return this.handleGetProcessedExpressionDataArrays(expressionExperiments, genes); } @Override public Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> getProcessedDataArrays(BioAssaySet ee, int limit) { Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> pedvs = this.getProcessedVectors(this.getExperiment(ee), limit); if (pedvs.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No processed vectors for experiment " + ee); return new HashSet<>(); } Collection<Long> probes = new ArrayList<>(); for (ProcessedExpressionDataVector pedv : pedvs) { probes.add(pedv.getDesignElement().getId()); } if (probes.isEmpty()) { return this.unpack(pedvs).values(); } Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2gene = CommonQueries.getCs2GeneMapForProbes(probes, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); Collection<BioAssayDimension> bioAssayDimensions = this.getBioAssayDimensions(ee); if (bioAssayDimensions.size() == 1) { return this.unpack(pedvs, cs2gene).values(); } /* * deal with 'misalignment problem' */ BioAssayDimension longestBad = this.checkRagged(bioAssayDimensions); if (longestBad != null) { return this.unpack(pedvs, cs2gene, longestBad); } return this.unpack(pedvs, cs2gene).values(); } @Override public Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> getProcessedDataArrays( Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> expressionExperiments, Collection<Long> genes) { return this.handleGetProcessedExpressionDataArrays(expressionExperiments, genes); } @Override public Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> getProcessedDataArraysByProbe(Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> ees, Collection<CompositeSequence> probes) { if (probes.isEmpty()) return new HashSet<>(); Collection<Long> probeIds = EntityUtils.getIds(probes); return this.getProcessedDataArraysByProbeIds(ees, probeIds); } @Override public Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> getProcessedDataArraysByProbeIds(BioAssaySet ee, Collection<Long> probes) { return this.getProcessedDataArraysByProbeIds(Collections.singleton(ee), probes); } @Override public Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> getProcessedVectors(ExpressionExperiment ee) { //language=HQL final String queryString = " from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dedv where = :ee"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("ee", ee.getId()) .list(); } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperiment, Map<Gene, Collection<Double>>> getRanks( Collection<ExpressionExperiment> expressionExperiments, Collection<Gene> genes, RankMethod method) { Collection<ArrayDesign> arrayDesigns = CommonQueries.getArrayDesignsUsed( EntityUtils.getIds(expressionExperiments), this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()).keySet(); // this could be further improved by getting probes specific to experiments in batches. Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> cs2gene = CommonQueries.getCs2GeneMap(genes, arrayDesigns, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); if (cs2gene.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No composite sequences found for genes"); return new HashMap<>(); } Map<ExpressionExperiment, Map<Gene, Collection<Double>>> result = new HashMap<>(); BatchIterator<CompositeSequence> batchIterator = new BatchIterator<>(cs2gene.keySet(), 500); for (Collection<CompositeSequence> batch : batchIterator) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct dedv.expressionExperiment, dedv.designElement, dedv.rankByMean, " + "dedv.rankByMax from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dedv " + " where dedv.designElement in ( :cs ) and dedv.expressionExperiment in (:ees) "; List qr = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("cs", batch).setParameterList("ees", expressionExperiments).list(); for (Object o : qr) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; ExpressionExperiment e = (ExpressionExperiment) oa[0]; CompositeSequence d = (CompositeSequence) oa[1]; Double rMean = oa[2] == null ? Double.NaN : (Double) oa[2]; Double rMax = oa[3] == null ? Double.NaN : (Double) oa[3]; if (!result.containsKey(e)) { result.put(e, new HashMap<Gene, Collection<Double>>()); } Map<Gene, Collection<Double>> rMap = result.get(e); Collection<Gene> genes4probe = cs2gene.get(d); this.addToGene(method, rMap, rMean, rMax, genes4probe); } } return result; } @Override public Map<Gene, Collection<Double>> getRanks(ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment, Collection<Gene> genes, RankMethod method) { Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> cs2gene = CommonQueries.getCs2GeneMap(genes, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); if (cs2gene.keySet().size() == 0) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No composite sequences found for genes"); return new HashMap<>(); } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct dedv.designElement, dedv.rankByMean, dedv.rankByMax from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dedv " + " where dedv.designElement in ( :cs ) and = :eeid "; List qr = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("cs", cs2gene.keySet()).setParameter("eeid", expressionExperiment.getId()).list(); Map<Gene, Collection<Double>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Object o : qr) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; CompositeSequence d = (CompositeSequence) oa[0]; Double rMean = oa[1] == null ? Double.NaN : (Double) oa[1]; Double rMax = oa[2] == null ? Double.NaN : (Double) oa[2]; Collection<Gene> genes4probe = cs2gene.get(d); this.addToGene(method, result, rMean, rMax, genes4probe); } return result; } @Override public