Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Educational Online Test Delivery System Copyright (c) 2014 American * Institutes for Research * * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 See accompanying * file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at * American_Institutes_for_Research_Open_Source_Software_License.pdf ******************************************************************************/ package tds.itemscoringengine.itemscorers; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import qtiscoringengine.QTIRubric; import qtiscoringengine.ValidationLog; import AIR.Common.Helpers._Ref; import AIR.Common.Utilities.JavaPrimitiveUtils; import AIR.Common.xml.XmlElement; import AIR.Common.xml.XmlReader; import AIR.Common.xml.XmlReaderException; import tds.itemscoringengine.ItemScore; import tds.itemscoringengine.ItemScoreInfo; import tds.itemscoringengine.ResponseInfo; import tds.itemscoringengine.RubricContentType; import tds.itemscoringengine.RubricStats; import tds.itemscoringengine.ScoreRationale; import tds.itemscoringengine.ScoringStatus; import tds.itemscoringengine.VarBinding; import tds.itemscoringengine.complexitemscorers.IRubric; import tds.itemscoringengine.complexitemscorers.IRubricStats; public class QTIRubricScorer implements IRubric { private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QTIRubricScorer.class); private String itemId; private IRubricStats stats = new RubricStats(); private QTIRubric _rubric = null; private String _invalidRubricMessage = null; private Exception _exception = null; public QTIRubricScorer(String itemId) { this.itemId = itemId; } @Override public String getType() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public String getItemId() { return this.itemId; } public IRubricStats getStats() { return stats; } public boolean wasThereErrorWithRubric() { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(_invalidRubricMessage) && _exception == null) return false; return true; } public String getErrorMessageIfAny() { return _invalidRubricMessage; } public void load(RubricContentType type, Object rubric) { try { // now go through and create the rubric and score the response XmlReader reader = getReader(type, rubric); ValidationLog log = new ValidationLog(type.toString()); _rubric = QTIRubric.fromXML(type.toString(), reader, log); // check if there were any problems with the rubric if (_rubric == null || !_rubric.validate(log)) { StringBuilder rationaleString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < log.getCount(); i++) rationaleString.append(log.Message(i) + "\n"); _invalidRubricMessage = rationaleString.toString(); _logger.error(String.format("Error validating rubric. File %s. Message %s", rubric.toString(), rationaleString.toString())); } } catch (Exception e) { _exception = e; e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("Error : " + e.getMessage()); _invalidRubricMessage = _invalidRubricMessage + "\n" + "Error processing rubric. Message: " + e.getMessage(); } } public ItemScore scoreItem(ResponseInfo responseInfo) { ItemScore score = new ItemScore(-1, -1, ScoringStatus.NotScored, "overall", new ScoreRationale(), responseInfo.getContextToken()); // We // Shiva: I added the follow null check on the response as it makes it // easier to test it on the web // interface with a REST client. String response = responseInfo.getStudentResponse(); if (response != null) { response = response.trim(); responseInfo.setStudentResponse(response); } // Max // score // is long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, String> identifiersAndResponses = new HashMap<String, String>(); // first try to retrieve the item response, and the identifier try { XmlReader reader = new XmlReader(new StringReader(responseInfo.getStudentResponse())); Document doc = reader.getDocument(); List<Element> responseNodes = new XmlElement(doc.getRootElement()) .selectNodes("//itemResponse/response"); for (Element elem : responseNodes) { String identifier = elem.getAttribute("id").getValue(); List<String> responses = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Element> valueNodes = new XmlElement(elem).selectNodes("value"); for (Element valElem : valueNodes) { responses.add(new XmlElement(valElem).getInnerText()); } identifiersAndResponses.put(identifier, StringUtils.join(responses, ",")); } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("Error loading responses " + e.getMessage()); score.getScoreInfo().setStatus(ScoringStatus.ScoringError); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setMsg("Error loading response. Message: " + e.getMessage()); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setException(e); return score; } if (identifiersAndResponses.size() == 0) { // This could be a response from a grid/ti/eq item being scored using a // QTI version of our proprietary rubrics // Check if this is a TI/GI/SIM/EQ and unfortunately, there is no clean // way to figure this out other than resorting to this hack response = responseInfo.getStudentResponse(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(response) && ((response.toUpperCase().startsWith("<RESPONSESPEC>") || response.toUpperCase().startsWith("<RESPONSETABLE>")) || // TI (response.toUpperCase().startsWith("<RESPONSE>")) || // EQ (response.toUpperCase().contains("<ANSWERSET>"))) // GI ) { identifiersAndResponses.put("RESPONSE", responseInfo.getStudentResponse()); } else { _logger.error("No responses found"); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setMsg("No responses found"); return score; } } try { if (wasThereErrorWithRubric()) { _logger.error(String.format("Error validating rubric. File %s. Message %s", responseInfo.getRubric().toString(), getErrorMessageIfAny())); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setMsg(getErrorMessageIfAny()); return