Java tutorial
/* * The aspiredb project * * Copyright (c) 2013 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.service; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.ChiSquareTest; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.MannWhitneyUTest; import org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteMethod; import org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteProxy; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.LabelDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.ProjectDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.SubjectDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.dao.VariantDao; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.exceptions.BioMartServiceException; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.exceptions.NeurocartaServiceException; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.exceptions.NotLoggedInException; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.CNV; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Characteristic; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.CnvType; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Indel; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Label; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Project; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.SNV; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Subject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.server.model.Variant; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.BurdenAnalysisValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.GeneValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.LabelValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.PhenotypeEnrichmentValueObject; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.CharacteristicProperty; import ubc.pavlab.aspiredb.shared.query.PropertyValue; /** * Compares the "burden" between two subject labels. "burden" can be number of genes affected, CNV length, number of * subjects with a pathogenic variant, etc. * * @author ptan */ @Service("burdenAnalysisService") @RemoteProxy(name = "BurdenAnalysisService") public class BurdenAnalysisServiceImpl implements BurdenAnalysisService { @Autowired private ProjectDao projectDao; @Autowired private SubjectService subjectService; @Autowired private VariantService variantService; @Autowired private PhenotypeService phenotypeService; @Autowired private SubjectDao subjectDao; @Autowired private VariantDao variantDao; @Autowired private LabelDao labelDao; @Autowired private LabelService labelService; @Autowired private GeneService geneService; DecimalFormat dformat = new DecimalFormat("#.#####"); enum CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject { PATIENT_ID, LABEL_NAME, NUM_SAMPLES, NUM_CNV_LOSS, NUM_CNV_GAIN, NUM_CNV_UNKNOWN, TOTAL_CNV, TOTAL_SIZE, AVG_SIZE, NUM_GENES, NUM_VARIANTS_WITH_GENE, AVG_GENES_PER_CNV, TOTAL_SNV, TOTAL_INDEL } final Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, String> CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc = new HashMap<>(); { CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_LOSS, "Mean number of CNV loss"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_GAIN, "Mean number of CNV gains"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_UNKNOWN, "Mean number of unknown CNV types"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_CNV, "Mean number of CNVs"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SIZE, "Mean total CNV size (bp)"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.AVG_SIZE, "Mean average CNV size (bp)"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_GENES, "Mean number of genes overlapping a variant"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_VARIANTS_WITH_GENE, "Mean number of variants overlapping a gene"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.AVG_GENES_PER_CNV, "Mean number of genes per CNV"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SNV, "Mean number of SNVs"); CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_INDEL, "Mean number of Indels"); } protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BurdenAnalysisServiceImpl.class); private Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, String> statsToString(Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, ?