Java tutorial
package tango.dataStructure; import mcib3d.image3d.ImageHandler; import tango.mongo.MongoConnector; import tango.util.Cell3DViewer; import java.text.*; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import tango.gui.util.Tag; import mcib3d.utils.exceptionPrinter; import sc.fiji.i5d.Image5D; //import i5d.Image5D; import; //import; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import mcib3d.image3d.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import tango.gui.Core; import tango.plugin.measurement.MeasurementSequence; import tango.plugin.sampler.Sampler; import tango.util.ImageUtils; /** * ** * /** * Copyright (C) 2012 Jean Ollion * * * * This file is part of tango * * tango is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. * * @author Jean Ollion */ public class Cell implements StructureContainer, Comparable<Cell> { //ObjectStructure, public final static DecimalFormat df3 = new DecimalFormat("000"); public final static DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("00"); static int ascendingOrder = 1; int idx; private AbstractStructure[] channels; protected int nbStructures; Field field; String name; double value; InputCellImages inputImages; SegmentedCellImages segImages; ObjectId id; Tag tag; Experiment xp; MongoConnector mc; ImageIcon[] thumbnails; boolean verbose; int nbCPUs = 1; boolean inSelection; public static int structureThumbnail; public final static int tmbSize = 25; public Cell(BasicDBObject dbCell, Field f, Experiment xp) { this.field = f; this.xp = xp; = xp.getConnector(); this.nbStructures = xp.getNBStructures(false); this.channels = new AbstractStructure[xp.getNBStructures(true)]; this.inputImages = new InputCellImages(this); this.segImages = new SegmentedCellImages(this); this.idx = dbCell.getInt("idx"); setName(); this.tag = new Tag(dbCell.getInt("tag", 0)); = (ObjectId) dbCell.get("_id"); this.thumbnails = new ImageIcon[xp.getNBFiles()]; } private void setName() { = "cell:" + Cell.df3.format(idx); } public String getFieldName() { if (field != null) return field.getName(); else return ""; } public ImageIcon getThumbnail(int structure) { if (structure < 0) return null; int file = xp.getChannelFileIndex(structure); //IJ.log("get TB: structure:"+structure+" file:"+file); if (file < 0) return null; if (thumbnails[file] == null) thumbnails[file] = mc.getChannelThumbnail(id, file); return thumbnails[file]; } public static void setAscendingOrger(boolean ascending) { if (ascending) ascendingOrder = 1; else ascendingOrder = -1; } public void setValue(double value) { this.value = value; this.setName(); += " - value=" + Object3DGui.df.format(value); } public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; } public boolean getVerbose() { return verbose; } public void setNbCPUs(int nbCPUs) { this.nbCPUs = nbCPUs; } public boolean isInSelection() { return inSelection; } public void setInSelection(boolean inSelection) { this.inSelection = inSelection; } public int getNbCPUs() { return nbCPUs; } public InputCellImages getRawImages() { return inputImages; } public SegmentedCellImages getSegmentedImages() { return segImages; } public BasicDBObject getDBNucleus(MongoConnector mc) { return mc.getNucleus(id); } public void setConnector(MongoConnector mc) { = mc; } public void resetConnector() { = this.xp.getConnector(); } public MongoConnector getConnector() { return mc; } public ObjectId getId() { return id; } //@Override public int getIdx() { return 0; } //@Override public String getChannelName() { return this.getName(); } public Experiment getExperiment() { return xp; } public Field getField() { return field; } public String getName() { return name; } public Tag getTag() { return tag; } public Nucleus getNucleus() { return (Nucleus) channels[0]; } public boolean hasOpenedImages() { return this.segImages.hasOpenedImages() || this.inputImages.hasOpenedImages(); } public AbstractStructure getStructure(int idx) { return channels[idx]; } public int getFileRank(int channelIdx) { return xp.getChannelFileIndexes()[channelIdx]; } public int getNbStructures(boolean addVirtual) { if (addVirtual) return channels.length; else return nbStructures; } public ImageIcon getThumbnail() { return getThumbnail(structureThumbnail); } public void setTag(int tag) { this.tag.setTag(tag); mc.setNucleusTag(id, tag); } public