Java tutorial
/** * This file was auto-generated by the Titanium Module SDK helper for Android * Appcelerator Titanium Mobile * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the terms of the Apache Public License * Please see the LICENSE included with this distribution for details. * */ package ti.mobileapptracker; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.SimpleTimeZone; import org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollModule; import org.appcelerator.kroll.annotations.Kroll; import org.appcelerator.titanium.TiApplication; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.mobileapptracker.Encryption; import com.mobileapptracker.MATEventItem; import com.mobileapptracker.MobileAppTracker; @Kroll.module(name = "Mobileapptracker", id = "ti.mobileapptracker") public class MobileapptrackerModule extends KrollModule { // You can define constants with @Kroll.constant, for example: // @Kroll.constant public static final String EXTERNAL_NAME = value; private static MobileAppTracker mat = null; private final String MAT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'SSS'Z'"; // ISO 8601 Extended Format (always UTC) -- public MobileapptrackerModule() { super(); } @Kroll.onAppCreate public static void onAppCreate(TiApplication app) { // put module init code that needs to run when the application is created } @Kroll.method public void initTracker(String advId, String convKey) { MobileAppTracker.init(getActivity(), advId, convKey); mat = MobileAppTracker.getInstance(); mat.setPluginName("titanium"); } @Kroll.method public void measureSession() { mat.measureSession(); } @Kroll.method public void measureAction(String eventIdOrName) { mat.measureAction(eventIdOrName); } @Kroll.method public void measureAction(String eventIdOrName, String refId) { mat.measureAction(eventIdOrName, 0, null, refId); } @Kroll.method public void measureAction(String eventIdOrName, double revenue, String currency) { mat.measureAction(eventIdOrName, revenue, currency); } @Kroll.method public void measureAction(String eventIdOrName, String refId, double revenue, String currency) { mat.measureAction(eventIdOrName, revenue, currency, refId); } @Kroll.method public void measureActionWithItems(String eventIdOrName, Object[] items) { measureActionWithReceipt(eventIdOrName, items, null, 0, null, 0, null, null); } @Kroll.method public void measureActionWithItems(String eventIdOrName, Object[] items, String refId) { measureActionWithReceipt(eventIdOrName, items, refId, 0, null, 0, null, null); } @Kroll.method public void measureActionWithItems(String eventIdOrName, Object[] items, String refId, double revenueAmount, String currencyCode) { measureActionWithReceipt(eventIdOrName, items, refId, revenueAmount, currencyCode, 0, null, null); } @Kroll.method public void measureActionWithReceipt(String eventIdOrName, Object[] items, String refId, double revenueAmount, String currencyCode, int transactionState, String receipt, String receiptSignature) { List<MATEventItem> listItems = convertToMATEventItems(items); if (receiptSignature != null && !receiptSignature.isEmpty()) { mat.measureAction(eventIdOrName, listItems, revenueAmount, currencyCode, refId, receipt, receiptSignature); } else { mat.measureAction(eventIdOrName, listItems, revenueAmount, currencyCode, refId); } } @Kroll.method public void setAge(int age) { mat.setAge(age); } @Kroll.method public void setAllowDuplicates(boolean allowDuplicates) { mat.setAllowDuplicates(allowDuplicates); } @Kroll.method public void setAndroidId(String androidId) { mat.setAndroidId(androidId); } @Kroll.method public void setAndroidIdMd5(String androidId) { mat.setAndroidIdMd5(Encryption.md5(androidId)); } @Kroll.method public void setAndroidIdSha1(String androidId) { mat.setAndroidIdSha1(Encryption.sha1(androidId)); } @Kroll.method public void setAndroidIdSha256(String androidId) { mat.setAndroidIdSha256(Encryption.sha256(androidId)); } @Kroll.method public void setAppAdTracking(boolean allowAdTracking) { mat.setAppAdTrackingEnabled(allowAdTracking); } @Kroll.method public void setCurrencyCode(String currencyCode) { mat.setCurrencyCode(currencyCode); } @Kroll.method public void setDebugMode(boolean debugMode) { mat.setDebugMode(debugMode); } @Kroll.method public void setEmailCollection(boolean collectEmail) { mat.setEmailCollection(collectEmail); } @Kroll.method public void setExistingUser(boolean existing) { mat.setExistingUser(existing); } @Kroll.method public void setGender(int gender) { mat.setGender(MobileAppTracker.GENDER_FEMALE == gender ? MobileAppTracker.GENDER_FEMALE : MobileAppTracker.GENDER_MALE); } @Kroll.method public void setInstallReferrer(String referrer) { mat.setInstallReferrer(referrer); } @Kroll.method public void setLocation(double latitude, double longitude) { mat.setLatitude(latitude); mat.setLongitude(longitude); } @Kroll.method public void setLocationWithAltitude(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude) { mat.setLatitude(latitude); mat.setLongitude(longitude); mat.setAltitude(altitude); } @Kroll.method public void setPackageName(String packageName) { mat.setPackageName(packageName); } @Kroll.method public void setPayingUser(boolean paying) { mat.setIsPayingUser(paying); } @Kroll.method