Java tutorial
/* * The aspiredb project * * Copyright (c) 2012 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.service; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch; import org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteMethod; import org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteProxy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import gemma.gsec.SecurityService; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.GenomeCoordinateConverter; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.biomartquery.BioMartQueryService; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.Page; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.PhenotypeDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.ProjectDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.QueryDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.SubjectDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.VariantDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.exceptions.BioMartServiceException; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.exceptions.ExternalDependencyException; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.exceptions.NeurocartaServiceException; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.exceptions.NotLoggedInException; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.gemma.NeurocartaQueryService; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Project; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Query; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Subject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Variant; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.ontology.OntologyService; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.util.ConfigUtils; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.BoundedList; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.GeneValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.GenomicRange; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.OntologyTermValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.SubjectValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.VariantValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.AspireDbFilterConfig; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.GeneProperty; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.GenomicLocationProperty; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.NeurocartaPhenotypeProperty; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.PhenotypeFilterConfig; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.ProjectFilterConfig; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.Property; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.VariantFilterConfig; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.restriction.Junction; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.restriction.RestrictionExpression; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.restriction.SetRestriction; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.suggestions.PhenotypeSuggestion; import ubic.basecode.ontology.model.OntologyTerm; import ubic.basecode.ontology.providers.HumanPhenotypeOntologyService; /** * Methods for various query operations such as querying a list of subjects and variants given a list of filters, * getting a list of gene suggestions, ontology term suggestions. Also deals with saving and loading of queries. * * @author anton */ @Service("queryService") @RemoteProxy(name = "QueryService") public class QueryServiceImpl implements QueryService { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryServiceImpl.class); @Autowired private BioMartQueryService bioMartQueryService; @Autowired private GenomeCoordinateConverter converter; @Autowired private NeurocartaQueryService neurocartaQueryService; @Autowired private OntologyService ontologyService; @Autowired private PhenotypeDao phenotypeDao; @Autowired private ProjectDao projectDao; @Autowired private QueryDao queryDao; @Autowired private SubjectDao subjectDao; @Autowired private VariantDao variantDao; @Autowired SecurityService securityService; @Override @Transactional @RemoteMethod public void deleteQuery(String name) { List<Query> querys = queryDao.findByName(name); if (querys.size() > 0) { queryDao.remove(querys.iterator().next()); } } @Override public PagingLoadResult<GeneValueObject> getGeneSuggestionLoadResult(String query) throws BioMartServiceException { if (query.length() < 2) { return new PagingLoadResultBean<GeneValueObject>(new ArrayList<GeneValueObject>(), 0, 0); } return new PagingLoadResultBean<GeneValueObject>( new ArrayList<GeneValueObject>(this.bioMartQueryService.findGenes(query)), 0, 0); } @Override public PagingLoadResult<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject> getNeurocartaPhenotypeSuggestionLoadResult(String query) throws NeurocartaServiceException { if (query.length() < 3) { return new PagingLoadResultBean<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject>( new ArrayList<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject>(), 0, 0); } return new PagingLoadResultBean<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject>( new ArrayList<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject>(this.neurocartaQueryService.findPhenotypes(query)), 0, 0); } @Override public PagingLoadResult<OntologyTermValueObject> getOntologyTermSuggestions(String query) { HumanPhenotypeOntologyService HPOService = ontologyService.getHumanPhenotypeOntologyService(); // if ( !HPOService.isOntologyLoaded() ) { // HPOService.startInitializationThread( true ); // } List<OntologyTermValueObject> suggestions = new ArrayList<OntologyTermValueObject>(); Collection<OntologyTerm> terms = HPOService.findTerm(query + "*"); for (OntologyTerm term : terms) { suggestions.add(new OntologyTermValueObject(term.getTerm(), term.getUri())); } return new PagingLoadResultBean<OntologyTermValueObject>(suggestions, 0, 0); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public PagingLoadResult<PhenotypeSuggestion> getPhenotypeSuggestionLoadResult(String query, Collection<Long> activeProjects) { if (query.length() < 3) { return new PagingLoadResultBean<PhenotypeSuggestion>(new ArrayList<PhenotypeSuggestion>(), 0, 0); } return new PagingLoadResultBean<PhenotypeSuggestion>(getPhenotypeSuggestions(query, false, activeProjects), 0, 0); } @Override public List<PhenotypeSuggestion> getPhenotypeSuggestions(List<String> names) { // List<PhenotypeSuggestion> phenotypeSuggestions = new ArrayList<PhenotypeSuggestion>(names.size()); // for (String name: names) { // List<PhenotypeSuggestion> currPhenotypeSuggestions = getPhenotypeSuggestions(name, true); // // if (currPhenotypeSuggestions.size() > 0) { // phenotypeSuggestions.add(currPhenotypeSuggestions.get(0)); // } else { // phenotypeSuggestions.add(null); // } // } // // return phenotypeSuggestions; return null; } @Override @RemoteMethod public Collection<String> getSavedQueryNames() { Collection<String> queryNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<Query> queries = queryDao.loadAll(); for (Query query : queries) { queryNames.add(query.getName()); } return queryNames; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public int getSubjectCount(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws NotLoggedInException, ExternalDependencyException { return querySubjects(filters).getTotalSize(); } @Override public List<SubjectValueObject> getSubjects(List<String> subjectIds) { List<SubjectValueObject> vos = new ArrayList<SubjectValueObject>(); for (String subjectId : subjectIds) { Subject subject = this.subjectDao.findByPatientId(subjectId); vos.add(subject == null ? null : subject.convertToValueObject()); } return vos; } @Transactional @Override public PagingLoadResult<SubjectValueObject> getSubjectSuggestionLoadResult(String query) { if (query.length() < 2) { return new PagingLoadResultBean<SubjectValueObject>(new ArrayList<SubjectValueObject>(), 0, 0); } List<SubjectValueObject> vos = new ArrayList<SubjectValueObject>(); for (Subject subject : this.subjectDao.findPatients(query)) { vos.add(subject.convertToValueObject()); } return new PagingLoadResultBean<SubjectValueObject>(vos, 0, 0); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public Map<Integer, Collection<Object>> getSubjectsVariants(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws NotLoggedInException, ExternalDependencyException { Map<Integer, Collection<Long>> svIds = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, Collection<Object>> ret = new HashMap<>(); Set<Long> svoIds = new HashSet<Long>(); Set<Long> vvoIds = new HashSet<Long>(); Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filtersTrimmed = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Long> subjectPhenoIds = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Long> variantPhenoIds = new HashSet<>(); for (AspireDbFilterConfig f : filters) { // treat PhenotypeFilters as a special case because calling this twice // is both redundant and slow (see Bug #3892) if (f instanceof PhenotypeFilterConfig) { svIds = variantDao.getSubjectVariantIdsByPhenotype((PhenotypeFilterConfig) f); subjectPhenoIds = svIds.get(VariantDao.SUBJECT_IDS_KEY); variantPhenoIds = svIds.get(VariantDao.VARIANT_IDS_KEY); } else { filtersTrimmed.add(f); } } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); List<VariantValueObject> vvos = queryVariants(filtersTrimmed).getItems(); timer.stop();" query variants took " + timer); for (VariantValueObject v : vvos) { vvoIds.add(v.getId()); } // need a separate call for Subject and Variants because // we can have a Subject without any Variants and those won't get counted! if (ConfigUtils.hasSubjectConfig(filters) || !ConfigUtils.hasVariantConfig(filters)) { timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); List<SubjectValueObject> svos = querySubjects(filtersTrimmed).getItems(); timer.stop();" query subjects took " + timer); for (SubjectValueObject s : svos) { svoIds.add(s.getId()); } } else { // if there's no Subject filter then we can just get it // from Variant IDs! This saves us from executing redundant queries. for (VariantValueObject v : vvos) { svoIds.add(v.getSubjectId()); } } // intersect PhenoIds with Ids from other filters if (!subjectPhenoIds.isEmpty()) { svoIds.retainAll(subjectPhenoIds); vvoIds.retainAll(variantPhenoIds); } Collection<Object> retSvos = new ArrayList<>(); for (Subject s : subjectDao.load(svoIds)) { retSvos.add(s.convertToValueObjectWithPhenotypes()); } Collection<Object> retVvos = new ArrayList<>(); for (Variant v : variantDao.load(vvoIds)) { retVvos.add(v.toValueObject()); } ret.put(VariantDao.SUBJECT_IDS_KEY, retSvos); ret.put(VariantDao.VARIANT_IDS_KEY, retVvos); return ret; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public Map<Integer, Integer> getSubjectVariantCounts(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws NotLoggedInException, ExternalDependencyException { Map<Integer, Integer> ret = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, Collection<Object>> vos = getSubjectsVariants(filters); ret.put(VariantDao.SUBJECT_IDS_KEY, vos.get(VariantDao.SUBJECT_IDS_KEY).size()); ret.put(VariantDao.VARIANT_IDS_KEY, vos.get(VariantDao.VARIANT_IDS_KEY).size()); return ret; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public Map<Integer, Integer> getSubjectGenes(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws NotLoggedInException, ExternalDependencyException { Map<Integer, Collection<Long>> svIds = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, Integer> ret = new HashMap<>(); Set<Long> svoIds = new HashSet<>(); Set<Long> vvoIds = new HashSet<>(); int subjectCount = 0; int variantCount = 0; Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filtersTrimmed = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Long> subjectPhenoIds = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Long> variantPhenoIds = new HashSet<>(); for (AspireDbFilterConfig f : filters) { // treat PhenotypeFilters as a special case because calling this twice // is both redundant and slow (see Bug #3892) if (f instanceof PhenotypeFilterConfig) { svIds = variantDao.getSubjectVariantIdsByPhenotype((PhenotypeFilterConfig) f); subjectPhenoIds = svIds.get(VariantDao.SUBJECT_IDS_KEY); variantPhenoIds = svIds.get(VariantDao.VARIANT_IDS_KEY); } else { filtersTrimmed.add(f); } } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); List<VariantValueObject> vvos = queryVariants(filtersTrimmed).getItems(); timer.stop();" query variants took " + timer); for (VariantValueObject v : vvos) { vvoIds.add(v.getId()); } // need a separate call for Subject and Variants because // we can have a Subject without any Variants and those won't get counted! if (ConfigUtils.hasSubjectConfig(filters)) { timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); List<SubjectValueObject> svos = querySubjects(filtersTrimmed).getItems(); timer.stop();" query subjects took " + timer); for (SubjectValueObject s : svos) { svoIds.add(s.getId()); } } else { // if there's no Subject filter then we can just get it // from Variant IDs! This saves us from executing redundant queries. for (VariantValueObject v : vvos) { svoIds.add(v.getSubjectId()); } } // intersect PhenoIds with Ids from other filters if (!subjectPhenoIds.isEmpty()) { svoIds.retainAll(subjectPhenoIds); vvoIds.retainAll(variantPhenoIds); } subjectCount = svoIds.size(); variantCount = vvoIds.size(); ret.put(VariantDao.SUBJECT_IDS_KEY, subjectCount); ret.put(VariantDao.VARIANT_IDS_KEY, variantCount); return ret; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<String> getValuesForOntologyTerm(String ontologyTermUri) { List<String> results = phenotypeDao.getExistingValues(ontologyTermUri); return results; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public int getVariantCount(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws NotLoggedInException, ExternalDependencyException { return queryVariants(filters).getTotalSize(); } @Override @RemoteMethod public List<Serializable> getVariantLocationValueObjects(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Property property, List<String> text) throws BioMartServiceException, NeurocartaServiceException { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final List valueObjects; if (property instanceof GeneProperty) { valueObjects = this.bioMartQueryService.getGenes(text); } else if (property instanceof NeurocartaPhenotypeProperty) { valueObjects = this.neurocartaQueryService.getPhenotypes(text); } else if (property instanceof GenomicLocationProperty) { valueObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(text.size()); for (String currText : text) { GenomicRangeParser.ParseResult parseResult = GenomicRangeParser.parse(currText); if (parseResult != null && parseResult.isValid()) { if (parseResult.getStartBase() < 0 || parseResult.getEndBase() < 0) { valueObjects.add(new GenomicRange(parseResult.getChromosome())); } else { valueObjects.add(new GenomicRange(parseResult.getChromosome(), parseResult.getStartBase(), parseResult.getEndBase())); } } else { valueObjects.add(null); } } } else { int textSize = text.size(); valueObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(textSize); for (int i = 0; i < textSize; i++) { valueObjects.add(null); } } return valueObjects; } @Override @RemoteMethod public boolean isQueryName(String name) { List<Query> querys = queryDao.findByName(name); if (querys.size() > 0) { return true; } return false; } @Override @Transactional @RemoteMethod public Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> loadQuery(String