Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * The ABAMS project * * Copyright (c) 2012 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package ubic.BAMSandAllen; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AllenDataLoaders.AllenCatalogMatrices2; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AllenDataLoaders.ImageSeriesInfoLoader; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.FocusedAnalysis.ExploreRegionNames; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.ExpressionMatrixPairFactory; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.MatrixPairs.MatrixPair; import ubic.BAMSandAllen.geneFilters.PlaneRemoveFilter.Plane; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.StringToStringSetMap; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.util.FileTools; import; public class RankedGeneListLoader { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RankedGeneListLoader.class.getName()); static final int CORRELATION_TREND = 5; List<String> lines; String filename; Double threshold; public List<String> getLines() { return lines; } public void addToFront(List<String> addIn) { lines.addAll(0, addIn); } public RankedGeneListLoader(String filename) throws Exception { this(filename, true); } public RankedGeneListLoader(String filename, boolean reverse) throws Exception { this.filename = filename; lines = FileTools.getLines(filename);"Lines read:" + lines.size() + " " + filename); // chomp the last one if it's blank if (lines.get(lines.size() - 1).equals("")) { lines.remove(lines.size() - 1); } // assume the last is the first ranked gene if (reverse) reverse(); threshold = null; } public RankedGeneListLoader(List<String> lines, String filename) throws Exception { this.filename = filename; this.lines = lines; threshold = null; } /** * Writes information by using the matrix pair - a list of top genes and a the correlation after their removal * * @param pair * @return * @throws Exception */ public String writeCorrelationBasedData(MatrixPair pair) throws Exception { return writeCorrelationBasedData(pair, true); } public String getResultFilename() { String result = filename.replace("LOOGenesInOrder", "LOOResults"); return result; } public String getCorrelationLevelPoint() throws Exception { return writeEndSetGenes(true); } public String writeEndSetGenes(boolean keepSign) throws Exception { List<String> topGenes = new LinkedList<String>(); final int correlation_column = 1; final int gene_column = 2; String resultFilename = getResultFilename(); CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(resultFilename)); List<String[]> correlationLines = reader.readAll(); double firstBaseLine = Double.parseDouble(correlationLines.get(0)[correlation_column]); boolean increase = firstBaseLine > 0; if (!keepSign) increase = !increase; List<String> rowsInFile = new LinkedList<String>(); double apexCorrelation; if (increase) apexCorrelation = Double.MIN_VALUE; else apexCorrelation = Double.MAX_VALUE; // find the apex for (String[] line : correlationLines) { double correlation = Double.parseDouble(line[correlation_column]); if (increase && (apexCorrelation < correlation)) { apexCorrelation = correlation; } if (!increase && (apexCorrelation > correlation)) apexCorrelation = correlation; }"Peak correlation:" + apexCorrelation); int count = 0; boolean reachedApex = false; // get genes after the apex, could use index instead for (String[] line : correlationLines) { count++; String row = line[gene_column]; rowsInFile.add(row); double correlation = Double.parseDouble(line[correlation_column]); if (correlation == apexCorrelation) reachedApex = true; if (reachedApex) { topGenes.add(row); } } // the results file maybe missing genes at the end, add them in List<String> addToEnd = new LinkedList<String>(lines); addToEnd.removeAll(rowsInFile);"adding " + addToEnd.size() + " genes to end"); topGenes.addAll(addToEnd); threshold = ((double) topGenes.size()) / lines.size(); // round to 5 decimals threshold = Double.parseDouble(String.format("%.5g%n", threshold)); String outFileName = filename + "." + topGenes.size() + "." + threshold + ".topGenes.txt"; FileTools.stringsToFile(topGenes, new File(outFileName));"Wrote file: " + outFileName); return outFileName; } public void convertToNCBIIDs() throws Exception { ImageSeriesInfoLoader infoLoader = new ImageSeriesInfoLoader(); List<String> IDs = new LinkedList<String>(); int nullNCBI = 0; for (String geneRowName : lines) { Integer ncbiID = infoLoader.getNCBIIDFromRowName(geneRowName); if (ncbiID != null) { IDs.add("" + ncbiID); } else { nullNCBI++; } }"Null NCBI genes:" + nullNCBI); lines = IDs; } @Deprecated public String writeCorrelationBasedData(MatrixPair pair, boolean keepSign) throws Exception { // compute correlations // create pair? erg, no arguments // get correlation numbers reverse(); double firstBaseLine = pair.getCorrelation(true); // make it more negative if it starts below zero boolean increase = firstBaseLine > 0; // if we are going against the current correlation sign - eg go from positive correlation to negative if (!keepSign) { increase = !increase; } // String result;// = "NumberRemoved\tCorrelation\n"+ String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String result = ""; List<String> topGenes = new LinkedList<String>(); // only work with the lines we have pair.setMatrixBDataRows(lines); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); result += "0\t" + pair.getCorrelation(true) + "\t" + "AllGenes" + newLine; double lastCorrelation = pair.getCorrelation(true); int count = 0; for (String row : lines) { count++; pair.removeMatrixBDataRowFast(row); double correlation = pair.getCorrelation(true); result += count + "\t" + correlation + "\t" + row + newLine; if (count % 1000 == 0)"Removing:" + row + " Correlation after:" + correlation + " Removed:" + count); FileTools.stringToFile(count + "," + correlation + "," + row + "\n", new File(SetupParameters.getDataFolder() + "LOOResults." + startTime + ".txt"), true); // if we are no longer gaining correlation then start keeping track // boolean decreasingCurrent = lastCorrelation - correlation > 0; // if we have more than four already, consider it a trend // if ( ( decreasingCurrent && increase ) || ( !decreasingCurrent && !increase ) // || topGenes.size() > CORRELATION_TREND ) { // // if the non expressing genes were added to the end of the list then don't add this gene // // if ( count > 20000 ) { // topGenes.add( row ); // "Top gene add " + count ); // // } // } else { // // require a decrease for four genes in a row to start topGene list // if ( topGenes.size() != 0 && topGenes.size() < CORRELATION_TREND ) { // topGenes.clear(); // "Top genes clear" ); // } // } // lastCorrelation = correlation; } // // put it back in order // reverse(); // // // make it so top gene is top // Collections.reverse( topGenes ); // // FileTools.stringToFile( result, new File( filename + ".forPlotting" ) ); // "Wrote file: " + filename + ".forPlotting" ); // // FileTools.stringsToFile( topGenes, new File( filename + ".topGenes.txt" ) ); // "Wrote file: " + filename + "." + topGenes.size() + ".topGenes.txt" ); // RankedGeneListLoader tempLoader = new RankedGeneListLoader( topGenes, filename + "." + topGenes.size() // + ".topGenes" ); // tempLoader.forErmineJ(); return result; } public List<String> addMissing(boolean top) throws Exception { List<String> originalRows = getOriginalRows(); List<String> missing = new LinkedList<String>(originalRows); missing.removeAll(lines); // consistnent shuffling for now Collections.shuffle(missing, new Random(1));"Missing size:" + missing.size()); // "Missing:" + missing ); // add to start of list for (String missed : missing) { if (top) lines.add(0, missed); else lines.add(missed); } return missing; } public List<String> addMissingToBottom() throws Exception { return addMissing(false); } public RankedGeneListLoader getShiftedList(RankedGeneListLoader list2) throws Exception { Map<String, Integer> shifts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { String gene = lines.get(i); int j = list2.lines.indexOf(gene); int shift = i - j; shifts.put(gene, shift); } List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> list = new LinkedList(shifts.entrySet()); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) (o1)).getValue()).compareTo(((Map.Entry) (o2)).getValue()); } }); List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : list) { // entry.getKey() + "->" + entry.getValue() ); result.add(entry.getKey()); } return new RankedGeneListLoader(result, filename + ".shifted"); } public int getRank(String gene) { return lines.indexOf(gene); } public void reverse() { Collections.reverse(lines); } public void removeRikStars() { List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); int stars = 0; for (String line : lines) { if (line.matches(".*Rik[*].*")) { line = line.replaceAll("Rik[*]", "Rik"); stars++; } result.add(line); }"Stars removed:" + stars); lines = result; } public void removeImageIDs() { List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String line : lines) { line = line.replaceAll("\\[.