Java tutorial
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // A utility to assist ham radio operators in planning their antennas // especially when on limited space. // // The utility process the current DXCC entities list and a fairly recent // Most-wanted DXCC list to present useful perspectives on the reachability // of all the DXCC entities. // // Please see the usage and examples on how to use it // // Copyright 2016, Nick Tsakonas, SV1DJG // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package sv1djg.hamutils.dxcc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import sv1djg.hamutils.distances.DistanceCaclulator; public class DXCCPlanner { public static void main(String[] args) { DXCCPlanner planner = initialisePlanner(args); if (planner == null) return; // execute the main processing planner.prepareDXCCEntities(); planner.displayResults(); } private void displayResults() { // // modes // OPTIMAL_MODE = find optimal setup given the maximum available headings I can have // EVALUATE_MODE = evaluate my setup , given my available headings // NEAREST_MODE = print the closest DXCC entities to my location if (_mode == OPTIMAL_MODE) findMostActiveHeadings(); else if (_mode == NEAREST_MODE) printClosestDXCCEntities(); else if (_mode == EVALUATE_MODE) printDXCCEntitiesOnHeadings(); } private static DXCCPlanner initialisePlanner(String[] args) { // create planner with default parameters String currentDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir"); DXCCPlanner planner = new DXCCPlanner(currentDirectory); // add all supported options Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("limit", true, ""); options.addOption("distance", true, ""); options.addOption("headings", true, ""); options.addOption("beamwidth", true, ""); options.addOption("center", true, ""); options.addOption("nearest", false, ""); options.addOption("optimal", false, ""); options.addOption("evaluate", false, ""); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); boolean shouldShowUsage = false; try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (!cmd.hasOption("nearest") && !cmd.hasOption("optimal") && !cmd.hasOption("evaluate")) { throw new ParseException("at least one of nearest/optimal/evaluate should be specified"); } if (cmd.hasOption("nearest") && cmd.hasOption("optimal") && cmd.hasOption("evaluate")) { throw new ParseException("only one of nearest/optimal/evaluate should be specified"); } if (cmd.hasOption("nearest")) { planner.setNearestMode(); } if (cmd.hasOption("optimal")) { planner.setOptimalMode(); } if (cmd.hasOption("evaluate")) { planner.setEvaluateMode(); } if (cmd.hasOption("limit")) { planner.setMaximumNumberOfDXCCEntitiesToPrint(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("limit"))); } if (cmd.hasOption("distance")) { planner.setClosestCountrieMaxDistance(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("distance"))); } if (cmd.hasOption("headings")) { if (planner.isInEvaluateMode()) { String[] headings = StringUtils.split(cmd.getOptionValue("headings"), ","); ArrayList<Integer> headingsToEvaluate = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String h : headings) headingsToEvaluate.add(Integer.parseInt(h)); planner.setBeamings(headingsToEvaluate); } else { if (StringUtils.contains(cmd.getOptionValue("headings"), ',')) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "a list of headings is supported only in evaluate mode (use -evaluate option)"); } planner.setNumberOfBeamings(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("headings"))); } } if (cmd.hasOption("beamwidth")) { planner.setAntennaBeamwidth(Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("beamwidth"))); } if (cmd.hasOption("center")) { planner.setDXCCCenter(cmd.getOptionValue("center")); } } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); System.out.println(); shouldShowUsage = true; } if (shouldShowUsage) { showUsage(); return null; } return planner; } private static void showUsage() { //System.out.println("========================================================="); System.out.println("DXCC planner v1.0 (by SV1DJG,Feb 2016) "); System.out.println("--------------------------------------"); System.out.println( "This program may assist in planning your antennas for making the best usage of your (limited) space and still "); System.out.println( "maximise your opportunities to work as many DXCC entities as possible.You can use it to calculate all the nearest "); System.out.println( "DXCC entities (the easy ones) that are reachable with the minimal setup and can get you started."); System.out.println( "The program can also help you out to find the optimal headings that will give you coverage of as many DXCC entities "); System.out.println("as possible."