Java tutorial
/** * XOR, empowering Model Driven Architecture in J2EE applications * * Copyright (c) 2012, Dilip Dalton * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package tools.xor.logic; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Date; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import tools.xor.AbstractDBTest; import tools.xor.AssociationSetting; import tools.xor.ImmutableJsonProperty; import tools.xor.OpenType; import tools.xor.Settings; import tools.xor.Type; import tools.xor.db.base.Employee; import tools.xor.db.base.Person; import; import; import tools.xor.db.sp.P; import tools.xor.service.AggregateManager; import tools.xor.view.AggregateView; import tools.xor.view.OQLQuery; public abstract class DefaultMutableJson extends AbstractDBTest { @Autowired protected AggregateManager aggregateService; protected void checkStringField() throws JSONException { // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Person.class); Person person = (Person) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (person.getId() != null); assert (person.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + json.toString()); assert ((json.get("name")).toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); } protected void checkDateField() throws JSONException { // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); // 1/1/15 7:00 PM EST final long CREATED_ON = 1420156800000L; Date createdOn = new Date(CREATED_ON); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(ImmutableJsonProperty.ISO8601_FORMAT); json.put("createdOn", df.format(createdOn)); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Person.class); Person person = (Person) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (person.getId() != null); assert (person.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (person.getCreatedOn().getTime() == CREATED_ON); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + json.toString()); assert (json.get("name").toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert ((json.get("createdOn")).toString().equals("2015-01-01T16:00:00.000-0800")); } protected void checkIntField() throws JSONException { // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); json.put("employeeNo", 235); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Employee.class); Employee employee = (Employee) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (employee.getId() != null); assert (employee.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (employee.getEmployeeNo() == 235); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + json.toString()); assert ((json.get("name")).toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (Integer.valueOf((json.get("employeeNo")).toString()) == 235); } protected void checkLongField() throws JSONException { // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); json.put("salary", 100000); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Employee.class); Employee employee = (Employee) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (employee.getId() != null); assert (employee.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (employee.getSalary() == 100000); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + json.toString()); assert ((json.get("name")).toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (Integer.valueOf((json.get("salary")).toString()) == 100000); } protected void checkEmptyLongField() throws JSONException { // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Employee.class); Employee employee = (Employee) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (employee.getId() != null); assert (employee.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (employee.getSalary() == null); assert (!employee.getIsCriticalSystemObject()); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string, empty: " + json.toString()); assert ((json.get("name")).toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (!json.has("salary")); } protected void checkBooleanField() throws JSONException { // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); json.put("isCriticalSystemObject", true); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Employee.class); Employee employee = (Employee) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (employee.getId() != null); assert (employee.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (employee.getIsCriticalSystemObject()); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + json.toString()); assert ((json.get("name")).toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (json.getBoolean("isCriticalSystemObject")); } protected void checkBigDecimalField() throws JSONException { final BigDecimal largeDecimal = new BigDecimal("12345678998765432100000.123456789987654321"); // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); json.put("largeDecimal", largeDecimal); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Employee.class); Employee employee = (Employee) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (employee.getId() != null); assert (employee.