*\\]", ""); result.add(line); } lines = result; } public String getTabSepRanks() { String result = "gene\tscore\n"; double rank = 0; for (String line : lines) { double scale = rank / lines.size(); result += line + "\t" + scale + System.getProperty("line.separator"); rank++; } return result; } public List<String> getRows() { return lines; } public int size() { return lines.size(); } public String forErmineJ() throws Exception { removeRikStars(); removeImageIDs(); return writeOut(); } public String forErmineJNCBI() throws Exception { convertToNCBIIDs(); return writeOut("NCBI"); } public String writeOut() throws Exception { return writeOut("symbols"); } public String writeOut(String endfix) throws Exception {"Size for writing:" + size()); String out_filename = filename + "." + endfix + ".forErmine"; FileTools.stringToFile(getTabSepRanks(), new File(out_filename));"Wrote file: " + out_filename); return out_filename; } // public void makeChartData( MatrixPair pair ) throws Exception { // FileTools.stringToFile( getTabSepChartData( pair ), new File( filename + ".forPlotting" ) ); // "Wrote file: " + filename + ".forPlotting" ); // } public static List<String> getOriginalRows() throws Exception { AllenCatalogMatrices2 allenMatrices = new AllenCatalogMatrices2(); DoubleMatrix<String, String> dataMatrix = allenMatrices.getFromDisk("NewEnergies"); return dataMatrix.getRowNames(); } public static void processDirectoryNoMissing(String directory, ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair) throws Exception { processDirectoryNoMissing(directory, pair, true); } public static void processDirectoryNoMissing(String directory, ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair, boolean keepSign) throws Exception { Collection<File> files = FileTools.listDirectoryFiles(new File(directory)); File genSetGenesFile = new File(directory + "/GeneSetVennMasterGenes.txt"); genSetGenesFile.delete(); File genSetFile = new File(directory + "/GeneSetVennMaster.txt"); genSetFile.delete(); for (File file : files) { String name = file.getName(); if (name.contains("LOOGenesInOrder") && !name.contains("forErmine") && !name.contains("topGenes") && !name.contains(".xls")) { RankedGeneListLoader loaderIn = new RankedGeneListLoader(file.toString()); String topGenesFileName = loaderIn.writeEndSetGenes(keepSign); String SymbolsFilename = loaderIn.forErmineJ(); // reload RankedGeneListLoader NCBIloaderIn = new RankedGeneListLoader(file.toString()); String NBCIFileName = NCBIloaderIn.forErmineJNCBI(); // runErmineJORA( loaderIn.threshold, SymbolsFilename, false ); runErmineJORA(loaderIn.threshold, NBCIFileName, true); // generate hascoronal list RankedGeneListLoader hasCoronal = new RankedGeneListLoader(file.toString()); hasCoronal.filename += ".hasCoronal"; hasCoronal.retainHasCoronal(); hasCoronal.forErmineJNCBI(); // generate coronal list RankedGeneListLoader coronal = new RankedGeneListLoader(file.toString()); coronal.filename += ".coronal"; coronal.retainCoronal(); coronal.forErmineJNCBI(); RankedGeneListLoader loaderTop = new RankedGeneListLoader(topGenesFileName); TopTenInfo topTen = new TopTenInfo(loaderTop, pair); topTen.writeExpressionInfo(); String setName = name.substring(16, name.indexOf(".txt")); Util.addToVennMasterFile(genSetFile, loaderTop.lines, setName); // without IDS loaderTop.removeImageIDs(); Util.addToVennMasterFile(genSetGenesFile, loaderTop.lines, setName); } } } public static void runErmineJORA(double threshold, String list_filename, boolean NCBI) throws Exception { runErmineJORA(threshold, list_filename, NCBI, 5, 200); } public static void runErmineJORA(double threshold, String list_filename, boolean NCBI, int minSize, int maxSize) throws Exception { // erg, so annoying List<String> commandParts = new LinkedList<String>(); commandParts.add(SetupParameters.config.getString("abams.ermineJ.bin")); if (NCBI) { commandParts.add("--annots"); commandParts.add("\"" + SetupParameters.config.getString("abams.ermineJ.NCBIannots") + "\""); } else { commandParts.add("--annots"); commandParts.add("\"" + SetupParameters.config.getString("abams.ermineJ.annots") + "\""); } commandParts.add("--config"); // config from GUI commandParts.add("\"" + SetupParameters.config.getString("abams.ermineJ.baseConfig") + "\""); commandParts.add("--classFile"); commandParts.add("\"" + SetupParameters.config.getString("abams.ermineJ.classFile") + "\""); commandParts.add("--output"); commandParts.add("\"" + list_filename + ".ORA.tsv\""); commandParts.add("--threshold"); commandParts.add("" + threshold); commandParts.add("--test"); commandParts.add("0"); commandParts.add("--scoreFile"); commandParts.add("\"" + list_filename + "\""); commandParts.add("--maxClassSize"); commandParts.add("" + maxSize); commandParts.add("--minClassSize"); commandParts.add("" + minSize); commandParts.add("-j"); // show genes // command ); // execute!; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec((String[]) commandParts.toArray(new String[commandParts.size()]));"Waiting for ermineJ"); StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(p.getInputStream(), "ErmineJ"); outputGobbler.start(); StreamGobbler errGobbler = new StreamGobbler(p.getErrorStream(), "ErmineJ"); errGobbler.start(); p.waitFor(); } static class StreamGobbler extends Thread { InputStream is; String type; StreamGobbler(InputStream is, String type) { = is; this.type = type; } public void run() { try { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(type + ">" + line); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } @Deprecated public static void processDirectory(String directory, boolean hasNonExp) throws Exception { Collection<File> files = FileTools.listDirectoryFiles(new File(directory)); for (File file : files) { RankedGeneListLoader loaderIn = new FullRankedGeneListLoader(file.toString(), hasNonExp); loaderIn.forErmineJ(); } } /** * @param args */ public String getTotalExpresion() throws Exception { String result = ""; AllenCatalogMatrices2 allenMatrices = new AllenCatalogMatrices2(); DoubleMatrix<String, String> dataMatrix = allenMatrices.getFromDisk("NewEnergies"); for (String geneRow : lines) { double[] values = dataMatrix.getRowByName(geneRow); double sum = 0; for (double d : values) sum += d; result += geneRow + "\t" + sum + System.getProperty("line.separator"); } return result; } public void retainHasCoronal() throws Exception { ImageSeriesInfoLoader loader = new ImageSeriesInfoLoader(); List<String> newLines = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String row : lines) { boolean hasCoronal = loader.hasCoronalImageFromRowName(row); if (hasCoronal) newLines.add(row); } this.lines = newLines; } public void retainCoronal() throws Exception { ImageSeriesInfoLoader loader = new ImageSeriesInfoLoader(); List<String> newLines = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String row : lines) { String planeString = loader.getPlaneFromRowName(row); if (planeString.equals("coronal")) newLines.add(row); } this.lines = newLines; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // RankedGeneListLoader jesseIdea = new RankedGeneListLoader( // "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/ranked once/Incoming.partialcon.genes.txt" ); boolean removeNonExp = true; boolean useVirtual = true; boolean keepSign = true; // ERG, gene info top ten results varies for direction Direction direction = AnalyzeBAMSandAllenGenes.Direction.ANYDIRECTION; ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair = ExpressionMatrixPairFactory .connectivityAndExpression(direction, useVirtual, removeNonExp); // ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair pair = ExpressionMatrixPairFactory.connectivityPartial( direction, // false, RegressMatrix.CONNECTIVITY, useVirtual, removeNonExp, true ); // need a partialcon pair // jesseIdea.writeCorrelationBasedData( pair ); // System.exit( 1 ); // pair.applyGeneFilter( new PrefixGeneFilter( "Drd" ) ); // "Genes:" + Util.getUniqueGenes( pair.getMatrixBDataRows() ) ); // pair.getCorrelation() ); // pair.writeImages(); // // System.exit( 1 ); // processDirectoryNoMissing( "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/direct increasing", pair ); // processDirectoryNoMissing( "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/near final nobed", pair ); processDirectoryNoMissing("/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/LitCon", pair); System.exit(1); // LOOGenesInOrder.out.partialcon.txt.329.0.014448.topGenes.txt // // /* * RankedGeneListLoader aLook = new RankedGeneListLoader( * "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/near final * nobed/" ); */ // ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair.NewEnergies.incoming.rOrder // // ConnectivityAndAllenExpressionMatrixPair.NewEnergies.outgoing.rOrder // LOOGenesInOrder.out.partialcon.txt.329.0.014448.topGenes.txt // // RankedGeneListLoader aLook = new RankedGeneListLoader( "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/near final nobed/LOOGenesInOrder.out.partialcon.txt.329.0.014448.topGenes.txt"); pair.setMatrixBDataRows(aLook.lines); // pair.getCorrelation() ); // pair.writeRMatrices(); // pair.writeImages(); pair.orderDataRows(aLook.lines);; System.exit(1); pair.writeRMatrices(); pair.writeImages(); ExploreRegionNames explore = new ExploreRegionNames(pair); StringToStringSetMap parents = explore.getParents(); String focusRegion = "Midbrain"; Set<String> ROIs = parents.get(focusRegion); // some may have no exp ROIs.retainAll(pair.getAllenDataColNames()); pair.removeAllenCols(ROIs); // Hindbrain // Interbrain // Midbrain // Cerebrum; + ":" + pair.getCorrelation()); pair.test(1000); System.exit(1); List<String> lines = aLook.lines; lines.remove(0); lines.remove(1); lines.remove(2); lines.remove(3); lines.remove(4); lines.remove(5); lines.remove(6); lines.remove(7); lines.remove(8); lines.remove(9); pair.setMatrixBDataRows(aLook.lines);;; // processDirectoryNoMissing( "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/for Ray", pair ); // processDirectoryNoMissing( "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/near final 962 regions", pair // ); // processDirectoryNoMissing( "/grp/java/workspace/BAMSandAllen/data/rankedGenes/decreasing after lab meeting", // pair, keepSign ); } }