Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Tikal-Technology * *Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package technology.tikal.customers.dao.objectify; import java.util.List; import; import com.googlecode.objectify.Key; import technology.tikal.customers.dao.ContactDao; import technology.tikal.customers.dao.filter.ContactFilter; import technology.tikal.customers.dao.filter.NamePriorityFilterValues; import technology.tikal.customers.dao.objectify.paginator.ContactNamePaginator; import technology.tikal.customers.dao.objectify.paginator.ContactRolePaginator; import technology.tikal.customers.dao.objectify.paginator.PaginationContext; import technology.tikal.customers.model.CustomerOfy; import; import; import technology.tikal.gae.error.exceptions.MessageSourceResolvableException; import technology.tikal.gae.pagination.model.PaginationDataDual; import static com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyService.ofy; /** * @author Nekorp * los contactos no tienen roles, pero se busca por rol para inferir el tipo associate, asi no se tienen que indexar los discriminadores de tipo * */ public class ContactDaoOfy implements ContactDao { private ContactNamePaginator contactNamePaginator; private ContactRolePaginator contactRolePaginator; public ContactDaoOfy() { contactNamePaginator = new ContactNamePaginator(); contactRolePaginator = new ContactRolePaginator(); } @Override public List<ContactOfy> consultarTodos(CustomerOfy parent, ContactFilter filtro, PaginationDataDual<Long, String> pagination) { if (filtro.getIndex().compareTo("Role") == 0) { String indexOfy = "normalizedRole"; return contactRolePaginator.consultarTodosTemplate( new PaginationContext<CustomerOfy>(indexOfy, filtro.getIndex(), filtro, pagination, parent)); } else { NamePriorityFilterValues namePriority; try { namePriority = Enum.valueOf(NamePriorityFilterValues.class, filtro.getIndex()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new MessageSourceResolvableException(new DefaultMessageSourceResolvable( new String[] { "IllegalIndex.ContactDaoOfy.consultarTodos" }, new String[] { filtro.getIndex() }, "Invalid Index")); } String indexOfy = "normalized" + filtro.getIndex(); if (namePriority != NamePriorityFilterValues.Name) { indexOfy = "name." + indexOfy; } return contactNamePaginator.consultarTodosTemplate( new PaginationContext<CustomerOfy>(indexOfy, filtro.getIndex(), filtro, pagination, parent)); } } @Override public void guardar(CustomerOfy parent, ContactOfy objeto) { if (objeto.isDirty()) { objeto.updateInternalIndex(); ofy().save().entity(objeto).now(); objeto.clean(); } if (objeto.hasLoadedContactInfo()) { saveTransientInfo(objeto); } } private void saveTransientInfo(ContactOfy objeto) { ContactInfoOfy contactInfo = objeto.getInfoContact(); if (contactInfo == null) { return; } if (contactInfo.getId() == null) { // no se habia guardado antes se le pone el owner contactInfo.setOwner(objeto); ofy().save().entity(contactInfo).now(); contactInfo.clean(); //se le pone al owner la referencia al info objeto.setInfoReference(contactInfo); ofy().save().entity(objeto).now(); objeto.clean(); } else { if (contactInfo.isDirty()) { ofy().save().entity(contactInfo).now(); contactInfo.clean(); } } } @Override public ContactOfy consultar(CustomerOfy parent, Long id, Class<?>... group) { return ofy().load().group(group).key(Key.create(Key.create(parent), ContactOfy.class, id)).safe(); } @Override public void borrar(CustomerOfy parent, ContactOfy objeto) { ofy().delete().entities(objeto).now(); } }