Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* * HTTP Server * @author: illusionaryone */ package tv.phantombot.httpserver; import com.scaniatv.LangFileUpdater; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import tv.phantombot.PhantomBot; import org.json.JSONStringer; public class HTTPServerCommon { public static void handleYTP(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException { URI uriData = exchange.getRequestURI(); String uriPath = uriData.getPath(); // Get the Request Method (GET/PUT) String requestMethod = exchange.getRequestMethod(); // Get any data from the body, although, we just discard it, this is required InputStream inputStream = exchange.getRequestBody(); while ( != -1) { inputStream.skip(0x10000); } inputStream.close(); if (requestMethod.equals("GET")) { if (uriPath.equals("/ytplayer")) { handleFile("/web/ytplayer/index.html", exchange, false, false); } else { handleFile("/web/" + uriPath, exchange, false, false); } } } public static void handlePanel(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException { URI uriData = exchange.getRequestURI(); String uriPath = uriData.getPath(); // Get the Request Method (GET/PUT) String requestMethod = exchange.getRequestMethod(); // Get any data from the body, although, we just discard it, this is required InputStream inputStream = exchange.getRequestBody(); while ( != -1) { inputStream.skip(0x10000); } inputStream.close(); if (requestMethod.equals("GET")) { if (uriPath.equals("/panel")) { HTTPServerCommon.handleFile("/web/panel/index.html", exchange, false, false); } else { HTTPServerCommon.handleFile("/web/" + uriPath, exchange, false, false); } } } public static void handleBetaPanel(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException { URI uriData = exchange.getRequestURI(); String uriPath = uriData.getPath(); // Get the Request Method (GET/PUT) String requestMethod = exchange.getRequestMethod(); // Get any data from the body, although, we just discard it, this is required InputStream inputStream = exchange.getRequestBody(); while ( != -1) { inputStream.skip(0x10000); } inputStream.close(); if (requestMethod.equals("GET")) { if (uriPath.equals("/beta-panel")) { HTTPServerCommon.handleFile("/web/beta-panel/index.html", exchange, false, false); } else { HTTPServerCommon.handleFile("/web/" + uriPath, exchange, false, false); } } } public static void handle(HttpExchange exchange, String serverPassword, String serverWebAuth) throws IOException { Boolean hasPassword = false; Boolean doRefresh = false; Boolean doMarquee = false; String myPassword = ""; String myHdrUser = ""; String myHdrMessage = ""; String[] uriQueryList = null; int marqueeWidth = 420; int msgLength = 40; // Get the path and query string from the URI URI uriData = exchange.getRequestURI(); String uriPath = uriData.getPath(); String uriQuery = uriData.getQuery(); if (uriQuery != null) { uriQueryList = uriQuery.split("&"); } // Get the headers Headers headers = exchange.getRequestHeaders(); // Get the Request Method (GET/PUT) String requestMethod = exchange.getRequestMethod(); // Get any data from the body, although, we just discard it, this is required InputStream inputStream = exchange.getRequestBody(); while ( != -1) { inputStream.skip(0x10000); } inputStream.close(); if (headers.containsKey("password")) { myPassword = headers.getFirst("password"); if (myPassword.equals(serverPassword) || myPassword.equals("oauth:" + serverPassword)) { hasPassword = true; } } if (headers.containsKey("webauth")) { myPassword = headers.getFirst("webauth"); if (myPassword.equals(serverWebAuth)) { hasPassword = true; } } if (headers.containsKey("user")) { myHdrUser = headers.getFirst("user"); } if (headers.containsKey("message")) { myHdrMessage = headers.getFirst("message"); byte[] myHdrMessageBytes = myHdrMessage.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); myHdrMessage = new String(myHdrMessageBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } // Check the uriQueryList for the webauth if (uriQuery != null) { for (String query : uriQueryList) { if (query.startsWith("webauth=")) { String[] webAuthData = query.split("="); myPassword = webAuthData[1]; if (myPassword.equals(serverWebAuth)) { hasPassword = true; } } else if (query.startsWith("refresh")) { doRefresh = true; } else if (query.startsWith("marquee")) { doMarquee = true; } else if (query.startsWith("width")) { String[] splitData = query.split("="); try { marqueeWidth = Integer.parseInt(splitData[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { marqueeWidth = 420; } } else if (query.startsWith("cutoff")) { String[] splitData = query.split("="); try { msgLength = Integer.parseInt(splitData[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { msgLength = 40; } } } } if (requestMethod.equals("GET")) { if (uriPath.contains("..")) { sendHTMLError(403, "Invalid URL", exchange); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/inistore")) { handleIniStore(uriPath, exchange, hasPassword); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/dbquery")) { handleDBQuery(uriPath, uriQueryList, exchange, hasPassword); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/addons") && !doRefresh && !doMarquee) { handleFile(uriPath, exchange, hasPassword, true); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/addons") && doMarquee) { handleRefresh(uriPath, exchange, true, hasPassword, true, marqueeWidth, msgLength); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/addons") && doRefresh) { handleRefresh(uriPath, exchange, false, hasPassword, true, 0, 0); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/logs")) { handleFile(uriPath, exchange, hasPassword, true); } else if (uriPath.equals("/playlist")) { handleFile("/web/playlist/index.html", exchange, hasPassword, false); } else if (uriPath.equals("/")) { handleFile("/web/index.html", exchange, hasPassword, false); } else if (uriPath.equals("/alerts")) { handleFile("/web/alerts/index.html", exchange, hasPassword, false); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/config/audio-hooks")) { handleFile(uriPath, exchange, hasPassword, false); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/config/gif-alerts")) { handleFile(uriPath, exchange, hasPassword, false); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/get-lang")) { handleLangFiles("", exchange, hasPassword, true); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/lang")) { handleLangFiles(headers.getFirst("lang-path"), exchange, hasPassword, true); } else if (uriPath.startsWith("/games")) { handleGamesList(exchange, hasPassword, true); } else { handleFile("/web" + uriPath, exchange, hasPassword, false); } } if (requestMethod.equals("PUT")) { if (myHdrUser.isEmpty() && headers.containsKey("lang-path")) { handlePutRequestLang(headers.getFirst("lang-path"), headers.getFirst("lang-data"), exchange, hasPassword); } else { handlePutRequest(myHdrUser, myHdrMessage, exchange, hasPassword); } } } /* Query List: * * table=tableName&getKeys - Get list of keys. * table=tableName&getData=key - Get a specific row of data. * table=tableName&tableExists - Return if the table exists or not. * table=tableName&keyExists=key - Return if a key exists in a table or not. * table=tableName&getAllRows - Get all rows from a table. * table=tableName&getSortedRows - Get all rows sorted from a table. * table=tableName&getSortedRowsByValue - Get all rows sorted from a table. * table=tableName&getSortedRows&order=DESC|ASC - Options for getSortedRows, any combination may be used. * table=tableName&getSortedRows&limit=n * table=tableName&getSortedRows&offset=n * table=tableName&getSortedRowsByValue&order=DESC|ASC * table=tableName&getSortedRowsByValue&limit=n * table=tableName&getSortedRowsByValue&offset=n */ private static void handleDBQuery(String uriPath, String[] uriQueryList, HttpExchange exchange, Boolean hasPassword) { JSONStringer jsonObject = new JSONStringer(); String[] keyValue; String dbTable = null; Boolean dbExists; if (!hasPassword) { jsonObject.object().key("error").value("access denied").endObject(); sendHTMLError(403, jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } if (uriQueryList == null) { jsonObject.object().key("error").value("bad request").endObject(); sendHTMLError(400, jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } for (String uriQuery : uriQueryList) { keyValue = uriQuery.split("="); if (keyValue[0].equals("webauth")) { continue; } if (keyValue[0].equals("table")) { if (keyValue[1] == null) { sendHTMLError(400, "Bad Request", exchange); return; } if (!PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().FileExists(keyValue[1])) { jsonObject.object().key("error").value("table does not exist").endObject(); sendHTMLError(400, jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } dbTable = keyValue[1]; } else { // All other commands need the table. if (dbTable == null) { jsonObject.object().key("error").value("table not provided").endObject(); sendHTMLError(400, jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } } // { "table" : { "table_name": "tableName", "exists" : true } } if (keyValue[0].equals("tableExists")) { dbExists = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().FileExists(dbTable); jsonObject.object().key("table"); jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("table_name").value(dbTable); jsonObject.key("exists").value(dbExists); jsonObject.endObject(); jsonObject.endObject(); sendData("text/text", jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } // { "table" : { "table_name": "tableName", "key" : "keyString", "keyExists": true } } if (keyValue[0].equals("keyExists")) { if (keyValue.length > 1) { dbExists = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().exists(dbTable, keyValue[1]); jsonObject.object().key("table"); jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("table_name").value(dbTable); jsonObject.key("key").value(keyValue[1]); jsonObject.key("keyExists").value(dbExists); jsonObject.endObject(); jsonObject.endObject(); sendData("text/text", jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } else { jsonObject.object().key("error").value("key not provided").endObject(); sendHTMLError(400, jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } } // { "table" : { "table_name": "tableName", "key" : "keyString", "value": "valueString" } } if (keyValue[0].equals("getData")) { if (keyValue.length > 1) { String dbString = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetString(dbTable, "", keyValue[1]); jsonObject.object().key("table"); jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("table_name").value(dbTable); jsonObject.key("key").value(keyValue[1]); jsonObject.key("value").value(dbString); jsonObject.endObject(); jsonObject.endObject(); sendData("text/text", jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } else { jsonObject.object().key("error").value("key not provided").endObject(); sendHTMLError(400, jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } } // { "table" : { "table_name": "tableName", "keylist" : [ { "key" : "keyString" } ] } } if (keyValue[0].equals("getKeys")) { jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("table"); jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("table_name").value(dbTable); jsonObject.key("keylist").array(); String[] dbKeys = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetKeyList(dbTable, ""); for (String dbKey : dbKeys) { jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("key").value(dbKey); jsonObject.endObject(); } jsonObject.endArray(); jsonObject.endObject(); jsonObject.endObject(); sendData("text/text", jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } // getAllRows and getSortedRows return data in the following format: // { "table" : { "table_name": "tableName", "results" : [ "key" : "keyString", "value" : "valueString" ] } } if (keyValue[0].equals("getAllRows") || keyValue[0].equals("getSortedRows") || keyValue[0].equals("getSortedRowsByValue")) { // Set the default values for the sort options. String sortOrder = "DESC"; String sortLimit = String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE); String sortOffset = "0"; String[] dbKeys = null; jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("table"); jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("table_name").value(dbTable); jsonObject.key("results").array(); if (keyValue[0].equals("getAllRows")) { dbKeys = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetKeyList(dbTable, ""); } else { for (String sortOptions : uriQueryList) { String[] sortOption = sortOptions.split("="); if (sortOption[0].equals("order")) { if (sortOption[1].equalsIgnoreCase("asc")) { sortOrder = "ASC"; } else if (sortOption[1].equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) { sortOrder = "DESC"; } } if (sortOption[0].equals("limit")) { if (sortOption[1] != null) { sortLimit = sortOption[1]; } } if (sortOption[0].equals("offset")) { if (sortOption[1] != null) { sortOffset = sortOption[1]; } } } if (keyValue[0].equals("getSortedRows")) { dbKeys = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetKeysByOrder(dbTable, "", sortOrder, sortLimit, sortOffset); } else { dbKeys = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetKeysByOrderValue(dbTable, "", sortOrder, sortLimit, sortOffset); } } for (String dbKey : dbKeys) { jsonObject.object(); jsonObject.key("key").value(dbKey); jsonObject.key("value") .value(PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetString(dbTable, "", dbKey)); jsonObject.endObject(); } jsonObject.endArray(); jsonObject.endObject(); jsonObject.endObject(); sendData("text/text", jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } } jsonObject.object().key("error").value("malformed request").endObject(); sendHTMLError(400, jsonObject.toString(), exchange); return; } /** * Method that handles getting the lang files list for the panel. * @param path * @param exchange * @param hasPassword * @param needsPassword */ private static void handleLangFiles(String path, HttpExchange exchange, boolean hasPassword, boolean