Map<CompositeSequence, Double> getRanks(ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment, RankMethod method) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select dedv.designElement, dedv.rankByMean, dedv.rankByMax from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dedv " + "where = :ee"; List qr = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ee", expressionExperiment.getId()).list(); Map<CompositeSequence, Double> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Object o : qr) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; CompositeSequence d = (CompositeSequence) oa[0]; Double rMean = oa[1] == null ? Double.NaN : (Double) oa[1]; Double rMax = oa[2] == null ? Double.NaN : (Double) oa[2]; switch (method) { case mean: result.put(d, rMean); break; case max: result.put(d, rMax); break; default: break; } } return result; } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperiment, Map<Gene, Map<CompositeSequence, Double[]>>> getRanksByProbe( Collection<ExpressionExperiment> expressionExperiments, Collection<Gene> genes) { Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> cs2gene = CommonQueries.getCs2GeneMap(genes, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); if (cs2gene.keySet().size() == 0) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No composite sequences found for genes"); return new HashMap<>(); } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct dedv.expressionExperiment, dedv.designElement, dedv.rankByMean, dedv.rankByMax " + "from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dedv " + " inner join dedv.designElement de " + " where in ( :cs ) and in (:ees) "; List qr = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("cs", EntityUtils.getIds(cs2gene.keySet())) .setParameterList("ees", EntityUtils.getIds(expressionExperiments)).list(); Map<ExpressionExperiment, Map<Gene, Map<CompositeSequence, Double[]>>> resultNew = new HashMap<>(); for (Object o : qr) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; ExpressionExperiment e = (ExpressionExperiment) oa[0]; CompositeSequence d = (CompositeSequence) oa[1]; Double rMean = (Double) oa[2]; Double rMax = (Double) oa[3]; if (!resultNew.containsKey(e)) { resultNew.put(e, new HashMap<Gene, Map<CompositeSequence, Double[]>>()); } Map<Gene, Map<CompositeSequence, Double[]>> rMapNew = resultNew.get(e); Collection<Gene> genes4probe = cs2gene.get(d); for (Gene gene : genes4probe) { if (!rMapNew.containsKey(gene)) { rMapNew.put(gene, new HashMap<CompositeSequence, Double[]>()); } // return BOTH mean and max if (rMean == null || rMax == null) { continue; } Double[] MeanMax = new Double[] { rMean, rMax }; rMapNew.get(gene).put(d, MeanMax); } } return resultNew; } @Override public void removeProcessedDataVectors(ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment) { assert expressionExperiment != null; assert expressionExperiment.getId() != null; if (!this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().contains(expressionExperiment)) { expressionExperiment = (ExpressionExperiment) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .get(ExpressionExperiment.class, expressionExperiment.getId()); } /* * Get quantitation types that will be removed. */ //noinspection unchecked List<QuantitationType> qtsToRemove = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select distinct p.quantitationType from ExpressionExperiment e " + "inner join e.processedExpressionDataVectors p where = :id") .setParameter("id", expressionExperiment.getId()).list(); // Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> vectors = expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors(); // Hibernate.initialize( vectors ); // expressionExperiment.setProcessedExpressionDataVectors( new HashSet<ProcessedExpressionDataVector>() ); // this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().update( expressionExperiment ); expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors().clear(); // if ( !vectors.isEmpty() ) { // this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() // .createQuery( "delete from ProcessedExpressionDataVector p where in (:ids)" ) // .setParameterList( "ids", EntityUtils.getIds( vectors ) ).executeUpdate(); // } if (!qtsToRemove.isEmpty()) {"Deleting " + qtsToRemove.size() + " old quantitation types"); expressionExperiment.getQuantitationTypes().removeAll(qtsToRemove); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().update(expressionExperiment); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("delete from QuantitationTypeImpl where id in (:ids)") .setParameterList("ids", EntityUtils.getIds(qtsToRemove)); } } /** * Make sure the data are on a log2 scale * * @param rawPreferredDataVectors raw preferred data vectors * @param preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType preferred masked data QT * @return collection containing the vectors */ public Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> ensureLog2Scale( Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> rawPreferredDataVectors, QuantitationType preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType) { Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> preferredDataVectors = new HashSet<>(); if (!preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType.getScale().equals(ScaleType.LOG2)) {"Converting from " + preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType.getScale() + " to log2"); ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix matrix = ExpressionDataDoubleMatrixUtil.ensureLog2Scale( preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType, new ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(rawPreferredDataVectors)); preferredDataVectors.addAll(matrix.toRawDataVectors()); preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType.setScale(ScaleType.LOG2); this.getSession().update(preferredMaskedDataQuantitationType); } else { preferredDataVectors.addAll(rawPreferredDataVectors); } return preferredDataVectors; } @Override public Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> find(BioAssayDimension bioAssayDimension) { //noinspection unchecked return new HashSet<>(this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select d from ProcessedExpressionDataVector d where d.bioAssayDimension = :bad") .setParameter("bad", bioAssayDimension).list()); } @Override public Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> find(Collection<QuantitationType> quantitationTypes) { //noinspection unchecked return new HashSet<>(this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select dev from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dev where " + " dev.quantitationType in ( :quantitationTypes) ") .setParameterList("quantitationTypes", quantitationTypes).list()); } @Override public Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> find(ArrayDesign arrayDesign, QuantitationType quantitationType) { //noinspection unchecked return new HashSet<>(this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select dev from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dev inner join fetch dev.bioAssayDimension bd " + " inner join fetch dev.designElement de inner join fetch dev.quantitationType inner join de.arrayDesign ad where = :adid " + "and dev.quantitationType = :quantitationType ") .setParameter("quantitationType", quantitationType).setParameter("adid", arrayDesign.getId()) .list()); } @Override public Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> find(Collection<CompositeSequence> designElements, QuantitationType quantitationType) { if (designElements == null || designElements.size() == 0) return new HashSet<>(); //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery( "select dev from ProcessedExpressionDataVector as dev inner join dev.designElement as de " + " where de in (:des) and dev.quantitationType = :qt") .setParameterList("des", designElements).setParameter("qt", quantitationType).list(); } @Override public void removeDataForCompositeSequence(final CompositeSequence compositeSequence) { final String dedvRemovalQuery = "delete ProcessedExpressionDataVector dedv where dedv.designElement = ?"; int deleted = this.getHibernateTemplate().bulkUpdate(dedvRemovalQuery, compositeSequence);"Deleted: " + deleted); } @Override public void removeDataForQuantitationType(final QuantitationType quantitationType) { final String dedvRemovalQuery = "delete from ProcessedExpressionDataVector as dedv where dedv.quantitationType = ?"; int deleted = this.getHibernateTemplate().bulkUpdate(dedvRemovalQuery, quantitationType);"Deleted " + deleted + " data vector elements"); } // // @Override // public ExpressionExperiment createProcessedDataVectors( ExpressionExperiment ee, // Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> data ) { // if ( ee == null ) { // throw new IllegalStateException( "ExpressionExperiment cannot be null" ); // } // // ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment = ( ExpressionExperiment ) this.getSessionFactory() // .getCurrentSession().get( ExpressionExperiment.class, ee.getId() ); // // assert expressionExperiment != null; // // this.removeProcessedDataVectors( expressionExperiment ); // // Hibernate.initialize( expressionExperiment ); // Hibernate.initialize( expressionExperiment.getQuantitationTypes() ); // // data = ExpressionDataDoubleMatrixUtil.ensureLog2Scale( data ); // // QuantitationType qt = data.iterator().next().getQuantitationType(); // assumes all are same. // qt.setScale( ScaleType.LOG2 ); // this.getSession().update( qt ); // // expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors().addAll( data ); // // this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().saveOrUpdate( qt ); // expressionExperiment.getQuantitationTypes().add( data.iterator().next().getQuantitationType() ); // expressionExperiment.setNumberOfDataVectors( expressionExperiment.getProcessedExpressionDataVectors().size() ); // // this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().update( expressionExperiment ); // assert expressionExperiment.getNumberOfDataVectors() != null; // // this.processedDataVectorCache.clearCache( expressionExperiment.getId() ); // // return expressionExperiment; // // } private void addToGene(RankMethod method, Map<Gene, Collection<Double>> result, Double rMean, Double rMax, Collection<Gene> genes4probe) { for (Gene gene : genes4probe) { if (!result.containsKey(gene)) { result.put(gene, new ArrayList<Double>()); } switch (method) { case mean: result.get(gene).add(rMean); break; case max: result.get(gene).add(rMax); break; default: break; } } } /** * @param newResults Always provide full vectors, not subsets. */ private void cacheResults(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> newResults) { /* * Break up by gene and EE to cache collections of vectors for EE-gene combos. */ Map<Long, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> mapForCache = this.makeCacheMap(newResults); int i = 0; for (Long eeid : mapForCache.keySet()) { for (Long g : mapForCache.get(eeid).keySet()) { i++; this.processedDataVectorCache.addToCache(eeid, g, mapForCache.get(eeid).get(g)); } } // WARNING cache size() can be slow, esp. terracotta."Cached " + i + ", input " + newResults.size() + "; total cached: " /* + this.processedDataVectorCache.size() */ ); } /** * We cache vectors at the experiment level. If we need subsets, we have to slice them out. * * @param bioAssaySets that we exactly need the data for. * @param genes that might have cached results * @param results from the cache will be put here * @param