Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package tv.phantombot; import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Handler; import com.gmt2001.datastore.DataStore; import com.gmt2001.datastore.IniStore; import com.gmt2001.datastore.MySQLStore; import com.gmt2001.datastore.SqliteStore; import com.gmt2001.datastore.H2Store; import com.gmt2001.TwitchAPIv5; import com.gmt2001.YouTubeAPIv3; import com.gmt2001.datastore.DataStoreConverter; import com.illusionaryone.GameWispAPIv1; import com.illusionaryone.GitHubAPIv3; import com.illusionaryone.GoogleURLShortenerAPIv1; import com.illusionaryone.NoticeTimer; import com.illusionaryone.SingularityAPI; import com.illusionaryone.TwitchAlertsAPIv1; import com.illusionaryone.TwitterAPI; import com.illusionaryone.DataRenderServiceAPIv1; import com.scaniatv.CustomAPI; import com.scaniatv.TipeeeStreamAPIv1; import com.scaniatv.StreamElementsAPIv2; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import tv.phantombot.cache.DonationsCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.EmotesCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.FollowersCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.TipeeeStreamCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.StreamElementsCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.TwitchCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.TwitterCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.UsernameCache; import tv.phantombot.cache.ViewerListCache; import tv.phantombot.console.ConsoleInputListener; import tv.phantombot.event.EventBus; import tv.phantombot.event.Listener; import tv.phantombot.event.command.CommandEvent; import; import tv.phantombot.event.irc.complete.IrcJoinCompleteEvent; import tv.phantombot.event.irc.message.IrcChannelMessageEvent; import tv.phantombot.event.irc.message.IrcPrivateMessageEvent; import tv.phantombot.httpserver.HTTPServer; import tv.phantombot.httpserver.HTTPSServer; import tv.phantombot.panel.PanelSocketSecureServer; import tv.phantombot.panel.PanelSocketServer; import tv.phantombot.panel.NewPanelSocketServer; import tv.phantombot.script.Script; import tv.phantombot.script.ScriptEventManager; import tv.phantombot.script.ScriptManager; import tv.phantombot.script.ScriptFileWatcher; import tv.phantombot.wschat.twitch.TwitchSession; import tv.phantombot.wschat.twitch.pubsub.TwitchPubSub; import; import tv.phantombot.ytplayer.YTWebSocketServer; import tv.phantombot.ytplayer.YTWebSocketSecureServer; import tv.phantombot.discord.DiscordAPI; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import tv.phantombot.console.ConsoleEventHandler; public final class PhantomBot implements Listener { /* Bot Information */ private String botName; private String channelName; private String ownerName; private String oauth; private String apiOAuth; private String clientId; private static Double messageLimit; private static Double whisperLimit; /* Web Information */ private String panelUsername; private String panelPassword; private String webOAuth; private String webOAuthThro; private String youtubeOAuth; private String youtubeOAuthThro; private String youtubeKey; private Boolean webEnabled; private Boolean musicEnabled; private Boolean useHttps; private Boolean testPanelServer; private int basePort; private String bindIP; private int ytSocketPort; private int panelSocketPort; /* SSL information */ private String httpsPassword = "password"; private String httpsFileName = "cert.jks"; /* DataStore Information */ private DataStore dataStore; private String dataStoreType; private String dataStoreConfig; /* MySQL Information */ private String mySqlConn; private String mySqlHost; private String mySqlPort; private String mySqlName; private String mySqlUser; private String mySqlPass; /* Twitter Information */ private String twitterUsername; private String twitterAccessToken; private String twitterSecretToken; private String twitterConsumerSecret; private String twitterConsumerToken; private Boolean twitterAuthenticated; /* TwitchAlerts Information */ private String twitchAlertsKey = ""; private int twitchAlertsLimit = 0; /* TipeeeStream Information */ private String tipeeeStreamOAuth = ""; private int tipeeeStreamLimit = 5; /* StreamElements Information */ private String streamElementsJWT = ""; private String streamElementsID = ""; private int streamElementsLimit = 5; /* GameWisp Information */ private String gameWispOAuth; private String gameWispRefresh; /* Notice Timer and Handling */ private NoticeTimer noticeTimer; /* Discord Configuration */ private String discordToken = ""; /* PhantomBot Commands API Configuration */ private String dataRenderServiceAPIToken = ""; private String dataRenderServiceAPIURL = ""; /* Caches */ private FollowersCache followersCache; private DonationsCache twitchAlertsCache; private EmotesCache emotesCache; private TwitterCache twitterCache; private TwitchCache twitchCache; private UsernameCache usernameCache; private TipeeeStreamCache tipeeeStreamCache; private ViewerListCache viewerListCache; private StreamElementsCache streamElementCache; public static String twitchCacheReady = "false"; /* Socket Servers */ private YTWebSocketServer youtubeSocketServer; private YTWebSocketSecureServer youtubeSocketSecureServer; private PanelSocketServer panelSocketServer; private NewPanelSocketServer newPanelSocketServer; private PanelSocketSecureServer panelSocketSecureServer; private HTTPServer httpServer; private HTTPSServer httpsServer; private int socketServerTasksSize; /* PhantomBot Information */ private static PhantomBot instance; public static Boolean reloadScripts = false; public static Boolean enableDebugging = false; public static Boolean enableDebuggingLogOnly = false; public static Boolean enableRhinoDebugger = false; public static String timeZone = "GMT"; public static Boolean useMessageQueue = true; public static Boolean twitch_tcp_nodelay = true; public static Boolean betap = false; public static Boolean isInExitState = false; public Boolean isExiting = false; private Boolean interactive; private Boolean resetLogin = false; /* Other Information */ private static Boolean newSetup = false; private TwitchSession session; private String chanName; private Boolean timer = false; private SecureRandom random; private Boolean joined = false; private TwitchWSHostIRC wsHostIRC; private TwitchPubSub pubSubEdge; private Properties pbProperties; private Boolean legacyServers = false; private Boolean backupSQLiteAuto = false; private int backupSQLiteHourFrequency = 0; private int backupSQLiteKeepDays = 0; /* * PhantomBot Instance. * * @return PhantomBot The current instance of PhantomBot */ public static PhantomBot instance() { return instance; } /* * Current Repo Of PhantomBot. * * @return String The current GitHub repository version of PhantomBot. */ public String repoVersion() { return RepoVersion.getRepoVersion(); } /* * Current Version Of PhantomBot. * * @return String Display version of PhantomBot. */ public String botVersion() { return "PhantomBot Version: " + RepoVersion.getPhantomBotVersion(); } /* * Used by the panel on the informations tab. * * @return String PhantomBot information for the Panel. */ public String getBotInfo() { return botVersion() + " (Revision: " + repoVersion() + ")"; } /* * Current Build Revision * * @return String The build revision of PhantomBot. */ public String botRevision() { return "Build Revision: " + repoVersion(); } /* * Only used on bot boot up for now. * * @return {string} bot creator */ public String getBotCreator() { return "Creator: mast3rplan"; } /* * Only used on bot boot up for now. * * @return {string} bot developers */ public String botDevelopers() { return "Developers: PhantomIndex, Kojitsari, ScaniaTV, Zackery (Zelakto) & IllusionaryOne"; } /* * Only used on bot boot up for now. * * @return {string} bot website */ public String getWebSite() { return ""; } /* * Prints a message in the bot console. * * @param {Object} message */ private void print(String message) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println(message); } /* * Checks port availability. * * @param {int} port */ public void checkPortAvailabity(int port) { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; try { serverSocket = bindIP.isEmpty() ? new ServerSocket(port) : new ServerSocket(port, 1,; serverSocket.setReuseAddress(true); } catch (IOException e) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Port is already in use: " + port); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Ensure that another copy of PhantomBot is not running."); com.gmt2001.Console.err .println("If another copy is not running, try to change baseport in ./config/botlogin.txt"); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("PhantomBot will now exit."); System.exit(0); } finally { if (serverSocket != null) { try { serverSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Unable to close port for testing: " + port); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("PhantomBot will now exit."); System.exit(0); } } } } /* * Constructor for PhantomBot object. * * @param Properties Properties object which configures the PhantomBot instance. */ public PhantomBot(Properties pbProperties) { /* Set the exeption handler */ Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(com.gmt2001.UncaughtExceptionHandler.instance()); /* Start loading the bot information */ print(""); print(botVersion()); print(botRevision()); print(getBotCreator()); print(botDevelopers()); print(getWebSite()); print(""); /* System interactive */ interactive = (System.getProperty("interactive") != null); /* Assign properties passed in to local instance. */ this.pbProperties = pbProperties; /* Set the default bot variables */ this.botName = this.pbProperties.getProperty("user").toLowerCase(); this.channelName = this.pbProperties.getProperty("channel").toLowerCase(); this.ownerName = this.pbProperties.getProperty("owner").toLowerCase(); this.apiOAuth = this.pbProperties.getProperty("apioauth", ""); this.oauth = this.pbProperties.getProperty("oauth"); /* Set the web variables */ this.youtubeOAuth = this.pbProperties.getProperty("ytauth"); this.youtubeOAuthThro = this.pbProperties.getProperty("ytauthro"); this.youtubeKey = this.pbProperties.getProperty("youtubekey", ""); this.basePort = Integer.parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("baseport", "25000")); this.bindIP = this.pbProperties.getProperty("bindIP", ""); this.ytSocketPort = Integer .parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("ytsocketport", String.valueOf((this.basePort + 3)))); this.panelSocketPort = Integer .parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("panelsocketport", String.valueOf((this.basePort + 4)))); this.webOAuth = this.pbProperties.getProperty("webauth"); this.webOAuthThro = this.pbProperties.getProperty("webauthro"); this.webEnabled = this.pbProperties.getProperty("webenable", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); this.musicEnabled = this.pbProperties.getProperty("musicenable", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); this.useHttps = this.pbProperties.getProperty("usehttps", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); this.socketServerTasksSize = Integer.parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("wstasksize", "200")); this.testPanelServer = this.pbProperties.getProperty("testpanelserver", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); /* Set the datastore variables */ this.dataStoreType = this.pbProperties.getProperty("datastore", ""); this.dataStoreConfig = this.pbProperties.getProperty("datastoreconfig", ""); /* Set the Twitter variables */ this.twitterUsername = this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitterUser", ""); this.twitterConsumerToken = this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitter_consumer_key", ""); this.twitterConsumerSecret = this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitter_consumer_secret", ""); this.twitterAccessToken = this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitter_access_token", ""); this.twitterSecretToken = this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitter_secret_token", ""); this.twitterAuthenticated = false; /* Set the Discord variables */ this.discordToken = this.pbProperties.getProperty("discord_token", ""); /* Set the GameWisp variables */ this.gameWispOAuth = this.pbProperties.getProperty("gamewispauth", ""); this.gameWispRefresh = this.pbProperties.getProperty("gamewisprefresh", ""); /* Set the TwitchAlerts variables */ this.twitchAlertsKey = this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitchalertskey", ""); this.twitchAlertsLimit = Integer.parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitchalertslimit", "5")); /* Set the TipeeeStream variables */ this.tipeeeStreamOAuth = this.pbProperties.getProperty("tipeeestreamkey", ""); this.tipeeeStreamLimit = Integer.parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("tipeeestreamlimit", "5")); /* Set the StreamElements variables */ this.streamElementsJWT = this.pbProperties.getProperty("streamelementsjwt", ""); this.streamElementsID = this.pbProperties.getProperty("streamelementsid", ""); this.streamElementsLimit = Integer.parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("streamelementslimit", "5")); /* Set the PhantomBot Commands API variables */ this.dataRenderServiceAPIToken = this.pbProperties.getProperty("datarenderservicetoken", ""); this.dataRenderServiceAPIURL = this.pbProperties.getProperty("datarenderserviceurl", ""); /* Set the MySql variables */ this.mySqlName = this.pbProperties.getProperty("mysqlname", ""); this.mySqlUser = this.pbProperties.getProperty("mysqluser", ""); this.mySqlPass = this.pbProperties.getProperty("mysqlpass", ""); this.mySqlHost = this.pbProperties.getProperty("mysqlhost", ""); this.mySqlPort = this.pbProperties.getProperty("mysqlport", ""); /* twitch cache */ PhantomBot.twitchCacheReady = "false"; /* Set the SSL info */ this.httpsFileName = this.pbProperties.getProperty("httpsFileName", ""); this.httpsPassword = this.pbProperties.getProperty("httpsPassword", ""); /* Verify SSL file if useHttps is enabled. */ if (this.useHttps) { if (this.httpsFileName.equals("")) { com.gmt2001.Console.err .println("HTTPS is enabled but the Java Keystore (httpsFileName) is not defined."); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Terminating PhantomBot"); System.exit(1); } if (!new File(httpsFileName).exists()) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println( "HTTPS is enabled but the Java Keystore (httpsFileName) is not present: " + httpsFileName); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Terminating PhantomBot"); System.exit(1); } } /* Set the timeZone */ PhantomBot.timeZone = this.pbProperties.getProperty("logtimezone", "GMT"); /* Set the panel username login for the panel to use */ this.panelUsername = this.pbProperties.getProperty("paneluser", "panel"); /* Set the panel password login for the panel to use */ this.panelPassword = this.pbProperties.getProperty("panelpassword", "panel"); /* Toggle for the old servers. */ this.legacyServers = this.pbProperties.getProperty("legacyservers", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); /* Set the tcp delay toggle. Having this set to true uses a bit more bandwidth but sends messages to Twitch faster. */ PhantomBot.twitch_tcp_nodelay = this.pbProperties.getProperty("twitch_tcp_nodelay", "true") .equalsIgnoreCase("true"); /* Setting for scania */ PhantomBot.betap = this.pbProperties.getProperty("betap", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); /* * Set the message limit for to use, note that Twitch rate limits at 100 messages in 30 seconds * for moderators. For non-moderators, the maximum is 20 messages in 30 seconds. While it is not recommended * to go above anything higher than 19 in case the bot is ever de-modded, the option is available but is * capped at 100.0. */ PhantomBot.messageLimit = Math .floor(Double.parseDouble(this.pbProperties.getProperty("msglimit30", "19.0"))); if (PhantomBot.messageLimit > 99.0) { PhantomBot.messageLimit = 99.0; } else if (PhantomBot.messageLimit < 19.0) { PhantomBot.messageLimit = 19.0; } // *Not currently being used.* // If this is false the bot won't limit the bot to 1 message every 1.5 second. It will still limit to 19/30 though. PhantomBot.useMessageQueue = this.pbProperties.getProperty("usemessagequeue", "true").equals("true"); /* Set the whisper limit for to use. -- Currently Not Used -- */ PhantomBot.whisperLimit = Double.parseDouble(this.pbProperties.getProperty("whisperlimit60", "60.0")); /* Set the client id for the twitch api to use */ this.clientId = this.pbProperties.getProperty("clientid", "7wpchwtqz7pvivc3qbdn1kajz42tdmb"); /* Set any SQLite backup options. */ this.backupSQLiteAuto = this.pbProperties.getProperty("backupsqliteauto", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); this.backupSQLiteHourFrequency = Integer .parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("backupsqlitehourfrequency", "24")); this.backupSQLiteKeepDays = Integer.parseInt(this.pbProperties.getProperty("backupsqlitekeepdays", "5")); /* Load up a new SecureRandom for the scripts to use */ random = new SecureRandom(); /* Load the datastore */ if (dataStoreType.equalsIgnoreCase("inistore")) { dataStore = IniStore.instance(); } else if (dataStoreType.equalsIgnoreCase("mysqlstore")) { dataStore = MySQLStore.instance(); if (this.mySqlPort.isEmpty()) { this.mySqlConn = "jdbc:mysql://" + this.mySqlHost + "/" + this.mySqlName + "?useSSL=false"; } else { this.mySqlConn = "jdbc:mysql://" + this.mySqlHost + ":" + this.mySqlPort + "/" + this.mySqlName + "?useSSL=false"; } /* Check to see if we can create a connection */ if (dataStore.CreateConnection(this.mySqlConn, this.mySqlUser, this.mySqlPass) == null) { print("Could not create a connection with MySQL Server. PhantomBot now shutting down..."); System.exit(0); } /* Convert to MySql */ if (IniStore.instance().GetFileList().length > 0 && MySQLStore.instance().GetFileList().length == 0) { DataStoreConverter.convertDataStore(MySQLStore.instance(), IniStore.instance()); } else if (SqliteStore.instance().GetFileList().length > 0 && MySQLStore.instance().GetFileList().length == 0) { DataStoreConverter.convertDataStore(MySQLStore.instance(), SqliteStore.instance()); } } else if (dataStoreType.equalsIgnoreCase("h2store")) { dataStore = H2Store.instance(); if (dataStore.CreateConnection("", "", "") == null) { print("Could not create a connection with H2 Database. PhantomBot now shutting down..."); System.exit(0); } if (SqliteStore.instance().GetFileList().length > 0 && H2Store.instance().GetFileList().length == 0) { DataStoreConverter.convertDataStore(H2Store.instance(), SqliteStore.instance()); } } else { dataStoreType = "sqlite3store"; dataStore = SqliteStore.instance(); /* Convert the inistore to sqlite if the inistore exists and the db is empty */ if (IniStore.instance().GetFileList().length > 0 && SqliteStore.instance().GetFileList().length == 0) { DataStoreConverter.convertDataStore(SqliteStore.instance(), IniStore.instance()); } /* Handle index operations. */ com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println("Checking database indexes, please wait..."); if (SqliteStore.instance().getUseIndexes()) { dataStore.CreateIndexes(); } else { dataStore.DropIndexes(); } } /* Set the client Id in the Twitch api. */ TwitchAPIv5.instance().SetClientID(this.clientId); /* Set the oauth key in the Twitch api. */ if (!this.apiOAuth.isEmpty()) { TwitchAPIv5.instance().SetOAuth(this.apiOAuth); } /* Set the TwitchAlerts OAuth key and limiter. */ if (!twitchAlertsKey.isEmpty()) { TwitchAlertsAPIv1.instance().SetAccessToken(twitchAlertsKey); TwitchAlertsAPIv1.instance().SetDonationPullLimit(twitchAlertsLimit); } /* Set the YouTube API Key if provided. */ if (!this.youtubeKey.isEmpty()) { YouTubeAPIv3.instance().SetAPIKey(this.youtubeKey); } /* Set the TipeeeStream oauth key. */ if (!tipeeeStreamOAuth.isEmpty()) { TipeeeStreamAPIv1.instance().SetOauth(tipeeeStreamOAuth); TipeeeStreamAPIv1.instance().SetLimit(tipeeeStreamLimit); } /* Set the StreamElements JWT token. */ if (!streamElementsJWT.isEmpty() && !streamElementsID.isEmpty()) { StreamElementsAPIv2.instance().SetJWT(streamElementsJWT); StreamElementsAPIv2.instance().SetID(streamElementsID); StreamElementsAPIv2.instance().SetLimit(streamElementsLimit); } /* Set the PhantomBot Commands authentication key. */ if (!dataRenderServiceAPIToken.isEmpty()) { DataRenderServiceAPIv1.instance().setAPIURL(dataRenderServiceAPIURL); DataRenderServiceAPIv1.instance().setAPIKey(dataRenderServiceAPIToken); } /* Start things and start loading the scripts. */ this.init(); /* Start a session instance and then connect to WS-IRC @ Twitch. */ this.session = TwitchSession.instance(this.channelName, this.botName, this.oauth).connect(); /* Start a host checking instance. */ if (apiOAuth.length() > 0 && checkModuleEnabled("./handlers/hostHandler.js")) { this.wsHostIRC = TwitchWSHostIRC.instance(this.channelName, this.apiOAuth, EventBus.instance()); } /* Check if the OS is Linux. */ if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX && !interactive) { try { runtime = .getRuntimeMXBean(); int pid = Integer.parseInt(runtime.getName().split("@")[0]); File file = new File("PhantomBot." + this.botName + ".pid"); try (FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(file, false)) { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fs); ps.print(pid); } file.deleteOnExit(); } catch (SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } } } /* * Tells you if the build is a nightly. * * @return {boolean} */ public Boolean isNightly() { return RepoVersion.getNightlyBuild(); } /* * Tells you if the build is a pre-release. * * @return {boolean} */ public Boolean isPrerelease() { return RepoVersion.getPrereleaseBuild(); } /* * Enables or disables the debug mode. * * @param {boolean} debug */ public static void setDebugging(Boolean debug) { PhantomBot.enableDebugging = debug; } /* * Enables or disables log only debug mode. * * @param {boolean} debug */ public static void setDebuggingLogOnly(Boolean debug) { PhantomBot.enableDebugging = debug; PhantomBot.enableDebuggingLogOnly = debug; } /* * Tells you the bot name. * * @return {string} bot name */ public String getBotName() { return this.botName; } /* * Gives you the current data store * * @return {datastore} dataStore */ public DataStore getDataStore() { return this.dataStore; } /* * Tells you if the bot is exiting * * @return {boolean} exit */ public Boolean isExiting() { return this.isExiting; } /* * Give's you the channel for that channelName. * * @return {channel} */ public String getChannelName() { return this.channelName; } /* * Tells you if the discord token has been set. * * @return {boolean} */ public Boolean hasDiscordToken() { return this.discordToken.isEmpty(); } /* * Give's you the session for that channel. * * @return {session} */ public TwitchSession getSession() { return this.session; } /* * Method that returns the message limit * * @return {double} messageLimit */ public static double getMessageLimit() { return messageLimit; } /* * Give's you the message limit. * * @return {long} message limit */ public static long getMessageInterval() { return (long) ((30.0 / messageLimit) * 1000); } /* * Give's you the whisper limit. *Currently not used* * * @return {long} whisper limit */ public static long getWhisperInterval() { return (long) ((60.0 / whisperLimit) * 1000); } /* * Helper method to see if a module is enabled. * * @param String Module name to check for * @return boolean If the module is enabled or not */ public boolean checkModuleEnabled(String module) { try { return dataStore.GetString("modules", "", module).equals("true"); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { return false; } } /* * Checks if a value is true in the datastore. * * @param String Db table to check. * @param