name) { List<Query> querys = queryDao.findByName(name); Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> configs = (Set<AspireDbFilterConfig>) querys.iterator().next().getObject(); // should only be one for one user return configs; } @Override @RemoteMethod @Transactional(readOnly = true) public BoundedList<SubjectValueObject> querySubjects(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws NotLoggedInException, ExternalDependencyException { // fill in genomic locations, etc preProcessFilters(filters); // Default sort String sortField = "id"; String sortDir = "ASC";"searching for subjects"); Page<Subject> subjects = (Page<Subject>) subjectDao.loadPage(0, 0, sortField, sortDir, filters); List<SubjectValueObject> vos = new ArrayList<SubjectValueObject>(); for (Subject subject : subjects) { // this doesn't take into account the security of the labels, i.e. all users with access to the subject can // see all the subjects labels SubjectValueObject vo = subject.convertToValueObject(); Integer numVariants = subject.getVariants().size(); vo.setVariants(numVariants != null ? numVariants : 0); vo.setNumOfPhenotypes(subject.getPhenotypes().size()); vos.add(vo); }"returning " + vos.size() + " subjects"); BoundedList<SubjectValueObject> ret = new BoundedList<>(vos); if (ret.isMoreResultsAvailable()) { log.warn("additional results not shown"); } return ret; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public BoundedList<VariantValueObject> queryVariants(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws NotLoggedInException, ExternalDependencyException { // fill in genomic locations, etc preProcessFilters(filters); String sortProperty = "id";// getSortColumn( config ); String sortDirection = "ASC";// getSortDirection( config );"searching for variants"); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Page<? extends Variant> page = variantDao.loadPage(0, 0, sortProperty, sortDirection, filters); if (timer.getTime() > 100) {"loading " + page.getTotalCount() + " variants took " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } Collection<? extends Variant> variants = page; List<VariantValueObject> vos = convertToValueObjects(variants); log.debug("returning " + vos.size() + " variants"); Project project = getProject(filters); populateSubjectsIntoVariants(project, vos); BoundedList<VariantValueObject> ret = new BoundedList<>(vos); if (ret.isMoreResultsAvailable()) { log.warn("additional results not shown"); } return ret; } @Override public Project getProject(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) { Project project = null; for (AspireDbFilterConfig filter : filters) { if (filter instanceof ProjectFilterConfig) { ProjectFilterConfig projConfig = (ProjectFilterConfig) filter; Long projId = projConfig.getProjectIds().iterator().next(); project = projectDao.load(projId); break; } } return project; } @Override @RemoteMethod @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Query getQuery(Long id) { Query q = queryDao.load(id); return q; } @Override @Transactional @RemoteMethod public Long saveQuery(String name, Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) { final List<Query> queries = queryDao.findByName(name); Query savedQuery; if (queries.isEmpty()) { Query query = new Query(name, (Serializable) filters); savedQuery = queryDao.create(query); } else if (queries.size() == 1) { Query query = queries.iterator().next(); query.setObject((Serializable) filters); queryDao.update(query); savedQuery = query; } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Found more than one saved query with same name belonging to one user."); } securityService.makePrivate(savedQuery); return savedQuery.getId(); } private void addGenomicLocations(RestrictionExpression restrictionExpression) throws ExternalDependencyException { if (restrictionExpression.getClass() == SetRestriction.class) { SetRestriction restriction = (SetRestriction) restrictionExpression; // Expand NeurocartaPhenotype node -> set of genes. if (restriction.getProperty() instanceof NeurocartaPhenotypeProperty) { Collection<Object> values = restriction.getValues(); for (Object value : values) { NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject vo = (NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject) value; Collection<GeneValueObject> geneValueObjects = this.neurocartaQueryService .fetchGenesAssociatedWithPhenotype(vo.getUri()); vo.setGenes(geneValueObjects);"Fetched " + vo.getGenes().size() + " genes associated with phenotype '" + vo.getName() + "' (" + vo.getUri() + ")"); } } else if (restriction.getProperty() instanceof GeneProperty) { Collection<Object> values = restriction.getValues(); for (Object value : values) { GeneValueObject vo = (GeneValueObject) value; if (vo.getGenomicRange() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Genomic range wasn't set in GeneValueObject."); } } } } else if (restrictionExpression instanceof Junction) { for (RestrictionExpression restriction : ((Junction) restrictionExpression).getRestrictions()) { addGenomicLocations(restriction); } } } private List<VariantValueObject> convertToValueObjects(Collection<? extends