Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package symbolicexecutor; import; import; import; import; import; import org.mozilla.javascript.Context; import org.mozilla.javascript.ContextFactory; import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject; import org.mozilla.javascript.Script; import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; /** * This class implements symbolic execution. The constructor takes the filename * of the JavaScript program to symbolically execute, which must have already * been instrumented by the symbolic execution instrumentation pass. The * constructor also takes a FileLoader and a NewInputGenerator, which it uses * during initialization and execution, respectively. * * @author (Elnatan Reisner) */ public class SymbolicExecutor { /** * The filename of the JavaScript symbolic execution library. These are the * functions called by the instrumented JavaScript code. */ private static final String SYMBOLIC_EXECUTION_OBJECT_SOURCE_FILE = "data/symbolicExecutionObject.js"; /** The JavaScript source code to symbolically execute */ private final String jsSource; /** The object that will generate new inputs after each execution */ private final NewInputGenerator newInputGenerator; /** An object to help with loading files */ private final FileLoader loader; /** Stop generating inputs after this many have been generated */ private final int maxNumInputs; /** A set of inputs waiting to be run */ private final SortedSet<Input> inputs; private SymbolicExecutor(String source, FileLoader loader, NewInputGenerator newInputGenerator, Input arguments, int maxNumInputs) { this.jsSource = source; this.loader = loader; this.newInputGenerator = newInputGenerator; this.maxNumInputs = maxNumInputs; this.inputs = Sets.newTreeSet(); this.inputs.add(arguments); } /** * Creates a symbolic executor. * * @param code the (already instrumented) source code that will be * symbolically executed * @param loader a FileLoader to help load files * @param newInputGenerator the object that will generate new inputs from old * ones * @param inputs the values for the JavaScript variable named {@code inputs} * @param maxNumInputs symbolic execution will stop after this many inputs are * generated. This isn't a strict maximum, though, because new inputs * are generated in batches, and we stop after the first <em>batch</em> * puts us at or past this limit. * @return the newly created {@link SymbolicExecutor} */ public static SymbolicExecutor create(String code, FileLoader loader, NewInputGenerator newInputGenerator, String[] inputs, int maxNumInputs) { return new SymbolicExecutor(code, loader, newInputGenerator, new Input(inputs, 0), maxNumInputs); } /** * Creates a symbolic executor which will instrument the given file and then, * when run, symbolically execute starting by calling entryFunction with the * given inputs. * * @param filename a JavaScript file which will be instrumented and then * symbolically executed * @param loader a FileLoader to help load files * @param newInputGenerator the object that will generate new inputs from old * ones * @param maxNumInputs symbolic execution will stop after this many inputs are * generated. This isn't a strict maximum, though, because new inputs * are generated in batches, and we stop after the first <em>batch</em> * puts us at or past this limit. * @param entryFunction the function at which symbolic execution will start * @param inputs the initial inputs to use when calling entryFunction */ public static SymbolicExecutor create(String filename, FileLoader loader, NewInputGenerator newInputGenerator, int maxNumInputs, String entryFunction, String... inputs) { CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(); // Enable instrumentation options.symbolicExecutionInstrumentation = true; options.prettyPrint = true; // Compile the program; this is where the instrumentation happens. Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); compiler.compile(new ArrayList<JSSourceFile>(), Lists.newArrayList(JSSourceFile.fromFile(loader.getPath(filename))), options); // Add the call to symbolicExecution.execute String code = String.format("%s;symbolicExecution.execute(this,%s,inputs)", compiler.toSource(), entryFunction); return create(code, loader, newInputGenerator, inputs, maxNumInputs); } /** * Starting with 'outputs' as the empty set, this method does executes the * following loop until {@link SymbolicExecutor#inputs} is empty. * <ul> * <li> Remove an input from 'inputs', and call the input X and the depth d. * <li> Run symbolic execution with X as the inputs * <li> This will output * <ul> * <li> the path condition that leads execution down the path that was taken * <li> the symbolic state at the end of execution and * <li> the concrete state at the end of execution. * </ul> * <li> Add the pair X,(a) to 'outputs'. * <li> The path condition has the form (p1,...,pn), and d will always be less * than n. Let C = (p1 and ... and pd). For i in {d+1,...,n}, try to solve (C * and p{d+1} and ... and p{i-1} and !pi). If the constraint is solvable, it * gives a new input Y; add (Y,i) to 'inputs'. (If the constraint is * unsatisfiable, just skip it.) * </ul> * * @return the set of {@link Output}s generated by symbolic execution */ public Set<Output> run() throws IOException { String code = loader.toString(SYMBOLIC_EXECUTION_OBJECT_SOURCE_FILE) + this.jsSource; Context rhinoContext = Context.enter(); // Compile the code. We can run it by executing it in a scope in which we // set "inputs" to a NativeArray of the arguments Script script = rhinoContext.compileString(code, "no file", 0, null); Set<Output> outputs = Sets.newHashSet(); int numInputs = 1; while (!inputs.isEmpty()) { Input input = inputs.first(); inputs.remove(input); SymbolicExecutionResult result = execute(rhinoContext, script, input); Output output = new Output(input, Sets.newHashSet(result.pathCondition(AdapterList.DEFAULT_ADAPTERS)), result.result()); outputs.add(output); // Stop generating new inputs once we reach the limit. if (numInputs < maxNumInputs) { Collection<Input> newInputs = newInputGenerator.generateNewInputs(input, result); numInputs += newInputs.size(); inputs.addAll(newInputs); } } return outputs; } /** * Symbolically executes one path through the compiled program. * * @param rhinoContext the JavaScript scope containing the symbolic execution * library functions * @param script the compiled instrumented JavaScript * @param input the arguments to pass to the entry function for symbolic * execution * @return the result of performing symbolic execution */ private SymbolicExecutionResult execute(Context rhinoContext, Script script, Input input) { ContextFactory contextFactory = ContextFactory.getGlobal(); Scriptable scope = rhinoContext.initStandardObjects(); scope.put("inputs", scope, input.toJSArray(contextFactory)); return new SymbolicExecutionResult((NativeObject) script.exec(rhinoContext, scope)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println("Usage:\n" + "java -jar <jarfile> filename entryFunction numTests [arg...]\n\n" + "filename is the file to instrument\n" + "entryFunction is the function at which symbolic execution will " + "start\n" + "numTests---Symbolic execution will stop after generating " + "(roughly) this many test inputs\n" + "[arg...] are the arguments that will be passed to entryFunction;" + "they are strings, parsed by the JavaScript interpreter"); System.exit(0); } String filename = args[0], entryFunction = args[1]; int maxNumInputs = Integer.valueOf(args[2]); FileLoader loader = new FileLoader(); Cvc3Context cvc3Context = Cvc3Context.create(args.length - 3, loader); System.out.println(create(filename, loader, new ApiBasedInputGenerator(cvc3Context), maxNumInputs, entryFunction, Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 3, args.length)).run()); } }