Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project. * * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.expression.diff; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.type.DoubleType; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; import ubic.basecode.math.distribution.Histogram; import ubic.basecode.util.BatchIterator; import ubic.basecode.util.SQLUtils; import ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.diff.*; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.*; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneValueObject; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.AbstractDao; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.CommonQueries; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.TaskCancelledException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; /** * This is a key class for queries to retrieve differential expression results (as well as standard CRUD aspects of * working with DifferentialExpressionResults). * * @author keshav */ @Repository public class DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl extends AbstractDao<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> implements DifferentialExpressionResultDao { /* * Temporary. For mimicing the effect of storing only 'significant' results. */ private static final Double CORRECTED_PVALUE_THRESHOLD_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_DIFF_EX = 1.0; /* * This is a key query: get all results for a set of genes in a set of resultssets (basically, experiments) */ private static final String fetchBatchDifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultsByResultSetsAndGeneQuery = "SELECT dear.PROBE_FK, dear.ID," + " dear.RESULT_SET_FK, dear.CORRECTED_PVALUE, dear.PVALUE " + " FROM DIFFERENTIAL_EXPRESSION_ANALYSIS_RESULT dear FORCE INDEX (probeResultSets) WHERE dear.RESULT_SET_FK IN (:rs_ids) AND " + " dear.PROBE_FK IN (:probe_ids) "; private static final String fetchResultsByExperimentsQuery = "select distinct e, r" + " from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a, BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp" + " inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e " + " inner join a.resultSets rs inner join rs.results r inner join fetch r.probe p " + "left join p.biologicalCharacteristic bs left join bs2gp.geneProduct gp left join gp.gene g" + " where bs2gp.bioSequence=bs and in (:experimentsAnalyzed) and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold order by r.correctedPvalue"; private static final String fetchResultsByGene = "select distinct e, r" + " from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a, BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp" + " inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e " + " inner join a.resultSets rs inner join rs.results r inner join r.probe p " + "inner join p.biologicalCharacteristic bs inner join bs2gp.geneProduct gp inner join gp.gene g" + " where g=:gene"; // no order by clause, we add it later private static final String fetchResultsByGeneSQL = "select d.ID, d.PVALUE, d.CORRECTED_PVALUE, d.PROBE_FK, d.RESULT_SET_FK, " + " c.FACTOR_VALUE_FK, c.PVALUE, c.LOG_FOLD_CHANGE, c.SECOND_FACTOR_VALUE_FK, c.ID " + " from DIFFERENTIAL_EXPRESSION_ANALYSIS_RESULT d, GENE2CS g2s, CONTRAST_RESULT c " + " where g2s.CS = d.PROBE_FK and c.DIFFERENTIAL_EXPRESSION_ANALYSIS_RESULT_FK = d.ID and g2s.GENE = :gene_id "; private static final String fetchResultsByGeneAndExperimentsQuery = "select distinct e, r" + " from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a, BioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp" + " inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e " + " inner join a.resultSets rs inner join rs.results r inner join fetch r.probe p " + "inner join p.biologicalCharacteristic bs inner join bs2gp.geneProduct gp inner join gp.gene g" + " where bs2gp.bioSequence=bs and g=:gene and in (:experimentsAnalyzed)"; // no order by clause, we // add // it later private static final String fetchResultsByResultSetAndGeneQuery = "SELECT dear.CORRECTED_PVALUE " + " FROM DIFFERENTIAL_EXPRESSION_ANALYSIS_RESULT dear, GENE2CS g2s FORCE KEY(GENE) " + " WHERE g2s.CS = dear.PROBE_FK AND dear.RESULT_SET_FK = :rs_id AND g2s.GENE = :gene_id " + " ORDER BY dear.CORRECTED_P_VALUE_BIN DESC"; /** * No constraint on gene */ private static final String fetchResultsByResultSetQuery = "select distinct rs, r " + " from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e " + " inner join a.resultSets rs inner join rs.results r inner join fetch r.probe p " + " where rs in (:resultsSets)"; // no order by clause, we add it later; 'e' is not used in this query. private static final String fetchResultsBySingleResultSetQuery = "select distinct r " + " from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e " + " inner join a.resultSets rs inner join rs.results r inner join fetch r.probe p " + " where rs in (:resultsSets)"; // no order by clause, we add it later; 'e' is not used in this query. private final DifferentialExpressionResultCache differentialExpressionResultCache; @Autowired public DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl(SessionFactory sessionFactory, DifferentialExpressionResultCache differentialExpressionResultCache) { super(DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult.class, sessionFactory); this.differentialExpressionResultCache = differentialExpressionResultCache; } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> find(Gene gene, Collection<Long> experimentsAnalyzed, double threshold, Integer limit) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); String qs = DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsByGeneAndExperimentsQuery + " and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold"; HibernateTemplate tpl = new HibernateTemplate(this.getSessionFactory()); tpl.setQueryCacheRegion("diffExResult"); tpl.setCacheQueries(true); if (limit != null) { tpl.setMaxResults(limit); qs += " order by r.correctedPvalue"; } Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> results = new HashMap<>(); if (experimentsAnalyzed.size() == 0) { return results; } String[] paramNames = { "gene", "experimentsAnalyzed", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { gene, experimentsAnalyzed, threshold }; List<?> qResult = tpl.findByNamedParam(qs, paramNames, objectValues); for (Object o : qResult) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = ((BioAssaySet) oa[0]).createValueObject(); DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult probeResult = (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult) oa[1]; if (!results.containsKey(ee)) { results.put(ee, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>()); } results.get(ee).add(new DifferentialExpressionValueObject(probeResult)); } AbstractDao.log.warn("Num experiments with probe analysis results (with limit = " + limit + ") : " + results.size() + ". Number of probes returned in total: " + qResult.size()); timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Diff ex results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return results; } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> find( Collection<Long> experiments, double qvalueThreshold, Integer limit) { Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> results = new HashMap<>(); if (experiments.size() == 0) { return results; } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); HibernateTemplate tpl = new HibernateTemplate(this.getSessionFactory()); tpl.setQueryCacheRegion("diffExResult"); tpl.setCacheQueries(true); if (limit != null) { tpl.setMaxResults(limit); } String[] paramNames = { "experimentsAnalyzed", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { experiments, qvalueThreshold }; List<?> qResult = tpl.findByNamedParam(DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsByExperimentsQuery, paramNames, objectValues); for (Object o : qResult) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult probeResult = (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult) oa[1]; ExpressionExperimentValueObject eevo = ((BioAssaySet) oa[0]).createValueObject(); if (!results.containsKey(eevo)) { results.put(eevo, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>()); } results.get(eevo).add(new DifferentialExpressionValueObject(probeResult)); } timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Diff ex results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return results; } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> find(Gene gene) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> results = new HashMap<>(); if (gene == null) return results; HibernateTemplate tpl = new HibernateTemplate(this.getSessionFactory()); tpl.setCacheQueries(true); List<?> qResult = tpl.findByNamedParam(DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsByGene, "gene", gene); for (Object o : qResult) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = ((BioAssaySet) oa[0]).createValueObject(); DifferentialExpressionValueObject probeResult = new DifferentialExpressionValueObject( (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult) oa[1]); if (!results.containsKey(ee)) { results.put(ee, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>()); } results.get(ee).add(probeResult); } timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Diff ex results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return results; } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> find(Gene gene, Collection<Long> experimentsAnalyzed) { Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> results = new HashMap<>(); if (experimentsAnalyzed.size() == 0) { return results; } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); String[] paramNames = { "gene", "experimentsAnalyzed" }; Object[] objectValues = { gene, experimentsAnalyzed }; List<?