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("syntax:"); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " dxccplanner [-limit LIMIT] [-distance DISTANCE] [-headings HEADINGS] [-beamwidth BEAMWIDTH] -center CENTER -nearest | -optimal | -evaluate"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("options:"); System.out.println(); System.out.println( " -limit LIMIT set upper limit for nearest countries list print (default is 150)"); System.out.println( " -distance DISTANCE set maximum distance considered as 'near-by' (default is 6500 Km)"); System.out.println( " -headings HEADINGS] set number of headings to use for optimal calculation (default is 2)"); System.out.println(" set a list of headings to use for evaluate calculation "); System.out.println(" -beamwidth BEAMWIDTH] set the antenna beamwidth to use for optimal calculation"); System.out.println( " -center CENTER set the DXCC entity to use as center (official prefix required, no defaults)"); System.out.println( " For USA you have to use either \"K-East\" or \"K-Mid\" or \"K-West\" to specify"); System.out.println(" the appropriate area.Do not use just K"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("commands:"); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" -nearest display the list of nearest DXCC entities"); System.out.println(" -optimal calculate and display the optimal headings"); System.out.println(" -evaluate evaluate DXCC coverage for specific headings"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("examples:"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("dxccplanner -nearest -limit 150 -distance 5000 -center G"); System.out.println(" displays a list of up to 150 nearest DXCC entities with"); System.out.println(" within 5000 Km centered a England (prefix G)."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("dxccplanner -optimal -headings 4 -beamwidth 40 -center G"); System.out.println(" displays the 4 optimal headings for an antenna with "); System.out.println(" beamwidth of 40 degrees centered at England (prefix G)."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("dxccplanner -evaluate -headings 55,165,220 -beamwidth 40 -center G"); System.out.println( " displays the possible DXCC coverage using 3 headings at 44,165, and 220 degrees using an antenna with "); System.out.println(" beamwidth of 40 degrees centered at England (prefix G)."); } // the full dxcc list and most wanted dxcc entities are saved into these files private final static String COUNTRY_FILE = "countries.txt"; private final static String MOST_WANTED_FILE = "mostwanted.txt"; // during processing we take into account only the most rare countries private final static int MOST_WANTED_RANKING = 50; // this is the distance we assume that is easily reachable (well within 2-hops) private static final int DEFAULT_DIST_FOR_CLOSEST = 6500; // a limit for display (where applicable) private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CLOSEST_TO_PRINT = 150; // default antenna to use is one dipole (2 headings, 60 degrees beamwidth) private static final int DEFAULT_DIPLE_BEAMWIDTH = 60; private static final int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_HEADINGS = 2; private static final int OPTIMAL_MODE = 1; private static final int NEAREST_MODE = 2; private static final int EVALUATE_MODE = 3; private String _dxccCenter; private int _numberOfBeamings; private int _maximumNumberOfCountriesToPrint; private int _maximumDistanceForClosest; private ArrayList<DXCCEntity> _dxccList; private DXCCEntity _myDxccEntity; private String _currentDirectory; private int _antennaBeamWidth; private int _mode; private ArrayList<Integer> _availableBeamings; // used to keep statistics per heading (when the major headings have been found) private static class AntennaBeamingStatistics { public int heading; public int