test.integ.be.fedict.performance.TestHarvestEid.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for test.integ.be.fedict.performance.TestHarvestEid.java


 * eID Trust Service Project.
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 FedICT.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version
 * 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, see 
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

package test.integ.be.fedict.performance;

import java.net.URI;
import java.security.cert.X509CRL;
import java.security.cert.X509CRLEntry;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.Test;

import be.fedict.trust.crl.OnlineCrlRepository;

 * Unit test that harvests all BeId published CRLs and dumps the # entries they
 * contain Used to simulate the BeId PKI with an exact copy of CA's and size of
 * CRLs
public class TestHarvestEid {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestHarvestEid.class);

    private static final String BEID_URI = "http://crl.eid.belgium.be";

    private static final String URL_START = "<a href=\"";
    private static final String URL_STOP = "</a>";

    public void testHarvestEid() throws Exception {

        // Operate: fetch CRL urls
        HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
        GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod(BEID_URI);

        String content = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
        List<String> crlPaths = new LinkedList<String>();
        int start = content.indexOf(URL_START);
        int end = content.indexOf(URL_STOP);
        while (-1 != start) {
            String ahref = content.substring(start + URL_START.length(), end);
            String path = ahref.substring(0, ahref.indexOf("\">"));
            if (path.contains(".crl")) {
            content = content.substring(end + URL_STOP.length());
            start = content.indexOf(URL_START);
            end = content.indexOf(URL_STOP);

        // Setup
        OnlineCrlRepository onlineCrlRepository = new OnlineCrlRepository();

        // Operate: harvest
        List<CrlInfo> crlInfos = new LinkedList<CrlInfo>();
        for (String path : crlPaths) {
            URI crlURI = new URI(BEID_URI + "/" + path);
            X509CRL crl = onlineCrlRepository.findCrl(crlURI, null, null);
            int entries = 0;
            Set<? extends X509CRLEntry> crlEntries = crl.getRevokedCertificates();
            if (null != crlEntries) {
                entries = crlEntries.size();
            crlInfos.add(new CrlInfo(crlURI.toString(), crl.getIssuerDN().toString(), entries));

        // Verify: output
        Random random = new Random();
        for (CrlInfo crlInfo : crlInfos) {
            LOG.debug(crlInfo.getUrl() + " : " + "TestPKI.get().addSaveCa(\"" + crlInfo.getIssuer()
                    + "\", \"CN=root" + random.nextInt(2) + "\", " + crlInfo.getEntries() + ", 0);");

    class CrlInfo {

        private final String url;
        private final String issuer;
        private final int entries;

        public CrlInfo(String url, String issuer, int entries) {
            this.url = url;
            this.issuer = issuer;
            this.entries = entries;

        public String getUrl() {
            return url;

        public String getIssuer() {
            return issuer;

        public int getEntries() {
            return entries;