Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Educational Online Test Delivery System Copyright (c) 2014 American * Institutes for Research * * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 See accompanying * file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at * American_Institutes_for_Research_Open_Source_Software_License.pdf ******************************************************************************/ package tds.dll.mysql; import; import; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import tds.dll.api.ICommonDLL; import tds.dll.api.IReportingDLL; import tds.dll.api.IRtsDLL; import tds.dll.api.LogDBErrorArgs; import tds.dll.api.LogDBLatencyArgs; import tds.dll.api.ReturnErrorArgs; import; import AIR.Common.DB.AbstractDLL; import AIR.Common.DB.AbstractDataResultExecutor; import AIR.Common.DB.DataBaseTable; import AIR.Common.DB.DbComparator; import AIR.Common.DB.SQLConnection; import AIR.Common.DB.SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE; import AIR.Common.DB.SqlParametersMaps; import AIR.Common.DB.results.DbResultRecord; import AIR.Common.DB.results.MultiDataResultSet; import AIR.Common.DB.results.SingleDataResultSet; import AIR.Common.Helpers.CaseInsensitiveMap; import AIR.Common.Helpers._Ref; import AIR.Common.Sql.AbstractDateUtilDll; import TDS.Shared.Exceptions.ReturnStatusException; public class CommonDLL extends AbstractDLL implements ICommonDLL { private static Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonDLL.class); @Autowired private AbstractDateUtilDll _dateUtil = null; @Autowired private IRtsDLL _rtsDll = null; @Autowired private IReportingDLL _reportingDll = null; @Value("${dbLockRetryAttemptMax:300}") private int gLockRetryAttemptMax; @Value("${dbLockRetrySleepInterval:100}") private int gLockRetrySleepInterval; @Value("${logLatencyInterval:59}") private int gLogLatencyInterval; @Value("${logLatencyMaxTime:30000}") private int gLogLatencyMaxTime; @Value("${opportunity.isScoredByTDS:false}") private boolean isScoredByTDS; @Value("${performance.logLatency.enabled:false}") private Boolean logLatencyEnabled; /** * @param connection * @param testKey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ // Original port public MultiDataResultSet IB_GetTestAccommodations_SPV1(SQLConnection connection, String testKey) throws ReturnStatusException { List<SingleDataResultSet> resultsets = new ArrayList<SingleDataResultSet>(); DataBaseTable testKeyAccomsTbl = TestKeyAccommodations_FN(connection, testKey); DataBaseTable testKeyAccomsDpndsTbl = TestKeyAccommodationDependencies_FN(connection, testKey); final String SQL_QUERY1 = " select * from ${testKeyAccomsTblName};"; Map<String, String> unquotedParms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms.put("testKeyAccomsTblName", testKeyAccomsTbl.getTableName()); SingleDataResultSet rs1 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1, unquotedParms), null, false).getResultSets().next(); resultsets.add(rs1); final String SQL_QUERY2 = " select * from ${testKeyAccomsDpndsTblName};"; Map<String, String> unquotedParms1 = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms1.put("testKeyAccomsDpndsTblName", testKeyAccomsDpndsTbl.getTableName()); SingleDataResultSet rs2 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2, unquotedParms1), null, false).getResultSets().next(); resultsets.add(rs2); return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets); } // Optimization attempt public MultiDataResultSet IB_GetTestAccommodations_SP(SQLConnection connection, String testKey) throws ReturnStatusException { Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); SingleDataResultSet rs1 = null; SingleDataResultSet rs2 = null; Long cachekey = null; final String cmd = "select _key as cachekey from ${ConfigDB}.__accommodationcache where " + "testkey = ${testkey} and dategenerated is not null and clientname = '--NONE--'"; SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey); SingleDataResultSet rs = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(cmd), parameters, false) .getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord rec = (rs.getCount() > 0 ? rs.getRecords().next() : null); if (rec != null) { cachekey = rec.<Long>get("cachekey"); } List<SingleDataResultSet> resultsets = new ArrayList<SingleDataResultSet>(); if (cachekey != null) { final String cmd1 = "select * from ${ConfigDB}.__cachedaccommodations where _fk_AccommodationCache = ${cachekey}"; SqlParametersMaps parm1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("cachekey", cachekey); rs1 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(cmd1), parm1, false).getResultSets().next(); resultsets.add(rs1); final String cmd2 = "select * from ${ConfigDB}.__cachedaccomdepends where _fk_AccommodationCache = ${cachekey}"; SqlParametersMaps parm2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("cachekey", cachekey); rs2 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(cmd2), parm2, false).getResultSets().next(); resultsets.add(rs2); } else { final String cmd3 = "insert into ${ConfigDB}.__accommodationcache (testkey, clientname, _date) " + " select ${testkey}, '--NONE--', now(3) from dual where not exists " + " (select * from ${ConfigDB}.__accommodationcache where testkey = ${testkey}) "; SqlParametersMaps parm3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(cmd3), parm3, false).getUpdateCount(); rs1 = TestKeyAccommodationsAsSet(connection, testKey); resultsets.add(rs1); rs2 = TestKeyAccommodationDependenciesAsSet(connection, testKey); resultsets.add(rs2); } _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "IB_GetTestAccommodations", today, 0L, true, null, null); return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets); } /** * @param connection * @param tblName * @param testKey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public DataBaseTable TestKeyAccommodations_FN(SQLConnection connection, String testKey) throws ReturnStatusException { String codeStr = ITEMBANK_TestLanguages_FN(connection, testKey); DataBaseTable testKeyAccomsTable = getDataBaseTable("testKeyAccoms") .addColumn("Segment", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("DisableOnGuestSession", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("ToolTypeSortOrder", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("ToolValueSortOrder", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("TypeMode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 25) .addColumn("ToolMode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 25) .addColumn("AccType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("AccValue", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("AccCode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("IsDefault", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("AllowCombine", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("IsFunctional", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("AllowChange", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("IsSelectable", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("IsVisible", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("studentControl", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("ValCount", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("DependsOnToolType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50) .addColumn("IsEntryControl", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT); connection.createTemporaryTable(testKeyAccomsTable); final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${tblName} (Segment, DisableOnGuestSession, ToolTypeSortOrder, ToolValueSortOrder, TypeMode, ToolMode, AccType, AccValue, AccCode, IsDefault, AllowCombine, IsFunctional, AllowChange," + "IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, ValCount, DependsOnToolType, IsEntryControl)" + " (SELECT distinct 0 as Segment, TType.DisableOnGuestSession, TType.SortOrder as ToolTypeSortOrder, TT.SortOrder as ToolValueSortOrder, TType.TestMode as TypeMode," + " TT.TestMode as ToolMode, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, IsDefault, AllowCombine, IsFunctional, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, " + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = MODE.testID and TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, " + " DependsOnToolType, IsEntryControl FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT, ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode MODE" + " where MODE.testkey = ${testkey} and TType.ContextType = ${TEST} and TType.Context = MODE.testID and TType.ClientName = MODE.clientname " + " and TT.ContextType = ${TEST} and TT.Context = MODE.testID and TT.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.Type = TType.Toolname and (TT.Type <> ${Language} or TT.Code in (${codeStr})) " + " and (TType.TestMode = ${ALL} or TType.TestMode = MODE.mode) and (TT.TestMode = ${ALL} or TT.TestMode = MODE.mode)) " + " union all " + " (SELECT distinct SegmentPosition ,TType.DisableOnGuestSession, TType.SortOrder , TT.SortOrder, TType.TestMode , TT.TestMode, Type , Value , Code , IsDefault, AllowCombine, IsFunctional, AllowChange," + " IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = MODE.testID and " + " TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, null, IsEntryControl FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT, ${ConfigDB}.client_segmentproperties SEG, " + " ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode MODE where parentTest = MODE.testID and MODE.testkey = ${testkey} and SEG.modekey = ${testkey} and TType.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TType.Context = segmentID and " + " TType.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TT.Context = segmentID and TT.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.Type = TType.Toolname and (TType.TestMode = ${ALL} or " + " TType.TestMode = MODE.mode) and (TT.TestMode = ${ALL} or TT.TestMode = MODE.mode)) " + " union all " + " (select distinct 0,TType.DisableOnGuestSession, TType.SortOrder , TT.SortOrder, TType.TestMode , TT.TestMode, Type, Value, Code, " + " IsDefault, AllowCombine, IsFunctional, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = ${starParam}" + " and TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, DependsOnToolType, IsEntryControl FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT, ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode MODE" + " where MODE.testkey = ${testkey} and TType.ContextType = ${TEST} and TType.Context = ${starParam} and TType.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.ContextType = ${TEST} and TT.Context = ${starParam} and TT.ClientName = MODE.clientname" + " and TT.Type = TType.Toolname and (TType.TestMode = ${ALL} or TType.TestMode = MODE.mode) and (TT.TestMode = ${ALL} or TT.TestMode = MODE.mode)" + " and not exists " + " (select * from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype Tool where Tool.ContextType = ${TEST} and Tool.Context = MODE.testID and Tool.Toolname = TType.Toolname and Tool.Clientname = MODE.clientname))"; // Note that codeStr var is already comma separated list of quoted strings String query = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT); Map<String, String> unquotedparms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedparms.put("tblName", testKeyAccomsTable.getTableName()); unquotedparms.put("codeStr", codeStr); SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey).put("TEST", "TEST") .put("ALL", "ALL").put("SEGMENT", "SEGMENT").put("starParam", "*").put("Language", "Language"); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query, unquotedparms), parameters, false) .getUpdateCount(); return testKeyAccomsTable; } protected SingleDataResultSet TestKeyAccommodationsAsSet(SQLConnection connection, String testKey) throws ReturnStatusException { String codeStr = ITEMBANK_TestLanguages_FN(connection, testKey); final String SQL_INSERT = " (SELECT distinct bigtoint(0) as Segment, TType.DisableOnGuestSession, TType.SortOrder as ToolTypeSortOrder, TT.SortOrder as ToolValueSortOrder, TType.TestMode as TypeMode," + " TT.TestMode as ToolMode, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, " + " IsDefault, AllowCombine, IsFunctional, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, " + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = MODE.testID " + " and TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCountL, " + " DependsOnToolType FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT, ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode MODE" + " where MODE.testkey = ${testkey} and TType.ContextType = ${TEST} and TType.Context = MODE.testID and TType.ClientName = MODE.clientname " + " and TT.ContextType = ${TEST} and TT.Context = MODE.testID and TT.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.Type = TType.Toolname and (TT.Type <> ${Language} or TT.Code in (${codeStr})) " + " and (TType.TestMode = ${ALL} or TType.TestMode = MODE.mode) and (TT.TestMode = ${ALL} or TT.TestMode = MODE.mode)) " + " union all " + " (SELECT distinct SegmentPosition as Segment, TType.DisableOnGuestSession, TType.SortOrder as ToolTypeSortOrder, TT.SortOrder as ToolValueSortOrder, TType.TestMode as TypeMode," + " TT.TestMode as ToolMode, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, " + " IsDefault, AllowCombine, IsFunctional, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, " + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = MODE.testID and " + " TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCountL, " + " cast(null as CHAR) as DependsOnToolType FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT, ${ConfigDB}.client_segmentproperties SEG, " + " ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode MODE where parentTest = MODE.testID and MODE.testkey = ${testkey} and SEG.modekey = ${testkey} and TType.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TType.Context = segmentID and " + " TType.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TT.Context = segmentID and TT.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.Type = TType.Toolname and (TType.TestMode = ${ALL} or " + " TType.TestMode = MODE.mode) and (TT.TestMode = ${ALL} or TT.TestMode = MODE.mode)) " + " union all " + " (select distinct bigtoint(0) as Segment, TType.DisableOnGuestSession, TType.SortOrder as ToolTypeSortOrder, TT.SortOrder as ToolValueSortOrder, TType.TestMode as TypeMode, " + " TT.TestMode as ToolMode, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, " + " IsDefault, AllowCombine, IsFunctional, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, " + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = ${starParam}" + " and TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCountL, " + " DependsOnToolType FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT, ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode MODE" + " where MODE.testkey = ${testkey} and TType.ContextType = ${TEST} and TType.Context = ${starParam} and TType.ClientName = MODE.clientname and TT.ContextType = ${TEST} and TT.Context = ${starParam} and TT.ClientName = MODE.clientname" + " and TT.Type = TType.Toolname and (TType.TestMode = ${ALL} or TType.TestMode = MODE.mode) and (TT.TestMode = ${ALL} or TT.TestMode = MODE.mode)" + " and not exists " + " (select * from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype Tool where Tool.ContextType = ${TEST} and Tool.Context = MODE.testID and Tool.Toolname = TType.Toolname and Tool.Clientname = MODE.clientname))"; String query = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT); // Note that codeStr var is already comma separated list of quoted strings SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey).put("TEST", "TEST") .put("ALL", "ALL").put("SEGMENT", "SEGMENT").put("starParam", "*").put("Language", "Language"); Map<String, String> unquotedparms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedparms.put("codeStr", codeStr); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query, unquotedparms), parameters, false).getResultSets().next(); result.addColumn("valCount", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record =; Long cnt = record.<Long>get("valCountL"); record.addColumnValue("valCount", (cnt == null ? null : cnt.intValue())); } return result; } /** * @param connection * @param testKey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public DataBaseTable TestKeyAccommodationDependencies_FN(SQLConnection connection, String testKey) throws ReturnStatusException { DataBaseTable testKeyAccomDepdncsTable = getDataBaseTable("testKeyAccomDepdncs") .addColumn("clientname", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100) .addColumn("TestKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 250) .addColumn("contextType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50) .addColumn("context", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 250) .addColumn("TestMode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 25) .addColumn("ifType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50) .addColumn("ifvalue", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("thenType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50) .addColumn("thenValue", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("IsDefault", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT); connection.createTemporaryTable(testKeyAccomDepdncsTable); final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${tblName} (clientname, TestKey, contextType, context, TestMode, ifType, ifvalue, thenType, thenValue, IsDefault) " + " (select distinct M.clientname, M.TestKey, ContextType, M.testID as Context, TestMode, IfType, IfValue, ThenType, ThenValue, IsDefault from ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies TD, " + " ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode M where M.testkey = ${testkey} and TD.ContextType = ${TEST} and TD.Context = M.TestID and TD.Clientname = M.clientname )" + " union all " + " (select distinct M.clientname, M.TestKey, ContextType, M.TestID as Context, TestMode, IfType, IfValue, ThenType, ThenValue, IsDefault" + " from ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies TD, ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode M where M.Testkey = ${testkey} and TD.clientname = M.clientname and ContextType = ${TEST}" + " and Context = ${starParam} and (TD.TestMode = ${ALL} or TD.TestMode = M.mode)" + " and not exists " + "(select * from ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies TD2 where TD2.ContextType = ${TEST} and TD2.Context = M.TestID and TD.Clientname = M.clientname " + "and TD.IfType = TD2.IfType and TD.IfValue = TD2.IfValue and TD.ThenType = TD2.ThenType and TD.ThenValue = TD2.ThenValue))"; String query = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT); Map<String, String> unquotedparms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedparms.put("tblName", testKeyAccomDepdncsTable.getTableName()); SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey).put("TEST", "TEST") .put("ALL", "ALL").put("starParam", "*"); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query, unquotedparms), parameters, false) .getUpdateCount(); return testKeyAccomDepdncsTable; } public SingleDataResultSet TestKeyAccommodationDependenciesAsSet(SQLConnection connection, String testKey) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_INSERT = " (select distinct M.clientname, M.TestKey, ContextType, M.testID as Context, TestMode, IfType, IfValue, ThenType, ThenValue, IsDefault " + " from ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies TD, ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode M " + " where M.testkey = ${testkey} and TD.ContextType = ${TEST} and TD.Context = M.TestID and TD.Clientname = M.clientname )" + " union all " + " (select distinct M.clientname, M.TestKey, ContextType, M.TestID as Context, TestMode, IfType, IfValue, ThenType, ThenValue, IsDefault" + " from ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies TD, ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode M " + " where M.Testkey = ${testkey} and TD.clientname = M.clientname and ContextType = ${TEST}" + " and Context = ${starParam} and (TD.TestMode = ${ALL} or TD.TestMode = M.mode)" + " and not exists " + "(select * from ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies TD2 where TD2.ContextType = ${TEST} and TD2.Context = M.TestID and TD.Clientname = M.clientname " + "and TD.IfType = TD2.IfType and TD.IfValue = TD2.IfValue and TD.ThenType = TD2.ThenType and TD.ThenValue = TD2.ThenValue))"; String query = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT); SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey).put("TEST", "TEST") .put("ALL", "ALL").put("starParam", "*"); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, query, parameters, false).getResultSets().next(); return result; } /** * This method differs from SQL function because it returns comma separated, * single-quoted list of codes only(but not labels) selected VS SQL function * returning a table with code and label as columns It is suitable for the * manner in which they method is used and it decreases number of temporary * tables created. * * @param connection * @param testKey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public String ITEMBANK_TestLanguages_FN(SQLConnection connection, String testKey) throws ReturnStatusException { String codeStr = ""; Boolean segmented = false; String algorithm = null; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select IsSegmented as segmented, selectionalgorithm as algorithm from ${ItemBankDB}.tblsetofadminsubjects where _KEy = ${testkey};"; String query1 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1); SqlParametersMaps parameters1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, query1, parameters1, false).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { segmented = record.<Boolean>get("segmented"); algorithm = record.<String>get("algorithm"); } if (DbComparator.isEqual(segmented, false)) { if (DbComparator.isEqual("fixedform", algorithm)) { final String SQL_QUERY2 = " select distinct propvalue as code, propdescription as label from ${ItemBankDB}.tblitemprops P, ${ItemBankDB}.testform F where P._fk_AdminSubject = ${testKey} and propname = ${language}" + " and F._fk_AdminSubject = ${testkey} and F.Language = P.propvalue and P.isactive = 1"; String query2 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2); SqlParametersMaps parameters2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey).put("language", "language"); result = executeStatement(connection, query2, parameters2, false).getResultSets().next(); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { record =; String code = record.<String>get("code"); if (code != null && code.isEmpty() == false) { if (codeStr.isEmpty()) codeStr = String.format("'%s'", code); else codeStr += String.format(",'%s'", code); } } } else { final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select distinct propvalue as code, propdescription as label from ${ItemBankDB}.tblitemprops P where P._fk_AdminSubject = ${testKey} and propname = ${language} and isactive = 1"; String query3 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3); SqlParametersMaps parameters3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey).put("Language", "Language"); result = executeStatement(connection, query3, parameters3, false).getResultSets().next(); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { record =; String code = record.<String>get("code"); if (code != null && code.isEmpty() == false) { if (codeStr.isEmpty()) codeStr = String.format("'%s'", code); else codeStr += String.format(",'%s'", code); } } } } else { final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select distinct propvalue as code, propdescription as label from ${ItemBankDB}.tblsetofadminitems A, ${ItemBankDB}.tblitemprops P, ${ItemBankDB}.tblsetofadminsubjects S where S.VirtualTest = ${testkey} " + "and A._fk_AdminSubject = S._Key and A._fk_AdminSubject = P._fk_AdminSubject and A._fk_Item = P._fk_Item and propname = ${language} and P.isactive = 1"; String query4 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY4); SqlParametersMaps parameters4 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testkey", testKey).put("Language", "Language"); result = executeStatement(connection, query4, parameters4, false).getResultSets().next(); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { record =; String code = record.<String>get("code"); if (code != null && code.isEmpty() == false) { if (codeStr.isEmpty()) codeStr = String.format("'%s'", code); else codeStr += String.format(",'%s'", code); } } } return codeStr; } /** * @param connection * @param clientname * @param itemKey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public String ClientItemFile_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String itemKey) throws ReturnStatusException { String path = null; final String SQL_QUERY = "select concat(C.Homepath, B.HomePath, B.ItemPath, I.FilePath, I.FileName) as path from ${ItemBankDB}.tblitembank B, ${ItemBankDB}.tblclient C, ${ItemBankDB}.tblitem I where B._efk_Itembank = I._efk_ItemBank and = ${clientName}" + "and B._fk_Client = C._Key and I._Key = ${itemkey}"; String query = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY); SqlParametersMaps parameters = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientName", clientName).put("itemKey", itemKey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, query, parameters, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { path = record.<String>get("path"); path = replaceSeparatorChar(path); } // path = path.replace ('/', ('\\', //; return path; } /** * Below two functions(i.e MakeItemKey_FN, MakeStimulusKey_FN) has same * functionality except one i/p parameter in future, we can make these 2 * functions as a single function to minimize coding. * * @param connection * @param bankkey * @param itemkey * @return */ public String MakeItemKey_FN(SQLConnection connection, Long bankKey, Long itemKey) { String itemKeyStr = null; if (bankKey != null && itemKey != null) itemKeyStr = String.format("%d-%d", bankKey, itemKey); return itemKeyStr; } /** * @param connection * @param bankkey * @param stimkey * @return */ public String MakeStimulusKey_FN(SQLConnection connection, Long bankKey, Long stimulusKey) { String stimKeyStr = null; if (bankKey != null && stimulusKey != null) stimKeyStr = String.format("%d-%d", bankKey, stimulusKey); return stimKeyStr; } public boolean _IsValidStatusTransition_FN(String oldStatus, String newStatus) { boolean ok; switch (oldStatus) { case "pending": switch (newStatus) { case "initializing": case "pending": case "denied": case "approved": case "paused": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "suspended": switch (newStatus) { case "suspended": case "denied": case "approved": case "paused": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "started": switch (newStatus) { case "started": case "paused": case "review": case "completed": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "segmentEntry": case "segmentExit": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "approved": switch (newStatus) { case "approved": case "pending": case "started": case "paused": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "review": switch (newStatus) { case "review": case "completed": case "paused": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": case "segmentEntry": case "segmentExit": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "paused": switch (newStatus) { case "paused": case "pending": case "suspended": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "denied": switch (newStatus) { case "denied": case "pending": case "suspended": case "paused": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "completed": switch (newStatus) { case "completed": case "scored": case "submitted": case "invalidated": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "scored": switch (newStatus) { case "rescored": case "submitted": case "invalidated": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "submitted": switch (newStatus) { case "rescored": case "reported": case "invalidated": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "reported": switch (newStatus) { case "rescored": case "invalidated": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "expired": switch (newStatus) { case "rescored": case "invalidated": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "invalidated": switch (newStatus) { case "rescored": case "invalidated": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "rescored": switch (newStatus) { case "scored": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "segmentEntry": switch (newStatus) { case "approved": case "denied": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "segmentExit": switch (newStatus) { case "approved": case "denied": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "forceCompleted": switch (newStatus) { case "completed": case "scored": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; case "initializing": switch (newStatus) { case "initializing": case "pending": case "denied": case "approved": case "paused": case "expired": case "invalidated": case "forceCompleted": ok = true; break; default: ok = false; } break; default: ok = false; break; } return ok; } public String _CanChangeOppStatus_FN(SQLConnection connection, String oldstatus, String newstatus) { if (_IsValidStatusTransition_FN(oldstatus, newstatus) == false) return String.format("Cannot change opportunity from %1$s to %2$s", oldstatus, newstatus); return null; } public Boolean ScoreByTDS_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String testId) throws ReturnStatusException { if (!isScoredByTDS) { return false; } Boolean sc = false; final String SQL_QUERY = "select clientname from ${ConfigDB}.client_testscorefeatures where clientname = ${client} and TestID = ${testID} " + " and (ReportToStudent = 1 or ReportToProctor = 1 or ReportToParticipation = 1 or UseForAbility = 1) limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters = new SqlParametersMaps(); parameters.put("client", clientName); parameters.put("testID", testId); if (exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY), parameters, false))) { sc = true; } else sc = false; return sc; } public String CanScoreOpportunity_FN(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey) throws ReturnStatusException { Boolean scorable = false; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _efk_TestID as test, clientname from testopportunity where _key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parameters1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parameters1, false).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; String test = null; String clientname = null; if (record != null) { test = record.<String>get("test"); clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } Boolean scoreByTds = ScoreByTDS_FN(connection, clientname, test); final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testopportunitysegment " + " where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and IsSatisfied = 0 limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters2 = parameters1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parameters2, false))) { return "Blueprint not satisfied"; } Long ok = 0L; Date archived = null; Date scored = null; final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select 1 as ok, items_Archived as archived, datescored as scored from testopportunity " + " where _Key = ${oppkey} and datecompleted is not null"; SqlParametersMaps parameters3 = parameters1; result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY3, parameters3, false).getResultSets().next(); record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { ok = record.<Long>get("ok"); archived = record.<Date>get("archived"); scored = record.<Date>get("scored"); } if (ok == null || ok == 0) return "Test has not completed"; if (archived == null) { final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeeresponse " + " where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and (scorestatus in ('ForMachineScoring','WaitingForMachineScore')) limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters4 = parameters1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY4, parameters4, false)) == true) return "Items remain to be scored"; final String SQL_QUERY5 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeeresponse " + " where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and score = -1 and IsFieldTest = 0 limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters5 = parameters1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY5, parameters5, false)) == false) scorable = true; } else { final String SQL_QUERY6 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeeresponsearchive " + " where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and scorestatus in ('ForMachineScoring','WaitingForMachineScore') limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters6 = parameters1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY6, parameters6, false)) == true) return "Items remain to be scored"; final String SQL_QUERY7 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeeresponsearchive " + " where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and score = -1 and IsFieldTest = 0 limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters7 = parameters1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY7, parameters7, false)) == false) scorable = true; } if (DbComparator.isEqual(scorable, false) && DbComparator.isEqual(scoreByTds, true)) return "Unofficial score only"; if (DbComparator.isEqual(scoreByTds, false)) return "COMPLETE: Do Not Score"; return null; } /** * This function uses temp table. However it is only used to build comma * separated list of values in this one-column table We will not be using temp * table for string manipulation (if possible). Note how we built comma * separated list based on records in SingleDataResultSet * * @param connection * @param oppkey * @return String * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public String MakeItemGroupString_FN(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY = "select distinct groupID from testeeresponse where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and _efk_ITSItem is not null;"; SqlParametersMaps parms = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, false).getResultSets().next(); if (result.getCount() == 0) return ""; String itemGroup = null; Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record =; if (itemGroup == null) itemGroup = record.<String>get("groupID"); else itemGroup += "," + record.<String>get("groupID"); } return itemGroup; } public int IsXMLOn_Fn(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppKey) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname, environment from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parameters1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppKey); String clientname = null; String environment = null; SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parameters1, false).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); environment = record.<String>get("environment"); } // we substitute coalesce(IsOn, 0) when we read the record final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select IsOn as flag " + " from ${ConfigDB}.client_systemflags F, externs E " + " where E.ClientName = ${clientname} and F.clientname = ${clientname}" + " and E.IsPracticeTest = F.IsPracticeTest and AuditOBject='oppreport'"; SqlParametersMaps parameters2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname); result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2), parameters2, false).getResultSets() .next(); Integer flag = null; record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { flag = record.<Integer>get("flag"); if (flag == null) flag = 0; } // TODO Elena: commented check for QABrokerGUID while // we are using flat files to store qa reports and // thus qabrokerGUID is irrelevant. // We may reconsider/reuse this column when we move to another way of // queuing reports // final String SQL_QUERY3 = // "select QABrokerGUID as guid from externs where clientname = ${clientname} and environment = ${env}"; // SqlParametersMaps parameters3 = (new SqlParametersMaps ()).put // ("clientname", clientname).put ("env", environment); // // result = executeStatement (connection, SQL_QUERY3, parameters3, // false).getResultSets ().next (); // UUID guid = null; // record = result.getCount () > 0 ? result.getRecords ().next () : null; // if (record != null) { // guid = record.<UUID> get ("guid"); // } if (DbComparator.isEqual(flag, 0) // || guid == null ) return 0; else return 1; } // original port // public SingleDataResultSet _GetTesteeAttributes_SPV1 (SQLConnection connection, String clientname, Long testee) throws ReturnStatusException { // // DataBaseTable attributesTable = getDataBaseTable ("gtaAttributes").addColumn ("attname", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50). // addColumn ("rtsname", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100).addColumn ("attval", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 8000). // addColumn ("done", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT); // connection.createTemporaryTable (attributesTable); // // final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into ${attributes} (attname, rtsName) select TDS_ID, RTSName " // + " from ${ConfigDB}.client_testeeattribute where clientname = ${clientname} and type = 'attribute'"; // SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps ()).put ("clientname", clientname); // Map<String, String> unquotedParms1 = new HashMap<String, String> (); // unquotedParms1.put ("attributes", attributesTable.getTableName ()); // // final String query1 = fixDataBaseNames (SQL_INSERT1); // int insertedCnt = executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (query1, unquotedParms1), parms1, false).getUpdateCount (); // // final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select done from ${attributes} where done is null limit 1"; // Map<String, String> unquotedParms2 = unquotedParms1; // // while (exists (executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (SQL_QUERY2, unquotedParms2), null, false))) { // // final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select attname, rtsName from ${attributes} where done is null limit 1"; // Map<String, String> unquotedParms3 = unquotedParms1; // // SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (SQL_QUERY3, unquotedParms3), null, false).getResultSets ().next (); // DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount () > 0 ? result.getRecords ().next () : null); // String attname = null; // String rtsname = null; // if (record != null) { // attname = record.<String> get ("attname"); // rtsname = record.<String> get ("rtsname"); // } // // String attval = null; // // if (testee > 0) { // _Ref<String> attvalRef = new _Ref<String> (); // _rtsDll._GetRTSAttribute_SP (connection, clientname, testee, rtsname, attvalRef); // attval = attvalRef.get (); // // } else { // attval = String.format ("GUEST %s", attname); // } // // if (attval != null) { // final String SQL_UPDATE4 = "update ${attributes} set attval = ${attval}, done = 1 where attname = ${attname}"; // SqlParametersMaps parms4 = (new SqlParametersMaps ()).put ("attname", attname).put ("attval", attval); // Map<String, String> unquotedParms4 = unquotedParms1; // // int updateCnt = executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (SQL_UPDATE4, unquotedParms4), parms4, false).getUpdateCount (); // // } else { // String err = String.format ("Unknown attribute type: %s", (attname == null ? "<NULL ATTRIBUTE>" : attname)); // // final String SQL_UPDATE5 = "update ${attributes} set done = 1 where attname = ${attname}"; // SqlParametersMaps parms5 = (new SqlParametersMaps ()).put ("attname", attname); // Map<String, String> unquotedParms5 = unquotedParms1; // // int updateCnt = executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (SQL_UPDATE5, unquotedParms5), parms5, false).getUpdateCount (); // _LogDBError_SP (connection, "_GetTesteeAttributes", err, testee, null, null, null, clientname, null); // } // } // final String SQL_QUERY6 = "select attname as TDS_ID, attval from ${attributes}"; // Map<String, String> unquotedParms6 = unquotedParms1; // // SingleDataResultSet res = executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (SQL_QUERY6, unquotedParms6), null, false).getResultSets ().next (); // connection.dropTemporaryTable (attributesTable); // return res; // } // Optimization attempt public SingleDataResultSet _GetTesteeAttributes_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, Long testee) throws ReturnStatusException { // DataBaseTable attributesTable = getDataBaseTable // ("gtaAttributes").addColumn ("attname", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, // 50). // addColumn ("rtsname", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100).addColumn // ("attval", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 8000). // addColumn ("done", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT); final String SQL_CMD1 = "select TDS_ID, RTSName, cast(null as CHAR) as attval, cast(null as SIGNED) as done " + " from ${ConfigDB}.client_testeeattribute where clientname = ${clientname} and type = 'attribute'"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname); List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_CMD1), parms1, false) .getResultSets().next(); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record =; String attname = record.<String>get("tds_id"); String rtsname = record.<String>get("rtsname"); CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); rcd.put("tds_id", attname); rcd.put("rtsname", rtsname); rcd.put("attval", null); rcd.put("done", null); resultList.add(rcd); } for (CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcd : resultList) { String attval = null; String attname = (String) rcd.get("tds_id"); if (testee > 0) { _Ref<String> attvalRef = new _Ref<String>(); _rtsDll._GetRTSAttribute_SP(connection, clientname, testee, (String) rcd.get("rtsname"), attvalRef); attval = attvalRef.get(); } else { attval = String.format("GUEST %s", attname); } // TODO: (Dan) Presently we are simply returning null for missing // attributes. // if (attval != null) { rcd.put("attval", attval); rcd.put("done", 1); // } // else { // String err = String.format ("Unknown attribute type: %s", (attname == // null ? "<NULL ATTRIBUTE>" : attname)); // _LogDBError_SP (connection, "_GetTesteeAttributes", err, testee, null, // null, null, clientname, null); // rcd.put ("done", 1); // } } for (CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcd : resultList) { rcd.remove("done"); rcd.remove("rtsname"); } SingleDataResultSet result1 = new SingleDataResultSet(); result1.addColumn("tds_id", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result1.addColumn("attval", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result1.addRecords(resultList); return result1; } // original port // public void _SetTesteeAttributes_SPV1 (SQLConnection connection, String clientname, UUID oppkey, Long testee, String context) throws ReturnStatusException { // if (testee < 0) // return; // Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus (connection); // // Boolean attsexist = null, relsexist = null; // // DataBaseTable attsTable = getDataBaseTable ("staAtts").addColumn ("tdsId", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100).addColumn ("attrval", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 500); // // DataBaseTable relsTable = getDataBaseTable ("staRels").addColumn ("reltype", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50). // addColumn ("entityKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIGINT).addColumn ("tdsId", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100). // addColumn ("attrval", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 500); // // final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeeattribute where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context} limit 1"; // SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps ()).put ("oppkey", oppkey).put ("context", context); // // if (exists (executeStatement (connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false))) { // attsexist = true; // } else { // attsexist = false; // } // // final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeerelationship where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context} limit 1"; // SqlParametersMaps parms2 = parms1; // // if (exists (executeStatement (connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false))) { // relsexist = true; // } else { // relsexist = false; // } // final String finalClientname = clientname; // final Long finalTestee = testee; // executeMethodAndInsertIntoTemporaryTable (connection, new AbstractDataResultExecutor () // { // // @Override // public SingleDataResultSet execute (SQLConnection connection) throws ReturnStatusException { // SingleDataResultSet resultSet = _GetTesteeAttributes_SPV1 (connection, finalClientname, finalTestee); // // resultSet.resetColumnName (1, "tdsID"); // resultSet.resetColumnName (2, "attrval"); // return resultSet; // } // }, attsTable, true); // // String sofar = "First. "; // // executeMethodAndInsertIntoTemporaryTable (connection, new AbstractDataResultExecutor () // { // // @Override // public SingleDataResultSet execute (SQLConnection connection) throws ReturnStatusException { // // SingleDataResultSet resultSet = _rtsDll._GetTesteeRelationships_SP (connection, finalClientname, finalTestee); // // resultSet.resetColumnName (1, "reltype"); // resultSet.resetColumnName (3, "tdsID"); // // resultSet.resetColumnName (2, "entitykey"); // resultSet.resetColumnName (4, "attrval"); // return resultSet; // } // }, relsTable, true); // // sofar = "Second. "; // // try { // boolean preexistingAutoCommitMode = connection.getAutoCommit (); // connection.setAutoCommit (false); // if (DbComparator.isEqual (attsexist, true)) { // final String SQL_DELETE3 = "delete from testeeattribute where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context}"; // SqlParametersMaps parms3 = parms1; // // int deletedCnt = executeStatement (connection, SQL_DELETE3, parms3, false).getUpdateCount (); // sofar = "Third. "; // } // // final String SQL_INSERT4 = "insert into testeeattribute (_fk_TestOpportunity, context, TDS_ID, attributeValue, _date) " // + " select ${oppkey}, ${context}, tdsID, attrval, now(3) from ${atts}"; // SqlParametersMaps parms4 = parms1; // Map<String, String> unquotedParms4 = new HashMap<String, String> (); // unquotedParms4.put ("atts", attsTable.getTableName ()); // // int insertedCnt = executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (SQL_INSERT4, unquotedParms4), parms4, false).getUpdateCount (); // // sofar = "Fourth. "; // // if (DbComparator.isEqual (relsexist, true)) { // final String SQL_DELETE5 = "delete from testeerelationship where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context}"; // SqlParametersMaps parms5 = parms1; // // int deletedCnt = executeStatement (connection, SQL_DELETE5, parms5, false).getUpdateCount (); // sofar = "Fifth. "; // } // // final String SQL_INSERT6 = "insert into testeerelationship (_fk_TestOpportunity, context, relationship, TDS_ID, entitykey, attributeValue, _date)" // + " select ${oppkey}, ${context}, reltype, tdsID, entitykey, attrval, now(3) from ${rels}"; // SqlParametersMaps parms6 = parms1; // Map<String, String> unquotedParms6 = new HashMap<String, String> (); // unquotedParms6.put ("rels", relsTable.getTableName ()); // // insertedCnt = executeStatement (connection, fixDataBaseNames (SQL_INSERT6, unquotedParms6), parms6, false).getUpdateCount (); // sofar = "Sixth. "; // // connection.commit (); // connection.setAutoCommit (preexistingAutoCommitMode); // // } catch (Exception re) { // try { // connection.rollback (); // } catch (SQLException e) { // _logger.error (String.format ("Problem rolling back transaction %s", e.getMessage ())); // } // String msg = String.format ("%s%s", sofar, re.getMessage ()); // _LogDBError_SP (connection, "_SetTesteeAttributes", msg, testee, null, null, oppkey, clientname, null); // } // connection.dropTemporaryTable (attsTable); // connection.dropTemporaryTable (relsTable); // // _LogDBLatency_SP (connection, "_SetTesteeAttributes", starttime, testee, true, null, oppkey, null, clientname, null); // } // optimization attempt public void _SetTesteeAttributes_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, UUID oppkey, Long testee, String context) throws ReturnStatusException { if (testee < 0) return; Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); Boolean attsexist = null, relsexist = null; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeeattribute where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey).put("context", context); if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false))) { attsexist = true; } else { attsexist = false; } final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeerelationship where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = parms1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false))) { relsexist = true; } else { relsexist = false; } //TODO Elena : proposal to use getTesteeAttributesAsSet method from RtsDLLPackage here // instead of _GetTesteeAttributes //SingleDataResultSet resultSet1 = _GetTesteeAttributes_SP (connection, clientname, testee); SingleDataResultSet resultSet1 = _rtsDll.getTesteeAttributesAsSet(connection, clientname, testee); resultSet1.addColumn("_fk_TestOpportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER); resultSet1.addColumn("context", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); resultSet1.addColumn("_date", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.DATETIME); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = resultSet1.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record =; record.addColumnValue("_fk_TestOpportunity", oppkey); record.addColumnValue("context", context); record.addColumnValue("_date", starttime); } String sofar = "First. "; SingleDataResultSet resultSet2 = _rtsDll._GetTesteeRelationships_SP(connection, clientname, testee); resultSet2.addColumn("_fk_TestOpportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER); resultSet2.addColumn("context", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); resultSet2.addColumn("_date", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.DATETIME); records = resultSet2.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record =; record.addColumnValue("_fk_TestOpportunity", oppkey); record.addColumnValue("context", context); record.addColumnValue("_date", starttime); } sofar = "Second. "; try { boolean preexistingAutoCommitMode = connection.getAutoCommit(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); if (DbComparator.isEqual(attsexist, true)) { final String SQL_DELETE3 = "delete from testeeattribute where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context}"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = parms1; int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_DELETE3, parms3, false).getUpdateCount(); sofar = "Third. "; } /*final String SQL_INSERT4 = "insert into testeeattribute (_fk_TestOpportunity, context, TDS_ID, attributeValue, _date) " + " values( ${_fk_TestOpportunity}, ${context}, ${tds_id}, ${attval}, ${_date})"; int insertedCnt = insertBatch (connection, SQL_INSERT4, resultSet1, null);*/ final String SQL_INSERT4 = "insert into testeeattribute (_fk_TestOpportunity, context, TDS_ID, attributeValue, _date) " + " values( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; List<Map<Integer, Object>> paramsList = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Object>>(); Map<Integer, Object> param = null; Iterator<DbResultRecord> recordsInsert = resultSet1.getRecords(); while (recordsInsert.hasNext()) { param = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); DbResultRecord rec =; param.put(1, rec.get("_fk_testopportunity")); param.put(2, rec.<String>get("context")); param.put(3, rec.<String>get("tds_id")); param.put(4, rec.<String>get("attval")); param.put(5, rec.get("_date")); paramsList.add(param); } executePreparedStatementBatch(connection, SQL_INSERT4, paramsList); sofar = "Fourth. "; if (DbComparator.isEqual(relsexist, true)) { final String SQL_DELETE5 = "delete from testeerelationship where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and context = ${context}"; SqlParametersMaps parms5 = parms1; int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_DELETE5, parms5, false).getUpdateCount(); sofar = "Fifth. "; } //TODO. Elena: note that we ignore entitytype value from resultset, // i.e. value read from r_stidentpackage table and use 0 to insert into // testeerelationship.entitykey column // It is done because entitykey from r_stidentpackage may be not numeric and // testeerelationship.entitykey is a bigint. // This testeerelationship.entitykey value is read and used only once, // in T_RecordClientLatency method which is obsolete. final String SQL_INSERT6 = "insert into testeerelationship (_fk_TestOpportunity, context, relationship, TDS_ID, entitykey, attributeValue, _date)" + " values ( ${_fk_TestOpportunity}, ${context}, ${relationtype}, ${tds_ID}, 0, ${attval}, ${_date} )"; // select relationType, entityKey, attname as TDS_ID, attval int insertedCnt = insertBatch(connection, SQL_INSERT6, resultSet2, null); sofar = "Sixth. "; connection.commit(); connection.setAutoCommit(preexistingAutoCommitMode); } catch (Exception re) { try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error(String.format("Problem rolling back transaction %s", e.getMessage())); } String msg = String.format("%s%s", sofar, re.getMessage()); _LogDBError_SP(connection, "_SetTesteeAttributes", msg, testee, null, null, oppkey, clientname, null); } _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "_SetTesteeAttributes", starttime, testee, true, null, oppkey, null, clientname, null); } public void _RecordBPSatisfaction_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _efk_AdminSubject as testkey, _efk_TestID as testID , _fk_session as session " + " from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey}"; final SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); String testkey = null; String testid = null; UUID session = null; SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { testkey = record.<String>get("testkey"); testid = record.<String>get("testid"); session = record.