Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2006 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.core.externalDb; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor; import ubic.basecode.util.SQLUtils; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.sequence.ProbeMapperConfig; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.sequence.SequenceManipulation; import ubic.gemma.core.loader.genome.gene.ncbi.NcbiGeneConverter; import ubic.gemma.model.association.BioSequence2GeneProduct; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.DatabaseEntry; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Chromosome; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.PhysicalLocation; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.biosequence.BioSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneProduct; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.BlatAssociation; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.BlatResult; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.ThreePrimeDistanceMethod; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.SequenceBinUtils; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Using the Goldenpath databases for comparing sequence alignments to gene locations. * * @author pavlidis */ @SuppressWarnings({ "WeakerAccess", "unused" }) // Possible external use public class GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis extends GoldenPath { /** * If the exon overlap fraction with annotated (known/refseq) exons is less than this value, some additional * checking for mRNAs and ESTs may be done. */ private static final double RECHECK_OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.9; /** * cache results of mRNA queries. */ private final LRUMap cache = new LRUMap(2000); public GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis(int port, String databaseName, String host, String user, String password) { super(port, databaseName, host, user, password); } public GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis(String databaseName) { super(databaseName); } public GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis(Taxon taxon) { super(taxon); } /** * Given a physical location, identify overlapping genes or predicted genes. * * @param chromosome The chromosome name (the organism is set by the constructor) * @param queryStart The start base of the region to query (the start of the alignment to the genome) * @param queryEnd The end base of the region to query (the end of the alignment to the genome) * @param starts Locations of alignment block starts in target. (comma-delimited from blat) * @param sizes Sizes of alignment blocks (comma-delimited from blat) * @param strand Either + or - indicating the strand to look on, or null to search both strands. * @param method The constant representing the method to use to locate the 3' distance. * @param config configuration * @return A list of BioSequence2GeneProduct objects. The distance stored by a ThreePrimeData will be 0 if the * sequence overhangs the found genes (rather than providing a negative distance). If no genes are found, * the result is null; These are transient instances, not from Gemma's database */ public Collection<BlatAssociation> findAssociations(String chromosome, Long queryStart, Long queryEnd, String starts, String sizes, String strand, ThreePrimeDistanceMethod method, ProbeMapperConfig config) { if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug("Seeking gene overlaps with: chrom=" + chromosome + " start=" + queryStart + " end=" + queryEnd + " strand=" + strand); if (queryEnd < queryStart) throw new IllegalArgumentException("End must not be less than start"); /* * These are transient instances only */ Collection<GeneProduct> geneProducts = new HashSet<>(); if (config.isUseRefGene()) { // starting with refgene means we can get the correct transcript name etc. geneProducts.addAll(this.findRefGenesByLocation(chromosome, queryStart, queryEnd, strand)); } if (config.isUseKnownGene()) { // get known genes as well, in case all we got was an intron. Currently does not work with rat (rn6) geneProducts.addAll(this.findKnownGenesByLocation(chromosome, queryStart, queryEnd, strand)); } if (geneProducts.size() == 0) return null; Collection<BlatAssociation> results = new HashSet<>(); for (GeneProduct geneProduct : geneProducts) { if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug(geneProduct); BlatAssociation blatAssociation = this.computeLocationInGene(chromosome, queryStart, queryEnd, starts, sizes, geneProduct, method, config); /* * We check against the actual threshold later. We can't fully check it now because not all the slots are * populated yet. */ if (config.getMinimumExonOverlapFraction() > 0.0 && blatAssociation.getOverlap() == 0) { GoldenPath.log.debug("Result failed to meet exon overlap threshold (0)"); continue; } results.add(blatAssociation); } return results; } /** * Given a location, find the nearest gene on the same strand, including only "known", "refseq" or "ensembl" * transcripts. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param queryStart start * @param queryEnd end * @param strand Either '+' or '-' * @param maxWindow the number of bases on each side to look, at most, in addition to looking inside the given * region. * @return the Gene closest to the given location. This is a transient instance, not from Gemma's database. */ public Gene findClosestGene(String chromosome, Long queryStart, Long queryEnd, String strand, int maxWindow) { if (queryEnd < queryStart) throw new IllegalArgumentException("End must not be less than start"); long round = 0L; int numRounds = 5; int increment = (int) (maxWindow / (double) numRounds); // we look in a window at most increment * numRounds. while (round < numRounds) { long left = queryStart + round * increment; long right = queryEnd + round * increment; Collection<GeneProduct> geneProducts = this.findRefGenesByLocation(chromosome, left, right, strand); geneProducts.addAll(this.findKnownGenesByLocation(chromosome, left, right, strand)); Gene nearest = null; int closestSoFar = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (GeneProduct geneProduct : geneProducts) { PhysicalLocation gpl = geneProduct.getPhysicalLocation(); Long start = gpl.getNucleotide(); Long end = start + gpl.getNucleotideLength(); int gap = (int) Math.min(left - end, start - right); if (gap < closestSoFar) { closestSoFar = gap; nearest = geneProduct.getGene(); } } if (nearest != null) return nearest; round++; } return null; } /** * Check to see if there are ESTs that overlap with this region. We provisionally promote the ESTs to the status of * genes for this purpose. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param regionStart the region to be checked * @param regionEnd end * @param strand the strand * @return The ESTs which overlap the query region. (using the all_est table) */ public Collection<Gene> findESTs(final String chromosome, Long regionStart, Long regionEnd, String strand) { String searchChrom = SequenceManipulation.blatFormatChromosomeName(chromosome); String query = "SELECT est.qName, est.qName, est.tStart, est.tEnd, est.strand, est.blockSizes, est.tStarts " + " FROM all_est as est WHERE " + "((est.tStart > ? AND est.tEnd < ?) OR (est.tStart < ? AND est.tEnd > ?) OR " + "(est.tStart > ? AND est.tStart < ?) OR (est.tEnd > ? AND est.tEnd < ? )) and est.tName = ? "; query = query + " and " + SequenceBinUtils.addBinToQuery("est", regionStart, regionEnd); if (strand != null) { query = query + " and est.strand = ?"; } Object[] params; if (strand == null) params = new Object[] { regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, searchChrom }; else params = new Object[] { regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, searchChrom, strand }; return this.queryAndExtract(chromosome, query, params); } /** * Find "Known" genes contained in or overlapping a region. Note that the NCBI symbol may be blank, when the gene is * not a refSeq gene. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param start start * @param end end * @param strand strand * @return This is a collection of transient instances, not from Gemma's database. */ public Collection<GeneProduct> findKnownGenesByLocation(String chromosome, Long start, Long end, String strand) { String searchChrom = SequenceManipulation.blatFormatChromosomeName(chromosome); /* * Rat has changed again for rn6, dropped the use of RGD symbols and there is no Known Gene track, so this must * be skipped for rat (3/2018) */ /* * Many known genes map to refseq genes. We use those gene symbols instead. Use kgXRef only to get the * description. */ String query = "SELECT, r.geneName, r.txStart, r.txEnd, r.strand, r.exonStarts, r.exonEnds, CONCAT('Refseq gene: ', kgr.description) " + " FROM knownGene as kg INNER JOIN knownToRefSeq kr on inner join kgXref kgr on " + " INNER JOIN refFlat r ON WHERE " + "((kg.txStart >= ? AND kg.txEnd <= ?) OR (kg.txStart <= ? AND kg.txEnd >= ?) OR " + "(kg.txStart >= ? AND kg.txStart <= ?) OR (kg.txEnd >= ? AND kg.txEnd <= ? )) and kg.chrom = ? "; if (strand != null) { query = query + " AND kg.strand = ? "; } Collection<GeneProduct> known2refseq = this.findGenesByQuery(start, end, searchChrom, strand, query); Collection<GeneProduct> result = new HashSet<>(known2refseq); /* * Ones that do not map to refseq using a left outer join. */ query = "SELECT kgxr.mRNA, kgxr.geneSymbol, kg.txStart, kg.txEnd, kg.strand, kg.exonStarts, kg.exonEnds, CONCAT('Known gene: ', kgxr.description) " + " FROM knownGene as kg INNER JOIN" + " kgXref AS kgxr ON LEFT OUTER JOIN knownToRefSeq kr on WHERE kr.value IS NULL AND " + "((kg.txStart >= ? AND kg.txEnd <= ?) OR (kg.txStart <= ? AND kg.txEnd >= ?) OR " + "(kg.txStart >= ? AND kg.txStart <= ?) OR (kg.txEnd >= ? AND kg.txEnd <= ? )) and kg.chrom = ? "; if (strand != null) { query = query + " AND kg.strand = ? "; } Collection<GeneProduct> knowng = this.findGenesByQuery(start, end, searchChrom, strand, query); result.addAll(knowng); return result; } /** * Find RefSeq genes contained in or overlapping a region. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param start start * @param strand strand * @param end end * @return This is a collection of transient instances, not from Gemma's database. */ public Collection<GeneProduct> findRefGenesByLocation(String chromosome, Long start, Long end, String strand) { String searchChrom = SequenceManipulation.blatFormatChromosomeName(chromosome); /* * Use kgXRef only to get the description - sometimes missing thus the outer join. */ String query = "SELECT, r.geneName, r.txStart, r.txEnd, r.strand, r.exonStarts, r.exonEnds, CONCAT('Refseq gene: ', kgXref.description) " + "FROM refFlat as r left outer join kgXref on r.geneName = kgXref.geneSymbol " + "WHERE " + "((r.txStart >= ? AND r.txEnd <= ?) OR (r.txStart <= ? AND r.txEnd >= ?) OR " + "(r.txStart >= ? AND r.txStart <= ?) OR (r.txEnd >= ? AND r.txEnd <= ? )) and r.chrom = ? "; if (strand != null) { query = query + " AND r.strand = ? "; } return this.findGenesByQuery(start, end, searchChrom, strand, query); } /** * Check to see if there are mRNAs that overlap with this region. We promote the mRNAs to the status of genes for * this purpose. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param regionStart the region to be checked * @param regionEnd end * @param strand the strand * @return The mRNAs which overlap the query region. */ public Collection<Gene> findRNAs(final String chromosome, Long regionStart, Long regionEnd, String strand) { String searchChrom = SequenceManipulation.blatFormatChromosomeName(chromosome); String query = "SELECT mrna.qName, mrna.qName, mrna.tStart, mrna.tEnd, mrna.strand, mrna.blockSizes, mrna.tStarts " + " FROM all_mrna as mrna WHERE " + "((mrna.tStart > ? AND mrna.tEnd < ?) OR (mrna.tStart < ? AND mrna.tEnd > ?) OR " + "(mrna.tStart > ? AND mrna.tStart < ?) OR (mrna.tEnd > ? AND mrna.tEnd < ? )) and mrna.tName = ? "; query = query + " and " + SequenceBinUtils.addBinToQuery("mrna", regionStart, regionEnd); if (strand != null) { query = query + " and mrna.strand = ?"; } Object[] params; if (strand == null) params = new Object[] { regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, searchChrom }; else params = new