needToSearch experiments that need to be searched (not fully cached); this will be populated * @param genesToSearch that still need to be searched (not in cache) */ private void checkCache(Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> bioAssaySets, Collection<Long> genes, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> results, Collection<ExpressionExperiment> needToSearch, Collection<Long> genesToSearch) { for (BioAssaySet ee : bioAssaySets) { ExpressionExperiment experiment = null; boolean needSubSet = false; if (ee instanceof ExpressionExperiment) { experiment = (ExpressionExperiment) ee; } else if (ee instanceof ExpressionExperimentSubSet) { experiment = ((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) ee).getSourceExperiment(); needSubSet = true; } assert experiment != null; for (Long g : genes) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> obs = processedDataVectorCache.get(ee, g); if (obs != null) { if (needSubSet) { obs = this.sliceSubSet((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) ee, obs); } results.addAll(obs); } else { genesToSearch.add(g); } } /* * This experiment is not fully cached for the genes in question. */ if (genesToSearch.size() > 0) { needToSearch.add(experiment); } } } /** * @param bioAssayDimensions See if anything is 'ragged' (fewer bioassays per biomaterial than in some other * sample) * @return bio assay dimension */ private BioAssayDimension checkRagged(Collection<BioAssayDimension> bioAssayDimensions) { int s = -1; int longest = -1; BioAssayDimension longestBad = null; for (BioAssayDimension bad : bioAssayDimensions) { Collection<BioAssay> assays = bad.getBioAssays(); if (s < 0) { s = assays.size(); } if (assays.size() > longest) { longest = assays.size(); longestBad = bad; } } return longestBad; } private void doQuantileNormalization(DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, Integer> matrix, Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors) { QuantileNormalizer<CompositeSequence, Integer> normalizer = new QuantileNormalizer<>(); DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, Integer> normalized = normalizer.normalize(matrix); for (int i = 0; i < normalized.rows(); i++) { double[] row = normalized.getRow(i); CompositeSequence cs = normalized.getRowName(i); DoubleVectorValueObject vec = vectors.get(cs); double[] data = vec.getData(); System.arraycopy(row, 0, data, 0, row.length); } } private Collection<BioAssayDimension> getBioAssayDimensions(BioAssaySet ee) { if (ee instanceof ExpressionExperiment) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); List r = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery( // this does not look efficient. "select distinct bad from ExpressionExperiment e, BioAssayDimension bad" + " inner join e.bioAssays b inner join bad.bioAssays badba where e = :ee and b in (badba) ") .setParameter("ee", ee).list(); timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 100) {"Fetch " + r.size() + " bioassayDimensions for experiment id=" + ee.getId() + ": " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } //noinspection unchecked return r; } // subset. return this.getBioAssayDimensions(this.getExperiment(ee)); } private Map<BioAssaySet, Collection<BioAssayDimension>> getBioAssayDimensions( Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees) { Map<BioAssaySet, Collection<BioAssayDimension>> result = new HashMap<>(); if (ees.size() == 1) { ExpressionExperiment ee = ees.iterator().next(); result.put(ee, this.getBioAssayDimensions(ee)); return result; } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); //noinspection unchecked List<Object> r = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select distinct e, bad from ExpressionExperiment e, BioAssayDimension bad" + " inner join e.bioAssays b inner join bad.bioAssays badba where e in (:ees) and b in (badba) ") .setParameterList("ees", ees).list(); for (Object o : r) { Object[] tup = (Object[]) o; BioAssaySet bas = (BioAssaySet) tup[0]; if (!result.containsKey(bas)) result.put(bas, new HashSet<BioAssayDimension>()); result.get(bas).add((BioAssayDimension) tup[1]); } if (timer.getTime() > 100) {"Fetch " + r.size() + " bioAssayDimensions for " + ees.size() + " experiment(s): " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } return result; } /** * @param data data * @return Pre-fetch and construct the BioAssayDimensionValueObjects. Used on the basis that the data probably * just * have one * (or a few) BioAssayDimensionValueObjects needed, not a different one for each vector. See bug 3629 * for * details. */ private Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> getBioAssayDimensionValueObjects( Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> data) { Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> badVos = new HashMap<>(); for (DesignElementDataVector v : data) { BioAssayDimension bioAssayDimension = v.getBioAssayDimension(); if (!badVos.containsKey(bioAssayDimension)) { badVos.put(bioAssayDimension, new BioAssayDimensionValueObject(bioAssayDimension)); } } return badVos; } private ExpressionExperiment getExperiment(BioAssaySet bas) { ExpressionExperiment e; if (bas instanceof ExpressionExperiment) { e = (ExpressionExperiment) bas; } else if (bas instanceof ExpressionExperimentSubSet) { e = ((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) bas).getSourceExperiment(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Couldn't handle a " + bas.getClass()); } assert e != null; return e; } /** * Determine the experiments that bioAssaySets refer to. * * @param bioAssaySets - either ExpressionExperiment or ExpressionExperimentSubSet (which has an associated * ExpressionExperiment, which is what we're after) * @return Note that this