ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.OutlierDetectionServiceImpl.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.OutlierDetectionServiceImpl.java


 * The Gemma project
 * Copyright (c) 2011 University of British Columbia
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess;

import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix;
import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay;
import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment;
import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.expression.sampleCoexpression.SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService;

import java.util.*;

 * Methods to (attempt to) detect outliers in data sets.
 * @author paul
public class OutlierDetectionServiceImpl implements OutlierDetectionService {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OutlierDetectionServiceImpl.class);

    private SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService;

    public Collection<OutlierDetails> identifyOutliersByMedianCorrelation(ExpressionExperiment ee) {
        DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> cormat = sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService.loadTryRegressedThenFull(ee);

        if (cormat == null || cormat.rows() == 0) {
            OutlierDetectionServiceImpl.log.warn("Correlation matrix is empty, cannot check for outliers");
            return new HashSet<>();

        return this.identifyOutliersByMedianCorrelation(cormat);

    public Collection<OutlierDetails> identifyOutliersByMedianCorrelation(DoubleMatrix<BioAssay, BioAssay> cormat) {

        List<OutlierDetails> allSamples = new ArrayList<>();
        OutlierDetails sample;

        /* Find the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartiles of each sample */
        for (int i = 0; i < cormat.rows(); i++) {
            DoubleArrayList cors = new DoubleArrayList();
            sample = new OutlierDetails(cormat.getRowName(i));
            for (int j = 0; j < cormat.columns(); j++) {
                if (j != i) { // get all sample correlations except correlation with self
                    double d = cormat.get(i, j);
            assert (cors.size() == cormat.rows() - 1);

            sample.setFirstQuartile(this.findValueAtDesiredQuantile(cors, 25));
            sample.setMedianCorrelation(this.findValueAtDesiredQuantile(cors, 50));
            sample.setThirdQuartile(this.findValueAtDesiredQuantile(cors, 75));

            if (sample.getFirstQuartile() == Double.MIN_VALUE || sample.getMedianCorrelation() == Double.MIN_VALUE
                    || sample.getThirdQuartile() == Double.MIN_VALUE) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine one or more quartiles for a sample; ");


        /* Sort all samples by median correlation */
        Collections.sort(allSamples, OutlierDetails.MedianComparator);

        int numOutliers = 0;

        /* Check for overlap of first quartile and median of consecutive samples */
        for (int k = 0; k < allSamples.size() - 1; k++) {
            // if ( allSamples.get( k ).getMedianCorrelation() < allSamples.get( k + 1 ).getFirstQuartile() ) {
            if (allSamples.get(k).getThirdQuartile() < allSamples.get(k + 1).getFirstQuartile()) {
                numOutliers = k + 1;

        List<OutlierDetails> outliers = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int m = 0; m < numOutliers; m++) {

         * Check that all outliers are legitimate (controls for situations where sorting by median does not give 'true'
         * order)
        if (numOutliers > 0) {
                    .info("Removing false positives; number of outliers before test: " + numOutliers);
            outliers = this.removeFalsePositives(allSamples, outliers, numOutliers);

            numOutliers = outliers.size();
                    .info("Number of outliers after removing false positives: " + numOutliers);

        OutlierDetectionServiceImpl.log.info("Found " + numOutliers + " outlier(s)");

        return outliers;


     * Calculate index (rank) of desired quantile using R's method #8
     * @param numCors           n
     * @param quantileThreshold quantile threshold
     * @return index (rank) of desired quantile using R's method #8
    private double findDesiredQuantileIndex(int numCors, int quantileThreshold) {
        double index;
        double fraction = (quantileThreshold / 100.0);

        if (fraction < (2.0 / 3.0) / (numCors + (1.0 / 3.0))) {
            index = 1;
        } else if (fraction >= ((numCors - (1.0 / 3.0)) / (numCors + (1.0 / 3.0)))) {
            index = numCors;
        } else {
            index = (((numCors + (1.0 / 3.0)) * fraction) + (1.0 / 3.0));
        return index;

     * Jenni's (almost) fool proof method for finding quantiles using R's method #8
    private double findValueAtDesiredQuantile(DoubleArrayList cors, int quantileThreshold) {

        double lowerQuantileValue;
        double upperQuantileValue;

        double desiredQuantileIndex = this.findDesiredQuantileIndex(cors.size(), quantileThreshold);

        double[] sortedCors = new double[cors.size()];

         * Get all sample correlations
        for (int i = 0; i < cors.size(); i++) {
            sortedCors[i] = cors.get(i);


        // Get the correlations from the sorted array. Use -1 b/c rank indices start at 1 but array entries start at 0
        int up = (int) (Math.floor(desiredQuantileIndex));
        lowerQuantileValue = sortedCors[up - 1];
        upperQuantileValue = sortedCors[up < sortedCors.length ? up : up - 1];

        return (lowerQuantileValue + ((desiredQuantileIndex - Math.floor(desiredQuantileIndex))
                * (upperQuantileValue - lowerQuantileValue)));

    private List<OutlierDetails> removeFalsePositives(List<OutlierDetails> outliers, double threshold) {

        OutlierDetectionServiceImpl.log.info("outliers.size() = " + outliers.size() + "; threshold = " + threshold);

        for (int i = 0; i < outliers.size(); i++) {
            if (outliers.get(i).getThirdQuartile() >= threshold) {
                if (outliers.get(i).getFirstQuartile() < threshold) {
                    threshold = outliers.get(i).getFirstQuartile();
                outliers = this.removeFalsePositives(outliers, threshold);
        return outliers;

    private List<OutlierDetails> removeFalsePositives(List<OutlierDetails> allSamples,
            List<OutlierDetails> outliers, int numOutliers) {

        List<OutlierDetails> inliers = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int j = numOutliers; j < allSamples.size(); j++) {

        Collections.sort(inliers, OutlierDetails.FirstQuartileComparator);

        double threshold = inliers.get(0).getFirstQuartile();

        return this.removeFalsePositives(outliers, threshold);