> qResult = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsByGeneAndExperimentsQuery, paramNames, objectValues); for (Object o : qResult) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = new ExpressionExperimentValueObject((ExpressionExperiment) oa[0]); DifferentialExpressionValueObject probeResult = new DifferentialExpressionValueObject( (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult) oa[1]); probeResult.setExpressionExperiment(ee); if (!results.containsKey(ee)) { results.put(ee, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>()); } results.get(ee).add(probeResult); } timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Diff ex results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return results; } @Override public Map<Long, Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>> findDiffExAnalysisResultIdsInResultSets( Collection<DiffExResultSetSummaryValueObject> resultSets, Collection<Long> geneIds) { Map<Long, Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>> results = new HashMap<>(); Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Map<Long, DiffExResultSetSummaryValueObject> resultSetIdsMap = EntityUtils.getIdMap(resultSets, "getResultSetId"); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> foundInCache = this.fillFromCache(results, resultSetIdsMap.keySet(), geneIds); if (!foundInCache.isEmpty()) {"Results for " + foundInCache.size() + " resultsets found in cache"); } else {"No results were in the cache"); } Collection<Long> resultSetsNeeded = this.stripUnneededResultSets(foundInCache, resultSetIdsMap.keySet(), geneIds); // Are we finished? if (resultSetsNeeded.isEmpty()) {"All results were in the cache."); return results; } + "/" + resultSetIdsMap.size() + " resultsSets had at least some cached results; still need to query " + resultSetsNeeded.size()); assert !resultSetsNeeded.isEmpty(); org.hibernate.SQLQuery queryObject = session.createSQLQuery( DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchBatchDifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultsByResultSetsAndGeneQuery); /* * These values have been tweaked to probe for performance issues. */ int resultSetBatchSize = 50; int geneBatchSize = 100; if (resultSetsNeeded.size() > geneIds.size()) { resultSetBatchSize = Math.min(500, resultSetsNeeded.size());"Batching by result sets (" + resultSetsNeeded.size() + " resultSets); " + geneIds.size() + " genes; batch size=" + resultSetBatchSize); } else { geneBatchSize = Math.min(200, geneIds.size());"Batching by genes (" + geneIds.size() + " genes); " + resultSetsNeeded.size() + " resultSets; batch size=" + geneBatchSize); } final int numResultSetBatches = (int) Math.ceil(resultSetsNeeded.size() / resultSetBatchSize); queryObject.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); int numResults = 0; long timeForFillingNonSig = 0; Map<Long, Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>> resultsFromDb = new HashMap<>(); int numResultSetBatchesDone = 0; // Iterate over batches of resultSets for (Collection<Long> resultSetIdBatch : new BatchIterator<>(resultSetsNeeded, resultSetBatchSize)) { if (AbstractDao.log.isDebugEnabled()) AbstractDao.log.debug("Starting batch of resultsets: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(StringUtils.join(resultSetIdBatch, ","), 100)); /* * Get the probes using the CommonQueries gene2cs. Otherwise we (in effect) end up doing this over and over * again. */ Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2GeneIdMap = this.getProbesForGenesInResultSetBatch(session, geneIds, resultSetIdsMap, resultSetIdBatch); queryObject.setParameterList("rs_ids", resultSetIdBatch); int numGeneBatchesDone = 0; final int numGeneBatches = (int) Math.ceil(cs2GeneIdMap.size() / geneBatchSize); StopWatch innerQt = new StopWatch(); // iterate over batches of probes (genes) for (Collection<Long> probeBatch : new BatchIterator<>(cs2GeneIdMap.keySet(), geneBatchSize)) { if (AbstractDao.log.isDebugEnabled()) AbstractDao.log.debug("Starting batch of probes: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(StringUtils.join(probeBatch, ","), 100)); // would it help to sort the probeBatch/ List<Long> pbL = new Vector<>(probeBatch); Collections.sort(pbL); queryObject.setParameterList("probe_ids", pbL); innerQt.start(); List<?> queryResult = queryObject.list(); innerQt.stop(); if (innerQt.getTime() > 2000) { // show the actual query with params."Query time: " + innerQt.getTime() + "ms:\n " + queryObject.getQueryString().replace(":probe_ids", StringUtils.join(probeBatch, ",")) .replace(":rs_ids", StringUtils.join(resultSetIdBatch, ","))); } innerQt.reset(); /* * Each query tuple are the probe, result, resultsSet, qvalue, pvalue. */ for (Object o : queryResult) { // Long resultSetId = ( ( BigInteger )((Object[])o)[2] ).longValue(); // if (!resultSetId.equals) numResults += this.processResultTuple(o, resultsFromDb, cs2GeneIdMap); } if (timer.getTime() > 5000 && AbstractDao.log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Batch time: " + timer.getTime() + "ms; Fetched DiffEx " + numResults + " results so far. " + numResultSetBatchesDone + "/" + numResultSetBatches + " resultset batches completed. " + numGeneBatchesDone + "/" + numGeneBatches + " gene batches done."); timer.reset(); timer.start(); } // Check if task was cancelled. if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new TaskCancelledException("Search was cancelled"); } numGeneBatchesDone++; if (DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.CORRECTED_PVALUE_THRESHOLD_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_DIFF_EX < 1.0) { timeForFillingNonSig += this.fillNonSignificant(pbL, resultSetIdsMap, resultsFromDb, resultSetIdBatch, cs2GeneIdMap, session); } } // over probes. // Check if task was cancelled. if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new TaskCancelledException("Search was cancelled"); } numResultSetBatchesDone++; } if (timer.getTime() > 1000 && AbstractDao.log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Fetching DiffEx from DB took total of " + timer.getTime() + " ms : geneIds=" + StringUtils.abbreviate(StringUtils.join(geneIds, ","), 50) + " result set=" + StringUtils.abbreviate(StringUtils.join(resultSetsNeeded, ","), 50)); if (timeForFillingNonSig > 100) {"Filling in non-significant values: " + timeForFillingNonSig + "ms in total"); } } // Add the DB results to the cached results. this.addToCache(resultsFromDb, resultSetsNeeded, geneIds); for (Long resultSetId : resultsFromDb.keySet()) { Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult> geneResults = resultsFromDb.get(resultSetId); if (results.containsKey(resultSetId)) { results.get(resultSetId).putAll(geneResults); } else { results.put(resultSetId, geneResults); } } return results; } @Override public List<Double> findGeneInResultSets(Gene gene, ExpressionAnalysisResultSet resultSet, Collection<Long> arrayDesignIds, Integer limit) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); List<Double> results; Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); org.hibernate.SQLQuery queryObject = session .createSQLQuery(DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsByResultSetAndGeneQuery); queryObject.setLong("gene_id", gene.getId()); queryObject.setLong("rs_id", resultSet.getId()); if (limit != null) { queryObject.setMaxResults(limit); } queryObject.addScalar("CORRECTED_PVALUE", new DoubleType()); //noinspection unchecked results = queryObject.list(); timer.stop(); if (AbstractDao.log.isDebugEnabled()) AbstractDao.log.debug("Fetching probeResults from resultSet " + resultSet.getId() + " for gene " + gene.getId() + "and " + arrayDesignIds.size() + "arrays took : " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); return results; } @Override public List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> findInResultSet(ExpressionAnalysisResultSet resultSet, Double threshold, Integer limit, Integer minNumberOfResults) { if (minNumberOfResults == null || minNumberOfResults < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum number of results must be positive"); } List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (resultSet == null) { return results; } results = differentialExpressionResultCache.getTopHits(resultSet); if (results != null && results.size() >= minNumberOfResults) {"Top hits already in cache"); return results; } results = new ArrayList<>(); // get it. Collection<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet> resultsSets = new ArrayList<>(); resultsSets.add(resultSet); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); String qs = DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsBySingleResultSetQuery + " and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold order by r.correctedPvalue"; HibernateTemplate tpl = new HibernateTemplate(this.getSessionFactory()); if (limit != null) { tpl.setMaxResults(limit); } String[] paramNames = { "resultsSets", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { resultsSets, threshold }; List<?> qResult = tpl.findByNamedParam(qs, paramNames, objectValues); // If too few probes meet threshold, redo and just get top results. if (qResult.size() < minNumberOfResults) {"No results met threshold, repeating to just get the top hits"); qs = DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsBySingleResultSetQuery + " order by r.correctedPvalue"; tpl = new HibernateTemplate(this.getSessionFactory()); tpl.setMaxResults(minNumberOfResults); String[] paramName = { "resultsSets" }; Object[] objectValue = { resultsSets }; qResult = tpl.findByNamedParam(qs, paramName, objectValue); } for (Object o : qResult) { DifferentialExpressionValueObject probeResult = new DifferentialExpressionValueObject( (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult) o); results.add(probeResult); } timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Diff ex results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } differentialExpressionResultCache.addToTopHitsCache(resultSet, results); return results; } /** * Given a list of result sets finds the results that met the given threshold * * @param limit - max number of results to return. */ @Override public Map<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet, List<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>> findInResultSets( Collection<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet> resultsAnalyzed, double threshold, Integer limit) { Map<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet, List<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>> results = new HashMap<>(); if (resultsAnalyzed.size() == 0) { return results; } // Integer bin = Math.log10(threshold); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); String qs = DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsByResultSetQuery + " and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold order by r.correctedPvalue"; HibernateTemplate tpl = new HibernateTemplate(this.getSessionFactory()); if (limit != null) { tpl.setMaxResults(limit); } String[] paramNames = { "resultsAnalyzed", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { resultsAnalyzed, threshold }; List<?