totalDxccEntitiesCovered; public int totalClosestDxccEntitiesCovered; public int totalRareDxccEntitiesCovered; } public DXCCPlanner(String currentDirectory) { _currentDirectory = currentDirectory; _dxccList = new ArrayList<DXCCEntity>(); _maximumDistanceForClosest = DEFAULT_DIST_FOR_CLOSEST; _maximumNumberOfCountriesToPrint = DEFAULT_MAX_CLOSEST_TO_PRINT; _antennaBeamWidth = DEFAULT_DIPLE_BEAMWIDTH; _numberOfBeamings = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_HEADINGS; } // used to set the prefix of the DXCC entity to use as center // for all calculations public void setDXCCCenter(String myDXCCCountry) { if (myDXCCCountry == null || myDXCCCountry.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("the prefix to use for central location cannot be empty or null"); _dxccCenter = myDXCCCountry; } // used to set how many different and independent beamings the user is able to setup // public void setNumberOfBeamings(int availableBeamings) { if (availableBeamings < 0 || availableBeamings > 36) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the number of beamings should be realistic (larger than 0 but not larger than 36)"); _numberOfBeamings = availableBeamings; } // used to set the beamings to use for evaluate mode // public void setBeamings(ArrayList<Integer> availableBeamings) { if (availableBeamings == null || availableBeamings.size() == 0 || availableBeamings.size() > 36) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the number of beamings should be realistic (larger than 0 but not larger than 36)"); _availableBeamings = availableBeamings; } // setting the beamwidth of the antenna to be used (this is applied to ALL headings) public void setAntennaBeamwidth(int beamWidth) { if (beamWidth < 5 || beamWidth > 180) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the beamwidth of the antenna should be realistic (larger than 5 degrees but not larger than 180)"); _antennaBeamWidth = beamWidth; } // used to limit the number of entities when printing public void setMaximumNumberOfDXCCEntitiesToPrint(int numberOfCountries) { if (numberOfCountries < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("the max number of countries to print cannot be zero or negative"); _maximumNumberOfCountriesToPrint = numberOfCountries; } // used to set the distance (in km) that is assumed 'nearby countries' public void setClosestCountrieMaxDistance(int distance) { if (distance < 1 || distance > 15000) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the distance to assume nearby countries should be realistic (larger than 1 Km but not larger than 15000)"); _maximumDistanceForClosest = distance; } public void setOptimalMode() { _mode = OPTIMAL_MODE; } public void setNearestMode() { _mode = NEAREST_MODE; } public void setEvaluateMode() { _mode = EVALUATE_MODE; } public boolean isInEvaluateMode() { return _mode == EVALUATE_MODE; } private void prepareDXCCEntities() { if (_dxccCenter == null || _dxccCenter.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must set your DXCC country before creating the DXCC List"); if (_numberOfBeamings <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must set a number of headings before creating the DXCC List"); DXCCEntitiesReader countries = new DXCCEntitiesReader(COUNTRY_FILE, MOST_WANTED_FILE); copyDXCCList(countries.getDXCCList()); _myDxccEntity = getMyDXCCEntity(); if (_myDxccEntity == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find your DXCC entity.make sure that \"" + _dxccCenter + "\" is correct"); calculateBeamAndDistancesOfAllDXCCFromMe(); sortCountriesAroundMe(); } private void findMostActiveHeadings() { // // cluster all headings up to the maximum number the user requested // ArrayList<Integer> headings = findHeadingClusters(); printHeadingsDetails(headings); } private void printDXCCEntitiesOnHeadings() { printHeadingsDetails(_availableBeamings); } private void printHeadingsDetails(ArrayList<Integer> headings) { printCentralLocationInfo(); // print an overview of the optimal headings discovered printOptimalHeadingsInfo(headings); // if the optimal headings are close to form dipoles, just print a hint for the user printHintsIdHeadingsFormDipoles(headings); System.out.println(); ArrayList<AntennaBeamingStatistics> beamingStatistics = new ArrayList<DXCCPlanner.AntennaBeamingStatistics>(); ArrayList<String> continents = new ArrayList<String>(); printDXCCDetailsForHeadings(headings, beamingStatistics, continents); printHeadingStatistics(beamingStatistics, continents); System.out.println(); } private void copyDXCCList(ArrayList<DXCCEntity> dxccList) { for (DXCCEntity entity : dxccList) _dxccList.add(entity); } private void sortCountriesAroundMe() { // sort the DXCC list based on distance from the central location (my location) // sort ascending Comparator<DXCCEntity> dxccListSorter = new Comparator<DXCCEntity>() { @Override public int compare(DXCCEntity o1, DXCCEntity o2) { if (o1.distance < o2.distance) return -1; else if (o1.distance > o2.distance) return 1; else return 0; } }; Collections.sort(_dxccList, dxccListSorter); } // calculate and update all DXCC entries on the DXCC list with the distance/bearing (in Km/degrees) from the central location private void calculateBeamAndDistancesOfAllDXCCFromMe() { for (DXCCEntity entity : _dxccList) { if (entity.countryName.equalsIgnoreCase(_myDxccEntity.countryName)) continue; entity.distance = DistanceCaclulator.distanceFrom(_myDxccEntity.latitude, _myDxccEntity.longitude, entity.latitude, entity.longitude); entity.bearing = DistanceCaclulator.bearingTo(_myDxccEntity.latitude, _myDxccEntity.longitude, entity.latitude, entity.longitude); } } // finds the details of the central location private DXCCEntity getMyDXCCEntity() { String usaArea = null; boolean centerIsUSA = (_dxccCenter.equalsIgnoreCase("K-Mid") || _dxccCenter.equalsIgnoreCase("K-East") || _dxccCenter.equalsIgnoreCase("K-West")); if (centerIsUSA) { usaArea = StringUtils.split(_dxccCenter, '-')[1]; } for (DXCCEntity entity : _dxccList) { if (centerIsUSA) { if (entity.prefix.equalsIgnoreCase("K") && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(entity.countryName, usaArea)) return entity; } else { if (entity.prefix.equalsIgnoreCase(_dxccCenter)) return entity; } } return null; } // prints overall statistics for all headings (how many DXCC entities can be reached, how many of them are considered // nearby (easy) and how many rares and continents can be reached private void printHeadingStatistics(ArrayList<AntennaBeamingStatistics> beamingStatistics, ArrayList<String> continents) { System.out.println(String.format("DXCC entities breakdown per heading")); System.out.println("|---------|------------|---------|------|"); System.out.println("| Heading | Total DXCC | Closest | Rare |"); System.out.println("|---------|------------|---------|------|"); // sum up statistics as they are printed int totalCountriesCovered = 0; int totalClosestCountriesCovered = 0; int totalRareCountriesCovered = 0; for (AntennaBeamingStatistics headingStatistic : beamingStatistics) { System.out.println(String.format("| %03d | %03d | %03d | %03d |", headingStatistic.heading, headingStatistic.totalDxccEntitiesCovered, headingStatistic.totalClosestDxccEntitiesCovered, headingStatistic.totalRareDxccEntitiesCovered)); totalCountriesCovered += headingStatistic.totalDxccEntitiesCovered; totalClosestCountriesCovered += headingStatistic.totalClosestDxccEntitiesCovered; totalRareCountriesCovered += headingStatistic.totalRareDxccEntitiesCovered; } System.out.println("|---------|------------|---------|------|"); System.out.println(String.format("Total DXCC countries reachable : %03d", totalCountriesCovered)); System.out.println(String.format("Total DXCC in closest countries : %03d", totalClosestCountriesCovered)); System.out.println(String.format("Total rare DXCC reachable : %03d", totalRareCountriesCovered)); System.out.println(String.format("Total continent(s) reachable : %3d %s", continents.size(), Arrays.toString(continents.toArray()))); } // for each heading discovered, prints statistics (how many DXCC entities can be reached, how many of them are considered // nearby (easy) and how many rares and continents can be reached private void printDXCCDetailsForHeadings(ArrayList<Integer> initialCentroids, ArrayList<AntennaBeamingStatistics> beamingStatistics, ArrayList<String> continents) { for (Integer heading : initialCentroids) { AntennaBeamingStatistics headingStats = new AntennaBeamingStatistics(); headingStats.heading = heading.intValue(); System.out.println(String.format( "DXCC entities around heading of %03d degress (within +/- %d degress from the