Java tutorial
/** * identity_provider - * * Copyright (C) 2010 by Networld Project * Written by Alex Oberhauser <> * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software. If not, see <> */ package; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Vector; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.QName; import; /** * @author Alex Oberhauser */ public class AuthnResponseError extends GenericSAMLMessage { /** * Exclusive the SUCCESS code, because than the * AuthnResponse class should be used. * * Codes are from the SAML2-Core specification. */ public enum CODE { REQUESTER, // Requester Error RESPONDER, VERSION_MISMATCH, AUTHN_FAILED, INVALID_ATTR_NAME_OR_VALUE, INVALID_NAME_ID_POLICY, NO_AUTHN_CONTEXT, NO_AVAILABLE_IDP, NO_PASSIV, NO_SUPPORTED_IDP, PARTIAL_LOGOUT, PROXY_COUNT_EXCEEDED, REQUEST_DENIED, REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED, REQUEST_VERSION_DEPRECATED, REQUEST_VERSION_TOO_HIGH, REQUEST_VERSION_TOO_LOW, RESOURCE_NOT_RECOGNIZED, TOO_MANY_RESPONSE, UNKNOWN_ATTR_PROFILE, UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL, UNSUPPORTED_BINDING } private Vector<String> statusVector = new Vector<String>(); public AuthnResponseError(CODE _code, String _issuer, String _destinationIRI, String _requestID) { this.initStatusVector(); Element authnResponse = this.xmlDocument.addElement(new QName("Response", SAMLP_NS)); authnResponse.add(SAML_NS); authnResponse.addAttribute("Destination", _destinationIRI); String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); authnResponse.addAttribute("ID", id); authnResponse.addAttribute("InResponseTo", _requestID); authnResponse.addAttribute("IssueInstant", DateHelper.getCurrentDate()); authnResponse.addAttribute("Version", "2.0"); Element issuer = authnResponse.addElement(new QName("Issuer", SAML_NS)); issuer.setText(_issuer); Element status = authnResponse.addElement(new QName("Status", SAMLP_NS)); Element statusCode = status.addElement(new QName("StatusCode", SAMLP_NS)); statusCode.addAttribute("Value", this.statusVector.get(_code.ordinal())); } private void initStatusVector() { String prefix = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:"; this.statusVector.add(prefix + "Requester"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "Responder"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "VersionMismatch"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "AuthnFailed"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "InvalidAttrNameOrValue"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "InvalidNameIDPolicy"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "NoAuthnContext"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "NoAvailableIDP"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "NoPassive"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "NoSupportedIDP"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "PartialLogout"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "ProxyCountExceeded"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "RequestDenied"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "RequestUnsupported"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "RequestVersionDeprecated"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "RequestVersionTooHigh"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "RequestVersionTooLow"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "ResourceNotRecognized"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "TooManyResponse"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "UnknownAttrProfile"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "UnknownPrincipal"); this.statusVector.add(prefix + "UnsupportedBinding"); } public String getStatus() { return this.getAttributeValue("/samlp:Response/samlp:Status/samlp:StatusCode", "Value"); } /** * @see */ @Override public void load(SOAPMessage soapMessage) throws SOAPException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }