Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 Dan Oprescu * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Point; public class TLDUtil { public final static String TAG = "OpenTLD"; private final static byte[] _byteBuff1 = new byte[1]; private final static int[] _intBuff1 = new int[1]; private final static float[] _floatBuff1 = new float[1]; private final static double[] _doubleBuff1 = new double[1]; // this is for a whole matrix ! private static byte[] _byteBuff = new byte[1]; private static int[] _intBuff = new int[1]; private static float[] _floatBuff = new float[1]; private static double[] _doubleBuff = new double[1]; public static int unsignedChar(int val) { return Math.min(Math.max(val, 0), 255); } public static int unsignedChar(double val) { return unsignedChar((int) val); } /** * This is actually quite slow, as it makes a couple of native calls for each of the Util.getXXX methods... */ @Deprecated public static double getVar(final BoundingBox box, final Mat sum, final Mat sqsum) { final int brs = TLDUtil.getInt(box.y + box.height, box.x + box.width, sum); final int bls = TLDUtil.getInt(box.y + box.height, box.x, sum); final int trs = TLDUtil.getInt(box.y, box.x + box.width, sum); final int tls = TLDUtil.getInt(box.y, box.x, sum); final double brsq = TLDUtil.getDouble(box.y + box.height, box.x + box.width, sqsum); final double blsq = TLDUtil.getDouble(box.y + box.height, box.x, sqsum); final double trsq = TLDUtil.getDouble(box.y, box.x + box.width, sqsum); final double tlsq = TLDUtil.getDouble(box.y, box.x, sqsum); final double boxArea = box.area(); final double mean = (brs + tls - trs - bls) / boxArea; final double sqmean = (brsq + tlsq - trsq - blsq) / boxArea; return sqmean - mean * mean; } /** * Preferred for performance ! * Here we get both the SUM and SQuaredSUM Matrices already in Java, rather than call native methods for each * element that we need. * * For a 320x240 frame the improvement is close to 5X !!! */ public static double getVar(final BoundingBox box, final int[] sum, final double[] sqsum, final int colCount) { final int brs = sum[(box.y + box.height) * colCount + box.x + box.width]; final int bls = sum[(box.y + box.height) * colCount + box.x]; final int trs = sum[box.y * colCount + box.x + box.width]; final int tls = sum[box.y * colCount + box.x]; final double brsq = sqsum[(box.y + box.height) * colCount + box.x + box.width]; final double blsq = sqsum[(box.y + box.height) * colCount + box.x]; final double trsq = sqsum[box.y * colCount + box.x + box.width]; final double tlsq = sqsum[box.y * colCount + box.x]; final double boxArea = box.area(); final double mean = (brs + tls - trs - bls) / boxArea; final double sqmean = (brsq + tlsq - trsq - blsq) / boxArea; return sqmean - mean * mean; } public static float median(float[] vals) { final float[] newVals = Arrays.copyOf(vals, vals.length); Arrays.sort(newVals); return newVals[newVals.length / 2]; } public static float median(List<Float> vals) { final Float[] newVals = vals.toArray(new Float[vals.size()]); Arrays.sort(newVals); return newVals[(int) Math.floor(newVals.length / 2d)]; } public static float norm(final Point p1, final Point p2) { final double dX = p1.x - p2.x; final double dY = p1.y - p2.y; return (float) Math.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY); } /** * no std::nth_element in Java so we'll sort the list. Less performant but we don't really care for the small lists we have */ public static <T> void keepBestN(List<T> list, final int n, final Comparator<T> comparator) { final int size = list.size(); if (size <= n) { // nothing to do, sorting is not a requirement return; } // sorts in ASCENDING ORDER Collections.sort(list, comparator); // we want the best / highest n so remote at the queue while (list.size() > n) { list.remove(0); } } public static byte getByte(final int row, final int col, final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_8UC1 != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_8UC1, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); mat.get(row, col, _byteBuff1); return _byteBuff1[0]; } /** * The corresponding Java primitive array type depends on the Mat type: * CV_8U and CV_8S -> byte[] * CV_16U and CV_16S -> short[] * CV_32S -> int[] * CV_32F -> float[] * CV_64F-> double[] */ public static byte[] getByteArray(final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_8UC1 != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_8UC1, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); final int size = (int) ( * mat.channels()); if (_byteBuff.length != size) { _byteBuff = new byte[size]; } mat.get(0, 0, _byteBuff); // 0 for row and col means the WHOLE Matrix return _byteBuff; } public static int[] getIntArray(final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_32SC1 != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_32SC1, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); final int size = (int) ( * mat.channels()); if (_intBuff.length != size) { _intBuff = new int[size]; } mat.get(0, 0, _intBuff); // 0 for row and col means the WHOLE Matrix return _intBuff; } public static float[] getFloatArray(final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_32FC1 != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_32FC1, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); final int size = (int) ( * mat.channels()); if (_floatBuff.length != size) { _floatBuff = new float[size]; } mat.get(0, 0, _floatBuff); // 0 for row and col means the WHOLE Matrix return _floatBuff; } public static double[] getDoubleArray(final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_64F != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_64F, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); final int size = (int) ( * mat.channels()); if (_doubleBuff.length != size) { _doubleBuff = new double[size]; } mat.get(0, 0, _doubleBuff); // 0 for row and col means the WHOLE Matrix return _doubleBuff; } public static int getInt(final int row, final int col, final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_32SC1 != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_32SC1, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); mat.get(row, col, _intBuff1); return _intBuff1[0]; } public static float getFloat(final int row, final int col, final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_32F != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_32F, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); mat.get(row, col, _floatBuff1); return _floatBuff1[0]; } public static double getDouble(final int row, final int col, final Mat mat) { if (CvType.CV_64F != mat.type()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected type is CV_64F, we found: " + CvType.typeToString(mat.type())); mat.get(row, col, _doubleBuff1); return _doubleBuff1[0]; } public static final class NNConfStruct { public final IsinStruct isin; public final float relativeSimilarity; public final float conservativeSimilarity; public NNConfStruct(IsinStruct isin, float relativeSimilarity, float conservativeSimilarity) { this.isin = isin; this.relativeSimilarity = relativeSimilarity; this.conservativeSimilarity = conservativeSimilarity; } } public static final class IsinStruct { public final boolean inPosSet; public final int idxPosSet; public final boolean inNegSet; public IsinStruct(boolean inPosSet, int idxPosSet, boolean inNegSet) { this.inPosSet = inPosSet; this.idxPosSet = idxPosSet; this.inNegSet = inNegSet; } } public static final class Pair<U, V> { public final U first; public final V second; public Pair(U first, V second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + first + ", " + second + "}"; } } public static interface RNG { float nextFloat(); int nextInt(); } public static class DefaultRNG implements RNG { private final Random rnd = new Random(); @Override public float nextFloat() { return rnd.nextFloat(); } @Override public int nextInt() { return rnd.nextInt(); } } }