<UUID>get("session"); } // create table #items (_key varchar(100), segment varchar(250), // contentLevel varchar(200) DataBaseTable itemsTable = getDataBaseTable("rbpsItems") .addColumn("_key", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100) .addColumn("segment", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 250) .addColumn("contentLevel", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 200); connection.createTemporaryTable(itemsTable); final String SQL_INSERT2 = "insert into ${itemsTableName} (_key, segment, contentLevel) " + "select _efk_ItemKey, _efk_Segment, C.contentLevel from testeeresponse R, testopportunitysegment S, ${ItemBankDB}.aa_itemcl C " + " where R._fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and S._fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and S.segmentPosition = R.segment " + " and C._fk_AdminSUbject = S._efk_Segment and C._fk_Item = R._efk_ItemKey and R.isFieldTest = 0"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = parms1; Map<String, String> tblNames2 = new HashMap<String, String>(); tblNames2.put("itemsTableName", itemsTable.getTableName()); final String query2 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT2); int insertCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query2, tblNames2), parms2, false) .getUpdateCount(); // Elena: it is ok to try to delete without separate explicit check if there // are records to be deleted // final String SQL_QUERY3 = // "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testopportunitycontentcounts where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} limit 1"; // SqlParametersMaps parms3 = parms1; // if (exists (executeStatement (connection, SQL_QUERY3, parms3, false))) { final String SQL_QUERY4 = "delete from testopportunitycontentcounts where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = parms1; MultiDataResultSet sets4 = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY4, parms4, false); int deleteCnt4 = sets4.getUpdateCount(); // } final String SQL_INSERT5 = "insert into testopportunitycontentcounts (_fk_TestOpportunity, _efk_TestID, _efk_AdminSubject, ContentLevel, itemcount, dateentered)" + " select ${oppkey}, ${testID}, ${testkey}, contentLevel, count(*), now(3) from ${itemsTableName} I group by contentLevel"; Map<String, String> tblNames5 = tblNames2; SqlParametersMaps parms5 = new SqlParametersMaps(); parms5.put("oppkey", oppkey); parms5.put("testID", testid); parms5.put("testkey", testkey); int insertCnt5 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT5, tblNames5), parms5, false) .getUpdateCount(); // final String SQL_QUERY6 = // "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testopportunitysegmentcounts where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} limit 1"; // SqlParametersMaps parms6 = parms1; // if (exists (executeStatement (connection, SQL_QUERY6, parms6, false))) { final String SQL_QUERY7 = "delete from testopportunitysegmentcounts where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms7 = parms1; MultiDataResultSet sets7 = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY7, parms7, false); int deleteCnt7 = sets7.getUpdateCount(); // } final String SQL_INSERT8 = "insert into testopportunitysegmentcounts (_fk_TestOpportunity, _efk_TestID, _efk_AdminSubject, _efk_Segment, ContentLevel, itemcount, dateentered) " + "select ${oppkey} as _fk_TestOpportunity, ${testID} as _efk_TestID, ${testkey} as _efk_AdminSubject, segment as _efk_Segment, contentLevel, count(*) as itemcount, now(3) " + " from ${itemsTableName} I group by segment, contentLevel"; Map<String, String> tblNames8 = tblNames5; SqlParametersMaps parms8 = parms5; int insertCnt8 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT8, tblNames8), parms8, false) .getUpdateCount(); connection.dropTemporaryTable(itemsTable); } public void _OnStatus_Completed_SP_Mysql(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY = "call _onstatus_completed (${oppkey})"; SqlParametersMaps params = new SqlParametersMaps(); params.put("oppkey", oppkey); executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, params, false); } public void _OnStatus_Completed_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey) throws ReturnStatusException { Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); boolean audit = AuditProc_FN(connection, "_OnStatus_Completed"); final String SQL_QUERY1 = "Select _efk_Testee as testee, _efk_AdminSubject as testkey, clientname, _efk_TestID as testID from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey}"; final SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); SingleDataResultSet result1 = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, true).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = result1.getCount() > 0 ? result1.getRecords().next() : null; Long testee = null; String testkey = null; String testId = null; String clientname = null; if (record != null) { testee = record.<Long>get("testee"); testkey = record.<String>get("testkey"); testId = record.<String>get("testid"); clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } String itemgroupString = MakeItemGroupString_FN(connection, oppkey); final String SQL_QUERY2 = "update testopportunity set itemgroupString = ${itemgroupString} where _Key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("itemgroupString", itemgroupString).put("oppkey", oppkey); MultiDataResultSet sets = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false); int updateCnt2 = sets.getUpdateCount(); final String SQL_QUERY3 = "update testopportunitysegment set IsPermeable = -1 where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = parms1; sets = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY3, parms3, false); int updateCnt3 = sets.getUpdateCount(); _SetTesteeAttributes_SP(connection, clientname, oppkey, testee, "FINAL"); _RecordBPSatisfaction_SP(connection, oppkey); if (IsXMLOn_Fn(connection, oppkey) == 1 && (!isScoredByTDS || "COMPLETE: Do Not Score".equalsIgnoreCase(CanScoreOpportunity_FN(connection, oppkey)))) { SubmitQAReport_SP(connection, oppkey, "submitted"); } final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from ft_opportunityitem where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = parms1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY4, parms4, false))) { DataBaseTable groupsTable = getDataBaseTable("oscGroups") .addColumn("gid", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) .addColumn("bid", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 20).addColumn("seg", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("pos", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); connection.createTemporaryTable(groupsTable); final String SQL_QUERY6 = "insert into ${groupsTableName} (gid, bid, seg, pos) " + " select R.groupID, I.blockID, R.segment, min(R.position) from testeeresponse R, ft_opportunityitem I " + " where R._fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and I._fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and R.segment = I.segment and R.groupID = I.groupID and R.IsFieldTest = 1 " + " group by R.segment, R.groupID, I.blockID"; SqlParametersMaps parms6 = parms1; Map<String, String> tableNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); tableNames.put("groupsTableName", groupsTable.getTableName()); int insertCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY6, tableNames), parms6, false) .getUpdateCount(); final String SQL_QUERY5 = "update ft_opportunityitem F, ${groupsTableName} G set F.positionAdministered = G.pos, dateAdministered=${now} " + " where F._fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and F.segment = G.seg and F.groupID = G.gid"; SqlParametersMaps parms5 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("now", now).put("oppkey", oppkey); int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY5, tableNames), parms5, false) .getUpdateCount(); connection.dropTemporaryTable(groupsTable); } _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "_OnStatus_Completed", now, null, true, null, oppkey); } /** * This method may return null if it does not make call to submitqareport * * @param connection * @param oppKey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public SingleDataResultSet _OnStatus_Scored_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppKey) throws ReturnStatusException { SingleDataResultSet result = null; if (IsXMLOn_Fn(connection, oppKey) == 1) { result = SubmitQAReport_SP(connection, oppKey, "submitted"); } return result; } public void _OnStatus_Paused_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey, String prevStatus) throws ReturnStatusException { if ("started".equalsIgnoreCase(prevStatus) == false && "review".equalsIgnoreCase(prevStatus) == false) return; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testopportunitysegment " + " where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and IsPermeable > -1 and restorePermOn <> 'completed' limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false))) { final String SQL_UPDATE = "update testopportunitysegment set IsPermeable = -1, restorePermOn = null " + " where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and IsPermeable > -1 and restorePermOn in ('segment', 'paused');"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = parms1; MultiDataResultSet sets = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms2, false); int updateCnt = sets.getUpdateCount(); String sessionDB = getTdsSettings().getTDSSessionDBName(); // String sessionDB = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings // ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); final String SQL_INSERT3 = "insert into ${ArchiveDB}.opportunityaudit (_fk_TestOpportunity, AccessType, _fk_Session, _fk_Browser, dateaccessed, hostname, dbname) " + " select ${oppkey}, 'Restore segment permeability', _fk_Session, _fk_Browser, now(3), ${localhost}, ${dbname} " + " from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey) .put("localhost", getLocalhostName()).put("dbname", sessionDB); int insertCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT3), parms3, false) .getUpdateCount(); } } public SingleDataResultSet SetOpportunityStatus_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey, String status) throws ReturnStatusException { return SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, oppkey, status, false, null, null); } public SingleDataResultSet SetOpportunityStatus_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey, String status, Boolean suppressReport) throws ReturnStatusException { return SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, oppkey, status, suppressReport, null, null); } public SingleDataResultSet SetOpportunityStatus_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey, String status, Boolean suppressReport, String requestor) throws ReturnStatusException { return SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, oppkey, status, suppressReport, requestor, null); } public SingleDataResultSet SetOpportunityStatus_SP_Mysql(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey, String status, Boolean suppressReport, String requestor, String comment) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY = "call setopportunitystatus (${oppkey}, ${status}, ${suppressReport}, ${requestor}, ${comment})"; SqlParametersMaps params = new SqlParametersMaps(); params.put("oppkey", oppkey); params.put("status", status); params.put("suppressReport", suppressReport); params.put("requestor", requestor); params.put("comment", comment); SingleDataResultSet resultSet = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, params, false).getResultSets() .next(); return resultSet; } /** * This method will return null if suppressReport parameter is set to true * * @param connection * @param oppkey * @param status * @param suppressReport * @param requestor * @param comment * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public SingleDataResultSet SetOpportunityStatus_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey, String status, Boolean suppressReport, String requestor, String comment) throws ReturnStatusException { SingleDataResultSet rs = null; Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); String clientname = null; String oldstatus = null; Date datestarted = null; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname, status as oldstatus, datestarted from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); oldstatus = record.<String>get("oldstatus"); datestarted = record.<Date>get("datestarted"); } if (oldstatus == null) oldstatus = "UNDEFINED"; String msg = null; msg = _CanChangeOppStatus_FN(connection, oldstatus, status); if (msg != null) { String dbmsg = String.format("Bad status transition from %s to %s", oldstatus, status); _LogDBError_SP(connection, "SetOppportunityStatus", dbmsg, null, null, null, oppkey); if (suppressReport == false) { String arg = String.format("%s,%s", oldstatus, status); return _ReturnError_SP(connection, clientname, "SetOPportunityStatus", msg, arg, oppkey, "_CanChangeOppStatus", "failed"); } return null; } if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(status) && datestarted != null) { final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select _fk_TestOpportunity from testeeresponse where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = parms1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false))) status = "suspended"; } String localhostname = getLocalhostName(); final String SQL_UPDATE3 = "update testopportunity set " + " PrevStatus = status, DateChanged = ${now}, " + " DateScored = case ${status} when 'scored' then ${now} else DateScored end, " + " DateApproved = case ${status} when 'approved' then ${now} else DateApproved end, " + " DateCompleted = case ${status} when 'completed' then ${now} else DateCompleted end, " + " DateExpired = case ${status} when 'expired' then ${now} else DateExpired end, " + " DateSubmitted = case ${status} when 'submitted' then ${now} else DateSubmitted end, " + " DateReported = case ${status} when 'reported' then ${now} else DateReported end, " + " dateRescored = case ${status} when 'rescored' then ${now} else dateRescored end, " + " datePaused = case " + " when ${status} = 'paused' and status in ('started', 'review') then ${now} else datePaused end, " + " dateInvalidated = case ${status} when 'invalidated' then ${now} else dateInvalidated end, " + " invalidatedBy = case ${status} when 'invalidated' then ${requestor} else invalidatedBy end, " + " XMLHost = case ${status} when 'submitted' then ${hostname} else XMLHost end, " + " waitingForSegment = case " + " when ${status} in ('approved', 'denied') and status in ('segmentEntry', 'segmentExit') then null " + " else waitingForSegment end, " + " comment = case when ${comment} is not null then ${comment} else comment end, " + " status = ${status} " + " where _Key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey).put("status", status); parms3.put("now", now).put("requestor", requestor).put("hostname", localhostname).put("comment", comment); int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE3, parms3, false).getUpdateCount(); if ("completed".equalsIgnoreCase(status)) _OnStatus_Completed_SP(connection, oppkey); if ("scored".equalsIgnoreCase(status)) _OnStatus_Scored_SP(connection, oppkey); if ("paused".equalsIgnoreCase(status)) _OnStatus_Paused_SP(connection, oppkey, oldstatus); // String sessionDB = getAppSettings().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); String sessionDB = getTdsSettings().getTDSSessionDBName(); // String sessionDB = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings // ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); final String SQL_INSERT4 = " insert into ${ArchiveDB}.opportunityaudit (_fk_Testopportunity, _fk_Session, AccessType, hostname, _fk_Browser, actor, comment, dateaccessed, dbname)" + " select ${oppkey}, _fk_session, ${status}, ${localhostname}, _fk_Browser, ${requestor}, ${comment}, now(3), ${dbname} " + " from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey).put("status", status); parms4.put("localhostname", localhostname).put("requestor", requestor).put("comment", comment).put("dbname", sessionDB); int insertCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT4), parms4, false).getUpdateCount(); if (suppressReport == false) { // @status as [status], null as reason, null as [context], null as // [argstring], '|' as [delimiter]; rs = ReturnStatusReason(status, null); } _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "SetOpportunityStatus", now, null, true, null, oppkey, null, clientname, null); return rs; } public Integer AuditOpportunities_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientname) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname from _externs where clientname = ${clientname} and environment = 'SIMULATION' limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname); if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parameters1, false)) == true) { return 0; } Integer flag = selectIsOnByAuditObject(connection, clientname, "opportunities"); if (flag == null || flag == 0) return 0; else return 1; } public Integer AuditSessions_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientname) throws ReturnStatusException { Integer flag = selectIsOnByAuditObject(connection, clientname, "sessions"); if (flag == null || flag == 0) return 0; else return 1; } protected Integer selectIsOnByAuditObject(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, String auditObject) throws ReturnStatusException { Integer flag = null; final String SQL_QUERY = "select IsOn as flag from ${ConfigDB}.client_systemflags F, externs E " + " where E.ClientName=${clientname} and F.clientname = ${clientname} " + " and E.IsPracticeTest = F.IsPracticeTest and AuditOBject=${auditobject}"; SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname).put("auditobject", auditObject); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY), parameters, false) .getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { flag = record.<Integer>get("flag"); } return flag; } /** * This method differs from SQL function because it returns comma separated, * single-quoted list of statuses selected VS SQL function returning a table. * It is suitable for the manner in which they method is used and it decreases * number of temporary tables created. * * @param connection * @param usage * @param stage * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public String GetStatusCodes_FN(SQLConnection connection, String usage, String stage) throws ReturnStatusException { String statusStr = ""; final String SQL_QUERY = "select status from statuscodes where `usage` = ${usage} and stage = ${stage}"; SqlParametersMaps parms = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("usage", usage).put("stage", stage); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, false).getResultSets().next(); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record =; String aStatus = record.