void createChannels() { for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { String ChanName = + "_Ch" + i; if (i == 0) this.channels[i] = new Nucleus(ChanName, this); else if (i < nbStructures) this.channels[i] = new Structure(ChanName, i, this); else this.channels[i] = VirtualStructure.createStructure(ChanName, i, this); } } public Image5D getImage5D(boolean raw) { try { ImageHandler[] ihC = new ImageHandler[this.getNbStructures(!raw)]; for (int i = 0; i < this.getNbStructures(!raw); i++) { ihC[i] = raw ? inputImages.getImage(i) : segImages.getImage(i); if (ihC[i] == null || !ihC[i].isOpened()) ihC[i] = ImageHandler.newBlankImageHandler("", ihC[i - 1]); } Image5D res = ImageUtils.getImage5D(name, ihC); for (int i = 0; i < this.getNbStructures(!raw); i++) { Color c = tango.gui.util.Colors.colors.get(this.xp.getChannelSettings(i).getString("color")); ColorModel cm = ChannelDisplayProperties.createModelFromColor(c); res.setChannelColorModel(i + 1, cm); res.getChannelCalibration(i + 1).setLabel(this.xp.getChannelSettings(i).getString("name")); } String t = raw ? "::raw" : "::segmented"; res.setTitle(name + t); return res; } catch (Exception e) { exceptionPrinter.print(e, "", Core.GUIMode); } return null; } public void show3D() throws Exception { if (xp.c3Dv == null) { xp.c3Dv = new Cell3DViewer();; } xp.c3Dv.addContent(this, true); } public void mesure(boolean override) { try { MeasurementSequence seq = xp.getMeasurementSequence(override);, mc); } catch (Exception e) { String n = (field != null) ? "field: " + + " " : ""; n += "cell: " + name; exceptionPrinter.print(e, "mesure: " + n, Core.GUIMode); } } public void testMeasure(int measurementIdx) { this.verbose = true; Core.debug = true; MeasurementSequence seq = xp.getMeasurementSequenceTest(measurementIdx);, mc); this.verbose = false; Core.debug = false; } public void testSampler(Sampler sampler) { this.verbose = true; Core.debug = true; sampler.initSampler(inputImages, segImages); sampler.setVerbose(true); sampler.setMultithread(Core.getMaxCPUs()); sampler.displaySample(); this.verbose = false; Core.debug = false; } public void process(boolean[] processChannel) { for (int i = 1; i < channels.length; i++) { if (processChannel == null || processChannel[i]) { if (verbose) System.out.println("cell:" + name + "process Structure:" + i); ((Structure) channels[i]).process(); } } if (!verbose) { for (int i = 1; i < channels.length; i++) { if (processChannel == null || processChannel[i]) { channels[i].saveOutput(); //saves all channels. it is done after every channel are process in case of modifications on other channels (by virtual channels) } } System.out.println("saved.."); } else { //reset segmented images.. for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { if (processChannel == null || processChannel[i]) { segImages.setSegmentedImage(null, i); } } } } public void delete() { mc.removeNucleus(id); if (field != null) field.removeCell(this); close(); } public void deleteChannels() { for (int i = 1; i < channels.length; i++) { mc.deleteStructure(id, i); } } public ImageInt getMask() { return this.segImages.getImage(0); } public ImageHandler preFilterStructure(ImageHandler image, int structureIdx) { AbstractStructure ass = getStructure(structureIdx); if (ass instanceof Structure) return ((Structure) ass).preFilter(image); return image; } public ImageInt postFilterStructure(ImageInt image, int structureIdx) { AbstractStructure ass = getStructure(structureIdx); if (ass instanceof Structure) return ((Structure) ass).postFilter(image); return image; } public ImageHandler openInputImage(int fileIdx) { if (fileIdx >= 0) { ImageHandler im = mc.getNucImage(id, fileIdx, MongoConnector.R); xp.setCalibration(im); return im; } return null; } public void saveOutput() { for (AbstractStructure s : channels) { s.saveOutput(); } } public void close() { inputImages.closeAll(); segImages.closeAll(); } public void hide() { inputImages.hideAll(); segImages.hideAll(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof Cell) return o).id); else if (o instanceof String) return; else return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return id.toHexString().hashCode(); } public int compareTo(Cell t) { if (value < t.value) return -ascendingOrder; else if (value > t.value) return ascendingOrder; else return 0; } }