main heading)", heading.intValue(), _antennaBeamWidth / 2)); System.out.println( "|---|---|------------------------------------------|--------|------|------------|---------|"); System.out.println( "| R | C | DXCC Entity name | Prefix | Cont | Distance | Heading |"); System.out.println( "|---|---|------------------------------------------|--------|------|------------|---------|"); int countryListSize = _dxccList.size(); for (int countryIndex = 0; countryIndex < countryListSize; countryIndex++) { DXCCEntity entity = _dxccList.get(countryIndex); if (Math.abs(heading - entity.bearing) <= _antennaBeamWidth / 2) { System.out.println( String.format("| %c | %c | %-40.40s | %-6.6s | %-2.2s | %8.2f | %03d |", (entity.rankingInMostWanted <= MOST_WANTED_RANKING) ? '!' : ' ', (entity.distance <= _maximumDistanceForClosest) ? '*' : ' ', entity.countryName, entity.prefix, entity.continent, entity.distance, (int) entity.bearing)); headingStats.totalDxccEntitiesCovered++; if (entity.distance <= _maximumDistanceForClosest) headingStats.totalClosestDxccEntitiesCovered++; if (entity.rankingInMostWanted <= MOST_WANTED_RANKING) headingStats.totalRareDxccEntitiesCovered++; if (!continents.contains(entity.continent)) continents.add(entity.continent); } } beamingStatistics.add(headingStats); System.out.println( "|---|---|------------------------------------------|--------|------|------------|---------|"); System.out.println(); } System.out.println("NOTE: a '*' in the C column indicates a DXCC entity among the " + _maximumNumberOfCountriesToPrint + " closest ones (up to " + _maximumDistanceForClosest + " km)"); System.out.println( "NOTE: a '!' in the R column indicates a top-" + MOST_WANTED_RANKING + " rare DXCC entity."); } // if two headings are close to form a dipole it hints the user, if one antenna can cover both // the margin allowed is +/- 10 degress, if the headings are 170-190 degress apart private void printHintsIdHeadingsFormDipoles(ArrayList<Integer> initialCentroids) { // just a small hint:if two lobes form almost a dipole print it out ;-) if (initialCentroids.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < (initialCentroids.size() - 1); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < initialCentroids.size(); j++) { Integer heading1 = initialCentroids.get(i); Integer heading2 = initialCentroids.get(j); // if the headings are 170-190 degress apart, this could be handled with a dipole // with some compromise if (Math.abs(Math.abs(heading1 - heading2) - 180) < 10) { System.out.println(String.format("HINT: beamings %03d and %03d almost form a dipole", heading1.intValue(), heading2.intValue())); } } } } } // // print an overview of the optimal headings discovered // private void printOptimalHeadingsInfo(ArrayList<Integer> initialCentroids) { System.out .println("Main " + initialCentroids.size() + " headings to use for optimal DXCC entities coverage"); int headingsIndex = 0; for (Integer heading : initialCentroids) { headingsIndex++; System.out.println(String.format("Heading %03d at %03d degrees", headingsIndex, heading.intValue())); } } // print an overview of the current parameters used for this run private void printCentralLocationInfo() { System.out.println("Current settings:"); System.out.println("-----------------"); System.out.println(String.format("Central DXCC entity : %s (%s)", _myDxccEntity.prefix, _myDxccEntity.countryName)); if (_mode == EVALUATE_MODE) System.out.println( String.format("Beamings to evaluate : %s", Arrays.toString(_availableBeamings.toArray()))); else if (_mode == OPTIMAL_MODE) System.out.println(String.format("Maximum beamings to use : %d", _numberOfBeamings)); if (_mode != NEAREST_MODE) System.out.println(String.format("Antenna beamwidth to use : %d", _antennaBeamWidth)); System.out.println( String.format("Maximum distance to assume 'close DXCC': %d Km", _maximumDistanceForClosest)); if (_mode == NEAREST_MODE) System.out.println( String.format("Maximum DXCC entities to print : %d", _maximumNumberOfCountriesToPrint)); System.out.println(String.format("Maximum rare DXCC entities to use : %d", MOST_WANTED_RANKING)); System.out.println(); } // prints up to a maximum number of DXCC entities in increasing distance from the central location private void