Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project. * * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.expression.diff; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.hibernate.*; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import ubic.gemma.model.analysis.Investigation; import ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.diff.*; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.*; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.AbstractDao; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.AnalysisDaoBase; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.CommonQueries; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; /** * @author paul * @see DifferentialExpressionAnalysis */ @Repository class DifferentialExpressionAnalysisDaoImpl extends AnalysisDaoBase<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> implements DifferentialExpressionAnalysisDao { @Autowired public DifferentialExpressionAnalysisDaoImpl(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { super(DifferentialExpressionAnalysis.class, sessionFactory); } @Override public Integer countDownregulated(ExpressionAnalysisResultSet par, double threshold) { String query = "select count(distinct r) from ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs inner join rs.results r " + "join r.contrasts c where rs = :rs and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold and c.tstat < 0"; String[] paramNames = { "rs", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { par, threshold }; List<?> qresult = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(query, paramNames, objectValues); if (qresult.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No count returned"); return 0; } Long count = (Long) qresult.iterator().next(); AbstractDao.log.debug("Found " + count + " downregulated genes in result set (" + par.getId() + ") at a corrected pvalue threshold of " + threshold); return count.intValue(); } @Override public Integer countProbesMeetingThreshold(ExpressionAnalysisResultSet ears, double threshold) { String query = "select count(distinct r) from ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs inner join rs.results r where rs = :rs and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold"; String[] paramNames = { "rs", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { ears, threshold }; List<?> qresult = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(query, paramNames, objectValues); if (qresult.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No count returned"); return 0; } Long count = (Long) qresult.iterator().next(); AbstractDao.log.debug("Found " + count + " differentially expressed genes in result set (" + ears.getId() + ") at a corrected pvalue threshold of " + threshold); return count.intValue(); } @Override public Integer countUpregulated(ExpressionAnalysisResultSet par, double threshold) { String query = "select count(distinct r) from ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs inner join rs.results r" + " join r.contrasts c where rs = :rs and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold and c.tstat > 0"; String[] paramNames = { "rs", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { par, threshold }; List<?> qresult = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(query, paramNames, objectValues); if (qresult.isEmpty()) { AbstractDao.log.warn("No count returned"); return 0; } Long count = (Long) qresult.iterator().next(); AbstractDao.log.debug("Found " + count + " upregulated genes in result set (" + par.getId() + ") at a corrected pvalue threshold of " + threshold); return count.intValue(); } @Override public Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> find(Gene gene, ExpressionAnalysisResultSet resultSet, double threshold) { final String findByResultSet = "select distinct r from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a" + " inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e inner join e.bioAssays ba inner join ba.arrayDesignUsed ad" + " inner join ad.compositeSequences cs inner join cs.biologicalCharacteristic bs inner join " + "bs.bioSequence2GeneProduct bs2gp inner join bs2gp.geneProduct gp inner join gp.gene g" + " inner join a.resultSets rs inner join rs.results r where r.probe=cs and g=:gene and rs=:resultSet" + " and r.correctedPvalue < :threshold"; String[] paramNames = { "gene", "resultSet", "threshold" }; Object[] objectValues = { gene, resultSet, threshold }; //noinspection unchecked return this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(findByResultSet, paramNames, objectValues); } @Override public Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> findByFactor(ExperimentalFactor ef) { // subset factorValues factors. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> result = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( "select distinct a from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a join a.subsetFactorValue ssf" + " join ssf.experimentalFactor efa where efa = :ef ", "ef", ef); // factors used in the analysis. //noinspection unchecked result.addAll(this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam( "select distinct a from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a join a.resultSets rs" + " left join rs.baselineGroup bg join rs.experimentalFactors efa where efa = :ef ", "ef", ef)); return result; } @Override public Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis>> findByInvestigationIds( Collection<Long> investigationIds) { Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis>> results = new HashMap<>(); //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct e, a from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a" + " inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e where in (:eeIds)"; List<?> qresult = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(queryString, "eeIds", investigationIds); for (Object o : qresult) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) o; BioAssaySet bas = (BioAssaySet) oa[0]; DifferentialExpressionAnalysis dea = (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis) oa[1]; Long id = bas.getId(); if (!results.containsKey(id)) { results.put(id, new HashSet<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis>()); } results.get(id).add(dea); } return results; } @Override public Collection<BioAssaySet> findExperimentsWithAnalyses(Gene gene) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Collection<CompositeSequence> probes = CommonQueries.getCompositeSequences(gene, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); Collection<BioAssaySet> result = new HashSet<>(); if (probes.size() == 0) { return result; } if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Find probes: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } timer.reset(); timer.start(); /* * Note: this query misses ExpressionExperimentSubSets. The native query was implemented because HQL was always * constructing a constraint on SubSets. See bug 2173. */ final String queryToUse = "select e.ID from ANALYSIS a inner join INVESTIGATION e ON a.EXPERIMENT_ANALYZED_FK = e.ID " + "inner join BIO_ASSAY ba ON ba.EXPRESSION_EXPERIMENT_FK=e.ID " + " inner join BIO_MATERIAL bm ON bm.ID=ba.SAMPLE_USED_FK inner join TAXON t ON bm.SOURCE_TAXON_FK=t.ID " + " inner join COMPOSITE_SEQUENCE cs ON ba.ARRAY_DESIGN_USED_FK =cs.ARRAY_DESIGN_FK where cs.ID in " + " (:probes) and t.ID = :taxon"; Taxon taxon = gene.getTaxon(); int batchSize = 1000; Collection<CompositeSequence> batch = new HashSet<>(); for (CompositeSequence probe : probes) { batch.add(probe); if (batch.size() == batchSize) { this.fetchExperimentsTestingGeneNativeQuery(batch, result, queryToUse, taxon); batch.clear(); } } if (!batch.isEmpty()) { this.fetchExperimentsTestingGeneNativeQuery(batch, result, queryToUse, taxon); } if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Find experiments: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return result; } @Override public Map<ExpressionExperiment, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis>> getAnalyses( Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> experiments) { Map<ExpressionExperiment, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis>> result = new HashMap<>(); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); final String query = "select distinct a from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a inner join fetch a.resultSets res " + " inner join fetch res.baselineGroup" + " inner join fetch res.experimentalFactors facs inner join fetch facs.factorValues " + " inner join fetch res.hitListSizes where in (:ees) "; //noinspection unchecked List<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> r1 = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(query, "ees", EntityUtils.getIds(experiments)); int count = 0; for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a : r1) { //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls // Ignoring subsets if (!result.containsKey(a.getExperimentAnalyzed())) { result.put((ExpressionExperiment) a.getExperimentAnalyzed(), new HashSet<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis>()); } //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls // Ignoring subsets result.get(a.getExperimentAnalyzed()).add(a); count++; } if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Fetch " + count + " analyses for " + result.size() + " experiments: " + timer.getTime() + "ms; Query was:\n" + query); } timer.reset(); timer.start(); /* * Deal with the analyses of subsets of the experiments given being analyzed; but we keep things organized by * the source experiment. Maybe that is confusing. */ String q2 = "select distinct a from ExpressionExperimentSubSet eess, DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a " + " inner join fetch a.resultSets res inner join fetch res.baselineGroup " + " inner join fetch res.experimentalFactors facs inner join fetch facs.factorValues" + " inner join fetch res.hitListSizes " + " join eess.sourceExperiment see join a.experimentAnalyzed ee where eess=ee and in (:ees) "; //noinspection unchecked List<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> r2 = this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(q2, "ees", EntityUtils.getIds(experiments)); if (!r2.isEmpty()) { count = 0; for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a : r2) { BioAssaySet experimentAnalyzed = a.getExperimentAnalyzed(); assert experimentAnalyzed instanceof ExpressionExperimentSubSet; ExpressionExperiment sourceExperiment = ((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) experimentAnalyzed) .getSourceExperiment(); if (!result.containsKey(sourceExperiment)) { result.put(sourceExperiment, new HashSet<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis>()); } result.get(sourceExperiment).add(a); count++; } if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Fetch " + count + " subset analyses for " + result.size() + " experiment subsets: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); AbstractDao.log.debug("Query for subsets was: " + q2); } } return result; } @Override public Collection<Long> getExperimentsWithAnalysis(Collection<Long> idsToFilter) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a" + " inner join a.experimentAnalyzed e where in (:eeIds)"; //noinspection unchecked return this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(queryString, "eeIds", idsToFilter); } @Override public Collection<Long> getExperimentsWithAnalysis(Taxon taxon) { //language=HQL final String queryString = "select distinct from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis" + " as doa inner join doa.experimentAnalyzed as ee " + "inner join ee.bioAssays as ba " + "inner join ba.sampleUsed as sample where sample.sourceTaxon = :taxon "; //noinspection unchecked return this.getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedParam(queryString, "taxon", taxon); } @Override public void thaw(final Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> expressionAnalyses) { for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis ea : expressionAnalyses) { this.thaw(ea); } } @Override public void thaw(DifferentialExpressionAnalysis differentialExpressionAnalysis) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.clear(); session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(differentialExpressionAnalysis); Hibernate.initialize(differentialExpressionAnalysis); Hibernate.initialize(differentialExpressionAnalysis.getExperimentAnalyzed()); session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(differentialExpressionAnalysis.getExperimentAnalyzed()); Hibernate.initialize(differentialExpressionAnalysis.getExperimentAnalyzed().getBioAssays()); Hibernate.initialize(differentialExpressionAnalysis.getProtocol()); if (differentialExpressionAnalysis.getSubsetFactorValue() != null) { Hibernate.initialize(differentialExpressionAnalysis.getSubsetFactorValue()); } Collection<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet> ears = differentialExpressionAnalysis.getResultSets(); Hibernate.initialize(ears); for (ExpressionAnalysisResultSet ear : ears) { session.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(ear); Hibernate.initialize(ear); Hibernate.initialize(ear.getExperimentalFactors()); } if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Thaw: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } } @Override public void thawResultSets(DifferentialExpressionAnalysis dea) { Hibernate.initialize(dea.getResultSets()); } @Override public Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject>> getAnalysesByExperimentIds( Collection<Long> expressionExperimentIds, int offset, int limit) { /* * There are three cases to consider: the ids are experiments; the ids are experiment subsets; the ids are * experiments that have subsets. */ Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject>> r = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> arrayDesignsUsed = CommonQueries .getArrayDesignsUsedEEMap(expressionExperimentIds, this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()); /* * Fetch analyses of experiments or subsets. */ //noinspection unchecked Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> hits = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select distinct a from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a join fetch a.experimentAnalyzed e join" + " fetch a.resultSets rs join fetch rs.hitListSizes where in (:eeids)") .setParameterList("eeids", expressionExperimentIds).setFirstResult(offset) .setMaxResults(limit > 0 ? limit : -1).list(); /* * FIXME the above query yields a warning * "firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!" */ Map<Long, Collection<FactorValue>> ee2fv = new HashMap<>(); List<Object[]> fvs; if (!hits.isEmpty()) { // factor values for the experiments. //noinspection unchecked fvs = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery("select distinct, fv from " + "ExpressionExperiment" + " ee join ee.bioAssays ba join ba.sampleUsed bm join bm.factorValues fv where in (:ees)") .setParameterList("ees", expressionExperimentIds).list(); this.addFactorValues(ee2fv, fvs); // also get factor values for subsets - those not found yet. Collection<Long> used = new HashSet<>(); for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a : hits) { used.add(a.getExperimentAnalyzed().getId()); } List probableSubSetIds = ListUtils.removeAll(used, ee2fv.keySet()); if (!probableSubSetIds.isEmpty()) { //noinspection unchecked fvs = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery("select distinct, fv from " + "ExpressionExperimentSubSet" + " ee join ee.bioAssays ba join ba.sampleUsed bm join bm.factorValues fv where in (:ees)") .setParameterList("ees", probableSubSetIds).list(); this.addFactorValues(ee2fv, fvs); } } /* * Subsets of those same experiments (there might not be any) */ //noinspection unchecked List<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> analysesOfSubsets = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select distinct a from " + "ExpressionExperimentSubSet" + " ee, DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a" + " join ee.sourceExperiment see " + " join fetch a.experimentAnalyzed eeanalyzed where in (:eeids) and ee=eeanalyzed") .setParameterList("eeids", expressionExperimentIds).list(); if (!analysesOfSubsets.isEmpty()) { hits.addAll(analysesOfSubsets); Collection<Long> experimentSubsetIds = new HashSet<>(); for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a : analysesOfSubsets) { ExpressionExperimentSubSet subset = (ExpressionExperimentSubSet) a.getExperimentAnalyzed(); experimentSubsetIds.add(subset.getId()); } // factor value information for the subset. The key output is the ID of the subset, not of the source // experiment. //noinspection unchecked fvs = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery("select distinct, fv from " + "ExpressionExperimentSubSet" + " ee join ee.bioAssays ba join ba.sampleUsed bm join bm.factorValues fv where in (:ees)") .setParameterList("ees", experimentSubsetIds).list(); this.addFactorValues(ee2fv, fvs); } // postprocesss... if (hits.isEmpty()) { return r; } Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject> summaries = this.convertToValueObjects(hits, arrayDesignsUsed, ee2fv); for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject an : summaries) { Long bioAssaySetId; if (an.getSourceExperiment() != null) { bioAssaySetId = an.getSourceExperiment(); } else { bioAssaySetId = an.getBioAssaySetId(); } if (!r.containsKey(bioAssaySetId)) { r.put(bioAssaySetId, new ArrayList<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject>()); } r.get(bioAssaySetId).add(an); } return r; } @Override public void remove(DifferentialExpressionAnalysis analysis) { if (analysis == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("analysis cannot be null"); } Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.delete(session.load(DifferentialExpressionAnalysis.class, analysis.getId())); session.flush(); session.clear(); } @Override public Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> findByInvestigation(Investigation investigation) { Long id = investigation.getId(); Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> results = new HashSet<>(); //noinspection unchecked results.addAll(this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select distinct a from DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a where") .setParameter("eeid", id).list()); /* * Deal with the analyses of subsets of the investigation. User has to know this is possible. */ //noinspection unchecked results.addAll(this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() .createQuery( "select distinct a from ExpressionExperimentSubSet eess, DifferentialExpressionAnalysis a " + "join eess.sourceExperiment see " + "join a.experimentAnalyzed eeanalyzed where and eess=eeanalyzed") .setParameter("eeid", id).list()); return results; } @Override @Deprecated // Not useful for DEAs, works for other analysis types. public void removeForExperiment(ExpressionExperiment ee) { throw new IllegalStateException( "!!! Not removing any analyses for experiment " + ee + ", use the service layer instead!"); } private void addFactorValues(Map<Long, Collection<FactorValue>> ee2fv, List<Object[]> fvs) { for (Object[] oa : fvs) { Long