collection can be smaller than the input, if two bioAssaySets come from (or * are) the same * Experiment */ private Collection<ExpressionExperiment> getExperiments(Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> bioAssaySets) { Collection<ExpressionExperiment> result = new HashSet<>(); for (BioAssaySet bas : bioAssaySets) { ExpressionExperiment e = this.getExperiment(bas); result.add(e); } return result; } private Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> getMissingValueVectors(ExpressionExperiment ee) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select dedv from RawExpressionDataVector dedv " + "inner join dedv.quantitationType q where q.type = 'PRESENTABSENT'" + " and dedv.expressionExperiment = :ee "; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("ee", ee).list(); } /** * @param ee ee * @return Retrieve the RAW data for the preferred quantitation type. */ private Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> getPreferredDataVectors(ExpressionExperiment ee) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select dedv from RawExpressionDataVector dedv inner join dedv.quantitationType q " + " where q.isPreferred = true and = :ee"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("ee", ee.getId()) .list(); } /** * Make a quantitation type for attaching to the new processed data - always log2 transformed * * @param preferredQt preferred QT * @return QT */ private QuantitationType getPreferredMaskedDataQuantitationType(QuantitationType preferredQt) { QuantitationType present = QuantitationType.Factory.newInstance(); present.setName(preferredQt.getName() + " - Processed version"); present.setDescription( "Processed data (as per Gemma) for analysis, based on the preferred quantitation type raw data"); present.setGeneralType(preferredQt.getGeneralType()); present.setRepresentation(preferredQt.getRepresentation()); // better be a number! present.setScale(preferredQt.getScale()); present.setIsBackground(false); present.setIsPreferred(false); // This is the correct thing to do because it's not raw data. present.setIsMaskedPreferred(true); present.setIsBackgroundSubtracted(preferredQt.getIsBackgroundSubtracted()); present.setIsBatchCorrected(preferredQt.getIsBatchCorrected()); present.setIsRecomputedFromRawData(preferredQt.getIsRecomputedFromRawData()); // By "RAW" we mean CEL files or Fastq etc. present.setIsNormalized(preferredQt.getIsNormalized()); present.setIsRatio(preferredQt.getIsRatio()); present.setType(preferredQt.getType()); Long id = (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().save(present); return (QuantitationType) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().load(QuantitationTypeImpl.class, id); } private Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> getProcessedDataArraysByProbeIds( Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> ees, Collection<Long> probeIds) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> results = new HashSet<>(); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2gene = CommonQueries.getCs2GeneMapForProbes(probeIds, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> noGeneProbes = new HashMap<>(); for (Long pid : probeIds) { if (!cs2gene.containsKey(pid) || cs2gene.get(pid).isEmpty()) { noGeneProbes.put(pid, new HashSet<Long>()); cs2gene.remove(pid); } } + " probes associated with a gene; " + noGeneProbes.size() + " not"); /* * To Check the cache we need the list of genes 1st. Get from CS2Gene list then check the cache. */ Collection<Long> genes = new HashSet<>(); for (Long cs : cs2gene.keySet()) { genes.addAll(cs2gene.get(cs)); } Collection<ExpressionExperiment> needToSearch = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Long> genesToSearch = new HashSet<>(); this.checkCache(ees, genes, results, needToSearch, genesToSearch); if (!results.isEmpty()) + " vectors fetched from cache"); Map<ProcessedExpressionDataVector, Collection<Long>> rawResults = new HashMap<>(); /* * Small problem: noGeneProbes are never really cached since we use the gene as part of that. */ if (!noGeneProbes.isEmpty()) { Collection<ExpressionExperiment> eesForNoGeneProbes = new HashSet<>(); for (BioAssaySet ee : ees) { if (ee instanceof ExpressionExperiment) { eesForNoGeneProbes.add((ExpressionExperiment) ee); } else { eesForNoGeneProbes.add(((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) ee).getSourceExperiment()); } } needToSearch.addAll(eesForNoGeneProbes); rawResults.putAll(this.getProcessedVectors(EntityUtils.getIds(eesForNoGeneProbes), noGeneProbes)); } if (!rawResults.isEmpty()) + " vectors retrieved so far, for noGeneProbes"); /* * Non-cached items. */ if (!needToSearch.isEmpty()) { rawResults.putAll(this.getProcessedVectors(EntityUtils.getIds(needToSearch), cs2gene)); } if (!rawResults.isEmpty()) + " vectors retrieved so far, after fetching non-cached."); /* * Deal with possibility of 'gaps' and unpack the vectors. */ Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> newResults = new HashSet<>(); for (ExpressionExperiment ee : needToSearch) { Collection<BioAssayDimension> bioAssayDimensions = this.getBioAssayDimensions(ee); if (bioAssayDimensions.size() == 1) { newResults.addAll(this.unpack(rawResults)); } else { /* * See handleGetProcessedExpressionDataArrays(Collection<? extends BioAssaySet>, Collection<Gene>, * boolean) and bug 1704. */ BioAssayDimension longestBad = this.checkRagged(bioAssayDimensions); assert longestBad != null; newResults.addAll(this.unpack(rawResults, longestBad)); } if (!newResults.isEmpty()) { this.cacheResults(newResults); newResults = this.sliceSubsets(ees, newResults); results.addAll(newResults); } } return results; } /** * @param cs2gene Map of probe to genes. * @param ees ees * @return map of vectors to genes. */ private Map<ProcessedExpressionDataVector, Collection<Long>> getProcessedVectors(Collection<Long> ees, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2gene) { if (ees == null || ees.size() == 0) { return this.getVectorsForProbesInExperiments(cs2gene); } Map<ProcessedExpressionDataVector, Collection<Long>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Long ee : ees) { result.putAll(this.getVectorsForProbesInExperiments(ee, cs2gene)); } return result; } /** * @param limit if non-null and positive, you will get a random set of vectors for the experiment * @param ee ee * @return processed data vectors */ private Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> getProcessedVectors(ExpressionExperiment ee, Integer limit) { if (limit == null || limit < 0) { return this.getProcessedVectors(ee); } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); List<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> result; Integer availableVectorCount = ee.getNumberOfDataVectors(); if (availableVectorCount == null || availableVectorCount == 0) {"Experiment does not have vector count populated."); // cannot fix this here, because we're read-only. } Query q = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery(" from ProcessedExpressionDataVector dedv where = :ee"); q.setParameter("ee", ee.getId(), LongType.INSTANCE); q.setMaxResults(limit); if (availableVectorCount != null && availableVectorCount > limit) { q.setFirstResult(new Random().nextInt(availableVectorCount - limit)); } // we should already be read-only, so this is probably pointless. q.setReadOnly(true); // and so this probably doesn't do anything useful. q.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); //noinspection unchecked result = q.list(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) AbstractDao.log .info("Fetch " + limit + " vectors from " + ee.getShortName() + ": " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); if (result.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("Experiment does not have any processed data vectors"); return result; } this.thaw(result); // needed? return result; } /** * This is an important method for fetching vectors. * * @param genes genes * @param ees ees * @return vectors, possibly subsetted. */ private Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> handleGetProcessedExpressionDataArrays( Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> ees, Collection<Long> genes) { // ees must be thawed first as currently implemented (?) Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> results = new HashSet<>(); /* * Check the cache. */ Collection<ExpressionExperiment> needToSearch = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Long> genesToSearch = new HashSet<>(); this.checkCache(ees, genes, results, needToSearch, genesToSearch);"Using " + results.size() + " DoubleVectorValueObject(s) from cache"); if (needToSearch.size() == 0) { return results; } /* * Get items not in the cache. */"Searching for vectors for " + genes.size() + " genes from " + needToSearch.size() + " experiments not in cache"); Collection<ArrayDesign> arrays = CommonQueries .getArrayDesignsUsed(EntityUtils.getIds(this.getExperiments(ees)), this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()) .keySet(); assert !arrays.isEmpty(); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2gene = CommonQueries.getCs2GeneIdMap(genesToSearch, EntityUtils.getIds(arrays), this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); if (cs2gene.size() == 0) { if (results.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No composite sequences found for genes"); return new HashSet<>(); } return results; } /* * Fill in the map, because we want to track information on the specificity of the probes used in the data * vectors. */ cs2gene = CommonQueries.getCs2GeneMapForProbes(cs2gene.keySet(), this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); Map<ProcessedExpressionDataVector, Collection<Long>> processedDataVectors = this .getProcessedVectors(EntityUtils.getIds(needToSearch), cs2gene); Map<BioAssaySet, Collection<BioAssayDimension>> bioAssayDimensions = this .getBioAssayDimensions(needToSearch); Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> newResults = new HashSet<>(); /* * This loop is to ensure that we don't get misaligned vectors for experiments that use more than one array * design. See bug 1704. This isn't that common, so we try to break out as soon as possible. */ for (BioAssaySet bas : needToSearch) { Collection<BioAssayDimension> dims = bioAssayDimensions.get(bas); if (dims == null || dims.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("BioAssayDimensions were null/empty unexpectedly."); continue; } /* * Get the vectors for just this experiment. This is made more efficient by removing things from the map * each time through. */ Map<ProcessedExpressionDataVector, Collection<Long>> vecsForBas = new HashMap<>(); if (needToSearch.size() == 1) { vecsForBas = processedDataVectors; } else { // isolate the vectors for the current experiment. for (Iterator<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> it = processedDataVectors.keySet().iterator(); it .hasNext();) { ProcessedExpressionDataVector v =; if (v.getExpressionExperiment().equals(bas)) { vecsForBas.put(v, processedDataVectors.get(v)); it.remove(); // since we're done with it. } } } /* * Now see if anything is 'ragged' (fewer bioassays per biomaterial than in some other vector) */ if (dims.size() == 1) { newResults.addAll(this.unpack(vecsForBas)); } else { BioAssayDimension longestBad = this.checkRagged(dims); if (longestBad == null) { newResults.addAll(this.unpack(vecsForBas)); } else { newResults.addAll(this.unpack(vecsForBas, longestBad)); } } } /* * Finally.... */ if (!newResults.isEmpty()) { this.cacheResults(newResults); newResults = this.sliceSubsets(ees, newResults); results.addAll(newResults); } return results; } /** * @param expressionExperiment ee * @return true if any platform used by the ee is two-channel (including dual-mode) */ private boolean isTwoChannel(ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment) { boolean isTwoChannel = false; Collection<ArrayDesign> arrayDesignsUsed = CommonQueries.getArrayDesignsUsed(expressionExperiment, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); for (ArrayDesign ad : arrayDesignsUsed) { TechnologyType technologyType = ad.getTechnologyType(); if (technologyType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Array designs must have a technology type assigned before processed vector computation"); } if (technologyType.equals(TechnologyType.TWOCOLOR) || technologyType.equals(TechnologyType.DUALMODE)) { isTwoChannel = true; } } return isTwoChannel; } private Map<Long, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> makeCacheMap( Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> newResults) { Map<Long, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> mapForCache = new HashMap<>(); for (DoubleVectorValueObject v : newResults) { ExpressionExperimentValueObject e = v.getExpressionExperiment(); if (!mapForCache.containsKey(e.getId())) { mapForCache.put(e.getId(), new HashMap<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>()); } Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>> innerMap = mapForCache.get(e.getId()); for (Long g : v.getGenes()) { if (!innerMap.containsKey(g)) { innerMap.put(g, new HashSet<DoubleVectorValueObject>()); } innerMap.get(g).add(v); } } return mapForCache; } /** * Mask missing values. This is mostly for two-color (ratiometric) data. * * @param preferredData * @param missingValueData * @return */ private Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> maskAndUnpack( Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> preferredData, Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> missingValueData) { Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> unpackedData = this.unpack(preferredData); if (missingValueData.size() == 0) { AbstractDao.log.debug("There is no separate missing data information, simply using the data as is"); for (DoubleVectorValueObject rv : unpackedData.values()) { rv.setMasked(true); } return unpackedData; } Collection<BooleanVectorValueObject> unpackedMissingValueData = this.unpackBooleans(missingValueData); Map<CompositeSequenceValueObject, BooleanVectorValueObject> missingValueMap = new HashMap<>(); for (BooleanVectorValueObject bv : unpackedMissingValueData) { missingValueMap.put(bv.getDesignElement(), bv); } boolean warned = false; for (DoubleVectorValueObject rv : unpackedData.values()) { double[] data = rv.getData(); CompositeSequenceValueObject de = rv.getDesignElement(); BooleanVectorValueObject mv = missingValueMap.get(de); if (mv == null) { if (!warned && AbstractDao.log.isWarnEnabled()) AbstractDao.log.warn("No mask vector for " + de + ", additional warnings for missing masks for this job will be skipped"); // we're missing a mask vector for it for some reason, but still flag it as effectively masked. rv.setMasked(true); warned = true; continue; } boolean[] mvData = mv.getData(); if (mvData.length != data.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing value data didn't match data length"); } for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!mvData[i]) { data[i] = Double.NaN; } } rv.setMasked(true); } return unpackedData; } /** * @param rawPreferredDataVectors */ private void removeDuplicateElements(Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> rawPreferredDataVectors) { /* * Remove rows that are duplicates for the same design element. This can happen for data sets that were merged. * We arbitrarily throw one out. */ int maxWarn = 10; int warned = 0; Set<CompositeSequence> seenDes = new HashSet<>(); Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> toRemove = new HashSet<>(); for (RawExpressionDataVector rdv : rawPreferredDataVectors) { CompositeSequence de = rdv.getDesignElement(); if (seenDes.contains(de)) { if (warned <= maxWarn) {"Duplicate vector for: " + de); warned++; } if (warned == maxWarn) {"Further warnings skipped"); } toRemove.add(rdv); } seenDes.add(de); } if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { rawPreferredDataVectors.removeAll(toRemove);"Removed " + toRemove.size() + " duplicate elements, " + rawPreferredDataVectors.size() + " remain"); } } /** * Quantile normalize data. This should be one of the last steps in processing before persisting * * @param vectors vectors */ private void renormalize(Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors) { int cols = vectors.values().iterator().next().getBioAssayDimension().getBioAssays().size(); DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, Integer> mat = new DenseDoubleMatrix<>(vectors.size(), cols); for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { mat.setColumnName(i, i); } int i = 0; for (CompositeSequence c : vectors.keySet()) { DoubleVectorValueObject v = vectors.get(c); double[] data = v.getData(); if (data.length != cols) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Normalization failed: perhaps vector merge needs to be run on this experiment? (vector length=" + data.length + "; " + cols + " bioAssays in bioassaydimension ID=" + v.getBioAssayDimension().getId()); } for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { mat.set(i, j, data[j]); } mat.setRowName(c, i); i++; } this.doQuantileNormalization(mat, vectors); assert mat.rows() == vectors.size(); } /** * @param ee ee * @param obs obs * @return Given an