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (employee.getLargeDecimal().equals(largeDecimal)); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + json.toString()); assert ((json.get("name")).toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (new BigDecimal(json.get("largeDecimal").toString()).equals(largeDecimal)); } protected void checkBigIntegerField() throws JSONException { final BigInteger largeInteger = new BigInteger("12345678998765432100000123456789987654321"); // create person JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "DILIP_DALTON"); json.put("displayName", "Dilip Dalton"); json.put("description", "Software engineer in the bay area"); json.put("userName", "daltond"); json.put("largeInteger", largeInteger); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(Employee.class); Employee employee = (Employee) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (employee.getId() != null); assert (employee.getName().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (employee.getLargeInteger().equals(largeInteger)); Object jsonObject =, settings); json = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + json.toString()); assert ((json.get("name")).toString().equals("DILIP_DALTON")); assert (new BigInteger(json.get("largeInteger").toString()).equals(largeInteger)); } protected void checkEntityField() throws JSONException { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); json.put("openField", "Success"); // Create quote final BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal("123456789.987654321"); JSONObject quote = new JSONObject(); quote.put("price", price); json.put("quote", quote); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getQuote() != null); assert (task.getQuote().getId() != null); assert (task.getQuote().getPrice().equals(price)); Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonTask = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + jsonTask.toString()); assert ((jsonTask.get("name")).toString().equals(TASK_NAME)); JSONObject jsonQuote = jsonTask.getJSONObject("quote"); assert (new BigDecimal(jsonQuote.get("price").toString()).equals(price)); } protected void checkSetField() throws JSONException { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String CHILD_TASK_NAME = "TASK_1"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); json.put("openField", "Success"); // Create and add 1 child task JSONObject child1 = new JSONObject(); child1.put("name", CHILD_TASK_NAME); child1.put("displayName", "Task 1"); child1.put("description", "This is the first child task"); child1.put("openField", "Success"); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); jsonArray.put(child1); json.put("taskChildren", jsonArray); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getTaskChildren() != null); System.out.println("Children size: " + task.getTaskChildren().size()); assert (task.getTaskChildren().size() == 1); for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { System.out.println("Task name: " + child.getName()); } Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonTask = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string for object: " + jsonTask.toString()); assert (jsonTask.get("name").toString().equals(TASK_NAME)); JSONArray jsonChildren = jsonTask.getJSONArray("taskChildren"); assert (((JSONArray) jsonChildren).length() == 1); } /** * Add two new fields price and quantity and check to see if it appears in the JSON * string * @throws JSONException */ protected void checkOpenField() throws JSONException { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; AggregateView view = new AggregateView("OPEN_FIELD_VIEW"); List path = new ArrayList(); path.add("name"); path.add("displayName"); path.add("description"); path.add("quote.price"); path.add("ItemList"); // open property view.setAttributeList(path); // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); json.put("openField", "Success"); // Create quote final BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal("123456789.987654321"); JSONObject quote = new JSONObject(); quote.put("price", price); json.put("quote", quote); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setView(view); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getQuote() != null); assert (task.getQuote().getId() != null); assert (task.getQuote().getPrice().equals(price)); Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonTask = (JSONObject) jsonObject; System.out.println("JSON string: " + jsonTask.toString()); assert ((jsonTask.get("name")).toString().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert ((jsonTask.get("openField")).toString().equals("Success")); JSONObject jsonQuote = jsonTask.getJSONObject("quote"); assert (new BigDecimal(jsonQuote.get("price").toString()).equals(price)); } protected void checkExcelExport() throws JSONException, IOException { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String CHILD_TASK_NAME = "TASK_1"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); json.put("openField", "Success"); // Create and add 1 child task JSONObject child1 = new JSONObject(); child1.put("name", CHILD_TASK_NAME); child1.put("displayName", "Task 1"); child1.put("description", "This is the first child task"); child1.put("openField", "Success"); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); jsonArray.put(child1); json.put("taskChildren", jsonArray); JSONObject childDetails = new JSONObject(); childDetails.put("version", "0"); child1.put("taskDetails", childDetails); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting(TaskDetails.class)); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getTaskChildren() != null); System.out.println("Children size: " + task.getTaskChildren().size()); assert (task.getTaskChildren().size() == 1); for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { System.out.println("Task name: " + child.getName()); } for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { assert (child.getId() != null); } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("taskExcel.xlsx"); aggregateService.exportAggregate(out, task, settings); } protected void checkExcelExportView() throws JSONException, IOException { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String CHILD_TASK_NAME = "TASK_1"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); // Create and add 1 child task JSONObject child1 = new JSONObject(); child1.put("name", CHILD_TASK_NAME); child1.put("displayName", "Task 1"); child1.put("description", "This is the first child task"); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); jsonArray.put(child1); json.put("taskChildren", jsonArray); JSONObject childDetails = new JSONObject(); childDetails.put("version", "0"); child1.put("taskDetails", childDetails); AggregateView view = new AggregateView("VIEW_STREAM"); List path = new ArrayList(); path.add("id"); path.add("name"); path.add("displayName"); path.add("description"); view.setAttributeList(path); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.addFunctionFilter("ASC(name)", 1); settings.setView(view); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting(TaskDetails.class)); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getTaskChildren() != null); System.out.println("Children size: " + task.getTaskChildren().size()); assert (task.getTaskChildren().size() == 1); for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { System.out.println("Task name: " + child.getName()); } for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { assert (child.getId() != null); } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("taskExcelChunking.xlsx"); aggregateService.exportAggregate(out, task, settings); } protected void checkExcelImport() throws JSONException, IOException { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("taskOneChild.xlsx"); final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String CHILD_TASK_NAME = "TASK_1"; Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting(TaskDetails.class)); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.importAggregate(in, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getTaskChildren() != null); assert (task.getTaskChildren().size() == 1); for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { assert (child.getName().equals(CHILD_TASK_NAME)); } for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { assert (child.getId() != null); } } protected void checkExcelImport100() throws JSONException, IOException { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("task100Child.xlsx"); final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting(TaskDetails.class)); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.importAggregate(in, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getTaskChildren() != null); assert (task.getTaskChildren().size() == 100); for (Task child : task.getTaskChildren()) { assert (child.getId() != null); } } /** * In this test we will check the save of an entity association * referenced as a primitive (String) field. * * subTask (String) * Task ------------------> Task * * The field subTask is a String field, and refers to the id * of the subTask. * * The following steps are involved in this test: * 1. Setup the model to have this association modelled as a Task * using an open property * 2. Create the test data using JSON object. * The Open property setter should ensure that we get the id * from the subTask field and get the persistence managed object * If this object is not present, then create it. * Delegate most of this work to the framework. * 3. Check that the data is saved correctly * 4. Read the data and ensure the data is modelled * correctly as a Task object referenced by the open property * name * */ protected void checkOpenFieldEntityToOne() { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String SUB_TASK_NAME = "SETUP_WIRING"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); // Create subTask JSONObject subTask = new JSONObject(); subTask.put("name", SUB_TASK_NAME); subTask.put("displayName", "Setup Wiring"); subTask.put("description", "Establish wiring from the external line to the exterior of the home"); json.put("subTaskObj", subTask); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setSupportsPostLogic(true); settings.setPostFlush(true); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("subTaskObj")); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); // Make sure the subTask contains the id of the subTaskObj object assert (task.getSubTask() != null); // Now read the object and see if the subTaskObj was created Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonTask = (JSONObject) jsonObject; JSONObject subTaskJson = jsonTask.getJSONObject("subTaskObj"); assert (subTaskJson.get("name").equals(SUB_TASK_NAME)); //System.out.println("{}{}{}{}{}{}{} JSON string: " + jsonTask.toString()); } protected void checkOpenFieldEntityToOneGrandchild() { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String SUB_TASK_NAME = "SETUP_WIRING"; final String GC_TASK_NAME = "SCHEDULE_APPT"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); // Create subTask JSONObject subTask = new JSONObject(); subTask.put("name", SUB_TASK_NAME); subTask.put("displayName", "Setup Wiring"); subTask.put("description", "Establish wiring from the external line to the exterior of the home"); json.put("subTaskObj", subTask); // Create Grandchild task JSONObject gcTask = new JSONObject(); gcTask.put("name", GC_TASK_NAME); gcTask.put("displayName", "Schedule Appointment"); gcTask.put("description", "Schedule appointment for the internet installer"); subTask.put("subTaskObj", gcTask); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setSupportsPostLogic(true); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("subTaskObj")); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); // Make sure the subTask contains the id of the subTaskObj object assert (task.getSubTask() != null); // Now read the object and see if the subTaskObj was created Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonTask = (JSONObject) jsonObject; JSONObject subTaskJson = jsonTask.getJSONObject("subTaskObj"); assert (subTaskJson.get("name").equals(SUB_TASK_NAME)); JSONObject gcJson = subTaskJson.getJSONObject("subTaskObj"); assert (gcJson.get("name").equals(GC_TASK_NAME)); System.out.println("{}{}{}{}{}{}{} JSON string: " + jsonTask.toString()); } protected void checkOpenFieldQuery() { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String SUB_TASK_NAME = "SETUP_WIRING"; final String GC_TASK_NAME = "SCHEDULE_APPT"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); // Create subTask JSONObject subTask = new JSONObject(); subTask.put("name", SUB_TASK_NAME); subTask.put("displayName", "Setup Wiring"); subTask.put("description", "Establish wiring from the external line to the exterior of the home"); json.put("subTaskObj", subTask); // Create Grandchild task JSONObject gcTask = new JSONObject(); gcTask.put("name", GC_TASK_NAME); gcTask.put("displayName", "Schedule Appointment"); gcTask.put("description", "Schedule appointment for the internet installer"); subTask.put("subTaskObj", gcTask); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setSupportsPostLogic(true); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("subTaskObj")); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); AggregateView view = new AggregateView("OPEN_FIELD_QUERY"); List path = new ArrayList(); path.add("id"); path.add("name"); path.add("displayName"); path.add("description"); path.add(""); path.add(""); path.add("subTaskObj.displayName"); path.add("subTaskObj.description"); path.add(""); path.add(""); path.add("subTaskObj.subTaskObj.displayName"); path.add("subTaskObj.subTaskObj.description"); view.setAttributeList(path); // Make sure the subTask contains the id of the subTaskObj object assert (task.getSubTask() != null); settings = new Settings(); settings.setView(view); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); settings.setDenormalized(true); List<?> result = aggregateService.query(null, settings); assert (result.size() == 2); } protected void checkExternalData() throws JSONException { final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String TASK_URI = ""; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); json.put("taskUri", TASK_URI); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); assert (task.getName().equals(TASK_NAME)); assert (task.getTaskUri().equals(TASK_URI)); settings.addTag("External Data"); settings.setExternalData(5); Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonTask = (JSONObject) jsonObject; assert ((jsonTask.get("taskUri")).toString().equals(TASK_URI)); } protected void checkOpenFieldPaging() { // Task Tree 1 final String TASK_NAME = "SETUP_DSL"; final String SUB_TASK_NAME = "SETUP_WIRING"; final String GC_TASK_NAME = "SCHEDULE_APPT"; // Create task JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", TASK_NAME); json.put("displayName", "Setup DSL"); json.put("description", "Setup high-speed broadband internet using DSL technology"); // Create subTask JSONObject subTask = new JSONObject(); subTask.put("name", SUB_TASK_NAME); subTask.put("displayName", "Setup Wiring"); subTask.put("description", "Establish wiring from the external line to the exterior of the home"); json.put("subTaskObj", subTask); // Create Grandchild task JSONObject gcTask = new JSONObject(); gcTask.put("name", GC_TASK_NAME); gcTask.put("displayName", "Schedule Appointment"); gcTask.put("description", "Schedule appointment for the internet installer"); subTask.put("subTaskObj", gcTask); Settings settings = getSettings(); settings.setSupportsPostLogic(true); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("subTaskObj")); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); Task task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); // Task Tree 2 // Create task json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "HOMEWORK"); json.put("displayName", "Homework"); json.put("description", "Homework from school"); // Create subTask subTask = new JSONObject(); subTask.put("name", "MATH_HOMEWORK"); subTask.put("displayName", "Math's homework"); subTask.put("description", "Complete math homework"); json.put("subTaskObj", subTask); // Create Grandchild task gcTask = new JSONObject(); gcTask.put("name", "ALGEBRA"); gcTask.put("displayName", "Algebra problems"); gcTask.put("description", "Complete the algebra part of the math homework"); subTask.put("subTaskObj", gcTask); settings = getSettings(); settings.setSupportsPostLogic(true); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("subTaskObj")); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); // Task tree 3 // Create task json = new JSONObject(); json.put("name", "ATHLETICS"); json.put("displayName", "Athletics"); json.put("description", "The athletics programs the child participates in"); // Create subTask subTask = new JSONObject(); subTask.put("name", "TRACK_FIELD"); subTask.put("displayName", "Track & Field"); subTask.put("description", "Track and field programs"); json.put("subTaskObj", subTask); // Create Grandchild task gcTask = new JSONObject(); gcTask.put("name", "DISTANCE_RUNNING"); gcTask.put("displayName", "Long distance running"); gcTask.put("description", "The 1 mile run"); subTask.put("subTaskObj", gcTask); settings = getSettings(); settings.setSupportsPostLogic(true); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("subTaskObj")); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); task = (Task) aggregateService.create(json, settings); assert (task.getId() != null); AggregateView view = new AggregateView("OPEN_FIELD_QUERY"); List path = new ArrayList(); path.add("id"); path.add("name"); path.add("displayName"); path.add("description"); path.add(""); path.add(""); path.add("subTaskObj.displayName"); path.add("subTaskObj.description"); path.add(""); path.add(""); path.add("subTaskObj.subTaskObj.displayName"); path.add("subTaskObj.subTaskObj.description"); view.setAttributeList(path); settings = new Settings(); settings.addFunctionFilter("asc(name)", 1); settings.setView(view); settings.setEntityClass(Task.class); settings.setDenormalized(true); settings.setLimit(2); List<?> result = aggregateService.query(null, settings); assert (result.size() == 3); // We proceed from the nextToken, so we should return the remaining single row result = aggregateManager.query(null, settings); assert (result.size() == 2); } /* Table name Purpose Key ------------------------------------------------------ S Suppliers (S#) P Parts (P#) SP Parts supplied by Suppliers (S#, P#) The full column set of each table, and the data they typically contain for example uses, are shown below. S S# SNAME STATUS CITY ---------------------------- S1 Smith 20 London S2 Jones 10 Paris S3 Blake 30 Paris S4 Clark 20 London S5 Adams 30 Athens P P# PNAME COLOR WEIGHT CITY ---------------------------------- P1 Nut Red 12.0 London P2 Bolt Green 17.0 Paris P3 Screw Blue 17.0 Oslo P4 Screw Red 14.0 London P5 Cam Blue 12.0 Paris P6 Cog Red 19.0 London SP S# P# QTY ------------ S1 P1 300 S1 P2 200 S1 P3 400 S1 P4 200 S1 P5 100 S1 P6 100 S2 P1 300 S2 P2 400 S3 P2 200 S4 P2 200 S4 P4 300 S4 P5 400 */ protected abstract void createSPData(); public void checkOpenPropertyCollection() { createSPData(); // We are going to test the following // P1.suppliers // We should return a collection of {S1, S2} AggregateView view = new AggregateView("TestSP"); List path = new ArrayList(); path.add("supplierParts.supplierNo"); path.add("supplierParts.partNo"); path.add("supplierParts.qty"); path.add("partNo"); path.add("pname"); path.add("color"); path.add("weight"); path.add("city"); view.setAttributeList(path); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(P.class); settings.setView(view); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("supplierParts")); settings.setEntityClass(P.class); // Now read the object and see if the subTaskObj was created P p1 = new P(); p1.setPartNo("P1"); Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonP = (JSONObject) jsonObject; JSONArray spJson = jsonP.getJSONArray("supplierParts"); assert (spJson.length() == 2); //System.out.println("{}{}{}{}{}{}{} JSON string: " + jsonTask.toString()); } public void checkOpenPropertyCollectionUpdate() { createSPData(); // We are going to test the following // P1.suppliers // We should return a collection of {S1, S2} AggregateView view = new AggregateView("TestSP"); List path = new ArrayList(); path.add("supplierParts.supplierNo"); path.add("supplierParts.partNo"); path.add("supplierParts.qty"); path.add("partNo"); path.add("pname"); path.add("color"); path.add("weight"); path.add("city"); view.setAttributeList(path); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityClass(P.class); settings.setView(view); settings.addAssociation(new AssociationSetting("supplierParts")); settings.setEntityClass(P.class); // Now read the object and see if the subTaskObj was created P p1 = new P(); p1.setPartNo("P1"); Object jsonObject =, settings); JSONObject jsonP = (JSONObject) jsonObject; JSONArray spJson = jsonP.getJSONArray("supplierParts"); assert (spJson.length() == 2); settings = new Settings(); settings.addFunctionFilter("asc(supplierParts.partNo)", 1); settings.addFunctionFilter("asc(supplierParts.supplierNo)", 2); settings.setView(view); settings.setEntityClass(P.class); List<?> result = aggregateService.query(null, settings); assert (result.size() > 0); //System.out.println("{}{}{}{}{}{}{} JSON string: " + jsonTask.toString()); // Change the quantity value for Supplier parts P1-S1 from 300 to 500 } public void checkOpenTypeCrossJoin() { createSPData(); Set<String> properties = new HashSet<String>(); properties.add(tools.xor.db.sp.P.class.getName() + OpenType.DELIM + "partNo"); properties.add(tools.xor.db.sp.S.class.getName() + OpenType.DELIM + "supplierNo"); OpenType crossJoin = new OpenType("crossjoin", properties); aggregateManager.getDAS().addOpenType(crossJoin); Settings settings = new Settings(); settings.setEntityType(crossJoin); AggregateView view = new AggregateView("CROSS"); settings.setView(view); view.setAttributeList(new ArrayList<String>(properties)); OQLQuery q = new OQLQuery(); q.setQueryString("SELECT p.partNo, s.supplierNo FROM S s, P p"); view.setUserOQLQuery(q); List o = aggregateService.query(null, settings); System.out.println("OQL Query Output size : " + o.size()); } }