Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016, the Biomes O' Plenty Team
 * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License.
 * To view a copy of this license, visit
package toughasnails.api.temperature;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import toughasnails.api.TANCapabilities;
import toughasnails.api.stat.capability.ITemperature;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class TemperatureHelper {
    private static Map<String, ITemperatureModifier> modifiers = Maps.newHashMap();
    private static final IModifierMonitor DUMMY_MONITOR = new IModifierMonitor() {
        public void addEntry(Context context) {

        public void setTargetTemperature(Temperature temperature) {

     * Register a temperature modifier. The modifier's id must be set.
     * @param modifier The modifier to register
     * @return true on success, false on failure
    public static boolean registerTemperatureModifier(ITemperatureModifier modifier) {
        if (modifier.getId() == null || modifiers.containsKey(modifier.getId())) {
            return false;

        modifiers.put(modifier.getId(), modifier);
        return true;

     * Get the current map of registered temperature modifiers.
     * @return An immutable map of temperature modifiers
    public static ImmutableMap<String, ITemperatureModifier> getTemperatureModifiers() {
        return ImmutableMap.copyOf(modifiers);

    /** Get this player's temperature data.
     * @param player The player to obtain data from
     * @return The player's temperature data
    public static ITemperature getTemperatureData(EntityPlayer player) {
        return player.getCapability(TANCapabilities.TEMPERATURE, null);

     * Get the target temperature based on the provided position.
     * @param world The world to check the temperature of
     * @param pos The position to check the temperature at
     * @param monitor The modifier monitor (may be null)
     * @return The temperature at the provided position
    public static Temperature getTargetAtPos(@Nonnull World world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos,
            @Nullable IModifierMonitor monitor) {
        if (monitor == null)
            monitor = DUMMY_MONITOR;

        int targetTemperature = TemperatureScale.getScaleMidpoint();
        monitor.addEntry(new IModifierMonitor.Context("equilibrium", "Equilibrium", new Temperature(0),
                new Temperature(TemperatureScale.getScaleMidpoint())));

        for (ITemperatureModifier modifier : TemperatureHelper.getTemperatureModifiers().values()) {
            if (!modifier.isPlayerSpecific())
                targetTemperature = modifier
                        .applyEnvironmentModifiers(world, pos, new Temperature(targetTemperature), monitor)

        monitor.setTargetTemperature(new Temperature(targetTemperature));
        return new Temperature(MathHelper.clamp(targetTemperature, 0, TemperatureScale.getScaleTotal()));

     * Get all temperature regulators in this world.
     * @param world The world
     * @return A list of temperature regulators
    public static List<ITemperatureRegulator> getTemperatureRegulators(World world) {
        List<ITemperatureRegulator> list = Lists.newArrayList();

        for (TileEntity tileEntity : world.tickableTileEntities) {
            if (tileEntity instanceof ITemperatureRegulator)
                list.add((ITemperatureRegulator) tileEntity);

        return list;

     * Check if this position is climatised for at least the provided temperature.
     * @param world The world
     * @param pos The position to check
     * @param temperature The desired temperature
     * @return true if climatised for the given temperature, false if not
    public static boolean isPosClimatisedForTemp(World world, BlockPos pos, Temperature temperature) {
        for (ITemperatureRegulator regulator : getTemperatureRegulators(world)) {
            if (regulator.getRegulatedTemperature().getRawValue() >= temperature.getRawValue()
                    && regulator.isPosRegulated(pos)) {
                return true;

        return false;