Java tutorial
/* *The Gemma project. * * Copyright (c) 2007 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.arrayDesign; import gemma.gsec.util.SecurityUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.collection.PersistentCollection; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.AuditEvent; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.BlacklistedEntity; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesignValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.BlacklistedPlatform; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.biosequence.BioSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.AnnotationAssociation; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.BlatResult; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.AbstractDao; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.AbstractVoEnabledDao; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.common.auditAndSecurity.curation.AbstractCuratableDao; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.BusinessKey; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.CommonQueries; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.ObjectFilter; import java.util.*; /** * @author pavlidis * @see ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign */ @Repository public class ArrayDesignDaoImpl extends AbstractCuratableDao<ArrayDesign, ArrayDesignValueObject> implements ArrayDesignDao { private static final int LOGGING_UPDATE_EVENT_COUNT = 5000; private static final int NON_ADMIN_QUERY_FILTER_COUNT = 1; @Autowired public ArrayDesignDaoImpl(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { super(ArrayDesign.class, sessionFactory); } @Override public Map<Taxon, Long> getPerTaxonCount() { Map<Taxon, Long> result = new HashMap<>(); final String csString = "select t, count(ad) from ArrayDesign ad inner join ad.primaryTaxon t group by t "; org.hibernate.Query csQueryObject = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(csString); csQueryObject.setReadOnly(true); csQueryObject.setCacheable(true); List csList = csQueryObject.list(); Taxon t; for (Object object : csList) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) object; t = (Taxon) oa[0]; Long count = (Long) oa[1]; result.put(t, count); } return result; } @Override public void addProbes(ArrayDesign arrayDesign, Collection<CompositeSequence> newProbes) { for (CompositeSequence compositeSequence : newProbes) { compositeSequence.setArrayDesign(arrayDesign); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().update(compositeSequence); } this.update(arrayDesign); } @Override public Collection<ArrayDesign> findByManufacturer(String queryString) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(queryString)) { return new HashSet<>(); } Query query = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select ad from ArrayDesign ad inner join ad.designProvider n where like ?") .setParameter(0, queryString + "%"); //noinspection unchecked return query.list(); } @Override public Collection<ArrayDesign> findByTaxon(Taxon taxon) { Query query = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select a from ArrayDesign a where a.primaryTaxon = :t").setParameter("t", taxon); //noinspection unchecked return query.list(); } @Override public Map<CompositeSequence, BioSequence> getBioSequences(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { if (arrayDesign.getId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot fetch sequences for a non-persistent array design"); } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); String queryString = "select ad from ArrayDesign ad inner join fetch ad.compositeSequences cs " + "left outer join fetch cs.biologicalCharacteristic bs where ad = :ad"; // have to include ad in the select to be able to use fetch join Query query = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("ad", arrayDesign); List result = query.list(); Map<CompositeSequence, BioSequence> bioSequences = new HashMap<>(); if (result.isEmpty()) { return bioSequences; } for (CompositeSequence cs : ((ArrayDesign) result.get(0)).getCompositeSequences()) { bioSequences.put(cs, cs.getBiologicalCharacteristic()); } if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Fetch sequences: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } return bioSequences; } @Override public Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<BlatResult>> loadAlignments(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //noinspection unchecked,JpaQlInspection - blatResult not visible because it is in a sub-class (BlatAssociation) List<Object[]> m = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select cs, br from CompositeSequence cs " + " join cs.biologicalCharacteristic bs join bs.bioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp" + " join