String Db key to check in that table. */ public boolean checkDataStore(String table, String key) { try { return (dataStore.HasKey(table, "", key) && dataStore.GetString(table, "", key).equals("true")); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { return false; } } /* * Method that returns the basic bot info. * * @return {String} */ public String getBotInformation() { return "\r\nJava Version: " + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + "\r\nOS Version: " + System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version") + " (" + System.getProperty("os.arch") + ")\r\nPanel Version: " + RepoVersion.getPanelVersion() + "\r\n" + getBotInfo() + "\r\n\r\n"; } /* * Method that gets the PhantomBot properties. * * @return */ public Properties getProperties() { return this.pbProperties; } /* * Loads everything up. */ private void init() { /* Is the web toggle enabled? */ if (webEnabled) { try { checkPortAvailabity(basePort); checkPortAvailabity(panelSocketPort); /* Is the music toggled on? */ if (musicEnabled) { checkPortAvailabity(ytSocketPort); if (useHttps) { /* Set the music player server */ youtubeSocketSecureServer = new YTWebSocketSecureServer(bindIP, ytSocketPort, youtubeOAuth, youtubeOAuthThro, httpsFileName, httpsPassword, socketServerTasksSize); /* Start this youtube socket server */ youtubeSocketSecureServer.start(); print("YouTubeSocketSecureServer accepting connections on port: " + ytSocketPort + " (SSL)"); } else { /* Set the music player server */ youtubeSocketServer = new YTWebSocketServer(bindIP, ytSocketPort, youtubeOAuth, youtubeOAuthThro); /* Start this youtube socket server */ youtubeSocketServer.start(); print("YouTubeSocketServer accepting connections on port: " + ytSocketPort); } } if (useHttps) { if (testPanelServer) { newPanelSocketServer = new NewPanelSocketServer(panelSocketPort, webOAuth, webOAuthThro, httpsFileName, httpsPassword); newPanelSocketServer.start(); print("TEST PanelSocketSecureServer accepting connections on port: " + panelSocketPort + " (SSL)"); } else { /* Set up the panel socket server */ panelSocketSecureServer = new PanelSocketSecureServer(bindIP, panelSocketPort, webOAuth, webOAuthThro, httpsFileName, httpsPassword, socketServerTasksSize); /* Start the panel socket server */ panelSocketSecureServer.start(); print("PanelSocketSecureServer accepting connections on port: " + panelSocketPort + " (SSL)"); } /* Set up a new https server */ httpsServer = new HTTPSServer(bindIP, (basePort), oauth, webOAuth, panelUsername, panelPassword, httpsFileName, httpsPassword); print("HTTPS server accepting connection on port: " + basePort + " (SSL)"); } else { if (testPanelServer) { newPanelSocketServer = new NewPanelSocketServer(panelSocketPort, webOAuth, webOAuthThro); newPanelSocketServer.start(); print("TEST PanelSocketServer accepting connections on port: " + panelSocketPort); } else { /* Set up the panel socket server */ panelSocketServer = new PanelSocketServer(bindIP, panelSocketPort, webOAuth, webOAuthThro); /* Set up the NEW panel socket server */ /* Start the panel socket server */ panelSocketServer.start(); print("PanelSocketServer accepting connections on port: " + panelSocketPort); } /* Set up a new http server */ httpServer = new HTTPServer(bindIP, (basePort), oauth, webOAuth, panelUsername, panelPassword); print("HTTP server accepting connection on port: " + basePort); } } catch (Exception ex) { print("Exception occurred in one of the socket based services, PhantomBot will now exit."); System.exit(0); } } /* Enable GameWisp if the oAuth is set */ if (!gameWispOAuth.isEmpty() && checkModuleEnabled("./handlers/gameWispHandler.js")) { /* Set the oAuths */ GameWispAPIv1.instance().SetAccessToken(gameWispOAuth); GameWispAPIv1.instance().SetRefreshToken(gameWispRefresh); SingularityAPI.instance().setAccessToken(gameWispOAuth); SingularityAPI.instance().StartService(); /* get a fresh token */ doRefreshGameWispToken(); } /* Connect to Discord if the data is present. */ if (!discordToken.isEmpty()) { DiscordAPI.instance().connect(discordToken); } /* Set Streamlabs currency code, if possible */ if (dataStore.HasKey("donations", "", "currencycode")) { TwitchAlertsAPIv1.instance().SetCurrencyCode(dataStore.GetString("donations", "", "currencycode")); } /* Check to see if all the Twitter info needed is there */ if (!twitterUsername.isEmpty() && !twitterAccessToken.isEmpty() && !twitterConsumerToken.isEmpty() && !twitterConsumerSecret.isEmpty() && !twitterSecretToken.isEmpty()) { /* Set the Twitter tokens */ TwitterAPI.instance().setUsername(twitterUsername); TwitterAPI.instance().setAccessToken(twitterAccessToken); TwitterAPI.instance().setSecretToken(twitterSecretToken); TwitterAPI.instance().setConsumerKey(twitterConsumerToken); TwitterAPI.instance().setConsumerSecret(twitterConsumerSecret); /* Check to see if the tokens worked */ this.twitterAuthenticated = TwitterAPI.instance().authenticate(); } /* print a extra line in the console. */ print(""); /* Create configuration for YTPlayer v2.0 for the WS port. */ String data = ""; String http = (useHttps ? "https://" : "http://"); try { data += "// Configuration for YTPlayer\r\n"; data += "// Automatically Generated by PhantomBot at Startup\r\n"; data += "// Do NOT Modify! Overwritten when PhantomBot is restarted!\r\n"; data += "var playerPort = " + ytSocketPort + ";\r\n"; data += "var channelName = \"" + channelName + "\";\r\n"; data += "var auth=\"" + youtubeOAuth + "\";\r\n"; data += "var http=\"" + http + "\";\r\n"; data += "function getPlayerPort() { return playerPort; }\r\n"; data += "function getChannelName() { return channelName; }\r\n"; data += "function getAuth() { return auth; }\r\n"; data += "function getProtocol() { return http; }\r\n"; /* Create a new file if it does not exist */ if (!new File("./web/ytplayer/").exists()) new File("./web/ytplayer/").mkdirs(); if (!new File("./web/ytplayer/js").exists()) new File("./web/ytplayer/js").mkdirs(); /* Write the data to that file */ Files.write(Paths.get("./web/ytplayer/js/playerConfig.js"), data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } /* Create configuration for YTPlayer Playlist v2.0 for the WS port. */ data = ""; try { data += "//Configuration for YTPlayer\r\n"; data += "//Automatically Generated by PhantomBot at Startup\r\n"; data += "//Do NOT Modify! Overwritten when PhantomBot is restarted!\r\n"; data += "var playerPort = " + ytSocketPort + ";\r\n"; data += "var channelName = \"" + channelName + "\";\r\n"; data += "var auth=\"" + youtubeOAuthThro + "\";\r\n"; data += "var http=\"" + http + "\";\r\n"; data += "function getPlayerPort() { return playerPort; }\r\n"; data += "function getChannelName() { return channelName; }\r\n"; data += "function getAuth() { return auth; }\r\n"; data += "function getProtocol() { return http; }\r\n"; /* Create a new file if it does not exist */ if (!new File("./web/playlist/").exists()) new File("./web/playlist/").mkdirs(); if (!new File("./web/playlist/js").exists()) new File("./web/playlist/js").mkdirs(); /* Write the data to that file */ Files.write(Paths.get("./web/playlist/js/playerConfig.js"), data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } /* Create configuration for WebPanel for the WS port. */ data = ""; try { data += "// Configuration for Control Panel\r\n"; data += "// Automatically Generated by PhantomBot at Startup\r\n"; data += "// Do NOT Modify! Overwritten when PhantomBot is restarted!