Java tutorial
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package tiger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.processing.Messager; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType; import; /** * Calculates the scope of a key. For a key that already has scope, the scope it * returned. For the unscoped key, the scope is calculated with the following 2 * rules: * <ol> * <li>1. if key A depends on key B which is of scope X, then A's scope must be * equal or smaller than X * <li>2. if key A is depended by key B which is of scope Y, then A's scope must * be equal or bigger than Y. * </ol> * The scope of longer life cycle is bigger. If there are more than 1 scopes * allowed, we choose the biggest one to minimize the re-instantiation. If there * are no scopes allowed, it is an error that will cause failure. */ class NewScopeCalculator { private static final String TAG = "NewScopeCalculator"; private static class NewScopeCalculatingInfo { final TypeElement scope; final int size; // The dependency link that decides the scope. final ImmutableList<NewBindingKey> trail; NewScopeCalculatingInfo(TypeElement scope, int size, List<NewBindingKey> trail) { this.scope = scope; this.size = size; this.trail = ImmutableList.copyOf(trail); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("scope", scope).add("size", size).add("trail", trail) .toString(); } } private final Collection<NewDependencyInfo> dependencyInfos; private final SetMultimap<NewBindingKey, NewDependencyInfo> dependencyMap; private final Messager messager; private final Set<NewBindingKey> bindingsRequired; // Specified and calculated. private final Map<NewBindingKey, NewScopeCalculatingInfo> allScopes = Maps.newHashMap(); private final NewScopeSizer scopeSizer; private boolean trailPrinted; private boolean initialized; private List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); public NewScopeCalculator(NewScopeSizer scopeSizer, Collection<NewDependencyInfo> dependencyInfos, Set<NewBindingKey> keysRequired, ProcessingEnvironment env) { this.scopeSizer = scopeSizer; this.messager = env.getMessager(); this.dependencyInfos = dependencyInfos; this.bindingsRequired = keysRequired; dependencyMap = NewDependencyCollector.collectionToMultimap(dependencyInfos); } /** * Returns the biggest scope that can be applied to the given * {@link NewBindingKey}. Crash if no scope is applicable, which means a bug in * code being processed. */ public TypeElement calculate(NewBindingKey key) { Preconditions.checkState(initialized, "ScopeCalculator is not initialized yet."); NewScopeCalculatingInfo info = allScopes.get(key); Preconditions.checkNotNull(info, "Did not find scope info for %s", key); return info.scope; } public List<String> initialize() { allScopes.putAll(getExplicitScopes()); for (NewBindingKey key : bindingsRequired) { if (!allScopes.containsKey(key)) { calculateInternal(key, Lists.<NewBindingKey>newArrayList()); } } if (!allScopes.keySet().containsAll(bindingsRequired)) { errors.add( String.format("Scope of required keys not calculated.\nDiff: %s\nRequired: %s\nCalculated: %s", Sets.difference(bindingsRequired, allScopes.keySet()), bindingsRequired, allScopes)); } verifyScopes(); if (errors.isEmpty()) { initialized = true; } // messager.printMessage(Kind.NOTE, String.format("%s all scopes:", TAG)); // for (Map.Entry<NewBindingKey, NewScopeCalculatingInfo> entry : allScopes.entrySet()) { // messager.printMessage(Kind.NOTE, // String.format("%s: %s -> %s", TAG, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); // } return errors; } public Set<NewBindingKey> getExplicitScopedKeys() { Preconditions.checkState(initialized); return getExplicitScopes().keySet(); } private Map<NewBindingKey, ? extends NewScopeCalculatingInfo> getExplicitScopes() { Map<NewBindingKey, NewScopeCalculatingInfo> result = new HashMap<>(); for (NewDependencyInfo info : dependencyInfos) { NewBindingKey key = info.getDependant(); Element ele = info.getProvisionMethodElement() != null ? info.getProvisionMethodElement() : info.getSourceClassElement(); DeclaredType scopeType = Utils.getScopeType(ele); if (scopeType != null) { if (!info.isUnique()) { messager.printMessage(Kind.ERROR, String.format("Non-unique binding must be unscoped: %s", info)); } TypeElement scope = (TypeElement) scopeType.asElement(); int scopeSize = scopeSizer.getScopeSize(scope); result.put(key, new NewScopeCalculatingInfo(scope, scopeSize, new ArrayList<NewBindingKey>())); } } return result; } /* * Verifies there is no conflict, i.e., large scoped Class depends on smaller * scoped Class. */ private void verifyScopes() { for (NewBindingKey key : bindingsRequired) { // messager.printMessage(Kind.NOTE, String.format("VerifyScope for key: %s", key)); NewScopeCalculatingInfo scopeCalculatingInfo = allScopes.get(key); if (scopeCalculatingInfo == null) { errors.add(String.format("Scope for %s cannot be determined.", key)); continue; } TypeElement scope = scopeCalculatingInfo.scope; for (NewDependencyInfo dependencyInfo : dependencyMap.get(key)) { for (NewBindingKey k : dependencyInfo.getDependencies()) { NewScopeCalculatingInfo sci = getValueHandlingDagger(allScopes, k); if (sci == null) { errors.add(String.format("Scope of %s unavailable, which is required by %s of scope %s.", k, key, scope)); continue; } TypeElement s = sci.scope; if (!scopeSizer.canDependOn(scope, s)) { errors.add(String.format("Wrong scope. Dependent: %s scope: %s dependency: %s scope: %s.", key, scope, k, s)); } } } } } /** * Returns provided {@link NewBindingKey} for the give one. If the given one provided explicitly, * it is returned. Otherwise, if it is a Dagger built-in supported generic type, its actual type * parameter is returned. If still cannot find, return null. */ @Nullable private <T> T getValueHandlingDagger(Map<NewBindingKey, T> map, NewBindingKey key) { T result = map.get(key); if (result != null) { return result; } key = Utils.getElementKeyForBuiltinBinding(key); if (key != null) { result = map.get(key); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } /** * Calculates scope for the key and all the keys without a scope that are depended * (directly or indirectly) BY it. The scope is the smallest descendant of all the dependencies. * NOTE: return null if the key exists in trail, which is a circle. Just ignore it, with warning. */ @Nullable private NewScopeCalculatingInfo calculateInternal(NewBindingKey key, List<NewBindingKey> trail) { // messager.printMessage(Kind.NOTE, String.format("calculateInternal %s. trail %s", key, trail)); if (trail.contains(key)) { messager.printMessage(Kind.WARNING, String.format("Circle! At %s, trail: %s", key, trail)); return null; } NewScopeCalculatingInfo result; trail.add(key); // Sign of infinite call. if (!trailPrinted && trail.size() > 100) { trailPrinted = true; messager.printMessage(Kind.ERROR, "Large dependency chain found. Check for circular dependencies: " + trail); } NewScopeCalculatingInfo scopeCalculatingInfo = allScopes.get(key); if (scopeCalculatingInfo != null) { result = new NewScopeCalculatingInfo(scopeCalculatingInfo.scope, scopeCalculatingInfo.size, Lists.newArrayList(trail)); } else { if (Utils.hasBuiltinBinding(key)) { result = calculateInternal(Utils.getElementKeyForBuiltinBinding(key), trail); } else { result = new NewScopeCalculatingInfo(scopeSizer.getLargestScope().getScope(), scopeSizer.getLargestScopeSize(), trail); Set<NewDependencyInfo> dependencies = Utils.getDependencyInfo(dependencyMap, key); if (dependencies == null) { errors.add("Did not find key: " + key); } else { for (NewDependencyInfo dependencyInfo : dependencies) { for (NewBindingKey k : dependencyInfo.getDependencies()) { NewScopeCalculatingInfo sci = calculateInternal(k, trail); // Handling circle. See the method comment. if (sci == null) { continue; } if (sci.size <= result.size) { TypeElement commonChild = scopeSizer.getLargestDependantScope(sci.scope, result.scope); int size = scopeSizer.getScopeSize(commonChild); result = new NewScopeCalculatingInfo(commonChild, size, sci.trail); } } } } } allScopes.put(key, result); } trail.remove(trail.size() - 1); return result; } }