Object[] { regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, regionStart, regionEnd, searchChrom, strand }; return this.queryAndExtract(chromosome, query, params); } /** * @param identifier A Genbank accession referring to an EST or mRNA. For other types of queries this will not * return any results. * @return Set containing Lists of PhysicalLocation representing places GoldenPath says the sequence referred to by * the identifier aligns. If no results are found the Set will be empty. */ public Collection<BlatResult> findSequenceLocations(String identifier) { Object[] params = new Object[] { identifier }; String query; /* ESTs */ query = "SELECT est.tName, est.blockSizes, est.tStarts,est.qStarts, est.strand, est.qSize, est.matches, " + "est.misMatches, est.qNumInsert, est.tNumInsert, est.qStart, est.qEnd, est.tStart, est.tEnd, est.repMatches FROM" + " all_est AS est WHERE est.qName = ?"; Set<BlatResult> matchingBlocks = new HashSet<>(this.findLocationsByQuery(query, params)); /* mRNA */ query = "SELECT mrna.tName, mrna.blockSizes, mrna.tStarts, mrna.qStarts, mrna.strand, mrna.qSize, mrna.matches, " + "mrna.misMatches, mrna.qNumInsert, mrna.tNumInsert, mrna.qStart, mrna.qEnd, mrna.tStart, mrna.tEnd, mrna.repMatches" + " FROM all_mrna AS mrna WHERE mrna.qName = ?"; matchingBlocks.addAll(this.findLocationsByQuery(query, params)); return matchingBlocks; } /** * Given a physical location, find how close it is to the 3' end of a gene it is in, using default mapping settings. * * @param br BlatResult holding the parameters needed. * @param method The constant representing the method to use to locate the 3' distance. * @return a collection of distances */ public Collection<? extends BioSequence2GeneProduct> getThreePrimeDistances(BlatResult br, ThreePrimeDistanceMethod method) { return this.findAssociations(br.getTargetChromosome().getName(), br.getTargetStart(), br.getTargetEnd(), br.getTargetStarts(), br.getBlockSizes(), br.getStrand(), method, new ProbeMapperConfig()); } /** * Uses default mapping settings * * @param identifier identifier * @param method the method * @return bio seq 2 gene producs */ public Collection<BioSequence2GeneProduct> getThreePrimeDistances(String identifier, ThreePrimeDistanceMethod method) { Collection<BlatResult> locations = this.findSequenceLocations(identifier); Collection<BioSequence2GeneProduct> results = new HashSet<>(); for (BlatResult br : locations) { results.addAll(this.getThreePrimeDistances(br, method)); } return results; } private Collection<Gene> queryAndExtract(final String chromosome, String query, Object[] params) { return this.getJdbcTemplate().query(query, params, new ResultSetExtractor<Collection<Gene>>() { @Override public Collection<Gene> extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { Collection<Gene> r = new HashSet<>(); while ( { Gene gene = Gene.Factory.newInstance(); gene.setNcbiGeneId(Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1))); gene.setOfficialSymbol(rs.getString(2)); gene.setName(gene.getOfficialSymbol()); PhysicalLocation pl = PhysicalLocation.Factory.newInstance(); pl.setNucleotide(rs.getLong(3)); pl.setNucleotideLength(rs.getInt(4) - rs.getInt(3)); pl.setStrand(rs.getString(5)); pl.setBin(SequenceBinUtils.binFromRange((int) rs.getLong(3), rs.getInt(4))); Chromosome c = new Chromosome(SequenceManipulation.deBlatFormatChromosomeName(chromosome), GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis.this.getTaxon()); pl.setChromosome(c); // note that we aren't setting the chromosome here; we already know that. gene.setPhysicalLocation(pl); r.add(gene); Blob blockSizes = rs.getBlob(6); Blob blockStarts = rs.getBlob(7); GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis.this.setBlocks(gene, blockSizes, blockStarts); } return r; } }); } private Collection<PhysicalLocation> blocksToPhysicalLocations(int[] blockSizes, int[] blockStarts, Chromosome chromosome) { Collection<PhysicalLocation> blocks = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < blockSizes.length; i++) { long exonStart = blockStarts[i]; int exonSize = blockSizes[i]; PhysicalLocation block = PhysicalLocation.Factory.newInstance(); block.setChromosome(chromosome); block.setNucleotide(exonStart); block.setNucleotideLength(exonSize); block.setBin(SequenceBinUtils.binFromRange((int) exonStart, (int) (exonStart + exonSize))); blocks.add(block); } return blocks; } /** * Recompute the exonOverlap looking at EST evidence. This lets us be a much less conservative about how we compute * exon overlaps. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param queryStart start * @param queryEnd end * @param starts starts * @param sizes sizes * @param exonOverlap Exon overlap we're starting with. We only care to improve on this. * @param strand of the region * @return The best overlap with any exons from an mRNA in the selected region. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private int checkESTs(String chromosome, Long queryStart, Long queryEnd, String starts, String sizes, int exonOverlap, String strand) { String key = "EST " + chromosome + "||" + queryStart.toString() + "||" + queryEnd.toString() + strand; Collection<Gene> ests; if (cache.containsKey(key)) { ests = (Collection<Gene>) cache.get(key); } else { ests = this.findESTs(chromosome, queryStart, queryEnd, strand); cache.put(key, ests); } if (ests.size() > 0) { if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug(ests.size() + " ESTs found at chr" + chromosome + ":" + queryStart + "-" + queryEnd + ", trying to improve overlap of " + exonOverlap); int maxOverlap = exonOverlap; for (Gene est : ests) { int overlap = SequenceManipulation.getGeneExonOverlaps(chromosome, starts, sizes, null, est); if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug("overlap with " + est.getNcbiGeneId() + "=" + overlap); if (overlap > maxOverlap) { if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug("Best EST overlap=" + overlap); maxOverlap = overlap; } } exonOverlap = maxOverlap; if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug("Overlap with ESTs is now " + exonOverlap); } return exonOverlap; } /** * Recompute the exonOverlap looking at mRNAs. This lets us be a little less conservative about how we compute exon * overlaps. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param queryStart start * @param queryEnd end * @param starts starts * @param sizes sizes * @param exonOverlap Exon overlap we're starting with. We only care to improve on this. * @param strand of the region * @param gene gene * @return The best overlap with any exons from an mRNA in the selected region. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private int checkRNAs(String chromosome, Long queryStart, Long queryEnd, String starts, String sizes, int exonOverlap, String strand, Gene gene) { String key = "MRNA " + chromosome + "||" + queryStart.toString() + "||" + queryEnd.toString() + strand; Collection<Gene> mRNAs; if (cache.containsKey(key)) { mRNAs = (Collection<Gene>) cache.get(key); } else { mRNAs = this.findRNAs(chromosome, queryStart, queryEnd, strand); cache.put(key, mRNAs); } if (mRNAs.size() > 0) { if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug(mRNAs.size() + " mRNAs found at chr" + chromosome + ":" + queryStart + "-" + queryEnd + ", trying to improve overlap of " + exonOverlap); int maxOverlap = exonOverlap; for (Gene mRNA : mRNAs) { if (gene != null && !gene.getOfficialSymbol().equals(this.getGeneForMessage(mRNA.getOfficialSymbol()))) { continue; } int overlap = SequenceManipulation.getGeneExonOverlaps(chromosome, starts, sizes, null, mRNA); if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug("overlap with " + mRNA.getNcbiGeneId() + "=" + overlap); if (overlap > maxOverlap) { if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug("Best mRNA overlap=" + overlap); maxOverlap = overlap; } } exonOverlap = maxOverlap; if (GoldenPath.log.isDebugEnabled()) GoldenPath.log.debug("Overlap with mRNAs is now " + exonOverlap); } return exonOverlap; } /** * Given a location and a gene product, compute the distance from the 3' end of the gene product as well as the * amount of overlap. If the location has low overlaps with known exons (threshold set by * RECHECK_OVERLAP_THRESHOLD), we optionally search for mRNAs in the region. If there are overlapping mRNAs, we use * the best overlap value. If the overlap is still not high enough we optionally check ESTs. * * @param chromosome chromosome * @param queryStart start * @param queryEnd end * @param starts Start locations of alignments of the query (target coordinates) * @param sizes Sizes of alignments of the query. * @param geneProduct GeneProduct with which the overlap and distance is to be computed. * @param method method * @param config The useEsts and useRNA options are relevant * @return a ThreePrimeData object containing the results. */ private BlatAssociation computeLocationInGene(String chromosome, Long queryStart, Long queryEnd, String starts, String sizes, GeneProduct geneProduct, ThreePrimeDistanceMethod method, ProbeMapperConfig config) { assert geneProduct != null : "GeneProduct is null"; BlatAssociation blatAssociation = BlatAssociation.Factory.newInstance(); blatAssociation.setGeneProduct(geneProduct); blatAssociation.setThreePrimeDistanceMeasurementMethod(method); PhysicalLocation geneLoc = geneProduct.getPhysicalLocation(); assert geneLoc != null : "PhysicalLocation for GeneProduct " + geneProduct + " is null"; assert geneLoc.getNucleotide() != null; int geneStart = geneLoc.getNucleotide().intValue(); int geneEnd = geneLoc.getNucleotide().intValue() + geneLoc.getNucleotideLength(); int exonOverlap = 0; if (starts != null & sizes != null) { exonOverlap = SequenceManipulation.getGeneProductExonOverlap(starts, sizes, geneLoc.getStrand(), geneProduct); int totalSize = SequenceManipulation.totalSize(sizes); if (config.isUseMrnas() && exonOverlap / (double) (totalSize) < GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis.RECHECK_OVERLAP_THRESHOLD) { int newOverlap = this.checkRNAs(chromosome, queryStart, queryEnd, starts, sizes, exonOverlap, geneLoc.getStrand(), geneProduct.getGene()); if (newOverlap > exonOverlap) { GoldenPath.log.debug("mRNA overlap was higher than primary transcript"); exonOverlap = newOverlap; } } if (config.isUseEsts() && exonOverlap / (double) (totalSize) < GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis.RECHECK_OVERLAP_THRESHOLD) { int newOverlap = this.checkESTs(chromosome, queryStart, queryEnd, starts, sizes, exonOverlap, geneLoc.getStrand()); if (newOverlap > exonOverlap) { GoldenPath.log.debug("Exon overlap was higher than mrna or primary transcript"); exonOverlap = newOverlap; } } assert exonOverlap <= totalSize; } blatAssociation.setOverlap(exonOverlap); if (method == ThreePrimeDistanceMethod.MIDDLE) { int center = SequenceManipulation.findCenter(starts, sizes); if (geneLoc.getStrand().equals("+")) { // then the 3' end is at the 'end'. : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*>>>>> (* is where we might be) blatAssociation.setThreePrimeDistance((long) Math.max(0, geneEnd - center)); } else if (geneProduct.getPhysicalLocation().getStrand().equals("-")) { // then the 3' end is at the 'start'. : <<<*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< blatAssociation.setThreePrimeDistance((long) Math.max(0, center - geneStart)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strand wasn't '+' or '-'"); } } else if (method == ThreePrimeDistanceMethod.RIGHT) { if (geneLoc.getStrand().equals("+")) { // then the 3' end is at the 'end'. : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*>>>>> (* is where we might be) blatAssociation.setThreePrimeDistance(Math.max(0, geneEnd - queryEnd)); } else if (geneProduct.getPhysicalLocation().getStrand().equals("-")) { // then the 3' end is at the 'start'. : <<<*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< blatAssociation.setThreePrimeDistance(Math.max(0, queryStart - geneStart)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strand wasn't '+' or '-'"); } } else if (method == ThreePrimeDistanceMethod.LEFT) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Left edge measure not supported"); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown method"); } return blatAssociation; } /** * Generic