\r\n"; data += "var panelSettings = {\r\n"; data += " panelPort : " + panelSocketPort + ",\r\n"; data += " channelName : \"" + channelName + "\",\r\n"; data += " auth : \"" + webOAuth + "\",\r\n"; data += " http : \"" + http + "\"\r\n"; data += "};\r\n\r\n"; data += "function getPanelPort() { return panelSettings.panelPort; }\r\n"; data += "function getChannelName() { return panelSettings.channelName; }\r\n"; data += "function getAuth() { return panelSettings.auth; }\r\n"; data += "function getProtocol() { return panelSettings.http; }\r\n"; /* Create a new file if it does not exist */ if (!new File("./web/panel/").exists()) new File("./web/panel/").mkdirs(); if (!new File("./web/panel/js").exists()) new File("./web/panel/js").mkdirs(); byte[] bytes = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); /* Write the data to that file */ Files.write(Paths.get("./web/panel/js/panelConfig.js"), bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); // If betap write the file in that folder too. if (PhantomBot.betap) { Files.write(Paths.get("./web/beta-panel/js/utils/panelConfig.js"), bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } /* Create configuration for Read-Only Access to WS port. */ data = ""; try { data += "// Configuration for Control Panel\r\n"; data += "// Automatically Generated by PhantomBot at Startup\r\n"; data += "// Do NOT Modify! Overwritten when PhantomBot is restarted!\r\n"; data += "var panelSettings = {\r\n"; data += " panelPort : " + panelSocketPort + ",\r\n"; data += " channelName : \"" + channelName + "\",\r\n"; data += " auth : \"" + webOAuthThro + "\",\r\n"; data += " http : \"" + http + "\"\r\n"; data += "};\r\n\r\n"; data += "function getPanelPort() { return panelSettings.panelPort; }\r\n"; data += "function getChannelName() { return panelSettings.channelName; }\r\n"; data += "function getAuth() { return panelSettings.auth; }\r\n"; data += "function getProtocol() { return panelSettings.http; }\r\n"; /* Create a new file if it does not exist */ if (!new File("./web/common/").exists()) new File("./web/common/").mkdirs(); if (!new File("./web/common/js").exists()) new File("./web/common/js").mkdirs(); /* Write the data to that file */ Files.write(Paths.get("./web/common/js/wsConfig.js"), data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } /* check if the console is interactive */ if (interactive) { ConsoleInputListener consoleIL = new ConsoleInputListener(); /* Start the Console Input Listener */ consoleIL.start(); } /* Register PhantomBot (this) with the event bus. */ EventBus.instance().register(this); /* Register the script manager with the event bus. */ EventBus.instance().register(ScriptEventManager.instance()); /* Register the console event handler */ EventBus.instance().register(ConsoleEventHandler.instance()); /* Load the datastore config */ dataStore.LoadConfig(dataStoreConfig); /* Export all these to the $. api in the scripts. */"inidb", dataStore, 0);"username", UsernameCache.instance(), 0);"twitch", TwitchAPIv5.instance(), 0);"botName", botName.toLowerCase(), 0);"channelName", channelName.toLowerCase(), 0);"ownerName", ownerName.toLowerCase(), 0);"ytplayer", (useHttps ? youtubeSocketSecureServer : youtubeSocketServer), 0); if (testPanelServer) {"panelsocketserver", newPanelSocketServer, 0); } else {"panelsocketserver", (useHttps ? panelSocketSecureServer : panelSocketServer), 0); }"random", random, 0);"youtube", YouTubeAPIv3.instance(), 0);"shortenURL", GoogleURLShortenerAPIv1.instance(), 0);"gamewisp", GameWispAPIv1.instance(), 0);"twitter", TwitterAPI.instance(), 0);"twitchCacheReady", PhantomBot.twitchCacheReady, 0);"isNightly", isNightly(), 0);"isPrerelease", isPrerelease(), 0);"version", botVersion(), 0);"changed", newSetup, 0);"discordAPI", DiscordAPI.instance(), 0);"hasDiscordToken", hasDiscordToken(), 0);"customAPI", CustomAPI.instance(), 0);"dataRenderServiceAPI", DataRenderServiceAPIv1.instance(), 0); /* open a new thread for when the bot is exiting */ Thread thread = new Thread(() -> { onExit(); }, "tv.phantombot.PhantomBot::onExit"); /* Get the un time for that new thread we just created */ Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(thread); /* And finally try to load init, that will then load the scripts */ try { ScriptManager.loadScript(new File("./scripts/init.js")); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } // Moved this to debug only. People are already asking questions. if (PhantomBot.enableDebugging) { /* Check for bot verification. */ print("Bot Verification Status: " + (TwitchAPIv5.instance().getBotVerified(this.botName) ? "" : " NOT ") + "Verified."); } /* Check for a update with PhantomBot */ doCheckPhantomBotUpdate(); /* Perform SQLite datbase backups. */ if (this.backupSQLiteAuto) { doBackupSQLiteDB(); } } /* * Used for exiting the bot * */ @SuppressWarnings("SleepWhileInLoop") public void onExit() { print(this.botName + " is shutting down..."); isExiting = true; PhantomBot.isInExitState = true; print("Stopping all events and message dispatching..."); ScriptFileWatcher.instance().kill(); ScriptEventManager.instance().kill(); /* Gonna need a way to pass this to all channels */ if (PhantomBot.instance().getSession() != null) { PhantomBot.instance().getSession().close(); } /* Shutdown all caches */ if (followersCache != null) { print("Terminating the Twitch channel follower cache..."); FollowersCache.killall(); } if (twitchAlertsCache != null) { print("Terminating the Streamlabs cache..."); DonationsCache.killall(); } if (tipeeeStreamCache != null) { print("Terminating the TipeeeStream cache..."); TipeeeStreamCache.killall(); } if (streamElementCache != null) { print("Terminating the StreamElementsCache cache..."); StreamElementsCache.killall(); } print("Terminating all script modules..."); HashMap<String, Script> scripts = ScriptManager.getScripts(); for (Entry<String, Script> script : scripts.entrySet()) { script.getValue().kill(); } print("Saving all data..."); dataStore.SaveAll(true); /* Check to see if web is enabled */ if (webEnabled) { print("Shutting down all web socket servers..."); if (!useHttps) { httpServer.close(); } else { httpsServer.close(); } youtubeSocketServer.dispose(); } try { for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\rWaiting for everthing else to shutdown... " + i + " "); Thread.sleep(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); print("Closing the database..."); dataStore.CloseConnection(); print(this.botName + " is exiting."); } /* * Connected to Twitch. * */ @Handler public void ircJoinComplete(IrcJoinCompleteEvent event) { /* Check if the bot already joined once. */ if (joined) { return; } joined = true; com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println("ircJoinComplete::" + this.channelName); /* Start a pubsub instance here. */ if (this.oauth.length() > 0 && checkDataStore("chatModerator", "moderationLogs")) { this.pubSubEdge = TwitchPubSub.instance(this.channelName, TwitchAPIv5.instance().getChannelId(this.channelName), TwitchAPIv5.instance().getChannelId(this.botName), this.oauth); } /* Load the caches for each channels */ this.twitchCache = TwitchCache.instance(this.channelName); this.emotesCache = EmotesCache.instance(this.channelName); this.followersCache = FollowersCache.instance(this.channelName); this.viewerListCache = ViewerListCache.instance(this.channelName); /* Start the donations cache if the keys are not null and the module is enabled */ if (this.twitchAlertsKey != null && !this.twitchAlertsKey.isEmpty() && checkModuleEnabled("./handlers/donationHandler.js")) { this.twitchAlertsCache = DonationsCache.instance(this.channelName); } /* Start the TipeeeStream cache if the keys are not null and the module is enabled. */ if (this.tipeeeStreamOAuth != null && !this.tipeeeStreamOAuth.isEmpty() && checkModuleEnabled("./handlers/tipeeeStreamHandler.js")) { this.tipeeeStreamCache = TipeeeStreamCache.instance(this.channelName); } /* Start the StreamElements cache if the keys are not null and the module is enabled. */ if (this.streamElementsJWT != null && !this.streamElementsJWT.isEmpty() && checkModuleEnabled("./handlers/streamElementsHandler.js")) { this.streamElementCache = StreamElementsCache.instance(this.channelName); } /* Start the twitter cache if the keys are not null and the module is enabled */ if (this.twitterAuthenticated && checkModuleEnabled("./handlers/twitterHandler.js")) { this.twitterCache = TwitterCache.instance(this.channelName); } /* Start the notice timer and notice handler. */ if (pbProperties.getProperty("testnotices", "false").equals("true")) { this.noticeTimer = NoticeTimer.instance(this.channelName, this.session); } /* Export these to the $. api for the sripts to use */"twitchcache", this.twitchCache, 0);"emotes", this.emotesCache, 0);"session", this.session, 0);"usernameCache", this.viewerListCache, 0); } /* * Get private messages from Twitch. * */ @Handler public void ircPrivateMessage(IrcPrivateMessageEvent event) { String sender = event.getSender(); String message = event.getMessage(); /* Check to see if the sender is jtv */ if (sender.equalsIgnoreCase("jtv")) { /* Splice the mod list so we can get all the mods */ if (message.startsWith("The moderators of this room are: ")) { String[] moderators = message.substring(33).split(", "); /* Check to see if the bot is a moderator */ for (String moderator : moderators) { if (moderator.equalsIgnoreCase(this.botName)) { EventBus.instance().postAsync( new IrcChannelUserModeEvent(this.session, this.session.getBotName(), "O", true)); /* Allow the bot to sends message to this session */ event.getSession().setAllowSendMessages(true); } } } } } /* * user modes from twitch * */ @Handler public void ircUserMode(IrcChannelUserModeEvent event) { /* Check to see if Twitch sent a mode event for the bot name */ if (event.getUser().equalsIgnoreCase(this.botName) && event.getMode().equalsIgnoreCase("o")) { if (!event.getAdd()) { event.getSession().getModerationStatus(); } /* Allow the bot to sends message to this session */ event.getSession().setAllowSendMessages(event.getAdd()); } } /* * messages from Twitch chat * */ @Handler public void ircChannelMessage(IrcChannelMessageEvent event) { if (this.pubSubEdge != null) { this.pubSubEdge.ircChannelMessageEvent(event); } } /* Handle commands */ public void handleCommand(String username, String command) { String arguments = ""; /* Does the command have arguments? */ if (command.contains(" ")) { String commandString = command; command = commandString.substring(0, commandString.indexOf(" ")); arguments = commandString.substring(commandString.indexOf(" ") + 1); } EventBus.instance().postAsync(new CommandEvent(username, command, arguments)); } /* Handle commands */ public void handleCommandSync(String username, String command) { String arguments = ""; /* Does the command have arguments? */ if (command.contains(" ")) { String commandString = command; command = commandString.substring(0, commandString.indexOf(" ")); arguments = commandString.substring(commandString.indexOf(" ") + 1); } EventBus.instance().post(new CommandEvent(username, command, arguments)); } /* Load up main */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Move user files. moveUserConfig(); /* List of properties that must exist. */ String requiredProperties[] = new String[] { "oauth", "channel", "owner", "user" }; String requiredPropertiesErrorMessage = ""; if (Float.valueOf(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")) < (float) 1.8 || Float.valueOf(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")) >= (float) 1.9) { System.out.println("Detected Java " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ". " + "PhantomBot requires Java 8. Java 9 and above will NOT work."); System.exit(1); } /* Properties configuration */ Properties startProperties = new Properties(); /* Indicates that the botlogin.txt file should be overwritten/created. */ Boolean changed = false; /* Print the user dir */ com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("The working directory is: " + System.getProperty("user.dir")); com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Detected Java " + System.getProperty("java.version") + " running on " + System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version") + " (" + System.getProperty("os.arch") + ")"); /* If prompted, now that the version has been reported, exit. */ if (args.length > 0) { if (args[0].equals("--version") || args[0].equals("-v")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("PhantomBot Version: " + RepoVersion.getPhantomBotVersion() + " (" + RepoVersion.getRepoVersion() + ")"); System.exit(1); } } /* Load up the bot info from the bot login file */ try { if (new File("./config/botlogin.txt").exists()) { FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("./config/botlogin.txt"); startProperties.load(inputStream); inputStream.close(); } else { /* Fill in the Properties object with some default values. Note that some values are left * unset to be caught in the upcoming logic to enforce settings. */ startProperties.setProperty("baseport", "25000"); startProperties.setProperty("usehttps", "false"); startProperties.setProperty("webenable", "true"); startProperties.setProperty("msglimit30", "19.0"); startProperties.setProperty("musicenable", "true"); startProperties.setProperty("whisperlimit60", "60.0"); } } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } /* Load up the bot info from the environment */ for (Entry<String, String> v : System.getenv().entrySet()) { String Prefix = "PHANTOMBOT_"; String Key = v.getKey().toUpperCase(); String Value = v.getValue(); if (Key.startsWith(Prefix) && Prefix.length() < Key.length()) { Key = Key.substring(Prefix.length()).toLowerCase(); startProperties.setProperty(Key, Value); } } /* Check to enable debug mode */ if (startProperties.getProperty("debugon", "false").equals("true")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Debug Mode Enabled"); PhantomBot.enableDebugging = true; } /* Check to enable debug to File */ if (startProperties.getProperty("debuglog", "false").equals("true")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Debug Log Only Mode Enabled"); PhantomBot.enableDebugging = true; PhantomBot.enableDebuggingLogOnly = true; } /* Check to enable Script Reloading */ if (startProperties.getProperty("reloadscripts", "false").equals("true")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Enabling Script Reloading"); PhantomBot.reloadScripts = true; } /* Check to enable Rhino Debugger */ if (startProperties.getProperty("rhinodebugger", "false").equals("true")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Rhino Debugger will be launched if system supports it."); PhantomBot.enableRhinoDebugger = true; } /* Check to see if there's a webOauth set */ if (startProperties.getProperty("webauth") == null) { startProperties.setProperty("webauth", generateWebAuth()); com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println("New webauth key has been generated for ./config/botlogin.txt"); changed = true; } /* Check to see if there's a webOAuthRO set */ if (startProperties.getProperty("webauthro") == null) { startProperties.setProperty("webauthro", generateWebAuth()); com.gmt2001.Console.debug .println("New webauth read-only key has been generated for ./config/botlogin.txt"); changed = true; } /* Check to see if there's a panelUsername set */ if (startProperties.getProperty("paneluser") == null) { com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println( "No Panel Username, using default value of 'panel' for Control Panel and YouTube Player"); startProperties.setProperty("paneluser", "panel"); changed = true; } /* Check to see if there's a panelPassword set */ if (startProperties.getProperty("panelpassword") == null) { com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println( "No Panel Password, using default value of 'panel' for Control Panel and YouTube Player"); startProperties.setProperty("panelpassword", "panel"); changed = true; } /* Check to see if there's a youtubeOAuth set */ if (startProperties.getProperty("ytauth") == null) { startProperties.setProperty("ytauth", generateWebAuth()); com.gmt2001.Console.debug .println("New YouTube websocket key has been generated for ./config/botlogin.txt"); changed = true; } /* Check to see if there's a youtubeOAuthThro set */ if (startProperties.getProperty("ytauthro") == null) { startProperties.setProperty("ytauthro", generateWebAuth()); com.gmt2001.Console.debug .println("New YouTube read-only websocket key has been generated for ./config/botlogin.txt"); changed = true; } /* Make a new botlogin with the botName, oauth or channel is not found */ if (startProperties.getProperty("user") == null || startProperties.getProperty("oauth") == null || startProperties.getProperty("channel") == null) { try { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Welcome to the PhantomBot setup process!