bs2gp.blatResult br " + " where bs2gp.class='BlatAssociation' and cs.arrayDesign=:ad") .setParameter("ad", arrayDesign).list(); Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<BlatResult>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Object[] objects : m) { CompositeSequence cs = (CompositeSequence) objects[0]; BlatResult br = (BlatResult) objects[1]; if (!result.containsKey(cs)) { result.put(cs, new HashSet<BlatResult>()); } result.get(cs).add(br); } return result; } @Override @Transactional public int numExperiments(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct from " + " ExpressionExperiment ee inner join ee.bioAssays bas join bas.arrayDesignUsed ad where ad = :ad"; List ids = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ad", arrayDesign).list(); if (ids.isEmpty()) { return 0; } //noinspection unchecked return EntityUtils.securityFilterIds(ExpressionExperiment.class, ids, false, true, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()).size(); } @Override public ArrayDesign thawLite(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { if (arrayDesign == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("array design cannot be null"); } List res = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select distinct a from ArrayDesign a left join fetch a.subsumedArrayDesigns " + " left join fetch a.mergees left join fetch a.designProvider left join fetch a.primaryTaxon " + " join fetch a.auditTrail trail join fetch join fetch a.curationDetails left join fetch a.externalReferences" + " left join fetch a.subsumingArrayDesign left join fetch a.mergedInto left join fetch a.alternativeTo where") .setParameter("adId", arrayDesign.getId()).list(); if (res.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No array design with id=" + arrayDesign.getId() + " could be loaded."); } return (ArrayDesign) res.get(0); } @Override public Collection<ArrayDesign> thawLite(Collection<ArrayDesign> arrayDesigns) { if (arrayDesigns.isEmpty()) return arrayDesigns; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery("select distinct a from ArrayDesign a " + "left join fetch a.subsumedArrayDesigns " + " left join fetch a.mergees left join fetch a.designProvider left join fetch a.primaryTaxon " + " join fetch a.auditTrail trail join fetch join fetch a.curationDetails left join fetch a.externalReferences" + " left join fetch a.subsumedArrayDesigns left join fetch a.subsumingArrayDesign " + " left join fetch a.mergedInto left join fetch a.alternativeTo where in (:adIds)") .setParameterList("adIds", EntityUtils.getIds(arrayDesigns)).list(); } @Override public Collection<CompositeSequence> compositeSequenceWithoutBioSequences(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct cs from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " left join cs.biologicalCharacteristic bs where ar = :ar and bs IS NULL"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("ar", arrayDesign) .list(); } @Override public Collection<CompositeSequence> compositeSequenceWithoutBlatResults(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { if (arrayDesign == null || arrayDesign.getId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } long id = arrayDesign.getId(); final String nativeQueryString = "SELECT DISTINCT FROM " + "COMPOSITE_SEQUENCE cs LEFT JOIN BIO_SEQUENCE2_GENE_PRODUCT bs2gp ON bs2gp.BIO_SEQUENCE_FK=cs.BIOLOGICAL_CHARACTERISTIC_FK " + "LEFT JOIN SEQUENCE_SIMILARITY_SEARCH_RESULT ssResult ON bs2gp.BLAT_RESULT_FK=ssResult.ID " + "WHERE ssResult.ID IS NULL AND ARRAY_DESIGN_FK = :id "; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(nativeQueryString).setParameter("id", id) .list(); } @Override public Collection<CompositeSequence> compositeSequenceWithoutGenes(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { if (arrayDesign == null || arrayDesign.getId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } long id = arrayDesign.getId(); final String nativeQueryString = "SELECT DISTINCT FROM " + "COMPOSITE_SEQUENCE cs LEFT JOIN BIO_SEQUENCE2_GENE_PRODUCT bs2gp ON BIO_SEQUENCE_FK=BIOLOGICAL_CHARACTERISTIC_FK " + "LEFT JOIN CHROMOSOME_FEATURE geneProduct ON (geneProduct.ID=bs2gp.GENE_PRODUCT_FK AND geneProduct.class='GeneProduct') " + "LEFT JOIN CHROMOSOME_FEATURE gene ON geneProduct.GENE_FK=gene.ID " + "WHERE gene.ID IS NULL AND ARRAY_DESIGN_FK = :id"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(nativeQueryString).setParameter("id", id) .list(); } @Override public void deleteAlignmentData(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { // First have to remove all blatAssociations, because they are referred to by the alignments this.deleteGeneProductAssociations(arrayDesign); // Note attempts to do this with bulk updates were unsuccessful due to