> stats) { HashMap<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, String> ret = new HashMap<>(); for (CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject key : stats.keySet()) { if (key.equals(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.AVG_SIZE) || key.equals(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.AVG_GENES_PER_CNV)) { ret.put(key, String.format("%.1f", stats.get(key))); } else if (key.equals(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.PATIENT_ID)) { ret.put(key, String.format("%s", stats.get(key).toString())); } else if (key.equals(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.LABEL_NAME)) { ret.put(key, String.format("%s", stats.get(key).toString())); } else { ret.put(key, dformat.format(stats.get(key))); } } return ret; } /** * @param variants * @return Map<Subject.patientId, Map<statsName, statsDoubleValue>> * @throws NotLoggedInException * @throws BioMartServiceException */ private Map<String, Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double>> getVariantStatsBySubject( Collection<Variant> variants) throws BioMartServiceException, NotLoggedInException { Map<String, Collection<Long>> subjectVariants = new HashMap<>(); for (Variant v : variants) { Subject subject = subjectDao.load(v.getSubject().getId()); // group variants by patient id Collection<Long> variantsAdded = subjectVariants.get(subject.getPatientId()); if (variantsAdded == null) { variantsAdded = new ArrayList<>(); subjectVariants.put(subject.getPatientId(), variantsAdded); } variantsAdded.add(v.getId()); } // store stats by patientId Map<String, Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double>> patientIdStats = new HashMap<>(); for (String patientId : subjectVariants.keySet()) { Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double> stats = getCnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject( subjectVariants.get(patientId)); patientIdStats.put(patientId, stats); } return patientIdStats; } /** * @param statName * @param patientIds * @return double[] array of the statName values for all of the patientIds */ private double[] getPatientStats(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject statName, Collection<String> patientIds, Map<String, Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double>> patientIdStats) { Collection<Double> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String patientId : patientIds) { Double val = patientIdStats.get(patientId).get(statName); if (val == null) { continue; } result.add(val); } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(result.toArray(new Double[0])); } @SuppressWarnings("boxing") private double[] removeNaNs(double[] d) { Collection<Double> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { if (Double.isInfinite(d[i]) || Double.isNaN(d[i])) { continue; } ret.add(d[i]); } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(ret.toArray(new Double[ret.size()])); } @SuppressWarnings("boxing") @Override @RemoteMethod @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> getBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectLabel(LabelValueObject group1, LabelValueObject group2, Collection<Long> variantIds) throws NotLoggedInException, BioMartServiceException { final String NO_LABEL = "<NO_LABEL>"; Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> ret = new ArrayList<>(); // if ( group1 == null ) { // log.warn( "Labels can't be null! Group1 is " + group1 ); // return ret; // } if (variantIds == null) { log.warn("No variants found."); return ret; } Collection<Subject> subjects = new HashSet<>(); Collection<String> allPatientIds = new HashSet<>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Variant> variants = (Collection<Variant>) variantDao.load(variantIds); Map<String, Collection<CNV>> cnvGainMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<CNV>> cnvLossMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<CNV>> cnvUnknownMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<SNV>> snvMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<Indel>> indelMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Variant v : variants) { Subject subject = subjectDao.load(v.getSubject().getId()); subjects.add(subject); allPatientIds.add(subject.getPatientId()); if (v instanceof CNV) { CNV cnv = (CNV) v; if (cnv.getType() == CnvType.GAIN) { if (!cnvGainMap.containsKey(subject.getPatientId())) { cnvGainMap.put(subject.getPatientId(), new ArrayList<CNV>()); } cnvGainMap.get(subject.getPatientId()).add((CNV) v); } else if (cnv.getType() == CnvType.LOSS) { if (!cnvLossMap.containsKey(subject.getPatientId())) { cnvLossMap.put(subject.getPatientId(), new ArrayList<CNV>()); } cnvLossMap.get(subject.getPatientId()).add((CNV) v); } else { if (!cnvUnknownMap.containsKey(subject.getPatientId())) { cnvUnknownMap.put(subject.getPatientId(), new ArrayList<CNV>()); } cnvUnknownMap.get(subject.getPatientId()).add((CNV) v); } } else if (v instanceof SNV) { if (!snvMap.containsKey(subject.getPatientId())) { snvMap.put(subject.getPatientId(), new ArrayList<SNV>()); } snvMap.get(subject.getPatientId()).add((SNV) v); } else if (v instanceof Indel) { if (!indelMap.containsKey(subject.getPatientId())) { indelMap.put(subject.getPatientId(), new ArrayList<Indel>()); } indelMap.get(subject.getPatientId()).add((Indel) v); } } Map<String, Collection<String>> labelPatientId = null; if (group1 != null && group2 != null) { labelPatientId = subjectService.groupPatientIdsBySubjectLabel(subjects); labelPatientId = getMutuallyExclusivePatientIds(labelPatientId, group1.getName(), group2.getName()); } else if (group1 == null) { group1 = new LabelValueObject(NO_LABEL); labelPatientId = new HashMap<>(); labelPatientId.put(group1.getName(), allPatientIds); } else { log.warn("Either select both Group 1 and Group 2 labels or none at all"); return ret; } if (group1 != null && !labelPatientId.containsKey(group1.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group1.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } if (group2 != null && !labelPatientId.containsKey(group2.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group2.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } // count total number of CNVs and SNVs by group Map<String, Collection<CNV>> cnvGainMapByGroup = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<CNV>> cnvLossMapByGroup = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<CNV>> cnvUnknownMapByGroup = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<SNV>> snvMapByGroup = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Collection<Indel>> indelMapByGroup = new HashMap<>(); Collection<String> groupNames = new ArrayList<>(); groupNames.add(group1.getName()); if (group2 != null) { groupNames.add(group2.getName()); } for (String groupName : groupNames) { cnvGainMapByGroup.put(groupName, new ArrayList<CNV>()); cnvLossMapByGroup.put(groupName, new ArrayList<CNV>()); cnvUnknownMapByGroup.put(groupName, new ArrayList<CNV>()); snvMapByGroup.put(groupName, new ArrayList<SNV>()); indelMapByGroup.put(groupName, new ArrayList<Indel>()); for (String patientId : labelPatientId.get(groupName)) { if (cnvGainMap.containsKey(patientId)) { cnvGainMapByGroup.get(groupName).addAll(cnvGainMap.get(patientId)); } if (cnvLossMap.containsKey(patientId)) { cnvLossMapByGroup.get(groupName).addAll(cnvLossMap.get(patientId)); } if (cnvUnknownMap.containsKey(patientId)) { cnvUnknownMapByGroup.get(groupName).addAll(cnvUnknownMap.get(patientId)); } if (snvMap.containsKey(patientId)) { snvMapByGroup.get(groupName).addAll(snvMap.get(patientId)); } if (indelMap.containsKey(patientId)) { indelMapByGroup.get(groupName).addAll(indelMap.get(patientId)); } } } Double group1SubjectCount = 1.0 * labelPatientId.get(group1.getName()).size(); Double group2SubjectCount = group2 != null ? 1.0 * labelPatientId.get(group2.getName()).size() : null; ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject("Total number of subjects", group1SubjectCount, group2SubjectCount, null)); Double group1CNVGainCount = 1.0 * cnvGainMapByGroup.get(group1.getName()).size(); Double group2CNVGainCount = group2 != null ? 1.0 * cnvGainMapByGroup.get(group2.getName()).size() : null; Double group1CNVLossCount = 1.0 * cnvLossMapByGroup.get(group1.getName()).size(); Double group2CNVLossCount = group2 != null ? 1.0 * cnvLossMapByGroup.get(group2.getName()).size() : null; Double group1CNVUnknownCount = 1.0 * cnvUnknownMapByGroup.get(group1.getName()).size(); Double group2CNVUnknownCount = group2 != null ? 1.0 * cnvUnknownMapByGroup.get(group2.getName()).size() : null; Double group1SNVCount = 1.0 * snvMapByGroup.get(group1.getName()).size(); Double group2SNVCount = group2 != null ? 1.0 * snvMapByGroup.get(group2.getName()).size() : null; Double group1IndelCount = 1.0 * indelMapByGroup.get(group1.getName()).size(); Double group2IndelCount = group2 != null ? 1.0 * indelMapByGroup.get(group2.getName()).size() : null; // if ( group1CNVCount + group2CNVCount > 0 ) { ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject("Total number of CNV gains", group1CNVGainCount, group2CNVGainCount, null)); // } ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject("Total number of CNV losses", group1CNVLossCount, group2CNVLossCount, null)); ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject("Total number of unknown CNV types", group1CNVUnknownCount, group2CNVUnknownCount, null)); // if ( group1SNVCount + group2SNVCount > 0 ) { ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject("Total number of SNVs", group1SNVCount, group2SNVCount, null)); // } // if ( group1IndelCount + group2IndelCount > 0 ) { ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject("Total number of Indels", group1IndelCount, group2IndelCount, null)); // } Map<String, Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double>> patientIdStats = getVariantStatsBySubject(variants); for (CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject statName : CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.values()) { double[] label1Stats = getPatientStats(statName, labelPatientId.get(group1.getName()), patientIdStats); if (label1Stats.length == 0) { log.warn("No values found for " + statName); continue; } // remove NaNs label1Stats = removeNaNs(label1Stats); Double mean1 = StatUtils.mean(label1Stats); Double mean2 = null; Double pval = null; if (group2 != null) { double[] label2Stats = getPatientStats(statName, labelPatientId.get(group2.getName()), patientIdStats); label2Stats = removeNaNs(label2Stats); mean2 = StatUtils.mean(label2Stats); if (mean1 + mean2 == 0) { log.warn("No " + statName + " stats was found"); continue; } pval = new MannWhitneyUTest().mannWhitneyUTest(label1Stats, label2Stats); } ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubjectDesc.get(statName), mean1, mean2, pval)); } return ret; } /** * Excludes those IDs that have both label1 and label2. * * @param labelPatientId * @param name * @param name2 * @return */ private Map<String, Collection<String>> getMutuallyExclusivePatientIds( Map<String, Collection<String>> labelPatientId, String label1, String label2) { if (!labelPatientId.containsKey(label1) || !labelPatientId.containsKey(label2)) { log.warn("Label not found"); return labelPatientId; } Collection<String> label1IdsOld = new ArrayList<>(labelPatientId.get(label1)); Collection<String> label2IdsOld = new ArrayList<>(labelPatientId.get(label2)); Collection<String> label1Ids = labelPatientId.get(label1); Collection<String> label2Ids = labelPatientId.get(label2); boolean removed = label1Ids.removeAll(label2IdsOld); label2Ids.removeAll(label1IdsOld); // for logging if (removed) { label1IdsOld.removeAll(label1Ids); label2IdsOld.removeAll(label2Ids); label1IdsOld.addAll(label2IdsOld); String overlappedIds = StringUtils.join(label1IdsOld, ", ");"Ignoring " + label1IdsOld.size() + " (" + overlappedIds.substring(0, Math.min(50, overlappedIds.length())) + "... ) subjects with labels " + label1 + " and " + label2 + ". After filtering, " + label1 + " has " + label1Ids.size() + " and " + label2 + " has " + label2Ids.size()); } return labelPatientId; } /** * Excludes those IDs that have both label1 and label2. * * @param labelSubjectId * @param name * @param name2 * @return */ private Map<String, Collection<Long>> getMutuallyExclusiveSubjectIds( Map<String, Collection<Long>> labelSubjectId, String label1, String label2) { if (!labelSubjectId.containsKey(label1) || !labelSubjectId.containsKey(label2)) { log.warn("Label not found"); return labelSubjectId; } Collection<Long> label1IdsOld = new ArrayList<>(labelSubjectId.get(label1)); Collection<Long> label2IdsOld = new ArrayList<>(labelSubjectId.get(label2)); Collection<Long> label1Ids = labelSubjectId.get(label1); Collection<Long> label2Ids = labelSubjectId.get(label2); boolean removed = label1Ids.removeAll(label2IdsOld); label2Ids.removeAll(label1IdsOld); // for logging if (removed) { label1IdsOld.removeAll(label1Ids); label2IdsOld.removeAll(label2Ids); label1IdsOld.addAll(label2IdsOld);"Ignoring " + label1IdsOld.size() + " (" + StringUtils.join(label1IdsOld, ",") + ") subjects with labels " + label1 + " and " + label2 + ". After filtering, " + label1 + " has " + label1Ids.size() + " and " + label2 + " has " + label2Ids.size()); } return labelSubjectId; } /** * Returns the BurdenAnalysis per Subject (See Bug 4129). * * @param subjectIds * @return a map with the patientID as index, e.g. { PATIENT_ID : 'Patient_01', NUM_DELETION : 2, NUM_DUPLICATION : * 4, }' * @throws NotLoggedInException * @throws BioMartServiceException */ @Override @RemoteMethod public Collection<Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, String>> getBurdenAnalysisPerSubject( Collection<Long> variantIds) throws NotLoggedInException, BioMartServiceException { Collection<Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, String>> results = new ArrayList<>(); // group variants by patient id Map<String, Collection<Long>> subjectVariants = new HashMap<>(); for (Variant v : variantDao.load(variantIds)) { // skip non-CNV if (!