Java tutorial
/* * Argus Open Source * Software to apply Statistical Disclosure Control techniques * * Copyright 2014 Statistics Netherlands * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the European Union Public Licence * (EUPL) version 1.1, as published by the European Commission. * * You can find the text of the EUPL v1.1 on * * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis without * warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. */ package tauargus.utils; import; import; //import; import; //import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import tauargus.extern.dataengine.TauArgus; import tauargus.model.Application; import tauargus.model.ArgusException; import tauargus.model.Metadata; import tauargus.model.Variable; import argus.utils.SystemUtils; import tauargus.utils.TauArgusUtils; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class TauArgusUtils { private static TauArgus tauArgus = Application.getTauArgusDll(); public static int getNumberOfCodes(int varIndex) { int[] numberOfCodes = new int[1]; tauArgus.GetVarNumberOfCodes(varIndex, numberOfCodes, new int[1]); return numberOfCodes[0]; } public static int getNumberOfActiveCodes(int varIndex) { int[] numberOfCodes = new int[1]; tauArgus.GetVarNumberOfCodes(varIndex, new int[1], numberOfCodes); return numberOfCodes[0]; } public static int getCodeIndex(int varIndex, String code) { String[] codeString = new String[1]; int codeIndex = 0; while (tauArgus.GetVarCode(varIndex, codeIndex, new int[1], codeString, new int[1], new int[1])) { if (code.equals(codeString[0])) { return codeIndex; } codeIndex++; } return -1; } public static String getCode(int varIndex, int index) { String[] codeString = new String[1]; codeString[0] = ""; try { tauArgus.GetVarCode(varIndex, index, new int[1], codeString, new int[1], new int[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { } return codeString[0]; } public static String getCodeLevel(int varIndex, int index, int[] level) { String[] codeString = new String[1]; codeString[0] = ""; // level = new int[1]; try { tauArgus.GetVarCode(varIndex, index, new int[1], codeString, new int[1], level); } catch (Exception ex) { } return codeString[0]; } public static void setVariable(int varIndex) throws ArgusException { Variable variable = Application.getVariable(varIndex); int nMissings = variable.numberOfMissings(); if (variable.metadata.dataOrigin == Metadata.DATA_ORIGIN_MICRO) { if (!tauArgus.SetVariable(variable.index, variable.bPos, variable.varLen, variable.nDecimals, nMissings, nMissings >= 1 ? variable.missing[0] : "", nMissings >= 2 ? variable.missing[1] : "", variable.totCode, variable.type == tauargus.model.Type.REQUEST, variable.type == tauargus.model.Type.REQUEST ? variable.requestCode[0] : "", variable.type == tauargus.model.Type.REQUEST ? variable.requestCode[1] : "", variable.isCategorical(), variable.isNumeric(), variable.type == tauargus.model.Type.WEIGHT, (variable.hierarchical != Variable.HIER_NONE), variable.type == tauargus.model.Type.HOLDING)) { throw new ArgusException("Error in specification of variable " +; } } else if (variable.metadata.dataOrigin == Metadata.DATA_ORIGIN_TABULAR) { if (!tauArgus.SetVariableForTable(variable.index, nMissings, nMissings >= 1 ? variable.missing[0] : "", nMissings >= 2 ? variable.missing[1] : "", variable.nDecimals, variable.type == tauargus.model.Type.REQUEST, variable.type == tauargus.model.Type.REQUEST ? variable.requestCode[0] : null, (variable.hierarchical != Variable.HIER_NONE), variable.isNumeric(), variable.varLen)) { throw new ArgusException("Error in specification of variable " + variable.index); } } else { throw new ArgusException("Unsupported data format"); } if (variable.hierarchical == Variable.HIER_FILE) { int errorCode = tauArgus.SetHierarchicalCodelist(variable.index, variable.metadata.getFilePath(variable.hierFileName), variable.leadingString); if (errorCode != 1) { throw new ArgusException("SetHierarchicalcodelist " + variable.hierFileName + "\nfor variable " + + " returned an error\nErrorCode : " + tauArgus.GetErrorString(errorCode)); } } if (variable.hierarchical == Variable.HIER_LEVELS) { int nLevels = 0; for (int j = 0; j < Variable.MAX_NUMBER_OF_HIER_LEVELS; j++) { if (variable.hierLevels[j] != 0) { nLevels = j + 1; } } if (!tauArgus.SetHierarchicalDigits(variable.index, nLevels, variable.hierLevels)) { throw new ArgusException("SetHierarchicalDigits for variable " + + " went wrong"); } } } public static void setVariables() throws ArgusException { if (!tauArgus.SetNumberVar(Application.numberOfVariables())) { throw new ArgusException("SetNumberVar went wrong."); } for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < Application.numberOfVariables(); varIndex++) { setVariable(varIndex); } } public static boolean DeleteFile(String Fn) { File f1 = new File(Fn); boolean Oke = f1.delete(); return Oke; } public static boolean ExistFile(String Fn) { File f1 = new File(Fn); boolean Oke = f1.exists(); return Oke; } public static String getFilePath(String Fn) { File f1 = new File(Fn); String hs; int l; hs = f1.getName(); l = hs.length(); hs = f1.getAbsolutePath(); l = hs.length() - l; hs = hs.substring(0, l); return hs; } public static String getFullFileName(String Fn) throws ArgusException { File f1 = new File(Fn); String hs; hs = ""; if (!ExistFile(Fn)) { throw new ArgusException("File: " + Fn + " does not exist."); } try { hs = f1.