the need for joins. //language=HQL final String queryString = "select br from ArrayDesign ad join ad.compositeSequences as cs " + "inner join cs.biologicalCharacteristic bs, BlatResult br " + "where br.querySequence = bs and ad=:arrayDesign"; //noinspection unchecked List<BlatResult> toDelete = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("arrayDesign", arrayDesign).list();"Deleting " + toDelete.size() + " alignments for sequences on " + arrayDesign + " (will affect other designs that use any of the same sequences)"); for (BlatResult r : toDelete) { this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().delete(r); } } @Override public void deleteGeneProductAssociations(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().buildLockRequest(LockOptions.UPGRADE) .setLockMode(LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE).lock(arrayDesign); // this query is polymorphic, id gets the annotation associations? //language=HQL final String queryString = "select ba from CompositeSequence cs " + "inner join cs.biologicalCharacteristic bs, BioSequence2GeneProduct ba " + "where ba.bioSequence = bs and cs.arrayDesign=:arrayDesign"; List blatAssociations = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("arrayDesign", arrayDesign).list(); if (!blatAssociations.isEmpty()) { for (Object r : blatAssociations) { this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().delete(r); } AbstractDao.log .info("Done deleting " + blatAssociations.size() + " blat associations for " + arrayDesign); } this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().flush(); final String annotationAssociationQueryString = "select ba from CompositeSequence cs " + " inner join cs.biologicalCharacteristic bs, AnnotationAssociation ba " + " where ba.bioSequence = bs and cs.arrayDesign=:arrayDesign"; //noinspection unchecked List<AnnotationAssociation> annotAssociations = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery(annotationAssociationQueryString).setParameter("arrayDesign", arrayDesign).list(); if (!annotAssociations.isEmpty()) { for (AnnotationAssociation r : annotAssociations) { this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().delete(r); } "Done deleting " + annotAssociations.size() + " AnnotationAssociations for " + arrayDesign); } } @Override public Collection<ArrayDesign> findByAlternateName(String queryString) { //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select ad from ArrayDesign ad inner join ad.alternateNames n where = :q") .setParameter("q", queryString).list(); } @Override public Collection<BioAssay> getAllAssociatedBioAssays(Long id) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select b from BioAssay as b inner join b.arrayDesignUsed a where = :id"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("id", id).list(); } @Override public Map<Long, Collection<AuditEvent>> getAuditEvents(Collection<Long> ids) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select, auditEvent from ArrayDesign ad" + " join ad.auditTrail as auditTrail join as auditEvent join fetch auditEvent.performer " + " where in (:ids) "; //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list(); Map<Long, Collection<AuditEvent>> eventMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Object[] o : list) { Long id = (Long) o[0]; AuditEvent event = (AuditEvent) o[1]; this.addEventsToMap(eventMap, id, event); } // add in the array design ids that do not have events. // Set their values to null. for (Object object : ids) { Long id = (Long) object; if (!eventMap.containsKey(id)) { eventMap.put(id, null); } } return eventMap; } @Override public Collection<ExpressionExperiment> getExpressionExperiments(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct ee from " + " ExpressionExperiment ee inner join ee.bioAssays bas inner join bas.arrayDesignUsed ad where ad = :ad"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("ad", arrayDesign) .list(); } @Override public Collection<Taxon> getTaxa(Long id) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct t from ArrayDesign as arrayD " + "inner join arrayD.compositeSequences as cs inner join " + "cs.biologicalCharacteristic as bioC" + " inner join bioC.taxon t where = :id"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("id", id).list(); } @Override public Map<Long, Boolean> isMerged(Collection<Long> ids) { Map<Long, Boolean> eventMap = new HashMap<>(); if (ids.size() == 0) { return eventMap; } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select, count(subs) from ArrayDesign as ad left join ad.mergees subs where in (:ids) group by ad"; //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list(); this.putIdsInList(eventMap, list); for (Long id : ids) { if (!eventMap.containsKey(id)) { eventMap.put(id, Boolean.FALSE); } } return