eeId = (Long) oa[0]; if (!ee2fv.containsKey(eeId)) { ee2fv.put(eeId, new HashSet<FactorValue>()); } ee2fv.get(eeId).add((FactorValue) oa[1]); } } private Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject> convertToValueObjects( Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysis> analyses, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> arrayDesignsUsed, Map<Long, Collection<FactorValue>> ee2fv) { Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject> summaries = new HashSet<>(); for (DifferentialExpressionAnalysis analysis : analyses) { Collection<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet> results = analysis.getResultSets(); DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject avo = new DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject(analysis); BioAssaySet bioAssaySet = analysis.getExperimentAnalyzed(); avo.setBioAssaySetId(bioAssaySet.getId()); // might be a subset. if (analysis.getSubsetFactorValue() != null) { avo.setSubsetFactorValue(new FactorValueValueObject(analysis.getSubsetFactorValue())); avo.setSubsetFactor( new ExperimentalFactorValueObject(analysis.getSubsetFactorValue().getExperimentalFactor())); assert bioAssaySet instanceof ExpressionExperimentSubSet; avo.setSourceExperiment(((ExpressionExperimentSubSet) bioAssaySet).getSourceExperiment().getId()); if (arrayDesignsUsed.containsKey(bioAssaySet.getId())) { avo.setArrayDesignsUsed(arrayDesignsUsed.get(bioAssaySet.getId())); } else { assert arrayDesignsUsed.containsKey(avo.getSourceExperiment()); avo.setArrayDesignsUsed(arrayDesignsUsed.get(avo.getSourceExperiment())); } } else { Collection<Long> adids = arrayDesignsUsed.get(bioAssaySet.getId()); avo.setArrayDesignsUsed(adids); } for (ExpressionAnalysisResultSet resultSet : results) { DiffExResultSetSummaryValueObject desvo = new DiffExResultSetSummaryValueObject(); desvo.setThreshold(DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD); for (ExperimentalFactor ef : resultSet.getExperimentalFactors()) { desvo.getExperimentalFactors().add(new ExperimentalFactorValueObject(ef)); } desvo.setArrayDesignsUsed(avo.getArrayDesignsUsed()); desvo.setBioAssaySetAnalyzedId(bioAssaySet.getId()); // might be a subset. desvo.setResultSetId(resultSet.getId()); desvo.setAnalysisId(analysis.getId()); desvo.setFactorIds(EntityUtils.getIds(resultSet.getExperimentalFactors())); desvo.setNumberOfGenesAnalyzed(resultSet.getNumberOfGenesTested()); desvo.setNumberOfProbesAnalyzed(resultSet.getNumberOfProbesTested()); for (HitListSize hitList : resultSet.getHitListSizes()) { if (hitList.getThresholdQvalue() .equals(DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)) { if (hitList.getDirection().equals(Direction.UP)) { desvo.setUpregulatedCount(hitList.getNumberOfProbes()); } else if (hitList.getDirection().equals(Direction.DOWN)) { desvo.setDownregulatedCount(hitList.getNumberOfProbes()); } else if (hitList.getDirection().equals(Direction.EITHER)) { desvo.setNumberOfDiffExpressedProbes(hitList.getNumberOfProbes()); } } } if (resultSet.getBaselineGroup() != null) { desvo.setBaselineGroup(new FactorValueValueObject(resultSet.getBaselineGroup())); } avo.getResultSets().add(desvo); assert ee2fv.containsKey(bioAssaySet.getId()); this.populateWhichFactorValuesUsed(avo, ee2fv.get(bioAssaySet.getId())); } summaries.add(avo); } return summaries; } private void fetchExperimentsTestingGeneNativeQuery(Collection<CompositeSequence> probes, Collection<BioAssaySet> result, final String nativeQuery, Taxon taxon) { if (probes.isEmpty()) return; SQLQuery nativeQ = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(nativeQuery); nativeQ.setParameterList("probes", EntityUtils.getIds(probes)); nativeQ.setParameter("taxon", taxon); List<?> list = nativeQ.list(); Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Object o : list) { ids.add(((BigInteger) o).longValue()); } if (!ids.isEmpty()) { //noinspection unchecked result.addAll(this.getHibernateTemplate() .findByNamedParam("from ExpressionExperiment e where in (:ids)", "ids", ids)); } } /** * Figure out which factorValues were used for each of the experimental factors (excluding the subset factor) */ private void populateWhichFactorValuesUsed(DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject avo, Collection<FactorValue> fvs) { if (fvs == null || fvs.isEmpty()) { return; } ExperimentalFactorValueObject subsetFactor = avo.getSubsetFactor(); for (FactorValue fv : fvs) { Long experimentalFactorId = fv.getExperimentalFactor().getId(); if (subsetFactor != null && experimentalFactorId.equals(subsetFactor.getId())) { continue; } if (!avo.getFactorValuesUsed().containsKey(experimentalFactorId)) { avo.getFactorValuesUsed().put(experimentalFactorId, new HashSet<FactorValueValueObject>()); } avo.getFactorValuesUsed().get(experimentalFactorId).add(new FactorValueValueObject(fv)); } } }