tinyequationscoringengine.MathMLParser.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for tinyequationscoringengine.MathMLParser.java


 * Educational Online Test Delivery System Copyright (c) 2014 American
 * Institutes for Research
 * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 See accompanying
 * file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at
 * http://www.smarterapp.org/documents/
 * American_Institutes_for_Research_Open_Source_Software_License.pdf
package tinyequationscoringengine;

import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;

import qtiscoringengine.QTIScoringException;
import AIR.Common.Helpers._Ref;
import AIR.Common.Utilities.JavaPrimitiveUtils;
import AIR.Common.xml.XmlElement;
import AIR.Common.xml.XmlNamespaceManager;
import AIR.Common.xml.XmlReader;

public class MathMLParser {

    public static final int MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH = 80000;

    public static MathExpressionSet processMathMLData(String MathMLstring) throws QTIScoringException {
        MathExpressionSet expressions = new MathExpressionSet();

        String responseXMLString;
        if (MathMLstring.startsWith("<response>"))
            responseXMLString = MathMLstring;
            responseXMLString = "<response>" + MathMLstring + "</response>";

        // IF the response exceeds the MAX size, this is treated as a bogus response
        if (responseXMLString.length() > MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH)
            return expressions;

        Document mathMLDoc = null;
        try {
            mathMLDoc = (new XmlReader(new StringReader(responseXMLString))).getDocument();
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            throw new QTIScoringException(exp);

        XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager();
        nsMgr.addNamespace("m", "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML");

        // //Apply hack to oldmathjax responses only; New desmos widget always adds
        // a title attribute to the math node and old one didn't

        if (mathMLDoc.getRootElement().getChildren().size() > 0
                && "math".equals(mathMLDoc.getRootElement().getChildren().get(0).getName())
                && mathMLDoc.getRootElement().getChildren().get(0).getAttribute("title") == null) {
            // Msup Issue
            while (applyMSUPFix(mathMLDoc, nsMgr)) {
            // negation vs subtraction
            while (applySubtractionFix(mathMLDoc, nsMgr)) {
            // Mfrac Issue
            while (applyMFRACFix(mathMLDoc, nsMgr)) {
            // Delete mrows with no operators or children
            while (applyMROWwithNoOperatorsFix(mathMLDoc, nsMgr)) {
            // / HACK END


        List<Element> mathMLNodeList = mathMLDoc.getRootElement().getChildren();

        if (mathMLNodeList.size() > 0) {
            for (Element mathml : mathMLNodeList) {
                if (!"math".equals(mathml.getName()))
                    throw new QTIScoringException(
                            "MathML2SymPyString should be called with a top level node with name 'math', this node has name '"
                                    + mathml.getName() + "'");

                List<Element> nodeList;

                // Case <math><mstyle>...</mstyle></math> Need to check this
                XmlElement mathmlXmlElement = new XmlElement(mathml);
                if (mathmlXmlElement.getChildNodes().size() == 1
                        && "mstyle".equals(mathmlXmlElement.getChildNodes().get(0).getName())) {
                    nodeList = mathmlXmlElement.getChildNodes().get(0).getChildren();
                // Case <math>...</math>, no <mstyle>
                else {
                    nodeList = mathmlXmlElement.getChildNodes();

                MathExpression mathExpObj = new MathExpression(nodeList);
        return expressions;

    // / <summary>
    // / Bug in Renderer can cause msup to contain bogus mrows in it. These mrows
    // are not visible to the user
    // / but change the base node for the exponent.
    // / </summary>
    // / <param name="xmlDocument"></param>

    public static boolean applyMSUPFix(Document xml, XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr) {
        boolean docModified = false;
        // MSup issue
        List<Element> matchingNodes = new XmlElement(xml.getRootElement()).selectNodes("//m:msup/m:mrow[m:mo]",
        for (Element mRowNode : matchingNodes) {
            XmlElement elementMRowNode = new XmlElement(mRowNode);
            if (!isBogusMROW(elementMRowNode))
                continue; // This is a legit mrow

            // Found a bogus mrow. Remove it and apply the msup to the last child of
            // the mrow.
            // <msup><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup>

            Element mSupNode = mRowNode.getParentElement();

            XmlElement elementMSupNode = new XmlElement(mSupNode);

            if ((elementMSupNode.getChildNodes().size()) != 2) // If this happens,
                                                               // we should
                                                               // leave. We can't fix this.

            if (!(elementMSupNode.getFirstChild().equals(elementMRowNode)))
                continue; // This hack only applies if the mrow is the base node and not
                          // the exponent

            // Get the base node for the msup. This is the last child of the mrow

            XmlElement newBaseNode = elementMRowNode.getLastChild();

            // Remove all the remaing mrow children and elevent them to be siblings of
            // the msup
            // *** Need to check this
            while (elementMRowNode.hasChildNodes()) {
                XmlElement node = elementMRowNode.getFirstChild();

            // remove the mrow all together and splice the new base node in as the
            // first child.
            elementMSupNode.insertBefore(newBaseNode.getContentNode(), elementMSupNode.getContentNode());
            docModified = true;
        return docModified;

    // / <summary>
    // / Bug in Renderer can cause bogus mrow around a subrtraction operator.
    // These mrows are not visible to the user
    // / but change the order of operations since we have 2 mrows now back to back
    // with no operator between them and a multiplier gets added between them by
    // the scoring engine
    // / </summary>
    // / <param name="xmlDocument"></param>
    public static boolean applySubtractionFix(Document xml, XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr) {
        boolean docModified = false;