eventMap; } @Override public Map<Long, Boolean> isMergee(final Collection<Long> ids) { Map<Long, Boolean> eventMap = new HashMap<>(); if (ids.size() == 0) { return eventMap; } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select, ad.mergedInto from ArrayDesign as ad where in (:ids) "; //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list(); this.putIdsInListCheckMerger(eventMap, list); for (Long id : ids) { if (!eventMap.containsKey(id)) { eventMap.put(id, Boolean.FALSE); } } return eventMap; } @Override public Map<Long, Boolean> isSubsumed(final Collection<Long> ids) { Map<Long, Boolean> eventMap = new HashMap<>(); if (ids.size() == 0) { return eventMap; } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select, ad.subsumingArrayDesign from ArrayDesign as ad where in (:ids) "; //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list(); this.putIdsInListCheckMerger(eventMap, list); for (Long id : ids) { if (!eventMap.containsKey(id)) { eventMap.put(id, Boolean.FALSE); } } return eventMap; } @Override public Map<Long, Boolean> isSubsumer(Collection<Long> ids) { Map<Long, Boolean> eventMap = new HashMap<>(); if (ids.size() == 0) { return eventMap; } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select, count(subs) from ArrayDesign as ad inner join ad.subsumedArrayDesigns subs where in (:ids) group by ad"; //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list(); this.putIdsInList(eventMap, list); for (Long id : ids) { if (!eventMap.containsKey(id)) { eventMap.put(id, Boolean.FALSE); } } return eventMap; } @Override public Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> loadValueObjectsByIds(Collection<Long> ids) { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } Map<Long, Integer> eeCounts = this.getExpressionExperimentCountMap(ids); ObjectFilter filter = new ObjectFilter("id", ids,, ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS); Query queryObject = this.getLoadValueObjectsQueryString(ObjectFilter.singleFilter(filter), null, false); Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> results = this.processADValueObjectQueryResults(eeCounts, queryObject, 0); populateBlacklisted(results); return results; } private void populateBlacklisted(Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> vos) { Map<String, ArrayDesignValueObject> shortNames = new HashMap<>(); for (ArrayDesignValueObject vs : vos) { shortNames.put(vs.getShortName(), vs); } List<BlacklistedPlatform> r = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select b from BlacklistedPlatform b where b.shortName in :n") .setParameterList("n", shortNames.keySet()).list(); for (BlacklistedPlatform b : r) { shortNames.get(b.getShortName()).setBlackListed(true); } } @Override public Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> loadValueObjectsForEE(Long eeId) { if (eeId == null) { return new ArrayList<>(); } Collection<Long> ids = CommonQueries.getArrayDesignIdsUsed(eeId, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); return this.loadValueObjectsByIds(ids); } @Override public Collection<CompositeSequence> loadCompositeSequences(Long id, int limit, int offset) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select cs from CompositeSequence as cs where = :id"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("id", id) .setFirstResult(offset).setMaxResults(limit > 0 ? limit : -1).list(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllCompositeSequenceWithBioSequences() { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " where cs.biologicalCharacteristic.sequence is not null"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).list().iterator() .next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllCompositeSequenceWithBioSequences(Collection<Long> ids) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " where in (:ids) and cs.biologicalCharacteristic.sequence is not null"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllCompositeSequenceWithBlatResults() { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " , BlatResult as blat where blat.querySequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).list().iterator() .next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllCompositeSequenceWithBlatResults(Collection<Long> ids) { if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + ", BlatResult as blat where blat.querySequence != null and in (:ids)"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllCompositeSequenceWithGenes() { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + ", BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp, Gene gene inner join gene.products gp " + "where bs2gp.