Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * The ABAMS project * * Copyright (c) 2012 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package ubic.BAMSandAllen; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AllenDataLoaders.AllenCatalogMatrices; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AllenDataLoaders.StructureCatalogLoader; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.ClassSelectors.BrainRegionClassSelector; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.ClassSelectors.StructureDataSelector; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import; import ubic.basecode.math.CorrelationStats; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; public class StructureCatalogAnalyze extends AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StructureCatalogAnalyze.class.getName()); public StructureCatalogAnalyze() { // ensures the BAMS regions we deal with, have a mapping to allen and one of those mappings has expression // information super(new StructureDataSelector()); } public StructureCatalogAnalyze(BrainRegionClassSelector selector) { super(selector); } @Deprecated public void analyze() throws Exception { // need correlation matrix between all regions for - // connectivity // gene expression Direction direction = Direction.INCOMING; AllenCatalogMatrices allenMatrices = new AllenCatalogMatrices(); DoubleMatrix<String, String> connectionMatrix; connectionMatrix = makeConnectionMatrix(direction); int BAMSRegionCount = connectionMatrix.columns(); Set<String> BAMSregionNames = new HashSet<String>(connectionMatrix.getColNames()); DoubleMatrix<String, String> allExpressionMatrix; allExpressionMatrix = allenMatrices.getEnergies(); // setup expression for BAMS regions, average when required StructureCatalogLoader allenCatalog = new StructureCatalogLoader(); DoubleMatrix<String, String> expressionMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<String, String>( allExpressionMatrix.rows(), BAMSregionNames.size()); expressionMatrix.setColumnNames(connectionMatrix.getColNames()); expressionMatrix.setRowNames(allExpressionMatrix.getRowNames());"Expression matrix is " + expressionMatrix.columns() + " by " + expressionMatrix.rows()); // expressionMatrix.toString() ); for (String BAMSregion : BAMSregionNames) { Set<String> allenRegions = allenCatalog.getAllenMappedRegions(BAMSregion); // keep Allen regions that have expression information allenRegions.retainAll(allExpressionMatrix.getColNames()); // so now these allen regions need to be moved into the BAMS region space for (String allenRegion : allenRegions) { int allColumnIndex = allExpressionMatrix.getColIndexByName(allenRegion); double[] expressionColumn = allExpressionMatrix.getColumn(allColumnIndex); for (int row = 0; row < expressionColumn.length; row++) { int columnIndex = expressionMatrix.getColIndexByName(BAMSregion); double current = expressionMatrix.get(row, columnIndex); // average things out double value = current + expressionColumn[row] / ((double) allenRegions.size()); expressionMatrix.set(row, columnIndex, value); } } } // print the matrix? MatrixDisplay matDisplay; // MatrixDisplay matDisplay = new MatrixDisplay( expressionMatrix ); // matDisplay.setLabelsVisible( true ); // matDisplay.saveImage( SetupParameters.getDataFolder() + "expressionMatrixCatalog.png" ); // for (String regionA) // allenCatalog.getAllenMappedRegions() // Set<String> zeroColumns = findZeroColumns( connectionMatrix ); // zeroColumns.addAll( findZeroColumns( expressionMatrix ) );"Conn Zeroes:" + Util.findZeroColumns(connectionMatrix).size());"Exp Zeroes:" + Util.findZeroColumns(expressionMatrix).size()); // two square matrices - size is based on BAMS mapped terms but Allen could be used (how to merge connection // profiles?) DoubleMatrix<String, String> connectionCorrelations = Util.correlateColumns(connectionMatrix, false); matDisplay = new MatrixDisplay(connectionCorrelations); matDisplay.setLabelsVisible(true); matDisplay.saveImage(SetupParameters.getDataFolder() + "connectionCorrelation.png"); DoubleMatrix<String, String> expressionCorrelations = Util.correlateColumns(expressionMatrix, false); matDisplay = new MatrixDisplay(expressionCorrelations); matDisplay.setLabelsVisible(true); matDisplay.saveImage(SetupParameters.getDataFolder() + "expressionCorrelation.png"); double[] expVecTri = Util.getTriangle(expressionCorrelations); double[] conVecTri = Util.getTriangle(connectionCorrelations); // for ( double d : expVecTri ) // System.out.print( " E" + d ); // System.out.println(); // System.out.println(); // for ( double d : conVecTri ) // System.out.print( " C" + d );[conVecTri.length - 1]);[conVecTri.length - 1]);"Size:" + conVecTri.length);"Size:" + expVecTri.length);, getTriangle(connectionMatrix))); // convert to vector? // correlate vectors? List<String> names = new LinkedList<String>(expressionMatrix.getColNames()); Random random = new Random(1);;[0].length); // System.exit(1); double real = CorrelationStats.correl(getTriangle(expressionMatrix), getTriangle(connectionMatrix)); int lowerScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0)"Shuffle " + i); Collections.shuffle(names, random); DoubleMatrix<String, String> shuffled = new DenseDoubleMatrix<String, String>(expressionMatrix.rows(), expressionMatrix.columns()); shuffled.setColumnNames(names); // ugly for (int row = 0; row < shuffled.rows(); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < shuffled.columns(); column++) { String name = names.get(column); int originalLocation = expressionMatrix.getColIndexByName(name); shuffled.set(row, column, expressionMatrix.get(row, originalLocation)); } } // names.get( 0 ) ); // expressionMatrix.getColName( 0 ) ); double shuffledResult = CorrelationStats.correl(getTriangle(shuffled), getTriangle(connectionMatrix)); if (Math.abs(shuffledResult) >= real) {; lowerScore++; } } + " random sets have correlation with absolute value above " + real); } public DoubleMatrix<String, String> shuffle(DoubleMatrix<String, String> input, Random rgen) { double[][] array = input.asArray(); // --- Shuffle by exchanging each element randomly // From for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { int randomPosition = rgen.nextInt(array.length); double[] col = array[i]; array[i] = array[randomPosition]; array[randomPosition] = col; } return null; } public double[] getTriangle(DoubleMatrix<String, String> matrix) { DoubleMatrix<String, String> correlations = Util.correlateColumns(matrix, false); double[] vecTri = Util.getTriangle(correlations); return vecTri; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Direction direction = Direction.INCOMING; StructureCatalogAnalyze catalog = new StructureCatalogAnalyze(); // catalog.propagateConnections(); // instead of propigating, load a previous model catalog.readModel(SetupParameters.getDataFolder() + "Propigated.rdf"); DoubleMatrix<String, String> connectionMatrix; connectionMatrix = catalog.makeConnectionMatrix(direction); MatrixDisplay matDisplay = new MatrixDisplay(connectionMatrix); matDisplay.setLabelsVisible(true); matDisplay.saveImage(SetupParameters.getDataFolder() + "connectionMatrixCatalog.png"); // catalog.showMappings(); catalog.analyze(); } public String classToString(OntClass ontClass) { return BAMSData.convertClassRegionToString(ontClass); } }