<String>get("status"); if (aStatus != null && aStatus.isEmpty() == false) { if (statusStr.isEmpty()) statusStr = String.format("'%s'", aStatus); else statusStr += String.format(",'%s'", aStatus); } } return statusStr; } public String ValidateProctorSession_FN(SQLConnection connection, Long proctorkey, UUID sessionkey, UUID browserkey) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _key from session where _key = ${sessionkey} and status = 'open' " + "and ${now} between datebegin and dateend limit 1"; Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); SqlParametersMaps parameters1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionkey", sessionkey).put("now", now); final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select _key from session where _Key = ${sessionkey} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorkey} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionkey", sessionkey).put("proctorkey", proctorkey); final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select _key from session where _Key = ${sessionkey} and _fk_browser = ${browserkey} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parameters3 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionkey", sessionkey).put("browserkey", browserkey); if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parameters1, false)) == false) { return "The session is closed."; } if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parameters2, false)) == false) { return "The session is not owned by this proctor"; } if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY3, parameters3, false)) == false) { return "Unauthorized session access"; } return null; } public SingleDataResultSet P_PauseSession_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey) throws ReturnStatusException { return P_PauseSession_SP(connection, sessionKey, proctorKey, browserKey, "closed", true); } public SingleDataResultSet P_PauseSession_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID sessionKey, Long proctorKey, UUID browserKey, String reason, Boolean report) throws ReturnStatusException { String clientname = null; Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname from session where _Key = ${sessionKey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionKey", sessionKey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); String accessdenied = ValidateProctorSession_FN(connection, proctorKey, sessionKey, browserKey); if (accessdenied != null) { _LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_PauseSession", accessdenied, proctorKey, null, null, sessionKey); _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_PauseSession", starttime, proctorKey, true, null, sessionKey); return _ReturnError_SP(connection, clientname, "P_PauseSession", accessdenied, null, null, "ValidateProctorSession", "failed"); } Integer audit = AuditSessions_FN(connection, clientname); String localhostName = getLocalhostName(); Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select _Key from session where _Key = ${sessionKey} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = parms1; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false)) == false) { String msg = String.format("No such session: %s", sessionKey.toString()); _RecordSystemError_SP(connection, "P_PauseSession", msg); return _ReturnError_SP(connection, clientname, "P_PauseSession", "Session does not exist"); } final String SQL_UPDATE3 = "Update session set status = 'closed', datechanged = ${now}, dateend=${now} where _Key = ${sessionKey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("now", now).put("sessionKey", sessionKey); int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE3, parms3, false).getUpdateCount(); if (DbComparator.notEqual(audit, 0)) { String sessionDB = getTdsSettings().getTDSSessionDBName(); // String sessionDB = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings // ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); final String SQL_INSERT4 = "insert into ${ArchiveDB}.sessionaudit (_fk_session, DateAccessed, AccessType, hostname, browserkey, dbname) " + " values (${sessionKey}, ${now}, ${reason}, ${host}, ${browserKey}, ${dbname})"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionKey", sessionKey); parms4.put("now", now).put("reason", reason).put("host", localhostName).put("browserKey", browserKey) .put("dbname", sessionDB); executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT4), parms4, false); } final String statusStr = GetStatusCodes_FN(connection, "Opportunity", "inuse"); if (AuditOpportunities_FN(connection, clientname) != 0) { // String sessionDB = getAppSettings().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); String sessionDB = getTdsSettings().getTDSSessionDBName(); // String sessionDB = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings // ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); final String SQL_INSERT5 = "insert into ${ArchiveDB}.opportunityaudit (_fk_TestOpportunity, DateAccessed, AccessType,_fk_Session, Hostname, _fk_Browser, dbname)" + " (select _Key, ${now}, 'paused by session', ${sessionKey}, ${host}, _fk_Browser, ${dbname} from testopportunity " + " where _fk_Session = ${sessionKey} and status in (${statusStr}))"; Map<String, String> unquotedparms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedparms.put("statusStr", statusStr); final String query5 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT5); SqlParametersMaps parms5 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("now", now).put("sessionKey", sessionKey) .put("host", localhostName).put("dbname", sessionDB); int insertCnt5 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query5, unquotedparms), parms5, false) .getUpdateCount(); } final String SQL_QUERY7 = "select _key from testopportunity where _fk_Session = ${sessionKey} and status in (${statusStr})"; Map<String, String> unquotedparms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedparms.put("statusStr", statusStr); SqlParametersMaps parms7 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionKey", sessionKey); SingleDataResultSet result7 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY7, unquotedparms), parms7, false).getResultSets().next(); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = result7.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { record =; UUID key = record.<UUID>get("_key"); // TODO: SetOpportunityStatus has 5th parameter as String. Do they really // want UUID in its place? // TODO Elena test // long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); SetOpportunityStatus_SP(connection, key, "paused", true, sessionKey.toString()); // long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; // System.out.println (String.format // ("SetOPportunityStatus latency: %d millisec, status: %s", diff, // "paused")); } if (DbComparator.isEqual(report, true)) result = ReturnStatusReason("closed", null); else result = null; _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_PauseSession_SP", starttime, null, true, null, null, sessionKey, clientname, null); return result; } public void _RecordSystemError_SP(SQLConnection connection, String proc, String msg) throws ReturnStatusException { _RecordSystemError_SP(connection, proc, msg, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public void _RecordSystemError_SP(SQLConnection connection, String proc, String msg, Long testee, String test, Integer opportunity, String application, String clientIp, UUID applicationContextID, String stackTrace, UUID testoppkey, String clientname) throws ReturnStatusException { if (application == null) application = getTdsSettings().getAppName(); // application = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings ().get // ("AppName"); if (clientname == null && testoppkey != null) { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname from testopportunity where _Key = ${testoppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testoppkey", testoppkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, true).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } // String sessionDB = getAppSettings().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); String sessionDB = getTdsSettings().getTDSSessionDBName(); // String sessionDB = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings // ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); final String SQL_INSERT2 = "insert into ${ArchiveDB}.systemerrors (procname, errorMessage, _efk_Testee, _efk_TestID, Opportunity, application," + " IPAddress, ApplicationContextID, stackTrace, _fk_TestOpportunity, clientname, daterecorded, serverid, dbname)" + " values (${proc}, ${msg}, ${testee}, ${test}, ${opportunity}, ${application}, " + " ${clientIP}, ${ApplicationContextID}, ${stackTrace}, ${testoppkey}, ${clientname}, now(3), ${localhost}, ${dbname})"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("proc", proc).put("msg", msg).put("testee", testee) .put("test", test).put("opportunity", opportunity).put("application", application) .put("localhost", getLocalhostName()).put("dbname", sessionDB); parms2.put("clientIP", clientIp).put("ApplicationContextID", applicationContextID) .put("stackTrace", stackTrace).put("testoppkey", testoppkey).put("clientname", clientname); int insertCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT2), parms2, false).getUpdateCount(); } public SingleDataResultSet _ReturnError_SP(SQLConnection connection, String client, String procname, String appkey) throws ReturnStatusException { return _ReturnError_SP(connection, client, procname, appkey, null, null, null, "failed"); } public SingleDataResultSet _ReturnError_SP(SQLConnection connection, String client, String procname, String appkey, String argstring, UUID oppkey, String context) throws ReturnStatusException { return _ReturnError_SP(connection, client, procname, appkey, argstring, oppkey, context, "failed"); } /** * procname paramter must not be null * * @param connection * @param client * @param procname * @param appkey * @param argstring * @param oppkey * @param context * @param status * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public SingleDataResultSet _ReturnError_SP(SQLConnection connection, String client, String procname, String appkey, String argstring, UUID oppkey, String context, String status) throws ReturnStatusException { if (context == null) context = procname; String language = null; String subject = null; Long testee = null; String clientname = client; _Ref<String> gradeRef = new _Ref<String>(); if (oppkey != null) { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select acccode as language, subject, _efk_Testee as testee, clientname " + " from testopportunity O, testeeaccommodations A where O._key = ${oppkey} and A._fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and A.acctype = 'Language'"; SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parameters, false).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { language = record.<String>get("language"); subject = record.<String>get("subject"); testee = record.<Long>get("testee"); clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } if (DbComparator.greaterThan(testee, 0)) { _rtsDll._GetRTSAttribute_SP(connection, client, testee, "EnrlGrdCd", gradeRef); } } if (language == null) language = "ENU"; _Ref<String> errmsg = new _Ref<String>(); _FormatMessage_SP(connection, clientname, language, context, appkey, errmsg, argstring, ',', subject, gradeRef.get()); // final String SQL_QUERY2 = // "select ${status} as status, ${errmsg} as reason, ${context} as context, ${appkey} as appkey"; List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> record = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); record.put("status", status); record.put("reason", errmsg.get()); record.put("context", context); record.put("appkey", appkey); resultList.add(record); SingleDataResultSet result = new SingleDataResultSet(); result.addColumn("status", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result.addColumn("reason", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result.addColumn("context", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result.addColumn("appkey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER); result.addRecords(resultList); return result; } public void _FormatMessage_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, String language, String context, String appkey, _Ref<String> errmsg, String argstring) throws ReturnStatusException { _FormatMessage_SP(connection, clientname, language, context, appkey, errmsg, argstring, ',', null, null); } public void _FormatMessage_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, String language, String context, String appkey, _Ref<String> errmsg) throws ReturnStatusException { _FormatMessage_SP(connection, clientname, language, context, appkey, errmsg, null, ',', null, null); } public void _FormatMessage_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, String language, String context, String appkey, _Ref<String> errmsg, String argstring, Character delimiter, String subject, String grade) throws ReturnStatusException { String[] rows = null; String msg = null; Integer msgId = null; if (argstring != null) { if (delimiter == null) delimiter = ','; rows = _BuildTableAsArray(argstring, delimiter.toString(), -1); } String msgkey = TDS_GetMessagekey_FN(connection, clientname, "database", "database", context, appkey, language, grade, subject); if (msgkey == null) { msg = String.format("%s [-----]", appkey); try { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select application from _missingmessages where application ='database' and context = ${context} " + " and contextType = 'database' and appkey = ${appkey} and message = ${msg} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("context", context).put("appkey", appkey) .put("msg", msg); if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false)) == false) { final String SQL_INSERT2 = "insert into _missingmessages(application,contextType,context, appkey,message) " + " values ('database', 'database', ${context}, ${appkey}, ${msg})"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = parms1; executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT2, parms2, false); } } catch (ReturnStatusException e) { _logger.error(String.format("Failed inserting rec into _missingmessages: %s", e.getMessage())); } errmsg.set(msg); return; } if (NumberUtils.isNumber(msgkey)) { final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select message, messageID from ${ConfigDB}.tds_coremessageobject where _Key = ${msgkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("msgkey", msgkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3), parms3, false) .getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { msg = record.<String>get("message"); msgId = record.<Integer>get("messageID"); } } else { try { UUID msgkeyUuid = UUID.fromString(msgkey); final String SQL_QUERY4 = " select T.message, messageID from ${ConfigDB}.tds_coremessageobject O, ${ConfigDB}.client_messagetranslation T " + " where T._Key = ${msgkeyuuid} and O._Key = T._fk_CoreMessageObject"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("msgkeyuuid", msgkeyUuid); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY4), parms4, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { msg = record.<String>get("message"); msgId = record.<Integer>get("messageID"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) { _logger.error(String.format("MesageKey is not of UUID format: %s", msgkey)); } } if (rows != null && msg != null) { for (int counter1 = 0; counter1 < rows.length; ++counter1) { Object value = rows[counter1]; if (value != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\{" + counter1 + "\\}"); Matcher m = p.matcher(msg); msg = m.replaceAll(value.toString()); } } } msg = String.format("%s [%d]", msg, msgId); errmsg.set(msg); } public String TDS_GetMessagekey_FN(SQLConnection connection, String client, String application, String contextType, String context, String appkey, String language, String grade, String subject) throws ReturnStatusException { Long msgKey = null; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select _fk_CoreMessageObject as msgKey from ${ConfigDB}.tds_coremessageuser, ${ConfigDB}.tds_coremessageobject " + " where SystemID = ${application} and Context = ${context} and _fk_CoreMessageObject = _Key and contextType = ${contextType} and appkey = ${appkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("application", application).put("context", context) .put("contextType", contextType).put("appkey", appkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1), parms1, false) .getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) msgKey = record.<Long>get("msgKey"); if (msgKey == null) return null; if (client == null) client = "AIR"; if (language == null) language = "ENU"; if (grade == null) grade = "--ANY--"; if (subject == null) subject = "--ANY--"; String defaultL = null; Boolean inter = null; final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select defaultLanguage, internationalize from ${ConfigDB}.client where name = ${client}"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("client", client); result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY2), parms2, false).getResultSets().next(); record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { defaultL = record.<String>get("defaultLanguage"); inter = record.<Boolean>get("internationalize"); } if (DbComparator.isEqual(inter, false)) language = defaultL; final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select _Key as altMsg from ${ConfigDB}.client_messagetranslation " + " where _fk_CoreMessageObject = ${msgKey} and (language = ${language} or language = ${defaultL}) and (client = ${client} or client = 'AIR') " + " and (Grade = ${grade} or Grade = '--ANY--') and (Subject = ${subject} or Subject = '--ANY--')"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("msgKey", msgKey).put("language", language) .put("defaultL", defaultL).put("client", client).put("grade", grade).put("subject", subject); result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3), parms3, false).getResultSets().next(); // TODO: this is record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); UUID altMsg = null; if (record != null) { altMsg = record.