ExpressionExperimentSubset and vectors from the source experiment, give vectors that include * just the * data for the subset. */ private Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> sliceSubSet(ExpressionExperimentSubSet ee, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> obs) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> sliced = new HashSet<>(); if (obs == null || obs.isEmpty()) return sliced; this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(ee); Hibernate.initialize(ee.getBioAssays()); List<BioAssayValueObject> sliceBioAssays = new ArrayList<>(); DoubleVectorValueObject exemplar = obs.iterator().next(); BioAssayDimensionValueObject bad = new BioAssayDimensionValueObject(-1L); bad.setName("Subset of :" + exemplar.getBioAssayDimension().getName()); bad.setDescription("Subset slice"); bad.setSourceBioAssayDimension(exemplar.getBioAssayDimension()); bad.setIsSubset(true); Collection<Long> subsetBioAssayIds = EntityUtils.getIds(ee.getBioAssays()); for (BioAssayValueObject ba : exemplar.getBioAssays()) { if (!subsetBioAssayIds.contains(ba.getId())) { continue; } sliceBioAssays.add(ba); } bad.addBioAssays(sliceBioAssays); for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : obs) { DoubleVectorValueObject s = new DoubleVectorValueObject(ee, vec, bad); sliced.add(s); } return sliced; } /** * @param ees Experiments and/or subsets required * @param vecs vectors to select from and if necessary slice, obviously from the given ees. * @return vectors that are for the requested subset. If an ee is not a subset, vectors will be unchanged. * Otherwise * the data in a vector will be for the subset of samples in the ee subset. */ private Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> sliceSubsets(Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> ees, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vecs) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> results = new HashSet<>(); if (vecs == null || vecs.isEmpty()) return results; for (BioAssaySet bas : ees) { if (bas instanceof ExpressionExperimentSubSet) { for (DoubleVectorValueObject d : vecs) { if (d.getExpressionExperiment().getId() .equals(((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) bas).getSourceExperiment().getId())) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> ddvos = new HashSet<>(); ddvos.add(d); results.addAll(this.sliceSubSet((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) bas, ddvos));// coll } } } else { for (DoubleVectorValueObject d : vecs) { if (d.getExpressionExperiment().getId().equals(bas.getId())) { results.add(d); } } } } return results; } private Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> unpack( Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> data) { Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> result = new HashMap<>(); Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> badVos = this.getBioAssayDimensionValueObjects(data); for (DesignElementDataVector v : data) { result.put(v.getDesignElement(), new DoubleVectorValueObject(v, badVos.get(v.getBioAssayDimension()))); } return result; } private Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> unpack( Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> data, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2GeneMap) { Map<CompositeSequence, DoubleVectorValueObject> result = new HashMap<>(); Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> badVos = this.getBioAssayDimensionValueObjects(data); for (DesignElementDataVector v : data) { result.put(v.getDesignElement(), new DoubleVectorValueObject(v, cs2GeneMap.get(v.getDesignElement().getId()), badVos.get(v.getBioAssayDimension()))); } return result; } private Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> unpack(Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> data, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2GeneMap, BioAssayDimension longestBad) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> result = new HashSet<>(); Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> badVos = this.getBioAssayDimensionValueObjects(data); for (DesignElementDataVector v : data) { result.add(new DoubleVectorValueObject(v, badVos.get(v.getBioAssayDimension()), cs2GeneMap.get(v.getDesignElement().getId()), longestBad)); } return result; } private Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> unpack( Map<? extends DesignElementDataVector, Collection<Long>> data) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> result = new HashSet<>(); Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> badVos = this .getBioAssayDimensionValueObjects(data.keySet()); for (DesignElementDataVector v : data.keySet()) { result.add(new DoubleVectorValueObject(v, data.get(v), badVos.get(v.getBioAssayDimension()))); } return result; } private Collection<? extends DoubleVectorValueObject> unpack( Map<ProcessedExpressionDataVector, Collection<Long>> data, BioAssayDimension longestBad) { Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> result = new HashSet<>(); Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> badVos = this .getBioAssayDimensionValueObjects(data.keySet()); for (ProcessedExpressionDataVector v : data.keySet()) { result.add( new DoubleVectorValueObject(v, badVos.get(v.getBioAssayDimension()), data.get(v), longestBad)); } return result; } private Collection<BooleanVectorValueObject> unpackBooleans( Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> data) { Collection<BooleanVectorValueObject> result = new HashSet<>(); Map<BioAssayDimension, BioAssayDimensionValueObject> badVos = this.getBioAssayDimensionValueObjects(data); for (DesignElementDataVector v : data) { result.add(new BooleanVectorValueObject(v, badVos.get(v.getBioAssayDimension()))); } return result; } }