Java tutorial
/* =========================================================================== * Copyright (C) 2015 CapsicoHealth Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package tilda.db; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import tilda.enums.TransactionType; import tilda.migration.Migrator; import; import tilda.performance.PerfTracker; import tilda.utils.ClassStaticInit; import tilda.utils.FileUtil; import tilda.utils.SystemValues; import tilda.utils.TextUtil; public class ConnectionPool { private ConnectionPool() { } private static class ConnDefs { /*@formatter:off*/ @SerializedName("connections") public Conn[] _Conns = new Conn[0]; @SerializedName("email") public EmailConfig _EmailConfig; @SerializedName("auto-migration") public boolean _AutoMigrate = false; /*@formatter:on*/ public boolean validate() { if (_Conns == null || _Conns.length == 0) { LOG.error("No connections were defined in the Tilda configuration file"); return false; } Set<String> IDs = new HashSet<String>(); boolean OK = true; for (Conn C : _Conns) { if (IDs.add(C._Id) == false) { LOG.error("A duplicate connection with id=" + C._Id + " has been defined."); OK = false; } if (TextUtil.isNullOrEmpty(C._Driver) == true) { LOG.error("Connection id=" + C._Id + " didn't define a driver!"); OK = false; } if (TextUtil.isNullOrEmpty(C._DB) == true) { LOG.error("Connection id=" + C._Id + " didn't define a DB connection string!"); OK = false; } } return OK; } } private static class EmailConfig { /*@formatter:off*/ @SerializedName("smtp") public String _SMTP = null; @SerializedName("userId") public String _UserId = null; @SerializedName("pswd") public String _Pswd = null; /*@formatter:on*/ } private static class Conn { /*@formatter:off*/ @SerializedName("id") public String _Id = null; @SerializedName("driver") public String _Driver = null; @SerializedName("db") public String _DB = null; @SerializedName("user") public String _User = null; @SerializedName("pswd") public String _Pswd = null; @SerializedName("initial") public int _Initial = 3; @SerializedName("max") public int _Max = 30; /*@formatter:on*/ } private static class Bootstrappers { /*@formatter:off*/ @SerializedName("classNames") public String[] _classNames = {}; /*@formatter:on*/ } static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(ConnectionPool.class.getName()); protected static Map<String, BasicDataSource> _DataSourcesById = new HashMap<String, BasicDataSource>(); protected static Map<String, BasicDataSource> _DataSourcesBySig = new HashMap<String, BasicDataSource>(); protected static Map<String, String> _SchemaPackage = new HashMap<String, String>(); public static void autoInit() { SystemValues.autoInit(); } static { Reader R = null; Connection C = null; try {"Initializing Tilda: loading configuration file '/tilda.bootstrappers.config.json'."); InputStream In = FileUtil.getResourceAsStream("tilda.bootstrappers.config.json"); if (In != null) { R = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(In)); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); Bootstrappers Bs = gson.fromJson(R, Bootstrappers.class); if (Bs._classNames != null) for (String className : Bs._classNames) ClassStaticInit.initClass(className); R.close(); R = null; }"Initializing Tilda: loading configuration file '/tilda.config.json'."); In = FileUtil.getResourceAsStream("tilda.config.json"); if (In == null) throw new Exception("Cannot find Tilda configuration file '/tilda.config.json'."); R = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(In)); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); ConnDefs Defs = gson.fromJson(R, ConnDefs.class); if (Defs.validate() == true) { for (Conn Co : Defs._Conns) init(Co._Id, Co._Driver, Co._DB, Co._User, Co._Pswd, Co._Initial, Co._Max); } C = get("MAIN"); LoadTildaResources(C, Defs._AutoMigrate); } catch (Throwable T) { LOG.error("Cannot initialize Tilda\n", T); System.exit(-1); } finally { try { if (R != null) R.close(); if (C != null) C.close(); } catch (IOException | SQLException E) { LOG.error("Cannot initialize Tilda\n", E); System.exit(-1); } } } private static void LoadTildaResources(Connection C, boolean Migrate) throws Exception { Reader R = null; InputStream In = null; Enumeration<URL> resEnum = ConnectionPool.class.getClassLoader().getResources(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME); List<Schema> TildaList = new ArrayList<Schema>(); while (resEnum.