> qResult = tpl.findByNamedParam(qs, paramNames, objectValues); for (Object o : qResult) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; ExpressionAnalysisResultSet ee = (ExpressionAnalysisResultSet) oa[0]; DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult probeResult = (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult) oa[1]; if (!results.containsKey(ee)) { results.put(ee, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>()); } results.get(ee).add(probeResult); } timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Diff ex results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return results; } @Override public DifferentialExpressionAnalysis getAnalysis(ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs) { return (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis) this.getHibernateTemplate() .findByNamedParam("select a from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a join a.resultSets r where r=:r", "r", rs) .iterator().next(); } @Override public Collection<ExperimentalFactor> getExperimentalFactors( DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult differentialExpressionAnalysisResult) { //noinspection unchecked return this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select ef from ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs" + " inner join rs.results r inner join rs.experimentalFactors ef where r=:differentialExpressionAnalysisResult") .setParameter("differentialExpressionAnalysisResult", differentialExpressionAnalysisResult).list(); } @Override public Map<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult, Collection<ExperimentalFactor>> getExperimentalFactors( Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> differentialExpressionAnalysisResults) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Map<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult, Collection<ExperimentalFactor>> factorsByResult = new HashMap<>(); if (differentialExpressionAnalysisResults.isEmpty()) { return factorsByResult; } //language=HQL final String queryString = "select rs.experimentalFactors, r from ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs" + " inner join rs.results r where r in (:differentialExpressionAnalysisResults)"; String[] paramNames = { "differentialExpressionAnalysisResults" }; Object[] objectValues = { differentialExpressionAnalysisResults }; List<?> qr = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(queryString, paramNames, objectValues); if (qr == null || qr.isEmpty()) return factorsByResult; for (Object o : qr) { Object[] ar = (Object[]) o; ExperimentalFactor f = (ExperimentalFactor) ar[0]; DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult res = (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult) ar[1]; assert differentialExpressionAnalysisResults.contains(res); if (!factorsByResult.containsKey(res)) { factorsByResult.put(res, new HashSet<ExperimentalFactor>()); } factorsByResult.get(res).add(f); if (AbstractDao.log.isDebugEnabled()) AbstractDao.log.debug(res); } timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"factors by results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return factorsByResult; } /** * Key method for getting contrasts associated with results. */ @Override public Map<Long, ContrastsValueObject> loadContrastDetailsForResults(Collection<Long> ids) { //language=SQL final String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT c.ID, c.LOG_FOLD_CHANGE, c.FACTOR_VALUE_FK," + " c.DIFFERENTIAL_EXPRESSION_ANALYSIS_RESULT_FK, c.PVALUE FROM CONTRAST_RESULT c" + " WHERE c.DIFFERENTIAL_EXPRESSION_ANALYSIS_RESULT_FK IN (:ids) "; Map<Long, ContrastsValueObject> probeResults = new HashMap<>(); if (ids.isEmpty()) { return probeResults; } SQLQuery query = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(queryString); int BATCH_SIZE = 2000; // previously: 500, then 1000. New optimized query is plenty fast. StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); for (Collection<Long> batch : new BatchIterator<>(ids, BATCH_SIZE)) { timer.reset(); timer.start(); query.setParameterList("ids", batch); List<?