(v instanceof CNV)) { continue; } Collection<Long> variantsAdded = subjectVariants.get(v.getSubject().getPatientId()); if (variantsAdded == null) { variantsAdded = new ArrayList<>(); subjectVariants.put(v.getSubject().getPatientId(), variantsAdded); } variantsAdded.add(v.getId()); } for (String patientId : subjectVariants.keySet()) { Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double> stats = getCnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject( subjectVariants.get(patientId)); Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, String> statsStr = statsToString(stats); statsStr.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.PATIENT_ID, patientId); results.add(statsStr); } return results; } /** * @param variantIds * @return * @throws NotLoggedInException * @throws BioMartServiceException */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") private Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double> getCnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject(Collection<Long> variantIds) throws NotLoggedInException, BioMartServiceException { // Initialize Map<CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject, Double> results = new HashMap<>(); for (CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject ba : CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.values()) { // don't add PATIENT_ID and LABEL_NAME if (ba.equals(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.PATIENT_ID) || ba.equals(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.LABEL_NAME) || ba.equals(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_SAMPLES)) { continue; } results.put(ba, 0.0); } // Gene overlap Map<Long, Collection<GeneValueObject>> genesPerVariant = geneService.getGenesPerVariant(variantIds); // Calculate some statistics for (Long variantId : genesPerVariant.keySet()) { Variant v = variantDao.load(variantId); // skip non-CNV // if ( !( v instanceof CNV ) ) { // continue; // } Collection<GeneValueObject> genes = genesPerVariant.get(variantId); if (v instanceof CNV) { CNV cnv = (CNV) v; if (cnv.getType().equals(CnvType.GAIN)) { results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_GAIN, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_GAIN) + 1); } else if (cnv.getType().equals(CnvType.LOSS)) { results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_LOSS, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_LOSS) + 1); } else { results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_UNKNOWN, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNV_UNKNOWN) + 1); } results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_CNV, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_CNV) + 1); results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SIZE, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SIZE) + cnv.getCnvLength()); } else if (v instanceof SNV) { results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SNV, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SNV) + 1); } else if (v instanceof Indel) { results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_INDEL, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_INDEL) + 1); } if (genes.size() > 0) { results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_GENES, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_GENES) + genes.size()); results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_VARIANTS_WITH_GENE, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_VARIANTS_WITH_GENE) + 1); } } if (results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SIZE) > 0 && results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_VARIANTS_WITH_GENE) > 0) { results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.AVG_SIZE, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_SIZE) / results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL_CNV) * 1.0); // results.put( // CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNVS_WITH_GENE.toString(), // results.get( CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_CNVS_WITH_GENE.toString() ) // / results.get( CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.TOTAL.toString() ) * 1.0 ); results.put(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.AVG_GENES_PER_CNV, results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_GENES) / results.get(CnvBurdenAnalysisPerSubject.NUM_VARIANTS_WITH_GENE) * 1.0); } return results; } @SuppressWarnings({ "boxing", "rawtypes" }) @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> getBurdenAnalysisCharacteristic( CharacteristicProperty characteristic, LabelValueObject group1, LabelValueObject group2, Collection<Long> variantIds) throws NotLoggedInException, BioMartServiceException, NeurocartaServiceException { class YesNoCount { long yesCount = 0; long noCount = 0; public long incrementYes() { return this.yesCount++; } public long incrementNo() { return this.noCount++; } public