Java tutorial
/* * The gotrack project * * Copyright (c) 2015 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubc.pavlab.gotrack.beans; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.application.ProjectStage; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty; import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.HypergeometricDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.CombinatoricsUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.primefaces.event.ItemSelectEvent; import org.primefaces.model.chart.AxisType; import org.primefaces.model.chart.DateAxis; import org.primefaces.model.chart.LineChartModel; import org.primefaces.model.chart.LineChartSeries; import ubc.pavlab.gotrack.dao.AnnotationDAO; import ubc.pavlab.gotrack.model.Edition; import ubc.pavlab.gotrack.model.EvidenceReference; import ubc.pavlab.gotrack.model.Gene; import ubc.pavlab.gotrack.model.GeneOntologyTerm; /** * TODO Document Me * * @author mjacobson * @version $Id$ */ @ManagedBean @ViewScoped public class EnrichmentView implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 166880636358923147L; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EnrichmentView.class); private static final Integer MAX_RESULTS = 10; private static final int MAX_GENESET_SIZE = 100; @ManagedProperty("#{settingsCache}") private SettingsCache settingsCache; @ManagedProperty("#{cache}") private Cache cache; @ManagedProperty("#{daoFactoryBean}") private DAOFactoryBean daoFactoryBean; // DAO private AnnotationDAO annotationDAO; private Integer currentSpeciesId = 7; private String query; private String bulkQuery; private Map<Integer, List<Gene>> speciesToSelectedGenes = new HashMap<>(); private Gene geneToRemove; private Gene viewGene; // Chart stuff private LineChartModel enrichmentChart; private Map<Edition, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>> currentGoSets; private Set<GeneOntologyTerm> currentAllTerms; Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Double>> enrichmentData; private boolean chartReady = false; private boolean bonferroniCorrection = true; private double pThreshold = 0.05; private boolean propagate = false; private int minAnnotatedPopulation = 5; // Chart Filters private List<String> filterAspect; private String filterId; private String filterName; private boolean chartEmpty = false; // Select Data Point functionality private Edition selectedEdition; private GeneOntologyTerm selectedTerm; private Number selectedValue; private List<Edition> allEditions; // Static final private static final List<String> aspects = Arrays.asList("BP", "MF", "CC"); public EnrichmentView() {"EnrichmentView created");"Used Memory: " + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) / 1000000 + " MB"); } @PostConstruct public void postConstruct() { filterAspect = new ArrayList<>(aspects); } public String init() { if (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPartialViewContext().isAjaxRequest()) { return null; // Skip ajax requests. }"EnrichmentView init"); if (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getProjectStage() == ProjectStage.Development) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage("betaMessage", new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, "This is the DEVELOPMENT version of GOTrack!", null)); } annotationDAO = daoFactoryBean.getGotrack().getAnnotationDAO(); return null; } public void enrich() { clearOptionFilters(false); chartReady = false; allEditions = cache.getAllEditions(currentSpeciesId); currentAllTerms = new HashSet<>(); Edition currentEdition = cache.getCurrentEditions(currentSpeciesId); Set<Gene> genes = new HashSet<>(speciesToSelectedGenes.get(currentSpeciesId));"Current species: " + currentSpeciesId);"Geneset: " + genes); if (genes != null && !genes.isEmpty()) { if (genes.size() > MAX_GENESET_SIZE) { addMessage("Maximum geneset size is " + MAX_GENESET_SIZE + "!", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR); return; }"retreiving gene data..."); Map<Edition, Map<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>>> geneGOMap = cache.getEnrichmentData(genes); if (geneGOMap == null) { geneGOMap = annotationDAO.enrichmentData(currentSpeciesId, genes); // geneGOMap = annotationDAO.enrichmentDataOld( currentSpeciesId, genes, currentEdition.getEdition() ); // data = annotationDAO.trackBySymbolOnly( currentSpeciesId, query ); cache.addEnrichmentData(genes, geneGOMap);"Retrieved data from db"); } else {"Retrieved data from cache"); } currentGoSets = new HashMap<>(); if (propagate) { Map<Edition, Map<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>>> propagatedGeneGOMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<Edition, Map<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>>> editionEntry : geneGOMap.entrySet()) { Edition ed = editionEntry.getKey(); Set<GeneOntologyTerm> goSet = new HashSet<>(); currentGoSets.put(ed, goSet); HashMap<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>> propagatedGenes = new HashMap<>(); propagatedGeneGOMap.put(ed, propagatedGenes); for (Entry<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>> geneEntry : editionEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { Set<GeneOntologyTerm> propagatedSet = cache.propagate(geneEntry.getValue(), ed.getGoEditionId()); propagatedGenes.put(geneEntry.getKey(), propagatedSet); goSet.addAll(propagatedSet); currentAllTerms.addAll(propagatedSet); } } enrichmentAnalysis(propagatedGeneGOMap, currentGoSets, minAnnotatedPopulation); } else { for (Entry<Edition, Map<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>>> editionEntry : geneGOMap.entrySet()) { Edition ed = editionEntry.getKey(); Set<GeneOntologyTerm> goSet = new HashSet<>(); currentGoSets.put(ed, goSet); for (Entry<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>> geneEntry : editionEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { goSet.addAll(geneEntry.getValue()); currentAllTerms.addAll(geneEntry.getValue()); } } enrichmentAnalysis(geneGOMap, currentGoSets, minAnnotatedPopulation); } } else {"Empty geneset"); } } private void enrichmentAnalysis(Map<Edition, Map<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>>> geneGOMap, Map<Edition, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>> allTerms, int minAnnotedPopulation) { enrichmentData = new HashMap<>(); boolean emptyChart = true; List<Edition> eds = new ArrayList<Edition>(geneGOMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(eds, Collections.reverseOrder()); boolean firstRun = true; Set<GeneOntologyTerm> termsToEnrich = new HashSet<>(); for (Edition ed : eds) { Map<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>> data = geneGOMap.get(ed); int populationSize = cache.getGenePopulation(currentSpeciesId, ed); int k = data.keySet().size(); Set<GeneOntologyTerm> termsInEdition = allTerms.get(ed); // // TODO Multiple tests correction lowered because we're testing less terms? // if ( !firstRun ) { // termsInEdition = new HashSet<>( termsInEdition ); // termsInEdition.retainAll( termsToEnrich ); // } Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Double> enrich = enrichmentData.get(ed); if (enrich == null) { enrich = new HashMap<>(); enrichmentData.put(ed, enrich); } if (termsInEdition != null) { int bcorr = termsInEdition.size(); for (GeneOntologyTerm term : termsInEdition) { if (!firstRun && !termsToEnrich.contains(term)) { // Term is part of this edition however did not pass the threshold in the current edition continue; } Integer populationAnnotated = cache.getGoSetSizes(currentSpeciesId, ed.getEdition(), term.getGoId()); if (populationAnnotated != null && populationAnnotated >= minAnnotedPopulation) { HypergeometricDistribution hyper = new HypergeometricDistribution(populationSize, populationAnnotated, k); int r = 0; for (Entry<Gene, Set<GeneOntologyTerm>> geneEntry : data.entrySet()) { if (geneEntry.getValue().contains(term)) { r++; } } // Arrays.asList( populationSize, populationAnnotated, k, r ) ); Double res = hyper.upperCumulativeProbability(r); if (bonferroniCorrection) { res = bcorr * res; } res = Math.min(res, 1); if (!firstRun || res <= pThreshold) { enrich.put(term, res); emptyChart = false; if (firstRun) { termsToEnrich.add(term); } } else { // term + " skipped; p-value not in range" ); } // "Edition: (" + ed.getEdition() + ") " + hyper.upperCumulativeProbability( r ) ); } else { // term + " skipped; too small or isn't annotated" ); } } } firstRun = false; } if (!emptyChart) { enrichmentChart = createChart(enrichmentData, "Enrichment Stability", "Date", "p-value"); chartReady = true;"Chart created"); } else { chartReady = false;"Chart Empty"); } } private double hypergeometric(int r, int k, int M, int N) { double res = 0; for (int i = r; i <= k; i++) { res += (CombinatoricsUtils.binomialCoefficientDouble(M, i) * CombinatoricsUtils.binomialCoefficientDouble(N, k - i)) / CombinatoricsUtils.binomialCoefficientDouble(N + M, k); } return res; } private static Map<String, Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>>>> combineDataByEdition( String seriesLabel, Map<String, Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>>>> data) { Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>>> combinedSeries = new HashMap<>(); for (Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>>> s : data.values()) { for (Entry<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>>> editionEntry : s.entrySet()) { Edition e = editionEntry.getKey(); Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>> details = editionEntry.getValue(); Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>> combinedDetails = combinedSeries.get(e); if (combinedDetails == null) { combinedDetails = new HashMap<>(); combinedSeries.put(e, combinedDetails); } for (Entry<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>> goEntry : details.entrySet()) { GeneOntologyTerm go = goEntry.getKey(); Set<EvidenceReference> evidence = combinedDetails.get(go); if (evidence == null) { evidence = new HashSet<>(); combinedDetails.put(go, evidence); } evidence.addAll(goEntry.getValue()); } } } Map<String, Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Set<EvidenceReference>>>> combinedData = new HashMap<>(); combinedData.put(seriesLabel, combinedSeries); return combinedData; } private LineChartModel createChart(Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Double>> enrichmentData, String title, String xLabel, String yLabel) { LineChartModel dateModel = new LineChartModel(); Double minVal = 1.0; Map<GeneOntologyTerm, LineChartSeries> allSeries = new HashMap<>(); if (enrichmentData != null) { List<Edition> eds = new ArrayList<Edition>(enrichmentData.keySet()); Collections.sort(eds); for (Edition edition : eds) { String date = edition.getDate().toString(); for (Entry<GeneOntologyTerm, Double> dataPoint : enrichmentData.get(edition).entrySet()) { GeneOntologyTerm term = dataPoint.getKey(); LineChartSeries s = allSeries.get(term); if (s == null) { s = new LineChartSeries(); s.setLabel(term.getGoId()); s.setMarkerStyle("filledDiamond"); allSeries.put(term, s); } Double pValue = dataPoint.getValue(); if (pValue < minVal) minVal = pValue; s.set(date, pValue); } } for (LineChartSeries series : allSeries.values()) { dateModel.addSeries(series); } } dateModel.setTitle(title); dateModel.setZoom(true); dateModel.setLegendPosition("nw"); // dateModel.setAnimate( true ); dateModel.setLegendRows(8); dateModel.setMouseoverHighlight(true); dateModel.setExtender("chartExtender"); dateModel.getAxis(AxisType.Y).setMax(1.0); dateModel.getAxis(AxisType.Y).setMin(Math.min(minVal, 0.1)); dateModel.getAxis(AxisType.Y).setLabel(yLabel); DateAxis axis = new DateAxis(xLabel); axis.setTickAngle(-50); axis.setTickFormat("%b %#d, %y"); dateModel.getAxes().put(AxisType.X, axis); return dateModel; } public void itemSelect(ItemSelectEvent event) { // dateModel.getSeries().get( event.getSeriesIndex() ).getData().get( key ); List<Entry<Object, Number>> es = new ArrayList<Entry<Object, Number>>( enrichmentChart.getSeries().get(event.getSeriesIndex()).getData().entrySet()); // Keep in mind that the list of entry sets is in the order that the data was inserted, not the order it is // displayed! // "Key: " + es.get( event.getItemIndex() ).getKey() ); // "Value: " + es.get( event.getItemIndex() ).getValue() ); String date = (String) es.get(event.getItemIndex()).getKey(); selectedValue = es.get(event.getItemIndex()).getValue(); String label = enrichmentChart.getSeries().get(event.getSeriesIndex()).getLabel(); String selectedDate = date; Collection<Edition> eds = getGoEditionsFromDate(date); selectedTerm = null; selectedEdition = null; if (eds.size() == 0) { log.warn("Found no editions for date (" + date + ")"); } else { selectedEdition = eds.iterator().next(); if (eds.size() > 1) { log.warn("Found more than one edition for date (" + date + ")"); } for (GeneOntologyTerm term : currentGoSets.get(selectedEdition)) { if (term.getGoId().equals(label)) { selectedTerm = term; } } if (selectedTerm == null) { log.debug("Could not find series for (" + label + ")"); } } } private Collection<Edition> getGoEditionsFromDate(String date) { List<Edition> results = new ArrayList<Edition>(); for (Edition ed : allEditions) { if (ed.getDate().toString().equals(date)) { results.add(ed); } } return results; } public void clearOptionFilters(boolean reload) {"Option Filters Cleared."); filterAspect = new ArrayList<>(aspects); filterId = null; filterName = null; if (reload) { reloadGraph(); } } public void reloadGraph() {"reload"); boolean idBypass = StringUtils.isEmpty(filterId); boolean nameBypass = StringUtils.isEmpty(filterName); boolean aspectBypass = filterAspect.containsAll(aspects); if (!idBypass || !nameBypass || !aspectBypass) { filter(idBypass, nameBypass, aspectBypass); } else { enrichmentChart = createChart(enrichmentData, "Enrichment Stability", "Date", "p-value"); chartReady = true; chartEmpty = false; } } private void filter(boolean idBypass, boolean nameBypass, boolean aspectBypass) {"Filter: ID: " + filterId + " Name: " + filterName + " Aspects: " + filterAspect); Map<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Double>> filteredData = new HashMap<>(); boolean emptyChart = true; for (Entry<Edition, Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Double>> editionEntry : enrichmentData.entrySet()) { Edition ed = editionEntry.getKey(); Map<GeneOntologyTerm, Double> termsInEdition = new HashMap<>(); filteredData.put(ed, termsInEdition); for (Entry<GeneOntologyTerm, Double> termsEntry : editionEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { GeneOntologyTerm term = termsEntry.getKey(); Double pvalue = termsEntry.getValue(); if ((aspectBypass || filterAspect.contains(term.getAspect())) && (idBypass || term.getGoId().equals(filterId)) && (nameBypass || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(term.getName(), filterName))) { termsInEdition.put(term, pvalue); emptyChart = false; } } } if (!emptyChart) { enrichmentChart = createChart(filteredData, "Filtered Enrichment Stability", "Date", "p-value"); chartEmpty = false;"Chart filtered"); } else { chartEmpty = true;"Chart Empty"); enrichmentChart = null; } } public List<String> complete(String query) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(query.trim()) || currentSpeciesId == null) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } return this.cache.complete(query, currentSpeciesId, MAX_RESULTS); } public List<String> completeId(String query) { if (query == null) return new ArrayList<String>(); String queryUpper = query.toUpperCase(); Collection<String> exact = new HashSet<String>(); Collection<String> possible = new HashSet<String>(); for (GeneOntologyTerm term : currentAllTerms) { if (queryUpper.equals(term.getGoId().toUpperCase())) { exact.add(term.getGoId()); continue; } String pattern = "(.*)" + queryUpper + "(.*)"; // Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern); String m = term.getGoId().toUpperCase(); // Matcher m = r.matcher( term.getTerm() ); if (m.matches(pattern)) { possible.add(term.getGoId()); continue; } } List<String> orderedResults = new ArrayList<>(); orderedResults.addAll(exact); ArrayList<String> p = new ArrayList<String>(possible); Collections.sort(p, new LevenshteinComparator(query)); orderedResults.addAll(p); return orderedResults; } public void addGene(ActionEvent actionEvent) { Gene gene = cache.getCurrentGene(currentSpeciesId, query); List<Gene> selectGenes = speciesToSelectedGenes.get(currentSpeciesId); if (selectGenes == null) { selectGenes = new ArrayList<>(); speciesToSelectedGenes.put(currentSpeciesId, selectGenes); } if (gene != null) { if (!selectGenes.contains(gene)) { selectGenes.add(gene); addMessage("Gene (" + query + ") successfully added.", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO); } else { addMessage("Gene (" + query + ") already added.", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN); } } else { addMessage("Gene (" + query + ") could not be found.", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN); } } public void addBulkGenes(ActionEvent actionEvent) { String[] bulkGeneInput = bulkQuery.split("\\s+"); Set<String> geneInputsNotFound = new HashSet<>(); int genesAdded = 0; List<Gene> selectGenes = speciesToSelectedGenes.get(currentSpeciesId); if (selectGenes == null) { selectGenes = new ArrayList<>(); speciesToSelectedGenes.put(currentSpeciesId, selectGenes); } for (int i = 0; i < bulkGeneInput.length; i++) { String geneInput = bulkGeneInput[i]; Gene g = cache.getCurrentGene(currentSpeciesId, geneInput); if (g != null) { if (!selectGenes.contains(g)) { genesAdded++; selectGenes.add(g); } } else { geneInputsNotFound.add(geneInput); } } if (genesAdded > 0) { addMessage("Successfully added " + genesAdded + " gene(s)", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO); } if (geneInputsNotFound.size() > 0) { String geneString = StringUtils.join(geneInputsNotFound, ", "); addMessage("Could not find matching gene(s) for (" + geneString + ")", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN); } } public void removeGene() { List<Gene> selectGenes = speciesToSelectedGenes.get(currentSpeciesId); if (selectGenes == null) { selectGenes = new ArrayList<>(); speciesToSelectedGenes.put(currentSpeciesId, selectGenes); } selectGenes.remove(geneToRemove); addMessage("Gene (" + geneToRemove.getSymbol() + ") successfully removed.", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO); } private void addMessage(String summary, FacesMessage.Severity severity) { FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(severity, summary, null); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message); } public boolean isBonferroniCorrection() { return bonferroniCorrection; } public void setBonferroniCorrection(boolean bonferroniCorrection) { this.bonferroniCorrection = bonferroniCorrection; } public double getpThreshold() { return pThreshold; } public void setpThreshold(double pThreshold) { this.pThreshold = pThreshold; } public boolean isPropagate() { return propagate; } public void setPropagate(boolean propagate) { this.propagate = propagate; } public LineChartModel getEnrichmentChart() { return enrichmentChart; } public boolean isChartReady() { return chartReady; } public Integer getCurrentSpeciesId() { return currentSpeciesId; } public void setCurrentSpeciesId(Integer currentSpeciesId) { this.currentSpeciesId = currentSpeciesId; } public String getQuery() { return this.query; } public void setQuery(String query) { this.query = query; } public String getBulkQuery() { return bulkQuery; } public void setBulkQuery(String bulkQuery) { this.bulkQuery = bulkQuery; } public Gene getGeneToRemove() { return geneToRemove; } public void setGeneToRemove(Gene geneToRemove) { this.geneToRemove = geneToRemove; } public List<Gene> getSelectedGenes() { List<Gene> selectGenes = speciesToSelectedGenes.get(currentSpeciesId); if (selectGenes == null) { selectGenes = new ArrayList<>(); speciesToSelectedGenes.put(currentSpeciesId, selectGenes); } return selectGenes; } public Gene getViewGene() { return viewGene; } public void setViewGene(Gene viewGene) { this.viewGene = viewGene; } public Edition getSelectedEdition() { return selectedEdition; } public void setSelectedDate(Edition selectedEdition) { this.selectedEdition = selectedEdition; } public GeneOntologyTerm getSelectedTerm() { return selectedTerm; } public void setSelectedTerm(GeneOntologyTerm selectedTerm) { this.selectedTerm = selectedTerm; } public Number getSelectedValue() { return selectedValue; } public void setSelectedValue(Number selectedValue) { this.selectedValue = selectedValue; } public List<String> getFilterAspect() { return filterAspect; } public void setFilterAspect(List<String> filterAspect) { this.filterAspect = filterAspect; } public String getFilterId() { return filterId; } public void setFilterId(String filterId) { this.filterId = filterId; } public String getFilterName() { return filterName; } public void setFilterName(String filterName) { this.filterName = filterName; } public boolean isChartEmpty() { return chartEmpty; } public int getMinAnnotatedPopulation() { return minAnnotatedPopulation; } public void setMinAnnotatedPopulation(int minAnnotatedPopulation) { this.minAnnotatedPopulation = minAnnotatedPopulation; } public void setDaoFactoryBean(DAOFactoryBean daoFactoryBean) { this.daoFactoryBean = daoFactoryBean; } public void setSettingsCache(SettingsCache settingsCache) { this.settingsCache = settingsCache; } public void setCache(Cache cache) { this.cache = cache; } }