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and bs2gp.geneProduct=gp"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).list().iterator() .next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllCompositeSequenceWithGenes(Collection<Long> ids) { if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + ", BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp, Gene gene inner join gene.products gp " + "where bs2gp.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and " + "bs2gp.geneProduct=gp and in (:ids)"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllGenes() { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct gene) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + ", BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp, Gene gene inner join gene.products gp " + "where bs2gp.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and bs2gp.geneProduct=gp"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).list().iterator() .next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numAllGenes(Collection<Long> ids) { if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct gene) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " , BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp, Gene gene inner join gene.products gp " + "where bs2gp.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and " + "bs2gp.geneProduct=gp and in (:ids)"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", ids).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numBioSequences(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs.biologicalCharacteristic) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " where ar = :ar and cs.biologicalCharacteristic.sequence IS NOT NULL"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ar", arrayDesign).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numBlatResults(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct bs2gp) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " , BioSequence2GeneProduct as bs2gp " + "where bs2gp.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and ar = :ar"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ar", arrayDesign).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numCompositeSequences(Long id) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (*) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar where = :id"; return ((Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("id", id) .list().iterator().next()).intValue(); } @Override public long numCompositeSequenceWithBioSequences(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " where ar = :ar and cs.biologicalCharacteristic.sequence IS NOT NULL"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ar", arrayDesign).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numCompositeSequenceWithBlatResults(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " , BlatResult as blat where blat.querySequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and ar = :ar"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ar", arrayDesign).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numCompositeSequenceWithGenes(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct cs) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + " , BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp, Gene gene inner join gene.products gp " + "where bs2gp.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and " + "bs2gp.geneProduct=gp and ar = :ar"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ar", arrayDesign).list().iterator().next(); } @Override @Transactional public long numGenes(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select count (distinct gene) from CompositeSequence as cs inner join cs.arrayDesign as ar " + ", BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp, Gene gene inner join gene.products gp " + "where bs2gp.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and " + "bs2gp.geneProduct=gp and ar = :ar"; return (Long) this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameter("ar", arrayDesign).list().iterator().next(); } @Override public void removeBiologicalCharacteristics(final ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { if (arrayDesign == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array design cannot be null"); } Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(arrayDesign); int count = 0; for (CompositeSequence cs : arrayDesign.getCompositeSequences()) { cs.setBiologicalCharacteristic(null); session.update(cs); session.evict(cs); if (++count % ArrayDesignDaoImpl.LOGGING_UPDATE_EVENT_COUNT == 0) {"Cleared sequence association for " + count + " composite sequences"); } } } @Override public ArrayDesign thaw(final ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { if (arrayDesign.getId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot thaw a non-persistent array design"); } /* * Thaw basic stuff */ StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); ArrayDesign result = this.thawLite(arrayDesign); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Thaw array design stage 1: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } timer.stop(); timer.reset(); timer.start(); /* * Thaw the composite sequences. */"Start initialize composite sequences"); Hibernate.initialize(result.getCompositeSequences()); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Thaw array design stage 2: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } timer.stop(); timer.reset(); timer.start(); /* * Thaw the biosequences in batches */ Collection<CompositeSequence> thawed = new HashSet<>(); Collection<CompositeSequence> batch = new HashSet<>(); long lastTime = timer.getTime(); for (CompositeSequence cs : result.getCompositeSequences()) { batch.add(cs); if (batch.size() == 1000) { long t = timer.getTime(); if (t > 10000 && t - lastTime > 1000) {"Thaw Batch : " + t); } List bb = this.thawBatchOfProbes(batch); //noinspection unchecked thawed.addAll((Collection<? extends CompositeSequence>) bb); lastTime = timer.getTime(); batch.clear(); } this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().evict(cs); } if (!batch.isEmpty()) { // tail end List bb = this.thawBatchOfProbes(batch); //noinspection unchecked thawed.addAll((Collection<? extends CompositeSequence>) bb); } result.getCompositeSequences().clear(); result.getCompositeSequences().addAll(thawed); /* * This is a bit ugly, but necessary to avoid 'dirty collection' errors later. */ if (result.getCompositeSequences() instanceof PersistentCollection) ((PersistentCollection) result.getCompositeSequences()).clearDirty(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Thaw array design stage 3: " + timer.getTime()); } return result; } @Override public Boolean updateSubsumingStatus(ArrayDesign candidateSubsumer, ArrayDesign candidateSubsumee) { // Size does not automatically disqualify, because we only consider BioSequences that actually have // sequences in them. if (candidateSubsumee.getCompositeSequences().size() > candidateSubsumer.getCompositeSequences().size()) { "Subsumee has more sequences than subsumer so probably cannot be subsumed ... checking anyway"); } Collection<BioSequence> subsumerSeqs = new HashSet<>(); Collection<BioSequence> subsumeeSeqs = new HashSet<>(); for (CompositeSequence cs : candidateSubsumee.getCompositeSequences()) { BioSequence seq = cs.getBiologicalCharacteristic(); if (seq == null) continue; subsumeeSeqs.add(seq); } for (CompositeSequence cs : candidateSubsumer.getCompositeSequences()) { BioSequence seq = cs.getBiologicalCharacteristic(); if (seq == null) continue; subsumerSeqs.add(seq); } if (subsumeeSeqs.size() > subsumerSeqs.size()) { "Subsumee has more sequences than subsumer so probably cannot be subsumed, checking overlap"); } int overlap = 0; List<BioSequence> missing = new ArrayList<>(); for (BioSequence sequence : subsumeeSeqs) { if (subsumerSeqs.contains(sequence)) { overlap++; } else { missing.add(sequence); } }"Subsumer " + candidateSubsumer + " contains " + overlap + "/" + subsumeeSeqs.size() + " biosequences from the subsumee " + candidateSubsumee); if (overlap != subsumeeSeqs.size()) { int n = 50; System.err.println("Up to " + n + " missing sequences will be listed."); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(n, missing.size()); i++) { System.err.println(missing.get(i)); } return false; } // if we got this far, then we definitely have a subsuming situation. if (candidateSubsumee.getCompositeSequences().size() == candidateSubsumer.getCompositeSequences().size()) { AbstractDao.log .info(candidateSubsumee + " and " + candidateSubsumer + " are apparently exactly equivalent"); } else { + " subsumes " + candidateSubsumee); } candidateSubsumer.getSubsumedArrayDesigns().add(candidateSubsumee); candidateSubsumee.setSubsumingArrayDesign(candidateSubsumer); this.update(candidateSubsumer); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().flush(); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().clear(); this.update(candidateSubsumee); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().flush(); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().clear(); return true; } @Override public void remove(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) { arrayDesign = this.load(arrayDesign.getId()); //getSession().buildLockRequest( LockOptions.NONE ).lock( arrayDesign ); Hibernate.initialize(arrayDesign.getMergees()); Hibernate.initialize(arrayDesign.getSubsumedArrayDesigns()); arrayDesign.getMergees().clear(); arrayDesign.getSubsumedArrayDesigns().clear(); Iterator<CompositeSequence> iterator = arrayDesign.getCompositeSequences().