<UUID>get("altMsg"); } if (altMsg != null) return altMsg.toString(); else return msgKey.toString(); } public DataBaseTable _BuildTable_FNV1(SQLConnection connection, String tblName, String theLine, String delimiter) throws ReturnStatusException { // 3) performance may be impacted if it is not a primary key // 4) SQL uses format varchar(max) for the record column, which is at least // 2GB; what should we // reasonably use in out APIs ? DataBaseTable table = getDataBaseTable(tblName).addColumn("idx", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("record", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 8000); connection.createTemporaryTable(table); if (theLine != null) { final String splits[] = StringUtils.split(theLine, delimiter); executeMethodAndInsertIntoTemporaryTable(connection, new AbstractDataResultExecutor() { @Override public SingleDataResultSet execute(SQLConnection connection) throws ReturnStatusException { // String splits[] = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator (theLine, // delimiter); List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); int idx = 1; // start from 1, because this is how idx // IDENTITY(1,1)column is defined on SQL side for (String split : splits) { CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> record = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); record.put("record", split); record.put("idx", idx++); resultList.add(record); } SingleDataResultSet rs = new SingleDataResultSet(); rs.addColumn("record", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); rs.addColumn("idx", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); rs.addRecords(resultList); return rs; } }, table, false); // true = create this temp table } return table; } public DataBaseTable _BuildTable_FN(SQLConnection connection, String tblName, String theLine, String delimiter) throws ReturnStatusException { // 3) performance may be impacted if it is not a primary key // 4) SQL uses format varchar(max) for the record column, which is at least // 2GB; what should we // reasonably use in out APIs ? DataBaseTable table = getDataBaseTable(tblName).addColumn("idx", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("record", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 8000); connection.createTemporaryTable(table); if (theLine != null) { String splits[] = StringUtils.split(theLine, delimiter); List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); int idx = 1; // start from 1, because this is how idx // IDENTITY(1,1)column is defined on SQL side for (String split : splits) { CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> record = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); record.put("record", split); record.put("idx", idx++); resultList.add(record); } SingleDataResultSet rs = new SingleDataResultSet(); rs.addColumn("record", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); rs.addColumn("idx", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); rs.addRecords(resultList); // String tmp1 = table.generateInsertColumnsNamesStatement(); // String tmp2 = table.generateInsertColumnsMapStatement(); insertBatch(connection, table.generateInsertStatement(), rs, null); // insertBatchAsMulti (connection, // table.generateInsertColumnsNamesStatement (), // table.generateInsertColumnsMapStatement (), rs); } return table; } /** * This method is an alternative for _BuildTable_FN for cases where we can * avoid creating temporary table on database server side and instead can use * String array on java side. * * @param theLine * a string to be split by delimiter into array of strings * @param delimiter * @param columnIdx * ; if set to -1, all rows in the array are returned; column index * is zero based. * @return */ public String[] _BuildTableAsArray(String theLine, String delimiter, int columnIdx) { // columnIdx is zero based! if (theLine == null) return null; String splits[] = StringUtils.split(theLine, delimiter); if (columnIdx == -1) return splits; else if (splits.length > columnIdx) { String newArray[] = new String[1]; newArray[0] = splits[columnIdx]; return newArray; } else return null; } public void _LogDBError_SP(SQLConnection connection, String procname, String msg, Long testee, String test, Integer opportunity, UUID testopp) throws ReturnStatusException { _LogDBError_SP(connection, procname, msg, testee, test, opportunity, testopp, null, null); } public void _LogDBError_SP(SQLConnection connection, String procname, String msg, Long testee, String test, Integer opportunity, UUID testopp, String clientname, UUID session) throws ReturnStatusException { if (clientname == null && testopp != null) { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname from testopportunity where _Key = ${testopp}"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testopp", testopp); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, true).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } else if (clientname == null && session != null) { final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select clientname from session where _Key = ${session}"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("session", session); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, true).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } String sessionDB = getTdsSettings().getTDSSessionDBName(); // String sessionDB = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings // ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); final String SQL_INSERT3 = "insert into ${ArchiveDB}.systemerrors (procname, errorMessage, _efk_Testee, _efk_TestID, Opportunity, application, _fk_TestOpportunity, " + " _fk_session, clientname, daterecorded, serverid, dbname) " + " values (${procname}, ${msg}, ${testee}, ${test}, ${opportunity}, 'DATABASE', ${testopp}, ${session}, ${clientname}, now(3), ${localhost}, ${dbname})"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("procname", procname).put("testee", testee) .put("test", test).put("opportunity", opportunity).put("testopp", testopp).put("session", session) .put("clientname", clientname).put("msg", msg).put("localhost", getLocalhostName()) .put("dbname", sessionDB); int insertCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT3), parms3, false).getUpdateCount(); } public void _LogDBLatency_SP(SQLConnection connection, String procname, Date starttime) throws ReturnStatusException { _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, procname, starttime, null, true, null, null, null, null, null); } public void _LogDBLatency_SP(SQLConnection connection, String procname, Date starttime, Long userkey, boolean checkaudit, Integer N, UUID testoppkey) throws ReturnStatusException { _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, procname, starttime, userkey, checkaudit, N, testoppkey, null, null, null); } /** * Caller must pass non-null procname and starttime. If starttime is null, * Runtime exception is thrown. * * @param connection * @param procname * @param starttime * @param userkey * @param checkaudit * @param N * @param testoppkey * @param sessionkey * @param clientname * @param comment * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public void _LogDBLatency_SP(SQLConnection connection, String procname, Date starttime, Long userkey, boolean checkaudit, Integer N, UUID testoppkey, UUID sessionkey, String clientname, String comment) throws ReturnStatusException { if (!logLatencyEnabled) return; // if(procname ==null) // procname = new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName(); if (checkaudit == false || AuditProc_FN(connection, procname) == true) { boolean logDBLatency = false; Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); long duration = 0; duration = now.getTime() - starttime.getTime(); if (duration < 0) { duration = 0; } Calendar nowCal = Calendar.getInstance(); nowCal.setTime(now); int currSeconds = nowCal.get(Calendar.SECOND); if (currSeconds % gLogLatencyInterval == 0 || duration > gLogLatencyMaxTime) { logDBLatency = true; } if (!logDBLatency) { return; } if (clientname == null && testoppkey != null) { final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname from testopportunity where _Key = ${testoppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("testoppkey", testoppkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, true).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } else if (clientname == null && sessionkey != null) { final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select clientname from session where _Key = ${sessionkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionkey", sessionkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, true).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } // String startStr = new SimpleDateFormat // (AbstractDateUtilDll.DB_DATETIME_FORMAT_MS_PRECISION).format // (starttime); // String nowStr = new SimpleDateFormat // (AbstractDateUtilDll.DB_DATETIME_FORMAT_MS_PRECISION).format (now); // System.err.println ("Starttime: " + startStr); // System.err.println ("Now: " + nowStr); // System.err.println (String.format ("Duration: %d", duration )); Date difftime = new Date(duration); // String sessionDB = getAppSettings ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); String sessionDB = getTdsSettings().getTDSSessionDBName(); // String sessionDB = ConfigurationManager.getInstance ().getAppSettings // ().get ("TDSSessionDBName"); final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${ArchiveDB}._dblatency (userkey, duration, starttime, difftime, procname, N, _fk_TestOpportunity, " + " _fk_session, clientname, comment, host, dbname) " + " values (${userkey}, ${duration}, ${starttime}, ${difftime}, ${procname}, ${N}, ${testoppkey}, " + " ${sessionkey}, ${clientname}, ${comment}, ${localhost}, ${dbname})"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("userkey", userkey).put("duration", duration) .put("starttime", starttime).put("difftime", difftime).put("procname", procname).put("N", N) .put("testoppkey", testoppkey).put("sessionkey", sessionkey).put("clientname", clientname) .put("comment", comment).put("localhost", getLocalhostName()).put("dbname", sessionDB); executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT), parms3, false); } } // TODO Oksana will talk to LA about this function; this is just a placeholder public boolean AuditProc_FN(SQLConnection connection, String procName) throws ReturnStatusException { return true; } /** * @param ReturnErrorArgs * class containing arguments to the underlying _ReturnError_SP * method. * * @returns SingleDataResultSet containing one row specifying the error. * * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public SingleDataResultSet _ReturnError_SP(ReturnErrorArgs args) throws ReturnStatusException { return _ReturnError_SP(args.getConnection(), args.getClient(), args.getProcName(), args.getAppKey(), args.getArgString(), args.getOppKey(), args.getContext(), args.getStatus()); } /** * @param LogDBLatencyArgs * class containing arguments to the underlying _LogDBLatency_SP * method. * * @returns SingleDataResultSet containing one row specifying the error. * * @throws ReturnStatusException * * @throws SQLException */ public void _LogDBLatency_SP(LogDBLatencyArgs args) throws ReturnStatusException { _LogDBLatency_SP(args.getConnection(), args.getProcName(), args.getStartTime(), args.getUserKey(), args.isCheckAudit(), args.getN(), args.getTestOppKey(), args.getSessionKey(), args.getClientName(), args.getComment()); } /** * @param LogDBErrorArgs * class containing arguments to the underlying _LogDBError_SP * method. * * @returns SingleDataResultSet containing one row specifying the error. * * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public void _LogDBError_SP(LogDBErrorArgs args) throws ReturnStatusException { _LogDBError_SP(args.getConnection(), args.getProcName(), args.getMsg(), args.getTestee(), args.getTest(), args.getOpportunity(), args.getTestOppKey(), args.getClientName(), args.getSessionKey()); } /** * * @param connection * @param oppkey * @param file * this method invokes main XML-Reporting method and writes XML in * the hardcoded file * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public SingleDataResultSet SubmitQAReport_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppkey, String statusChange) throws ReturnStatusException { Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); String status = null; Long testee = null; final String cmd = "select _efk_testee as testee, status from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey); SingleDataResultSet result1 = executeStatement(connection, cmd, parms, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result1.getCount() > 0 ? result1.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { status = record.<String>get("status"); testee = record.<Long>get("testee"); } if (testee != null && testee >= 0) { if (IsXMLOn_Fn(connection, oppkey) == 0 || ("submitted".equalsIgnoreCase(status) || "reported".equalsIgnoreCase(status))) { return ReturnStatusReason("success", null); } final String cmd1 = "insert into qareportqueue (_fk_testopportunity, changestatus, dateentered)" + " values (${oppkey}, ${changestatus}, now(3))"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppkey).put("changestatus", statusChange); executeStatement(connection, cmd1, parms1, false).getUpdateCount(); _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "SubmitQAReport", starttime, null, true, null, oppkey); } return ReturnStatusReason("success", null); // String currentRes = null; // try { // currentRes = _reportingDll.XML_GetOppXML_SP (connection, oppkey, false); // } catch (ReturnStatusException ex) { // // already logged // return _ReturnError_SP (connection, null, "SubmitQAReport", ex.getMessage (), null, oppkey, null, "failed"); // } // // try { // String dir = getTdsSettings ().getTDSReportsRootDirectory (); // if (dir == null) { // throw new Exception ("No TDSReportingRootDirectory configured in property file!"); // } // if (dir.endsWith ("/") || dir.endsWith ("\\")) // dir = dir.substring (0, dir.length () - 1); // xmlFile = String.format ("%s/%s.xml", dir, oppkey.toString ()); // // Make sure that separator is specific per the current operating system // xmlFile = replaceSeparatorChar (xmlFile); // // File logFile = new File (xmlFile); // if (!logFile.getParentFile ().exists ()) { // _logger.debug ("Creating directory: " + logFile.getParentFile ()); // // boolean result = logFile.getParentFile ().mkdirs (); // if (result) { // _logger.debug ("DIR: " + logFile.getParentFile () + " created"); // } // } // try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (logFile))) { // writer.write (currentRes); // } // // } catch (Exception w) { // String msg = String.format ("Unable to queue up XML report: %s", w.getMessage ()); // _logger.error (msg); // return _ReturnError_SP (connection, null, "SubmitQAReport", msg, null, oppkey, null, "failed"); // } // // _LogDBLatency_SP (connection, "SubmitQAReport", starttime, null, true, null, oppkey); // return res; // i.e. null } public SingleDataResultSet ReturnStatusReason(String status, String reason, String context, UUID oppkey, Integer opportunity) throws ReturnStatusException { List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); rcd.put("status", status); rcd.put("reason", reason); if (oppkey != null) rcd.put("oppkey", oppkey); if (opportunity != null) rcd.put("opportunity", opportunity); if (context != null) rcd.put("context", context); resultList.add(rcd); SingleDataResultSet rs = new SingleDataResultSet(); rs.addColumn("status", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); rs.addColumn("reason", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); rs.addColumn("oppkey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER); rs.addColumn("opportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); rs.addColumn("context", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); rs.addRecords(resultList); return rs; } public SingleDataResultSet ReturnStatusReason(String status, String reason) throws ReturnStatusException { return ReturnStatusReason(status, reason, null, null, null); } public MultiDataResultSet _UpdateOpportunityAccommodations_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppKey, int segment, String accoms, int isStarted, Boolean approved, Boolean restoreRTS, _Ref<String> error) throws ReturnStatusException { return _UpdateOpportunityAccommodations_SP(connection, oppKey, segment, accoms, isStarted, approved, restoreRTS, error, 0); } public MultiDataResultSet _UpdateOpportunityAccommodations_SP_Mysql(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppKey, int segment, String accoms, int isStarted, Boolean approved, Boolean restoreRTS, _Ref<String> error, int debug) throws ReturnStatusException { List<SingleDataResultSet> resultsets = new ArrayList<SingleDataResultSet>(); try { String oppKeyStr = oppKey.toString().replaceAll("-", ""); oppKeyStr = String.format("0x%s", oppKeyStr); final String SQL_QUERY = "{call _UpdateOpportunityAccommodations (" + oppKeyStr + ",?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"; CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(SQL_QUERY); callableStatement.setInt(1, segment); callableStatement.setString(2, accoms); callableStatement.setInt(3, isStarted); callableStatement.setBoolean(4, approved); callableStatement.setBoolean(5, restoreRTS); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(6, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); callableStatement.setInt(7, debug); callableStatement.executeUpdate(); error.set(callableStatement.getString(6)); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ReturnStatusException(e); } return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets); } // ported by Udaya Kommineni. public MultiDataResultSet _UpdateOpportunityAccommodations_SP(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppKey, int segment, String accoms, int isStarted, Boolean approved, Boolean restoreRTS, _Ref<String> error, int debug) throws ReturnStatusException { List<SingleDataResultSet> resultsets = new ArrayList<SingleDataResultSet>(); SingleDataResultSet result = null; Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); approved = true; restoreRTS = false; String clientName = null; String testKey = null; String testId = null; Boolean custom = false; final String SQL_QUERY1 = " select clientname, _efk_AdminSubject as testkey, _efk_TestID as testID, customAccommodations as custom from testopportunity where _Key = ${oppkey};"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppKey); result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { clientName = record.<String>get("clientname"); testKey = record.<String>get("testkey"); testId = record.<String>get("testID"); custom = record.<Boolean>get("custom"); } DataBaseTable splitAccomCodesTbl = _SplitAccomCodes_FN(connection, clientName, testKey, accoms); // DataBaseTable clientTestAccomsTbl = // _ucommonDll.ClientTestAccommodations_FN (connection, clientName, testId); DataBaseTable testKeyAccomsTbl = TestKeyAccommodations_FN(connection, testKey); if (DbComparator.notEqual(debug, 0)) { final String SQL_QUERY2 = " select ${segment} as segment, ${clientname} as clientname, ${testkey} as testkey, ${accoms} as accoms;"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("segment", segment) .put("clientname", clientName).put("testkey", testKey).put("accoms", accoms); SingleDataResultSet rs1 = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false).getResultSets() .next(); resultsets.add(rs1); final String SQL_QUERY3 = " select * from ${splitTblName}"; Map<String, String> unquotedParms1 = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms1.put("splitTblName", splitAccomCodesTbl.getTableName()); SingleDataResultSet rs2 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY3, unquotedParms1), null, false).getResultSets().next(); resultsets.add(rs2); // final String SQL_QUERY4 = "select * from ${clientTestAccomsTblName}"; // Map<String, String> unquotedParms2 = new HashMap<String, String> (); // unquotedParms2.put ("clientTestAccomsTblName", // clientTestAccomsTbl.getTableName ()); // SingleDataResultSet rs3 = executeStatement (connection, // fixDataBaseNames (SQL_QUERY4, unquotedParms2), null, // false).getResultSets ().next (); // resultsets.add (rs3); final String SQL_QUERY5 = "select AccType, AccCode, AccValue, AllowChange, studentControl, IsDefault, IsSelectable, valcount from ${testTblName} C," + " ${splitTblName} S where S.code = C.AccCode and segment = ${segment};"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("segment", segment); Map<String, String> unquotedParms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms.put("splitTblName", splitAccomCodesTbl.getTableName()); unquotedParms.put("testTblName", testKeyAccomsTbl.getTableName()); SingleDataResultSet rs4 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY5, unquotedParms), parms3, false).getResultSets().next(); resultsets.add(rs4); } final DataBaseTable accomsTable = getDataBaseTable("accoms") .addColumn("atype", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50) .addColumn("acode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100) .addColumn("avalue", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 250) .addColumn("allow", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT).addColumn("control", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("recordUsage", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("isDefault", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("isSelectable", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("valCount", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); connection.createTemporaryTable(accomsTable); Map<String, String> unquotedParms3 = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms3.put("accomsTableName", accomsTable.getTableName()); //TODO: added IsEntryControl = 0 to prevent deletion of Other accommodation in testeeAccommodations table as some calls do not have the //the correct Othervalue. ApproveOpportunity for example does not. Other value is also not updated so no need of updating in these calls final String SQL_INSERT1 = " insert into ${accomsTableName} (atype, acode, avalue, allow, control, isDefault, isSelectable, valcount, recordUsage) " + " select distinct AccType, AccCode, AccValue, AllowChange, studentControl, IsDefault, IsSelectable, valcount, " + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_toolusage where clientname = ${clientname} " + " and testID = ${testID} and tooltype = AccType and (recordUsage = 1 or reportUsage = 1) limit 1) " + " from ${testTblName} C, ${splitTblName} S where S.code = C.AccCode and segment = ${segment} and IsEntryControl = 0;"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName).put("testID", testId) .put("segment", segment); Map<String, String> unquotedParms4 = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms4.put("accomsTableName", accomsTable.getTableName()); unquotedParms4.put("splitTblName", splitAccomCodesTbl.getTableName()); unquotedParms4.put("testTblName", testKeyAccomsTbl.getTableName()); final String query1 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT1); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query1, unquotedParms4), parms4, false) .getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (insertedCnt); // for testing if (DbComparator.notEqual(debug, 0)) { final String SQL_QUERY6 = "select * from ${accomsTableName};"; SingleDataResultSet rs5 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY6, unquotedParms3), null, false).getResultSets().next(); resultsets.add(rs5); } if (DbComparator.notEqual(isStarted, 0)) { final String SQL_DELETE1 = "delete from ${accomsTableName} where allow = 0;"; int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_DELETE1, unquotedParms3), null, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (deletedCnt); // for testing } if (DbComparator.isEqual(restoreRTS, true)) { final String SQL_DELETE2 = "delete from ${accomsTableName} where isSelectable = 1;"; int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_DELETE2, unquotedParms3), null, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (deletedCnt); // for testing } final String SQL_QUERY7 = "select isDefault from ${accomsTableName} where isDefault = 0 limit 1"; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY7, unquotedParms3), null, false))) { custom = true; } try { boolean preexistingAutoCommitMode = connection.getAutoCommit(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); final String SQL_DELETE3 = "delete from testeeaccommodations where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and AccType in (select distinct atype from ${accomsTableName}) and segment = ${segment};"; SqlParametersMaps parms5 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppKey).put("segment", segment); int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_DELETE3, unquotedParms3), parms5, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (deletedCnt); // for testing final String SQL_INSERT2 = "insert into testeeaccommodations (_fk_TestOpportunity, AccType, AccCode, AccValue, _date, allowChange, recordUsage, testeeControl, segment, " + " valueCount, isApproved, IsSelectable)" + " select distinct ${oppkey}, atype, acode, avalue, ${starttime}, allow, recordUsage, control, ${segment}, " + " valcount, case valcount when 1 then 1 else ${approved} end, isSelectable from ${accomsTableName};"; SqlParametersMaps parms6 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppKey).put("starttime", starttime) .put("segment", segment).put("approved", approved); int insertedCnt1 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT2, unquotedParms3), parms6, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (insertedCnt1); // for testing //insert other accommodation //TODO: this is still needed until we can get all calls returning the correct Othervalue. ApproveOpportunity for example does not. Otherwise this part can be merged with insertion //of the rest of the accommodations final String SQL_SELECT_OTHER = "select code from ${splitTblName} where code like ${otherAccomPrefix} limit 1"; Map<String, String> unquotedParmsOther = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParmsOther.put("splitTblName", splitAccomCodesTbl.getTableName()); SqlParametersMaps paramsOther = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("otherAccomPrefix", AccommodationOther.VALUE_PREFIX + "%"); String otherAccomValue = null; SingleDataResultSet rsOther = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_SELECT_OTHER, unquotedParmsOther), paramsOther, false).getResultSets() .next(); if (rsOther != null) { DbResultRecord recordOther = (rsOther.getCount() > 0 ? rsOther.getRecords().next() : null); if (recordOther != null) { otherAccomValue = AccommodationOther.getActualValue(recordOther.<String>get("code")); final String SQL_INSERT_OTHER = "replace into testeeaccommodations (_fk_TestOpportunity, AccType, AccCode, AccValue, _date, allowChange, recordUsage, testeeControl, segment, " + " valueCount, isApproved, IsSelectable)" + " select ${oppkey}, ${otherType}, ${otherCode}, ${otherValue}, ${starttime}, ${otherAllowChange}, ${otherRecordUsage}, ${otherTesteeControl}, ${segment}, " + " ${otherValueCount}, ${otherIsApproved}, ${otherIsSelectable}"; SqlParametersMaps parmsOther = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppKey) .put("starttime", starttime).put("segment", segment); parmsOther.put("otherType", AccommodationOther.NAME).put("otherCode", AccommodationOther.CODE) .put("otherValue", otherAccomValue); parmsOther.put("otherAllowChange", 0).put("otherRecordUsage", 0).put("otherTesteeControl", 0) .put("otherValueCount", 1).put("otherIsApproved", 1).put("otherIsSelectable", 0); executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT_OTHER, parmsOther, false); } } final String SQL_QUERY8 = "select atype from ${accomsTableName} where atype = 'Language' limit 1"; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY8, unquotedParms3), null, false))) { final String SQL_UPDATE1 = " update testopportunity T, ${accomsTableName} set T.Language = avalue, T.customAccommodations = ${custom} where atype = 'Language' and _Key = ${oppkey}; "; SqlParametersMaps parms7 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("custom", custom).put("oppkey", oppKey); int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_UPDATE1, unquotedParms3), parms7, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (updateCnt); // for testing } else { final String SQL_UPDATE2 = " update testopportunity set customAccommodations = ${custom} where _Key = ${oppkey};"; SqlParametersMaps parms8 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("custom", custom).put("oppkey", oppKey); int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE2, parms8, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (updateCnt); // for testing } connection.commit(); connection.setAutoCommit(preexistingAutoCommitMode); } catch (ReturnStatusException re) { try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { _logger.error(String.format("Problem rolling back transaction: %s", e.getMessage())); } error.set(String.format("Error setting accommodations: %s", re.getMessage())); _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "_UpdateOpportunityAccommodations", starttime, null, true, null, oppKey, null, null, null); connection.dropTemporaryTable(accomsTable); connection.dropTemporaryTable(testKeyAccomsTbl); connection.dropTemporaryTable(splitAccomCodesTbl); return null; } catch (SQLException se) { throw new ReturnStatusException(se); } connection.dropTemporaryTable(accomsTable); connection.dropTemporaryTable(testKeyAccomsTbl); connection.dropTemporaryTable(splitAccomCodesTbl); final DataBaseTable depsTable = getDataBaseTable("deps") .addColumn("atype", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50) .addColumn("aval", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 128) .addColumn("acode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100).addColumn("del", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT); connection.createTemporaryTable(depsTable); Map<String, String> unquotedParms5 = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms5.put("depsTableName", depsTable.getTableName()); final String SQL_INSERT3 = " insert into ${depsTableName} (atype, aval, acode, del)" + " select AccType, AccValue, AccCode, 0 from testeeaccommodations A where _fk_TestOpportunity= ${oppkey}" + " and exists" + " (select * from ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies D where D.ContextType = 'Test' and D.Context = ${testID} and" + " D.clientname = ${clientname} and A.AccType = D.ThenType and A.AccCode = D.ThenValue);"; SqlParametersMaps parms9 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppKey).put("testID", testId) .put("clientname", clientName); final String query3 = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT3); int insertedCnt2 = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query3, unquotedParms5), parms9, false) .getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (insertedCnt2); // for testing final String SQL_UPDATE3 = " update ${depsTableName} set del = 1" + " where not exists (select * from testeeaccommodations B, ${ConfigDB}.client_tooldependencies D where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey}" + " and D.ContextType = 'Test' and D.Context = ${testID} and D.clientname = ${clientname}" + " and D.ThenType = atype and D.ThenValue = acode and B.AccType = D.IfType and B.AccCode = D.IfValue)"; SqlParametersMaps parms10 = parms9; final String query = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_UPDATE3); int updateCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query, unquotedParms5), parms10, false) .getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (updateCnt); // for testing final String SQL_QUERY9 = "select del from ${depsTableName} where del = 1 limit 1"; if (exists(executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY9, unquotedParms5), null, false))) { final String SQL_DELETE4 = " delete from testeeaccommodations where _fk_Testopportunity = ${oppkey} and exists " + " (select * from ${depsTableName} where del = 1 and AccType = atype and AccCode = acode)"; SqlParametersMaps parms11 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("oppkey", oppKey); int deletedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_DELETE4, unquotedParms5), parms11, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (deletedCnt); // for testing } String accomString = P_FormatAccommodations_FN(connection, oppKey); final String SQL_UPDATE4 = " update testopportunity_readonly set AccommodationString = ${accomString} where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey};"; SqlParametersMaps parms12 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("accomString", accomString).put("oppkey", oppKey); int updateCnt1 = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE4, parms12, false).getUpdateCount(); // System.err.println (updateCnt1); // for testing _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "_UpdateOpportunityAccommodations", starttime, null, true, null, oppKey, null, null, null); connection.dropTemporaryTable(depsTable); return new MultiDataResultSet(resultsets); } /** * @param connection * @param tblName * @param clientName * @param testId * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public DataBaseTable ClientTestAccommodations_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String testId) throws ReturnStatusException { DataBaseTable clientTestAccomsTable = getDataBaseTable("clientTestAccoms") .addColumn("Segment", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("AccType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("AccValue", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("AccCode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 255) .addColumn("AllowCombine", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("IsDefault", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("AllowChange", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("IsSelectable", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("IsVisible", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("studentControl", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.BIT) .addColumn("ValCount", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT) .addColumn("DependsOnToolType", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 50); connection.createTemporaryTable(clientTestAccomsTable); final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into ${tblName} (Segment, AccType, AccValue, AccCode, AllowCombine, IsDefault, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, ValCount, DependsOnToolType) " + "(SELECT 0 as Segment, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, AllowCombine, IsDefault, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, " + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = ${testID} and TOOL.clientname = ${clientname} and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, DependsOnToolType" + " FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT where TType.ContextType = ${TEST} and TType.Context = ${testID} and TType.ClientName = ${clientname}" + " and TT.ContextType = ${TEST} and TT.Context = ${testID} and TT.ClientName = ${clientname} and TT.Type = TType.Toolname) " + " union" + " (SELECT SegmentPosition as Segment, Type as AccType, Value as AccValue, Code as AccCode, AllowCombine, IsDefault, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl," + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = ${testID} and TOOL.clientname = ${clientname} and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, null " + " FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT, ${ConfigDB}.client_segmentproperties where parentTest = ${testID} and TType.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TType.Context = segmentID" + " and TType.ClientName = ${clientname} and TT.ContextType = ${SEGMENT} and TT.Context = segmentID and TT.ClientName = ${clientname} and TT.Type = TType.Toolname) " + " union" + " (select 0, Type, Value, Code, AllowCombine, IsDefault, AllowChange, IsSelectable, IsVisible, studentControl, " + " (select count(*) from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = ${TEST} and TOOL.Context = ${starParam} and TOOL.clientname = ${clientname} and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, DependsOnToolType" + " FROM ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype TType, ${ConfigDB}.client_testtool TT where TType.ContextType = ${TEST} and TType.Context = ${starParam} and TType.ClientName = ${clientname}" + " and TT.ContextType = ${TEST} and TT.Context = ${starParam} and TT.ClientName = ${clientname} and TT.Type = TType.Toolname " + " and not exists" + " (select * from ${ConfigDB}.client_testtooltype Tool where Tool.ContextType = ${TEST} and Tool.Context = ${testID} and Tool.Toolname = TType.Toolname and Tool.Clientname = ${clientname})) "; String query = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_INSERT); Map<String, String> unquotedParms = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedParms.put("tblName", clientTestAccomsTable.getTableName()); SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName).put("testID", testId) .put("TEST", "TEST").put("SEGMENT", "SEGMENT").put("starParam", "*"); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query, unquotedParms), parameters, false) .getUpdateCount(); return clientTestAccomsTable; } /** * After discussing with sai, please note that i changed from "desc" to "asc" * in the below query for the o/p format. * * @param connection * @param oppKey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public String P_FormatAccommodations_FN(SQLConnection connection, UUID oppKey) throws ReturnStatusException { String result = null; String avalue = null; final String SQL_QUERY = "select concat(AccType, ': ', AccValue) as avalue from testeeaccommodations where _fk_TestOpportunity = ${oppkey} and segment = 0 order by AccType asc;"; SqlParametersMaps params = new SqlParametersMaps().put("oppkey", oppKey); SingleDataResultSet rs = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, params, false).getResultSets().next(); Iterator<DbResultRecord> records = rs.getRecords(); while (records.