\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "If you have any issues please report them on our forum, Tweet at us, or join our Discord!\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Forum:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Documentation:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Twitter:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Discord:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Support PhantomBot on Patreon:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); final String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); // Detect Windows, MacOS, Linux or any other operating system. if (os.startsWith("win")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out .print("PhantomBot has detected that your device is running Windows.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "Here's the setup guide for Windows:"); } else if (os.startsWith("mac")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("PhantomBot has detected that your device is running macOS.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "Here's the setup guide for macOS:"); } else { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("PhantomBot has detected that your device is running Linux.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "Here's the setup guide for Ubuntu:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "Here's the setup guide for CentOS:"); } com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n\r\n\r\n"); // Bot name. do { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("1. Please enter the bot's Twitch username: "); startProperties.setProperty("user", System.console().readLine().trim().toLowerCase()); } while (startProperties.getProperty("user", "").length() <= 0); // Twitch oauth. do { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out .print("2. You will now need a OAuth token for the bot to be able to chat.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "Please note, this OAuth token needs to be generated while you're logged in into the bot's Twitch account.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "If you're not logged in as the bot, please go to and login as the bot.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out .print("Get the bot's OAuth token here:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter the bot's OAuth token: "); startProperties.setProperty("oauth", System.console().readLine().trim()); } while (startProperties.getProperty("oauth", "").length() <= 0); // api oauth. do { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "3. You will now need your channel OAuth token for the bot to be able to change your title and game.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "Please note, this OAuth token needs to be generated while you're logged in into your caster account.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "If you're not logged in as the caster, please go to and login as the caster.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out .print("Get the your OAuth token here:\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("Please enter your OAuth token: "); startProperties.setProperty("apioauth", System.console().readLine().trim()); } while (startProperties.getProperty("apioauth", "").length() <= 0); // Channel name. do { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out .print("4. Please enter the name of the Twitch channel the bot should join: "); startProperties.setProperty("channel", System.console().readLine().trim()); } while (startProperties.getProperty("channel", "").length() <= 0); // Panel username. do { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("5. Please enter a custom username for the web panel: "); startProperties.setProperty("paneluser", System.console().readLine().trim()); } while (startProperties.getProperty("paneluser", "").length() <= 0); // Panel password. do { com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("6. Please enter a custom password for the web panel: "); startProperties.setProperty("panelpassword", System.console().readLine().trim()); } while (startProperties.getProperty("panelpassword", "").length() <= 0); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print("PhantomBot will launch in 10 seconds.\r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "If you're hosting the bot locally you can access the control panel here: http://localhost:25000/panel \r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "If you're running the bot on a server, make sure to open the following ports: \r\n"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.print( "25000, 25003, and 25004. You have to change 'localhost' to your server ip to access the panel. \r\n"); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println("Failed to sleep in setup: " + ex.getMessage()); } changed = true; newSetup = true; } catch (NullPointerException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("[ERROR] Failed to setup PhantomBot. Now exiting..."); System.exit(0); } } /* Make sure the oauth has been set correctly */ if (startProperties.getProperty("oauth") != null) { if (!startProperties.getProperty("oauth").startsWith("oauth") && !startProperties.getProperty("oauth").isEmpty()) { startProperties.setProperty("oauth", "oauth:" + startProperties.getProperty("oauth")); changed = true; } } /* Make sure the apiOAuth has been set correctly */ if (startProperties.getProperty("apioauth") != null) { if (!startProperties.getProperty("apioauth").startsWith("oauth") && !startProperties.getProperty("apioauth").isEmpty()) { startProperties.setProperty("apioauth", "oauth:" + startProperties.getProperty("apioauth")); changed = true; } } /* Make sure the channelName does not have a # */ if (startProperties.getProperty("channel").startsWith("#")) { startProperties.setProperty("channel", startProperties.getProperty("channel").substring(1)); changed = true; } else if (startProperties.getProperty("channel").contains(".tv")) { startProperties.setProperty("channel", startProperties.getProperty("channel") .substring(startProperties.getProperty("channel").indexOf(".tv/") + 4).replaceAll("/", "")); changed = true; } /* Check for the owner after the channel check is done. */ if (startProperties.getProperty("owner") == null) { if (startProperties.getProperty("channel") != null) { if (!startProperties.getProperty("channel").isEmpty()) { startProperties.setProperty("owner", startProperties.getProperty("channel")); changed = true; } } } /* Iterate the properties and delete entries for anything that does not have a * value. */ for (String propertyKey : startProperties.stringPropertyNames()) { if (startProperties.getProperty(propertyKey).isEmpty()) { changed = true; startProperties.remove(propertyKey); } } /* * Check for required settings. */ for (String requiredProperty : requiredProperties) { if (startProperties.getProperty(requiredProperty) == null) { requiredPropertiesErrorMessage += requiredProperty + " "; } } if (!requiredPropertiesErrorMessage.isEmpty()) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println(); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Missing Required Properties: " + requiredPropertiesErrorMessage); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Exiting PhantomBot"); System.exit(0); } /* Check to see if anything changed */ if (changed) { Properties outputProperties = new Properties() { @Override public synchronized Enumeration<Object> keys() { return Collections.enumeration(new TreeSet<>(super.keySet())); } }; try { try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("./config/botlogin.txt")) { outputProperties.putAll(startProperties);, "PhantomBot