        List<Element> matchingNodes = new XmlElement(xml.getRootElement()).selectNodes("//m:mrow[m:mo]", nsMgr);

        for (Element mRowNode : matchingNodes) {
            XmlElement elementmRowNode = new XmlElement(mRowNode);

            if (!isBogusMROW(elementmRowNode))
                continue; // This is a legit mrow

            if (hasComplexParent(mRowNode))
                continue; // we dont want to touch mrows that are within complex mml
                          // elements

            // Found a bogus mrow. Remove it and elevate all the children up 1 level
            // <mrow><mo>&#x2212;<!-- 
            // --></mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn><mo>&#x00D7;<!-- 
            // --></mo><mn>3</mn><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow>

            Element mRowParentNode = mRowNode.getParentElement();

            // Remove all the remaing mrow children and elevate them to be siblings of
            // the mrow

            while (elementmRowNode.hasChildNodes()) {
                XmlElement node = elementmRowNode.getFirstChild();
                new XmlElement(mRowParentNode).insertBefore(node.getContentNode(),

            // remove the mrow all together and splice the new base node in as the
            // first child.

            new XmlElement(mRowParentNode).removeChild(mRowNode);
            docModified = true;

        return docModified;

    // / <summary>
    // / Bug in Renderer can cause bogus mrow around the whole number in a mixed
    // fraction. This mrow is not visible to the user
    // / but since we have this mrow with no operator between it and the mfrac, a
    // multiplier gets added between them by the scoring engine and it is no
    // longer a mixed fraction
    // / </summary>
    // / <param name="xmlDocument"></param>
    public static boolean applyMFRACFix(Document xml, XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr) {
        boolean docModified = false;
        List<Element> matchingNodes = new XmlElement(xml.getRootElement()).selectNodes("//m:mfrac", nsMgr);

        for (Element mFracNode : matchingNodes) {
            XmlElement elementMFracNode = new XmlElement(mFracNode);
            if (elementMFracNode.getPreviousSibling() != null
                    && "MROW".equalsIgnoreCase(elementMFracNode.getPreviousSibling().getLocalName())) {

                XmlElement mRowNode = elementMFracNode.getPreviousSibling();

                // the previous sibling was a mrow. Now, it is bogus ONLY IF it does not
                // have a <mo>(<mo> child
                if (!isBogusMROW(mRowNode))

                // Found a bogus mrow. Remove it and elevate all the children up 1 level
                // <mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn><mn>9</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn></mrow></mfrac>

                XmlElement mRowParentNode = XmlElement.getXmlElementForParent(mRowNode.getParent());

                // Remove all the remaing mrow children and elevate them to be siblings
                // of the mrow

                while (mRowNode.hasChildNodes()) {
                    XmlElement node = mRowNode.getFirstChild();
                    mRowParentNode.insertBefore(node.getContentNode(), mRowNode.getContentNode());
                // remove the mrow all together and splice the new base node in as the
                // first child.
                docModified = true;

        return docModified;

    // / <summary>
    // / Looks for and deletes any mrows that are empty or contain only <mn> or
    // <mi> elements
    // / </summary>
    // / <param name="xml"></param>
    // / <param name="nsMgr"></param>
    public static boolean applyMROWwithNoOperatorsFix(Document xml, XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr) {
        boolean docModified = false;
        List<Element> matchingNodes = new XmlElement(xml.getRootElement()).selectNodes("//m:mrow", nsMgr);

        for (Element mRowNode : matchingNodes) {
            // We dont want to mess with any mrows that are children of a complex
            // parent
            if (hasComplexParent(mRowNode))

            if (new XmlElement(mRowNode).getChildNodes().size() == 0) {
                new XmlElement(mRowNode.getParentElement()).removeChild(mRowNode);

            // <mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow>
            boolean containsOnlyMnorMi = true;

            List<Element> filteredList = new ArrayList<Element>();
            CollectionUtils.select(new XmlElement(mRowNode).getChildNodes(), new Predicate() {

                public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
                    XmlElement child = new XmlElement((Element) object);
                    return !("MN".equalsIgnoreCase(child.getLocalName())
                            || "MI".equalsIgnoreCase(child.getLocalName()));
            }, filteredList);

            for (Element child : filteredList) {
                containsOnlyMnorMi = false;

            if (containsOnlyMnorMi) {
                XmlElement mRowParentNode = new XmlElement(mRowNode.getParentElement());

                // Remove all the remaing mrow children and elevate them to be siblings
                // of the mrow
                XmlElement rowNodeElement = new XmlElement(mRowNode);
                while (rowNodeElement.hasChildNodes()) {

                    XmlElement node = rowNodeElement.getFirstChild();
                    mRowParentNode.insertBefore(node.getContentNode(), rowNodeElement.getContentNode());
                // remove the mrow all together and splice the new base node in as the
                // first child.

                docModified = true;

        return docModified;

    private static boolean isBogusMROW(XmlElement mRowNode) {
        // a mrow that only contains MN elements and a MO with a . is not bogus. It
        // just represents a floating point number.

        _Ref<Double> number = new _Ref<Double>();

        if (JavaPrimitiveUtils.doubleTryParse(mRowNode.getInnerTextNormalize(), number))
            return false;

        return mRowNode.getChildNodes().size() > 0
                && !("MO".equalsIgnoreCase(mRowNode.getFirstChild().getLocalName())
                        && ("(".equals(mRowNode.getFirstChild().getInnerText())));

    private static boolean hasComplexParent(Element node) {
        Element parentNode = node.getParentElement();

        return ("MFRAC".equalsIgnoreCase(parentNode.getName()) || "MSUP".equalsIgnoreCase(parentNode.getName())
                || "MSUB".equalsIgnoreCase(parentNode.getName()) || "MSUPSUB".equalsIgnoreCase(parentNode.getName())
                || "MSQRT".equalsIgnoreCase(parentNode.getName())
                || "MROOT".equalsIgnoreCase(parentNode.getName()));