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record =; avalue = record.<String>get("avalue"); if (result == null) { result = avalue; } else { result = result + " | " + avalue; } } return result; } /** * @param connection * @param bankkey * @param itemkey * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public String ITEMBANK_ItemFile_FN(SQLConnection connection, long bankkey, long itemkey) throws ReturnStatusException { String path = null; String makeItemkey = MakeItemKey_FN(connection, bankkey, itemkey); final String SQL_QUERY = "select concat(C.Homepath, B.HomePath, B.ItemPath, I.FilePath, I.FileName) as path from ${ItemBankDB}.tblitembank B, ${ItemBankDB}.tblclient C, ${ItemBankDB}.tblitem I" + " where B._efk_Itembank = ${bankkey} and B._fk_Client = C._Key and I._Key = ${makeItemKey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms = new SqlParametersMaps().put("bankkey", bankkey).put("makeItemkey", makeItemkey); String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parms, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { path = record.<String>get("path"); path = replaceSeparatorChar(path); } return path; } public DataBaseTable _SplitAccomCodes_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, String testkey, String accoms) throws ReturnStatusException { String testId = null, family = null; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select K.testID, AccommodationFamily as family from ${ConfigDB}.client_testmode K, ${ConfigDB}.client_testproperties P " + " where P.clientname = ${clientname} and K.clientname = ${clientname} and K.testkey = ${testkey} and K.testID = P.testID"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname).put("testkey", testkey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1), parms1, false) .getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { testId = record.<String>get("testId"); family = record.<String>get("family"); } Character codeDelim = '|'; Character delim = ';'; Character familyDelim = ':'; String famLine = null; if (family != null) famLine = String.format("%s%s", family, familyDelim); // famLine = (family == null ? String.format ("%s", familyDelim) : // String.format ("%s%s", family, familyDelim)); // Just sanity check to avoid exception on checking splits.length if (accoms == null) accoms = ""; String[] splits = _BuildTableAsArray(accoms, delim.toString(), -1); String cset1 = null; for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { String rec = splits[i]; if (rec.indexOf(':') > -1 && famLine != null && rec.indexOf(famLine) == -1) // if (rec.indexOf (':') > -1 && rec.indexOf (famLine) == -1) splits[i] = null; if (famLine != null && rec.indexOf(famLine) >= 0) { // if (rec.indexOf (famLine) >= 0) { rec = rec.substring(family.length() + 1); splits[i] = rec; } if (splits[i] != null) { if (cset1 == null) cset1 = splits[i]; else cset1 = String.format("%s%s%s", cset1, codeDelim, splits[i]); } } // MA:A402;MA:A501;SS:A208;SS:A204;SS:A307;SS:A402;SS:A104;SS:A302;SS:A212;SS:A213;SS:A107;SS:A308;SS:A501;SS:A103;SS:A401;SS:A105;SS:A303;SS:A101;SS:A404;SC:ENU;RE:ENU-Braille;WR:ENU;SS:TDS_TTS0;MA:TDS_TTS_Item;SC:TDS_TTS0 String[] split1 = _BuildTableAsArray(cset1, codeDelim.toString(), -1); DataBaseTable tbl = getDataBaseTable("sac").addColumn("idx", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT).addColumn("code", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR, 100); final String[] split1Final = split1; executeMethodAndInsertIntoTemporaryTable(connection, new AbstractDataResultExecutor() { @Override public SingleDataResultSet execute(SQLConnection connection) throws ReturnStatusException { List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); int idx = 1; if (split1Final != null) { for (String split : split1Final) { CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> record = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); record.put("code", (split.length() > 100 ? split.substring(0, 100) : split)); record.put("idx", idx++); resultList.add(record); } } SingleDataResultSet rs = new SingleDataResultSet(); rs.addColumn("code", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); rs.addColumn("idx", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); rs.addRecords(resultList); return rs; } }, tbl, true); return tbl; } public String getLocalhostName() { String localhostname = null; try { localhostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { } return localhostname; } public String getExternsColumnByClientName(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String columnName) throws ReturnStatusException { String columnValue = null; final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select ${columnName} from externs where clientname = ${clientname};"; Map<String, String> unquotedNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); unquotedNames.put("columnName", columnName); SqlParametersMaps parameters = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName); parameters.put("clientname", clientName); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY1, unquotedNames), parameters, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { columnValue = record.<String>get(columnName); } return columnValue; } public Date adjustDate(Date theDate, int increment, int incrementUnit) throws ReturnStatusException { if (theDate == null) return theDate; if (incrementUnit != Calendar.MINUTE && incrementUnit != Calendar.SECOND && incrementUnit != Calendar.HOUR && incrementUnit != Calendar.DATE) { throw new ReturnStatusException( "Invalid date increment unit, must be CALENDAR.second, minute, hoir or date"); } Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(theDate); c.add(incrementUnit, increment); return c.getTime(); } public Date adjustDateMinutes(Date theDate, Integer increment) { if (theDate == null || increment == null) return null; Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(theDate); c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, increment); return c.getTime(); } /** * MySql application locks do not support notion of lockmode We decided to use * GET_LOCK/RELEASE_LOCK functionality as sufficient; we use 0 as timeout * (second) parameter See * * functions.html#function_get-lock returns: 1 - success, 0 - timeout, null - * error * * @param connection * @param resourcename * @param lockmode * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public Integer getAppLock(SQLConnection connection, String resourcename, String lockmode) throws ReturnStatusException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Integer applock = null; Integer currentSleep = gLockRetrySleepInterval; Integer cumulativeSleep = 0; for (int cnt = 0; cnt < gLockRetryAttemptMax; cnt++) { applock = getAppLockInternal(connection, resourcename, lockmode, cnt); if (applock == null || applock != 1) {"Failed getAppLock, attempt %d, cumulative wait %d millisec", cnt + 1, cumulativeSleep)); try { Thread.sleep(currentSleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } cumulativeSleep += currentSleep; // currentSleep = 2*currentSleep; } else return applock; } if (applock == null || applock != 1) _logger.error(String.format( "Final failure to getAppLock after max attempts %d, cumulative wait %d millisec, Total Time %d ms", gLockRetryAttemptMax, cumulativeSleep, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime))); return applock; } private Integer getAppLockInternal(SQLConnection connection, String resourcename, String lockmode, int cnt) throws ReturnStatusException { Long applock = null; final String SQL_QUERY = "select GET_LOCK (${resourcename}, 0) as lk"; SqlParametersMaps parms = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("resourcename", resourcename); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) applock = record.<Long>get("lk"); Integer rt = (applock == null ? null : applock.intValue()); return rt; } /** * MySql application locks do not support notion of lockmode We decided to use * GET_LOCK/RELEASE_LOCK functionality as sufficient; * * refman/5.6/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_release-lock */ public void releaseAppLock(SQLConnection connection, String resourcename) throws ReturnStatusException { final String SQL_QUERY = "select release_lock(${resourcename}) as unlk"; SqlParametersMaps parms = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("resourcename", resourcename); executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY, parms, false); } /** * * @param connection * @param testkey * @param debug * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException * Common function for ItemSelectionDLL and ReportingDLL */ public String TestKeyClient_FN(SQLConnection connection, String testkey) throws ReturnStatusException { String clientname = null; try { SingleDataResultSet result; DbResultRecord record; String query = "select C.Name as clientname " + " from ${ItemBankDB}.tblsetofadminsubjects S, " + " ${ItemBankDB}.tblclient C, " + " ${ItemBankDB}.tbltestadmin A " + " where A._fk_Client = C._Key and S._Key = ${testkey} " + " and S._fk_TestAdmin = A._key"; SqlParametersMaps parameters = new SqlParametersMaps().put("testkey", testkey); result = executeStatement(connection, fixDataBaseNames(query), parameters, true).getResultSets().next(); record = result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null; if (record != null) { clientname = record.<String>get("clientname"); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new ReturnStatusException(e); } return clientname; } public String _CoreSessName_FN(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String procName) throws ReturnStatusException { String sessname = null; sessname = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(procName, " "); if (sessname == null || sessname.length() == 0) sessname = procName.substring(0, 3).trim() + "-"; else if (sessname.length() > 4) sessname = sessname.substring(0, 3).trim() + "-"; else sessname += "-"; return sessname; } /** * @param connection * @param clientName * @param prefix * @param sessionId * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public void _CreateClientSessionID_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String prefix, _Ref<String> sessionId) throws ReturnStatusException { sessionId.set(null); Integer suffix = null; String resourcename = String.format("createsession %s", clientName); // -- indicates no applock obtained Integer applock = -1; String msg = null; // on MySql getAppLock returns 1 if success applock = getAppLock(connection, resourcename, "Exclusive"); if (applock == null || applock != 1) { return; } try { boolean preexistingAutoCommitMode = connection.getAutoCommit(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select clientname from client_sessionid where clientname = ${clientname} and IdPrefix = ${prefix} limit 1"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName).put("prefix", prefix); if (!exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false))) { final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select bigtoint(initialSessionID) as suffix from externs where clientname = ${clientname};"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { suffix = record.<Integer>get("suffix"); } final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into client_sessionid (clientname, IdPrefix, cnt) values (${clientname}, ${prefix}, ${suffix});"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName) .put("prefix", prefix).put("suffix", suffix); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, parms3, false).getUpdateCount(); } else { final String SQL_QUERY3 = "select bigtoint(cnt + 1) as suffix from client_sessionid where clientname = ${clientname} and IdPrefix = ${prefix};"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = parms1; SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY3, parms4, false).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { suffix = record.<Integer>get("suffix"); } final String SQL_UPDATE = "update client_sessionid set cnt = ${suffix} where clientname = ${clientname} and IdPrefix = ${prefix};"; SqlParametersMaps parms5 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName) .put("prefix", prefix).put("suffix", suffix); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parms5, false).getUpdateCount(); } sessionId.set(String.format("%s%s", prefix, suffix)); // releaseAppLock (connection, resourcename); connection.commit(); connection.setAutoCommit(preexistingAutoCommitMode); releaseAppLock(connection, resourcename); return; } catch (SQLException se) { msg = se.getMessage(); } catch (ReturnStatusException re) { msg = re.getMessage(); } // this will kick if we caught SQLException or ReturnStatusException // need to release app lock and rollback transaction try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException se) { _logger.error(String.format("Failed rollback: %s", se.getMessage())); } if (DbComparator.isEqual(applock, 1)) releaseAppLock(connection, resourcename); _LogDBError_SP(connection, "_CreateClientSessionID", msg, null, null, null, null, clientName, null); } /** * Udaya: In the original stored procedure, please note that there is a * parameter called "@environment" in the T_GetBrowserWhiteList. This * parameter has been Deprecated and replaced with value in _externs table. I * confirmed with sai on this and i'm not passing this parameter in our java * side * * @param connection * @param clientName * @param appName * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public SingleDataResultSet T_GetBrowserWhiteList_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String appName) throws ReturnStatusException { return T_GetBrowserWhiteList_SP(connection, clientName, appName, null); } public SingleDataResultSet T_GetBrowserWhiteList_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, String appName, String context) throws ReturnStatusException { Date starttime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); final String SQL_QUERY = "SELECT Context, ContextType, BrowserName, OSName, HW_Arch, BrowserMinVersion, BrowserMaxVersion, Action, Priority, OSMinVersion, OSMaxVersion, MessageKey" + " FROM ${ConfigDB}.system_browserwhitelist L, _externs E WHERE L.ClientName= ${clientName} and E.clientname = ${clientName} and L.environment = E.environment AND AppName= ${appName}" + " and (${context} IS NULL OR Context = ${context})"; String finalQuery = fixDataBaseNames(SQL_QUERY); SqlParametersMaps parameters = new SqlParametersMaps().put("clientName", clientName).put("appName", appName) .put("context", context); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, finalQuery, parameters, false).getResultSets() .next(); _LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "T_GetBrowserWhiteList", starttime, null, true, null, null, null, null, null); return result; } private String replaceSeparatorChar(String str) { return str.replace('/','\\',; } public void _CreateClientReportingID_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientname, UUID oppkey, _Ref<Long> newIdRef) throws ReturnStatusException { // -- this makes lock specific to a client String resourcename = String.format("createtestID%s", clientname); // -- indicates no applock obtained Integer applock = -1; String errorMsg = null; newIdRef.set(null); // on MySql getAppLock return1 if success applock = getAppLock(connection, resourcename, "Exclusive"); if (applock == null || applock != 1) { _LogDBError_SP(connection, "_CreateClientReportingID", "Failed to get applock", null, null, null, oppkey, clientname, null); return; } try { boolean preexistingAutoCommitMode = connection.getAutoCommit(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select max(reportingID) + 1 as newId from client_reportingid where clientname = ${clientname};"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets() .next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) newIdRef.set(record.<Long>get("newId")); // -- if newID is null, then get the starting value from externs if (newIdRef.get() == null) { final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select InitialReportingID as newID from externs where clientname = ${clientname}"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname); result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, false).getResultSets().next(); record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) newIdRef.set(record.<Long>get("newId")); } final String SQL_QUERY3 = "insert into client_reportingid (clientname, reportingID, _fk_TestOpportunity, _date) " + " values (${clientname}, ${newID}, ${oppkey}, now(3))"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientname) .put("newId", newIdRef.get()).put("oppkey", oppkey); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY3, parms3, false).getUpdateCount(); // _commonDll.releaseAppLock (connection, resourcename); connection.commit(); connection.setAutoCommit(preexistingAutoCommitMode); releaseAppLock(connection, resourcename); return; } catch (SQLException se) { errorMsg = se.getMessage(); } catch (ReturnStatusException re) { errorMsg = re.getMessage(); } try { connection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException se) { _logger.error(String.format("Failed rollback: %s", se.getMessage())); } if (DbComparator.isEqual(applock, 1)) releaseAppLock(connection, resourcename); if (errorMsg == null) errorMsg = "no error message logged"; _LogDBError_SP(connection, "_CreateClientReportingID", errorMsg, null, null, null, oppkey, clientname, null); } }