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { CompositeSequence cs =; iterator.remove(); this.getSession().delete(cs); } this.getSession().delete(arrayDesign); } @Override public ArrayDesign find(ArrayDesign entity) { BusinessKey.checkValidKey(entity); Criteria query = super.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ArrayDesign.class); BusinessKey.addRestrictions(query, entity); return (ArrayDesign) query.uniqueResult(); } /** * Loads a single value objects for the given array design. * * @param e the array design to be converted to a value object * @return a value object with properties of the given array design. */ @Override public ArrayDesignValueObject loadValueObject(ArrayDesign e) { Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> vos = this.loadValueObjectsByIds(Collections.singleton(e.getId())); return vos.size() < 1 ? null : vos.iterator().next(); } /** * This method is ineffective for Array Designs - only IDs are used from the given collection of array designs. * Use {@link #loadValueObjectsByIds(Collection)} instead if possible. */ @Override public Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> loadValueObjects(Collection<ArrayDesign> entities) { return this.loadValueObjectsByIds(EntityUtils.getIds(entities)); } /** * Loads value objects for all array designs, and populates the EE counts. */ @Override public Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> loadAllValueObjects() { Query queryObject = this.getLoadValueObjectsQueryString(null, null, false); Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> results = this .processADValueObjectQueryResults(this.getExpressionExperimentCountMap(), queryObject, 0); this.populateBlacklisted(results); return results; } /** * Queries the database to retrieve all array designs, based on the given parameters, and then * converts them to value objects. * * @param offset amount of ADs to skip. * @param limit maximum amount of ADs to retrieve. * @param orderBy the field to order the ADs by. Has to be a valid identifier, or exception is thrown. * @param asc true, to order by the {@code orderBy} in ascending, or false for descending order. * @return list of value objects representing the ADs that matched the criteria. */ @Override public Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> loadValueObjectsPreFilter(int offset, int limit, String orderBy, boolean asc, List<ObjectFilter[]> filter) { String orderByProperty = this.getOrderByProperty(orderBy); // Compose query Query query = this.getLoadValueObjectsQueryString(filter, orderByProperty, !asc); query.setMaxResults(limit > 0 ? limit : -1); query.setFirstResult(offset); Query queryCnt = this.getCountVosQueryString(filter, orderByProperty, !asc); queryCnt.setCacheable(true); int totalCnt = queryCnt.list().size(); return this.processADValueObjectQueryResults(this.getExpressionExperimentCountMap(), query, totalCnt); } /** * Creates and orderBy parameter. * * @param orderBy the property to order by, if null, default ordering is used. * @return and order by parameter. Default ordering is id. */ private String getOrderByProperty(String orderBy) { if (orderBy == null) return ObjectFilter.DAO_EE_ALIAS + ".id"; return ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + "." + orderBy; } private void putIdsInList(Map<Long, Boolean> eventMap, List<Object[]> list) { for (Object[] o : list) { Long id = (Long) o[0]; Long mergeeCount = (Long) o[1]; if (mergeeCount != null && mergeeCount > 0) { eventMap.put(id, Boolean.TRUE); } } } private void putIdsInListCheckMerger(Map<Long, Boolean> eventMap, List<Object[]> list) { for (Object[] o : list) { Long id = (Long) o[0]; ArrayDesign merger = (ArrayDesign) o[1]; if (merger != null) { eventMap.put(id, Boolean.TRUE); } } } /** * Gets the number of expression experiments per ArrayDesign for all array designs. */ private Map<Long, Integer> getExpressionExperimentCountMap() { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select, count(distinct ee) from " + " ExpressionExperiment ee inner join ee.bioAssays bas inner join bas.arrayDesignUsed ad group by ad"; Map<Long, Integer> eeCount = new HashMap<>(); //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).list(); if (list.size() < 2) AbstractDao.log.warn(list.size() + " rows from getExpressionExperimentCountMap query"); for (Object[] o : list) { Long id = (Long) o[0]; Integer count = ((Long) o[1]).intValue(); eeCount.put(id, count); } return eeCount; } /** * Gets the number of expression experiments per ArrayDesign for specified array designs. */ private Map<Long, Integer> getExpressionExperimentCountMap(Collection<Long> arrayDesignIds) { Map<Long, Integer> result = new HashMap<>(); if (arrayDesignIds == null || arrayDesignIds.isEmpty()) { return result; } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select, count(distinct ee) from " + " ExpressionExperiment ee inner join ee.bioAssays bas inner join bas.arrayDesignUsed ad where in (:ids) group by ad "; //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", arrayDesignIds).list(); // Bug 1549: for unknown reasons, this method sometimes returns only a single record (or no records) if (arrayDesignIds.size() > 1 && list.size() != arrayDesignIds.size()) { + " rows from getExpressionExperimentCountMap query for " + arrayDesignIds.size() + " ids"); } for (Object[] o : list) { Long id = (Long) o[0]; Integer count = ((Long) o[1]).intValue(); result.put(id, count); } return result; } private Query getCountVosQueryString(List<ObjectFilter[]> filters, String orderByProperty, boolean orderDesc) { // Restrict to non-troubled EEs for non-administrators filters = getObjectFilters(filters); String queryString = "select " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".id " //0 + "from ArrayDesign as " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + " join " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".curationDetails s join " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".primaryTaxon t left join " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".mergedInto m "; return postProcessVoQuery(filters, orderByProperty, orderDesc, queryString); } private Query getLoadValueObjectsQueryString(List<ObjectFilter[]> filters, String orderByProperty, boolean orderDesc) { // Restrict to non-troubled EEs for non-administrators filters = getObjectFilters(filters); String queryString = "select " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".id, " //0 + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".name, " //1 + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".shortName, " //2 + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".technologyType, " //3 + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".description, " //4 + "m, " //5 + "s.lastUpdated, " //6 + "s.troubled, " //7 + "s.needsAttention, " //8 + "s.curationNote, " //9 + "t.commonName, " //10 + "eNote, " //11 + "eAttn, " //12 + "eTrbl, " //13 + "alt " //14 + "from ArrayDesign as " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + " join " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".curationDetails s join " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".primaryTaxon t left join " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".mergedInto m left join s.lastNeedsAttentionEvent as eAttn " + "left join s.lastNoteUpdateEvent as eNote left join s.lastTroubledEvent as eTrbl " + " left join " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".alternativeTo alt"; return postProcessVoQuery(filters, orderByProperty, orderDesc, queryString); } private Query postProcessVoQuery(List<ObjectFilter[]> filters, String orderByProperty, boolean orderDesc, String queryString) { queryString += AbstractVoEnabledDao.formAclSelectClause(ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS, "ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign"); queryString += AbstractVoEnabledDao.formRestrictionClause(filters); // queryString += "group by " + ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS + ".id "; // should not need this. queryString += AbstractVoEnabledDao.formOrderByProperty(orderByProperty, orderDesc); Query query = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString); AbstractVoEnabledDao.addRestrictionParameters(query, filters); return query; } private List<ObjectFilter[]> getObjectFilters(List<ObjectFilter[]> filters) { if (!SecurityUtil.isUserAdmin()) { if (filters == null) { filters = new ArrayList<>(ArrayDesignDaoImpl.NON_ADMIN_QUERY_FILTER_COUNT); } filters.add(new ObjectFilter[] { new ObjectFilter("curationDetails.troubled", false,, ObjectFilter.DAO_AD_ALIAS) }); } return filters; } /** * Process query results for LoadAllValueObjects or LoadValueObjects */ private Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> processADValueObjectQueryResults(Map<Long, Integer> eeCounts, final Query query, int totalCnt) { query.setCacheable(true); //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> list = query.list(); Collection<ArrayDesignValueObject> vos = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Object[] row : list) { ArrayDesignValueObject vo = new ArrayDesignValueObject(row, totalCnt); Long id = (Long) row[0]; if (eeCounts == null || !eeCounts.containsKey(id)) { vo.setExpressionExperimentCount(0); } else { vo.setExpressionExperimentCount(eeCounts.get(id)); } vos.add(vo); } return vos; } private List thawBatchOfProbes(Collection<CompositeSequence> batch) { return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select cs from CompositeSequence cs left join fetch cs.biologicalCharacteristic where cs in (:batch)") .setParameterList("batch", batch).list(); } }