public void setSiteId(String siteId) { mat.setSiteId(siteId); } @Kroll.method public void setUserId(String userId) { mat.setUserId(userId); } @Kroll.method public void setUserEmail(String userEmail) { mat.setUserEmail(userEmail); } @Kroll.method public void setUserName(String userName) { mat.setUserName(userName); } @Kroll.method public void setFacebookUserId(String facebookUserId) { mat.setFacebookUserId(facebookUserId); } @Kroll.method public void setTwitterUserId(String twitterUserId) { mat.setTwitterUserId(twitterUserId); } @Kroll.method public void setGoogleUserId(String googleUserId) { mat.setGoogleUserId(googleUserId); } @Kroll.method public void setGoogleAdvertisingId(String adId, boolean isLATEnabled) { mat.setGoogleAdvertisingId(adId, isLATEnabled); } @Kroll.method public void setEventAttribute1(String attr) { mat.setEventAttribute1(attr); } @Kroll.method public void setEventAttribute2(String attr) { mat.setEventAttribute2(attr); } @Kroll.method public void setEventAttribute3(String attr) { mat.setEventAttribute3(attr); } @Kroll.method public void setEventAttribute4(String attr) { mat.setEventAttribute4(attr); } @Kroll.method public void setEventAttribute5(String attr) { mat.setEventAttribute5(attr); } @Kroll.method public void setEventContentId(String contentId) { mat.setEventContentId(contentId); } @Kroll.method public void setEventContentType(String contentType) { mat.setEventContentType(contentType); } @Kroll.method public void setEventDate1(String dateString) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(MAT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT, Locale.ENGLISH); sdf.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME, "UTC")); Date date; try { date = sdf.parse(dateString); mat.setEventDate1(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Kroll.method public void setEventDate2(String dateString) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(MAT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT, Locale.ENGLISH); sdf.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME, "UTC")); Date date; try { date = sdf.parse(dateString); mat.setEventDate2(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Kroll.method public void setEventLevel(int level) { mat.setEventLevel(level); } @Kroll.method public void setEventQuantity(int quantity) { mat.setEventQuantity(quantity); } @Kroll.method public void setEventRating(int rating) { mat.setEventRating(rating); } @Kroll.method public void setEventSearchString(String searchString) { mat.setEventSearchString(searchString); } ///////////////////////////////// // Getter methods ///////////////////////////////// @Kroll.method public String getMatId() { return mat.getMatId(); } @Kroll.method public String getOpenLogId() { return mat.getOpenLogId(); } @Kroll.method public boolean getIsPayingUser() { return mat.getIsPayingUser(); } ///////////////////////////////// // Android no-op methods ///////////////////////////////// @Kroll.method public void setDelegate(boolean enable) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setJailbroken(boolean isJailbroken) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setShouldAutoDetectJailbroken(boolean shouldAutoDetect) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setUseCookieTracking(boolean useCookieTracking) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setRedirectUrl(String redirectUrl) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setTRUSTeId(String tpid) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setAppleAdvertisingIdentifier(String advertiserId, boolean trackingEnabled) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setAppleVendorIdentifier(String vendorId) { // no-op } @Kroll.method public void setShouldAutoGenerateAppleVendorIdentifier(boolean shouldAutoGenerate) { // no-op } private List<MATEventItem> convertToMATEventItems(Object[] arrItemMaps) { List<MATEventItem> listItems = new ArrayList<MATEventItem>(); try { JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(Arrays.toString(arrItemMaps)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { JSONObject item = arr.getJSONObject(i); String itemName = item.getString("item"); int quantity = 0; double unitPrice = 0; double revenue = 0; String attribute1 = null; String attribute2 = null; String attribute3 = null; String attribute4 = null; String attribute5 = null; if (item.has("quantity")) { quantity = item.getInt("quantity"); } if (item.has("unit_price")) { unitPrice = item.getDouble("unit_price"); } if (item.has("revenue")) { revenue = item.getDouble("revenue"); } if (item.has("attribute_sub1")) { attribute1 = item.getString("attribute_sub1"); } if (item.has("attribute_sub2")) { attribute2 = item.getString("attribute_sub2"); } if (item.has("attribute_sub3")) { attribute3 = item.getString("attribute_sub3"); } if (item.has("attribute_sub4")) { attribute4 = item.getString("attribute_sub4"); } if (item.has("attribute_sub5")) { attribute5 = item.getString("attribute_sub5"); } MATEventItem eventItem = new MATEventItem(itemName, quantity, unitPrice, revenue, attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5); listItems.add(eventItem); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return listItems; } }