Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright 2012-2015 Viant. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * */ package test; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.*; import static; import static; import static test.Person.Address; import static test.Person.Street; public class TestPredImpl { @Test(groups = "{Select}") public void testSelect() { Address address = new Address(new Street(4813, "corsica dr"), 90630, "cypress"); Person person = new Person("mickey", 30, 4000.00, true, address); String queryStr = "select name, age, male from Person where age > 10"; ObjectQueryVisitorImpl objectQueryVisitor = new ObjectQueryVisitorImpl(queryStr); Object obj = objectQueryVisitor.runQuery(person); System.out.println(obj.toString()); queryStr = "select, name, age, male,, from Person where age > 10"; objectQueryVisitor.setQueryStr(queryStr); obj = objectQueryVisitor.runQuery(person); System.out.println(obj.toString()); } @Test(groups = "{replace} ") public void testReplace() throws JsonProcessingException { Address address = new Address(new Street(4813, "corsica dr"), 90630, "cypress"); Person person = new Person("mickey", 30, 4000.00, true, null); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); System.out.println("Mapper " + mapper.writeValueAsString(person)); String queryStr = "replace Person set name=\"Test\", age = 10, male = false, address = { zip = 90630, city = \"cypress\" } ; "; ObjectQueryVisitorImpl objectQueryVisitor = new ObjectQueryVisitorImpl(queryStr, person); Object obj = objectQueryVisitor.runQuery(person); System.out.println(obj.toString()); System.out.println(objectQueryVisitor.getSource().toString()); } @Test(groups = "{query}") public void testQuery() { Person person = new Person("mickey", 30, 4000.00, true, null); List<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>(); lst.add("t1"); lst.add("t2"); person.setList(lst); Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); set.addAll(lst); List<String> lst1 = new ArrayList<String>(); lst1.add("t3"); lst1.add("t4"); Set<String> set1 = new HashSet<String>(); set1.addAll(lst1); List<List<String>> nest = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); nest.add(lst); nest.add(lst1); person.setNestLists(nest); Set<Set<String>> setAddr = new HashSet<Set<String>>(); setAddr.add(set); setAddr.add(set1); person.setSetAdd(setAddr); List<Address> lstAd = new ArrayList<Address>(); Address add1 = new Address(); add1.setLst(lst); Address add2 = new Address(); add2.setLst(lst1); lstAd.add(add1); lstAd.add(add2); person.setAddressList(lstAd); String queryStr1 = " existListOr(addressList, lst, ( \"t1\", \"t2\" ) ) "; ; PredicateVisitorImpl predicateVisitor1 = new PredicateVisitorImpl(queryStr1, person); boolean r1 = predicateVisitor1.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("r1 =" + r1); Assert.assertEquals(r1, true); String queryStr2 = " exist(addressList, lst, \"t5\" )"; PredicateVisitorImpl predicateVisitor2 = new PredicateVisitorImpl(queryStr2, person); boolean r2 = predicateVisitor2.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("r2 =" + r2); Assert.assertEquals(r2, false); queryStr1 = " existListOr(list, ( \"t1\", \"t2\" ) ) "; predicateVisitor2 = new PredicateVisitorImpl(queryStr1, person); r2 = predicateVisitor2.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("t1, t2 r2 =" + r2); //Person p1 = person.getClass().newInstance(); String queryStr = " exist(list, \"t3\" )"; //queryStr = " age in (30, 40,50) "; PredicateVisitorImpl predicateVisitor = new PredicateVisitorImpl(queryStr, person); boolean result = predicateVisitor.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("result " + result); Assert.assertEquals(result, false); queryStr = " substr(name,0) = \"mickey\" "; predicateVisitor.setQueryStr(queryStr); result = predicateVisitor.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("result " + result); Assert.assertEquals(result, true); List<Address> addressList = new ArrayList<Address>(); addressList.add(new Address(null, 90610, "cypress")); addressList.add(new Address(null, 90620, "cypress")); person.setAddressList(addressList); queryStr = " exist(addressList, zip, 90610) "; predicateVisitor.setQueryStr(queryStr); result = predicateVisitor.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("result " + result); Assert.assertEquals(result, true); queryStr = " count(addressList, zip, 90610) > 1 "; predicateVisitor.setQueryStr(queryStr); result = predicateVisitor.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("result " + result); Assert.assertEquals(result, false); queryStr = " existListOr(list, ( \"t1\", \"t2\" ) ) "; predicateVisitor = new PredicateVisitorImpl(queryStr); result = predicateVisitor.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("result, list t1,t2 " + result + person.getList()); Assert.assertEquals(result, true); } @Test(groups = "{predicate}") public void testOne() { PredicateEstimator.Source source = PredicateEstimator.Source.CRM; System.out.println("source " +; DataMap map = new DataMap(); map.populateMap(); PredicateEstimator predicateEstimator = new PredicateEstimator(map); double rate = predicateEstimator.runEstimate(" foods = 1 or other = 2 "); //double rate = predicateEstimator.runEstimate(" (((gender = \"male\" or foods = \"1.1\")))"); //double rate = predicateEstimator.runEstimate("( foods = 1 and other = 2) and gender = \"male\" and not age = \"25-34\" "); // foods.1.1 //String sce = predicateEstimator.getSourceStack().pop().getValue() ; double ncs = predicateEstimator.getPopulation(); double value = Math.abs(Math.round(ncs * rate)); System.out.println("result of dr " + rate + " total " + value + " ncs " + ncs); //predicateEstimator Address address = new Address(new Street(4813, "corsica dr"), 90630, "cypress"); Set<Short> setShort = new HashSet<Short>(); setShort.add((short) 1); setShort.add((short) 2); setShort.add((short) 3); Person person = new Person("mickey", 30, 4000.00, true, address); person.setSetShort(setShort); String q = "exist(setShort, 1) "; PredicateVisitorImpl impl2 = new PredicateVisitorImpl(q); boolean r2 = impl2.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("result of r2 " + r2); Assert.assertEquals(r2, true); HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); set.add("t1"); set.add("t2"); set.add("t3"); address.setSet(set); String query1 = "exist(set, \"t1\") "; PredicateVisitorImpl impl1 = new PredicateVisitorImpl(query1); boolean r1 = impl1.runPredicate(address); System.out.println("result of r " + r1); Assert.assertEquals(r2, true); String query = " age > 10 and income < 40.00 and male = true "; PredicateVisitorImpl impl = new PredicateVisitorImpl(query); boolean r = impl.runPredicate(person); System.out.println("result of r " + r); } class Test1 { private int a; private long b = -1; private String c; } @Test(groups = "{instance}") public void testInstance() throws Exception { System.out.println("mickey".substring(2)); Person person = new Person("mickey", 30, 4000.00, true, null); List<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>(); lst.add("t1"); lst.add("t2"); person.setList(lst); Object obj = createInstance(person.getClass()); System.out.println(obj.toString()); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] opts = new String[] { "-query" }; String[] defaults = new String[] { "field is null " }; String[] paras = Utils.getOpts(args, opts, defaults); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("test1"); Map<String, ClassInfo> map = new HashMap<String, ClassInfo>(); ClassInfo classInfo = findClassInfo(list, map); //System.out.println( classInfo.toString()); Result r1 = new Result(10); Result r2 = new Result(20L); Result r3 = new Result(new Integer(30)); int i1 = (Integer) r1.getValue(); } }