score; } // now score the item String[] scoreArr = null; List<String[]> bindings = _rubric.evaluate(identifiersAndResponses); for (String[] binding : bindings) { if ("score".equalsIgnoreCase(binding[0])) scoreArr = binding; } // error check the score result if (scoreArr == null) { score.getScoreInfo().setStatus(ScoringStatus.ScoringError); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale() .setMsg("There was no SCORE identifier specified for the identifiers " + StringUtils.join(identifiersAndResponses.keySet(), ',')); return score; } if (scoreArr.length < 4 || StringUtils.isEmpty(scoreArr[3])) { score.getScoreInfo().setStatus(ScoringStatus.ScoringError); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setMsg("There was no score specified for the identifiers " + StringUtils.join(identifiersAndResponses.keySet(), ',')); return score; } // try to parse the actual score value -- note the score value is // hardcoded to be at index 3 _Ref<Double> dScore = new _Ref<>(); if (JavaPrimitiveUtils.doubleTryParse(scoreArr[3], dScore)) { // note: we truncate the double score to be an int score.getScoreInfo().setPoints((int) Math.ceil(Math.max(dScore.get(), 0))); score.getScoreInfo().setStatus(ScoringStatus.Scored); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setMsg("successfully scored"); // populate the requested outgoing bindings if (responseInfo.getOutgoingBindings() != null) { if (responseInfo.getOutgoingBindings().contains(VarBinding.ALL)) // All // bindings // requested { score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setBindings(new ArrayList<VarBinding>()); CollectionUtils.collect(bindings, new Transformer() { @Override public Object transform(Object arg0) { final String[] variable = (String[]) arg0; return new VarBinding() { { setName(variable[0]); setType(variable[1]); setValue(variable[3]); } }; } }, score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().getBindings()); } else // Specific bindings requested { score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setBindings(new ArrayList<VarBinding>()); for (final VarBinding outgoingBinding : responseInfo.getOutgoingBindings()) { final String[] binding = (String[]) CollectionUtils.find(bindings, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object arg0) { return StringUtils.equals(((String[]) arg0)[0], outgoingBinding.getName()); } }); if (binding != null) score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().getBindings().add(new VarBinding() { { setName(binding[0]); setType(binding[1]); setValue(binding[3]); } }); } } } // populate any subscores that might have been recorded as internal // scoring state for (Object stateObj : _rubric.getResponseProcessingState()) { ItemScore subScore = (ItemScore) stateObj; if (subScore != null) { if (score.getScoreInfo().getSubScores() == null) score.getScoreInfo().setSubScores(new ArrayList<ItemScoreInfo>()); // remove any bindings from the subscore that is not requested as an // outgoing binding if (responseInfo.getOutgoingBindings() == null) { // No bindings requested - clear everything // TODO: Recursively go through the subscore's children to clear // those bindings also. subScore.getScoreInfo().getRationale().getBindings().clear(); } else if (responseInfo.getOutgoingBindings().contains(VarBinding.ALL)) { // All bindings requested // don't remove anything. let them all through } else { // specific bindings requested. Remove anything not explicitly // asked for. // TODO: Recursively go through the subscore's children to filter // them also VarBinding[] subScoreBindings = subScore.getScoreInfo().getRationale().getBindings() .toArray(new VarBinding[subScore.getScoreInfo().getRationale().getBindings() .size()]); for (int counter1 = 0; counter1 < subScoreBindings.length; ++counter1) { final VarBinding subScoreBinding = subScoreBindings[counter1]; if (!CollectionUtils.exists(responseInfo.getOutgoingBindings(), new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object arg0) { return StringUtils.equals(((VarBinding) arg0).getName(), subScoreBinding.getName()); } })) { subScore.getScoreInfo().getRationale().getBindings().remove(counter1); --counter1; } } } score.getScoreInfo().getSubScores().add(subScore.getScoreInfo()); } } // note: ScoreLatency is miliseconds score.setScoreLatency(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); return score; } else { score.getScoreInfo().setStatus(ScoringStatus.ScoringError); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setMsg("Error changing score to int, score array values='" + StringUtils.join(scoreArr, ',') + "'."); return score; } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("Error : " + e.getMessage()); score.getScoreInfo().setPoints(-1); score.getScoreInfo().setStatus(ScoringStatus.ScoringError); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setMsg("Error processing rubric. Message: " + e.getMessage()); score.getScoreInfo().getRationale().setException(e); return score; } } // / <summary> // / get an XmlReader object for the rubric // / </summary> // / <param name="ri"></param> // / <returns></returns> private XmlReader getReader(RubricContentType rubricContentType, Object rubricObject) throws JDOMException, IOException, XmlReaderException, URISyntaxException { try { if (rubricContentType == RubricContentType.Uri) { return XmlReader.create(new URI(rubricObject.toString())); } else {// rubric is a string return new XmlReader(new StringReader(rubricObject.toString())); } } catch (XmlReaderException xe) { String theStr = "<null>"; if (rubricObject != null) theStr = rubricObject.toString(); _logger.error(String.format("Exception: %s, input string: '%s'", xe.getMessage(), theStr), xe); throw xe; } } }