needsPassword) { if (needsPassword) { if (!hasPassword) { sendHTMLError(403, "Access Denied", exchange); return; } } if (path.isEmpty()) { // Get all lang files and their paths. String[] files = LangFileUpdater.getLangFiles(); // Send the files.W sendData("text/text", String.join("\n", files), exchange); } else { sendData("text/text", LangFileUpdater.getCustomLang(path), exchange); } } /** * Method that handles searching for a game in our games list and sends it to the panel. * @param exchange * @param hasPassword * @param needsPassword */ private static void handleGamesList(HttpExchange exchange, boolean hasPassword, boolean needsPassword) { if (needsPassword) { if (!hasPassword) { sendHTMLError(403, "Access Denied", exchange); return; } } String query = exchange.getRequestURI().getQuery(); String[] queryData; String search = null; if (query != null) { queryData = query.split("&"); if (queryData[1].contains("search")) { search = queryData[1].split("=")[1].toLowerCase(); } } if (search != null) { try { String data = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("./web/beta-panel/js/utils/gamesList.txt"), "utf-8"); JSONStringer stringer = new JSONStringer(); String[] games = data.split("\n"); // Create a new json array. stringer.array(); for (String game : games) { if (game.toLowerCase().startsWith(search)) { stringer.object().key("game").value(game.replace("\r", "")).endObject(); } } // Empty the array. games = null; // Run the GC. System.gc(); // Close the array. stringer.endArray(); // Send the data. sendData("text/text", stringer.toString(), exchange); } catch (IOException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to read game file: " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { // Send empty json array. sendData("text/text", "[]", exchange); } } /** * Method that handles files. * @param uriPath * @param exchange * @param hasPassword * @param needsPassword */ private static void handleFile(String uriPath, HttpExchange exchange, Boolean hasPassword, Boolean needsPassword) { if (needsPassword) { if (!hasPassword) { sendHTMLError(403, "Access Denied", exchange); return; } } File inputFile = new File("." + uriPath); if (inputFile.isDirectory()) { File[] fileList = inputFile.listFiles(); java.util.Arrays.sort(fileList); String outputString = ""; for (File file : fileList) { outputString += file.getName() + "\n"; } sendData("text/text", outputString, exchange); } else { try { FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); byte[] outputBytes = new byte[fileStream.available()];; sendData(inferContentType(uriPath), outputBytes, exchange); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { sendHTMLError(404, "Not Found", exchange); // The Alerts module will always query an MP3; do not print out a file missing error for this. if (!uriPath.endsWith(".mp3")) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("HTTP Server: handleFile(): " + ex.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(ex); } } catch (IOException ex) { sendHTMLError(500, "Server Error", exchange); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("HTTP Server: handleFile(): " + ex.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(ex); } } } private static void handleRefresh(String uriPath, HttpExchange exchange, Boolean doMarquee, Boolean hasPassword, Boolean needsPassword, int marqueeWidth, int msgLength) { if (needsPassword) { if (!hasPassword) { sendHTMLError(403, "Access Denied", exchange); return; } } File inputFile = new File("." + uriPath); if (inputFile.isDirectory()) { sendHTMLError(500, "Server Error: Refresh/Marquee does not support a directory, only a file", exchange); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println( "HTTP Server: handleFile(): Refresh/Marquee does not support a directory, only a file."); } else { try { FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); byte[] fileRawData = new byte[fileStream.available()];; String fileStringData = new String(fileRawData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String refreshString = ""; if (doMarquee) { refreshString = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\" /><style>" + "body { margin: 5px; }" + ".marquee { " + " height: 25px;" + " width: " + marqueeWidth + "px;" + " overflow: hidden;" + " position: relative;" + "}" + ".marquee div {" + " display: block;" + " width: 200%;" + " height: 25px;" + " position: absolute;" + " overflow: hidden;" + " animation: marquee 5s linear infinite;" + "}" + ".marquee span {" + " float: left;" + " width: 50%;" + "}" + "@keyframes marquee {" + " 0% { left: 0; }" + " 100% { left: -100%; }" + "}" + "</style></head><body><div class=\"marquee\"><div>" + "<span>" + fileStringData.substring(0, Math.min(fileStringData.length(), msgLength)) + " </span>" + "<span>" + fileStringData.substring(0, Math.min(fileStringData.length(), msgLength)) + " </span>" + "</div></div></body></html>"; } else { refreshString = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\" /></head>" + "<body>" + fileStringData + "</body></html>"; } sendData("text/html", refreshString, exchange); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { sendHTMLError(404, "Not Found", exchange); } catch (IOException ex) { sendHTMLError(500, "Server Error", exchange); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("HTTP Server: handleFile(): " + ex.