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException ex) { } ; return hs; } public static void getDataDirFromRegistry(javax.swing.JFileChooser fileChooser) { String hs = SystemUtils.getRegString("general", "datadir", ""); if (!hs.equals("")) { File file = new File(hs); fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(file); } } public static void putDataDirInRegistry(String f) { if (!f.equals("")) { SystemUtils.putRegString("general", "datadir", f); } } public static String addPathExt(String fileName, String dataFile, String ext) { String hs; hs = fileName; if (hs.equals("")) { return hs; } if (!(fileName.contains(":") || fileName.contains("\\") || fileName.contains("/"))) { hs = getFilePath(dataFile) + hs; } if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(hs).equals("")) { hs = hs + ext; } return hs; } public static long FileLength(String Fn) { File f1 = new File(Fn); long l = 0; if (f1.exists()) { l = f1.length(); } return l; } public static long FileLastModified(String Fn) { File f1 = new File(Fn); long l = 0; l = f1.lastModified(); return l; } // public static boolean DeleteFileWild2 (String fn, String pad){ // // final String hs = fn; Boolean Oke = true; // final File folder = new File(pad); // final File[] files = folder.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { // @Override // public boolean accept( final File dir, // final String name ) { // return name.matches( hs ); // } // } ); // for ( final File file : files ) { // if ( !file.delete() ) { Oke = false; // System.err.println( "Can't remove " + file.getAbsolutePath() ); // } // } // return Oke; //} public static boolean DeleteFileWild(String fn, String pad) { walkDir(new File(pad), Pattern.compile(fn)); return true; } private static void walkDir(final File dir, final Pattern pattern) { final File[] files = dir.listFiles(); String hs; if (files != null) { for (final File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { // walkDir(file, pattern); Not needed } else if (pattern.matcher(file.getName()).matches()) { hs = file.getName(); file.delete(); // System.out.println("file to delete: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } public static void renameFile(String fileFrom, String fileTo) { File fFrom = new File(fileFrom); File fTo = new File(fileTo); if (fTo.exists()) { fTo.delete(); } fFrom.renameTo(new File(fileTo)); } public static void writeBatchFileForExec(String fn, String bat) { if (Application.isAnco()) { try { BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(Application.getTempFile(fn) + ".bat")); out.write(bat); out.newLine(); out.write("pause"); out.newLine(); out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } ; } } public static void writeBatchFileForExec(String fn, List<String> command) { int j; if (Application.isAnco()) { try { BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(Application.getTempFile(fn) + ".bat")); for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++) { out.write(StrUtils.quote(command.get(i)) + " "); } out.newLine(); out.write("pause"); out.newLine(); out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } ; } } public static int ShowWarningMessage(String WarningString) { /* If interactive show a message if teh message is ignore: do nothing es raise an exception If Batch (both versions) write a message to the logfile*/ int i; if (Application.isBatch()) { SystemUtils.writeLogbook("WARNING: " + WarningString); return 1; } else { /* interactive*/ i = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, WarningString + "\nDo you want to continue?", "Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (i == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } public static String GetSimpleSepToken(String[] st, String sep) { Integer p; String token, hs; p = st[0].indexOf(sep); if (p == -1) { token = st[0]; hs = ""; } else { token = st[0].substring(0, p); hs = st[0].substring(p + 1).trim(); } st[0] = hs; return token; } public static String GetSimpleToken(String[] st) { return GetSimpleSepToken(st, " "); } public static String GetQuoteToken(String[] St) { Integer p; String token, hs; p = St[0].indexOf("'", 1); if (p == -1) { token = St[0]; hs = ""; } else { token = St[0].substring(1, p); hs = St[0].substring(p + 1).trim(); } St[0] = hs; return token; } public static String GetCplexLicenceFile() throws ArgusException { String hs; hs = SystemUtils.getRegString("optimal", "cplexlicensefile", "access.ilm"); //if needed add the application path if (!hs.contains(":") && !hs.contains("/") && !hs.contains("//")) { try { hs = SystemUtils.getApplicationDirectory(Application.class).getCanonicalPath() + "\\" + hs; } catch (IOException ex) { } ; } if (!TauArgusUtils.ExistFile(hs)) { throw new ArgusException("Cplex licence file: " + hs + " could not be found"); } return hs; // return SystemUtils.getRegString("optimal", "cplexlicensefile", "access.ilm"); } }