Java tutorial
/* * The gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2014 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.model.association.coexpression; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import cern.colt.list.IntArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * Represents a GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree * * @author Paul */ public class GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject { private static final ByteArrayConverter bac = new ByteArrayConverter(); private final Long geneId; private TreeMap<Integer, Integer> nodeDegreesNeg = new TreeMap<>(); private TreeMap<Integer, Integer> nodeDegreesPos = new TreeMap<>(); private TreeMap<Integer, Double> relDegreesNeg = new TreeMap<>(); private TreeMap<Integer, Double> relDegreesPos = new TreeMap<>(); public GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject(GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree entity) { this.geneId = entity.getGeneId(); this.initLinkCounts(entity.getLinkCountsPositive(), true); this.initLinkCounts(entity.getLinkCountsNegative(), false); this.initRelRanks(entity.getRelativeLinkRanksPositive(), true); this.initRelRanks(entity.getRelativeLinkRanksNegative(), false); } public double[] asDoubleArrayNegRanks() { return this.asDoubleArray(relDegreesNeg); } public double[] asDoubleArrayPosRanks() { return this.asDoubleArray(relDegreesPos); } /** * @return counts at each level of support, starting from 0 (which will be 0), up to the maximum support. */ public int[] asIntArrayNeg() { return this.asIntArray(nodeDegreesNeg); } /** * @return counts at each level of support, starting from 0 (which will be 0), up to the maximum support. */ public int[] asIntArrayPos() { return this.asIntArray(nodeDegreesPos); } public Long getGeneId() { return geneId; } /** * @param support value * @param positive positive * @return how many links have this much support (specifically). */ public Integer getLinksWithExactSupport(Integer support, boolean positive) { if (positive) { return nodeDegreesPos.containsKey(support) ? nodeDegreesPos.get(support) : 0; } return nodeDegreesNeg.containsKey(support) ? nodeDegreesNeg.get(support) : 0; } /** * @param i support * @return total number of links (this is just the total of positive and negative; if some of those are with the * same genes it's a double count, sorry) */ public Integer getLinksWithMinimumSupport(int i) { return this.getLinksWithMinimumSupport(i, true) + this.getLinksWithMinimumSupport(i, false); } /** * @param support threshold * @param positive positive * @return how many links have at least this much support (cumulative) */ public Integer getLinksWithMinimumSupport(Integer support, boolean positive) { assert support >= 0; int sum = 0; if (positive) { int maxSupportPos = this.getMaxSupportPos(); for (Integer i = support; i <= maxSupportPos; i++) { sum += nodeDegreesPos.containsKey(i) ? nodeDegreesPos.get(i) : 0; } } else { int maxSupportNeg = this.getMaxSupportNeg(); for (Integer i = support; i <= maxSupportNeg; i++) { sum += nodeDegreesNeg.containsKey(i) ? nodeDegreesNeg.get(i) : 0; } } return sum; } public int getMaxSupportNeg() { return this.nodeDegreesNeg.isEmpty() ? 0 : this.nodeDegreesNeg.lastKey(); } /** * @return the largest value for support for this gene */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "WeakerAccess" }) // Possible external use public int getMaxSupportPos() { return this.nodeDegreesPos.isEmpty() ? 0 : this.nodeDegreesPos.lastKey(); } public Double getRankAtMinimumSupport(Integer support, boolean positive) { // this can be invalid if node degree isn't updated for this gene.F if (positive) { return relDegreesPos.get(support); } return relDegreesNeg.get(support); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((geneId == null) ? 0 : geneId.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject other = (GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject) obj; if (geneId == null) { return other.geneId == null; } return geneId.equals(other.geneId); } @Override public String toString() { return "NodeDegree [geneId=" + geneId + ", nodeDegreesPos=" + StringUtils.join(nodeDegreesPos.values(), " ") + ", nodeDegreesNeg=" + StringUtils.join(nodeDegreesNeg.values(), " ") + "]"; } public synchronized void increment(Integer support, boolean positive) { if (positive) { if (!nodeDegreesPos.containsKey(support)) { nodeDegreesPos.put(support, 1); } else { nodeDegreesPos.put(support, nodeDegreesPos.get(support) + 1); } } else { if (!nodeDegreesNeg.containsKey(support)) { nodeDegreesNeg.put(support, 1); } else { nodeDegreesNeg.put(support, nodeDegreesNeg.get(support) + 1); } } } /** * Equivalent to getLinksWithMinimumSupport( 0 ) * * @return how many links this gene has in total, across all levels of support (positive and negative correlations * combined) */ public int total() { return this.getLinksWithMinimumSupport(0, true) + this.getLinksWithMinimumSupport(0, false); } /** * Used during recomputation only. */ public void clear() { this.nodeDegreesNeg.clear(); this.nodeDegreesPos.clear(); } public GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree toEntity() { GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree r = new GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree(); r.setGeneId(this.geneId); r.setRelativeLinkRanksPositive( GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject.bac.doubleArrayToBytes(this.asDoubleArrayPosRanks())); r.setRelativeLinkRanksNegative( GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject.bac.doubleArrayToBytes(this.asDoubleArrayNegRanks())); r.setLinkCountsPositive(GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject.bac.intArrayToBytes(this.asIntArrayPos())); r.setLinkCountsNegative(GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject.bac.intArrayToBytes(this.asIntArrayNeg())); return r; } private void initLinkCounts(byte[] linkCountBytes, boolean isPositive) { int[] byteArrayToInts = GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject.bac.byteArrayToInts(linkCountBytes); if (byteArrayToInts.length < 2) { return; } //noinspection Duplicates // Can not extract method, arrays have diferent primitive types if (isPositive) { nodeDegreesPos = new TreeMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i < byteArrayToInts.length; i++) { nodeDegreesPos.put(i, byteArrayToInts[i]); } } else { nodeDegreesNeg = new TreeMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i < byteArrayToInts.length; i++) { nodeDegreesNeg.put(i, byteArrayToInts[i]); } } } private void initRelRanks(byte[] relativeLinkRanks, boolean isPositive) { double[] ranks = GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject.bac.byteArrayToDoubles(relativeLinkRanks); if (ranks.length < 2) { return; } //noinspection Duplicates // Can not extract method, arrays have diferent primitive types if (isPositive) { relDegreesPos = new TreeMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i < ranks.length; i++) { relDegreesPos.put(i, ranks[i]); } } else { relDegreesNeg = new TreeMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i < ranks.length; i++) { relDegreesNeg.put(i, ranks[i]); } } } private double[] toPrimitive(DoubleArrayList list) { //noinspection unchecked return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(((List<Double>) list.toList()).toArray(new Double[] {})); } private int[] toPrimitive(IntArrayList list) { //noinspection unchecked return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(((List<Integer>) list.toList()).toArray(new Integer[] {})); } private double[] asDoubleArray(TreeMap<Integer, Double> map) { DoubleArrayList list = new DoubleArrayList(); if (map.isEmpty()) return this.toPrimitive(list); list.setSize(Math.max(list.size(), map.lastKey() + 1)); for (Integer s : map.keySet()) { list.set(s, map.get(s)); } return this.toPrimitive(list); } private int[] asIntArray(TreeMap<Integer, Integer> nodedeg) { IntArrayList list = new IntArrayList(); if (nodedeg.isEmpty()) return this.toPrimitive(list); Integer maxSupport = nodedeg.lastKey(); list.setSize(maxSupport + 1); for (Integer s = 0; s <= maxSupport; s++) { if (nodedeg.containsKey(s)) { list.set(s, nodedeg.get(s)); } else { list.set(s, 0); } } return this.toPrimitive(list); } }