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = (URL) resEnum.nextElement(); In = url.openStream(); if (In != null) { Manifest Man = new Manifest();; In.close(); String Tildas = Man.getMainAttributes().getValue("Tilda"); if (TextUtil.isNullOrEmpty(Tildas) == false) { LOG.debug("Found Tilda(s) " + Tildas + " in " + url.toString()); String[] parts = Tildas.split(";"); if (parts != null) for (String p : parts) { if (TextUtil.isNullOrEmpty(p) == true) continue; p = p.trim(); In = FileUtil.getResourceAsStream(p); if (In == null) throw new Exception( "Tilda schema definition '" + p + "' could not be found in the classpath.");"Inspecting " + p); R = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(In)); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); Schema S = gson.fromJson(R, Schema.class); S.setOrigin(p); TildaList.add(S); In.close(); } } } } ReorderTildaListWithDependencies(TildaList); // LOG.debug("All Tildas in order of dependencies:"); // for (Schema S : TildaList) // LOG.debug(" "+S._ResourceNameShort); if (Migrate == false) Migrator.logMigrationWarning(); int warnings = 0; for (Schema S : TildaList) { int w = Migrator.migrate(C, S, Migrate); if (w != 0 && Migrate == false) { warnings += w; LOG.warn("There were " + w + " warning(s) issued because schema discrepencies were found but not fixed."); Migrator.logMigrationWarning(); continue; } LOG.debug("Initializing Schema objects"); Method M = Class.forName(tilda.generation.java8.Helper.getSupportClassFullName(S)) .getMethod("initSchema", Connection.class); M.invoke(null, C); _SchemaPackage.put(S._Name, S._Package); C.commit(); } LOG.debug(""); LOG.debug("Creating/updating Tilda helper stored procedures."); if (Migrate == false) Migrator.logMigrationWarning(); else if (C.addHelperFunctions() == false) throw new Exception("Cannot upgrade schema by adding the Tilda helper functions."); if (warnings != 0 && Migrate == false) { LOG.warn(""); LOG.warn(""); LOG.warn("There were a total of " + warnings + " warning(s) issued because schema discrepencies were found but not fixed."); Migrator.logMigrationWarning(); } C.commit(); } private static void ReorderTildaListWithDependencies(List<Schema> L) { for (int i = 0; i < L.size(); ++i) { Schema Si = L.get(i); int minIndex = 0; // LOG.debug("Checking dependencies for "+Si._ResourceNameShort); if (Si._Dependencies != null) for (String Dep : Si._Dependencies) { // LOG.debug(" Checking dependency "+Dep); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { Schema Sj = L.get(j); // LOG.debug(" Comparing "+Dep+" Vs. "+Sj._ResourceNameShort); if (Sj._ResourceNameShort.equals(Dep) == true && minIndex < j + 1) { minIndex = j + 1; // LOG.debug(" Found dependency. Setting minIndex="+minIndex); } } } if (L.get(0)._ResourceNameShort.equals("tilda/data/_tilda.Tilda.json") == true && minIndex == 0) minIndex = 1; // LOG.debug(" minIndex="+minIndex); Schema S = L.remove(i); L.add(minIndex, S); } } public static void init(String Id, String Driver, String DB, String User, String Pswd, int InitialSize, int MaxSize) { if (_DataSourcesById.get(Id) == null) synchronized (_DataSourcesById) { if (_DataSourcesById.get(Id) == null) // Definitely no connection pool by that name { String Sig = DB + "``" + User; BasicDataSource BDS = _DataSourcesBySig.get(Sig); // Let's see if that DB definition is already there if (BDS == null) {"Initializing a fresh pool for Id=" + Id + ", DB=" + DB + ", User=" + User + ", and Pswd=Shhhhhhh!"); BDS = new BasicDataSource(); BDS.setDriverClassName(Driver); BDS.setUrl(DB); if (TextUtil.isNullOrEmpty(Pswd) == false && TextUtil.isNullOrEmpty(User) == false) { BDS.setUsername(User); BDS.setPassword(Pswd); } BDS.setInitialSize(InitialSize); BDS.setMaxTotal(MaxSize); BDS.setDefaultAutoCommit(false); BDS.setDefaultTransactionIsolation(java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); BDS.setDefaultQueryTimeout(20000); _DataSourcesBySig.put(Sig, BDS); } else {"Merging pool with ID " + Id + " into prexisting pool " + Sig); if (BDS.getInitialSize() < InitialSize) BDS.setInitialSize(InitialSize); if (BDS.getMaxTotal() < MaxSize) BDS.setMaxTotal(MaxSize); } _DataSourcesById.put(Id, BDS); } } } public static Connection get(String Id) throws Exception { BasicDataSource BDS = _DataSourcesById.get(Id); if (BDS == null) throw new Exception("Cannot find a connection pool for " + Id); long T0 = System.nanoTime(); java.sql.Connection C = BDS.getConnection(); Connection Conn = new Connection(C, Id); PerfTracker.add(TransactionType.CONNECTION_GET, System.nanoTime() - T0);"-------- O B T A I N E D C O N N E C T I O N --------- " + Conn._PoolId + " ---- (" + BDS.getNumActive() + "/" + BDS.getNumIdle() + "/" + BDS.getMaxTotal() + ") ----------"); return Conn; } public static String getSchemaPackage(String SchemaName) { return _SchemaPackage.get(SchemaName.toUpperCase()); } }