> batchR = query.list(); for (Object o : batchR) { Object[] ol = (Object[]) o; Long resultId = ((BigInteger) ol[3]).longValue(); if (!probeResults.containsKey(resultId)) { probeResults.put(resultId, new ContrastsValueObject(resultId)); } ContrastsValueObject cvo = probeResults.get(resultId); Long contrastId = ((BigInteger) ol[0]).longValue(); Double logFoldChange = ol[1] == null ? null : (Double) ol[1]; Long factorValueId = ol[2] == null ? null : ((BigInteger) ol[2]).longValue(); Double pvalue = ol[4] == null ? null : (Double) ol[4]; cvo.addContrast(contrastId, factorValueId, logFoldChange, pvalue, null); } if (timer.getTime() > 2000) {"Fetch " + batch.size() + " results with contrasts: " + timer.getTime() + "ms; query was\n " + queryString.replace(":ids", StringUtils.join(batch, ","))); } } return probeResults; } @Override public void thaw(final Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> results) { Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult result : results) { session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(result); Hibernate.initialize(result); CompositeSequence cs = result.getProbe(); Hibernate.initialize(cs); Hibernate.initialize(result.getContrasts()); } } @Override public void thaw(final DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult result) { Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(result); Hibernate.initialize(result); CompositeSequence cs = result.getProbe(); Hibernate.initialize(cs); Collection<ContrastResult> contrasts = result.getContrasts(); for (ContrastResult contrast : contrasts) { FactorValue f = contrast.getFactorValue(); Hibernate.initialize(f); //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored f.getIsBaseline(); } } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> find(Gene gene, double threshold, Integer limit) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); String sql = DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.fetchResultsByGeneSQL; if (threshold > 0.0) { sql = sql + " and d.CORRECTED_PVALUE < :threshold "; } if (limit != null) { sql = sql + " order by d.PVALUE ASC "; } SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameter("gene_id", gene.getId()); if (limit != null) { query.setMaxResults(limit); } if (threshold > 0.0) { query.setParameter("threshold", threshold); } Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, List<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> results = new HashMap<>(); //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> qResult = query.list(); Set<Long> resultSets = new HashSet<>(); Map<Long, DifferentialExpressionValueObject> resultsInter = new HashMap<>(); Set<Long> probeIds = new HashSet<>(); GeneValueObject genevo = new GeneValueObject(gene); for (Object[] rec : qResult) { Long id = SQLUtils.asId(rec[0]); if (!resultsInter.containsKey(id)) { DifferentialExpressionValueObject vo = new DifferentialExpressionValueObject(id); vo.setP((Double) rec[1]); vo.setCorrP((Double) rec[2]); vo.setProbeId(SQLUtils.asId(rec[3])); // fill in probe name later. probeIds.add(vo.getProbeId()); vo.setResultSetId(SQLUtils.asId(rec[4])); if (threshold > 0) vo.setMetThreshold(true); vo.setGene(genevo); // gather up result sets so we can fetch the experiments, experimental factors resultSets.add(vo.getResultSetId()); resultsInter.put(id, vo); } resultsInter.get(id).addContrast(SQLUtils.asId(rec[9]), SQLUtils.asId(rec[5]), (Double) rec[6], (Double) rec[7], SQLUtils.asId(rec[8])); } // gather up probe information Map<Long, String> probeNames = new HashMap<>(); if (!probeIds.isEmpty()) { //noinspection unchecked for (Object[] rec : (List<Object[]>) session .createQuery("select id,name from CompositeSequence where id in (:ids)") .setParameterList("ids", probeIds).list()) { probeNames.put((Long) rec[0], (String) rec[1]); } } /* * load the result set information. */ if (resultSets.isEmpty()) return results; //noinspection unchecked List<Object[]> ees = session.createQuery( "select ee, rs from ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs join fetch rs.experimentalFactors join rs.analysis a join a.experimentAnalyzed ee" + " where in (:rsids)") .setParameterList("rsids", resultSets).list(); /* * Finish populating the objects */ for (Object[] oa : ees) { ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs = (ExpressionAnalysisResultSet) oa[1]; ExpressionExperimentValueObject evo = ((BioAssaySet) oa[0]).createValueObject(); if (!results.containsKey(evo)) { results.put(evo, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>()); } for (Iterator<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> it = resultsInter.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { DifferentialExpressionValueObject dvo =; dvo.setExpressionExperiment(evo); dvo.setProbe(probeNames.get(dvo.getProbeId())); dvo.getExperimentalFactors().clear(); for (ExperimentalFactor ef : rs.getExperimentalFactors()) { dvo.getExperimentalFactors().add(new ExperimentalFactorValueObject(ef)); } if (dvo.getResultSetId().equals(rs.getId())) { results.get(evo).add(dvo); it.remove(); } } } AbstractDao.log.debug("Num experiments with probe analysis results (with limit = " + limit + ") : " + results.size() + ". Number of results (probes x contrasts) returned in total: " + qResult.size()); timer.stop(); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Diff ex results: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return results; } @Override public Histogram loadPvalueDistribution(Long resultSetId) { List<?