long getYesCount() { return this.yesCount; } public long getNoCount() { return this.noCount; } } final int MAX_CHAR_VALUES = 50; // maximum number of unique characteristic values we allow Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (characteristic == null) { log.warn("Characteristic can't be null!"); return ret; } if (group1 == null || group2 == null) { log.warn("Labels can't be null! Group1 is " + group1 + " and group2 is " + group2); return ret; } if (variantIds == null) { log.warn("No variants found."); return ret; } Map<String, Subject> patientIdSubjects = new HashMap<>(); Collection<Variant> variants = (Collection<Variant>) variantDao.load(variantIds); for (Variant v : variants) { Subject subject = subjectDao.load(v.getSubject().getId()); patientIdSubjects.put(subject.getPatientId(), subject); } // key: labelName, values: patientIds Map<String, Collection<String>> labelPatientId = subjectService .groupPatientIdsBySubjectLabel(patientIdSubjects.values()); labelPatientId = getMutuallyExclusivePatientIds(labelPatientId, group1.getName(), group2.getName()); if (!labelPatientId.containsKey(group1.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group1.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } if (!labelPatientId.containsKey(group2.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group2.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } Collection<PropertyValue> charValues = variantService.suggestValues(characteristic, null); if (charValues.size() > MAX_CHAR_VALUES) { log.warn("There are too many (>" + MAX_CHAR_VALUES + ") " + characteristic.getDisplayName() + " values!"); return ret; } // keys: charValue, subjectLabel {group1, group2}, // value: YesNoCount {subjectCountYes, subjectCountNo} Map<String, Map<String, YesNoCount>> counts = new HashMap<>(); // init map for (PropertyValue v : charValues) { Map<String, YesNoCount> m = new HashMap<>(); counts.put(v.getDisplayValue(), m); for (String label : labelPatientId.keySet()) { m.put(label, new YesNoCount()); } } // count which subjects has a variant that matches the character name and value // TODO could potentially use some optimization? for (PropertyValue v : charValues) { for (String label : labelPatientId.keySet()) { for (String patientId : labelPatientId.get(label)) { boolean found = subjectHasCharacteristicValue(patientIdSubjects.get(patientId).getVariants(), characteristic.getDisplayName(), v); YesNoCount yesNo = counts.get(v.getDisplayValue()).get(label); if (found) { yesNo.incrementYes(); } else { yesNo.incrementNo(); } } } } // calculate chi-squred tests for each charValue using counts for (String charValue : counts.keySet()) { YesNoCount grp1 = counts.get(charValue).get(group1.getName()); YesNoCount grp2 = counts.get(charValue).get(group2.getName()); String grp1frac = grp1.getYesCount() + "/" + (grp1.getYesCount() + grp1.getNoCount()); String grp2frac = grp2.getYesCount() + "/" + (grp2.getYesCount() + grp2.getNoCount()); long[][] d = { { grp1.getYesCount(), grp1.getNoCount() }, { grp2.getYesCount(), grp2.getNoCount() } }; double pval = new ChiSquareTest().chiSquareTest(d); if (Double.isNaN(pval)) { log.warn(charValue + "'s p-value is NaN, grp1 " + grp1frac + ", grp2 " + grp2frac); continue; } ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject(charValue, grp1frac, grp2frac, pval)); } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private boolean subjectHasCharacteristicValue(Collection<Variant> variants, String displayName, PropertyValue charValue) { for (Variant v : variants) { for (Characteristic c : v.getCharacteristics()) { if (!c.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(displayName)) { continue; } if (c.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(charValue.getDisplayValue())) { return true; } } } return false; } private boolean subjectHasVariantLabel(Collection<Variant> variants, LabelValueObject label) { for (Variant v : variants) { for (Label l : v.getLabels()) { if (l.getId() == label.getId()) { return true; } } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("boxing") @Override @RemoteMethod @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> getBurdenAnalysisPerPhenotype(Collection<Long> activeProjects, LabelValueObject group1, LabelValueObject group2) throws NotLoggedInException, BioMartServiceException { Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (group1 == null || group2 == null) { log.warn("Labels can't be null! Group1 is " + group1 + " and group2 is " + group2); return ret; } Project activeProject = projectDao.load(activeProjects.iterator().next()); Map<String, Collection<Long>> labelSubjectId = subjectService .groupSubjectIdsBySubjectLabel(activeProject.getSubjects()); labelSubjectId = getMutuallyExclusiveSubjectIds(labelSubjectId, group1.getName(), group2.getName()); if (!labelSubjectId.containsKey(group1.