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(ex); } } } private static void handleIniStore(String uriPath, HttpExchange exchange, Boolean hasPassword) { if (!hasPassword) { sendHTMLError(403, "Access Denied", exchange); return; } String iniStore = uriPath.substring(10); iniStore = iniStore.replace(".ini", ""); String[] sections = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetCategoryList(iniStore); String outputString = ""; for (String section : sections) { if (section != null && !section.equals("")) { outputString += "\r\n\r\n[" + section + "]"; } String[] keys = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetKeyList(iniStore, section); for (String key : keys) { String value = PhantomBot.instance().getDataStore().GetString(iniStore, section, key); outputString += "\r\n" + key + "=" + value; } } sendData("text/text", outputString, exchange); } private static void handlePutRequest(String user, String message, HttpExchange exchange, Boolean hasPassword) { if (!hasPassword) { sendHTMLError(403, "Access Denied", exchange); return; } if (user == "" || message == "") { sendHTMLError(400, "Missing Parameter", exchange); return; } if (message.startsWith("!")) { PhantomBot.instance().handleCommand(user, message.substring(1)); } else { PhantomBot.instance().getSession().say(message); } sendData("text/text", "event posted", exchange); } private static void handlePutRequestLang(String langFile, String langData, HttpExchange exchange, Boolean hasPassword) throws IOException { if (!hasPassword) { sendHTMLError(403, "Access Denied.", exchange); return; } LangFileUpdater.updateCustomLang(langData, langFile); sendHTMLError(200, "File Updated.", exchange); } private static void sendData(String contentType, String data, HttpExchange exchange) { sendData(contentType, data.getBytes(), exchange); } private static void sendData(String contentType, byte[] data, HttpExchange exchange) { Headers outHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders(); // Send as UTF-8 if the contentType is a text file. outHeaders.set("Content-Type", contentType + (contentType.indexOf("text") != -1 ? "; charset=UTF-8" : "")); try { exchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, data.length); OutputStream outputStream = exchange.getResponseBody(); outputStream.write(data); outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { sendHTMLErrorNoHeader(500, "Server Error", exchange); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("HTTP Server: sendData(): " + ex.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(ex); } } private static void sendHTMLError(int error, String message, HttpExchange exchange) { Headers outHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders(); outHeaders.set("Context-Type", "text/text"); try { exchange.sendResponseHeaders(error, message.length()); OutputStream outputStream = exchange.getResponseBody(); outputStream.write(message.getBytes()); outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Do not generate another HTML error, as we are already in sendHTMLError which failed. com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("HTTP Server: sendHTMLError(" + error + "): " + ex.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(ex); } } private static void sendHTMLErrorNoHeader(int error, String message, HttpExchange exchange) { try { OutputStream outputStream = exchange.getResponseBody(); outputStream.write(message.getBytes()); outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Do not generate another HTML error, as we are already in sendHTMLError which failed. com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("HTTP Server: sendHTMLError(" + error + "): " + ex.getMessage()); com.gmt2001.Console.err.logStackTrace(ex); } } private static String inferContentType(String path) { if (path.endsWith(".html") || path.endsWith(".htm")) { return "text/html"; } else if (path.endsWith(".css")) { return "text/css"; } else if (path.endsWith(".png")) { return "image/png"; } return "text/text"; } }