Variant> variants) { List<VariantValueObject> variantValueObjects = new LinkedList<VariantValueObject>(); for (Variant variant : variants) { try { VariantValueObject valueObject = variant.toValueObject(); converter.fillInCytobandCoordinates(valueObject.getGenomicRange()); variantValueObjects.add(valueObject); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to convert variant to value object. " + variant, e); } } return variantValueObjects; } private List<PhenotypeSuggestion> getPhenotypeSuggestions(String query, boolean isExactMatch, Collection<Long> activeProjects) { // HumanPhenotypeOntologyService HPOService = ontologyService.getHumanPhenotypeOntologyService(); Map<String, PhenotypeSuggestion> phenotypeSuggestions = new HashMap<String, PhenotypeSuggestion>(); List<String> names = phenotypeDao.getExistingPhenotypes(query, isExactMatch, activeProjects); for (String name : names) { PhenotypeSuggestion phenotypeSuggestion = new PhenotypeSuggestion(name); phenotypeSuggestion.setExistInDatabase(true); phenotypeSuggestions.put(phenotypeSuggestion.getName(), phenotypeSuggestion); } // Bug 3647: Disabled Ontology suggestions for now since phenotype inference has been disabled /* * String ontologyQuery = query; if (isExactMatch) { ontologyQuery = "\"" + ontologyQuery + "\""; } else { * ontologyQuery = ontologyQuery.trim(); String[] queryTerms = ontologyQuery.split(" "); if (queryTerms.length > * 1) { String lastTerm = queryTerms[queryTerms.length-1]; String completePhrase = ""; for (int i=0; i < * queryTerms.length - 1; i++) { completePhrase+=queryTerms[i]+" "; } completePhrase = completePhrase.trim(); * completePhrase = "+\""+completePhrase +"\""; ontologyQuery = completePhrase + " +" + lastTerm + "*"; } else { * ontologyQuery += "*"; } } Collection<OntologyTerm> terms = HPOService.findTerm( ontologyQuery ); * * // if (terms.size() > 100) { // List<PhenotypeSuggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<PhenotypeSuggestion>( * phenotypeSuggestions.values() ); // return new PagingLoadResultBean<PhenotypeSuggestion>( suggestions , 0, 0 * ); // } * * // Include parents and children of phenotypes we have in database. for (OntologyTerm term : terms) { // If * exact match is needed, make sure that if the query string // does not have spaces, term does not have spaces * either. if (isExactMatch && (!ontologyQuery.contains(" ")) && term.getLabel().contains(" ")) { continue; } * * if ( phenotypeSuggestions.containsKey( term.getLabel() ) ) { PhenotypeSuggestion phenotypeSuggestion = * phenotypeSuggestions.get( term.getLabel() ); phenotypeSuggestion.setOntologyTerm( true ); * phenotypeSuggestion.setUri( term.getUri() ); } else { // isParent or isChild Map<String, OntologyTerm> * childTerms = toMap( term.getChildren( false ) ); Map<String, OntologyTerm> parentTerms = toMap( * term.getParents( false ) ); Collection<String> termsToCheckInDB = new ArrayList<String>(); * termsToCheckInDB.addAll( childTerms.keySet() ); termsToCheckInDB.addAll( parentTerms.keySet() ); * * if ( phenotypeDao.isInDatabase( termsToCheckInDB ) ) { PhenotypeSuggestion phenotypeSuggestion = new * PhenotypeSuggestion( term.getLabel(), term.getUri() ); phenotypeSuggestion.setOntologyTerm( true ); * phenotypeSuggestions.put( term.getLabel(), phenotypeSuggestion ); } } } */ return new ArrayList<PhenotypeSuggestion>(phenotypeSuggestions.values()); } /** * adding subject value object to variants * * @param vos * @param project */ private void populateSubjectsIntoVariants(Project project, List<VariantValueObject> vos) { Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(); for (VariantValueObject vvo : vos) { ids.add(vvo.getPatientId()); } Collection<Subject> subjects = null; if (project != null) { subjects = subjectDao.findByPatientIds(project, ids); } else { subjects = subjectDao.findByPatientIds(ids); } Map<String, Subject> id2subject = new HashMap<String, Subject>(); for (Subject s : subjects) { id2subject.put(s.getPatientId(), s); } for (VariantValueObject vvo : vos) { String id = vvo.getPatientId(); if (id2subject.containsKey(id)) { vvo.setSubject(id2subject.get(id).convertToValueObject()); } } } // Expand terms, fill in missing data. private void preProcessFilters(Set<AspireDbFilterConfig> filters) throws ExternalDependencyException { for (AspireDbFilterConfig filter : filters) { if (filter instanceof VariantFilterConfig) { VariantFilterConfig variantFilter = (VariantFilterConfig) filter; RestrictionExpression restrictionExpression = variantFilter.getRestriction(); addGenomicLocations(restrictionExpression); } } } /* * @Override * * @Deprecated public Collection<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject> getNeurocartaPhenotypeSuggestions(String query) * throws NeurocartaServiceException { if (query.length() < 3) { return new * ArrayList<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject>(); } * * return new ArrayList<NeurocartaPhenotypeValueObject>(this.neurocartaQueryService.findPhenotypes(query)); } */ /* * @Override public Collection<GeneValueObject> getGeneSuggestions(String query) throws BioMartServiceException { if * (query.length() < 2) { return new ArrayList<GeneValueObject>(); } * * return this.bioMartQueryService.findGenes(query); } */ }