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group1.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } if (!labelSubjectId.containsKey(group2.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group2.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } List<PhenotypeEnrichmentValueObject> phenoVOs = phenotypeService.getPhenotypeEnrichmentValueObjects( activeProjects, labelSubjectId.get(group1.getName()), labelSubjectId.get(group2.getName())); // convert to BurdenAnalysisValueObject for (PhenotypeEnrichmentValueObject pvo : phenoVOs) { ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject(pvo)); } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings({ "boxing" }) @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) @RemoteMethod public Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> getBurdenAnalysisVariantLabel(LabelValueObject group1, LabelValueObject group2, Collection<Long> variantIds) throws NotLoggedInException, BioMartServiceException, NeurocartaServiceException { class YesNoCount { long yesCount = 0; long noCount = 0; public long incrementYes() { return this.yesCount++; } public long incrementNo() { return this.noCount++; } public long getYesCount() { return this.yesCount; } public long getNoCount() { return this.noCount; } } final int MAX_VARIANT_LABELS = 50; // maximum number of unique characteristic values we allow Collection<BurdenAnalysisValueObject> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (group1 == null || group2 == null) { log.warn("Labels can't be null! Group1 is " + group1 + " and group2 is " + group2); return ret; } if (variantIds == null) { log.warn("No variants found."); return ret; } Map<String, Subject> patientIdSubjects = new HashMap<>(); Collection<Variant> variants = (Collection<Variant>) variantDao.load(variantIds); for (Variant v : variants) { Subject subject = subjectDao.load(v.getSubject().getId()); patientIdSubjects.put(subject.getPatientId(), subject); } // key: labelName, values: patientIds Map<String, Collection<String>> labelPatientId = subjectService .groupPatientIdsBySubjectLabel(patientIdSubjects.values()); labelPatientId = getMutuallyExclusivePatientIds(labelPatientId, group1.getName(), group2.getName()); if (!labelPatientId.containsKey(group1.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group1.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } if (!labelPatientId.containsKey(group2.getName())) { log.warn("Subject label " + group2.getName() + " not found"); return ret; } Collection<LabelValueObject> variantLabels = labelService .getVariantLabelsByProjectId(variants.iterator().next().getSubject().getProject().getId()); if (variantLabels.size() > MAX_VARIANT_LABELS) { log.warn("There are too many (>" + MAX_VARIANT_LABELS + ") variant labels!"); return ret; } // keys: charValue, subjectLabel {group1, group2}, // value: YesNoCount {subjectCountYes, subjectCountNo} Map<String, Map<String, YesNoCount>> counts = new HashMap<>(); // init map for (LabelValueObject l : variantLabels) { Map<String, YesNoCount> m = new HashMap<>(); counts.put(l.getName(), m); for (String subjectLabel : labelPatientId.keySet()) { m.put(subjectLabel, new YesNoCount()); } } // count which subjects has a variant that matches the character name and value // TODO could potentially use some optimization? for (LabelValueObject l : variantLabels) { for (String subjectLabel : labelPatientId.keySet()) { for (String patientId : labelPatientId.get(subjectLabel)) { boolean found = subjectHasVariantLabel(patientIdSubjects.get(patientId).getVariants(), l); YesNoCount yesNo = counts.get(l.getName()).get(subjectLabel); if (found) { yesNo.incrementYes(); } else { yesNo.incrementNo(); } } } } // calculate chi-squred tests for each charValue using counts for (String charValue : counts.keySet()) { YesNoCount grp1 = counts.get(charValue).get(group1.getName()); YesNoCount grp2 = counts.get(charValue).get(group2.getName()); String grp1frac = grp1.getYesCount() + "/" + (grp1.getYesCount() + grp1.getNoCount()); String grp2frac = grp2.getYesCount() + "/" + (grp2.getYesCount() + grp2.getNoCount()); long[][] d = { { grp1.getYesCount(), grp1.getNoCount() }, { grp2.getYesCount(), grp2.getNoCount() } }; double pval = new ChiSquareTest().chiSquareTest(d); if (Double.isNaN(pval)) { log.warn(charValue + "'s p-value is NaN, grp1 " + grp1frac + ", grp2 " + grp2frac); continue; } ret.add(new BurdenAnalysisValueObject(charValue, grp1frac, grp2frac, pval)); } return ret; } }