method to retrieve Genes from the GoldenPath database. The query given must have the appropriate form. * * @param starti start * @param endi end * @param chromosome chromosome * @param query query * @return List of GeneProducts. This is a collection of transient instances, not from Gemma's database. */ private Collection<GeneProduct> findGenesByQuery(Long starti, Long endi, final String chromosome, String strand, String query) { // Cases: // 1. gene is contained within the region: txStart > start & txEnd < end; // 2. region is contained within the gene: txStart < start & txEnd > end; // 3. region overlaps start of gene: txStart > start & txStart < end. // 4. region overlaps end of gene: txEnd > start & txEnd < end // Object[] params; if (strand != null) { params = new Object[] { starti, endi, starti, endi, starti, endi, starti, endi, chromosome, strand }; } else { params = new Object[] { starti, endi, starti, endi, starti, endi, starti, endi, chromosome }; } return this.getJdbcTemplate().query(query, params, new ResultSetExtractor<Collection<GeneProduct>>() { @Override public Collection<GeneProduct> extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { Collection<GeneProduct> r = new HashSet<>(); while ( { GeneProduct product = GeneProduct.Factory.newInstance(); String name = rs.getString(1); /* * This happens for a very few cases in kgXref, where the gene is 'abParts'. We have to skip these. */ if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { continue; } /* * The name is our database identifier (either genbank or ensembl) */ DatabaseEntry accession = DatabaseEntry.Factory.newInstance(); accession.setAccession(name); if (name.startsWith("ENST")) { accession.setExternalDatabase(NcbiGeneConverter.getEnsembl()); } else { accession.setExternalDatabase(NcbiGeneConverter.getGenbank()); } product.getAccessions().add(accession); Gene gene = Gene.Factory.newInstance(); gene.setOfficialSymbol(rs.getString(2)); gene.setName(gene.getOfficialSymbol()); Taxon taxon = GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis.this.getTaxon(); assert taxon != null; gene.setTaxon(taxon); PhysicalLocation pl = PhysicalLocation.Factory.newInstance(); pl.setNucleotide(rs.getLong(3)); pl.setNucleotideLength(rs.getInt(4) - rs.getInt(3)); pl.setStrand(rs.getString(5)); pl.setBin(SequenceBinUtils.binFromRange((int) rs.getLong(3), rs.getInt(4))); PhysicalLocation genePl = PhysicalLocation.Factory.newInstance(); genePl.setStrand(pl.getStrand()); Chromosome c = new Chromosome(SequenceManipulation.deBlatFormatChromosomeName(chromosome), taxon); pl.setChromosome(c); genePl.setChromosome(c); /* * this only contains the chromosome and strand: the nucleotide positions are only valid for the * gene product */ gene.setPhysicalLocation(genePl); product.setName(name); String descriptionFromGP = rs.getString(8); if (StringUtils.isBlank(descriptionFromGP)) { product.setDescription("Imported from GoldenPath"); } else { product.setDescription("Imported from Golden Path: " + descriptionFromGP); } product.setPhysicalLocation(pl); product.setGene(gene); Blob exonStarts = rs.getBlob(6); Blob exonEnds = rs.getBlob(7); product.setExons(GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis.this.getExons(c, exonStarts, exonEnds)); /* * For microRNAs, we don't get exons, so we just use the whole length for now. */ if (product.getExons().size() == 0) { product.getExons().add(pl); } r.add(product); } return r; } }); } /** * Uses a query that can retrieve BlatResults from GoldenPath. The query must have the appropriate form. * * @param query query * @param params params * @return blat results */ private Collection<BlatResult> findLocationsByQuery(final String query, final Object[] params) { return this.getJdbcTemplate().query(query, params, new ResultSetExtractor<Collection<BlatResult>>() { @Override public Collection<BlatResult> extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { Collection<BlatResult> r = new HashSet<>(); while ( { BlatResult blatResult = BlatResult.Factory.newInstance(); Chromosome c = new