Configuration File"); } } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } } /* Start PhantomBot */ PhantomBot.instance = new PhantomBot(startProperties); } public void updateGameWispTokens(String[] newTokens) { Properties outputProperties = new Properties() { @Override public synchronized Enumeration<Object> keys() { return Collections.enumeration(new TreeSet<>(super.keySet())); } }; gameWispOAuth = newTokens[0]; gameWispRefresh = newTokens[1]; pbProperties.setProperty("gamewispauth", newTokens[0]); pbProperties.setProperty("gamewisprefresh", newTokens[1]); try { try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("./config/botlogin.txt")) { outputProperties.putAll(pbProperties);, "PhantomBot Configuration File"); } print("GameWisp Token has been refreshed."); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println( "!!!! CRITICAL !!!! Failed to update GameWisp Refresh Tokens into ./config/botlogin.txt! Must manually add!"); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println( "!!!! CRITICAL !!!! gamewispauth = " + newTokens[0] + " gamewisprefresh = " + newTokens[1]); } SingularityAPI.instance().setAccessToken(gameWispOAuth); } /* gen a oauth */ private static String generateWebAuth() { return generateRandomString(30); } /* gen a random string */ public static String generateRandomString(int length) { String randomAllowed = "01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; char[] randomChars = randomAllowed.toCharArray(); char[] randomBuffer; randomBuffer = new char[length]; SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); for (int i = 0; i < randomBuffer.length; i++) { randomBuffer[i] = randomChars[random.nextInt(randomChars.length)]; } return new String(randomBuffer); } /* * doRefreshGameWispToken * */ public void doRefreshGameWispToken() { long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L; if (!dataStore.exists("settings", "gameWispRefreshTime")) { dataStore.set("settings", "gameWispRefreshTime", String.valueOf(curTime)); } ScheduledExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); service.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { Thread.currentThread().setName("tv.phantombot.PhantomBot::doRefreshGameWispToken"); long curTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L; String lastRunStr = dataStore.GetString("settings", "", "gameWispRefreshTime"); long lastRun = Long.parseLong(lastRunStr); if ((curTime1 - lastRun) > (10 * 24 * 60 * 60)) { // 10 days, token expires every 35. dataStore.set("settings", "gameWispRefreshTime", String.valueOf(curTime1)); updateGameWispTokens(GameWispAPIv1.instance().refreshToken()); } }, 0, 1, TimeUnit.DAYS); } /* * doCheckPhantomBotUpdate */ private void doCheckPhantomBotUpdate() { ScheduledExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); service.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { Thread.currentThread().setName("tv.phantombot.PhantomBot::doCheckPhantomBotUpdate"); String[] newVersionInfo = GitHubAPIv3.instance().CheckNewRelease(); if (newVersionInfo != null) { try { Thread.sleep(6000); print(""); print("New PhantomBot Release Detected: " + newVersionInfo[0]); print("Release Changelog:" + newVersionInfo[0]); print("Download Link: " + newVersionInfo[1]); print("A reminder will be provided in 24 hours!"); print(""); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } if (webEnabled) { dataStore.set("settings", "newrelease_info", newVersionInfo[0] + "|" + newVersionInfo[1]); } } else { dataStore.del("settings", "newrelease_info"); } }, 0, 24, TimeUnit.HOURS); } /* Set the twitch cache */ public void setTwitchCacheReady(String twitchCacheReady) { PhantomBot.twitchCacheReady = twitchCacheReady;"twitchCacheReady", PhantomBot.twitchCacheReady, 0); } /** * Backup the database, keeping so many days. */ private void doBackupSQLiteDB() { if (!dataStoreType.equals("sqlite3store")) { return; } ScheduledExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); service.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { Thread.currentThread().setName("tv.phantombot.PhantomBot::doBackupSQLiteDB"); SimpleDateFormat datefmt = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy.hhmmss"); datefmt.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone)); String timestamp = datefmt.format(new Date()); dataStore.backupSQLite3("" + timestamp + ".db"); try { Iterator dirIterator = FileUtils.iterateFiles(new File("./dbbackup"), new WildcardFileFilter("*"), null); while (dirIterator.hasNext()) { File backupFile = (File); if (FileUtils.isFileOlder(backupFile, (System.currentTimeMillis() - (long) (backupSQLiteKeepDays * 864e5)))) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(backupFile); } } } catch (Exception ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to clean up database backup directory: " + ex.getMessage()); } }, 0, backupSQLiteHourFrequency, TimeUnit.HOURS); } /* * Method that moves the db and botlogin into a new folder (config) */ private static void moveUserConfig() { // Check if the config folder exists. if (!new File("./config/").isDirectory()) { new File("./config/").mkdir(); } // Move the db and login file. If one of these doesn't exist it means this is a new bot. if (!new File("phantombot.db").exists() || !new File("botlogin.txt").exists()) { return; } com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Moving the phantombot.db and botlogin.txt files into ./config"); try { Files.move(Paths.get("botlogin.txt"), Paths.get("./config/botlogin.txt")); Files.move(Paths.get("phantombot.db"), Paths.get("./config/phantombot.db")); try { new File("phantombot.db").delete(); new File("botlogin.txt").delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to delete files [phantombot.db] [botlogin.txt] [" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to move files [phantombot.db] [botlogin.txt] [" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); } // Move audio hooks and alerts. These two files should always exists. if (!new File("./web/panel/js/ion-sound/sounds").exists() || !new File("./web/alerts/data").exists()) { return; } com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("Moving alerts and audio hooks into ./config"); try { Files.move(Paths.get("./web/panel/js/ion-sound/sounds"), Paths.get("./config/audio-hooks")); Files.move(Paths.get("./web/alerts/data"), Paths.get("./config/gif-alerts")); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File("./web/panel/js/ion-sound/sounds")); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File("./web/alerts/data")); } catch (Exception ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to delete old audio hooks and alerts [" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to move audio hooks and alerts [" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); } } /* * Method to export a Java list to a csv file. * * @param {String[]} headers * @param {List} values * @param {String} fileName */ public void toCSV(String[] headers, List<String[]> values, String fileName) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); FileOutputStream stream = null; // Append the headers. builder.append(String.join(",", headers)).append("\n"); // Append all values. for (String[] value : values) { builder.append(String.join(",", value)).append("\n"); } // Write the data to a file. try { // Create a new stream. stream = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName)); // Write the content. stream.write(builder.toString().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); stream.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed writing data to file [IOException]: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (SecurityException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed writing data to file [SecurityException]: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (stream != null) { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.printStackTrace(ex); } } } } }