Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * The ABAMS project * * Copyright (c) 2012 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package ubic.BAMSandAllen.visualization; import giny.view.NodeView; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils.Null; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.ABAMSDataMatrix; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.RankedGeneListLoader; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.SetupParameters; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AllenDataLoaders.AllenAtlasAnnotationLoader; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AllenDataLoaders.StructureCatalogLoader; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.AllenMatrixPairFactory; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.ConnectivityAndAllenDataPair; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.ExpressionMatrixPairFactory; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.MatrixPair; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.ConnectivityAndAllenPartialExpressionMatrixPair.RegressMatrix; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.adjacency.IdentityAdjacency; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.adjacency.SingleRowAdjacency; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.adjacency.VoxelVolumeAdjacency; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import cytoscape.CyEdge; import cytoscape.CyNetwork; import cytoscape.CyNode; import cytoscape.Cytoscape; import; import; import; import cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView; import cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType; public class GraphFromABAMS { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FirstTry.class.getName()); public static final String FULL_NAME = "fullName"; public static final String DIVISION = "division"; public static final String EDGE_WEIGHT_NAME = "weight"; CyNetwork cyNetwork; CyNetworkView view; String filename; StructureCatalogLoader oldLoader; AllenAtlasAnnotationLoader loader; public GraphFromABAMS() throws Exception { cyNetwork = Cytoscape.createNetwork("ABAMS", true); view = Cytoscape.createNetworkView(cyNetwork, "network1"); filename = SetupParameters.config.getString("abams.visualization.output") + "Cyto"; oldLoader = new StructureCatalogLoader(); loader = new AllenAtlasAnnotationLoader(); } public void addNodes(Collection<String> regionNames) { Map<String, Point3d> centers = loader.getCenters(); Set<String> divisions = new HashSet<String>(); divisions.add("Hindbrain"); divisions.add("Interbrain"); divisions.add("Midbrain"); divisions.add("Cerebrum"); divisions.add("Cerebellum"); for (String region : regionNames) { Point3d point = centers.get(region); if (point == null) { + " has null point"); continue; } // region + ":" + centers.get( region ) ); String acro = oldLoader.getAcro(region); if (acro == null) {"Bad acro:" + region); System.exit(1); } CyNode node = Cytoscape.getCyNode(acro, true); cyNetwork.addNode(node); Cytoscape.getNodeAttributes().setAttribute(node.getIdentifier(), FULL_NAME, region); for (String division : divisions) { Set<String> parents = oldLoader.getParents(region); // if it is in that division, or is that division then mark it if (parents != null && (parents.contains(division) || division.equals(region))) { Cytoscape.getNodeAttributes().setAttribute(node.getIdentifier(), DIVISION, division); } } NodeView nv = view.addNodeView(node.getRootGraphIndex()); nv.setXPosition(point.x * 10); nv.setYPosition(point.y * 10); // NodeView nv = view.getNodeView(node0); // view.setNodeIntProperty( node3.getRootGraphIndex(), , 3 ); }"Node count:" + cyNetwork.getNodeCount()); } public void writeOut() throws Exception { writeOut(""); } public void writeOut(String endFix) throws Exception { XGMMLWriter writer = new XGMMLWriter(cyNetwork, view); String finalFilename = filename + "." + endFix + ".xgmml"; FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(finalFilename); writer.write(fw); fw.close();"Written to " + finalFilename); } public CyNode getNodeFromAllenRegionName(String name) { return Cytoscape.getCyNode(oldLoader.getAcro(name)); } public void deleteNodeFromAllenRegionName(String name) { CyNode node = getNodeFromAllenRegionName(name); int node_index = cyNetwork.getIndex(node); cyNetwork.removeNode(node_index, true); } public DoubleMatrix<String, String> thresholdMatrix(DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrix, double fraction) { DoubleMatrix<String, String> result = matrix.copy(); LinkedList<Double> allValues = new LinkedList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix.columns(); j++) { allValues.add(matrix.get(i, j)); } } Collections.sort(allValues); double threshold = allValues.get((int) (fraction * allValues.size()));"threshold:" + threshold); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix.columns(); j++) { if (result.get(i, j) < threshold) { result.set(i, j, 0d); } } } return result; } private void addBAMSMatrix(DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrix, ConnectivityAndAllenDataPair pair, String name, boolean symetric) throws Exception { int beforeEdges = cyNetwork.getEdgeCount(); filename += "." + name; cyNetwork.setTitle(cyNetwork.getTitle() + " " + name); // add the nodes to the graph Set<String> regionNamesBAMS = new HashSet<String>(matrix.getColNames()); // add in the rownames too??? // if it is not using adjacency (like a connection matrix) regionNamesBAMS.addAll(matrix.getRowNames()); Set<String> regionNamesAllen = new HashSet<String>(); for (String BAMSName : regionNamesBAMS) { Set<String> allenMapped = pair.convertANametoB(BAMSName); if (allenMapped.size() > 1) { + " Has more than one Allen mapping"); } if (allenMapped.size() == 0) { + " Has zero Allen mapping!"); } regionNamesAllen.addAll(allenMapped); } addNodes(regionNamesAllen);"Total Allen regions:" + regionNamesAllen.size()); DoubleMatrix<String, String> finalMatrix = matrix; int calledAdded = 0; for (String iBAMS : finalMatrix.getRowNames()) { // column for (String iAllen : pair.convertANametoB(iBAMS)) { for (String jBAMS : finalMatrix.getColNames()) { // row for (String jAllen : pair.convertANametoB(jBAMS)) { double value = finalMatrix.getByKeys(iBAMS, jBAMS); int iIndex = finalMatrix.getRowIndexByName(iBAMS); int jIndex = finalMatrix.getColIndexByName(jBAMS); addEdgeFromMatrix(name, symetric, finalMatrix, iAllen, iIndex, jAllen, jIndex, value); } } } }"Added edges:" + (cyNetwork.getEdgeCount() - beforeEdges)); } // example of non-directed is nomenclature private void addAllenMatrix(DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrix, String name, boolean symetric) { // add the nodes to the graph List<String> regionNames = matrix.getColNames(); addNodes(regionNames); DoubleMatrix<String, String> finalMatrix = matrix; // use the adjacency? -yes for (String i : finalMatrix.getRowNames()) { for (String j : finalMatrix.getColNames()) { double value = finalMatrix.getByKeys(i, j); int iIndex = finalMatrix.getRowIndexByName(i); int jIndex = finalMatrix.getColIndexByName(j); addEdgeFromMatrix(name, symetric, finalMatrix, i, iIndex, j, jIndex, value); } }"Edges:" + cyNetwork.getEdgeCount()); } private void addEdgeFromMatrix(String interactionType, boolean symetric, DoubleMatrix<String, String> adjacency, String i, int iIndex, String j, int jIndex, double value) { // only make it if it's a nonzero edge value if (value != 0d) { boolean create = true; // if it's directed/adjaceny matrix use the whole matrix, undirected -> symetric matrix if (!(symetric && (iIndex < jIndex))) { CyNode iNode = getNodeFromAllenRegionName(i); CyNode jNode = getNodeFromAllenRegionName(j); // they probably don't have coordinates and were not made if (iNode == null || jNode == null) { + " -> " + j + " edge not made, null nodes"); return; } CyEdge edge = Cytoscape.getCyEdge(iNode, jNode, Semantics.INTERACTION, interactionType, create, !symetric); cyNetwork.addEdge(edge); Cytoscape.getEdgeAttributes().setAttribute(edge.getIdentifier(), EDGE_WEIGHT_NAME, value); } } } public void addExpression(ABAMSDataMatrix matrix, String rowName) { int nullNodes = 0; for (String regionName : matrix.getColNames()) { CyNode regionNode = getNodeFromAllenRegionName(regionName); // they probably don't have coordinates and were not made if (regionNode == null) { nullNodes++; continue; } Cytoscape.getNodeAttributes().setAttribute(regionNode.getIdentifier(), rowName, matrix.getByKeys(rowName, regionName)); } + " null nodes, not made."); } public void addMatrix(ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair, boolean useAdjacency, ABAMSDataMatrix matrix, boolean BAMSSpace) throws Exception { boolean threshold = false; boolean useSquare = false; addMatrix(pair, useAdjacency, useSquare, threshold, 0d, matrix, BAMSSpace); } public DoubleMatrix<String, String> addMatrix(ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair, boolean useAdjacency, boolean useSquare, boolean threshold, double thresholdValue, ABAMSDataMatrix matrix, boolean BAMSSpace) throws Exception { String name; DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixPlain; boolean symetric; name = matrix.getName(); // some strange bug in cytoscape when you have brakets name = name.replace('(', '.'); name = name.replace(')', '.'); if (useAdjacency) { name += ".adjacency"; matrixPlain = matrix.getAdjacency(); symetric = true; } else if (useSquare) { name += ".square"; matrixPlain = matrix.getSquare(); symetric = pair.getDirection().equals(Direction.ANYDIRECTION); // symetric = false; } else { matrixPlain = matrix; symetric = false; } if (threshold) { name += "." + thresholdValue + ".threshold"; matrixPlain = thresholdMatrix(matrixPlain, thresholdValue); } if (BAMSSpace) addBAMSMatrix(matrixPlain, pair, name, symetric); else addAllenMatrix(matrixPlain, name, symetric); return matrixPlain; } public void addNomenclature() { DoubleMatrix<String, String> nomen = oldLoader.getParentMatrix(); boolean symetric = false; addAllenMatrix(nomen, ".Nomenclature", symetric); } public void addVolume() throws Exception { // volume AllenAtlasAnnotationLoader spaceLoader = new AllenAtlasAnnotationLoader(); DoubleMatrix<String, String> volMatrix = spaceLoader.getVolumeMatrix(); ABAMSDataMatrix volABAMS = new ABAMSDataMatrix(volMatrix, "Volume", new VoxelVolumeAdjacency()); addExpression(volABAMS, "volume"); } public void intersectEdges(ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair, boolean symetric, DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixAPlain, DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixBPlain) throws Exception { // make new matrix with names joined DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixHadaProd; Set<String> colNames = new HashSet<String>(); colNames.addAll(matrixAPlain.getColNames()); colNames.retainAll(matrixBPlain.getColNames()); matrixHadaProd = new DenseDoubleMatrix<String, String>(colNames.size(), colNames.size()); matrixHadaProd.setRowNames(new LinkedList<String>(colNames)); matrixHadaProd.setColumnNames(new LinkedList<String>(colNames)); colNames.size() + " colnames kept of " + matrixAPlain.columns() + " and " + matrixBPlain.columns()); int edgeCount = 0; for (String rowName : colNames) { for (String colName : colNames) { double value = matrixBPlain.getByKeys(rowName, colName) * matrixAPlain.getByKeys(rowName, colName); matrixHadaProd.setByKeys(rowName, colName, value); if (value != 0) edgeCount++; } }"Intersection edges added:" + edgeCount + " (includes doubles)"); // DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixHadaProd = matrixBPlain.copy(); // if ( !matrixBPlain.getColNames().equals( matrixAPlain.getColNames() ) ) // throw new Exception( "Error col names don't match" ); // int edgeCount = 0; // for ( int i = 0; i < matrixBPlain.rows(); i++ ) { // for ( int j = 0; j < matrixBPlain.columns(); j++ ) { // double value = matrixBPlain.get( i, j ) * matrixAPlain.get( i, j ); // matrixHadaProd.set( i, j, value ); // if ( value != 0 ) edgeCount++; // } // } // "Intersection edges added:" + edgeCount + " (includes doubles)" ); addBAMSMatrix(matrixHadaProd, pair, "intersection", symetric); } public void setToRegions(Set<String> regionsToSet) { // deleteNodeFromAllenRegionName( name ); } public void addInterstingGenes(Direction direction) throws Exception { boolean removeNonExp = false; ABAMSDataMatrix expressionAllenSpace = ExpressionMatrixPairFactory.getEnergyMatrix(direction, removeNonExp); GraphFromABAMS graph = this; graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Pgrmc1[797]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Rpp25[583571]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Sema3a[79761021]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Vamp2[1093]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Pcp2[77413702]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Gpc3[71020431]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Gm47[70565879]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Nrp2[80514091]"); // interbrain graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Kirrel1[71613657]"); // cerebrum graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "A930033C23Rik*[74300717]"); // cerebrum -.33, interbrain graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Tac2[77279001]"); // interbrain graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Cpne5[544709]"); // midbrain 0.14 graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Svil[77332748]"); // global graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Ptprr[74882784]");// global graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "L1cam[80342072]");// global graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Nef3[69782174]");// neurofilament graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Nef3[73817434]");// neurofilament graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Nefh[71920442]");// neurofilament graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Nefh[74512048]");// neurofilament graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Nefl[70919083]");// neurofilament graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Nefl[73512198]");// neurofilament // from addition of genes and direct connectivity fishing graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Lrrc8d[385997]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Thsd4[69527776]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Fhad1[68546125]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Epha8[69672090]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Rgs3[1822]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Gpc3[71020431]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Hpcal4[73520985]"); graph.addExpression(expressionAllenSpace, "Mef2c[79567505]"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Direction direction = AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction.ANYDIRECTION; // cannot use virtual regions because it will lead to a non-square connectivity matrix (incoming only) - virtual // regions only formed on the columns, not rows boolean useVirtual = true; boolean removeNonExp = true; boolean squareMatrix = true; boolean logDistance = true; boolean slow = false; RegressMatrix regressType = RegressMatrix.BOTH; ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair = null; boolean BAMSSpace = true; boolean useAdjacency = false; boolean threshold = false; boolean useSquare = true; boolean run = true; double thresholdValue = 0.9; ABAMSDataMatrix matrix = null; GraphFromABAMS graph = null; DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixAPlain = null; graph = new GraphFromABAMS(); pair = ExpressionMatrixPairFactory.connectivityAndExpression(direction, useVirtual, removeNonExp, run, squareMatrix);"Connections:" + pair.getConnectionCount()); pair.printConnectionInfo(); // set matrix here matrix = pair.getMatrixA(); // connectivity matrixAPlain = graph.addMatrix(pair, useAdjacency, useSquare, threshold, thresholdValue, matrix, BAMSSpace); graph.addInterstingGenes(direction); // just write connectivity // graph.writeOut( "AnyDirection" ); // pair.writeRMatrices(); // pair.writeImages(); // System.exit( 1 ); // random connections // for ( int i = 1; i < 6; i++ ) { // // pair = ExpressionMatrixPairFactory.connectivityPartial( direction, slow, regressType, useVirtual, // // removeNonExp, // // logDistance ); // // //pair.shuffleConnectivityCols( i ); // // // set matrix here // matrix = pair.getMatrixA(); // connectivity // matrixAPlain = graph.addMatrix( pair, useAdjacency, threshold, thresholdValue, matrix, BAMSSpace ); // // // just write connectivity // graph.writeOut( "Incoming.random.seed" + i ); // } // System.exit( 1 ); // matrix = pair.getMatrixB(); // DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixBPlain = graph.addMatrix( pair, useAdjacency, threshold, thresholdValue, // matrix, BAMSSpace ); direction = AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction.OUTGOING; squareMatrix = false; BAMSSpace = true; useAdjacency = true; threshold = true; useSquare = false; thresholdValue = 0.9; // pair = ExpressionMatrixPairFactory.connectivityPartial( direction, slow, regressType, useVirtual, // removeNonExp, // logDistance ); // // // get topgenes // String filename = "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/near final ammon/"; // // filename += ""; // filename += "LOOGenesInOrder.out.partialcon.ammon.txt.374.0.016424.topGenes.txt"; // // filename += ""; // RankedGeneListLoader aLook = new RankedGeneListLoader( filename ); // pair.setMatrixBDataRows( aLook.getLines() ); // pair.getCorrelation() ); // pair.getMatrixB().setName( "TopOutgoingExpression" ); // matrix = pair.getMatrixB(); // useAdjacency = true; // useSquare = false; // DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrixBPlain = graph.addMatrix( pair, useAdjacency, useSquare, threshold, // thresholdValue, matrix, BAMSSpace ); // // matrix = pair.getMatrixA(); // connectivity // matrixAPlain = graph.addMatrix( pair, useAdjacency, useSquare, threshold, thresholdValue, matrix, BAMSSpace // ); // // graph.intersectEdges( pair, useAdjacency, matrixAPlain, matrixBPlain ); boolean add = true; threshold = false; useSquare = true; direction = AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction.ANYDIRECTION; pair = ExpressionMatrixPairFactory.connectivityAndExpression(direction, useVirtual, removeNonExp); // Mef2c[79567505] // Nefh[74512048] String rowName = "Hpcal4[73520985]"; pair.setToSingleGene(rowName, add); String operation = "sum"; if (!add) operation = "diff"; pair.getMatrixB().setName(rowName + "." + operation); DoubleMatrix<String, String> singleGene = graph.addMatrix(pair, useAdjacency, useSquare, threshold, thresholdValue, pair.getMatrixB(), BAMSSpace); // graph.addNomenclature(); // graph.addVolume(); boolean undirected = true; graph.intersectEdges(pair, undirected, singleGene, matrixAPlain); pair.getFlattenedCorrelation(false); graph.writeOut("and.Connections"); } }