Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package tientx.supercode.myproejectdemov3.preprocessing; import tientx.supercode.myproejectdemov3.service.TwitterService; import twitter4j.PagableResponseList; import twitter4j.TwitterException; import twitter4j.User; /** * * @author zOzDarKzOz */ public class GetTwitterAccount { public static PagableResponseList<User> get2000Account(TwitterService ts, String originUserScreenName) { try { PagableResponseList<User> listFollower = ts.getTwUserFollowerList(originUserScreenName, (long) -1, 200); System.out.println("Turn " + 1 + " : " + listFollower.size()); Thread.sleep(15000); long cursor = listFollower.getNextCursor(); for (int i = 2; i <= 10; i++) { PagableResponseList<User> list = ts.getTwUserFollowerList(originUserScreenName, cursor, 200); System.out.println("Turn " + i + " : " + list.size()); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { listFollower.addAll(list); } cursor = list.getNextCursor(); if (i != 10) { Thread.sleep(15000); } } System.out.println("All : " + listFollower.size()); -> { System.out.println("ID follower : " + list.getId()); System.out.println("Follower screen name : " + list.getScreenName()); System.out.println("-------------------------"); }); return listFollower; } catch (TwitterException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static PagableResponseList<User> getAllFriend(TwitterService ts, Long idUser) { try { int i = 1; PagableResponseList<User> listFriend = ts.getTwUserFriendListId(idUser, (long) -1, 200); System.out.println("Turn " + i + " : " + listFriend.size()); Thread.sleep(15000); long cursor = listFriend.getNextCursor(); PagableResponseList<User> list; do { list = ts.getTwUserFollowerList(idUser, cursor, 200); System.out.println("Turn " + ++i + " : " + list.size()); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { listFriend.addAll(list); } cursor = list.getNextCursor(); Thread.sleep(15000); } while (list != null && list.size() > 0); System.out.println("All : " + listFriend.size()); return listFriend; } catch (TwitterException | InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }