Java tutorial
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import; import; import; import; /** * Calls lib/reference-coreference-scorers and parses the output. * @author Thomas Rebele * */ public class ReferenceEvaluator { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReferenceEvaluator.class); public static class Options { @Parameter(names = "--single-file", description = "put all articles in one file for reference-coreference-scorers") public boolean singleFile = true; @Parameter(names = "--remove-tmp-files", description = "temporarily generated files will get removed after execution") public boolean removeTmpFiles = true; } private Options options = new Options(); // create a regex to parse private Pattern resultPattern = null; public ReferenceEvaluator() { String floatingPointRegex = "\\d*\\.?\\d+"; String nomRegex = "\\((?<RecallNom>" + floatingPointRegex + ")\\s*"; String denomRegex = "\\s*(?<RecallDenom>" + floatingPointRegex + ")\\)"; String percentRegex = "\\s*(?<RecallPct>" + floatingPointRegex + ")\\%\\s*"; String recallPattern = "Recall:\\s*(?:" + nomRegex + "/" + denomRegex + ")?" + percentRegex; String precisionPattern = recallPattern.replaceAll("Recall", "Precision"); String f1Pattern = recallPattern.replaceAll("Recall", "F1"); resultPattern = Pattern.compile(recallPattern + precisionPattern + f1Pattern + ".*"); } public ReferenceEvaluator(Options refEvalOptions) { this.options = refEvalOptions; } private void silentDelete(Path path) { try { Files.delete(path); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * EValuates metrics for two tagged text XML files. * @param goldstandard path to tagged text XML * @param compare path to tagged text XML * @param tmpDirectory where to store generated files * @return * @throws IOException */ public ComparisonResult compareXMLFiles(Path goldstandard, Path compare, Path tmpDirectory) throws IOException { TaggedTextXMLReader.Options options = new TaggedTextXMLReader.Options(); TaggedTextXMLReader reader = new TaggedTextXMLReader(options); List<TaggedText> goldstd = reader.getTaggedText(goldstandard), cmp = reader.getTaggedText(compare); return compare(goldstd, goldstandard.getFileName().toString(), cmp, compare.getFileName().toString(), tmpDirectory); } public ComparisonResult compare(List<TaggedText> goldstandard, List<TaggedText> compare, Path tmpDirectory) throws IOException { return compare(goldstandard, "goldstd", compare, "compare", tmpDirectory); } /** * Evaluates metrics for list of tagged texts. * @param goldstandard list of tagged texts * @param goldstandardFilename temporary filename for goldstandard .conll file * @param compare list of tagged texts * @param compareFilename temporary filename for compare .conll file * @param tmpDirectory * @return * @throws IOException */ public ComparisonResult compare(List<TaggedText> goldstandard, String goldstandardFilename, List<TaggedText> compare, String compareFilename, Path tmpDirectory) throws IOException { String scorerOutput = goldstandardFilename + "-" + compareFilename + "-scorer-output"; ConllWriter conll = new ConllWriter(); ReferenceEvaluator evaluator = new ReferenceEvaluator(); if (this.options.singleFile) {"using only one thread, try to use the split file option to speed things up"); Path goldstdConllFile = tmpDirectory.resolve(goldstandardFilename + ".conll"); conll.writeTTList(goldstandard, goldstdConllFile); Path compareConllFile = tmpDirectory.resolve(compareFilename + ".conll"); conll.writeTTList(compare, compareConllFile); Path scorerOutputFile = tmpDirectory.resolve(scorerOutput + ".txt"); ComparisonResult result = evaluator.compareConllFiles(goldstdConllFile, compareConllFile, scorerOutputFile); if (this.options.removeTmpFiles) { silentDelete(goldstdConllFile); silentDelete(compareConllFile); silentDelete(scorerOutputFile); } return result; } else { int cnt = Math.min(goldstandard.size(), compare.size()); List<ComparisonResult> lst = IntStream.range(0, cnt).parallel().mapToObj((i) -> { String id = goldstandard.get(i).id; Path goldstdConllFile = tmpDirectory.resolve(goldstandardFilename + "-" + id); conll.writeTT(goldstandard.get(i), goldstdConllFile); Path compareConllFile = tmpDirectory.resolve(compareFilename + "-" + id); conll.writeTT(compare.get(i), compareConllFile); Path scorerOutputFile = tmpDirectory .resolve(scorerOutput + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ".txt"); ComparisonResult singleResult = evaluator.compareConllFiles(goldstdConllFile, compareConllFile, scorerOutputFile); if (this.options.removeTmpFiles) { try { silentDelete(goldstdConllFile); silentDelete(compareConllFile); silentDelete(scorerOutputFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return singleResult; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); ComparisonResult result = new ComparisonResult(); lst.forEach(cr -> result.merge(cr)); return result; } } /** * Compare two files in Conll format (!) * @param goldstandard * @param compare * @param scorerOutput save output of scorer to this file if set * @return */ public ComparisonResult compareConllFiles(Path goldstandard, Path compare, Path scorerOutput) { log.debug("comparing {} {}", goldstandard, compare); String cmd = "lib/reference-coreference-scorers/ all " + goldstandard + " " + compare; String str = execExternalCommand(cmd); log.trace("reference-coreference-scorers output: {}", str); if (scorerOutput != null) { try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(scorerOutput.toFile(), str); if (!options.removeTmpFiles) { log.debug("wrote scorer output to {}", scorerOutput); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return parseScorerOutput(str); } /** * Compare two Conll directories by concatenating them into one file. * Please ensure that the two directories have the same structure. * Files must end with 'conll' * @param goldstandardDir * @param compareDir * @param scorerOutput * @return */ public ComparisonResult compareConllDirectorysAsSingleFile(Path goldstandardDir, Path compareDir, Path tmpDirectory) { try { Map<String, Path> goldstd = new HashMap<>(); List<Path> cmp = Files.walk(compareDir).filter(p -> p.toString().endsWith("conll")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Files.walk(goldstandardDir).filter(p -> p.toString().endsWith("conll")) .forEach(p -> goldstd.put(p.getFileName().toString(), p)); Path cmpFileGoldstd = tmpDirectory.resolve(goldstandardDir.toString().replace("/", "-")); Path cmpFileCmp = tmpDirectory.resolve(compareDir.toString().replace("/", "-")); for (Path cmpPath : cmp) { // try to find cmp file Path goldstdPath = goldstd.get(cmpPath.getFileName().toString()); if (goldstdPath == null) { log.warn("warning, compare file not found for goldstandard file: {}", cmpPath); continue; } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(cmpFileGoldstd.toFile(), FileUtils.readFileToString(goldstdPath.toFile()), true); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(cmpFileCmp.toFile(), FileUtils.readFileToString(cmpPath.toFile()), true); } String scorerOutput = cmpFileGoldstd.getFileName() + "-" + cmpFileCmp.getFileName() + "-scorer-output"; return compareConllFiles(cmpFileGoldstd, cmpFileCmp, tmpDirectory.resolve(scorerOutput + ".txt")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Call external command * @param cmd * @return its std output as a string */ private String execExternalCommand(String cmd) { log.debug("executing command: {}", cmd); Process p = null; try { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } InputStream is = p.getInputStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { while (p.isAlive()) { try { char[] buffer = new char[1024 * 4]; int n = 0; while (-1 != (n = { sw.write(buffer, 0, n); } if (p.isAlive()) { Thread.sleep(10); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e1) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } String str = sw.toString(); return str; } /** * Get documents, metrics and their respective recall and precision values * @param output * @return */ public ComparisonResult parseScorerOutput(String output) { String[] lines = output.split("\n"); if (lines.length < 1) { return null; } if (!lines[0].startsWith("version: 8.01")) { log.warn("expected version 8.01, but got {}", lines[0]); } ComparisonResult result = new ComparisonResult(); // go through all lines String actMetric = null; String actDocid = null; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i]; // track document and metric info String metricPrefix = "METRIC "; String docidPrefix = "====>"; String totalsPrefix = "====== TOTALS ======="; if (line.startsWith(metricPrefix)) { actMetric = line.substring(metricPrefix.length(), line.length() - 1); } if (line.startsWith(docidPrefix)) { actDocid = line.substring(docidPrefix.length() + 1, line.length() - 1); } if (line.startsWith(totalsPrefix)) { actDocid = null; } // parse line if possible Matcher m = resultPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { double recallnom = Float.parseFloat("RecallNom")); double recalldenom = Float.parseFloat("RecallDenom")); double precisionnom = Float.parseFloat("PrecisionNom")); double precisiondenom = Float.parseFloat("PrecisionDenom")); /*int recallpercent = Integer.parseInt("RecallPct")); int precisionpercent = Integer.parseInt("PrecisionPct")); int f1percent = Integer.parseInt("F1Pct"));*/ if (actMetric == null) { log.error("metric is null, line {}", i); } else if (actDocid == null) { log.error("docid is null, line {}", i); } else { Fraction recall = new Fraction(recallnom, recalldenom); Fraction precision = new Fraction(precisionnom, precisiondenom); ValueEvaluationStatistics value = new ValueEvaluationStatistics(recall, precision); result.docidToMetricToResult.computeIfAbsent(actDocid, k -> new HashMap<>()).put(actMetric, value); } } else if (line.contains("Recall")) { log.debug("pattern didn't match {}", line); } } return result; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ReferenceEvaluator eval = new ReferenceEvaluator(); /*ComparisonResult r = eval.compareConllFiles(Paths.get("result/ace2004/roth-dev/dev/conll-format/ace2004-aida2014-with-nme.xml"), Paths.get("result/ace2004/roth-dev/dev/conll-format/tagged-by-aida.xml"));*/ Path goldstd = Paths.get("test-data/ace2004/roth-dev/dev/ace2004-aida2014-with-nme.xml"); Path compare = Paths.get("result/ace2004/roth-dev/dev/tagged-by-aida.xml"); Path tmpDir = Paths.get("result/ace2004/roth-dev/dev/conll-format"); ComparisonResult r = eval.compareXMLFiles(goldstd, compare, tmpDir); System.out.println(r.docidToMetricToResult); } }