printClosestDXCCEntities() { printCentralLocationInfo(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(String.format("Displaying up to %d closest DXCC entities (up to %d km)", _maximumNumberOfCountriesToPrint, _maximumDistanceForClosest)); System.out.println( "|-----|---|------------------------------------------|--------|------|------------|---------|"); System.out.println( "| # | R | DXCC Entity name | Prefix | Cont | Distance | Heading |"); System.out.println( "|-----|---|------------------------------------------|--------|------|------------|---------|"); int totalRareCountriesCovered = 0; ArrayList<String> continents = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 1; i <= _maximumNumberOfCountriesToPrint; i++) { DXCCEntity entity = _dxccList.get(i); if (entity.distance <= _maximumDistanceForClosest) { System.out.println( String.format("| %03d | %c | %-40.40s | %-6.6s | %-2.2s | %8.2f | %03d |", i, (entity.rankingInMostWanted <= MOST_WANTED_RANKING) ? '!' : ' ', entity.countryName, entity.prefix, entity.continent, entity.distance, (int) entity.bearing)); if (entity.rankingInMostWanted <= MOST_WANTED_RANKING) totalRareCountriesCovered++; if (!continents.contains(entity.continent)) continents.add(entity.continent); } } System.out.println( "|-----|---|------------------------------------------|--------|------|------------|---------|"); System.out.println( "NOTE: a '!' in the R column indicates a top-" + MOST_WANTED_RANKING + " rare DXCC entity."); System.out.println(); System.out.println(String.format("Total rare DXCC reachable : %03d", totalRareCountriesCovered)); System.out.println(String.format("Total continent(s) reachable : %3d %s", continents.size(), Arrays.toString(continents.toArray()))); } // helper methods for finding clusters based on the beaming of each DXCC (relative to our central location) private ArrayList<Integer> findHeadingClusters() { ArrayList<Integer> headings = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // put all the headings on a list for (DXCCEntity entity : _dxccList) { Integer heading = (int) entity.bearing; headings.add(heading); } // // intialise centroids // // create randomly _numberOfBeamings cluster as a start Random r = new Random(); int desiredClusters = _numberOfBeamings; ArrayList<Integer> initialCentroids = new ArrayList<Integer>(desiredClusters); for (int i = 1; i <= desiredClusters; i++) { int sampleIndex = r.nextInt(headings.size()); initialCentroids.add(headings.get(sampleIndex)); } int MAX_ITERATIONS = 200; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS; iteration++) { int[] clusterIndexes = findClosestCentroids(initialCentroids, headings); initialCentroids = computeCentroids(clusterIndexes, initialCentroids.size(), headings); } return initialCentroids; } private int[] findClosestCentroids(ArrayList<Integer> centroids, ArrayList<Integer> headings) { int numberOfClusters = centroids.size(); int[] clusterIndexes = new int[headings.size()]; for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < headings.size(); pointIndex++) { Integer heading = headings.get(pointIndex); double[] minimumDistances = new double[numberOfClusters]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClusters; i++) { double distance = Math.abs(heading - centroids.get(i)); minimumDistances[i] = distance; } // find the index of the minimum distance double minDistance = minimumDistances[0]; int clusterIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClusters; i++) { if (minimumDistances[i] < minDistance) { minDistance = minimumDistances[i]; clusterIndex = i; } } clusterIndexes[pointIndex] = clusterIndex; } return clusterIndexes; } private ArrayList<Integer> computeCentroids(int[] clusterIndexes, int desiredClusters, ArrayList<Integer> headings) { ArrayList<Integer> updatedCentroids = new ArrayList<Integer>(desiredClusters); for (int clusterNumber = 0; clusterNumber < desiredClusters; clusterNumber++) { int samplesOnThisCentroid = 0; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < clusterIndexes.length; i++) { int clusterIndex = clusterIndexes[i]; if (clusterIndex == clusterNumber) { samplesOnThisCentroid++; Integer point = headings.get(i); sum += point.intValue(); } } double newCentroidSum = (1.0 / (double) samplesOnThisCentroid) * sum; Integer newCentroid = (int) newCentroidSum; updatedCentroids.add(newCentroid); } return updatedCentroids; } }