Chromosome(SequenceManipulation.deBlatFormatChromosomeName(rs.getString(1)), GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis.this.getTaxon()); blatResult.setTargetChromosome(c); Blob blockSizes = rs.getBlob(2); Blob targetStarts = rs.getBlob(3); Blob queryStarts = rs.getBlob(4); blatResult.setBlockSizes(SQLUtils.blobToString(blockSizes)); blatResult.setTargetStarts(SQLUtils.blobToString(targetStarts)); blatResult.setQueryStarts(SQLUtils.blobToString(queryStarts)); blatResult.setStrand(rs.getString(5)); // need the query size to compute scores. blatResult.setQuerySequence(BioSequence.Factory.newInstance()); blatResult.getQuerySequence().setLength(rs.getLong(6)); blatResult.getQuerySequence().setName((String) params[0]); blatResult.setMatches(rs.getInt(7)); blatResult.setMismatches(rs.getInt(8)); blatResult.setQueryGapCount(rs.getInt(9)); blatResult.setTargetGapCount(rs.getInt(10)); blatResult.setQueryStart(rs.getInt(11)); blatResult.setQueryEnd(rs.getInt(12)); blatResult.setTargetStart(rs.getLong(13)); blatResult.setTargetEnd(rs.getLong(14)); blatResult.setRepMatches(rs.getInt(15)); r.add(blatResult); } return r; } }); } /** * Fill in the exon information for a gene, given the raw blobs from the GoldenPath database. * Be sure to pass the right Blob arguments! * * @param exonStarts starts * @param exonEnds ends * @throws SQLException sql problem */ private Collection<PhysicalLocation> getExons(Chromosome chrom, Blob exonStarts, Blob exonEnds) throws SQLException { Collection<PhysicalLocation> exons = new HashSet<>(); if (exonStarts == null || exonEnds == null) { return exons; } String exonStartLocations = SQLUtils.blobToString(exonStarts); String exonEndLocations = SQLUtils.blobToString(exonEnds); int[] exonStartsInts = SequenceManipulation.blatLocationsToIntArray(exonStartLocations); int[] exonEndsInts = SequenceManipulation.blatLocationsToIntArray(exonEndLocations); assert exonStartsInts.length == exonEndsInts.length; for (int i = 0; i < exonEndsInts.length; i++) { int exonStart = exonStartsInts[i]; int exonEnd = exonEndsInts[i]; PhysicalLocation exon = PhysicalLocation.Factory.newInstance(); exon.setChromosome(chrom); assert chrom.getTaxon() != null; exon.setNucleotide((long) exonStart); exon.setNucleotideLength(exonEnd - exonStart); exon.setBin(SequenceBinUtils.binFromRange(exonStart, exonEnd)); exons.add(exon); } return exons; } /** * Only for refseq genes. * * @param ncbiId mRNA accession eg. NR_000028 * @return string */ private String getGeneForMessage(String ncbiId) { return this.getJdbcTemplate().query( "SELECT rg.name2 FROM all_mrna m INNER JOIN refGene rg ON m.qName = WHERE m.qName = ? ", new Object[] { ncbiId }, new ResultSetExtractor<String>() { @Override public String extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { while ( { String string = rs.getString(0); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(string)) return string; } return null; } }); } /** * Handle the format used by the all_mrna and other GoldenPath tables, which go by sizes of blocks and their starts, * not the starts and ends. * Be sure to pass the right Blob arguments! * * @param gene gene * @param blockSizes sizes * @param blockStarts starts */ private void setBlocks(Gene gene, Blob blockSizes, Blob blockStarts) throws SQLException { if (blockSizes == null || blockStarts == null) return; String exonSizes = SQLUtils.blobToString(blockSizes); String exonStarts = SQLUtils.blobToString(blockStarts); int[] exonSizeInts = SequenceManipulation.blatLocationsToIntArray(exonSizes); int[] exonStartInts = SequenceManipulation.blatLocationsToIntArray(exonStarts); assert exonSizeInts.length == exonStartInts.length; GeneProduct gp = GeneProduct.Factory.newInstance(); Chromosome chromosome = null; if (gene.getPhysicalLocation() != null) chromosome = gene.getPhysicalLocation().getChromosome(); Collection<PhysicalLocation> exons = this.blocksToPhysicalLocations(exonSizeInts, exonStartInts, chromosome); gp.setExons(exons); gp.setName(gene.getNcbiGeneId().toString()); // this isn't right? Collection<GeneProduct> products = new HashSet<>(); products.add(gp); gene.setProducts(products); } }