> pvds = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( "select rs.pvalueDistribution from ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs where ", "rsid", resultSetId); if (pvds.isEmpty()) { return null; } assert pvds.size() == 1; PvalueDistribution pvd = (PvalueDistribution) pvds.get(0); ByteArrayConverter bac = new ByteArrayConverter(); double[] counts = bac.byteArrayToDoubles(pvd.getBinCounts()); Integer numBins = pvd.getNumBins(); assert numBins == counts.length; Histogram hist = new Histogram(resultSetId.toString(), numBins, 0.0, 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < numBins; i++) { hist.fill(i, (int) counts[i]); } return hist; } @Override public Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> load(Collection<Long> ids) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "from DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult dea where in (:ids)"; Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> probeResults = new HashSet<>(); if (ids.isEmpty()) { return probeResults; } int BATCH_SIZE = 1000; // previously: 500. for (Collection<Long> batch : new BatchIterator<>(ids, BATCH_SIZE)) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); //noinspection unchecked probeResults.addAll(this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString) .setParameterList("ids", batch).list()); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Fetch " + batch.size() + "/" + ids.size() + " results with contrasts: " + timer.getTime() + "ms; query was\n " + queryString); } } return probeResults; } @Override public Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> loadAll() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Sorry, that would be nuts"); } @Override public void remove(Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> entities) { if (entities == null || entities.size() < 1) return; Collection<Long> cIds = new HashSet<>(); // Read contrast ids and wipe references for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult r : entities) { cIds.addAll(EntityUtils.getIds(r.getContrasts())); r.setContrasts(new HashSet<ContrastResult>()); } // Remove contrasts if (cIds.size() > 0) {"Removing contrasts..."); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("delete from ContrastResult e where in (:ids)").setParameterList("ids", cIds) .executeUpdate(); } // Remove results"Removing DEA results"); this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("delete from DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult e where in (:ids)") .setParameterList("ids", EntityUtils.getIds(entities)).executeUpdate(); } /** * @return how many results were added. Either 1 or 0. */ private int processResultTuple(Object resultRow, Map<Long, Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>> resultsFromDb, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2GeneIdMap) { Object[] row = (Object[]) resultRow; Long probeId = ((BigInteger) row[0]).longValue(); Long resultId = ((BigInteger) row[1]).longValue(); Long resultSetId = ((BigInteger) row[2]).longValue(); Double correctedPvalue = (Double) row[3]; Double pvalue = (Double) row[4]; if (pvalue == null || correctedPvalue == null) { return 0; } if (!resultsFromDb.containsKey(resultSetId)) { resultsFromDb.put(resultSetId, new HashMap<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>()); } assert cs2GeneIdMap.containsKey(probeId); /* * This is a hack to mimic the effect of storing only 'good' results. */ if (correctedPvalue > DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.CORRECTED_PVALUE_THRESHOLD_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_DIFF_EX) { return 0; } for (Long geneId : cs2GeneIdMap.get(probeId)) { this.processDiffExResultHit(resultsFromDb.get(resultSetId), resultSetId, geneId, resultId, correctedPvalue, pvalue); } if (AbstractDao.log.isDebugEnabled()) AbstractDao.log.debug("resultset=" + resultSetId + " probe=" + probeId + " qval=" + String.format("%.2g", correctedPvalue)); return 1; } /** * This is to be called after a query for diff ex results is finished for a set of resultSets and genes. It assumes * that if a gene is missing from the results, there are none for that resultSet for that gene. It then stores a * dummy entry. * * @param results - which might be empty. * @param resultSetids - the ones which we searched for in the database. Put in dummy results if we have to. */ private void addToCache(Map<Long, Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>> results, Collection<Long> resultSetids, Collection<Long> geneIds) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); int i = 0; for (Long resultSetId : resultSetids) { Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult> resultSetResults = results.get(resultSetId); for (Long geneId : geneIds) { if (resultSetResults != null && resultSetResults.containsKey(geneId)) { this.differentialExpressionResultCache.addToCache(resultSetResults.get(geneId)); } else { // put in a dummy, so we don't bother searching for it later. this.differentialExpressionResultCache.addToCache(new MissingResult(resultSetId, geneId)); } i++; } } if (timer.getTime() > 10) {"Add " + i + " results to cache: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } } /** * Get results that are already in the cache. */ private Map<Long, Collection<Long>> fillFromCache(Map<Long, Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>> results, Collection<Long> resultSetIds, Collection<Long> geneIds) { Map<Long, Collection<Long>> foundInCache = new HashMap<>(); boolean useCache = true; //noinspection ConstantConditions // for debugging ... disable cache. if (!useCache) { AbstractDao.log.warn("Cache is disabled"); return foundInCache; } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); int totalFound = 0; for (Long r : resultSetIds) { Collection<DiffExprGeneSearchResult> cached = differentialExpressionResultCache.get(r, geneIds); if (cached.isEmpty()) continue; foundInCache.put(r, new HashSet<Long>()); for (DiffExprGeneSearchResult result : cached) { if (!results.containsKey(r)) { results.put(r, new HashMap<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>()); } results.get(r).put(result.getGeneId(), result); foundInCache.get(r).add(result.getGeneId()); totalFound++; } } if (timer.getTime() > 100 && totalFound > 0) {"Fill " + totalFound + " results from cache: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } return foundInCache; } /** * For any genes for which the result did not meet the threshold, but where the gene was tested, add a dummy value. * * @return ms taken */ private long fillNonSignificant(List<Long> pbL, Map<Long, DiffExResultSetSummaryValueObject> resultSetIds, Map<Long, Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult>> resultsFromDb, Collection<Long> resultSetIdBatch, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2GeneIdMap, Session session) { if (pbL.isEmpty()) return 0; int d = 0; StopWatch t = new StopWatch(); t.start(); for (Long resultSetId : resultSetIdBatch) { /* * only include a dummy for probes which are from this result set. */ Collection<Long> arrayDesignIds = resultSetIds.get(resultSetId).getArrayDesignsUsed(); Collection<Long> probesForResultSet = CommonQueries.filterProbesByPlatform(pbL, arrayDesignIds, session); for (Long probeId : probesForResultSet) { for (Long geneId : cs2GeneIdMap.get(probeId)) { Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult> resultsForResultSet = resultsFromDb.get(resultSetId); if (resultsForResultSet == null || resultsForResultSet.containsKey(geneId)) { continue; } DiffExprGeneSearchResult dummy = new NonRetainedResult(resultSetId, geneId); resultsForResultSet.put(geneId, dummy); d++; } } } if (t.getTime() > 100) {"Fill in " + d + " non-significant values: " + t.getTime() + "ms"); } return t.getTime(); } /** * @return map of probe to genes. */ private Map<Long, Collection<Long>> getProbesForGenesInResultSetBatch(Session session, Collection<Long> geneIds, Map<Long, DiffExResultSetSummaryValueObject> resultSetIds, Collection<Long> resultSetIdBatch) { Collection<Long> adUsed = new HashSet<>(); for (Long rsid : resultSetIdBatch) { assert resultSetIds.containsKey(rsid); Collection<Long> arrayDesignsUsed = resultSetIds.get(rsid).getArrayDesignsUsed(); assert arrayDesignsUsed != null; adUsed.addAll(arrayDesignsUsed); } return CommonQueries.getCs2GeneIdMap(geneIds, adUsed, session); } /** * @param results map of gene id to result, which the result gets added to. * @param resultId the specific DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult, corresponds to an entry for one probe in the * resultSet */ private void processDiffExResultHit(Map<Long, DiffExprGeneSearchResult> results, Long resultSetId, Long geneId, Long resultId, Double correctedPvalue, Double uncorrectedPvalue) { assert correctedPvalue != null; DiffExprGeneSearchResult r = results.get(geneId); if (r == null) { // first encounter r = new DiffExprGeneSearchResult(resultSetId, geneId); r.setResultId(resultId); r.setNumberOfProbes(r.getNumberOfProbes() + 1); if (correctedPvalue <= DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl.CORRECTED_PVALUE_THRESHOLD_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_DIFF_EX) { // This check is only useful if we are only storing 'significant' results. r.setNumberOfProbesDiffExpressed(r.getNumberOfProbesDiffExpressed() + 1); } r.setCorrectedPvalue(correctedPvalue); r.setPvalue(uncorrectedPvalue); results.put(geneId, r); } else if (r.getCorrectedPvalue() == null || r.getCorrectedPvalue() > correctedPvalue) { // replace with the better value r.setResultId(resultId); // note this changes the hashcode of r. r.setCorrectedPvalue(correctedPvalue); r.setNumberOfProbes(r.getNumberOfProbes() + 1); r.setPvalue(uncorrectedPvalue); r.setNumberOfProbesDiffExpressed(r.getNumberOfProbesDiffExpressed() + 1); } } /** * Identify resultSets that are still need to be queried. Those would be the ones which don't have information for * all the genes requested in the cache. Note that those results could be 'dummies' that are represent missing * results. */ private Collection<Long> stripUnneededResultSets(Map<Long, Collection<Long>> foundInCache, Collection<Long> resultSetIds, Collection<Long> geneIds) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Collection<Long> needToQuery = new HashSet<>(); for (Long resultSetId : resultSetIds) { if (!foundInCache.containsKey(resultSetId) || !foundInCache.get(resultSetId).containsAll(geneIds)) { needToQuery.add(resultSetId); } } if (timer.getTime() > 1) {"Checking cache results: " + timer.getTime() + "ms; " + needToQuery.size() + " result sets must be queried"); } return needToQuery; } }